ek eats ee <page torte eetomee musicale, "The Beverley|closed the mee' with the Hillbillies' was presented. by|Benediction. std ¥ Mrs, E. K. James, Mr. and Mrs, Anthony De Boo, Mr. and Mrs, George Tanton, Mrs, D. J. French and Mrs, Robert Alds- worth, Mr, Jack Reid was auctioneer for gaily wrapped box lunches provided by the ladies. The Reverend John R. Leng Couples Club Mark 10th Anniversary At St. Andrew's The 10th anniversdry celebra- tion of the Couples' Club of St. Andrew's United Church was held in the church common ioing This 2 Siete "haar ape See us without optigation. Four Seasons Travel 24-Hour Service =~» 728-6201 (men bs > é NEWLYWEDS bity spring wedding emnized in First Bap- rch recently when Orville Branton took ride Bonnie Sharon McLaurin MC ril oups was given by ney Winsley. itation was given from s group to attend their ay 7. course Taylor, secretary reported g mes | ttractive Tray ts Bed Patient| time should be Lear pgacild patient in bed and one} make it so is to set We tray. t super-cleaniiness, and is when arranging the meeting of Kate Mission Circle met at of Mrs. Murray Eaton, with 20 members -|Port Arthur; ork completed by the/ | \iey, Be -- Mrs. Sydney Wins- ley, Gannon. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Charles Gannon and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Branton, all of Oshawa. --Ireland Studio |reading course books had ar- rived. | Letters of appreciation were jread from Mrs. Harold Fuller; also the Reverend and Mrs. Silver. Worship service was arranged by Mrs, Lorne Craig's group. The scripture was read by Mrs. George Bowers, Followed by prayer by Mrs. Donald Rice. The topic was given by Mrs. Leslie Parrott, assisted by Mrs. David Taves, on Home Mission at Windsor; Mrs, Alvin Hat- field, Brantford; Mrs. Harold Audley, Northern Ontario and Sudbury, Mrs. James Smart; Ottawa, Mrs. }Ross Porter; Montreal, Mrs. |Ron Collins; Toronto, Mrs. Fred \Crome, Highlights of Link and | Visitor were given by Mrs. Don- jald Rice, |_ 'The new slate of officers for! | 1963-64 are as follows: Presi-| dent, Mrs. Mabel Joyce; vice-| president, Mrs, Donald Rice; secretary, Mrs, Alvin Hatfield; treasurer, Mrs, Charles Taylor; | pianist, Mrs: George Bowers. | Group Leaders -- Mrs. Mur- ray Eaton, Mrs. Lorne Craig Mrs. Frank McLellan; sewing Winter; Link ighlights, Mrs. reading course secretary, Mrs. James Taylor; rs. G jand Visitor Donald Rice; Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, May 6, 1963 7 PERSONALS Dr, Ian Alger of New York City is spending a few days with his parents Mr, and Mrs. Ewart Alger, Drew street. Dr. Alger's mother is confined to the Oshawa General Hospital. Mrs. S. J.. Hennick of Oshawa, entertained at a luncheon in The Guild Inn of All Arts Oak Room, in honor of; Miss Gail Frances Schoenau whose marriage to Mr. Wayne Thomas Patterson takes place in Oshawa May 18, in St. Gregory The Great Church, among those attending were Mrs. William Schoenau, (mother of the bride); Mrs. Harry Finer, Mrs. William Har- |mer, Mrs, Harry Brockwell, | Following the rehearsal for) the Skea-Cameron wedding, the) bridal party was entertained by) the bridegroom's parents, Mr | jand Mrs. Charles M. Skea, Di- vision street, | Mr. Melville Smith wiil speak) on his work with the children | of the Orillia School for Rotard-| }ed at the membership tea being) |held by the Catho'ic Women's} League of St. Mary's of the People. Co-conveners Mrs, Leo-| William J. Whitworth, to Ronald! |nard Weeks and Mrs Leo Mc-| Carthy are expecting many new} members and former members| for this first meetia1g under the} new executive with Mrs. Max Coleman presiding. | Couple Honored On 40th Anniversary Read, Gibbons street, were \honored on their 40th wedding) anniversary last Saturday, with) their daughter, Mrs. Sidney Boneham, as hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Read were mar- ried on May 5, 1923, in St. Anne's Anglican Church, To- ronto, and have been residents of Oshawa for the past 38 years. A decorated tiered anniver- sary cake was presented to the couple by their daughter, Mrs.!