18 THE COHAWA TIMRS, Pridey, Mey 1 Call The Direct Classified Number 723-34 92 e e@ 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 9--Summer Properties (12--Articles Wanted 16--Female a. Wanted | For Sale or Rent ce | WAITRESS -- cneed. fe |-- WANTED - 12, volt sar radio, "Wi ten leasant and Pha rey Regu v.. | LOT and cottage package, on 2c Ot exenane for B00-Ib. trates or wijii@! Pafttime work. No sate night z Lake, by way psliey. To see es | work, Aj Hotel Lancaste: King fe peed B. Owens at the Lake. For full; sell, 725-7559. ey we canter, # te 4 attra [BOAT aile 'e- $00 tbs. Must be ta Steet talc details of the easy terms an c- trailer, 'ost 'in RN tive cottages available, see or call The gi . Green, RELIABLE houskeeper requis required for ' Peterborough Lumber Co., Peterbor- tn? 2740; adult couple, small home, eee, five Accountents d Supplies Mortgages J ough, Ontario. ene MY week, hours 9 until 5 p.m. Write ee wii ': oat tore Fe = 'f 1 } SHAW Box 705, Oshawa 'Times. (OPKINS, BEADLE AND CO., Char| yy, ee a : "rsery|PRIVATE and corporation monias to | |FOR RENT -- Balsam Lake cottage for : co ), L. anure, sod and nursery e } | FXPERIENCED help for Variety Store. tered Accountants, 172, King Street} piock laying, Mote thesone, chimber aaaanctls ates, Telephone loan op all types of mortgages; mort é rent, all conveniences, Telephone 723 AUTO WRECKING reat @ Png! to Smith's Coffee Bar, 317 Sim- Hoek, CANO: ere eee and repairs: Whitby 668-5095, 125-1721 seein Jahton, Dry ca and: Mur wi after 6 p.m. _ coe South or telephone 725-3932. S Lt ie -- a reig: in, 'ynan are pine eae, : ee ne J Yare. feo 1a,' |CARPENTRY, re-modelling, _repairs,|GARDENS Roto-tilied, made ready for/doch. (See heading "Barrister. i RICE LAKE -- new, three-bedroom) Wants cars for wrecking. | SEVEN diatribaiors tor commetica lo rtered y FU |new building, cement sidewalks and spri janting, Harold Aldred, Tele-| ----______-- ------_.-____--- WKY cottage, carport, sundeck, treed teke-| Parts for sale, also scrap iron | work in Oshawa, part-time or "ull-time. pring pi ' mo Porches, A Summers, 728- 7245. phone 725-8985. y A 4 front lot. Sand beach, inside convepi- and metols, etc., bought | Write Box 425 Oshawa Times. your" LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner, CEDAR TREES for hedges, ite all Need A , \ hg ee ences. Good terms. Private. 128-4818. Open Saturday all day. Phone LADY pensioner required for light " ' imneys built and repaired, gas lin-|sizes, choice qualit, uaranteed, ree | & 4 s 2 55 ties, involving some r onsibility. Daastored | Acseus! 'oa 28-7827, in installed, turnaces vacuumed. Free|delivery. Newtonville, 'Telephone Ciark| oa J S{AUCTURE IN THE WORLD 1 "His PYRAMID ACROSS [COTTAGES $00 baad iniaeratory 725- 231 1--89 BLOOR E. Comfortable accommodation provided, 125' Simcoe Si awa, Ajax stimates, 723-2007, 612. L e. , AML NILE FROM CAIRO'S SUBURBAN SPA AT HELWAN. | Wee! 4 i --~|Please reply, including references and WH 2.0890, Whitby MO 8-413 hoe ortgage oan: : oe boatong, bathing, best of fish 'pomman| | y desired, to Box 630, Oshawa on CLANCY'S Acobming pete Loco pon : WANTED | Times. ' Service. } bookkeeping service, 164 Bond|so9 . | ville 623-2010 : Ves Street Wen, 7254007 Res Fakes ROOFING, ahi PATIOS ebb ernn yea topbinndl Sate, memes b aes het = SCRAP, IRON, POULTRY Perego of mothe Catholie. ae ee Ane ee ee y " 7 ced rT $ ew 5% Evi K HAROLD E. DEWAR, Accredited Pub-|jouvers aes a aad aoe IN Ist and 2nd MORTGAGES A 4. Hse By ihoh Gay 'or hour. Reasonable| AND FEATHER TICKS {ecomegonnt home in Peterborough. lic Accountant. Commercial Building,| alterations; workmanship, materials ; : : rf tates. Plan a day's fishing now! Low! Raw Furs, Deer Skins, Metals [Char kept. Write to Box 731, Oshawa = King Street Oshawa. 728-2221.