17--Mele Help Wented hee EXPERIENCED OFFICE MAN st ay with ability to figure costs and moterial for quotations. Reply in your own hand- writing stating your past ploy and education. to BOX 624 OSHAWA TIMES UTTING AND RETAIL SCHOOL Please write 1425 DANFORTH AVE, TORONTO, ONTARIO, HOward 1-7545 LICENCED MECHANIC to work primarily on trucks. COWAN EQUIPMENT CO. International Harvester Dealer BOWMANVILLE 623-7011 ASSISTANT MANAGER REQUIRED For Progressive DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT with opportunity for advancement! If you ere between 25 ond seall reas of rr have _ now employ- ed in a Service Industry, or would be interested in a Drive-In Restaurant Career. Write giving resume of pre- vious employment end back- ground. BOX 603 OSHAWA TIMES 25--Apa' a STREET EAST, 28 -- Four- rtments . partment. Private bath, en- child, 725-0286. TB-3O45. ARTHUR Street -- two-room unfur- nished main floor floor apartment. Private) sink, e hydro entrance, cupboards, OPPORTUNITY We need salesmen or sales ladies for expanding Food Freezer Service. Experience not necessary. We train you. Top Commission. Group Insurance, ete. Promotion opportunities te Managership. Interviews 3 p.m. - 6 p.m. Monday ond Tuesday Room 9 11 Ontario Street People's Food Freezer Service pousskosping| peel -airge gga Hos. Telephone 723-7800, 63 Greta Street. 488-1136. TWO-R0OM a, self-contained » range, refrigerator, televi- ee. Se outlet, suitable ATTENTION BUILDERS LOTS PHONE 725-2774 TeonEDnoOM main floor apart- Logg 1, '2 one child. Taunton East, 723-7539, 407 Eulalie. nad THREE-ROOM apartment, unfurnish-| ed, Bai ede coun. home. All conveniences, $55. monthly, Tele- i seascocee APARTMENTS ee a 68 Wayne' Street. T 3988. a an oa one or stove and refrigera- fess tucson Bhar ADELAIDE STREET EAST -- Central/ furnished apart- location, Two-room ment, suitable for gentleman. After! 6pm. CEDARDALE, five apartment heated, pecking. Will accept 20--Room and Board TV privileges, oe packed, stainer. 23-4190. ROOM with board, in clean, quiet ae couple with hyg = child. Apply 786 Simcoe street south. FIVE ROOMS, private water, gas range. Garage, 725-1343. Sects hot $80 - ly. T bev and board for beds, lunches 728-2433. packed. single Telephone FOUR-ROOM upper fiat, heated, hot water, private entrance. Want quiet ten- room, good meals, Ii Quiet home, Privileges, ing, 708 Carnegie Avenue. SIMCOE and ogee area, Comfort- able packed. Suit gentlemen, Private bath, entrance. laundry, park- FOR TWO gentlemen, willing to CAREER OPPORTUNITY IN SALES We ore a lorge expanding monufocturer electronic components and ore able to offer a career to young men In our Sales Department. This position is a permonent one ing with inside sales desk training until the oppli- cont has sufficient know- ledge to lead to a career in outside selling. Some know- ledge of ---- preferable Salary will be based on ex- perience and nO All | company cee oe. Please Telephone Mrs, Sutton, Toronto Walnut 5-4124 or Ajax 942-1540 CENTRALAB Canada Limited KEY PUNCH OPERATOR For 1.B.M. 024 Machine We are expanding ond re- quire two experienced oper- ators, preferably familiar with Al Numeric System pe! 056 Verifier Modern new office with cafeteria, complete program of company paid medical, hospital and insurance bene- fits. Apply Personne! Office Dunlop Canada Ltd. WHITBY 668-3361 Parking. Lunches packed. General Motors. T share. Near South 728-4763. 1184 Cedar Street. 26--Rooms For Rent FURNISHFD beareota, hot htc year around. Gentleme: abstaine: 6 weekly. Two trend, $10, Private en- trance. 73 Gladstone. 