; i 7 - Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 { B THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, May 4, 1963 MRS. C. S: LANGFIELD AND MRS. BETH MCKAY Urges WCTU Members To Meet Challenge Of Changed Society "Yesterday and Today" was the subject presented with nos- talgia and challenge by Mrs. Beth McKay, provincial sec- retary for LTL department of the Women's Christian Temper- ance Union, at the recent con- vention of Ontario County WCTU in the chapel of Simcoe Street United Church. Mrs. Mc- Kay spoke of the "good old days", when family worship, grace at meals, respect for high ideals and decency were more common. She presented to the audience some inspiring and faith-restoring word pictures of present day Christian young peo- ple in action, and urged the necessity of faith and courage in the endeavors of WCTU. The speaker was introduced by Mrs. J. R. Booth, Oshawa. Mrs. Charles Langfield, coun- ty president, presided for the day, calling on Mrs. C. S. Lee, president of Oshawa union, to welcome the delegates. Morning devotions were led by Mrs. Orville Eagle, Oshawa, noon-tide prayer and meditation by Mrs. J. E. Whitehurst, Whit- by and afternoon devotions by Mrs. L. H. Muldrew and Trs. H. F. Parrott, Oshawa. Mrs. Ralph Jewell played the organ and Miss Leah Garrow was solo- Mr. Alan Halton, Whitby, one} of five young persons in Ontario county, sponsored by WCTU as delegates to Toc Alpha, a youth conference on "Alcoholism." spoke briefly and effectively on the purpose, the program high- lights, and the effect on his per- sonal life, of the Christmas holi- day Toc Alpha conference which was attended by over four hun- dred delegates from the prov- ince of Ontario. Mrs. J. E. Whitehurst extend- ed an invitation for the 1964 con- vention to meet in Whitby, and Mrs, D. J. Kean, of Whitby, ex- pressed thanks to Simcoe Street United Church, the Cameo Unit UCW, and all who had contrib- uted to the success of the con- vention. Mrs. F. Cooke, Oshawa, pre- sented, and Mrs. Beth McKay installed the following officers for the year 1963-64: Past. president, Mrs. F. J. | Samac Conference Spurs Auxiliaries Scout Association After attending dinner at the Sandalwood Restaurant on Thursday evening the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Boy Scouts of Canada, Oshawa District Coun- cil, gathered for a conference at Camp Samac. Sixty women representing 30 groups in Oshawa and seven members of the executive com- mittee were present in the Coun- cil Hail. The guest speaker, Mrs, A. E. Standing, assistant provincial commissioner of Ladies' Auxil- iaries for Ontario, chose as her topic "Ladies Auxiliaries in the Scouting Family", in which she dwelt on the duties, responsibil- ities and the challenge in sup- porting the movement, A panel discussion followed and many common' problems were aired and answered. Mrs. G. N. Varnum was chairman of the conference and the execu- tive commissioner S. A. Rich- ardson led a sing-song. Mr. F. O. Popham, council president of the Boy Scout Asso- ciation welcomed the speaker and confrerees thanking them for their attendance and continu- ing work, Mr. E. V. Davies thanked the speaker for her helpful address. Mr. S. E. Lovell, immediate past president and Mr. E. S. Alker presented potted chrysan- themums to Mrs, Standing and Mrs, Varnum as a token of ap- preciation for the inspiring and successful conference, SOCIAL NOTICES ENGAGEMENT Mr, and Mrs. Alexander Black of Oshawa wish to announce the engagement of their elder daughter, Lois Evelyn, to Mr. Murray William Sanderson, . son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson of Columbus. The wedding is to take place on Sat- urday, June 8, 1963, in Columbus United Church. ENGAGEMENT | The engagement is announced of Maria, daughter of Mrs. Joseph Wallraff, Bowmanville, and the late Anton Netten, to John Raymond Gibbs, son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond H. Gibbs, Bowmanville. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Jablon- ski wish to announce the en- gagement of her daughter, Therese Helene Starr, to Eu- gene William Mandryk, son of Mr. and Mrs. Steven Mandryk, all of Oshawa. The marriage is to take place on Saturday, June 8, at 3.00 p.m. in St. George's Ukrainian Catholic Church. ENGAGEMENT Mr, and Mrs. William James "THE GIRLS OF the Year" chosen at the Founder's Day Banquet of Beta Sigma Phi Sorority are seen in the above picture. From left to right Miss Margaret Russell of Phi Phi chapter, Miss Betty Bax- ter, Miss Mary Carolyn War- burton of Delta Sigma chapter, Mrs) Harold Ball of Lb \ : i. , ff Mr. and Mrs, Harry L. Wallace, Parkwood Manor Apartments, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary with a dinner party for im- mediate members of the fam- ily at the Flying Dutchman, recently, The Oshawa couple, CELEBRATE GOLDEN WEDDI N both well-known in fraternal and philanthropic circles, re- ceived, among many bouquets and gifts, an orchid lei and boutonniere sent in by air from Hawaii. --Astor Studio, Bowmanville Lee a e the eng t of their daughter, Sharon Vio- let, to Mr. Louis Thomas Mar- coux, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Marcoux, all of Osh- awa. The marriage is to take Williams, Oshawa; president, Mrs. Charles Langfield, Osh- awa; vice-presidents, Mrs. A. H.| Mitchell, Whitby and Mrs. H. A.} Mellow, Oshawa; recording sec- retary, Mrs. H. W. Quantrill, Whitby; corresponding secre-| tary, Mrs. E. A. Henley, Osh-| awa; treasurer, Mrs, Orlin Lint,} Oshawa. | ist. Departmental superinten-| jo'clock noon in St. place on Saturday, June 8, at 12) Gregory's Roman Catholic Church, ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Edward George Storie, Oshawa , announce the engagement of their daughter, Diane Marguerite, to Mr. Doug- las Lloyd Olan, Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd George CLUB CALENDAR MONDAY Mary Street H and S. Assoc. Albert Street H and S Assoc. Westmount H and S Assoc. Dr. S. J. Phillips H and S Gertrude Colpus H and S Maxwell Heights H and S Westmount UCW St. George's Guild Dr. C. F, Cannon H and S Luncheon was served by the|dents: Evangelistic and Chris-\Qjan Peterborough. The miar-/TUESDAY members of the Cameo unit of Simcoe Street UCW, at: which! time the Reverend J. .K Moffat brought greetings and welcome} from his congregation. Further} greetings were expressed by Mrs. Beth McKay, speaker; Mrs. L. F. Richard-} son, president, Oshawa presby- terial UCW; and Mrs. Robert Holden, president; Simcoe Street UCW. Mrs. Howard Brown, vice-president of Osh- awa union, replied to the greet- ings. tian Stewardship: Mrs. A. Mitchell, Whitby; flower mis-| sion: Mrs. J. Lloyd Pegg, O | awa; medal contest: M Charles Langfield, Oshawa; | peace and international _rela-| sh- rs. the guest|tions: Mrs. L. H. Muldrew, Osh-|announce the marriage of their| awa; press: Mrs. H..A. Mellow; publicity and social meetings: Mrs. C. S. Lee, Oshawa; tem- | perance in Sunday Schools: Mrs. |C, S, Lee, Oshawa and Mrs, F. ;Cooke, Oshawa; World and Ca- jnadian missionary work: Mrs. |H. F. Parrott, Oshawa. coveted baddies A BE Only six months old when she smiled sweetly for the photographer, Monica Lyn, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Moores, Rosehill boule- GUILING SMILE |United Church, Oshawa. --| officiating. | riage is to take place on Satur- day, June 1, in St. Andrew's MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs, G. F. Cooper} daughter, Susan Mary, to| Michael Lynn Sawyer, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Sawyer, all of Oshawa. The ceremony took place on Friday evening, May 3, 1963, in the chapel of St. Duke' of Edinburgh H and S Knox Presbyterian WA Queen Elizabeth H and S TOPS Club SA Home League Soroptimist Club Christ Church WA WCTU UAW Auxiliary 27 Kinette Club Centre Street (West Unit) Alice Jackson Unit George's Memorial Church with the Reverend F. G. Ongley) Lodge Convenes Night Of Cards The Rebekah Lodge No. 3) held a successful night of cards) at Glenholme School under the} convenership of Mrs. Rex Harper and Mrs. Dalton Fickes.