Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 May 1963, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Mey 4, 1 3 Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 Se ee ee e 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 {9-----Summer Properties 16--Female Help Wanted |16--Female Help Wan Wanted | | For Sale or Rent RELIABLE, steady woman, to mind |EXPERIENCED '¢ girl or woma: : SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By R J SCOTT RICE LAKE, Long Island, foursoom |{¥° Children witile mother works. Light] 20 - 35 for general housework. ee a rns Bina) Long » four-room | household duties. References. Live in.|wages for right person in modern home. ottage, boat house and boat.i799 segs after 4.30 Pm, Live in, Recent references required. Rent by week, month or season. 723-4173) <--_____ SER WANTED --experi-|Write box 521 Oshawa Times. LOOK -- A three-bedroom cottage On! enced for haa" salon in Oshawa. half an acre lot on lovely Mink Lake.! Steady employment, Telephone Bow- seul coun houskeeper required for = Only three hours drive from Oshawa. manville 623-3795. adult couple, smail home, central, five- Aceountents |Building Trades |Gardening | and d Supplies |Plumbing and Heating is Reasonably priced, Write D. C. Rase,| =e aT nia axparieaceyJaiy| rw ro mgpecest 9 until 5 p.m. Write " - $ Ss! i some 'al es. WOrEINS, BEADLE AND CO., Ghar- HOLCAN CONSTRUCTION, brick and MANURE 50 cents per bushel. Bring) ALL PLUMBING and heating supplies. HAVE BEEN . : lo Street, Leamington, and August. 'Write Price's Mac Bart : Accountants, 172 King Street block laying, stone masons, chimneys your own containers, Delivery on three| Telephone 725-3521. Harold H. Stark, MORE THAN FOR RENT -- fourroom cottage, Stur-| Restaurant, RR 2 Minden, Ontario. |17----Male Help Wanted tant, Oshawa, Ontario, 725-3509. nd repairs. Whitby 668-5095, or more, 805 Athol Street. 668-3523. Pagar icon, Phir 7 = Engineex- 10,000 + geon a ee Prep chico for F ea $100 MONTE T aise 5 kslser, wnaee| -- le elp a ee ---- | ing, imcoe Stree! OU! * ; son except uly ugust 10. mt NTHL other' * . YRIEDLANDER and Co., Po PLASTERING, repairs, stucco! . {- 4onHAdoss wfite & $35 weekly. Ph ite W 30. Private room, bath and TV, Tele-/FULL TIME driver, must know city Chartered Accountants, Licensed Trus | work. Stoops, sidewalks. A. Woods, 725- Instruction ALL TYPES of repairs and vemodel- : DN UNitED States OF cebliche do mage eae Fell je collect Toronto HI 7-7713. and have chauffeur's licence, _ for ° tone 1h Sureaers h SIR Btcoat Rs, VIOLIN, trumpet, expert tuition, rea-\ank "Tuten" Esimates isce Dial ! MAKE LAST : TWO-BEDROOM furnished cot Setlatied| mivey Restemane ain' aicen Bed 5 q ates, rT a » V un co! VO: estaurant, Bast, Oshawa, 726-7371 ROOFING, 'shingiing 'oot and gable satis, S. Darpgmre 1013 Wilton 723.1193, J. , Foley. 70 exits to Balsam Lake. Reasonab: ag | preferred, but not necessary. Apply in/South ae ese ; y | Biva., scans ed - -- 3 lazie! t. Store, Fasaee es. codigo ip pn a _ wart r 'als SeGG ATE tensor, SaaGSAT ouwOLET Rug U holetet Sari > B cash, _Telephone Whitby 6 668-4581. sue Pesag at rs Dep' Store, 498 Sim- SERVICE "Wah ae ee ies Senos Sizest Norte, Oomkwa, Aes guaranteed. H. Tucker, 728-0826. is poaes aeee rience, ay interview! ug-Uphol: ry | ee Fort pithy -- New "ae cob SeLIABL git wr oman Re oor Perience