' THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturdey, May 4, 1963 7 Weekly Summary Of Stock Market Activity: This Wedk-------- Bales High Low Glove Oh'ge High Low" 41 42.42 49 (39 70 £ 'US. Parent Firms Prodded By Canada OTTAWA (CP) -- United States parent firms will be get- ting a gentle reminder soon that they may be missing a bet in not giving their Canadian sub- sidiaries a freer hand in export markets, Stock Markets Continue Surge on By GREG MacDONALD *«-€anadian Press Staff Writer "Canadian stock markets, de- Ay Bo yuma of an impend. possible severe '"'cor- "pection," continued their up- * ward climb this week. ------This Week----__--_ 1962 + Sales High Low Close Ch'ge High Low 14169 $58% 57% 58 + % 30% 55 100 480 480 480 500 425 350 165 160 160 --10 205 4719 $16 15% 15% -- % 9738 $15% 14% 14% -- 67 813 18 400 145 149 140 1000 25 23 45 14935 $104 in 18% + % 2050 40 --15 1 400 '8 100 By The Canadian Press agit rd sprog ee negra by 9g Ans 339 on ie into xchange is week. Issues un- changed totalled. 218 me ers Volume for the week was 16,569,296 shares, up i $5 -72~«O75 2 5 62: Ma yete to dole kre WGN CGusratiaas' to 23 ie year late are »301,. otations cents unless marked $.) m5 70. oF 0 " WEEK'S MOST ACTIVE TORONTO By The Canadian Press This Week 1963 Sales High Low Close Ch'ge High Low Stock Walk GW Wat Equip Webb Knp WCoast Tr WOoast VT We 1962 Btock iy Bish lee hone lose Ch"ge High Low Gen Bake = As in previous weeks there : were a number of large spe- cial-sized transactions -- blocks of shares sold at a set price. Moore Corporation, Steel Com- pany of Canada and Canadian Hydrocarbons were the favor- 4 gus = +1+ eos 2 ofes SEB ' x $300 «63080 $12 10% 12 +1% 586% 86% 864 --% 350 39% 9% 9H--% 75 $136 134 136 4 STOCKS "$e W Copper W Cop wts W Pacific W Indies W Indies A +4 = Beaty + = Stock +5 3 '~The markets have been in a| ites. * gustained drive for the last 14 weeks and each gain on the * Doronto industrial index repre- 'sents a record high mark. Brok- On the mining market, Hud- son Bay Mining struck a new high for 1963 and Noranda traded actively following an- That is ey to be one side effect of a survey now be- ing planned among 1,500 U.S. heads of manufacturing subsid- iaries in Canada. CPR Steel Can D Bridge BC Power Massey F INDUSTRIALS 30% 24% 48319 $21% 2% 21% + % 40853 $14 138% 13% 4% 186 2000 Westfair pr Weston A Weston B 50 $29% 29% 29% +1% 10998 $20% 19% 19485 10955 $22 21% 21% + %& 145 $100 100 100 110 $109% 108 109% +1% 67 $27 Py -% goss + ate NeRogrostygeg.3.8 EF eae BRes 7 ez At nouncement that first - quarter earnings equalled 49 cents a share compared with 39 cents in the same period last year. Junior coppers were quiet. On index, industrials gained 8.48 to 641.98, base metals 2.89 to 215.31 and golds .18 to 87.54. Western oils eased .68 to 122.73. Volume was 16,569,296 shares worth $53,814,682 compared with 16,522,700 shares last week worth $45,434,542. Volume at Montreal totalled 1,348,670 industrial shares and 2,767,316 mining shares com- pared with 1,058,973 and 2,084,- 132 last week. On index at Montreal industrials advanced 1.9 to 127.8, utilities 1.8 to 21.4 and composite 1.7 to 127.0 Banks declined 0.1 to 131.6 