THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, May 8, 1963 17 Popularity Of Judo -- SPORTS IN BRIEF ' e we , WY « : ' LAYNE RETIRES WOODALL DIES Zz é REMEMBER! ncreasing Steady | putt iesae in| soe Anca tar Ge en the salty old pro who quarter-jence (Larry) Woodall, 67, for- Mother's Day backed Detroit Lions and Pitts-|mer Detroit Tigers catcher and burgh Steelers with an iron|a member of the Boston Red Sun., May 12th n es ern and '@ | hand when on the field, has re-|Sox organization since 1942, 9 saa' tee yg vee came] died ne. A Meee | of londay from eeler coach|Wake Forest College in 1913, he By KEN CLARK including that of the profes-\affiliated with the Canadian|/Buddy Parker, who earlier|was with the Tigers from 1920 WINNIPEG (CP)--Judo, the/sional. Kodokan Black Belt Associa-| urged his quarterback to quit.'through 1929. -- manly art of controlled vio-| One 'Winnipeg club for in-|tion, the national body. Kodo- _-- ---- -- lence, is enjoying an upsurge' stance charges fees for learn-jkan is the college in Tokyo P tttind wv in the Canadian midwest. ers, and Akre wonders where|which regulates and sets rules Y/, (= White-robed competitors are this fits into the scheme of|for judo throughout the world. squaring off in hand-to-hand] things. Akre believes many are at- combat in more than a dozen He would like to consolidate|tracted to the sport through clubs in Manitoba, Saskatche-the Manitoba Black Belt Asso-|curiosity at first, but they stay Everything Happens ADDED wan and northwestern Ontario.|ciation as a truly amateurito enjoy it. And Anything Goes! TRUE THRILLER A little-known infant a decade --< the port in the] «jt gives | an aintivident a 2 a ago, the Japanese - inspire' . sense of self-confidence." oat now gg healthy om Bh ao ect -- ete "e BOURBON ST. FOUR FOR cent striving for maturity, bu members, is registered wi ' " "a still nteritig growing pains, |the provincial government as a PHONE I SHADOWS THE MORGUE The centuries - old pl is ponte , 1: iil " 723 4972 -- with -- -- with -- guided in Manitoba by the prov- el ince's Black Belt Association, operation. N 0 Ww ' RICHARD DERR STACY HARRIS e ror 4 ieee formed in 1960, The secretary,| "We want to promote judo as Mervyn Akre, 40-year-old Win-|8" amateur sport," he said. nipeg business executive, esti-| Provincial associations are mates there are 500 active de- do in Manitoba' 7 " = aa ll - DRIVE OUT LIBBY - kr: ined) -- 1 ne uenices, Tobe Cle -* TONIGHT * Winnipeg in 1954, when it was ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON! : P | the only active centre in the pene ne EUR CH ESE OF 794 -- FROZEN to baggie Legri pa ge a4 1 brcodon, Fortune Prairie STARTS TOMORROW! i, ; (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) c § FANCY PEAS, 43 FANCY CORN, and Birtle. BOX OFFICE OPEN AT 8:00--"GORGO" STARTS 8:50 EDGARALIAN POES ight of 12 titles at the 11th "* M Pri won eight of 12 titles at the a annual midwestern champion- we h é KS oe canning Mutt? PANAMISION ano PATHECOLOR | ! a = i MIXED VEGETABLES HEINZ POWERFUL CLUB BILL TRAVERS IN JEFF CHANDLER " ; = pea a la 