| guaranteed. H. Tucker, 728-0826. Designed and installed to Agreements for sale and rter-| BUI NG -- m + d, Low weekend cottage rates include boat} (collect) | Times, siving details and referen¢ OSSER, GA, Charter-|BULLDOZING and excavating, Free) your specifications. Hy- ortgages purchased. Cedar Cove Cottages, Rice Lake, Har 1. TURNER | RELIABLY experisdced ado ae fd Accountant, 96 Centre Street North, estimates. Call Taylor Bros., 26 Hill- : dys 3 rT) Whitby, Telephone 668-5447. > ' rates, your mortgage prob- r ) wood, Ont. Phone cine RSE | 'years old. for general housework, twe = woaMARe ChaTOed TORE yy. 668-5612 draulically pressed col- lems gladly discussed, No ; FOR RENT -- Three-bedroom cotiaane| _| 723-2043 -- 723-2281 | destae's Kem Per seek 1h eeheey ALBERT HOSMAR, chartered account-|exPEt G and 1 fees, No waiting. Immediate ee : . on Stoney Lake. Sandy beach, Inside ~~ ant, 323 King Street West, Oshawa, ROOFING. and. root 0p | oured concrete slabs, Low | seer 0°.) quick results. - ; fod, oll | conveniences. Telephone 668-2638. '13--Business Opportuni ies | Row nd Road West bus stop. 728-3792, Telephone 723-1221, =| Whiting Avenue, 728-9970 | overhead, best prices Lig iy WHAT IS Tit, BIGGER and better fishing, boating. PRICE REDUCED for quick sale on' LEONARD JAMES BROOKS, air fee "TYPES of building repairs, root-| af ' CALL 723-3211 WEIGHT oF ThE ; lake frontage, 103 fect, Ninaly silesl relatively 'naw. elghtapattment bulld-| SALESLADY Public Accountant, Suite 205, Osh-ling, "chimneys, fireplaces, sidewalks,| free estimates, L. 7 AVERAGE LIOK, ' Chandos Lake, secluded, woody. $1575.|ing with a gross income over $7,000 awe Shopping oe 9953. | toops. Gordon' May, "728-0904. j EVENINGS 725-2539 TET ok ie sails Gh ulna i. Write Box 827, Oshawa Times [fer Zeal, Gabe e Rani rompels Bl PART TIME - on A Wi nc acanenes ees Rierkipetiesinsnnibianabieisaan ol Y 4 = fron cot-|'0 relinquish ownership you are accountants, 114 ies street east, Osh- dba sty scomerete 'floors, flat 'roofing 728-4937 Musical Services NA DAHCE SITING Down. About S06 Pounds. aL ined -- New| -- con-|looking for'income or investment prop-| Experience in. selling Ladies' awa; Ronald F. D- Wilson, CAs G. Jour specialty, new work Stet rs e or IANO. eed pipe "and eieciroure) (AMAPOR AM MALPWAY Bericzun FO An SA¥en) veniences, fishing, swimming, satel Oa, will pay for itself in 8 ra Sportswear preferred. Edmond Burrows, CA. 728-7354, | NO, ree pipe electronic | Wright, Box 817, F) vi is one, For : ' ~ na he da ee = 728-7628 after 6 organ tuning and repair, fae neet| 0 eg eee poten, be, EW a reread Pry serait jfull particulars ca'l ice Realty L'm- Good personality and neat Appliance Service WALCO appraised, J, Hiddink, Ajax 942-1664, ited, Realtors, at 723 appearance. | : FURNISHED cottages and ists for F sale {MODERN cut stone service statior 1 mod i | t th shore of Stoco Leke vices ae Sar der Ga ee! -- CONSTRUCTION ierenen \Optometrist on : Well Drilling--Digging |6--Auction send beach: good fishing, hydro. Diai|With lunch counter. For sale or lease; Must Have References ing Centre, 329 Simcoe Street South |PRIVATE, teacher, student counsellor,|¢. a, TU Please |~ : | 725-2997 )will accept property exchange. e291. For guaranteed Home |m- 15 years' experience. By interview | pay 'accounts at downtown Dominion| WELL DIGGING by machine, special-| $ pet | choice of gasoline. Write PO Box 220,| Highest salary if you have - potcbaap ts 4 ar VE 0 sale, | north ~~ gtiore, | | Provements. Store and office only. "Act now. 725-1054 {Bank or 74 Burk Street. -Invailds| izing in 30-inch tile. W. Ward, 204 Chest A (TI N SALE eda trad teat fishing, 10 minutes to} Seeatabedl ability to sell Auto Parts remodelling. Free estimates SPANISH and steel guitar lessons,|¢xamined at home, Dial 725-4587 {nut Street West, PO Box 329, Whitby,| Outlet Beach Write %s, Deffurin Ave-| STORE in good location, Could be used Expert Workmanship. ' |Mex Ewart, 305 King Street West. 669-2563 or 668-3809 inue. Belleville. Phone Woodland 2-7019/4% lunch counter, tobacco or harber wr aa, WOT ot ol KI 728-066 hak Aaa shop. Low rent. Apply 154 William! SAVE AT WESTERN : Pointing and Decorating BILL LEMON | MAY 11, 1:30 P.M, jst som mma ; SERVICE CENTRE | WHITBY 668- 4412 PYSOLEN Cruinp el, expert tuition, rea a PAINTING and paper sranein ae FOUR-ROOM bungalow and bath 'neve } SEIGNEUR S j nable ; arbyshire, 1013 ton 7 3s! 28.7 Ki s-acre, large worksh)p an 2 z fons a Bivd., Whitby. 