and papers 0.4 to 113.1. Police Officer Dies After Chase WINDSOR, Ont. (CP)--A 4l- year - old suburban Sandwich East Township police officer died early Friday from a heart attack suffered after chasing one of two men caught trying to break into a drug store. Constable Harley Hyland died about 3 a.m .Police said he and Const. Garland Harris saw two men trying to break into the pharmacy. Const. Harris arrested one man at the scene, and Hyland chased the second on foot. Neil Lester, one of two other offi- cers who answered a call for. assistance, found Const. Hyland "Nurses, MDs Overworked liom ies Sassh ¢ TORONTO (CP) -- Hospital|being sick. patients generally think doctors} Lester continued the case, and nurses are over-rushed and/and apprehended a fleeing man. overworked, Dr. Daisy Taglia-|Const. Hyland was taken to hos- €ozzo, a sociologist from Chi-|pital where he died three hours cago, told the Registered|later Nurses' Association of Ontario Police said Nelson Vincent, 23 Friday. 1d. Donald Brechun, 25, both Dr. Tagliacozzo said that pa-lor't Windsor, have been charged tients expect nurses to have a|with break and enter. kind, friendly and cheerful per- sonality, interest in their pa- tients and efficiency in carry- ing out their services. During.a question period fol- towing her address to the an- nual meeting of the RNAO, Dr. Tagliacozzo said that generally patients received personal care from auxiliary staff members who. were under less pressure and had more time than the nurses, The stereotype of the nurse, "hard-hearted and tough" as the result of constant exposure to suffering and demands of the sick, was mentioned often by patients interviewed by the so- ciologist. Dr. Tagliacozzo said she found evidence. that patients from higher social classes were more demanding and critical than lower class patients. "Female patients were much more critical of nurses than male patients,' she added. NO WHERE ELSE * ers and traders alike are be- * ginning to forecast a technical - worrection -- to occur shortly -~~apparetly in the belief that stocks are starting to become ' gyer-valued. "The industrial index--a com. pilation of 20 representative stocks-struck 642.31 at. noon Fri- day--its highest point since began in 1934. This week's action was not as spectacular as in previous weeks as volume was lacking , and the force behind the drive Was insufficient to allow the in- dustrial list to consolidate at * higher levels. In addition, the movement seemed to be a se- - lective one as only the higher- pricd issues attracted :nves- tors' attention. * Steels were among the lead- ing industrial groups with both Algoma and Dominion Bridge trading heavily. Rumors have it that Algoma will shortly make 'a takeover offer for Dominion Bridge. Steel Company of Can- 'ada was also active The com- pany reported a 30-per-cent rise in first-quarter earnings and in- os stel and ingot produc- "tion. POST NEW HIGHS Among food stocks, new highs 'Were registered by Canada _ Packers, Loblaw A and Westun. 