| |\Mrs. Fred Ball, district deputy) president of District No. 8 offi- |cialy declared the play started. Winners were: Bridge, Mrs. Hilda Porter, Mrs. Victor Kitch- ii . vard. Her grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Harold Moores, Yarmouth, N. S. and' Mr. and Mrs. Paul Zwicker' of Osh- awa, Aldsworth Photography. | HOUSEHOLD HINT Sounds odd, but canned grape- fruit will improve in flavor if you pour it back and forth from one jar to another after taking it from the can. The aeration is what does it. | |Mrs. | Howard Couch. en, Mrs. Robert Bent, Mrs. R. |E. Pardon, Mrs. Edward Moth- jersill. Euchre, Miss Emily |Mackie, Mrs. Gordon Bunker, \Mr. R. Eyres, Mr. B. Bryce, |Mrs, Albert Worsley, Mrs. Dai- ton Fickes, Mrs. J. R. Cheski, Norman Wirsching, Mrs. Hele, Mrs. James Smith, Mrs. Albert Morphy. Door prizes: Mrs. Charles Lee; _ Mrs. Robert __ Bint, Mrs, Lake, Mrs, Clare Hewitt, Mrs. Ross Cooke, Mrs. G. Hull. Mrs. Robert Shorten convened a special draw and a hamper of groceries was won by Mrs. Marioyn Adams, crocheted pil- low cases, Mrs, R. Eyres, and a basket "of fruit by Mrs. Victoria Lodge, LTB llth Group Committee Daughters of England St. Peter's WA Holy Cross WA Storie Park Assoc. First Baptist (Dorcas Group) Calvary BWF WEDNESDAY University Women's Club Harmony UCW Victory Lodge, LOBA Albert Street UCW 1 Rebekah Lodge No, 3 Northminster UCW Come Double Club Cedardale UCW Guiders' Club St.. Gregory's CPTA St. Andrew's UCW THURSDAY Court Charlene No, 1750 King Street UCW 5th Scout Mothers' Aux. Calvary Baptist WMS 6th Scout Mothers' Aux. St. George's Eve. Guild St. George's Aft. WA Adelaide McLaughlin H and S Ronald W. Bilsky, DC _ CHIROPRACTOR @ HEADACHES @ SLIPPED DISCS 100 King E. 728-5156 DRUG STORES OPEN THIS SUNDAY 12:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. When you need Call a V.0.N. Nurse 725-2211 "Home-Nursing Care for EVERYONE" JURY & LOV ROSSLYNN PLAZA 6 KING ST. EAST ELL LIMITED 728-4668 TAMBLYN DRUG STORE Daffodil Bridge At Christ Church A Successful Event The Martha Branch of Christ Memorial Church held its an- nual Daffodil Bridge recently and daffodils and tulips decor- ated' the lower halls of the church. Mrs, H. D. Cleverdon and Mrs. W. J. Goodswan, both gave a few welcoming re- marks, | The evening was under the convenership of Mrs. A. R. Garrett and her committee. Food, Mrs. J. M. Greer and Mrs. G. E. Lutman; tables, Mrs, W. H. Gibbie; tickets, Mrs, L. V. Walker; prizes, Mrs. Alvin Hilts; candy, Mrs. R, H. Broadbent. The draw for. prizes conclud- | -jed the evening and the winners were: Mrs. Harry Taylor, Mrs. Herbert Coggins, Mrs. C. Brad- ley, Mrs. Glen McLaughlin, Mrs. Roger Crook, Mrs. Fred Goodman, Mina Smith, Mrs. \Verne Freeborn, Mrs. Leo Gray, Mrs. Lorne Goodman, Mrs. A, Barnett, Mrs. John Payne, Mrs. Hayden Macdon- ald, Mrs. J. A. Robins, . Mrs. Douglas McLaughlin, Mrs. Frank Train, Mrs, Kenneth iCrone, Mrs. D. Barton, Mrs. David Noakes, Mrs. J. B. Wal- ker, Mrs, G. L. Edmunds, Mrs. E. N. Weldon, Mrs. Walter |Famme, Mrs. Thomas Murphy, |Mrs. W. M. Broadbent, Mrs. F. G, Ongley, Miss Grace Burns, Mrs. Lionel Hind, Mrs. |Walter Young and Mrs, H, Bull. Gamma Epsilon chapter and Mrs, Percy McBain aiso of Gamma Epsilon who received the Girl Of Honor Award. These members were chosen At Beta Sigma The founding of Beta Sigma Phi Sorority was celebrated by the members of four Oshawa chapters at a banquet held at Westminster United Church. The first Beta Sigma Phi chap- ter was formed in Abilene, Kan- sas, 32 years ago and since then Beta Sigma Phi has become the world's largest non - academic sorority with over 7,000 chapters and 150,000 members in 14 coun- tries. The four chapters in Oshawa are of different degrees of Beta Sigma Phi -- in the Nu Phi Mu Degree is the Phi Phi Chapter which receives members up to the age of 22. After three years these members may progress into a Ritual of Jewels Degree chapter--the Delta Sigma chap- ter or the Gamma Epsilon chap- ter. Upon completing four years of study in either of these chap- ters the members may then pro- gress into an Exemplar Degree chapter of which XI Alpha is a chapter. Toastmistress for the evening was Mrs, James Carson who is a member of XI Alpha chapter. Mrs, Carson welcomed Miss Vera Johnston, a transfer from Richmond Hill and