Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 May 1963, p. 19

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, Mey 10,1963 19 29--Automobiles For Sala GO-KART 1961 'Speed Master", Westbend motors, $175 or best aa Daytime 728-6279; evenings 723-4992. Runs good 27--Real Estate for Sale e s-|27----Real Estate For Sale ith tached. Centrally located. Nicely lend- scaped, new oll furnace, modern con-| ALBERT STREET -- Seven-room insul- garden. T Orono | brick, $9,500. with $1,000, down. 17110. W. McAuley, Realtoe, 28 Prince Street. joie Avena, Gwe <7; |723-2512 or Whitby 668-5765. penesiew "condition and location. PRIVATE SALE, 371 Elizabeth St down $11, , » $1700 oon Less for cash. No agents. 728-7245. tTelebhone 1632, 1953 MERCURY. Good body. Rum LOT. 92" x 528°, near Taunton village. ATTRACTIVE Tench bungeiews UWE! iat needs low Bobi. Hae abe plates, Loan bar with 'One block. school] $85.00, Telephone 668-6371. bus. Hamony Road North, 725-3434, 1952 wiieeyeo$ Runs good. No plates Plates COURTICE ROAD NORTH -- F ou r|G0od tires. $25. Telephone 668-8371. Large lot and new large garage. 5 per rooms and bath. For rent or mle, Tele- 1959 int peg door hard cent interest. Telephone 668-4530. phone 728-8010. 1996 two Peterlee sft tne nt th Se OWNER-BUILT, aay ee veneer aes Street, Ser avin GRANDVIEW = aaa School, garage, cag oy landscaped, VILLAGE corner lot. Telephone 728- For your new "KASSINGER" $800 CLEVERLY se iereiaed os home on Simcoe Street. Asking oe HOME in this choice East End location, Give us a call, 2,\easy terms, Mr. Weinberger, 723- Joseph Bosco, Realtor, 728-7377 Your present home accepted as a trade. GEORGE ee | Gal eel REALTOR 24--Houres For Rent © 27--Real Estate for Sale |27--Real Estate for Sale 1 s ae gaat fences SALE -- new six-plex apart-/FARM near Hees, 250 -- aod 'THREE-BEDEPOM, ranct style bunga- os el ge milk With sang Plead "beh ae Fully rented. No agents, ranged. For ieasemation call 728-2100 723-1424. mornings. NORTH AJAX, four-room house, fire- W.|proof siding, full basement, gas heat- ing, picture window, garage, many ex- aoe $8500 full price. $1500 down. Ajax 42-4495. JARVIS Street, 1% storey brick, two bedroom house, near GM North plant, | $1,500 down. Telephone 725-2026. 17--Male Help Wanted WANTED -- three delivery men, $7.50 per hour, car essential. Write Box/736, Times. OFFSET PRESSMAN/ URGENT EXPERIENCED On larger offset equipment, Excellent future for right per- son. State experience, age, salary. References. Apply HAINES .FRONTIER PRINTING LIMITED SARNIA, ONTARIO REAL ESTATE SALESMAN Must be experienced and ag- gressive, able to handle all facets of operation. For in- terview apply Guaranty Trust Co. of Canada 32 KING ST. EAST ASK FOR MR. VESSEY 16--Female Help Wanted girl or woman to care fo: two children, Private zoom and "board. Week. Telephone after 7.30. p.m, 125-216 after 7.30. p.m. 725-2316) ~ GIRL required for summer months to|time employment. Apply to Ajax Hard- mind three Doves and help with coh ware, Ajax Shopping Centre, Ajax, On- Be tea ae ae. Live in.|tario. $le_weekly. 'Telephone 725-26 weekly. Telephone 725-3661 SALESMEN WANTED --_ opportunit; -RELIABLE WOMAN wanted to care|for pivancemedt in sales field. Trans- ., fOr pre-schooler while mother works. jon supplied, salary and Vielmity William and Church Streets. Call 728-7782 after 4.30. tal ' RELIABLE gin or woman wanted for | post General housework. References re- quired. Call 728-5416. SALESGIRL WANTED -- Apply Cole's A ly Ap Store, young girl as mother's poy For rit rega ed months. Live in or} . Telephone 725-3047. =a wa girls for work in snack bars. Full time and part-time, 4 and 6 p.m. Apply Mexicana Telephone 725-4217. STENO CASHIER Houehold Finance 17--Mele Help Wanted SINGLE man to help on farm, close to city. Apply o M_ Segal, 'it "ease grove, Oshawa, T HARDWARE CLERK, a rcneed full EULALIE Avenue, five room brick aoa galow, ony $9.800 with $1,500 down. McAuley Realtor, 28 Prince Street. 