11.02. Dryden in northwestern On- memes ' serena "THE AVEN i BOTTLES tario has a powerful club that/ll | LIKE NOTHING YOUDE EVER ou 'BEOEs ' wincext PRICE: pererLORRE: sorisK Al CHEERIOS 1012-oz., WHEATIES 12-oz., A nar exbsl | fee At Gon Marauders|i\ i ADDED THRILLE Y% in every major centre, a total _ Higeol , , al TWINKLES 972-02. of seven. to poli ane ® 4@ay C "Judo is not just a sport-- "i acm WiLL, , ML PKG. it's a way of life," says Akre. " } ae aie eenaaie : 12-02. | 7 BAGS The key is "maximum effi- GLENN FORD IN "EXPERIMENT IN TERROR" | ' , \ 0m Whee ciency, minimum effort," and AND FOR ADDED SUSPENSE -- "THE THREAT" it teach tal and physical PREHISTORIC --_o an. __MinrvorawanonneTenccem: I MAXWELL HOUSE Akre holds a second-degree | , i A ranean neerrent SAIN ay WITH title in the black belt category. cea a OSHAWA | : Te COUPON : c Tops is the 10th degree black DRIVE-IN THEATRE ! YT 1,\ Lea PURCHASE . helt and it might take years for * - & .-. 723-4972 | an enthusiast to work up to it, H OF BREAD through six earlier belt cate- | : : gories starting with the white : IGA STRAWBEBRY belt. Akre gives credit for the ini- C 7] tial upsurge in the midwest to Ly J A nA 24.02. AY |} G Japanese-Canadians moved in- we JAR 00D $0 MANY WAYS" land from the British Columbia , WITH ADDED PECTIN coast during the Second World if Cc = : IFORNIA ee et . THIS 1S A REMARKABLE FILM. IT WILL INGERSOLL played a key role in some of | g MOVE YOU, ASTONISH YOU, SOMETIMES this development. Tomotsu, who 8 y SHOCK You. BUT You WILL NOT ' CHEESE 5 5 C S died this year, set up the Mani- toba Judo Club and his brother TAKE YOUR EVES FROM THE SCREEN. SPREAD 16-0Z. JAR PRICES EFFECTIVE MAY 8, 9, 10, 11 SCORES ar | PIE " BOXES By THE CANADIAN PRESS 'oe : MUSHROOM, CHICKEN & RICE, r \f CHICKEN & NOODLE, SCOTCH BROTH 10-0Z, San Francisco Clarks Soup 2 TINS 29° Pittsburgh D {a AS DEADLY DETERGE! U. ; * ~ c F NT WITH COUPON INSID' PRODUC 0 St. Louis ' ew eo ACCURATE es re E OF U.S.A. -- NEW WHITE Chicago ; -?, Bl Ch GIANT 89 NO. 1 Milwaukee e < maha hoe we eer _ SIZE ¢ P OT GRADE a i ; », ILLICIT LOVE | HORSEMEAT AND GRAVY MASTER ATOES Bag" Cc 15-0Z, Philadelphia ' P - vat é cm : IMEMOIRECHERE! |= ARIaAL Dog Food = 2 tws AG® || roouce oF mexico Houston on 38 1% STARLAC INSTANT CANTA Results Tuesday PERFUME MIST " 3-LB. 69° LOUPE JUMBO 2g Pacha 1 New York 3 | Powdered Milk x PPR a ocagin ae Ak, [ San Francisco 5 Milwaukee 2 Asati | fa ty IGA LADY BETH CHOCOLATES CRISP CELERY LARGE 19. Rush established the one at Dryden, Ont. a ) & a NO. 1 . tt of jajitsul § , 0 . HOSPITALITY -- / 3 sate . | BLUEBERRY BASEBALL "Sx | 45 C 8 INT CH os Angeles 11 St. Louis 1 Houston 3 Cincinnati 2 ae Probable Pitchers Today Gs », (Chicago, Fisher (1-4) at Kan , 1-LB, 2-LB. sas Cty, Rakow (3-1), N. \ pans manor seems BOX C 'tox . New York, Wiliams 4 at ' = Detroit, Bunning (1-3), N. oN 7 Minésoa Hast C3) at Lo XY () ACCO TABLERITE CANADA'S FINEST QUALITY Angeles, Lee (2-1), N. : 4 # : "i a d ngles, Lee 21).N. a wk | THE Rarrue D OR BLUE BRAND BEEF [ \ more, Barber (5-2), N. ; Cleveland, Ramos (0-1) at J y