THA OSHAWA Timed, Wen sdwys frvmy B, 1909 '. SEVERAL OF the more than 8,000 children taking part in this week's annual Ajax Rotary Ontario County Music Festival sing out. Children from all over the county will appear with their classes and be judged according to age School Teacher Draws $25 Fine --A Scar- Rong school teacher was fined $25 and costs for speeding, in Magistrate's Court here Tues- a Hicks Allen, 102 Courcel- lette road, explained that he had spent a beautiful leisurely Sunday afternoon admiring the scenery in the Port Hope area. Realiing that he would be a little late for dinner and seeing the straight stretch of road, temptation was a little too great, he said. 13-year-old juvenile had hiteh- hiked from Ajax each time. Short's father explained that Allen had .gone to live with his sister and brother-in-law in Ajax/t. when the rest of the family moved to Westhill. He had received room and board and spending money in exchange for baby-sitting while the couple worked. | The father stated he had) raised six other children and Allen resented his parents be- cause they were strict. He said "He was clocked by radar at 88 miles an hour on 401," testi- fied Constable K. Barber of the OPP. Allen admitted having paid fines up to $10 before. "I am going to break your record then," stated Magistrate R. B. Baxter, and fined him $25. REMAND YOUTH A 1? - year - old unemployed was remanded in custody Magistrate's Court here Tues. day. He will appear for sen- tence May 13 in Cobourg. Allen Short, Kingscourt Apart- ments, Ajax, was charged with one and entering a resi- dence at Cadmus, belonging to Edmund Fallis. that he was unaware of any trouble until he came to Ajax his son was in jail. 1963 Durham Coaching Night Held ORONO -- The 1963 Durham Junior Coaching Night was held in the arena at Orono Fair for a visit on Sunday and tound|, and grade. From left to right are: James Pearce, 7; Colleen Phoenix, 6; Doris Lehman, 7; and Douglas Blundel, 7. The Expect 8000 Children At Ajax Festival at the Ajax Community Centre. | | since 1957. Members of the Rotary club who are organizing the mam- moth task of staging 8000 chil- dren, 20 at a time, say | Festival. 957 when members of the Ajax Rotary Club felt it was ne- cessary to promote music in the local schools. The Festival started with a small number of children, 3,000, and has snowballed and the numbers are over the 8,000 mark this year. In 1962 piano playing entered the scene at the festival. From the less than 100 chil- dren who played piano selec- tions in 1962 the number has swollen to more than 400. The festival 'is open to the public and any interested per- AJAX (Staff) -- Nearly 8,000 children have entered the annual, week-long, Ontario Coun- ty and District Music Festival 2,150 children crossed the stage on |Monday, the opening day of the The Festival had its origin) 1 children attend Atha School 4 SS No. 16, Pickering Township. --Oshawa Times Photo Ajax CWL Plans | June Bake' Sale AJAX -- The monthly meet- ing of St. Bernadette's Ajax, CWL was held Wednesday, May 1, in the all purpose room of the school. The president, Mrs. V. Clout- ier, called the meeting to order and Rev. M. J. Darby led in the league prayer. Plans were made for a bake sale to be held June 2, after The Rotary Club of Ajax has|each of the Masses. Plans were been sponsoring the Festival/aiso made for the Children's |First Holy Communion Party, to be held May 26 in the af- ternoon. yMiss Joan Hickling gave a de- monstration on how to make hats. Lunch was served by Mfs. T. McCarthy ar Mrs. D. Hand- ley. MORE HEART DISEASE Since 1930 deaths from heart disease in Canada have