723-2512 or residence, 668-5765. FOR SALE or lease, income home. Large lot, 86 x 132, north-west area of Oshawa, For' particulars, telephone 725-5 5010. ~ | WHITBY -- $2,000 down. One 6 per cent NORTH-WEST AREA -- Two-bedroom|NHA mortgage, Five-room brick bun- modern five-room brick bungalow. 4, ON | galow, newly decorted. .Whitby block to Cent 668-5234. (rage. ._ Telephone 723-3053 'evenings. oe two families. One modern kitchen m, oil heating. Large jot. s north of Oshawa. Immediate possession. Two-year lease. 725-2911. $50 MONTHLY, 97 Nassau Street, six- room .house, no furnace, vacant. 7125- 0332 after 6 p.m. 723-9210. FROM MAY TO SEPTEMBER »-- Five-room house, four-piece bath, gas)~ furnace and range, 3% acres. three miles west of Brooklin, 655-4829. aan ee Mann _. |INCOME HOME -- three apartments, 25--Apartments |$1400 FULL down payment, new Futur-| $205, income monthly, one acre es or anes STREET fate -- Two-bed- ama umesiow, in ag woe ede aren Tage. $5,000 down. Telephone 728 \to separate or ic jool, $13. er toot also bachtlor apartment, Tele- |Sally Wallace, 7254097 Joseph Bosco, BRICK house in Blackstock, a ei Phone 725-3652. _| Realtor 728-7377, soft water. cme piece bath. $9,500, FOUR-ROOM apartment, two | ACRES ind. fourbdroom --|Terms. Earl Dorrell, Blackstock. a . | sean cis ee choo OREO rooms, living room and kitchen, ewty| |low, northeast of Oshawa, tao gi BUILDING» LOTS, « on mn Highway No, 2, decorated, refrigerator and stove ;>park- ae Asking $1,500 down and easy| i" Whitby, two adjoining lots, 52 x 165 ing. For ae phone afte 5iterms, Mr. Perey 725-0308, ft., zoned commercial, all modern con- o'clock. 725-00: |Bosco, | 728. veniences available. $3.000, each. Eve- IT Ya ORT er ~---- ning appointments or telephone calls RAGLAN -- two rooms and | kitchenette, PEOPLE who | ge bi uae will agree preferred. 1234 Dundas East, Whitby, ground floor, separate entrance, heat- this one-year-old ranch bungalow with/| 663-2892. 4 ed, Suit elderly couple, Abstainers.| garage is a prime property, in a scenic Reasonable. Telephone Brooklin 655-|Jocation between Oshawa and Whitby, 3556. |$15,900 and down payment to suit you. THREE furnished or unfurnished | rooms! Mr. in aaa 728-9714. Joseph Bosco, on second floor, Suitable for couple or |*¢* es two girls. Telephone 728-1244. Apply 296 SCHOFIELD- AKER # 195 CHEVROLET Belair. *|Clean interiorn good tires. Needs body work. $295. Telephone 668-6371. WHITBY -- Three-bedroom brick bun- galow, aie to schools and churches. + 14-16 Ontario Street. THREE "$ii7 veeekiy, nine part-time, $45 weekly, Write Oshawa .Shop-|Oshawa Times. aise Dodge sedan. Apply iy 23, "Atban nine 837, BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN: MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA Uust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 VOLVO SALES and SERVICE JAKE & BILL'S SALES CLERK For building supply yard. Experience preferred. References. required, Reply in writing. McCULLOUGH LUMBER COMPANY 1270 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa Att. Clare McCullough Joseph TYRONE, 34 acres, partly wi Little stream. $4,800. Private Telephone 723-1791 or 723-3608. ed SPRING model homes by William pele con SH oe daily, 1.30 irectit 2 blocks north \on rGisieabal swag 'ott Rossland Road West, turn one block west. Joseph Bosco 'ooded. sale. REALTOR CALL 623-5300 Verdun Road. BANTING AVENUE, apartment, unfurnished, 163 -- two-room with built-in hes en opening fur « CAPABLE GIRL COMPETENT TYPIST WITH SHORTHAND Good appearance, pleasing, Personality and the abilitiy to get along well with the 728-4688 RETAIL SALESMAN WANTED To sell popular line of Automobiles. cupboards and sink. Suit couple, $40. monthly. Apply above address. |ARTHUR Street -- two-room _ unfur- nished main floor apartment. Private entrance, cupboards, sink, heat, hydro included, Telephone 725-6457. OLIVE Avenue, 175: Three room apart ment, private entrance. Telephone 725-2391. ELGIN STREET, 128 -- nice flat, fur- nished suitable for one or two gentle- men, heavy duty stove and decreas tor, parking space. INTERNATIONAL COMPANY Will train young neat appearing MEN public. For an interesting position in pleasant modern office pro- viding all the latest