723-9615. ROOM, meena if close to stores and shoppi) Legg home. Private, Telephone desired, a eet Oe CLASSIFIED ADS May be small, but they ore giants, powerful too, when it comes to getting things done. Let one of them sell your no longer need household items. See for yourself. Telephone Now 723-3492 MAINTENANCE FOREMAN Competent man for set up and maintenance of machines and tooling Initiative and Supervisory ability a Must Usual Company Benefits ; Apply to: Mrs. Betty O. Sutton, Personnel Manager Centralab Canada Limited Ajax, Ontario Telephone Ajax 942-1540 TV Single room for gentleman, weit SOUTH GENERAL bay yaar balding Pi eges. Apply 147 Mill Street. 725-7754. 22--Storage Space and Ceretes NEAR Simove and Adelaide. Nicely fur- nished room. Kitchen to share with one person. All conveniences, Parking for small car. 725-2251. FURNISHED two rooms, also single private entrance, free parking, central, 96 Centre Street or telephone 725-0953. FURNISHED rooms in private home. Parking facilities. Extra TV aerial. 725-2052. CEMENT block building 30° x on rent. Suitable for repair fet shop or age. Apply 162 Simcoe south. Sae-1901, ing, TWO BEDROOMS, in bungalow, living room and kitchen to share, free park- table for couple with one child. suitable for furniture. monthly, Phone 725-3445. 2000 FEET, good dry storage pony ing. Central. Garrard Road Nor'h, oss.| THEE! 723-1084 after 6. THREE-ROOM FLAT, furnished, Ught eeping, central, dishes, linens tapeted. go Lo girls. Adul 23--Wanted To Rent predate re ve couple with one child|ed bouse in its only, T r unfurnished, stove, refrigerator, Id | crivate entrance, bath. aeiee couple Oshawa or vicinity. Tel 728-7020, 24--Houses For Rent treet. Six-room houses, $50. MONTHLY -- 97 and 99 Nassau Si no furnace, vacant, 725-0332 after 6 p.m. 723-9210. TWO SINGLE furnished rooms for rent. Call after 4.30, 728-3258. OSHAWA MOTEL, eto ey mt ef bak rates, C vision, $15, and 317.50. mresepione ts. SHAKESPEARE, 573 -- Three- near ail , | 728-7120. BURK Street, 174: Furnished front bed- kitchen privileges, multable for woman, $7 per week. Telephone TWO ern kitchen and bathroom, Immediate possession, 725-2911 $80.--SEVEN-ROOM house, large treed lot, five miles north of Oshawa. Mod- t oll heating. 8 25--Apartments let, $50. monthly. Adults only. Apply Agnes Street. THREE clean, unfurnished foo m 4, third floor, heavy duty wiring, TV out- 143 ELLIOTT STREET, room apartment. Private parking, $65. monthly. Apply dress. 0! 164 -- Two-bed-) entrance,| above ad- kitchen peor "etrigertor range, cutboards bedroom Adulte only, ye 313 French ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home, Call between 5 ond 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. NORTH re-room ony ert NE-BFDROOM stove and refrigerator included. Suit couple. Tele-| phone 726-4283. CEDAR Street, "Tile: Five acres, with house, Complete, 720-1778 or| stu MODERN, one apartment, new tri-plex. Avallsble | May 18. oe os fa Adults Reirig- ator, stove, TV: outlet, ia ary fe acids, only. Telephone yaar ROOM apartment, separate! entrance, TV aerial, $65 monthly, haat, hydro and water included. Telephone '725-4918. ed. Private home, phone 728-1716. TWO ROOMS with kitchen, unfurnish- all conveniences, Suit elderly couple, $55. monthly. Tele- modern, two - Suitable business coup: Oshawa Times, . Write Box VICINITY Oshawa bent Hospital, bedroom, apartment, main floor, vavalable June 1. 