SAVE-A-LIFE WEEK Health Minister Judy La demonstrates the mouth-to- Marsh (right) watches as mouth method of artificial Supt. Peter Griffin of the St. respiration on a dummy. The John Ambulance Brigade health minister today official- By AAN DONNEY | OTTAWA (CP)--One' of the toughest decisions for the new Liberal government is to strike a balance between two election promises -- tax incentives to stimulate business and a move towards a balanced budget. Finance Minister Walter Gor- don will unveil the decision in his first budget speech expected around mid-June. From what has been said publicly, it ap- pears likely he'll put most of his emphasis on tax incentives with some juicy carrots to urge! industry onward, | That would seem to leave lit- tle or nothing in the way of tax cuts for individual taxpay- ers, and this kind of cut wasn't among the iberal election promises, In one campaign speech, Prime Minister Pearson said tax decisions might have to be made, with a view to putting affairs in order, '"'which would} not make a government very popular in the short term.' The biggest fact of life in gov- ernment finances is the budg-| etary deficit for last fiscal year) ended March 31, forcast last Oct, 22 by Conservative Fi-| nance Minister George Nowlan| ly opened "'Save-a-Lite Week' |@t $570,000,000, | in ed dbp on is Supt. |ESTIMATE DEFICIT Gertrude Sargeant. -- The independent Canadian (CP _Wirephoto) |rax Foundation has estimated! BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT - Increased Beef Production Seen aw eee (CP) -- Increasedjof the best grass - production of beef cattle and/areas of the world. producing ~ | noon, mostly halved at the close of| the current year's deficit at be-| Gains Halved [si°."he"\ts.% Stains By Closing Of Market taxes, In a recent interview, the 57-| TORONTO (CP)--After show- year-old minister said the gov-| ernment's most important task) is to solve the twin problems NET EARNINGS tnductein} eninge waral iiGUsTial gains were ing a moderate gain around| By THE CANADIAN PRESS | Delnite Mines Ltd., year) hogs is possible in Nova Scotia! 'We have, in Nova Scotia, the fairly heavy trading Monday. jended Dec. 31: 1962, $310,660; | if' a better grassland manage-|potential for the production of} ment program is instituted, says grass and forage crops that| S..E. Lewis, deputy minister of} would be the envy of livestock agriculture. men everywhere in the worid. thousands of acres of land which until farmers . . land management must be insti- jtuted from one end of the prov- ince to the other." be grown "much of the crops to satisfy the feed requirements of} afl expanding livestock produc-| tion," jing population of Nova Scotia Nova Scotia imports from $10,-| (737,000 at last census from 642,- beef, pork and veal calves each} year. | " Mr, Lewis said 200,000 extrajthe science of agriculture have hogs, 50,000 extra head of beef|"a real job confronting them,|Interprovincial Pipe Line and cajtie and 30,000 veal calves are|if they are to meet the demands|Canada Malting, both up a neéded annually to meet the do-|which will be made upon their|point, BC Telephone, ahead % n and Dominion Bridge, up \%. méstic requirement. industry."" 000 shares of the stock at 10/ cents a share. An additional op-| : - | tion of 750,000 shares was 000,000 to $15,000,000 worth of!o99 10 years earlier) means that|granted for prices ranging from \farmers and those engaged inj15 to 30 cents a share. | fhe ; |1961, $200,250 Three active speculatives ac-) International Nickel Company jcounted for more than one-third! of Canada Ltd., 3 mos. ended +iOf the session's volume--Pur-|March 31: 1963, $25,025,000, 841 «. Y ; A dex with 1,039,000 shares, El| . Lying within the boundaries of "But," he added, "'this poten-|So) with 650,000 and Cusco witht Ga Pe PL the province are hundreds ofitia1 wil not be fully realized|9g4000, Purdex recorded the | Pato Consolidated Gold 1 . appreciate) jargest cha ith a d f could be made good through that a program of better grase-|ie sat _ =" Trop Of/ Dredging Ltd., year ended Dec. 31: 1962, $1,557,569, 44 cents a The large volume on El Sol/share; 1961, $905,143, 26 cents. cents. Leading industrials included| "This additional production wold mean millions of dollars tor the agricultural: economy.! DIVIDENDS FARMING AMONG BIGGEST | BY THE CANADIAN PRESS Nova Scotia agriculture pours) The Jockey Club Ltd., com- about $16,000,000. into the prov-/mon three cents, June 14, rec- inte's economy each year, andjord May 31; six per cent pfd. is one of its latgest single in-|15 cents, 544 per cent pfd. 13% dustries. cents, July 15, record June 28. Mr. Lewis said in a press re-| Loblaws Groceterias Co. Ltd., lease Nova Scotia has the dis-|first pfd. series B 40 cents, July tinction of being known as one!15, record June 12. RESULTS COUNT! sevice CLEANERS and LAUNDERERS i] * OSHAWA ~ PORT HOPE WHITBY ~ COBOURG BOWMANVILLE - SCARBORO Curtains, Drapes, Blankets, Rugs OSHAWA'S ONLY UNIONIZED SHOP 723-4631 50 MILL MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE) Consult @ Member of the Oshawa & District Real Estate Board Tax Incentive Stress Expected In Budget of unemployment and too-slow|the new Parliament opening economic growth, \Thursday, will introduce