introduced the new members taking their initial Pledge. The Founder's Day Pledge was read by Miss Mary Carolyn Warburton of Del- ta Sigma chapter and she also read the special message from the Sorority's founder,Mr . Wal- ter W. Ross. Following the ban- quet the Girls of the Year were named and several traditional ceremonies observed. Pianist for the evening was Mrs. Earl Hannan, ANN LANDERS. \ Dear Ann Landers: I'm not the prettiest girl in the world, or the smartest. I'm 28 years old, have a responsible position and have supported myself since I was 18. Life was uncomplicated (and also unexciting) until I met Warren.. Warren is a college graduate and he sells insur- ance. I haven't gone with any- one else for six months so you} might say he is my steady. He has hinted strongly about mar- riage but has never proposed Now I'm not sure I'd accept. This is why I'm writing. BBS be sag a the rong on months arren has lost his for their outstanding work temper and slapped my face. and achievements made dur- |Both times he insisted the staps ing the past year in their re- pd theo gg gga Ne apt this is the way he expresses -- er himself when he gets angry. He said "Any psychologist will tell you it is a healthy outlet for 'Girls Of The Year' Named Phi Banquet and Miss Catherine Stephenson, all new members and the Rit- ual of the Badge upon Miss Marilyn Black, Miss Ruth Kell and Miss Judy Reeson all hav- ing completed their pledge train- ing. Delta Sigma chapter conferred the Pledge Ritual upon Mrs. Larry Steffen, and Mrs. Rob- ert Puddicombe who were new members and the Ritual of Jewels upon Miss Sandra Clarke, Miss Joan Cryderman, Mrs. Albert Gilbert, Mrs. Hugh Holland, Mrs. David Jack, Miss Margaret Morin, Mrs. David Noakes all having completed their pledge training and Mrs. Palmer Knight who is progress- ing from Phi Phi chapter. Gamma Epsilon chapter con-| ferred the Ritual of Jewels) upor Mrs. Ron Bilsky and Mrs.| Earl Hannan both having com- pleted their pledge training. These rituals were perform- ed by Miss Margaret Russell of Phi Phi chapter, Mrs. Robert Eagleson of Delta Sigma chap- ter and Mrs. Ken Young of Gamma Epsilon chapter. Originally Beta Sigma Phi was created for young women in search of cultural and social ac- tivities and not a service or- ganization, nevertheless, there has been many voluntary and generous donations made to oth- er organizations, Local organiz- ations which have received con- tributions of both time and money from the Oshawa chap. ters include the Cancer Society, the Diabetic Association, the Oshawa and district Cerebral Palsy Association, the Retarded Children's Association, Hillsdale Manor and also a pupil with the Phi Phi chapter conferred the Pledge Ritual upon Miss Bar- bara Irvine, Miss Katy Smarz highest standing in Grade 8 To- ronto Conservatory of Music Piano examinations, The engagement is an- nounced today and the mar- riage is to take place on Saturday, June 8, of Miss Therese Helene Starr and Mr. Eugene William Man- dryk. The bride-elect is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jablonski and. the prospective bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Steven |the telephone many times. She jis obviously so bitter and un- + |happy about the separation that the emotions." I've never studied psycholog: so I'm in no position to disput A Slap In The Face Ts Not For Love When I get home I'm sure I will be faced with the same © choice. I am dreading this be- mother has a will of iron and she's impossible to reason with. Please tell me what to do-- -- Right Square in the Middle ~ ar Middle: The unhappy. relationship between your par- ents is not of your making and ~ you shouldn't be punished for it, The parent who imposes such a choice on a child deserves to be the one who is left out. If -- your mother insists that you choose between her and your father, choose your father. VACUUM CLEANERS AND POLISHERS REPAIRED---REBUILT Vacuum Hose for Sale! WARNER WILLIAMS SERVICE CENTRE 17-B BOND E.--125-3531 his word. Can you advise me?