805 range, dehumidifier, . or preferred, abstainers, 723-9128, CHARLES Street, 29, furnished baee- ment apartment, central refrigerator, couple monthly. MARY STREET APARTMENTS 'Four room, private -- bath. Three room and two room, WHITBY CLASSIFIED -- shared bath. Unfumished. Some appliances. Located near hospital, Parking. TELEPHONE FOR SALE -- General Electric freezer, 112 cubic feet. Reasonable. Like new. Paaasamoatonia 'two. 725-1042 FOR RENT -- collect p.m. Toronte, picoy 27-4931. after in triplex, apartment, at hang = and- Trent Street, ment, hea cone FOR RENT: Large three room apart- 'one § : 1, Adults preferred, |FOR SALE -- McClary electric double bed, spring » Gavenport. Good | chifforobe, jreasoneble. Whitby 668-5757. [nmr eg a 'Bults, coats, & specialty, Mrs, range, and mattress, child's condition, » dresses, . oe eee drapes, Fitting Toms 068-2372. -|FOR BENT: One bedroom seif-con- apartment, main floor, $55. Agree Jet Beet: Birost Souk, telephone FOR SALE: Choice lot, All services, central, Telephone 668-2786. ATTENTION FISHERMEN and THREE room unfurnished wiring. Adults only. $50 . Tel : monthly. Tele- WELLINGTON STREET WHITBY One and Two Bedroom APARTMENTS Built-in oven and stove, Broadioom in living room. Balcony, Free Washer and Dryer. For appointment call PICKERING WH 2-2401 WE CAN DELIVER TO YOU .. Crushed gravel (mulch), pit fun gravel, stone, sand ond top soil. All sold by weight. CALL 668-3524 Sawdons' (Whitby) Limited 244 Brock St. S. oo gag Builders' Su Me Governor : Mansions Luxury Apartments Adult Building Electric Heat Moffat Fiesta Ranges Frigidaires--12 cu. ft. ROTARY MOWER TUNE -UP Clean and adjust spark plugs, cerborator, throt. Fads 4008 pocaem, 4 2a. 50 ohie ts og points, Repairs and Service WILDE RENTAL SERVICE & SALES 1415 Dundas E. * OUTBOARD MOTOPS Pressurized Hallways floor Vanity in bathrooms A Few Choice Locations Available Immediate Possession TELEPHONE: 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Schofield-Aker Limited 723-2265 Storage Locker in Suites Loundry room on each 27--Real Estate for Sale . RYSOL GTRERT Bast -- Fiveoren tile 723-7208 after 4 p.m. GRANDVIEW VILLAGE For your new "KASSINGER" HOME in this choice East End location, Give us a call. Your present home occepted as a trade. CARL OLSEN REALTOR 299 King St. W. 723-1133 $1,500 DOWN ATTACHED GARAGE 3 BEDROOM BRICK CONSTRUCTION Built-in range. OFF GRANDVIEW CALL BILL MILLAR 725-1186 W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE bel grog SOURHIOE=ar: -rooms, furnish-| LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER $10,600 FULL PRICE Lovely three bedroom home with large living room and kitchen, oil heated, garage, very close to north GM plant. Only $1500. Down and $70. per month.Call Bill Johnston now 728-5123 or 728-1066. $11,500 FULL PRICE $1,900 DOWN Split level three bedroom brick home situated on the shores of beoutiful Lake Ontario. Close to all schools and churches, Hurry for this one. Ca'l Bill Johnston 728- 5123 or 728-1066, "DUPLEX OR INCOME" | have a good brick two storey home with a substan- tial income, situated In an excellent rental area close to wa ing Centre. Only $12,000. with $2,000. a payment. Call Bill Horner now at 728-5123 or 728-2236. LLOYD waa 4 (OSHAWA) 101 Simcoe St. N, Osh CARL OLSEN REALTOR 723-1133 ATHOL ST. EAST -- Large 9 room brick horne, in excel- lent a sow owe end ring. gam ot only 3,900 ath $3,000 down, Pet first mort- balance. goge for HIGHWAY NO, 2, OSHAW, breezeway. Listed at $14,500. alge HEIGHTS -- Close hei with attached goroge, lovely treed lot. Just Caused to $14,000. A reol buy. HOSPITAL -- O.C.V.I. DIS- TRICT -- three bedroom, 1% storey home, 2 cor gor- age, broadioom in living and THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Mey 6,1968 95 BEING BUILT ON CARTIER AVE. CALL DAVE SMART CASTLE HOMES 725-1186 ir "an i i IN WHITBY Beautiful COLONIAL STYLE HOME with modem field stone, four bedrooms, fully ated, fireplace floor to celle ing, "Built-in oven and stove, Bay windows living and din- ing rooms. Balanced lighting Roughed in 2 ~ wash room in -- in boseme = - garage. Built Armstrong. ond Sons. For further information, PRICE $18,500 CALL PICKERING WH 2-2401 i i Ls a KELLY DISNEY USED CARS dining room, 1 fire- place, recreation room, List- ed at $15,900. GRIERSON ST. -- three bed- room two storey home with attached broadioom P'ione throughout, lot. Only $13,900 'sah "32,000 down, lot 73 x 238, N.H.A, finane- ing. Only $12,800. 