668-5392 Jensen, after 5 p.m. 725 j WELL DIGGING 1] 19 KINGSTON a , bot and cond water, tited foors, 14--Employment Wanted SPORTSWEAR Repairs to All Makes GORD' S {HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, pause JIM'S PAINTING and decorating serv ° } s furnace, $8,000. Teisphone Port) RELIABLE woman will give day care. Janitorial Service ap, RAD Ballet, Highland. Register ice. Reasonable rates. 160 Mill Street,| Cleanduts, Deepenings, ROAD WEST Perry 925-2883 0. children in her home, Telephone' OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE LICENSED MECHANICS | jnow, 424 King Street West, 725-6122 728-7843 Compressor Work Antiques, Household Furniture, | COTTAGE on Stoney Sake, will aceom-| Whitby 668-6056 . -- 145 King West --- 728-1607 | Spring cleaning, floors, wa LILLIAN MAE MARSH, r Oa DODD & SOUTER ; Yards and Cellars Cleaned =; Tools: ate modate seven easily, hyGr, £904, WORKING MOTHERS! qualified day ¥ ancing School Si e ap, acrohatic, | fishing, $40 weekly. nformation care available. Peter Pan Day Nu, "FIVE BAYS TO SERVE YOU" | 29d ceilings, windows, p pre-school kinderdance. Fridays, Satur) PAINTING AND DECORATING | Telephone 728-0911 | TED JACKSON anytime, telephone 72 ___ lery. $81 Simeoe Street North, 728-2608, ter repair days. Masonic Temple, 7: | CONTRACTORS cari AUCTIONEER FIND something valuable. Check the - i | inting ' i ' . "Lost" ads in today's Classified se on| Saree | . 723-1302 after 4 LEARN TO DRIVE" | Gorin cries (eee ee toretum ie REGISTERED JOSEPH C. VICTOR BA, 1d.B., Bor | Oshawa Driving School | res, TM wine | PERMANENTS on special. Page Hair-} The undersigned auctioneer Selici y i ame Pai 4 ; | ' LAKE front cottage, 4 rooms, furnis! rister,. Solicitor and Notary Public, 5 oF pore a aariey i$ , 396 Pine Avenue. Telephone; will sell by public auction | with bath, tile floors, well, Scugog L | HAIRDRESSER f ' Home Improvement: i Simcoe North, 723-3446. | pre ) s | : "ae Oa ac ) str F ' } | sitesi CGE REE SERS the farm implements for the $4.900, Fred Cook Real Estate. Call! RICHARD H. Donald, BA, Barrister,, ROOfing, eavestroughing, DAY oF EYES { DAYS 668-5862 |SPENCER AND SPIRELLA™founda:| ectate of the lore Douglas | Marvin Nesbitt, Nestieton, 986-4894, | Would like position in Salon Solicitor, Notary Publie, $24 Simcoe) painting, cupboards ; Late Models, Standards | NIGHTS 725-7426 jtion garments. Individually designed) Boric, 11 sci "West of TARE front Gouage, tarnlabed; 1 teense} os receptionist with part time RaaGires: ox ed T . North. 728-2891. | tiling. General repairs of ol Automatics Dual Controlled } -- {Registered corsetier, Mrs. - J. | E dil ' 22 Con, 8, | With well. $2,100. Fred Cook Real) hairdressing if needed 4 experienc: pls JAMFS A. MeeDONALD, BA, LLB.| kinds. No job too big or OSHAWA AND WHITBY Personal Service |shot, 324 Admiral Road nnisklilen, Lot , Con, 8, " Estate, Call Marvin Nesbitt, entetes 5 Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub-| small: All work guaranteed CALL 728-009) | Darlington' Twp. on Satur- | 995-1894 WRITE BOX 735 for dictaphone transcribing, lic. The Commercial Building, 286 King} ~ bas - t j --| \ 1 Cor- - | . West, Oshawa, Ontario, Client park-/ Financing at bank ites. Call | LEN PULLAN i2 Personal day, May 11: W6 McCor- itrent River, Crow Bay, Campbat-| OSHAWA TIMES | Also Telephone answering ing available, 725-4716 or 725-4 us anytime. 728-2061 |Money To Loan le YOU have » drinking, 'problem, write! mick-Deering tractor (like {ford. Lakefront lots, from $500 up. AP x 22 Wr Apply In Person ! i rne E i hithy, 362.2024 oF new),. 