South Korea Wallows In Medieval Morass mR | CONRAD rulers in big cars speed past,without doubt saved South TOKYO (AP) -- Few nations|sweating, straining men har-|Korea from complete collapse have endured so much and have|nessed like oxen to creaking/but has not moved the na' so little to show for it. Not/carts filled with coal, toward ec or political matiy face such a bleak future.| In the countryside, spring stability. After centuries of bloodshed winds whip brown dust across and turmoil, hunger and repres-|treeless hills almost barren of gd --e ai sion, this seems to be South/the signs of industrial progress); ed land, lacking fone gen Korea's story--painful past and|being displayed in other Asian) (ot ota cats a Sabon mouth Pests totay wallows in ay {hee 'vilinges, there is dawn-| ccnemists of, Ingueisial fase an almost medieval political and}to-dusk labor followed by pe nla il onomic morass. t prayer for a good rice cro, ; : In Seoul, the capital, military vent pray P} Army generals more noied for --the difference between life] political - reliability and zeal yi wey 08 ae U.S. Reporters Claimed Curbed ; principles are writing South|erans minister, who says he will wa, marae mana en, tas a orleans Conus fort by the United States has|With disastrous results. Colonels|ans affairs committee. failed to shape South Korea into| #"@ Tunning fertilizer plants. Roger Teillet, the new veter- a stable, democratic and eco-|, T'emendous sums are 'spentt/ans minister, said there was nomically progressive country. pel yg sere the i Ge nothing unusual, There were a . The United States shed thelcest and besttrained in all ofl re mee Bee es utr the gov In S. Viet Nam blood of its youth, poured in/noncommunist Asia former Conservative goverm-|just weeks before the 1957 elec- billions of dollars, assigned| south Korea since the Second ment, and opening the vacancy|tion on the recommendation of WASHINGTON (AP) -- A po-|Some of its most dedicated dip-| worjd War has been one big po- on ye commission paved the/the Liberal candidate who ran tentially explosive document in| !omats, economists and soldiers} jitical free. for-all, with. the out be ead bn mygetle third/against Mr. Casselman, Mr. the hands of a House of Repre-|t0 South Korea, groups constantly trying to un- sadn Guebete ata OP a Hees said. sentatives subcommittee is re-/ Many Americans are becom-|seat the ins. The ins have been on the board iM oes wai tl M. J. Coldwell, then the CCF ported toe lay down administra-|ing impatient with the seeming] marked by inefficiency and cor- aoe idee the Conpecratt ney leader and now elder statesman tion guidelines for restricting|inability of 26,000,000 South Kor-|ruption, the outs with lust for] "thi rats ve 8C/of the New Democratic Party, the movements of American|eans to stop internal political) power. ceeagon' rose up in shock and indigna- correspondents covering the|squabbling, put their house in) University students have top- In their exchanges, by tele-/tion, saying he was surprised war in South Viet Nam. order and attack a heritage of|pled one government since 1960,|gtam, letter and press inter-/that a government employee Sources familiar with the doc-|economic and political ills|military officers another,|Views, neither Mr. Churchill nor|could be fired in this way with- ument, a message to the U.S,|passed down through the ages.|Neither group of revolutionaries|Mr. Teillet mentioned any rea-jout an investigation. Ambassador in Saigon, said it] This heritage results from ajhas demonstrated any real un-|80n for Mr, MacKay's appoint-) Mr. Chevrier said he had contains two main points on|quirk of geography that hooked|derstanding of how a democ-|ment in the first place, or for|iooked through the records for how to deal with U.S, reporters|the northern end of the 525-mile|"@cy works, dropping him from the public|years and found nothing like it. trying to cover the shadowy|Korean peninsula to the Asian| U.S. policy so far has been|service. Mr. Diefenbaker said he rice paddy war: mainland and placed the south-/Publicly to urge progress to-| An argument of similar na-|wanted to answer "these gra- 1, Keep American reporters|ern end within easy sailing dis-/Ward democratic rule and pri-jture 