| John Collins. Assisting in serv- ing were Miss Marlene Mothersill and Miss Paula |Osmok,. great granddaughters) of Mr, and Mrs, Read. Among the guests received by} the anniversary couple were} their daughter, Mrs. George| Parkin and Mr, Parkin, Mr,} and Mrs. T. D. Thomas, Mr.| and Mrs. Frank Owen and \family, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Clar-| ence Corbett and family, also) many of their grandchildren and great gr: ildren, Congratulations were receiv-} ed from: Mr. Michael Starr, | MP and Mrs. Starr and from} @ spotless tray Cover, |.ocial conveners, Mrs. Gordon|the Daily Star T eT, |. i s. Gordon|the Daily Star Toronto where) paper, and attractive Besse, Mrs, Merle Smart; pub- M. Reed was formerly em-| a suitable size. Keep|ticity, Miss Edna Greenfield; |Ployed. articles for the invalid,| Mission Band Superintendent, ~~~ Fire Chief and Mrs. Ray Hobbs, Lauder road, had as their guests recen'ly, Mrs. Hobbs' brother, Mr. Harry Hes- ter and Mrs. Hester of Ottawa, formerly of Oshawa. Mrs. Donald Weir, the for- mer Judith Elaine Evans, was honored Sunday afternoon at a dessert luncheon and kitchen shower held at the home of Mr, and Mrs, lL. G. Glover, Glencairn street. The co- hostesses were Mrs. Bruce Smith and Miss Barbara Work- man ,assisted by Mrs, L, C. Workman. Present were Mrs. A. S. Evans, mother of the bride; Mrs. C, V. Weir, To ronto, mother of the bride- groom; the bridegroom's sis- ter, Mrs. Lee Beatty, Toronto. Margaret Mary Mathison and Larry Frank Henderson were united in marriage re- Also attending were friends and} former school bride, SOCIAL NOTICES MARRIAGE The marriage of Elaine Doro- thy, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. mates of the George Flintoff, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd G. Flintoff, all of Oshawa, Was solemnized by the Reverend N, Frank Swackham- mer on Saturday, May 4, 1963, in First Baptist Church. AT HOME Mr. and Mrs. Albert Timms of Manchester, Ontario, will be at home to their friends on the ding anniversary on Friday, May 10, from 2 to 5 p.m. cently in St. Andrew's Presby- terian Church, Whitby. The UNITS, GROUPS | AUXILIARIES | ' CALVARY BWF The Calvary Business |Women's Fellowship held a pot |juck supper at Calvary Baptist) |Chureh recently. Specia 1 |tist Church recently. Special) | thanks was given to the Social) |Committee Mrs, Keith Rose, |Mrs. John Badour, and Mrs. | James Barron by Mrs. Walter Zimmerman. } Mrs. Jack McLaughlin gave the announcement and led in a Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ww. |occasion of their sixtieth wed-|Short devotional message. The next regular meeting will) |be Tuesday, May 7, when the| | MARRIED RECENTLY bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John Mathison and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Frank Hender- son, all of Oshawa. CBWF will ioin with the WMS at 8.00 p.m., to hear the guest| speaker, Mrs. Alfred Ruscoe, | World - wide Evangelization| Crusade, with Mrs. George Del- | aney as soloist. | FREEZE PORRIDGE | A firm in Scotland deep- freezes porridge and receives large export orders for its prod- SATIN SHOES 9.99 DYED FREE TO MATCH any color, All sizes TAMMY Fashion Shoes 79 SIMCOE N. 728-2491 WOOLWORTH"S uper Bakery Specials BAKED FRESH DAILY IN OUR OWN KITCHEN !! PIE Special This Week! Delicious BOSTON CREAM \ 63< Special Your Favorite! BANANA LAYER CAKE This. Week! a3 SPECIAL PRICES ALL THIS WEEK ! ! PHONE BAKERY ORDERS -- 725-3421 room, Presidents, Mr, and Mrs. George Tanton presided. Minutes of the first Couples' Club meeting were read by President Mrs. George Tanton. Dr. and Mrs, George Telford led in a short devotional period. Hymn, "Take Up Thy Cross" was sung with Mr. Kelvin James at the piano. Mrs, Tel- ford read from the book of Isiah Chapter 11, Verses 1-12. The theme of Dr. Telford's message, "The Remnant', re- vealed how so