10-20 Deerina tractor, [proximately one hundred feet wide } AND P. NELLIS, 19 Colborne E. (ENGLISH TAYLOR) aa5 » J Fe OKIn aablaeh 16--Female Help Wanted | ond Receptionist duties. 4 -- ncdins nl 4 +e " it terb: bh, 1 i No house work. Oppo Building, $ Simeoe Street Nortn, Osh: oaNig MovING AND CARTAGE tions, etc. Invisible mending, elevator on rubber; 22-38 age, near Peterboroug private 0 Oppo Qc; insur 72 é H --- | Telephon dif Be iaeesses GL Murdoch, 72i-eres.;Fully equipped and insured. 728-3661, Low Interest 10 PRINCE ST. | LEN PULLAN ing 'machine on rubber, used | con RENT Laketront" collage, in| phone collect Port Perry 985-2673. BOWMAN y - ss NG, alterations, neral} Valuations Arranged | 1 mick-Deering tractor culti- |0". Special rates for June and Septem-/ AVON COSMETICS BOWMAN , DAVID L., Barrister, "Solie! | DRESSMAKI alteratio tt e! 9g MODERN GRI LL: Tess from 1.50 weekly | ' ¢ r i Ei gh, | fine earnings, | " MeGIBRO} ASTEDO, Barristers, |For mation call Whitby 668-3745. Sinners: Fishn Chips: Hon ae | seasons; Massey-Harris trac- ipo lower Buckhorn Lake, hydro and| 9 } AJAX WH Z 6500 Dinners Chips, Home boat Om re eaeee' Charlee C. MeGibbon,{ete. Mrs. Lyon, 168 Beatrice Street,' Summer Properties | WE DELIVER |. Marie Murduff will, be in Fleury steel stoneboat, saw |FOR SALE -- on Bice take, latee| jee pn ices OSHAWA | WE REQUIRE 13% Simcoe Street North |tions, pant cuffing q 725~3887 | on these dates for appoint- racks, 3-drum roller, horse- floor bathroom, 'screened porch, on! | |ALL PLUMBING draw harrows, 4 sections of |RICE LAKE, Long Island, fowr-room,| LOUIS 8, HYMAN » S0-! Tyrone, Telephone Hampton 263-212 sa | et A am, 123-2281 | LIMITED ng. new and used materials. Reason-| FREE KITTENS -- eight }weeks ol, cash, Clifford Pethick, 'auc- Dicta-Typists " used 200 hours since mojor ' i MU RDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, ror ot t orment olter 3 | ' MONG LAKE five: eot-| * GIRL required to care for tw rt O O O N Specialist in garment aitera ¢ overhaul; 40° grain and hay | CHE 3 LAKE -- five-room ; wo taries Public, Bank of eters, Nelo 'age M NEY T L A | CUSTOM TAILORING lava t fi h. Tel fee maroiner holiday emplo; | ' , lis y e o ele- 5 y bing esenoes: | |Oshawa, Whitby Reasonable rates dress giterations (by english tailor) McCormick-Deering thresh- | phone sete water, safe oeac' | ment Evisings aaa weacehae bar | ALL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS - rynen i I . | | cnt herineneailinfierad Mortgages and agreements of sale) ; ! -5311 ; three seasons on one farm; {side conveniences. Haliburton district, | "ROWE BROTHERS bought, sold and atranged. ' 728-33 suits, coats, slacks, ete | International baler; McCor- | Available July 27, two weeks; August 17) pata Sosa len by { 5447 tor, 3% Simcoe Street South, 725-9592. | sewing Reavonable . rate a vator, McCormick-Deering 3- |! bitoni ses 3 ae | has opening in Oshawa AND EONEANY, GANDER, tU nec eenes ee eet rite con Whilbr Rae | 8 Residential Bar-B-Qued Chicken, Turkey 10 PRINCE ST.--728-5311 furrow: plough, used three (FOR RENT -- Three-bedroom cottage| , ashtante ms Excellent swimming. Telephone; convenient hours Solicitors, Clients' funds available for|DRFSSMAKING, alterations, general City and District Removo! of superfluous hair, | stata i . first. mortgages, 20 Simcoe Street|sewing, trousseaus, children's wear »: Made Pies and Desserts ' tor with hydraulic loader, (Bowmanville 623-3900. 