in- creased from 12,000 to 49,000 a ' . ar AND rm b UR an MG, 8 ANARy f 1WO howwery Suspects TORONTO (CP)--Two King- ston men were charged with following the pistol-beating and theft of $200 from a 34-year-old suburban North York druggist. Archie Cameron, 29, and James Berkinshaw, 40, were ar- rested at gunpoint by Pickering Township and provincial police at a roadblock near Ajax, 15 mles east of here, after a high- speed chase along highway 401. Police said Harold Cooper, owner of Jefferson's Pharmacy, Nabbed At Ajax: robbery with violence Tuesday} 94 o umes with the 'eit of a after two men entered the sto> Cooper was reported in satis. factory conditiof in hospital. The two were also charged with the armed robbery of two other Toronto drug stores in re- cent months, One store was robbed of $225 Feb. 4 and another of $400 April MAKE FEWER MOVIES MEXICO CITY (Reuters)-- The output of Mexico's movie industry has fallen sharply in recent years. Mexican film pro- ducer Sanchez Tello told the Foreign Correspondents Associ- ation here that in 1958 the coun- try made more than 100 films. Last year the total was 56. . \ hviablaS vi ial Group Irked By Legion BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- The Bowmanville Ministerial Association was disturbed be- cause of the Royal Canadian Legion's domination of Memo- rial Day "decoration service" at the cemetery. A delegation from the associ- ation met with town council Monday night requesting offi- cial representation on the Civic Committee in charge of this event, On hand to present the min- Sey er es We wg Thy 'johe Verorugge of the Chris- tian Reform Church and Rev. Fred Swann, pastor of St, An- drew's Presbyterian Church. Rev, Swann. said, "we have no beef with the Legion, but we feel some people are staying away from this service because it has been predominantly run by this group." The ministers were prom- ised representation on the com- mittee and the Civic Com- mittee was authorized by coun- cil to call the various groups and organizations together and prepare for the Decoration Day service. ; LITTLE FARMED Only about one 10th of the land surface of the globe is under cultivation. - | idukay incident Claimed Closed ' OTTAW A(CP)--The case of former pensions commissioner Ken MacKay is closed so far as Prime Minister Pearson is con- cerned, Mr. Pearson said 'Tuesday that Veterans Minister Roger Teillet had dealt with the pro- tests by former Conservative defence minister Gordon Chure chill, Mr. Churchill iast week ac- cused Mr. Teillet of abuse of ministerial authority in not re- newing Mr. a pay fs one-year appointment to t pensons commission. RED BRAND - VALUE TRIMMED EASY TO CARVE SHORT CUT ROAST RED BRAND TENDER OAST: BRAISING RIBS LB. 39¢ BEEF SHANK cent cur u.59¢ TENDERNESS... FRESHNESS b5 SHORT GROUND CHUCK#*® 'tan 18.5 9¢ PLATE BEEF so" OR STEW 18.29¢ READY TO EAT Smoked Cooked Ham BUTT END LB. 59¢ SAVE 6¢ SPORTSMAN PAN READY SMELTS PKG. ONLY 296 INTRODUCTORY OFFER SAVE 21¢ STEINBERG'S TURKEY PIES « REG. 5¢ EACH OVEN a he 58k. 69¢ SAVE 9¢ BURNS CHOPP Sandwich Meats PASTRAMI, LUXURY, ED VIRGINIA HAM: PKGS. 69c ONLY STEINBERG oo MOTHER'S DAY SPECIAL ON FRESH CUT FLOWERS TULIPS '\>0z. 59¢ onLY 3 DAYS LEFT He pleaded|Grounds, last Friday. The turn-|sons are invited to come to the guilty to the charge. Constable G. Evans of the OPP testified Mr. Fallis owns and operates a store next to his house. Each Thursday the store is closed and the owner and his wife are usually away for the day, the constable said. The court was told that dur- ing 1962, cigarets and small change had dis red from a writing desk in the\pouse. Entry had been made by