in em- ployee benefits. You are in- wited to apply to HOUSEHOLD FINANCE CORP. 64 King St. East 17--Male Help Wanted LEARN MEAT CUTTING 20 men needed for class; in _Oshowa and surrounding Dis- trict day or evening. Being formed offering practical training in the highly paid field of meat cutting, mer- chandising and self-serve. Act now. PRACTICAL MEAT CUTTING AND RETAIL SCHOOL Plecse write 1425 DANFORTH AVE. TORONTO, ONTARIO. HOward 1-7545 MACHINIST FIRST CLASS Reply in confidence, giving details of previous selling ex- Perience. Write Box 632 OSHAWA TIMES $12,000 IS NOT TOO MUCH FOR THE MAN WE WANT Because we pay our top men in other cities from $8,000 to $15,- 000 in a year, this opening in the Oshawa Times area is worth just as much to the right man. \f you are over 30... . can make short auto trips . . . can call on small town rural and industrial property owners... hope to hear from you right away. |. would like to have you start with us soon and stay for a long time.« All replies confidential. . R Swallow, 'Pres., Southwestern Petro- ieum Co., Box 789, Fort Worth 1, Texas. Oshawa Firm Requires a Capable DUCTWORK INSTALLER Permanent position with a lang established company. Year round employment. TOP WAGES FULL BENEFITS Must be experienced at mea- suring and installing duct- work in older homes. Please write piving full particulars, age, ickground of exper- ience etc. Our know of this ad. BOX 529 OSHAWA TIMES MECHANIC FIRST CLASS LICENSED employees or Tool and DIE MAKER required for precision work. on jigs, fixtures and special equip- ment items. A minimum of 10 years | tool room or high quality production shop. experi. | ence required. | Modern shop with excellent working conditions ond at- tractive welfore benefits. Apply AMF ATOMICS CANADA CO. LTD. PORT HOPE, ONT WHITBY CLASSIFIED FOR YOUR garden work, pegs || FOR RENT or sale, New, aoe four and ploughing call 668-4880. eds house. Tr 668-2786 Good opportunity. for man with ability to take complete charge of MECHANICAL SHOP Apply: Manchester Garage Highway 7 ond 12 Manchester Call Port Perry TELEPHONE 985-7341 La oes ey RENT -- Two-bedroom apartment, RoOTOAilling done. Apply Jack Muili- |living room. Private bathroom and gan, 635-4936. | kitchen, Available now. Telephone 668- FOR SALE: 4870. Central. services.| Choice lot. All 668-2786. South.| inanx sitting done at night, WHITB: 16, Brock Street Soul our. 'Telephone Mrs, x ae room apartment, heat- | 668-4957, downtown, 1 for couple. $55.| eo hot war Age" one s166 evenings |FOR RENT: Large 3 room apartment, 668-4367. SOc per Vandermeer, |heavy duty wiring, fireplace. Available sin i\June 1. Adults ed. 'i STORE FOR RENT: f: Excellent location) ee. | : Mw preferr Whitby, FOUR-ROOM upper fiat, honed, hot water, private entrance. Want quiet ten- ants, Street. |VICINITY Oshawa General Hospital, modern, two - bedroom, unfurnished japartment, main floor, availabie June 1. | Suitable business couple. Write Box | Oshawa Times. | THREE-ROOM apartment, separate| entrance, TV aerial. $65. monthly, heat,| |hydro and water included. Telephone | 725-4918, {DOWNTOWN APARTMENT -- Four| rooms and bath, modern kitchen, stove! | and refrigerator, $75. Apply 5% William | | Street West. 728-8323. \JoHN STREET WEST, 13 -- Gaened.| |Toom apartment, refrigerator | stove, available now, No children, ida | monthly. |THREE clean, unfurnished rooms, third floor, heavy duty wiring, TV out- let, $50, monthly. Adults only. Apply 143) | Agnes Street. | |Two "ROOMS with kitchen, unfurnish- jed. Private home, all conveniences. Suit elderly couple, $55. monthly. Tele- |phone 728-1716. 