10 ACRE LOTS -- We have $1,000 éown CHOICE EAST- END LOCA- Pas _ iene 6 room oo ungalow with carport, lot. Fr $1,500 down, N.H 'A. mortgage for balance. 2 LOTS ON WINDSOR AVE. -- 43 x 136, $2,500 each, After 6:00 p.m. call Chories aylor ... 728-2857 Wesley Efliott ... 728-0581 299 KING ST. WEST 723-1133 MUST BE SOLD Modern brick ranch bunga- low in the choice North West Area. Interior features 14 x 17 living room with corner windows, modern kitchen de- signed to offer working con- venience for the housewife. 3 large bedrooms, 4 pe. til- ed bath; rare hardwood floors, Full bosement is div- ided and hos a tiled and panelled 25 x 18 family room. Forced air oil furnace end water softener. Full landscaped lot 56 x 139. Owner has purchased another home and is offering this property for only $14,900. GUIDE REALTY LTD. 723-1121 409 BROCK ST. S$. WHITBY--668-4291 Cars bought and sold GUIDE REALTY LIMITED in north east area. Walk out recreation room to "ger Hollywood kitchen. On treed and fenced ravine lot. OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9 BRICK BUNGALOW RECREATION ROOM FIREPLACES $2,000 down buys this proc- tically new home, built by one of Oshawa's Leading builders. Why not have a look. Near Annapolis. Call BILL MILLAR 725-1186 W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. METCALF Real Estate Limited 40 King St. E. Dial 728-4678 FRENCH STREET $1,000 down -- 4 bedroom 1¥ storey home in excellent condition -- close to north General Motors, finished basement, DOWN TOWN $8,500 buys 6 rooms -- this 6 room 2 storey home fea- turing kitchen 10'4" x 17'6" -- living room 19'6" x 14' -- 3 bedrooms -- stove and dryer. HORTOP ST. N@RTH END $14,500 -- 9 years old -- 6 room brick bungalow in a choice location, Close to all schools and shopping and transportation --- 4 piece bath on ground floor and stool in basement, large land- scoped lot, RITSON AND ROSSLYN RDS. 2.10 acres for $11,000 with $2,000 pcg BELLA VISTA GARDENS 4 models under construction ready for to be occupied by May 31st with down pay- ments as low os $1,000. OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Dial 728-4678 Jack Osborne John Kemp Dick Prectliad Lloyd Marcel Joe Ma: Ken Honn SCHOFIELD-AKER GRANDVIEW VILLAGE HAVE YOU SEEN THE ACTIVITY AT GRANDVIEW VILLAGE? THESE ARE KAS- SINGER QUALITY BUILT HOMES WITH 1963 FEA- TURES, SUCH AS DREAM KITCHENS AND VANITIES IN BATHROOMS. reg PAYMENTS AS LOW AS $930 WITH MONTHLY PAYMENTS OF $86. WE HAVE THE MODELS AND THE PLANS. CALL US TO- DAY. EAST END -- See this value in 4 year old brick bungalow. Three bedrooms - 4 pc. bath - ond completed Rec a Two pc. bath downstai Priced to sell. After 9 PM, call Les Holl 728-5513. SPLIT-LEVEL - 6 room with gorage. This Is a well-kept spacious and modern home. Buyer does not have to spend a penny as everything is complete, inside ond out. After P.M. call Steve Macko 728-5868. THOMAS ST, -- 5 room brick bungalow only 6 yeors old located on ao quiet tree lined. street. This home is and tostetfully de- coreted. Ready After 9 P.M. call Henry Stin- son 725-0243 LISTINGS WE HAVE BUYERS WHO LISTINGS. THINKING OF SELLING? CALL US NOW. © 723-2265 -- Open 9 to 9 -- Open 9 to 5. STEVE MACKO . 728-5868 HENRY STINSON 725-0243 REG. AKER ... 725- nyt LES HALL ..... 