required, to ive fuel oil WH 20890, Whitby MO 8.4131. | CARPENTRY, remodelling, repairs, only. Act now. 725-105 RE-UPHOLSTERING -- Chesterfields, sre Cisne weenie ee. Pe ee Telephone! nings air Telephone after # ove: nnn | ney building, cement sidewalks and|--- jchairs, antique furniture of all kinds, 3 | 798-2503. ae ROB CLANCY'S Accounting Service. hes. A Summers, 728-7245. HARVEY DANCE "Toba ton, | |re-finished, re-built, re-covered. All sandy beach. Arthur Wright, Box "Hn _-- DRIVER required, full must Complete bookkeeping service, .184 Bond) ono sed Tap, sae Ballet, Highland. Re; ster workmanship guaranteed. For a free Ajax. 942-2025, | __. | WAITRESSES required for modern sir) know city. Must have vohautfears le Street West, 725-0397. Res. 723-7605. |CURBOARDS OUR "SPECIALITY New pow. 424 King Street West, 725-6122, | estimate, oall 728-328 evenings, call FOR SALE -- Cedar shores, Lai u-| Conditioned coffee shop. Apply in pes-| cence. Telephone 728-468 LILLIAN MAE MARSH, DEA, 0MA,/| 728-2439 and a representative will call. rite a 80g, large four-bedroom cottage, fully|80n to Genosha Hotel. BAROLD B. DEWAR. Accredited Pub. Vroom, Whithy 668-4118. Daneing School. Ballet, tap, acrobatic, |No _ obligation. Kennedy Uphols'ering, ; -. equipped, 75-foot lakeshore 'ot. Call/SEWEN distributors for cosmetics to : Me Accountant. Commercial eee: BULLDOZING and excavating. Free pre-school kinderdance. Fridays, Satur-' Li eae | 725-6667. work in Oshawa 906 King Street West, Oshawa. 728-222) . Call parle Brow. 26: Hill: days. Masonic Temple. 723-7253. | RUGS, chesterfields cleaned at y our ¢ BUCKHORN LAKE Write Box 425 Ti : SHINGLERS RAYMOND RB. PROSSER, CA, earn court Drive, Whitby. 668-56) Reatonable rateo. Guaranteed | y , -- loka . tata ERT AEREIESR Z ee = HOUSEKEEPER. permanent home, e4 Accountant, 906 Centre Street North,| EXPERT ROOFING and roof repairs. LEARN TO DRIVE satisfaction. Telephone 728-7057. cg tg ; r Whitby. Telephone 668 668-5447. Work pustasieed, Ww. Walibridge, GURSTERIEL OS ane Gd Fal PIONEER VILLAGE jone gentleman, live in, prefer drive} Experienced sub-contractors, poston ae } ivi 4 . . 45 50, Call 137 V. AUBERT HOSMAR, chartered account-|Whiting Avenue, 728-9970. Oshawa Driving School | pe HAS TULAREMIA, 1 For rent. Cottages Road" after seven | Rew work, ant, 323 King Street West, Oshawa,|/¥ouR LOCAL C1 : | Upholsterers, s Telephone 723-1221 or 668-5429, maneys built and repaired, n PAX oF BY enING |South. Call 728-6451, Free at fe ins oF BURMA DRINK 4uER, fee ope iM One and three bedroom. NOW. 1S THE TIME TORONTO LEONARD JAMES BROOKS, Chartered |'0gs instailed, renee vacuum: Automatics Dual Controlled CHESTERFIELDS re-uphoistered cH BEER THROUGH STRAWS M MUSKRALS $ Woter and hydro. Camping, blic | Accountant, Suite 205, Osh-/ estimates. 723-2997 ell : re-styled, Free estimates. See : Boats, Fishing. Grocery store. To look into the Avon Op- RU 3-] 138 wa Shopping Centre, 725-9953, 'ALL TYPES of building repairs, roof-| OSHAWA AND WHITBY material for re-covering, Dalton. FROM HUGE JARS FILLED Yes AML, HAND 728-2301 : ; WILSON AND BURROWS, chartered ing, chimneys, fireplaces, sidewalks, CALL 728-0091 |holstering, 75 Charles Street, 723-7 WHKTME BEVERAGE Uni THEY (os OVER HAND portunity. Write to-day far ---- + accountants, 114 King street east, Osh.