21 TO 35 YEARS $40 monthly. Apply 1184 Cedar) For positions here and | abroad, United States, | England, France, Ger- many, | ran, Hawaii, Japan. To represent the largest producers of Educational Aids in the world. (College students welcome). Salary and commission. Transporta- tion furnished. Apply in per- son, Suite No. 5 52/2 Simcoe St. North | Oshawa = Unfurnisn-| kitchenette, | parking fac:iities. | Apply 232 Kaiser) DUPLEX -- NORTH END -- Live payment free. Two 414- room units -- modern -- 2 years old. Owner must sell. Will take trade in on a smail bungalow as a down payment. Excellent renting area, Nice looking duplex, and central. Complete with aluminum storms and screens. Here is a real value with an income. Good terms for the balance. After 9 p.m. call Steve Macko 728-5868. Grandview Gardens Four models neating comple- tion. Three and four bed- room new homes from $13,- 400, Down payment as low as $930, Drive South on Grandview and follow signs, Salesmen on property this weekend from 2 to 6 P.M. 723-2265 Open 9 to 9 -- Sat. 9 to 5. STEVE MACKO 728-5868 HENRY STINSON 725-0243 LES HALL 728-5513 KEN MORRIS 623-5406 (Bowmanville) BILL McFEETERS 725-1726 REG. AKER 725-0201 | 360 King St. W. Free Parking and) 'D. W. McQUAY | REALTOR Whitby Plaza 313 Brock St. S, Open 9am. to9 p.m. Whitby 668-5868 Toronto EM 3-9603 WHITBY Four year old brick and frome bungalow. with 51% rooms. Oil heating--alumi- num storms and screens -- privote. drive--paved street with all services Asking $14,- 900.00. | NORTH OSHAWA -- two-bedroom mod- * : em ca 'ern apartment, in apartment building, j . ' stove, refrigerator. Free washing fa- ILA. M, too P. = id cilities, lockers and paved parking. One child welcome. Telephone 728-3377. r Frida Wed., Thu s. & y |MARY STREET -- Two-room ree ment with gas stove, share bath, un-| SEE MR. LANGTON |furnished, second floor. Telephone 725- | FE. 1 | ee 16--Male or Femele |KING STREET EAST, 25 | Help Wanted led apartment, two rooms, TOBACCO PLANTERS. experienced Brit euapie adults. preferred, one man, 'and two women! Crescent. needed. first tobacco farm 0 ad. A. Verbrugghe. |GLIDDON Avenue, 346, three-room un. apartment, private entrance, $80 PER WEEK can be ey YOU two-piece bath, utilities paid. TV outlet, oe het dnd Satna ts ork: * write ee duty wiring. One child welcome. Ti apace eS Sc e a esi ksthoaninbeMhrccte (KING Street, Oshawa, Available June ;1, Four-room lower duplex, redecorat- 20--Room and Board jed, lights, heat, water supplied, $80. ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman, in/Dial Hampton 263-2413. Foal home, single room, = y week. | | CENTRALLY located, three single fur- Three minute walk from four co! nished rooms. in modern home with Apply 131 Albert Street, ae housekeeping facilities, if de- ROOM and board for gentleman, day sire jone 725- shift preferred. Near North Geneal) Motore: Telephone 7-012 LYNDON NEAR DUPLATE and bus. Cisan, quiet home, good peels, ag ereirye packed, APARTMENTS if desired. atlemen pre- red. $15 to $17 week. Telephone 941 SIMCOE NORTH 723-1248. One bedroom self-contained 'ARTHUR Street, 332, room and board basement apartment. for gentlemen, single beds, lunches) ¢7(9 thly. A 'abl J 1 packed, good meals. Telephone 728-2433. CALL 728 3506 me FLGIN STREET EAST, 29 -- Room and board for gentlemen, close to down-| town and Nort GM. G meals. | 728-3643. } | _ Governor Mansions Luxury Apartments Adult Building Electric Heat Moffat Fiesta Ranges Frigidaires--12 cu. ft. Pressurized Hallways Storage Locker in Suites Laundry: room on each floor Vanity in bathrooms A Few Choice Locations Available Immediate Possession TELEPHONE: 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Schofield-Aker BUSINESS lady or girl to share room and board in apartment near South/ een Motors. Abstainer. $18. week- ly. oan board if desired, parking space, to stores and shop; ping. Clean, at pt og Private, Telephone 7 wit SOUTH GENERAL MOTORS --| Single room for gentleman. TV privil- eges. Apply 147 Mill Street. 725-7754. 22--Offices, Stores, Storage GOOD LOCALITY FOR BARBER AMPLE PARKING Will decorate to suit, $75 monthly. For details CALL 728-5797 SUITE OF MODERN AIR-CONDITIONED OFFICES AVAILABLE | Limited Approximately 1000 sq. ft. | 723-2265 SERVICED BY ELEVATOR ea ar nD nO SEEPS NS |26--Rooms For Rent |NEAR MOSPORT -- Rooms for }convenient. to Lindsay, Poteroocousie |Bowmanville and Oshawa, All paved] jroads, $6 weekly. Telephone Oshawa) | 728-0490, OOM, matabe "for two, single beds, clos rth General Motors and iad Nay Telephone 728-3405. 