'The latter announced a five- cent increase in its annual divi- _dend to 40 cents. Patients Think cERsse 3 " = S Prime purpose of the ques- tionnaire will be to gather in- formation. Although about 45 per cent of all Canadian manu- facturing industry is controlled in the U.S., the Canadian gov- 1669000 24% 46% ernment has no over-all picture ive wet 2 +54 of the export policies laid down is 412550 ee ae by U.S. head offices for their © Beltek 339166 12 8% 10 +1% plants in Canada. However, the survey to be conducted by the office of the Canadian consul-general in New York is also expected to plant some ideas among American in- dustrialists and encourage them to study just what could be achieved by boosting production in their Canadian factories, They likely will be asked, for example, whether they are aware of special income tax write-offs available under Cana- dian law for increased sales and ha % %M--% 4 f i 30 20 20 --10 increased expenditures for re $29 27% 28% 41 a os = Py a4 Northeal 1460450 224250 110500 50525 39783 - 350 | $7% ae a GH pr 40 $100 --l oH om Woodwa A 5085 $16% as 18% -- % Wdwd Awts 740 415 330 --30 430 Zellers 275 $39 730% 39 + % Zenith 7160 465 70 475 +8 110 195 $7 200 425 " 0 4" $165 16% 164 --% $16% 16 - Fn Ga - * SetasEeatssesesuoge: Begs ox Bursofe-esu-ges8.a2 B eg* Ss Ld he! 532 Mines oe on8S Pn Betes Industrials 9733 2025 355 7875 2375 2625 22964 $29 27% 137 $109% 108% 109% -- % 106 $106% 106% 106% + % 755 785 +10 nusgs "ee 28 *. I Bronze pr Int Bronze Inter Min Int City Hawker pr Hayes Stl Hees - e + ~ #S=zS + - H Dauch Pa] 4 asgubexSes.soss esise8esosa = LL Fe Ye 37 176 6170 1450 «16 search, or whether they know $24% 24 41% 42% 41 44% 40% B 2000 $2 4% 15% + % 16800 102 of the special tariff terms in Commonwealth markets avail- log 4 M0 ug 3800 able to many Canadian exports. r $3: 370 $180 11178 $43% 1 Pett = < 4 a weed * 5s Yehseed fa, Inland Gas A 53 q § $6 SIU Members a ind, eae ae 8652 inid rig Math 9% T Int Nickel 22765 8% 7 1% 13 4 it Int. Util 3474 $524 Int Util pr Pick "a Sas ¢ icket St 2. Bok A og s 55 $101 Canada Ship 100% 100! 611 3765 3760 3760 "2 Stl Pipe 420 5%---% 59% Iroq Glass pr 250 $II% U% lh %& 12 10% ASHTABULA, Ohio (AP) -- Members of the Seafarers Inter- Jama carterpa ia 1 ig Pg bathe lh fon 'ol maha = 2 14% 10% 104-3 national Union picketed a Cana- oe dian vessel of Upper Lakes ue + Shipping Limited Friday when she sailed in to load coal at the Ashtabula docks. The ship was the Seaway Queen of Toronto. SIU pickets have been active this season at ports of Toledo and Milwaukee where Upper Lakes ships have berthed to load grain. The dispute involves the un- ion's claim that Upper Lakes is an American - owned company and should employ SIU seamen rather than members of the ri- val Canadian Maritime Union. Upper Lakes is controlled by Norris Grain Company of Win- nipeg, which in turn is con- trolled' by Norris Grain Com- pany of Chicago. ebivelti, gaeecha- g¥iuse pe ret meat a 3 3k2 & 9000 215 5 1% hs A kK susesiudegutice ee Sebuaassss * 74a T4p + % 330 ©6330 5 310 310 --5 $17% 7% Phy --% $52% 52 Mam $11% 11% ims 2350 $5% Bae is 14 415 $10% 10% 10% L te N 3549 $16% 16% i)ea e883 88 o8s8 L #5 4 S$ 425 410 200 $14% 14% 12% «121 ig8 ae is ogad g8¥ p88 zgaSsugece F ¥ 35g 8 sunkusysiss 1000 7 7 7 0645 SII% 10% 11%+ % 18 3000 8 68 OBS +5 8645 $11% 10% 11K + % 190 1% «(18 «2 1700 getegbystabeyse