| Stoops. Gordon May, 728-0394 CHESTERFIELDS rebuilt, reco' +f FALL OVER UNCONSCIOUS, Ars 11--Articles For Rent _ | Anterviaw te | CARPENTER awa; Ronald F. D. Wilson, New G.| ROOFING. concrete floors, fiat roofing ney To Loan like =e Why pay more? Quy r: PO. - | see Edmond Burrows, CA. 728. our specialty, new work and repairs, Mo y tna aoe 2 a and 16-foot, § aetae ~ a Exoerienced in Finishing . . ~ large and small jobs. L. and H, Roof- aauraaens rebuilt. 0. y day, week or : month, grad ie P, O. Box 5] 2, Oshawa | ing a struc' 7 e. ' Bon e ' 5 . write G a Appliance Service ing and Construction, 725-6037 yn MONEY TO LOAN '=e holstery Co., 10 Bond W; ay RY AN 7. Prallan ite Gary Chant, RR | JAMES O'MALLEY #EWING MACHINE tune-ups. ail mod GORD'S i VE-YEAR-OLD buckskin mare and WANTED TO BOY "Dike Cae Glasses | CONST. LTD els by your Elna er awa Sew: 'Sa les and Service FIVE-YEAR-OLD buckskin mare and WANTED TO BUY 14 or 16 ft. house ishes . utlery - Glasses * . r trailer. M four, Teleph soe | janikorlel Service Low Interest ee ee ie oe Punch Bowls SALESLADY 723-7122 ing Centre, 329 Simcoe Street South Auto Parts . | Waxing, Washing, Floor Valuations Arranged 'Art' S Gun Repair TRIG Hed Walker Puppies, 6 weeks old. z COOK'S Tn Goo Coffee Urns REQUIRED "ERC AT \WIECCTEDN mprovemen indow clean- - males $15, After 6 p.m. dial 725-1669 A Silver Tea Service BV AT WESTERN |. ing, Momar Repair Residential busine refinishing, mod. |BEAGLE pod exer noc 'TRAILER SALES Silver Candelabra =, SELLING EXPERIENCE MEAT CUTTING SERVICE CENTRE |, 793. 1302 after 4 City and District ification. OM Ater @ Hlgmens eee 13' Special $995 Sargeant's Rentals AN ASSET i ! kes a cesdlioly Silene 5 Guns bought, sold REGISTERED miniature black poodle 725-3338 ' 20 men needed for class; in reer Late tna I s Summer Properties } . f puppies, male and female. Telephone Glendette : abuEs New Canadion Oshawa and surrounding Dis- "Home mprovements exchanged. Brooklin 655-4871 anytime Applicants Welcome hie L. LICENSED MECHANICS Roofing, eavestroughing, Vacart Land Whi 68 2497 AMERICAN cocker spaniel puppies PARTS AND SERVICE RENTALS | i stad ve nidabiaticst Pogranbs. 145 King West -- 728-1607 painting, cupboards, floor itby, 668- males,, six weeks old. Real beauties HIGHWAY 2, COURTICE Apply in Person rie 2 the highly aid 1 1 1! L . "FIVE BAYS TO SERVE YOU" | tiling. General repairs of al Members Surveyors OF eet ae, te OR LANSOOWNE TEXACO, OF ALL KINDS field of meat cutting, mer- kinds. No job too big or Ontario Brokers' Association ila asa Simeone North (City: Limite) T HaAMteisn( Gad. eelhakees H | Il work ranteed DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, On. BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for + c 9 s . Barristers small, All work gua rio 'Land S Co ial blue training, talking strain. Apply Mrs Open Evenings 723-9534 SANDING MACHINES Act now ' ss 1 | tal urveyor, mmercia. e * I S ! MAC = if ie CREIGHTON. DRYNAN AND) Peed fi ey 2061 ol { SUMMERLAND prints. 