Washington, Osteen (0-2), N. . ; me American Pg oe PURSE FLACON of Sg tC iN : Boston 12 8 .600 ' Mémoire Chérie / ry SHE TERE TATION BO C 2 2 f of Dr. ANTONIO" Kansas City 15 11 .577 Perfume LE FEDERICO FELLIN d New York 12 9 tt 'A CUERILU FELLIN Chicago 13 10 5 es 4 é ° { Cleveland 10 9 .526 a : fe be stories ANITA EKBERG F ponus tapes © Baltimore 13 12 .520 eS if. Bisies 00 in : Los Angeles 14 14 .500 , ae i ' of t e SEX¢S... PEPPIN ILIPPY pa €! Mane Oe f _ somewhat different, as 2 th vankicgin 1018 385 < yf somewhat daring ashington . fie 9 NTI * Results Tuesday 3 tips / fe 6 somewhat delicious! direct 6.00 in a 0 SIRLOIN . WING - PORTERHOUSE - WY he aus BONELESS ROUND OR RUMP ROAST Minnesota 0 Los Angeles 2 Chicago 2 Kansas City 1 New York 2 Detroit 6 EY, $ | Cleveland 7 Washington 3 JOSEPH E. LEVINE ALLI R ' 10. SWIFTS PREMIUM REG, OR READY TO SERVE Boston 5 Baltimore 1 ' cK 2 s tteg orang Oe met pana GoD - ) Smoked Picnic Shoulders ». 43* s , Pittsburgh, McBean (2-1) at Mémoire Chérie; created in France by Elizabeth Chicago, Buhl (2-2). ; den, : Philadelphia, Short (0-3) at aba 2 -- awarded the Grand Coupe , swith e it 2 1-LB, CELLO ¢ New York, Hook (0-4). e Comité du Bon Gofit F; i Ay / | Tabl W k 45 Houston, Bruce (1-2) at Cin- ae asd 0 ' Tl e leners _ cinnati, Nuxhall (1-1).N. finest fragrance ever created and acclaimed by ' San Francisco, Fisher (2-2) at Milwaukee Hendley (3-1), N Los Angeles, Miller (2-2) at A os j . St. Louis Broglio (3-1), N. for those who are not familiar with this unfor- anternational 'League gettable fragrance to discover it for themselves-- ; ae ~ $s TABLERITE at Northern Division in a special way. A 3 oz. bottle of Mémoire Chérie - & } sas j | ¢ oked Meals sucee # ' | UF " SS France. Now Miss Arden hie made it possible' CARLO PONTI | FL poLaR Kt mK. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES 4 ° ' 2. 'An Embesny- International Pictures Release In EASTMAN COLOR 1 ads NO. GRA TUBE noreeentes WL Pct. GBL Buffal 3 13 6 .684 -- i i rive se 10 10 500 3% Perfume Mist (5.50 value) plus a flacon of Mémoire Syracuse 912 429 5 Chérie Perfume (3.00 value) both f Toronto 912 429 5 ( ) both for 6.00! Richmond 8 12.400 5% ; vm 'G aereaal JURYS LOVELIAN . Glo ce Atlante 13 8 619 -- Arkansas i San ft ; ° "3 | in Hope IGA Store PORT PERRY 4 Indianapolis 12 11.522 2 Codnelic D aitnent " i $ 120 WILSON RD. S. &, »» Columbus 1013 .435 4 ep Bilsky IGA ' OSHAWA © ova oF av acksonville 1013 435 4 CITY WIDE FREE DELIVERY ADMITTANCE @ UTH, DELI ity IG RITSON ROAD S. BROCK ST. SO Results Tuesday 8 KING ST. E. [530 SIMCOE ST. S. 1 Motor City A OSHAWA South End IGA WHITBY Atlanta 13 Columbus 4 PHONE 723-2245| OSHAWA "pHone 725-3546 1g PEEORS YAKS Dyl's IGA 166 ADELAIDE ST. P " CUBERT STREET sae yl's OSHAWA College Hill IGA OSHAWA Buffalo 9 Jacksonville 4 (ROSSLYN Pi Indianapolis 4 Arkansas 1 (ROS L LYN PLi _728-466 OURTICE, Richmond 8 Rochester 6 ALSO STORES IN BOWMANVILLE AN FEATURE DAILY AT: | © . LANSDOWNE Toronto 3 Syracuse 2 D WHITBY PLAZA Ji RY ee eet ee A FAMOUS PLAYERS TREATRE I Becksiead IGA ONTARIO Lansdowne IGA SHOPPING CENTRE eee