ing up a Tear window. Last Thursday, a small win- Gow was smashed in the back kitchen and a storm door forced, stated the officer. Seven SO-cent pieces and a lady's wrist watch were stolen on this occasion. The coins were exchanged for bills at a nearby grill but the watch has not been recovered. The youth/admitted he and a Nestleton Man Draws Year Suspension BOWMANVILLE -- A Nestle- ton man was placed on suspend- ed sentence for one year in Magistrate's court here yester- day. Magistrate R. B. Baxter warn- ed him to -- from alcohol during that pe The court vas or that Rob- ert Midgley, 32, was arrested on May 3 for causing a disturb- ance outside his house. He had been drinking and using abusive and indecent language against his wife, the court learned. The accused promised to at- tend a family counselling serv- fee at once to try and resolve his marital difficulties. $50 A sales manager was convict- ed of careless driving, in Magis- trate's Court here Tuesday. He was fined $50 and costs. George Raymond Joy, 1487 Westbrook drive, Peterborough, etated he was southbound when he overtook a 1955 Pontiac, sig- nalling for @ left-turn into Twin Oaks Motel. To avoid a rear end colision he attempted to pass on the right hand side. He ticked the right rear fender, skidded out of control and smashed into a 1954 Ford stopped on the side- road. M Dennis, 17, Orono stated os was driver of the Pon tiac and that he had been wait be for three-northbound cars t: pass when he was struck by thc Constable C. testified Burwell Tayler, driver of the Ford, was stopped on th: gideroad because of engin le. Defence counsel was H. Rot ertson, P Suddard, OPP }| out was encouraging as over 100 4H members handed in judging) cards. centre and hear the youth of the area sing. Narcissus °°z. FOR Junior Farmers, Club Leaders and parents present boosted the total to over 150. Thi s coaching night served as | a first meeting for all Durham 4H members and provides judg-| ing practice for them. | A. O. Dalrymple made a few! introductions and comments and) then prevailed upon the club} leaders to outline the judging) procedure. Lloyd Skinner, Tyrone brought| out a class of Shropshire ewes. | These were judged by the 4-H| members: and officially placed| by Boyd Ayre of Bowmanville. A class of Shorthorn heifers from Garnet Rickard was dis- cussed and placed by club lead.-| er Bev Gray. Francis Jose of Newcastle brought out four ary| Holstein cows. After the juniors had placed| the class, Mr. Jose gave his of-| ficial placing and the reasons) for it. Glen Larmer, the Dur- ham Swine Club Leader brought out four York gilts and explain- ed to the members present what to look for in a class of swine. Glen gave his official placing] hel the juniors had placed the| class journed at 9.30 p.m. It was felt) by most members to be suc-| cessful, and should prove to, be good preparation for the Dur. ham County Live Stock Judging] Competition to be held this Sat.| urday, May 11. | GETS AWARD | CBC broadcaster David Ham-| ilton has received a special foreign press award from the University of California at Los Angeles. The Coaching Night was ad- | ATTENTION Hearing Aid Owners Imperial Optical Co. Ltd. ARE HOLDING THEIR ANNUAL FREE SERVICE CLINIC THURSDAY, MAY 9th Zenith's Field Service Supervisor will clean and inspect -- without charge -- All hearing aids Thursday May 9th from 10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Telephone For An Appointment YOU ARE ALSO INVITED TO TEST The NEW-' Ounce-Behind the Ear | "DELEGATE" Imperial Optical Co. Ltd. 11 ONTARIO PHONE ST. OSHAWA 728-6239 FLORIDA SWEET EATING - RED CUTTING Watermelons - 79: $1. 