728-55 BILL McFEETERS 795.1726 KEN MORRIS .. lace (Bowmanville 360 King St. W. Free Parking . and jon. NORTH WEST AREA -- 6 room brick bungalow with 4- pce. tiled both, forced air oil heating. TV antenna, al- uminum_ storm doors. Ail double Pierson windows. Kit- chen has separate eating erea. Corries for $74.00 per month. COLLEGE HEIGHTS AREA $8,300. -- 5 room bungalow spotiessly clean. Oil heating, good basement. Large hedged lot and poved drive. 4-pce. bathroom. Taxes only $120. BUSY BODY SHOP -- Going concern, must be sold, build ing less than 1 year old with modern 5 room apt. All the latest equipment in drying and spraying, Located near Oshowa with plenty of room for expansion. NORTH EAST AREA -- @ spotless 5 room 1'4-storey home, new F.H.A, Oil heat- ing. Attractive living room modem kitchen. 4-pc. bathroom. Taxes on $123. 0. od oon living large den, Large living room and separate dining room. Fam- ily --_ kitchen, Home in excelient repair on a la lot with garage. as 6 ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW in the North West Aareo. 3 good sized bedrooms and full dining room. Family sized kitchen and 4-pe, tiled bath. Near shopping, bus, and schools, on o quiet street, with no through traffic, $1,800. FULL PRICE for 1 acre lot with 28 ft. well, com- pletely fenced, on a height of land just outside the city. 6% N.H.A. 3 bedroom brick bungalow with extra room in basement. Priced at $11,900. Call today for full particulars. HARMONY RD. NORTH -- 5 room brick and stone, fin- ished room in basement with built-in dresser and 2 clothes closets, Paved drive. Forced air of heating. Home in best of condition and tastefully decorated. Open to offers. SEMI-DUPLEX only 3 years LOTS FOR SALE Single or Duplex TERMS OR CASH Near Oshawa Shopping Centre Call 728-5123 Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Limited 101 Simcoe St. North List with Lloyd ,,. Then call Your Mover old, C in every detail, 2 4-pc. ceramic tiled baths. Aluminum storms and screens. All large rooms. Reasonable Down Payment. N.H.A, RESALE -- In Brook- Jin 4 room _rench bungalow in immaculate 'condition, [n- terest, Principal and Taxes only $83.00 per month. Let us show you this immaculate 3 bedroom home today. Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. For full particulars call 723-1121 GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors, 16 Simcoe St. §. METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 KING ST, E, DIAL 728-4678 GLENWOOD CRESCENT Beoutiful orchitecturally de- if 8 room home in Osh- owa's No, 1 location, cus- tom built 7 years ago for . the owner ond you will agree that nothing hos been miss- ed. Lorge modem kitchen with extra breakfast nook, built-in stove ond oven, 27° living room with notural marble fireploce, forge din- ing room with french doors leading outside to patio and secluded rear yard. Beauti- ful den finished in birch --'s plus on attached rage complete the ground tere layout. The second floor consists of 4 large bedrooms -- two 18' long, plus rage room and washroom -- ideal family home covaleien in every way, decorated beautifully, broadioom in liv- ing room, dining room and hall, oan excellent family home, just listed and owoit- ing your inspection. BEST VALUE A full 3 bedroom brick bung- alow with 3 room income apartment in b nt, pri- Liens pald off Trade ¥ or down Alway Top Quolity BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST, -- OSHAWA Gust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS {All Makes ond Models) CALL 625-6553 14 Albert St. 100 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used car to "Ted" Talk" "Cash" to the New ~* Cor Dealer eat "SAVE" 3 TED CAMPIN MOTORS | 723-4494 _ Res. 725-5574 _- ~ ALL CASH - For Clean cars we deal up er down, Liens paid off, siectric| _ NICOLS MOTORS LTD. .