-- Little Eva o Dear Eva: The "outlet" may be good for his health but I can't see that it does much for yours, If a klop in the chops is Warren's way of "'expressing| himself" during courtship, you can guess what kind of expres- sion you'll get after marriage. Flee this man as you would the plague. Civilized people do not slap faces. Dear Ann Landers: My_hus- band and I will celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary next month. Many of our friends and relatives have offered to zive parties for us but my husband and:I would prefer to entertain them rather than Have them entertain us, I am not being avaricious-- just practical--when I tell you I know we will receive many lovely gifts. Since this will be the silver anniversary I can see it now, silver platters, silver dishes, silver ash trays, candle- stick holders, candy dishes, cig- arette boxes. The list is endless. All silver means to me is hours of polishing and I dread the} thought of it, | Would it be improper if I wrote on the invitations "'no sil- ver please.'"' Thank you.--The Big 25 Dear Big: It would be in pvor taste to write such a message on the invitation. No reference any invitation. You may pass the word quietly among your close friends that you don't want sil- ver, but don't make a mass production type of announce- ment, please. Dear Ann Landers: "Shortly after I left home to join my husband who is in the armed services, I received a telephone call from my dad telling me that he and mother had separ- ated. This was over two years ago. ty mother has yet to mention it, although she writes to me joften and we have spoken on she cannot bring herself to speak of it. TO BE MARRIED NEXT MONTH Mandryk, all of Oshawa. Miss Starr is well-known as My brother who is 17 told me mother made him choose be- dad name to a gift should be made on} tween her and dad. He chose) Going This Summer @ Europe @ Carribean @ Hewall @ South a. or anywhere See us without optigation, Four Seasons Travel 24-Hour Service -- 728-6201 CARPET COMPANY 282 King W. 728-9581 BROADLOOM TILE SECRETARIAL TRAINING THE CANADIAN SCHOOL OF BUSINESS "UNEQUALLED" 728-7081 e WEDDING PORTRAITS ll © WEDDING ALBUMS | eae Groland. Studio 21 ATHOL ST. WEST 7. 80 house--much less see him. CORRECTION At the reception for the Koop- man-Henesey and Henesey-Mills double wedding, Mrs. David Henesey, receiving for her daughter and son, wore a tur-| quoise linen ensemble with deep} pink accessories; Mrs, Stanley) Koopman, Toronto, wore pearl grey with pale pink accessories and Mrs. Malcolm Mills, Ottawa! wore beige silk organza over) lace with green accessories. the arts and crafts specialist for Oshawa Recreation Com- mittee and her fiance is in his final year in medicine at the University of Toronto. The weddng will take place in St George's Ukrainian Catholic Church at 3 o'clock and later the couple, will reside in To- ronto. SATIN SHOES 9.99 DYED FREE TO MATCH any color. All sizes TAMMY Fashion Shoes 79 SIMCOE N. 728-2491 3rd Scout Mothers' Aux. Court Charlene, COF |Navy League Auxiliary Valleyview Park Aux. 12th Scout. Mothers 'Aux. 14th Scout Mothers' Aux. \St. Stephen's UCW | nee HOUSEHOLD HINT | Use leftover egg yolks by| poaching them in boiling water, draining, cooling and then push- ing them through a sieve to use as a garnish for salads. | Jayn- Modde SPRING SA LE FRIDAY -- SATURDAY ONLY COATS - SUITS - IMPORTED KNITS 20% to Jayn- 30% off Modde 723-3143 | 77 KING E. ---- Opposite Genosha Hotel -- 725-4561 SHOP AN SAVE! LECOFF'S | SUPERMARKET 174 RITSON ROAD SOUTH ee OPEN EVERY NIGHT TILL 10.00 P.M. ¢ BEBABABABABIBABIBABEBEBEBABIBABEBABABaBaBabeBaBaBaBiaaBapas ABABEBEBUBLBEBEBEBEBABABEBABABEBAL faa SHR as] p=) BABABEBEBABABEBEABAIB 2 i) patterns..: Traditional, classic or contemporary ... Birks Sterling includes designs topleaseevery taste, suit every decor. Birks Sterling patterns are open stock; your pat- tern is registered, for future additions, few] a a © ao a a pea] i] 2 ies] pos] wo fae} ao faa) a fea) Pompadour, 4-piece place BIRKS 5 icG Vere eet WS BaBaBasaBasssas ABABOBABEBEBABAsAEBABEBABABaBABABABAsAsEIEBEBES aBaBaBase: } HATH ARERARARARARARARE OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Ba cause I love them both. My .-