11 Ontario 735-0632 Brosd, 114 Elgin Sirest Nast oscillating sanders, disc sand- | SHOE STORE MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, Ne-| Ut, onytine, 728-2061. | H. FLIM_AND TROLLOFE, Ontario ----- 9--Summer Properties Fac vila Honea todo wala 26 KING WEST PRACTICAL _ taries Public, 'Bank of Commerce) -- P, NELL olborne SECURITIES |Land Surveyors, 111 Elgin Street East, 5--Farmer's Column te For Sale or Rent bs ong. . mrtrrire MEAT CUTTING Building, 5 Simcoe Street Nortn, Osh-! Pho: 25-6881, . awa, Ontario, 723-346; Residences: | Cartage usta |WELL ROTTED horse manure. Tele- NiGELY TREED waterfront" lot on PLUMBER'S TOOLS AND RETAIL SCHOCL T. K. Creighton, QC; G. "M. Drynan si i es LIMITED TV--Radio Repair. Phor 8052, beautiful Gull river, at Moore's Lake , LS --- pipe SALESLADY QC, 728-8554; G. L. Murdoch, faa 4768. JOHN'S MOVING | AND | CARTAG | t¥-----Ragio Repairs 16 PIGS, three months old; 200 Dekalb | 100 ft. frontage, $1500. Private. 725-0394 | cleaning-rods, pipe vise tri- | PART TIME Mortgages and agreements of sale! Oshawa, itby easonable "+ J GUARANTEED repairs to all makes Chickens, laying seven months; juan-,woqic ee aw panes were? | od, pipe wrenches, pipe cut- | bought, sold and arranged. Fully equipped and insured. 728-3661 112 Simcoe St. North TV, radio, car radios. Thompson Elec-|tity mixed manure. Hampton 263-2685. seein cpeni say tL OXA weomereos:| vie Moe threading: dies, Experie in selling Lodies' | 1425 DANFORTH AVE ROWMAN, DAVID L... Barrister, Solici-| ki Oshawa, Ontario--725-3568 tronics, 187 Biliott. 728-0792. Fred. CASU on the spot. Highest prices paid ed, MelDor Cedar 'cove Cottages, 17/ toilet auger | Sor care ee | TORONTO, ONTARIO. tor, 3% Simcoe Street South, 725-9592, Dressmaking names dead and crippled farm stock. miles north of Napanee, excellent fish-| aes wig beget pre arcee 4 | ' . Residence 728-0264. } N i general Tele hone collect. Hampton COlfa x ing, $6. per night to June 29, sleeps 4-6.) PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT --~ od personality and neat oR) reneral Mortgages _ TV AERIALS nr " Host 'included ee | e HOward 1-7545 3-2721 Margwill) Fur Farm COlfax Home waning available MeGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers,| sewi PRIVATE and Grulinn ineulaa' to Ticeae Porat deta Write Mrs. M, Small, RR 1. Tamworth,| stepladders, aluminum exten- appearance. , eh Golicitors. Clients' funds available for ete Mr Lyon, 1 ie Street, loan of all ty | ladde 1 jack eens sara iteessacaretri ! pes of mortgages; mort ii i Ont, Phone 57R6 sion ladders, ladder jacks, } first mortgages, 20 Simcoe Street 725-6663 gates and agreements of sale pur- AND TOWERS NEED money for a vacation? Then, con RENT during July, collage. os stee! scaffolding, compress- Must Have References EXPERIENCED North, 728-7336; Charles C. McGibbon, EXPERIENCED dressmakin | ls e d Mur. ' c QC; Edgar F. Bastedo, ac dona, pant enifing, Reusopable. rates.|Goch (hee tensity oie ne Repoired and Installed check the dependable firms Meted in Canal Lake, sleeps six, inside eonveni-| €fS, spray guns, wallpaper viiiteag ca F eS FURNITURE and z. SALMERS, BA, Barrie Solici- Mrs, Eldridge, 67 Montrave. 725-6476. | ---- = - eae 6 COR __ ences, good beach and boat. Write Box steamers, tarpaulins, blow ighest salary if you have * 13% Simcoe Street North. FIRST AND SECOND mortgags. Sale) WHITBY t 3 619, Oshawa Times torches, propane. torches. | ability to sell ) Office 723-1101. Residence 725-5542 Fuel and Wood soars, Eeuaend and seid: FOR RENT -- Lakefront cottage on ! : | APPLIANCE J ------ Hennick and Hennick. Barristers, 31 668- 8344 + CUSTOM PLOWING esutiful. jake. 