| 512 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY ° pee 668-8 : 001 31--Automobile Repair 59 RENAULT gg veo 22,000 mifes, 4 cae HOUSTON'S GARAGE ~~ and SERVICE STATION" BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE MOTOR TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS 67 KING ST, WEST 723-7822 LITTLE CHIEF TEXACO . --_ Midget. Excellent condition, ee Never raced. Telephone 1959 CHEVROLET V8, automatic power Excel- » radio, custom interior. {eat cnkidition' Telephone 35-7783. 1961 Lb cnaged sedan, maroon, mileage, many extras. Telephone 723-9175 after 5.30 p.m. 1959 OLDSMOBILE, black sedan, low vate entrances and separate meters etc. Asking $14,800 with . approximately $5,000 down. See this top invest- ment today, SWITZER DRIVE 2 bedroom bungalow choice location -- ali rooms lorge and pleasantly full yiise $8,500 with > $2,000 down, OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Dial 728-4678 John Kemp Dick Borriage Joe Maga Lloyd Metcalf Ken Hann Jack Osborne owner car, Good condition. Teepbone| 83 RITSON RD. S. aoe 728-2871 LICENSED MECHANIC General Repair to all makes. Carburetor Specialists 1957 MONARCH, good condition, $345. Telephone 728-8814. 1956 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, in good condition, $500. cash, 3000-mile warran- ty on Apply motor and transmission. oe ee eee 160 Simcoe RENAULT- PEUGEOT-AUSTIN Parts and Service STATHAM B.A. SERVIC RITSON ROAD AND KING 723-4733 and 723-7712 Free Pick up and Delivery All Work Guaranteed 32--aArticles for Sale 14 FT. moulded plywood motor, Mastercraft $576 complete. Apply 201 Highland A\ nue. SPECIAL S. D. HYMAN REAL ESTATE LIMITED 323 King Street West $800 DOWN For a new five room brick bungalow to be built in Grandview Gardens at the full price of $12,650. Call 20 ACRES Located fifteen minute drive from Oshawa, half bush, half clear, asking only $4500. with terms, call Howard McCabe. KING STREET EAST Six rooms, notural fireplace, ottached garage, excellent condition, asking $15,200 with terms, call Doug Gower $1,273. DOWN This is the full down pay- ment on a new five room brick bungalow in Kingsmere Gardens, one N.H.A. mort- gage for the balance, Call Gen McKinnon. ELECTRIC HEAT storey, both on serviced lots with N.H.A. mortgage, trades -- ideted, Call Harald Se- gal, TRADE! We are now ge in older homes as down payments on mew ones to be built, call to-day for more information. SPOT CASH » PAID FOR Good elean cars. Trade up or down. Liens ge off. DODD MOTOR SALES : Pair 314 PARK RD. SOUTH ; . Pair 723-9421 . Poir 8.98 . Pair 10.49 . Poir 11.98 ROLL UP SHADES CAFE CURTAINS RELIABLE Furniture - Interiors . Tel 723-7928 96 King Street East Custom-Made DRAPERY Hundreds of homes in Oshawe ond District hove added charm and distinction to their interiors with drapery In the latest designs in a variety of fabrics, styled by -- M. And C. Drapery BAMBOO DRAPERIES WIDTH Poir . Pair 84 in. 4.69 6.98 nA 60 in. 2.98 4.49 5.98 7.49 The Home Of Good Used Cars "Before You Buy Give Bill A Try" New Telephone Numbers 668-5871 and 668-5872 , BILL WHITTICK ,| MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY VOLVO SALES ond SERVICE JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE GENERAL REPAIR and AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE 449 Ritson Rd. S. Oshawa, 728-0921 1962 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE Four door, silver gray, red interior, low mileage, one owner, excellent condi- tion, automatic, wind- shield washers, $2195. After 6 p.m. 'telephone 728-3379. and Dry Goods Store For your pong needs Call us today, 723-7827 74 Celina Street, Oshawa (Continued on Page 16)