ee A et ete Cassiar Cent Pat Cent Pore Cheskirk Chester = 582s bid $18% 17% $28% 27% $16% 16% $16% 16% & Hssas L bs Pig + - ~gyoFst bBo 3 83 +3 75 $106%4 106% 106% + 1% 60 $109%. ie 109% + % 1% «$8 8 404 $14 " 14 ~~] tt 3 e898 aesergek Fo = +u% + % FS da z ayady gtinpFisyebbc seer eee aes ee ®, GOLF (The only 18 hole ta the area) TENNIS @ RIDING © SWIMMING e SAILING BOATING & CANOEING e WATER-SKIING AQUA-CYCLING e DANCING e@ PLAIN RELAXING 11s 2% 105 6% Things to do: BeveBlz otiest~ Va 25 102% 1100 85% 5% 382 $29 $28 29% 29% luns¥Zenggetiedevtsse: e tes - aeaptt oer 38) BS oSSsyusey SUPERB CUISINE e IMPECCABLE SERVICE ELEGANT DINING e INFORMAL COCKTAILS LUXURIOUS ROOMS e MAGNIFICENT VIEWS e MOUNTAIN AIR e BEAUTIFUL LAKES e THE LAURENTIANS e SELECT COMPANY or TRANQUIL PRIVACY e A SUMMER INNOVATION: A SUPERVISED CHILDREN'S PLAYGROUND $8% Things OUR LOW, LOW OFF-SEASON RATES Z $114. 10% 131 $144% 14% ee + to consider IN THE SPRING AND EARLY SUMMER $52% 5144 9420 $36% 36 % bkag Pig 18% 19% + % 193 17% % 1S%--1% 22 1 29 $52% 52% - $10% 10% . 50 SL +1 61 0 Interested ? Please write to 225 240 % 9 240 230 240 $138% 13% 13%4-- 7 --%*% ill 89 240 %-- % Daering 1 S B 260 525 29000 Cdn Celan $65 62 63% + K 100 baer Rg' Bu--% er --1 C Cel 175 pr $38 37% 38 6248 8 11 © Chem 35905 $10% 10% 10% Ocean Cem 2245 13% "3 13% 14% 22% +% 7 C Chem w 46140 465 440 445 5 Ogilvie 2360 $13% 2% Inite 61 62 y % 3 i 100 80 9% 7 - Pye c Colilertes 3280, $8 8% 8% 1% + % 13% 10% ja or pho: 425-2771 7300 81 80 440 70 390 St. Jovite, Quebec, Can phon jovite $208 Bu w-- WK 2M 1557 $7% a 8 -. i, YRA--% DW rH % 12 8% $20 2446 $23 35 $86 $838 $59 $60% $79 i 2 $ et > Things to enjoy: i C Pack A C Pack B Can Perm CSL CcsL + 3 ##++))44,41+ Lil oo xt goo" et btes bit ges8ausis ceBor Hah = & 2000 14260. 15% 14% 15 65416 138% 11% 139 +1 6300 122 103 120 +12 10275 $19 18% 18%--~% "i 8 8 8 $58 $12% $i4 pels yess SivSadeuscugs bth" sLgdgle =] 3 S8eua Ss 5 = o 2 a KAN 12% Fy] ey Sebsssccuseuals ge5ase Bez8 8 BesdsSey = = = Dicknsn Dome Donalda Dunraine Duvan Dredge C Fairbks A 370 S8% 8% g8tee8: { 85.3 .858 8 R E Amphi East Mal East Sull er El Sol g gie8 sas e sSxoee¥sa LLLtLi+ ied tar gah i, -- = = Saubslsosudes sEgSagers a z * 3394 $16% 16 240 475 460 460 425 410 $30% 27% 30 $11% 11 $20 SY QN Gas pr ai? fed : 8 Gas w Segets 3 & Reid Litho pt a «86 +2 Reitman 3878 $11% 11% 11%--% Reitman 1 0% Glenn Uran 8 6% 64+% 21% % 500 $23.23 Goldale 16300 39% 32 32 ' GF Mining 16% 15% 16 Goldray 22 2 «627 1 hugh bo Bada =" 360 7 a creel ---% 10% 995 $2l%e 21% $31 29% 31 380 365 370 $58% 56% 56% 6% 5 250 V2 20% 87% 6% 7% ss g 8% 9 $8 7% 8 600 $25% 25 26% C Westing Cap Bldg Chrysler Clairtone Ciairtn wts Coch-D 5000 6099 11915 4800 Anchor 8000 15300 Asamera 1400 101 Bailey 8 A 41 Va a 13 ae 6a i" 2 pr Robin Cotton R Nodwell Rockower pt Rothmans Acme Gas AP Cons Alminex Am 3250 1970 1565 9 ™/ 8 815 et oF Salada-F * Zz FIREWORK ON SALE TO THE PUBLIC SOON! ! BIG, BIG SAVINGS Watch For Our Big Ad Wednesday, May 8th ATTENTION PARKS ASSOCIATIONS and MERCHANTS For The LARGEST DISCOUNTS ON FI call FRANK at Oshawa Discount House REWORKS Open Sat. Til 9. OSHAWA DISCOUNT 1038 KING ST. WEST AT GARRARD ROAD May 4 & 18 