'Inside conveniences,| WELDING EQUIPMENT -- | Apply In Person t. BRUCE ACKEY, BA, Barrister, SCRAP HARDWOOD, one ft. lengths, King Street East 723-7238 Haliburton district: Available by the Acetylene welding outfits, | ; } SALESMAN SEIGNEUR'S | Please: write Solicitor, Nota: Public. Mortgage "ter mincdelecees fe : funds available, 914. King Street $775 single cord delivered. 12 until 1 or ' "CITY 7. V. CULTIVATING season or week. Whitby 668-5447 200° omp. lactic welders, after 4 p.m. 723-2281 KEEP YOUR service men busy with a * ns Tv; "Es East, 723-1107. Res. 985-7163. j FOR YOUR VACATION, visit Brown' ; Feiec Sol, |STOVE-LENGTH slab wood, $6. per daily ad in "'usiness Service" in ~'asst- DISCING at Rice Lake, good fishing, lodge, BUILDER"S EQUIPMENT -- SPOR T SWEAR | Salary and commission, citor, Notary, Alger Building, 37 King --_ at Woodley's Saw Mill, RR 1,\tied For detaile now dial 723-3492 now Towers and Antennas HARROWING cabins and modern family cottages. cement mixers, finishing tro- GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, Soil |Gardening and Supplies URBAN ss ' : three-bedroom cottage, finished in-| jack hammers, hand troweis, lars to Cha, ac, 725.3368, Terence V. Keliy, SECOND S| Dean Ave. , | Acts or Hourly Rates WOULD-BE COTTAGE owners. Sum-| ©" Steel scaffolding, electric po? b ho Public, 52% Simcoe ville 423-3441 abe W. Jack Tripp Construction, 668-/ masonry saw, building jacks, rug pint secon morta financin > Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub- | phone 725-6985 second ge financing Young's Point. Opes Boats) tric plane, tarpaulins, 14' sizes, choice quality guaranteed LOUIS 8. HYMAN, QC, Barrister, Soli- Street East, 723-4943. Mortgage monies|7¥Tone. Telephone Hampton 263-2121. 110 'Ciaseitied section, : Bill Brown, Keene 335. wel, sctesl: borrows: calectric OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE | Ccompony benefits. Apply in available Paul Cieslar Prop. SEEDING FOR SALE -- Severn River, new vibrator, air -- compressor, ceerrarcmee rene : i writing, giving full porticu- EE. Guaranteed. Satisfaction side, ail c: 7 : a Sata gacgent ke a, Pt ROTO TILING dont, Reaampie zx) CONFUSED ABOUT PLANTING Babin, ESRC YM) Noter pumps, porable heat | CLERK TYPIST BOX 522 MANURE, mixed, delivered any Piace, | t i mer cottages built on location or pre generotor, ramset, power Barrister, oraene 4 oer ra Telephone 'Bowman MORTGAGES ? fete 725- 0500 PHONE 728 3901 fabs erected. Choice crow lots avail- rollers, electric hammers, 18 to 35 Years of Age | _ OSHAWA TIMES P Hise ct ~ ; SitnE RE Se | ig elt 1, lea «IV TOWERS 2183, Whitby : : mortar mixers, mortar boxes, | HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE . MacDONALD, BA, LLB, spring pianting. Harold Aldred. [ele- mt ~ } AND ssa Auction . s DAWSON'S LAKE sige, cottages in| chain hoist, miter saw, elec- PREFERRED | NATIONAL lie, The Commercial Building, 286 Kin --| of homes 6 sn . and motors available. For further in ; Wak Gekown Ontario. Client park, (CEDAR TREES for hedges, te al aii Cott oF write | Antenna Repair formation. contact Mrs. Hewie bondsaw, 4" deiner _tond | Must be good at figures AUTO LEAGUE i Tel B 1 hy ca APs): EY, ONTARIO -- On Eel's Lake ast i er, por ip . BA and THOMAS BI S050 te C.A.C. REALTY LIMITED | we new cottage, stained log siding,, Post hole auger. i eel ove tere ienige oh mit OF CANADA BA | 303 in | Sion ne'Rad'ata tak Tees GARE, em aig OOM Snag Cee | TRIO PUBLIC AUCTION siescraisn it, tosil bend, Thi eon intereing gitors, 725-4 Requires th ices of bli for: planting Reasonable. Glen Mum,) N alia 1 $3500. T 722.1 | } equires @ services on Mortgase loans availa le ----- 414 Park Road South. 