'was raised in the Com-|tuitous observations" but didn't away from areas where fight-|tance of Japan. ey ee aid will belmons in October, 1057, during|get a chance. ing is being done entirely or al- § happens. the first parliamentary session ichener, -- am re. gir if ico and Rus- ton ths tate rele Poscese under the Disteaalir- govern- Msg nid yes now bg . Kee . : away ol ar Pay ohich will sians moved south in devastat-|withdraw from South Korea. nor a eed attee caneaee se Pha pe gee rain Pot show the extent of President in tic rtisanship. Ngo Dinh Diem's failure to at- -- of conflicting points of privilege tract the full allegiance of the South Vietnamese people. Pledged to secrecy, the house subcommittee on foreign oper- ations and government inform- ation plans to hold closed hear- ings on the directive later this By JAMES NELSON OTTAWA (CP) --The lines were drawn last week for first political scrimmage of el session:On The employee -- who wasn't identified by name in the de- then public works minister, de- feated in this. year's election, said if anyone were fired "that was done after a in vestigation and because de- served to be fired." l WINS HANDICAP '. NEW YORK (AP) -- Admir- al's Voyage won the 63rd run- ning of the $56,200 Carter Han- dicap at Aqueduct Saturday, crossing the wire three-quarters of a length ahead of For The Road. Ray Broussard spurred Fred W. Hooper's horse over the seven furlongs in 1:22 2-5. The victory netted Admiral's Voyage $37,300. He paid $10.50, $5.70 and $3.60. Bra e's For The Road retu' $6.70 and $4.30 and Saidam was $4.20 to show, 2% lengths behind the winner, RETURNS TO OTTAWA Mayor Charlotte Whitton European holiday, including paged Loman on: is interviewed by Ottawa re- 13 days in Russia. She sald Catehons porters after a three-week she made the front pages of --(CP Wirephoto) Hussein's Wife Considers Peril By DAVID LANCASHIRE overthrow might rekindle the BEIRUT, "Lebanon (AP) _.|Arab-Israli war. sion that is difficult to de- scribe. Years of bickering, mis- trust and savage quarrels have kept them from achieving it, and many westerners think they never will. But the Cairo agreement gave a glimmer of a dream come true--three Arab repub- lics united in one, aimed against Israel--and it sent a ing waves to conquer or control/They know the strategic value in ancient times. Japanese at-jof their peninsula in cold war tacked from the south. The Sec-| terms. eet at left hagnt & ivided, with Communists hold- GETS BIG ing + aad north of the 38th} tnitea States Hoon oil Ken: suishaimaitee nedy recei " The 196059 Korean Wa: watlters a week, 'including some only one more battle for control] ¢ of the reuse i rom the Soviet Union. and points of order. Mr. Hees said he was sur- prised at Mr. Coldwell's sur- FRONT-END SHOULD BE READY The Hansard record of that \debate will be required reading for the participants in the new debate--and they should be pre- pared with facts and figures. Nine of the 13 participants in "On mornings when I see. him buckle on his revolver, then I The forces working against Hussein are not ready to face realize there are people whojthis threat, but their activities want to kill my husband." With this comment to a friend, King Hussein's English- born wife reflected his own talk about the possibility of assassi- nation amid the antagonisms of the Middle East. He has called it an occupa- tional hazard. have triggered Jordan's worst political crisis in years. Riotous demonstrations swept towns on the west bank of tne Jordan river last month, and gunfire rattled the streets of Jerusalem, With police and Bedouin des- ert troops--so tough they are rarely allowed into towns--Hus- He once began telling a diplo-| 'restored order. A feeling mat "when they kill me..." then changed the sentence to "if they kill me" and added "it will be a shot in the back." As a key figure in the surge' of Arab unity, Hussein in his of unrest continues and the problems that started the trou-' ble have not been solved. The flareup was ignited by events in Cairo, where Presi- dent Nasser and the new revo- 10 years on the throne hasjlutionary rulers of Iraq and never been a more likely target for assassination than in recent weeks. Syria agreed to form