23--Wanted To Rent |TWO ROOMS, furnished, girls prefer- THREE-B " red, vicinity of Mary street and Ade- Ask for MR. T, L. WILSON TELEPHONE rt of main street uptown re-|-- lle aed section, Whitby. Available/SEPTIC tanks cleaned, prompt service on basis of lease or month tolon calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut pol Suitable for almost any ci hase (Ot lstreet West, Whitby 668-2563. retail business or professional office 0°: DRESSMAKING: Suits, coats, dresses, siring the SE ia sireet location, | iterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting| cess gene on ag 5 cars on property. {as specialty, Mrs. Toms 668-2372, Pty ae your lease owner will make FOR RENT: One | bedroom _ self- con- etc.,, to suit tenant. apartment, main floor, $55. akera' Phone (reverse charges)| Apply ag Brock Street South, [ house in Oshawa lephon 5.93: \North end preferred near schools. Pos- laide avenue, Telephone 725-9324. session by June 1. Call 723-2233 exten- OSHAWA MOTEL, King 'Street East sion, Weekly rates, rooms, heated, tele- 0. 15. id $17.50. Tel ne 723 |RESPONSIBLE couple with one chila|ysi0™ $15, and $17.5 renee 7 requires two or three-bedroom fouse in Oshawa or vicinity. Telephone 728-7020. WIDOW lady, es HIGH SCHOOL teacher desires three- may bane iia Jay, abasainer, ~ bedroom home in Oshawa or vicinity, ---- on or before July 1. Telephone 723-3996:| WONDERL AND PARK Motor Court.| Protestant, will ~share| T8189 en Owner will meet in | 668-4 97 parties by appointment. GOOLD'S Second Hand 1 Furniture, ATTENTION Seer slop ete Geet on Gey. Sal FISHERMEN and CAMPERS Dundas east, Whitby, Telephone 663-5481 Reservations now being oc- WE CAN DELIVER TO YOU ee ete e om Crushed gravel (mulch); oe " jing equipment. run gravel, stone, sand and WE RENT top soil, All sold by weight. CALL 668-3524 Canoes, car-tops, motors, boots, troilers, tents, tent Sawdons' (Whitby) trailers, etc. Garden and lawn Limited 244 Brock St. S. | equipment, Power tools, and box trailers. FOR SALE Used tents, new and used boot trailers, outboard motors, and boats. 20th century cabin trailers. WANTED Boats, motors ,troilers to be sold on consignment. WILDE RENTAL Service and Sales 1415 Dundas St. E. | u Whitby 668-3226 Fuels and Builders' Supplies | Whitby, Ontario ROTARY MOWER: TUNE -UP Clean and adjust points, spark plugs, carborator, throt- tle controls, sharpen blade. 2 cycle $4.50 plus parts, 4 cycle $5.50 plus parts. OUTBOARD MOTOPS } Repairs and Service WILDE RENTAL SERVICE & SALES 1415 Dundas E. Whitby 668-3226 jin Whitby. | BUNGALOW -- Five rooms | month, Apply 296 Kaiser Crec ~--| Kingston Road East, cabins. All con COUPLE wishes to rent two or three- |veniences, including showers and heat bedroom home, on & twoyear lebee.| Weekly rates starting at $12. 723-7421 Should be available August 1. Best of references. wee | FURNISHED rooms in private home | Box 633, Oshawa Times. PScinted facilities. Extra TV aerial | OSMAWA OR WHITBY -- two- of three- rap ba house, or main floor apart-| TWO BEDROOMS, {n bungalow, livin ment. June 1. Whitby 666-2933 before 6 room and kitchen to share, free park: Pm! ing, suitable for couple with one child. A QUIET responsibie couple with t wo) ae la ef school-age children requires a sma 1 THREE-ROOM FLAT, furnished, light or four-room apartment in Osh- housekeeping, central, dishes, linens awa. Near Shopping Centre pre-| supplied. Suit threé girls. Adults only. ferred. Write Box x 638, Oshawa Times. Telephone 723-4162. ATHOL STRFET,/230 -- clean, quiet, 24--Houses For | Rent newly decorated bed - sitting room, cen. THREE room summer cottage, n aaar tally, located. Telephone 725-1938. Oshawa, $35 monthly. 723-7460. ; Eon| ATTRACTIVELY. oil furnace, on Drew Street. SEicigd per FURNISHED ROOMS Available Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. NORTH FARM HOUSE, five miles east of Osh- in private home. awa on Taunton Road. For particulars, | telephone 725-: { SOUTH of General Motors. Nicely decorated five-room brick house, walk-| out basement, TV aerial. Available! June 1, 728-7464. MODERN new six room bungalow, with be a Apply 1259 Simcoe Street 27 Real Estate For Sale Lad. nt IE CEDAR Street, 1118; Five acres, with SIX room brick bungalow, immaculate five-room house. Complete. 