725-7887 after 5 TELEVISION .F 500. elephone Bobcaygeon 738. TAN | position with excellent work- aggressive, representative, JOSF PH P. MANGAN, QO, Rarrist a ela iiacal Dal an al a Solicitor. Money to lean. Office "141;|TOP soll, driveway gravel, cement, Need A An euetion of unclaimed:o % PER CENT DISCOUNT on codages, Sharpening & Rentals Ltd ina conditions Applicants must be bondable Street East, Oshawa. cere, icles including bicycles, tri- if ordered now. Free delivery within 200 i with a stable background 778-8232. gravel ind fill. Phone Erie Branton, 171 BOND.ST. E. OSHAWA = 3 5 miles of Toronto. Easy terms. Also lots 22 s l Os ; Y INCREACES and able to work without MANNING F. SWARTZ AND RONALD ----- 728-6781 cycles and other articles will 'available on Ontario's beat lakes ana 223 King St. W., Oshawa REGULAR SALARY INCREASES supervision, An L. SWARTZ. Barristers, Solicitors, j Mort age Loan? - y ailable | | constant = s Notaries. Money to loan. Henry Block,| CROSS TOWN | g g ss saan a be held i daadap el geen etry free literature.! PHONE 723-3224 | 5 Day Week | gbove average income is a King Street. East, 723-4697. Resi PRIVATE PARTY TO INVEST - ss IDE OR EG EO | assured by existing business. lence, dial 723-4029. VA TV TOW COTTAGE Sv Lake Scugog, five-rooms, 12 Articles ft d | Write N 5 ns - ydro, inside convenienc: $2500. M -- ante " : DONALD. RAKE poppe Parca) CALL IN Ist ond 2nd MORTGAGES ERS FRIDAY, MAY 17th [semaoe semen Soe Wanted REPLY TO: fs F ; ' X. 3-047 WANTED -- medium or large Propane} Telephones: business 723-2201; Resi FOR SOD Agreements mile sole and Ecanomy cha: Deluxe AT 7:00: P.M. AT RIDE LAKE. dew, ese ok apace heater, thermostat scotrolled | BOX 605 | P O BOX 2845 ence a are' - ¢ } a 4 ~be: r 300d conditio wo rugs, 12 x an } Vv, iMPRRI mortgages purchased. Low Jd tage, carport, sundeck, treed lake front 9 x 17, beige oF _green. Muephone Bow ie MPHREYS, B BOYCHY tes ' ° q H H BAN, Baron, sociry. "tea ine' PHONE 725-8504 | 12's your mortgoge prop ag wit your budge Ce Ca 2 OSHAWA TIMES | LONDON, ONTARIO Street East, Oshawa; R. B. Hum-, lems gladiy discussed. No } ; Good tern - eid aes AY Hillman, Li) 386! Loam and Gravel fees. No waiting. Immediate TERMS ARRANGED Pickering Ttownship ik. Laces ie ene dees ee AUTO esl co : Ase s, ' P . A. Hillman, service for quick results. fo Residence, 728-4326; Whitby, Washed Stone, Fill ATI N proximately one hundred feet wide! | I | Paxinvag stanley and other mortgage, : ; 3 CALL 723-3211 POLICE ST O Brooklin 655 4962 : : Wants cors for wrecking. | OSHAWA TIMES PA ERNS Excavating, lots | ' Wo. 2H Dunbarton yeFOR RENT -- Rice Lake, three-bed Pp for sole, al i Bookkeeping Loaders. Trucks I EVENINGS 725- 2539 | . Wy Acs cottare. Hydro, lakefront. Avail- aa metals pps T Bouaht eerie 2 ERROR ORS a c - able July and August. Newcastle 1656 an ' : EOOKKEEPING Services, income Tax BEATTY HAULAGE | MORTGAGE SUPPLY LIMITED | 'ini Rokk: Kichnabi : : Open Saturday all day. Phone PRINTED PATTERN tervices. 708 Newman 'Crescent, 668. 