this Mr, Gordon's other key deci-|spending budget as it was writ- sion involves spending policy--|ten, reserving the right to make the other side of the coin to tax)amendments later. policy, A sii When the last Parliament was|BUSINESS HANGING dissolved Feb, 6, the Conserva-|. The new Parliament also tive government hadn't yet pre-|faces some unfinished business sented the blue book of spend-|in the form of last year's spend- ing estimates for the 1963-64)!"g program. fiscal year. This had been pre-| The last Parliament didn't pared, but not yet printed in|get around to voting approval both English. and French ver-jof any of last year's spending sions. estimates, The government op- It's understood that the newjerated on temporary votes of Liberal government, early in money supply until Parliament US. Press Warm To PM's Meeting WASHINGTON (CP)--Prime,and his hints of a Yankee plot Minister Pearson's meeting/cost him the prime minister's with President. Kennedy at Hy-/post. annis Port, Mass., and the deci-| 'That relations between the sions they reached have been|U.S. and Canada are once more welcomed warmly by U.S./operating smoothly, with allow- newspapers. | jance for friendly differences, is| The Washington Star says in/not a triumph for diplomacy, It an editorial that looking at the|is merely a return to the nor- Cape Cod weekend meeting/malcy that we all want and ex-} from any angle, the-results are) pect." "encouragingly productive." | The New York Herald Trib-| "And why not? After all, ourjune suggests the new spirit of} fy adhe t are oe. Canada-U.S, accord is symbol-| wins, so to speak--geographic-| ,. : ally, politically, culturally, tem-|!2ed by the joint acceptance of peramentally and in terms of the old Franklin D, Roosevelt the military imperatives that|Summer mansion on Campo- bind us together for .better or|bello Island, N.B., as a place worse, inevitably. jfor fostering better cross-border "Certainly anything that|"elations. f would estrange or divide us| Differences remain, says The would be a sort of sin against|Herald Tribune, but these now nature." }can be approached in a neigh- Both The Star and the Balti-/borly spirit in contrast to the more Sun criticize former|recent 'narrow nationalism in Prime Minister Diefenbaker foric and plain stupidity ; y a failing to accept nuclear war-| anad a heads for Canadian defence|S0uth of the border." It wel- weapons. jcomed the Hyannis Port pledge The Sun says Diefenbaker's|for more frequent Canada-US hedging" on the defence issue|ronsultations. | fs bls through special Gover|woud. be time enough tor ap Hed, Run-lown Women, nor-General's warrants--a total $1,256,702,635 for the four months February-May. Mr. Pearson has indicated|spending program. It's likely that the new session will take|the government will ask for summer adjournment aboutjinterim spending authority to two months after it opens, and/tide it over until fall when the meet again in September to fin-/expenditures will come up for summer recess but not enough) Look io mirror! Has run-down time for passage of the new] Wan ster Yew lows that you vitamin 61, calcium, phos size costs little. Try Ostrex Ti to "iy restore ipern Poseg ' : @t ail drug stores everywhere. approval item by item, | OUR OFFICE HAS MOVED \ London Life has a new address in Oshawa. Our office has moved from 64 King Street East, Box 132 to: FINANCIAL TRADE BUILDING 187 King Street East, Box 132 OSHAWA, ONTARIO This move will enable us to continue our high standards of service to the people in the Oshawa area who are policyowners with the Company. ° You are invited to visit the new office. London Life Insurance Company Head Office: London, Canada followed an announcement of oe een Sos ye Pome f f ' : ; : mpany, 3 mos. ende arch; } Mr. Lewis said the increas-jthe underwriting of 250,-/4). 1963, $2,063,000, 27.4 cents) : a share; 1962, $2,215,000, 29.4 . proval of the budget before the| want to regain your youthful looks? |, made La took 'Wry Ostrex Tonle Tablets, Their' blood-buliding is needed, to regain energy, vim, Also appetite, which fill out any make appear You can take short cuts. We didn't. A Volkswagen is built to last. We start by submerging the VW body in a pool of paint. Then we bake it and sand it by hand. Every inch. Then we spray the entire body, inside and out, with a second coat. Then it's baked again and sanded by hand and sprayed with a third coat and baked and sanded by hand and sprayed with a fourth coat and baked. (One bath, three showers, three rubdowns. No wonder make a car that thrives on short cuts, The a Volkswagen stays in shape.) bottom of the Volkswagen is completely Then we put the car together. covered with a sheet of metal and sealed For keeps. with rdbber. Everything is enclosed and Our 5,000 inspectors make. sure that protected against flying stones and deep nothing is loose, or is likely to come loose. water. Ever. (If you hear a rattle in a Volkswagen, But don't take our word for it. Be our clean out the glove compartment.) 5,001 inspector and try Take a look at the underside of a VW. a Volkswagen on Here, too, we take the long way 'round to the rocks. Try the ale behind this label-- GET GREAT ALE TASTE! 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