728-1778 o1 condition, Private drive. $105 monthly, apply after 5 p.m. ean Teese alter 6. $800 DOWN for a new brick bungalow in Grandview Gardens. Priced at $12, | 650. Call Bob Stevenson, S. D. Hyman | Ltd. 728-6286. | FOUR-ROOM bungalow, on one acre of land, Near Mosport. Reasonable price.| Call Orono 4R6. | VLA -- THREE hold the key to Extra Cash large bedrooms, , storey | and a half house, oil heated, extra lot.| ppm Lage rim and bus. Full price $12,500.| Terms. Telephone 725-3942. Beautiful six room brick bun- golow with attached gorage. Finished recreation room and a prime location on Fairview Drive. Asking $19,800.00 PICKERING Five room brick bungalow with private drive in an ex- cellent location. Finished rec oon and Hag Monell fully andscaped lot. Asking $13,- 500.00. To inspect any of the above Properties call Keith Lunney. RESIDENTIAL - ACREAGES TROUT STREAMS - FARMS LOTS - COMMERCIAL BUSINESSES [Real Estate, 728-7377. JOHN A, J. BOLAHOOD Realtors Ltd. Insurance 167 SIMCOE ST. S. Office Hrs. (9 a.m. to 9 p.m.) MORTGAGES Arranged; Bought & Sold VACANT LOT Off Wilson Road South, good building lot, 50' x 120'. Asking $2,400. All services in. Phone Mr. Ratcliffe at 725-6544, BUNGALOW With basement apartment. 2 bedrooms, 4 rooms spotless bungalow with 4 pc. ceramic bath, and 3 room apartment with bath, garage, paved drive, lovely garden, really a beautiful home, with in- come. Asking only $11,500, with $1,900 down. You must see this one. Call Mr. Ap- pleby now at 725-6544 or 723-3398. DUPLEX Only $12,300 full price for this spotless income home. Paved drive and garage. Central. Excelent terms. Call Mr. Rankine ot 725-6544. 300 ACRES ON PIDGEON CREEK Large house, very good barn, implement shed, etc., Clean, well worked soil with plenty of pasture, and fine water- side area. Right in the heart of the Duck flyway. They are Deer too. Present owner is the third genera- tion on this fine form and is ready for retirement. Priced well at $25,000 with terms. 200 ACRE FARM with fine large brick house, good barn and other buildings. Springs and wells. Very close to good highway. Priced low at $15,- 000 with terms. Scenic Homesite on 50 acres. | | | | | | | | | | 50 acre farm with very pro- ductive soil. Good barn, fair house, springs and two wells, House situated at point com- manding an _ outstanding view. Just 2% mlies above Port Perry. Cheap enough to warrant renovation and addi- tion to the house. $11,000 with terms. Contact D. ANDREWS PHONE Brooklin 655-3195 J. A. Willoughby & SONS LTD. REALTORS 46 Felines Ave. E, Toronto 12. SAFE WORRY. FREE COMFORT TO BRING UP YOUR FAMILY. 60 by 210 foot lots with municipal water just North of Highway 401, NEWCASTLE 10 minutes to Bowmanville 20 minutes to Oshawa, convenient to school, shopping and bus. $20°PER FRONT FOOT -- CASH OR TERMS Our HOMEBUILDER'S SERVICE offer YOU experienced help with planning, financing and building YOUR HOME and places you under NO OBLIGATION. CAN WE HELP YOU? R. VICKERY REALTOR 728-9571 OSHAWA 46 KING ST. W. OPEN EVENINGS TO 9 P.M. OPEN HOUSE GUIDE REALTY LIMITED are proud to present For Your Inspection ARBOR COURT- 361 and 376 FRIDAY 2 P.M. UNTIL 9 P.M. SATURDAY, 2 P.M. UNTIL 9 P.M. DIRECTIONS: 'North on Park Road to Arbor Court GUIDE REALTY LIMITED REALTORS TELEPHONE 723-1121 COCHRANE STREET, WHITBY CUSTOM-built extra large Master bedroom, executive home, 17' Hollywood kitchen, room with wood burning fireplace, complete rec. featuring 3 bedrooms with 19' living room with bar and 2-pc. washroom, carport, built on a 68' treed lot, Ask for Audrey Moore. STONY LAKE COTTAGE - electricity, 50' for further particulars 623-7189 call - frame construction, fully furnished, 3 bedrooms, lake frontage by 250 Phyllis ' deep, safe sandy beach, McRobbie, Bowmanville TRENT ST. WHITBY -- Small 4 room bungalow, centrally lo- cated, oil heating, taxes $89.00 yearly, excellent for older couple, Total price $7,300.00. SEMI-DETACHED brick, 3 bedrooms and a 23' excellent condition, $80.00 Principal, living room in heats for $190. 