725 { Oshawa, May 13th, 14th and fri bb d rele } : F. Basted @c. 25-686 agg a . | , 'ame, rubber-tire wagon, | three 'bedroom summer cottage, all con pas a aEa =" er, Solici-\E D dre aking, altera- Vacant Land 345. RITSON RD. SOUTH | 15th. Phone Genosha Hotel steel truck wagon and hay |Yeniences, hot, cold water, hydro, in-| 7 r } 1 lakefront lot M t's Te} Residence 725-5542. |Mrs Eldridge, 67 Montrexe 5.8476 | | Members | ment rake: laternational-2-furrow Haat beep ie uate 7 a IMMEDIATELY Vv. MACKEY, BA, Barrier | al cad: Wood 2 Ontario Brokers' Association 'Plumbing and Heating ELECTROLYSIS tractor plough, 2 sections of | Motors, Cobourg A&W DRIVE- IN , Notary Public Mort; u on | : : { d heat le 4 ' ' 5 Faber nen" his Street STOVELENGTH slab "wood. 8% er) SUJAAMMERLAND _ | Telephone 725: *Miiarold "H. Stark,| 723-464] harrows, steel bag truck, {furnished cottage, boat house and beat| 1327 Simcoe St. N. Experienced Typists uf eSB. ord at Woodley's Saw Mill, RR 1,| |Litd., Heating and Engineer-| |. large quantity of new lumber, | Rent by week, month or season. 723 REQUIRES MORE | Stenographers | { les chains ond other |_ g H | itor, Notary, Alger Bulldog, 37° King - SEC ES { ae 2 iicnocneen Doe A RANE scales, , id. 3 ee | | Street Fast, 722-4949. Mortgage monies gt agony Md fr enti URITI lALL TYPES of repairs and remodel-| (3 Pets & Livestock articles. Sale at 1:30. Terms BUCKHORN LAKE CAR lable 4 gad i | cER AND KELLY, Barristers a rates, Estimates free. Dial box trained. Telephone Whitby 668-579%.! tioneer, Phone 263-213). | PIONEER VILLAGE { HOSTESSES Clerks eitors, ete,, 114 King Street mse | Gardening and | Supplies 112° Simcoe St. North 1723-1193, J. Foley . | SUREBRED GERMAN Shepherd 'fe : se: rant Sales | 723-2278. Residence Phones: J. M.|_ | Oshawa, Ontori - | male, one year old, $10. Good with chil-|7__Trgilers } . 9g { : ' 725.35 : | "eal Greer, QC, 725-3368. Terence V. Keny,| way gravel, cement, my ay --725 3568 'Rug-Upholstery Service dren, Telephone Brooklin 655-3237 One and three bedroom. Earn extra money for your Key Punch B - = umm cat vara oft ieee nd fil. Phone Erte Branton, Mortgages CHESTERFIELDS re-upholstered CHIMUARUA puppies, registered, have HEAVY DUTY A frame boat trailer! Woter and hydro. Camping, | summer vocation. Opportunity RALPH JONES, BA and THOMAS s | 668-2660 ' racy cba a le popetandgtas all needles, small, ideal house pets. Fe-| complete for only $115. cash. Apply 941 Boats ; for Part-time evening and t Pras sparta " : 3 ts, Fishing. Grocery store. 9 erators GREER, Associate Barristers and Soli-|ROTO TILLING done, Reasonabic raies FIRST AND SECOND mortgage, Sale 'OStyled. | Free _fatimater, | See 900i males $65, males $75. Telephone 728-\ Mary Street, Oshawa 728-2 doy work. Free uniforms sup- P citors, 99 King Street East, 728-6246./Mr, Jack Mulligan, Brooklin, 655-4936, |agreements purchased and sold. foistering, 7S Charles Street, 723-7212, | 222 ius ACRMMACE IRENE -2301 | plied. Private transporattion | : Mortgage loans available. _|MANURE 50 cents per bushel. Bring! HeDmick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 - -- | PUPS -- smail mixed breed, males 84, ely. Snlloned. tee bak: i | to your home after midnight. For interesting tempor- JOSFPH P. MANGAN, QC, Barrister.) your own containers. Delivery on three i. oe cost eet hata ie thre brpesrea ta ng females $3. Mother dog, hound, part ,, with television, pressure sys-. Oummer Cottage Bargain. Paid holidays after one year. ary assignments of one | chairs, antique furni all kinds,! Beagi "ree t rs Al : } ' ; | } | Solicitor. Money to oan Office | 805 Athol Street. 668-3523 CONFUSED ABOUT eel ey ges, Peraltane. A ail, Bile. Beagle, res: te Hind patna Us Coals tem. No reasonable offer refused. tf New 2 bedroom cottage om | No experience required, ex- day to one month, For ein 1D TOP SOIL for sale Telephone| SECOND {workmanship guaranteed. For a free! Port Perry. 985-7395 Hag can rent on sight. Telephone, quiet section of Lake Scugog. tensive training provided. pi : _ SWARTZ AND BONALD| rar! Bottrell, Sand and Gravel, Hamp estimate, call 728-3281; evenings, cail - r. Law at Orono. 36R35 2 extra lots. Land-locked Bay Personal and congenial work- .