a new United Arab Republic. Nasser has made it clear the federa- tion is for republics only, with IS KEY FIGURE no place for monarchies. Hussein is also a key figure in peace. Arab experts and|LONG FOR UNITY : United Nations officials specu-| Arabs, including King Hus- wave of emotion through the Middle East. The 27-year-old king contends "neighboring countries" fauned the flames by sending in arms, money and revolutionary leaf- lets. Egypt and Syria turned their propaganda guns against Hussein. Newspapers in Cairo and Damascus declared Jordan in revolution. more liberal than under Nas- ser, one diplomatic source finds Jordanians feel out of step with the Arab world. While that feeling persists, the internal pressures will continue. (David Lancashire, Asso-| ciated Press Middle East cor- respondent, is a Toronto-born Canadian). MANY DIED April, 1963, is the 20th anni- versary of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising in which 70,000 Jews late that his assassination or'sein, long for unity with a pas-' AUDITOR'S REPORT and FINANCIAL STATEMENTS March 6, 1963 To the Reeve, Councillors and Ratepayers of The Township of East Whitby, Columbus, Ontario. Gentlemen: the. instructions of the Department of Municipal Affairs. wos $7,725.58. years: We have audited the books and accounts of the Township of East Whitby for the year ended December 31, 1962, ond have prepared the appended financial statements in accordance with Operations for the year resulted in a deficit of $7,725.58 efter using the prior years' surplus of $14,640.31 to reduce the current year's levy. The accumulated deficit ot December 31, 1962 The following schedule sets out a comparison Of taxes re- } ceivable to the total tax roll for the year for each of the past five | (2) The audit has been conducted in accordance with the instruc were slaughtered by the Nazis. Although life in Jordan is} erfact month. At issue: Is the document properly classified as a "confi- dential" military secret or is it being covered up because it might embarrass the Ken- nedy administration's relation- ship with the authoritarian Diem regime? The document, signed by State Secretary Rusk, is more than a year old. But it is still in Three years of war also dev- astated the land agakn, wiping out the enormous U.S. economic program that began after the Second World War when Wash- ington somewhat unwillingly be- came South Korea's financial patron rather than let it slip into communism. That dollar investment, for both economic and military aid, now totals $5,400,000,000. It has 926 SIMCOE NORTH the loveliest DRAPES... Exquisite new patterns, mar- velous new fabrics . . . all carefully tailored to suit your home. Cali Howard's to-day ask about their convenient home service. Free Estimates, @ BROADLOOM @ BAMBOO @ SLIP COVERS @ UPHOLSTERING © =. BOB EAKINS bend explained that he hed just got a French Poodle for his wife and so was looking forwerd to domestic peace, "Say, that is @ terrific ideo," exclaimed the other, "but how iin the world did ever moke a rm @ trode like that Our expert cleaning is as near as your telephone. Now is the time to gather up all your spare soiled garments and either bring them into the store or call for our driver. Either way 'll be satis- fied with the alt. ALIGNMENT For : on JOHN BEAN "Visualiner"' SPECIAL PHONE 728-6221 for eppointment Free Pick-Up and Delivery Service ARD'S Draporics 723-3144 OL CLEAWIT SERVICE 534 RITSON RD. S. 725-2555 WHITBY During the year fun Capital Grant Fund Interest charges; however, s FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1962 ds were temporarily transferred from the to the Revenue Fund in an effort to avoid ection 299 of the Municipal Act does not permit the use of such funds for purposes other thon that for which the fund was established, without the approval of the Department of Municipal Affairs. We recommend maintained. the 1963 budget. (1) The financial that a proper debenture register be The accumuloted deficit of the High School Board as ot Decerm- ber 31, 1962, amounting to $39,178.38, should be provided for in Subject to our comments regarding the Capital Fund, we hereby report that in our opinion: transactions which have come notice have been within the powers of the municipality. tions of the Department of Municipal Affairs. ACTUAL set up ond Total Revenue from Taxation ...