00 yearly, payments are Interest and Taxes. Total price $11,000.00. EVENINGS CALL: Margaret. Hall 723-1358 Audrey Moore 668-4088 Phyllis McRobbie, Bowmanville 623-7159 OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE } 218 DUNDAS ST. E. WHITBY 668-5853 299 King St. W. . 723-1133 Oshawa, close to schools and churches, on corner lot. Very clean 3 bedroom bungalow with recreation room. Watch fae ae onthe play- r_ windows. Aang pre price 13,500, with Two miles from Bowmanville, 45 acre farm with 7 room house, barn and implement shed. Excellent for mink | farm. Asking price $16,500 with $2,500 down. Close to Havelock Summer cottage lake frontage. Sofe for children, excellent fishing. Priced at $3,500 -- terms. GUIDE REALTY Limited JUST LISTED -- Kingsdale Ave. 6 room family home. Taxes only $173.00. Many extras in this well main- tained home. Close tc schools, churches, and shops. Full price $9,900. 4 BEDROOM HOME IN NORTH WEST AREA -- situ- ated on a beautiful lot. Ex- cellent condition, only 5 years oid, two bathrooms with ceramic tile. Large living room with dining area. 5%% mortgage. Asking price $17,500. LOW DOWN PAYMENT. Spotless 4 room home just minutes from Oshawa. New furnace and low taxes. Car- ries for $60. per,month.. On 1 acre of land. Full asking price $7,500. NORTH WEST DISTRICT -- Triplex in good condition. Close to bus, schools and shopping. One mortgage with - good terms. Separate meters. Only $2,000 down, $13,000. THREE BEDROOMS with garage and paved drive. This fine home carries for $91. per month. Finished room in basement with ma- hogany panelling. Close to schools and bus, 4 BEDROOMS -- 2 storey brick home in excellent loca- tion, close to bus and school, and 'four blocks from down- own, $12,900. with conven- ient terms. CLOSE TO DOWNTOWN -- 8 room 2 storey brick with low heating costs. 2 bed- rooms, kitchen and living room down and four rooms on the second floor presently rented for $65. per month. Asking $12,900. for this home. $7,900 FULL PRICE for this immaculate 2 bedroom bun- galow with oil heating. Large lot ideal for garden. Close to Store and bus at the door. Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. For full particulars call 723-1121 Guide Realty Limited Realtors, 16 Simcoe St. S. SCHOFIELD-AKER BE SURE TO SEE THIS love- ly bungalow. Located on a quiet treed street off Simcoe St. S. A well planned custom built 3 bedroom brick bun- galow on a completely land- scaped lot 50 x 150. Excel- lent terms available on this clear property. WHITBY -- Only three years old and in immaculate. con- dition. The purchaser will not have to spend a dime to move in. Six rooms; bigger than average, close to schools in one of the choicest areas. This is a real buy at $17,- 200. Call today, tomorrow may be late. Grandview Village HAVE YOU HEARD THAT A KASSINGER DREAM HOME COULD BE PURCHASED FOR A DOWN PAYMENT AS LOW AS $930. EIGHT HOMES HAVE BEEN SOLD IN. THE PAST 10 DAYS. SELECT YOUR LOT NOW. MONTHLY PAYMENTS OF $86 AND YOU HAVE EV- ERYTHING FROM VANITIES IN BATHROOMS TO 1963 MODERN _ KITCHENS. WE WILL SHOW YOU MODELS AND PLANS AVAILABLE. CALL TODAY. LISTINGS WE HAVE BUYERS WHO REQUIRE BUNGALOWS AND TWO STOREY HOMES. WE URGENTLY NEED MORE LISTINGS. THINKING OF SELLING ? CALL US NOW. 723-2265 Open 9 to 9 -- Sat. 9 to 5 LES HALL 728-5513 KEN MORRIS 623-5406 (Bowmanville) STEVE MACKO = 728-5868 HENRY STINSON 725-0243 BILL McFEETERS 725-1726 REG. AKER 725-0201 360 King St. W. Free Parking IN WHITBY Beautiful COLONIAL STYLE HOME with modern field stone, four bedrooms, fully decor- ated, fireplace floor to ceil- ing, Built-in oven and stove, Bay windows living and din- ing rooms. Balanced lighting Roughed in piece wash room in basement. Roughed in fireplace in basement. At- tached garage. Built by Armstrong ond Sons. For further information, PRICE $18,500 CALL PICKERING WH 2-2401 A. E. LePAGE LIMITED REALTORS 50 YEARS OF CONTINUOUS AND RELIABLE SERVICE Custom red brick bun- galow, executive home on nicely landscaped jot 50x150, attached double