725-2156 PAIGNTON HOUSE -- | 725-2311--89 BLOOR E. ; a or ee LOANS 728-8180 eae! etn Te oe a ee Building Trades" | GRAVE Won wemri gx, 4omeep and Cow Moneys for first mortgages Well Drilling--Digging The undersigned auctioneer | Finest resort. facilties, 9 hole SCRAP, IRON, POULTRY vel, sand, top sot! Phone 728-9530 Interest at 7% WELL DIGGING by machine. special will sell by public auction Re a eae | AND FEATHER TICKS i MANURE Open mortgages nut Street West, PO Box 359, Whitby Lome e ee meugles cree Be wineecior ota Raw Furs, Deer Skins, Metals a " , > 4 7 { 9 color pict nut Street West, PO Box 329, Whitby, saint 6k thes Douglas | free 22. page-color picture » p No benus on go esta » i ; \ (onilacts HYDRO SILICA Well Rotted cc nie a see Bartony Tes mie, west" ot | - Brochure, Minett, Ont. Phone |. TURNER No charge for valuations BRICK CLEANING DELIVERED Mortgages and Agreements BILL LEMON Ennisklilen, Lot 22, Con. 8, | on evel agent 3155, see 723-2043 --- 723-2281 purchased t Darlington Twp. on Satur- No dust - No dirt : will not dariage brick. By load $8 and $6 | Méneys fer second mortgoges | WELL DIGGING -- | doy, May 11: W6: MeCor- HONEY HARBOR 13--Business_Opportun ast service. . K " by a For free estimates call Pp Bushel $1 A F. SWART ' Cleanouts, Deepenings new), 10-20 Deering tractor, BLOOR STREET EAST, 131 -- Store For fr s t er usne pete ZL Compressor Work {200 hears sincesmoier | "Moder: + ' Ba with four-room apartment for rent 26% King St. East is sth } | ern housekeeping cabins | Appiy to address or telephone 725-9449 7 | 5 ; Yard d Cell Cl d ° | f . Stan's Sharpening Phone 728-7435 Oshawa, Ontario nba a abe ewe | bt pal loneapialy il 39 ns | and cottages; safe swimming aoneae - a stoke wenvice station And Rental Ltd. 723-4697 Telephone 728-0911 | McCormick-Deering thresh. | for children; good fishing, MODERN cut stone service sation] antes with lunch counter ing machine on rubber, used Blue Water Cabins, Honey will accept property exchange. Eon 223 King W. 723-3224 Better Gardens : a 1--Women's Column three seasons on one farm; choice of gasoline. Write PO Box et : Harbour By FIRST PERMANENTS on special. Page Hair-. international baler; McCor- -purbedisrrevesr uence aa Naslaclabal Taare iat, PLASTERING OSHAWA for 396 Pine Avenue. Telephone mick-Deering tractor culti- | BOYS & GIRLS CAMP-- te ack cee eee De used Mortgage ESGER ASD RPI --~---- vator, McCormick-Deering 3- | 6 - 18 on Lieut. Gov. estate. | shop, etc. Low rent, Apply 154 William | and GARDEN CENTRE fan parmente, Intiieee, deen | furrow plough, used' three 2 miles waterfront, Riding, Street East. 725-2173, P LOANS Registered corsetier. Mrs. J, Hender seasons; Massey-Harris trac- water-skiing, camp-outs, ten- PRINCIPAL with strong insurance and, REPAIRS Evergreens, flowering shrubs, shot, 324 Admiral Road tor with hydraulic loader, nis, arts, etc. Tuition: French executive back ground wishes to pur- shade trees. Ready to plant Residential Property Fleury steel stoneboot, saw and Maths. Prot.