- Debeture Debt Charges Recoverable Contributions, Grants and Subsidies Governments: Ontario-- under our $221,180.50 $218.137.05 6,330.00 STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE For the yeer ended December 31, 1962 ENERAL TIRE OF OSHAWA EXPENDITURE BUDGET General Government Executive and y Legislative ...... $ 1,487.00 16,235.16 Administrative ... 6,330.00 6,048.61 Protection to Persons and Property Fire Law Enforcement Street Lighting .. Warble Fly .... 5,025.00 31.10 744.04 570.30 Total Toxes Percentage of (3) The financial statements present fairly the financial position Children's Protection $ 1,525.67 Livestock killed ACTUAL $ 23,770.77 728-6221 $ 27,352.50 Taxes Receivable to Roll 8.5 of the municipality as at December 31, 1962, and the results of its operations for the year ended on that date. We appreciate the courtesy and co-operation extended to us by your officials during the course of our audit. Respectfully submitted, Monteith, Monteith, Riehl & Co. Chartered Accountants Receivable December 31 $11,939.04 18,053.41 12. 25,706.01 15; 29,015.71 13, 25,329.57 TG 115.00 6,485.44 7,725.00 Total Rofl $139,959.49 149,812.54 170,073.79 210,729.27 221,180.50 Direct Relief 4,205.68 Highway Improvement 59,569.71 Unconditional Per Capita Grants .. Warble Fly Public Works-- Roads, Highways and Streets etc. . Sanitation and Waste Removal 96,500.00 1,000.00 6,412.30 113,560.36 1,447.60 110,641.37 8,308.00 176.60 1,000.00 CAPITAL AND LOAN FUND BALANCE SHEET 5,796.94 December 31, 1962 Relief Assistance .. Education including debt charges Recreation and Community Services Debt Charges Debenture debt charges seee 34,475.38 73,785.66 68,916.44 LIABILITIES Debenture Debt Issued and Unmotured Schools -- Public and Continuation Due to Other Funds Allowance for Depreciation of Fixed Assets ........scc0cee. Investment in Capital Assets 115,053.83 General Fixed $87,103.24 Due from Schools (for debentures) Public and Continuation Due from Other Municipalities (For ; Debentures Assumed) Accounts Receivable $210,437.78 69,483.44 Other Munictpotities 916.50 7 177,437.78 722.30 33,000.00 69,483.44 $367,024,46 11,524.30 75,578.94 $367.024.46 =--_-- Government Enterprises Onterio-- MIB... sices Licenses and Permits (include dog tax) .. Interest, Tax Less own share of school debt eoes 28,145.38 6,330.00 390.64 18.21 1,873.41 1,400.00 Interest and other charges Discount for Taxes Taxes written off ..... Capital Expenditures out of Revenue Joint or Special Expenditures County Rates Ontario County Health Unit .. Miscellaneous Provision for Deferred Revenue Taxes Remitted .. Local Improvements Provision for Allowances Reserves and Reserve Funds Total Expenditure Section REVENUE FUND BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1962 6,720.64 892.07 114.09 6,980.00 ASSETS LIABILITIES $ 3,491.69 3,588.84 77,600.00 10,491.22 1,800.00 __ 2,000.00 Bank Overdraft .... Penalties, ete, .+ . Temporary Loans . Accounts Payable: ......,.. eos Building Deposits Refundable Total Liabilities and Surplus $95, REVENUE FUND SURPLUS (DEFICIT) ACCOUNT December 31, 1962 Debit 50.00 22,451.52 82.55 44,130.00 Other Revenues-- 4,747.27 5,000.00 eeresee eeeee Due from Province of Ontorlo .. Due from Other Municipolities Due from Capital Fund .....sseeee8. Toxes Receivable + 25,329.57 Less allowance for uncollectible taxes 4,500.00 Rents, Concessions 521.00 416.30 and Franchises Warble, Fly Charges 937.30 796.00 44,690.63 44,142.04 eoee 2,711.61 Credit Balance 20,829.57 $14,640.31 308,436.22 =) Gross Total Revenue 296,079.49 100.83 98.48 9,173.25 Balance at beginning of year Surplus or deficit included in Current Budget Other Assets Fea ¢ Deferred Charges ..ssecsseeeee 113.69 ere 323,076.53 7,725.58 "$22,365.89 $14,640.31 7,725.58 Bal # Surpl Defici lance "; chat or Deficit $330,802.11 $14;640:34 Surplus from Prior Years 9,372.56 14,640.31 14,640.31 310,719.80 used to reduce levy Deficit ..+sseseereeeeereees Ganieit tor the Year 600.00 600.00 Total Revenue Section $310,719.80 $330,802.11 310,719.80 Tote! Assets eee eerereseesseresees nn $95,382.91 $7,725.58