| @Ppointment call L. RWARTZ. Barristers, Solicitors.) ton 263-2682 | > 1728-2439 and a representative will call GERMAN short-haired pointer pups. FOR SALE -- Home-made sleepin te 's ; | Notaries. Money to loan. Henry Block,| GARDENS, lawns, Rotw-tilied. Ready MORTGAGES: No. obligation, Kennedy Upholstering, S¢ven weeks old. Registered. Nicely: traiier,-sieeps three. -t225- Api repi ne and__sandy beach, Cottage --|--ing--cenditions.-- Married" wo- treet East, 723-4697. Resl-|, planting. Reasonable en Munre To obtain your free, itlus ita 4 marked. "Parents excellent hunters.' Central Park Boulevard North Ther g, ond! lot $3800. Cottage and | men preferred, but not es- | Offi O | d _-- "fe 4 Park Road South. 725 a7 after 5, strated brocnure on sound RUGS. chesterfields cleaned at 5 our Benennnie Teepbon umiains = pen three lots $5000 Terms, sential. Must be pleasont, ice ver oa DONALD BLAKE --popps, ~ Barrister \ f 'ig é bit ; - , 0° a courteous, Lda 18 to 35 | | second mortgage _financin home. Reatonable rateo. Guaranteed -- are : | MOBILE trailer, 44° x 10°, excellent | st Soest ienanias Poets Fast, BEVERWICK ag vide vie! od satisfaction. 'Telephone 728-7057 lg ok in aag vbr ypberiraria pai condition, $3,700. or best offer. New We hove a number of nice | years of o | co. LTD, $ ~ ; , -- - ~ 1 el, Su, este: Moth- n { Ce veortanatd GARDENS all or writ CHESTERFIELDS and olt chaire te-jcr's Day. Telephone 125-2723, | CRMC: 4366. : ee on. Lake ge mol Telephone 728-5731 j 728-9431 eet 1 {covered like new, Get the best for less, --. ---- TENT TRAILER, $250. May be seen at. Well as cottages ani ots In See ere tetas, seh nits| Perennials, Evergreens, House | C-A-C REALTY LIMITED |se*Sisdaia® fe, Gel te bas! fo ee Fat cornes, Pembroke male": Wk "Montrave Avenue for appointment. --! MRS. CHALMERS peeuee ' A the Kowartha area. Contact Biseet Rast, Oshawa: R. 8B. Ham-| -Plonts Brices tren $ ious | Oshawa Shopping Centre South. Call 728-6451, Free estimates pies, eight weeks old. Pedigdeed, $100, ~ ok Sea e nar, S| Olt ia Sa sainey | OM gears On" lcrarmion ian gerentccaenees em) COOK'S | D. ANDREWS ra | ke new. Why pay more Our rates NaS | | { Residence, 728-4326; Whitby, 462.2761, Highwoy 12. North of W cS |are reasonable. Satisfaction quaran-/ PUREBRED Belgian puppies for sale PHONE er eer es) eee ae a einer te et ene Fai abe real eg | Brooke eee 3195. | OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS ; [RE QUTERED qniniatere black poodle' ; pecia | i | ct wrs| RO TOWN | Mortgage Sales and Service [Brooks ibaa anytime Glendette | J. A. Willoughby | | PRINTED. PATTERN Ti We Newman tremmet, on CALL | LOANS | OUTBOARD MOTOR LBSinage Gkiee eee Ae hice PARTS AND SERVICE | & cre tad | so - : 9252. | R Lp ; REPAIR SERVICE | Broad, 114 Elgin Street, East HIGHWAY 2, COURTICE | Building Trades" FOR SOD | oe Teer McCULLOUGH CHAIN SAW. |4----Sportsman's Column jOR LANSDOWNE TEXACO! 46 Eglinton Ave. E., | PHONE 725 8504 | Mr. Tabbert, Mr. Vessey SALES & SERVICE { atone ap. North City lol) Toronto. 12, | 7 | SALES SE H en Evenir 34 1 -- HYDRO SILICA _ 728-1653 OSHAWA MARINE. | Why trail your boat sentteabblill 10--S r Properties | : r ; SERVICE | 9--Summer Properties Ww. d BRICK CLEANING Loam and Gravel Peas tine en | when you can dock " a nce No dust - No dirt |. Washed Stone, Fill | GUARANTY 1180 pontine etek 0031 | y el For Sale or Rent BALSAM LAKE cottage wanted, large, | | P {COLONIAL STYLE cottage, complete. thvee bedrooms, conveniences, good will not damage brick. Excaveting, lots leveled, SoagE, complete: |r cuigs for feet ewe weeks 36. Jim, | sad Uk, sasiesbicc nal | Uoaders. Trucks for'! TRUST Art! S Gun Repair | iSkinner' S Marine $2500, cash for quick sale, Whitby | Telephone 725-8782 BEATTY HAULAGE ( bf Cand Custom n work, .re- | er - ---|11--Articles For Rent = ae | ROSEDALE ON BALSAM LAKE [plete with furniture, 'boatsheure, 'bon Stan's Sharpening 725-2156 blueing, refinishin od- | land ; ; Sag ¢ é g, mod land motor, For sale or trade on' home And Rental Ltd. 29 i MORTGAGE | ification, Just drive up Highway 35, jeecincome propery. Price 84.100 wit Dishes - Cutlery - Glasses 5 Ww. 72 4} j j Guns bought, sold, 1 Sond. ot Rosedale. you will, [ime Temeene ee _223 King 3-322 Better Gardens LOANS | ahanoel: | find us ond the best of Fish- | SANDY BAY COTTAGES | Coffes Urns. ~ PLASTERING | Moneys' Ter tint tertgages | Whitby, 668-2497 | ing, Skiing: Femily 'Fun on | RICE LAKE rf Mend fees 4 OSHAWA batid CA aE te oes oa le ls ' |. the Water |e oe ce bediean eantcsee | ' Silver Candelabra an me ietig urveyors } | inside conveniences. Good | argeant's Rentals REPAIRS sana ein No mee H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, ¢ Ontero| SKINNER'S / beet sand eech, 64d fine " 725-3338 Ps for valuations een, teeny 111 Elgin Street East. | swimming for all. Good. fish- ponies Dae aas. } € t H be | Pho 25- t shade trees y pient. | Mo rigages and Agreements : STUCCO, STOOPS Thousands to choose from | Gopenased |DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, On| MARINE (ke pe sath ie i. RENTALS tario Land Surveyor, Commercial blue Flagstone Patio Rockery | Moneys for second.mortgages | prints. 11 Ontario Street, 725-5632 | ROSEDALE HIGHWAY 35 Hastings. Phone 219W1 end basement. All repairs | f ¢ Fast service | : eee ema ae eel OF ALL KINDS pola ae Bhat Heal ead Top Soil, Sod, Seeds Moe SWARTZ TV--Radio 'Repairs | Call Fenelon Falls 71J1 PAIGNTON HOUSE H Complete Garden Service 96V; S 5 GUARANTEED repairs to all makes or Burnt River 28R12 SANDING M pan anteed work. Call after 6 Pruning, Spraying, Alteration 2612 King St. East rV, radio, car ney re ae : -- Motel and Cottage units, SANDING | MACHINES | ' > oscillating senders, disc sand- safely CO Ge toe aericiates Oshawa, Ontario tronies, 157 Billott, 723-9792. Fred 5--Farmer's Column Lake Rosseau, Muskoka. oe balk naar: incr cand 723-4697 aT ge Finest resort fatilties, 9 hole : PASTURE WANTED for y 4 if 728-3097 | 1259 Simcoe St. North Lc EY tM, Kiso, Shetamd' ponies 'forse. "fele:| golf course. Rates with meals. | °S 723-3222 \ phone Brooklin 655-4469 $55 to $94 week. Write for PLUMBER'S TOOLS --- pipe i | 2nd and 3rd | Towers and Antennas ror sate - 1000 Chickens, 500 lay free 22 page-color picture cleaning rods, pipe vise tri- B. & G. Plastering Open Nights ics 9 | Poul Ci ers, also 600 pullets, all equipment, brochure, Minett, Ont. Phone pod, pipe wrenches, pipe cut- Sundays ae qu ieslar Prop. Telephone 725-3892. Port Carling 765-3155, see ters, pipe threading dies, 5 pI Tee SSR | Guaranteed Satisfaction | AITENTION freezer owners! Orders} your trovel agent. toilet auger. Plein Ad Rates | MORTGAGES ze ih {taken Row for freshly cut asparague Shit boi Bin aisienescnad ; : 25 WORDS OR LESS | 511 Dean Ave. lpm enous seenene aller $ BOYS & GIRLS CAMP-- | oe ee GAY AFGHAN ss pee ) cS stepladders, aluminum exten- ff faster results, { 725-0500 cas on th Ci - -- 6- 18 on Lieut. Gov, estate. ; 2 | cas ee ee 6 WITHOUT : | Oe ee Pe 2 allek waterfront: "Rlging, «| SON, lagers, -loddan. Jade By ALICE BROOKS n ? : teel scaffolding, compress Fasv pick- aes rk an sé y g | a Telephone: collect Hampton COlfax water-skiing, camp-outs, te aia Sates ' /BSY PICKUD eo WOER ON SOR: 6 consecutive doys : LEGAL FEES TV TOWERS 2721, Margwill Fur Farm COlfax r : oe, spray guns, wallpaper : . . arts, etc. Tuition arate squares! Crochet on the 3 consecutive days..... 2.2 | ILicence 245-C-63 nis) Ofte, ete. Tuition: brenchy a AND and Maths. Prot.-Cath. serv- steamers, tarpaulins, blow | patio, at pool, on vacation 6--1 : 5 : é j 2 * orches, propane torches. § 4 Count each word, 'initial, > F ~--No Bonus | CUSTOM PLOWING | ices. Insulated cabins with rt Relax while you crochet gay| Box nurnber <1 ABE | Antenna Repair | CULTIVATING | hot and cold water. Excel- WELDING EQUIPMENT --- ({5-inch flower squares. Use! GAY MIXER If not paid within 7 days, tharos rate 5 epplies ! | ----Discount for Brapavinare i DISCING { Jent meals. Nurse. Doctor on Acetylene. welding outfits, t jscraps 'or 3 -- color theme By ANNE ADAMS call. College counsellors. 