gorage, covered potio, thermopone picture win- dows, massive stone fireplace in living rrom, 4-piece bath, vanity; finished panelied base- ment with fomily room, broadioom and many extras, Owner has re- duced this home for- immediote sale. Full price $19,500 with one mortgage for the bal- ance to right party. This is a steal. Coil Mrs. Corry, 942-4231; evenings, WH. 2-5077, METCALF Real Estate Limited 40 King St. East Dial 728-4678 PORT PERRY RANCHER Nearly new 3 bedroom bung- alow completely decorated and landscaped on paved main street, very large living room and dining ,room, washrooms on main floor, double sink vanity, colored fixtures, finished recreation room, close to. public and high school. Ttotal price $13- 500.00 modest down pay- ment required, 6%. mort- gage. DUPLEX Only one year old, decorated and leased, T.V. tower, fully landscaped one apart- ment contains 3 bedrooms and a one bedroom apart- ment on lower level, separate entrances and meters. Full price $19,700.00 with sub- stantial down payment. N.H.A. financed. GRENFELL STREET Close to shopping centre, small two bedroom bungalow on large 60' x 125' lot, double garage, clean decorat- ed, house oil heated. Asking $9, 000.00 with $2,000.00 down and clear home, owner will sell with easy terms at 62%. COLBORNE STREET EAST 3 BEDROOMS : Large ranch 3 bedroom bun- galow, only 4 years old, well landscaped, wide paved drive, finished cellar entrance and additional closets, recreation room almost complete. Full price only $14,300.00 call to inspect soon, and try your down payment. SWITZER DRIVE Preferred north location, 2 edroom bungalow, immacu- late inside and out for only $8500.00. Asking $2,000.00 down. Suitable terms. for bal- ance con be arranged as this is a clear home. OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Dial 728-4678 | John Kemp Joe Maga Ken Hann Dick Barriage Llyod Metcalf Jack Osborne 29--Automobiles For Sale 1939 VOLK VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, red leather tery, radio. Good condition. 437 Ritson Road North, 1955 PONTIAC deluxe, two door, radio, heater, completely refinished, like new. $595. _ Call i 728- 5179. | TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (All Makes and Models) CALL 625-6553 14 Albert St SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES GARAGE GENERAL REPAIR ai AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE 449 Ritson Rd. S. Oshawa 728-0921 1962 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE Four door, Silver Grey, red interior, automatic transmis- sion, windshield washers, 23,- 000 miles, excellent condi- tion. One-owner. $2195 TELEPHONE 728-3379 The Home Of Good Used Cars "Before You 'Buy - Give Bill A Try' New Telephone Numbers 668-5871 and 668-5872 BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS J. BURROWS GARAGE BROUGHAM, ONT. 1957 International $180 16 ft. flat body. Idea! for hauling sod. $1,295." 1960 International B100 Pick up Service Truck, 14,000 miles. $1,325. IN EXCELLENT CONDITION BROUGHAM, ONT. TELEPHONE PICKERING 942-5097 No. 7 Highway, 14 miles from Oshawa. 1959 DODGE MAYFAIR Automatic trans- mission, finished in Duco RO: aes $1195 1959 BUICK HARDTOP Two door, matic and radio, Fined in in White Duco. An O.K. Car 1958 PONTIAC STRATO-CHIEF, Six cylinder automatic, radio, This is @ very sharp car...... $1295. 1957 CHEVROLET SEDAN Standard transmission radio, two tone blue. $895 1957 CHEVROLET STATION WAGON, Six cyl- inder, automatic tronsmis- Sharp $1195 1957 BUICK HARDTOP Four door special, finished in white with auto- matic and radio .... $995 CHEAPIES 1954 CHEVROLET 1954 PONTIAC 1952 CHEVROLET 1951 BUICK Convertible All mechanically sound All Under $300. VAN HEUSEN MOTORS LTD. 156 King Street West Oshawa Telephone 725-3557 M | ee VJ WANT TO BEA HAPPIER DRIVER? BUY A NEW CAR NOW 'WITH A LOW-COST LIFE-INSURED ba] XXxXX $x; 1. . i ie ee PJ ee ie LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA By ROXE ¥ XRXX § 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 72 21 (Continued on Page 20)

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