much can be ac- complished by a few. It was a few inspired Jewish people who founded the new Israeli. Past Presidents of the Couples' Club were in charge of the entertainment. Mr. A. W. Armstrong, first president of 1053, was master of ceremonies. He conducted an amusing hat game, won by Dr, John Leng. Past presidents, Mr. and Mrs, Russel Christie con-| ducted a picture guessing game, won by Mrs. Jack Rudniski and| Mr. Robert Aldsworth. A com- Let's Have a Party} i ] AND 'SAVE! GLECOFF'S SUPERMARKET 174 RITSON ROAD SOUTH OPEN EVERY NIGHT TILL 10.00 P.M. => bits 1g Dishes, Cutlery, Glasses, Silver Candelabra. Silver Tee Service. Punch Bowls, COFFEE URNS 25, 30, 44, 55, 75 Cup_ Sizes. Sargeant's Rentals Phone 725-3338 65 STYLES SHAPES AND COLORS Price includes @ Frames @ Lenses Prescription Sunglasses st same low price. U.S. Trade-Mark Registe OPTICIANS-- Over 3,000,00 satisfied Cust rs 17. BOND STREET, EAST 2ND FLOOR Hours: 9 A.M. te 5 P.M. Daily. Closed Wed. All Day PHONE: 728-1261 WE FILL ALL PSI, OCULISTS AND OPTOMETRISTS PRESCRIPTIONS AT THE SAME LOW PRICES, Brenches in many principel cities ef Canede end U.5. le, as china and cutlery|Mrs s. Parrott; assistant, Mrs.| aii be sterilized and kept!) C. Horne. ng. Alternating the sets The meetin i | g closed with pray- cig cnn Toate peg er by Mrs. Mabel Joyce. 1 po monotony of eat-| Refreshments were served by| in . Mrs, Murray Eaton's group. | pi Re. act hth erve hot foods hot, on a heat-| ---- plate, cold foods cold and in | all portions. To avoid spill-| , never overfill cups, plates Fi ' glasses. ) ¢ Use color on trays. Do ot serve white potatoes on a hite plate, on a white cloth, on a white tray. A bright bou- quet or gay figurine will interest ) ithe patient and crisp, colorful vegetables and jellies or fruit ) will spark the appetite. Remember to include small items. 'such as salt and pepper | and a favorite sauce or relish, | but do not overseason the food 'or make it too sweet. THE CANADIAN SCHOOL OF BUSINESS "UNEQUALLED" 728-7081 SUMMER JOBS ARE HARD TO GET! IF YOU DON'T GET A SUMMER JOB -- THEN, MAKE YOUR SUMMER REALLY COUNT! ! ATTEND SUMMER SCHOOL CLASSES AT THE Oshawa Business College Classes Begin TUESDAY, JULY 2, 1963 Class hours -- 9:00 a.m, to 1:00 p.m, with a --WURRY! | [S-minute Recess ot 11 a.m, ENROLMENT 1s | Afternoons free for recreation | VERY LIMITED! | or part-time employment. Have a successful, satisfying summer by gp | it one of achievement. Aquire useful skills an knowledge. t To Young People From Grade Six te High School SUMMER HOOL STUDENTS HAVE A CHOICE START A COMPLETE BUSINESS CAREER COURSE Attend Just July and August 9:00 to 1:00 Attend Just July and August 9:00 to 11:00 Tuition for full day session $35 per month Tuition for half day session $20 per month In every department you'll find exciting Arnel® fashions. Easy-care Arnel the wonder fabric to take you everywhere in cool comfort A Side-buttoned shift of Arnel* Sharkskin in white, yellow or blue, Sizes S. M.L B Men's checked cotton and Arnei* short sleeved sport s Sizes S. M. Velie ena e eas C Lace trimmed dress and panty set of Arnel* with nylon over- £ Swimsuit with pleated Arnel * skirt, polished cotton halter top. Red'or blue with white. Sizes 8 to 14 hirt. c F Shift gown of Arnel* tricot with applique trim. Pink or blue 3.98. inM.orL 8 G-Slip with permanent pleated trim, of Arnel* All supplies AVAILABLE at the College SEND FOR FREE SUMMER SCHOOL CATALOGUE ENTITLED "YOUR INVITATION TO SUMMER SCHOOL". ACT NOW! ENROLMENT IS LIMITED -- DIAL 725-3375 lay, Pastel shadesinsizes2to3x.. set black or aqua in sizes 32 to 42 D Arnel* gingham tennis dress with attached panties. Pink or aqua in sizes 4 to 6X 2 WALKER' H Arnel* jersey dress completely permanent pleated. In PB stel shades plus white and black in sizes 10 to 18 98 *Reg'd, TM, S CLIP AND MAIL COUPON FOR COMPLETE DETAILS--NO OBLIGATION AME... ADDRESS . | OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 728-4626 Veccces+tes VROEPHONS 4 '