200 amp. electric welders, aay ports) rar Aceh snse Neosat Ne Professional listings only, 3 lines per month... : | ---Low Monthly Payments } TRIO | HARROWING Only $35 weekly ihe luding Bl oes rages: pei: e amas fod is eb under the sun -- Eoch additional line per month : © i eG | SEEDING, PLANTING everything (Subsidized for | 977 Fie eee ets Coane Chart: Jackel, overblouse, slacks {0 (Not epplicable for merchandise advertisements.) --NO LEGAL FEES TELEVISION Acre or Hourly Rates needy children e booklet. cement mixers, finishing tro- | THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) swap about: so many ways! { Ae pcahck habe odie wels, wheel barrows, electric | for F i sta . ; mae " DEADLINES ! 171 BOND ST. E. OSHAWA PHONE 728-3901 and .Mrs. Harold Martin, vibrator iro oharakcet, for this patiern (no amps.|Easy, swift to sew in sun. ) s. "Wildwood", Vau e hem Wand: rawal |please) to Alice Brooks, care of j dazzled pinks, orange, gold or Word vy seven | SUPERIOR ee ae Ba ha, ha went, Sate Si Weeden cae OE Classified Display... 3 Ls ae ' . | ers, steel scaffolding, electric {Dept.. Oshawa, Ont. Ontario Printed Pattern 4519: Girls? Births, memoriams, cards 'of thanks -- 9 on 4 ation. | pee nour | generator, ramset er (residen.s add Ic sales tax. Print Sizes 6, 8, 9. 14. 5 yate OY ca Feud '8:30 a.m, doy of publicotior repeal cues [ay TOWERS AUCTION SALE eee) | Bee seceie hominy (DMI PATTREN NUMGED.ltem tor gurdanes Cancellations and Corrections --8:30 a.m. day ot publication. "The Fastest Growing All- acs ; PROPERTY masonry saw, building jocks iNAME ADDRESS. 4 ITS (40¢) in coins REGULATIONS i ; asic ee a Sree Ce ee eee PISO E PRCES) I NCh er vee 1963 -- Biggest Needlecraft] (no stamps, please) for this nat: $e: Wihiowa Thies Wih net be reeporaible-tec errors, in odverti eanadian Loan Company" | Economy and Deluxe fo the cottage and miscel- FOR 'SALE eh ai » droist, mites alee: | Show stars smocked accessoriesitern. Ontario residents add le ments submitted otherwise thon in writing, not for more | 49 SIMCOE ST. 'N Priced to suit your budget. i 120 ft. four' room cattage, 3 bondsaw, 4" jean * and {TUS Our new Needlecraft Cat-jsales tax. Print plainly SIZE, 'ene incorrect, insertion of any advertisement, nor DeYe : : ; F « . KING STREET { cabins, store, boats and gas, |. blaster, power tamper, power |alog! Plus over 200 fresh-to-you|NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE price charge for a single insertion of the advertisement in which | 725-654] i TERMS: ARRAN UNITED CHURCH $8, BOO, Cash orteited gos, Bot Hele. auger , idesigns to knil, crochet, sew,| NUMBER error occurs. { ! }weave, embroider, quilt. Plus, Send order to ANNE ADAMS The Oshawa Times reserves the right to classity advertising DAILY Ut 5:30 P.M OSHAWA TV 129 King St. E APPLY TO | STAN'S ifree pattern, Send 25e now! care of The Oshawa Times, Pat: according to its proper classification. WEDNESDAY UNTIL 8 P.M. | | SATURDAY, MAY 11 : oe ant Dept, Genaw sant UINES ' | | SATUR HILLSIDE CAMP ¢ snide In the case of display advertisements, The Times will not be | caTuRpAYS UNTIL 12 NOON er Bei fe } Drosiped f Sharpening & Rentals Ltd. | Just out! 304 design ideas held responsible for eave epoce than ie in which the octual PLES EU ¢ ote ( { SUPPLY LIMITED 10 A-M CURTIS POINT Hae) | Want- Ads Don't | | coupon for FRE pt scl error occupies. The publishers endeavour to reproduce al! odver j i : " 223 King St. W., Oshawa lone you choose in new S§ il ticernare OINTMENT Late H RKING LO Col au rin tising matter correctly, but assume no liability of advertisement APPOINTMENT iy 8-8] 80 IN THE PARKING LOT | Cobourg pring. It env inoceurocien in ony form are contained therein, 17. OFFICES IN ONTARIO AT REAR FR, 2-5612 PHONE 723-3224 Cost-They Pay |se Gee a Cataing. 'Send {Olt