15 TO 17 LB. AVG. SPELL PINKY FUN GAME STEINBERG DOZ. Sugar Donuts 25¢ WASHINGTON NO. 1 GRADE | ASPARAGUS FRESH GREEN LB. 33¢ Rl BARLINKA LARGE CLUSTERS PRODUCE OF U.S. BIER GRAPES STEINBERG 39¢ is. 39¢ FLORIDA FANCY NO. | GRADE SWEET CORN FRESH FLORIDA SWEET 0° 39¢ GREEN PEPPERS Raisin Pie Shortcake 33¢ STEINBERG uC ASSORTED EVERGREENS Mother's Day Special * ARPEGE Seamless °. igh NYLONS each 2.99 MOTHER'S DAY STEINBERG CAK 69¢ MAXWELL HOUSE ALL PURPOSE GROUND COFFEE SAVE 8¢ 1 LB. BAG TULIP COLOURED MARGARINE 1 LB. PKG, SAVE 20¢ NIBLETS WHOLE KERNEL CORN SAVE 6¢ 14 OZ. TIN FANCY 4-2-ROLL_PKGS. OF WHITE SWAN PINK TOILET REMEMBER MOTHER THIS WEEK WITH nom REED'S FLORISTS CASH & CARRY MOTHER'S DAY SPECIAL BOWL OF YELLOW ROSES CASH & CARRY NO DELIVERY $5.00 10 King St. West -- 725-1131 >R. B. REED & SONS FLORISTS 163 Bloor St. West -- 725-2512 COUPON EXPIRES MAY 1} WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF TISSUE 4/$1. ~\ OR WHITE s}X AND PURI 4.8 OZ. PI 1/63 WITH THIS COUPON YORK FROZEN BEEF,CHICKEN OR TURKEY MEAT PIES 4/$1 COUPON EXPIRES MAY 11/63 « 'CHASE OF a KGS. OF 3-20 OZ. TINS OF YORK ASSORTED FA COUPON EXPIRES MAY | WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF PEAS 3/59¢ COUPON EXPIRES MAY 11/63 WITH THIS COUPON a AND PURCHASE OF ANY GOOD HUMOUR FROZEN ICE CREAM $) WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF EVERY ONE DOZ. OR MORE OF ORANGES ANY VARIETY COUPON EXPIRES MAY 15/63 . $) ~\ AND PUR 3.48 OZ. AYLMER F, $) 1/63 WITH THIS COUPON JUICE 3/85¢ COUPON EXPIRES MAY 11/63 CHASE OF TINS OF ANCY WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF COUPON EXPIRES MAY 11/63 WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF EVERY 3 LB. CELLO BAG NOVETY \ ~ A PKG. OF 60 RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE BAGS 85¢ | POLY --_35¢ DECANTER COUPON exrines may 15/63 ' $ 'WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF VOLUME 6 OF MECHANIC NLUSTRATEO Encyclopedia Me COUPON FXPIRES MAY ae COUPON exrints may 15/69 © / OR MORE OF $) 'WITH THis COUPON AND PURCHASE OF A RED 3RAND TENDER 'N TASTY BOSTON ROAST FRESH cul or or COUPON expine: 'wiT THIS Ci AND PURCH: A POUND T Chicken Legs . OUPON. ASE OF OR MORE OF 'WITH THIS COUPON ane AND PURCHASE OF s COUPON 'A9KG. OF STEINBERG 'S TASTY CORNED BEEF COUPON EXPIRES MAY 15/63 IMPORTED FRESH GREEN IMPORTED CARROTS COUPON EXPIRES MAY 15/63 BROCCOLI COUPON Exrines may 15/63 OF J IS MAY 15/63 WITH THIS COUPON. AND PURCHASE OF Person TOOTHPASTE 55¢ 55¢ SPECIAL" COUPON expines may 15/69 © 'WITH THIS COUPON. AND PURCHASE OF 490z an. of 10) T10 N 69% By COUPON EXPIRES MAY 15/63 COUPON EXPIRES MAY 15/ 8 'WITH THiS COUPON Til with AND PURC COUPON LS 18 COUPON With THIS suey AND PURCHASE ie CiaMOND DeSGN bar 1; 9 igi 'WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF 4.8 OL. FRE KING iN rm ASE OF * DIAMOND DESIG MAY aD cout UGS, 4/ 13/63 885 'WITH THIS COUPON 'AND PURCHASE OF ~ to pur aprce PIE FILLING 33¢ COUPON EXPIRES May 15 9) WITH THiS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF A 20 OF. JAR OF CLARK'S OVENCROCK BEANS 33¢ couron READ MAY 18/69 'WITH THIS COUPON ano DuRchage or abe AND PuRC! GLIDE SPRAY STA' $ COUPON EXPIRES MAY 15/ a? 'WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF WITH THIS CO AND PURCHASE OF ANY PRG. OF CHEER POWDERED $ STAMPS: a COUPON EXPIRES MAY 15/63 J COUPON nase OF 1 69 CHEF BOY.AR.DEE T BALL RCH COUPON EXPIRES MAY 15/63 $ WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES Open Thurs. & Fri. To 9 p.m. DUNDAS STREET WHITBY © ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE MAY 8 TO 11, ROUGE HILLe 1963 AJAX ISLAND ROAD SHOPPING PLAZA