for Sale of Fireworks 728-0311 Coronation Coron wts Cosmos Craig Bit Dist Seag D Bridge D Can Gen D Coal pr Dom Elec Du Pont Easy /Wash , Econ Inv Eddy Match Fed Grain 9116 S40% 39% 40% 31217 $22% 21% 22% 85 $108 106% 108 55 $108 108 108 2130 $18% 17% 18% 1290 3540 520 1690 900 109% 109 106% 17% 675 $14% 14% 14% 500 150 145 150 25 $68 868 «6B 330 560%.60 604 -- % 255 $1354 13% 134---% 3150 $15% 11% 14% -- % 450 270 %5 270 12310 351% 50% 5I*4-- % 48677 $23% 20% 21% 25$120 120 120 +4 3430 $20 15 18% +3 1h -- -- % 38% $14% 14% 14% $1542 1A% 15% $19% 19 19% $23% 23% 2314 $2014 19% 20% 1783 HI% et 43 pr pag $19% 19% 19% 99% 9% %% 7150 838% 37% 37% 290° S13% 13% 13% 50 $240 235 240 100 36% 6% 6% 150 170 170 170 $63' 62 62% $20% 19% 204 + % $26% 26% 26% 455 455 455 $73 71 71 0676 9748 870 560 2235 8% Fed Grain pr 55 $28% 281% 2% + % Fittings A Fleet Mig (US) a Freiman Frosst A Freehaut WUG'at 5 pe pr Gat 5% pr 7050 $11% 11% 11% +1% 600 75 70 75 +3 235 $3 3B 2 95 $53% 52 524%4---1% 1147 $190% 188 , 190% +2% 6323 $11% 9% 10 --% 895 $2 27% Bw + % 1000 $6 5% IMM 1100 $20 19% 200 4% 1825 S7% 7% T% 515 $102% 101% 102% +1 3ST 91064 Yet OG +1 Salada wis 2070 390 Sayvette Scott Yk pr Selkirk A Seven Arts Shawin rts Psbetletd Shawin A Shaw B Meg Shell Inv w Shell Inv pr Shell Oil * Shully's Ind Silknit Silverwd A Silverwd B Simpsons SKD Mfg Slater Steel Slat Stl pr Somville pr Southam Stafford St Pav St Radio St Brock A Stedman Steel Can Steinberg pr Steinberg A Ster Tr Suptest ord Suptest ord Switson Tamblyn Tancord Texaco C 'Texaco C pr Th Cdn Gen Tor-Dom Bk Tor Iron Tor Iron A Tor Star pr Towers Towers wis T Fin A Tr Can PL Trans PPL Turnbull Union Ace Un Acc 2 pr Un Gas U Corp B Un Steel Vanadium Vendomat Vie G Tr Vulean Wainwr 5675 253 200 4740 124502 450 1095 275 49140 635 3800 40673 ge 1525 40 rd 1383 = a0 Ye 45% + S47% on 47% tie 630 «+5 $27% me 27% peta oo Pt +% --10 30 $30 0 i) +3 $12% 12% 12% $19% 18% 1384 -- % bortag 32% B+ % 290 290 + 0% 9% I+ % $19% 19% 19% $32 5253 333% a ét 270 460 915 1115 100 $10 9% 9--% $9% 9% + % 16 225 $16 «16 69622 10 $103 1205 $21% 21 $58 715 11100 11100 550 200 2890 240 1100 3675 9385 1150 300 "$12 $21% 20% 103 21% +1 103 +1 24 -- % 55 5% $19% 74.91% Yet Yl $19% 7% ian +1% sid Sag Tt Z pg Pot Ye Rg ---% --15 iar ee ti +1 $91 91 91 +4 31% Th Tho 965% 64 64% % $14 $26% 13% 14 26% 2% -- % '% H+ 1% 12% + % 8% 86 + 10 % 26! 5h + % 105 «(+5 450 +10 15% +1 --30 +6 sot 73H 105 105 450 430 $16 14% 425 420 eo "@# @ 35 450° + S11% 10% 104--% . 12% 10% 9% WM 21% 104 58 2% 6% 65% 59% T™ § 14% 1154 8% 7% 0 9 21% 18% a7 23% rates 115 575 0 16 13% 450 400 oo 64 Hollinger Howey Hud Bay Hugh Pam Hydra Ex Irish Cop Iron Bay Iso J Waite 9500 13638 1150 9354 36000 84525 Labrador L Dufault Lamaque Langis iaatinr Leitch Lencourt LL Lac Lorado Louvict Lyndhst Lynx Macassa Macdon Macfie MacLeod Madsen Magnet Majtrans Malartic Am -1 % Hh Tho = ut +12 240 6% 5 --10 395 315 +2 16 4 85 210 4% Bailey S pr _ 1055 Bail 8 5% pr $1703 Banft 10200 1: Dynamic Fargo Long. Point Medai Midcon 1 4 $21% 61% 21% oo 9 9 805 16865 310 295 i 2645 $12% 12% iy 1 36% 35 36% 4229 $13% 13% 13% $13% 135 13% 3454 S17% 16 16% 12500 39763 +% --10 +8 15 +30 +10 +0 --2 +3% --5 +h ~% Re