-Cath: serv- {ng S4c0oe, and up grove Sead pre STUCCO STOOPS Thousands to choose from Tabt ao 2--Personal Sees frame, rubberstired wagon, ices. Insulated cabins with ium. Cash or terms. Write to Box 339,/ ' Flagstone Patio Rockery Mr. Tabbert, Mr. Vessey IF YOU have a drinking problem, write steel "truck wagon and hay hot and cold water. Excel- {Oshawa Times, and basement. All repairs + Soil Sod. * Seed Box 333, Whitby, or call 468-3034 'or racks, 3-drum roller, horse- lent meals. Nurse. Doctor on FINDERS often get rewards. Check the| and. new work. No job to Op 201), 30d, seeds 728-1653 725-0893 rake, International 2-furrow call ollege counsellors. "Last" ads in today's Classified Section | small. Estimotes free, Guar- Capaplate: Garden' Service PROFIT BY reaching your best loan tractor plough, 2 sections of Only $35 weekly neluding oe the item you found to its} anteed work. Call after 6 Pruning Spraying, Alteration GUARANTY rice Ciawiticd AL or ce draw horrows, 4 sections. of everything (Subsidized for Pee Call us for estimates day for more information horrows, steel bag truck, needy children). Free booklet. TRUST CUSTOM TAILORING large quantity of new lumber, | Dr. and Mrs, Harold Martin, | GOING BUSINESS 728-3097 1259. Simcoe St. North scales, chains and other Directors. '"Wildwood", Vau- 723-3222 Company of Canada by english tailor) articles. Sale at 1:30. Terms dreuil, Quebec, Gorage and Machine Shop in ' oe : : cash. Clifford Pethick, auc- - cement block building, fully B. & G. Prastaring yen Nights Till 9 Musical Services LEN PULLAN tioneer, Phone 263-213] 6---Auction equipped in operation with Sundovs for. visitors PIANO, ed me Sa and ciccinare suits, coats, slocks, etc : 3 ae : outo wrecking license. Spac- ~--. Classified Ad Rotes (Ci Sem ting tle, ntcumens) Terms fiom 1.50 weekly | | | + UNREDEEMED PLEDGES vont anime uestors, FROM. (ie GARUEL 25 WORDS OR LESS CORDED music. Parties, dances,' 10 PRINCE ST.----728-5311 rented at $75 month. | By ALICE BROOKS | Better described offers get faster results, Martin, OX 18144, Don Tienierk | : AUCTION SALE Centre of town, 3,000 pop- All the flowers of spring have mage 728-8130 UNWANTED HAIR | ulation, 50 miles east of Osh- been caught in these two pic- 6 consecutive doys - ° Vanished away with SACA a Cand t They'll add color 4 "alae cL awa in rich fruit and tobacco ures. ey" ' : SIZES, 10-18 3 consecutive days : se Optometrist _ = ps ree is dif- THU RSDAY, MAY Oth farming area. Owner retiring. What fun it will be to embroi- ] y 3 SHIFT Count each word, initial, figure or abbreviation os one word. 5 : 0, Optometrist rent. It does not dissolve : | der these natural flowers -- an) MS 4 Box: humber sie VS lita or 74: Barks atte lavetuis va Pine pete tien the sur- 7:30 P.M. SHARP | $30;000. they're a decorator's choice. | : It not paid within 7 days, chore rate applies. examined at home. Dial 725.4587 Sathya aroath oF es and. : ae Pattern 7299: transfer 2 pic- Wh yi agg od sy ~~ Bee c ia caias ya , tet & ta hasnt u i sf Professional listings only, 3 lines per month.... re Painting and Decorating ED HAIR. Lor-Beer: Lab. Ltd., STIRTEVANTS AUCTION HALL | be heaplconii Oshawa prop igo tig me girth a ie oe oer ni oh ' teeta is 7 pee | 5 79 St my irty-fiv: Ss S $8 S80 5 td | ae eee ee ee Pr ggece tate: ge, bane Racca 2 dd es 33 HALL ST. OSHAWA : * this pattern (no stamps, please) so easy? Slim, sleek, no waist (Not opplicoble for merchandise advertisements.) a ' 3 p.m. 725-7213 i 28 ' | Telephone to Alice Brooks, care of The seams--wear it belted, unbelt- Removol of superfluous hair, Of 200 lots of d | tions i oe. x awe d. Tucks? § le! DEADLINES. DODD & SOUTER ' DF 2 ots of unredeemed pledges under instructions Oshawa Times, Oshawa, Ont.ed. Tucks? Simple! Ward: ods ..5 p.m. doy previous PAINTING AND DECORATING | * A bl et 4 of prominent Ontario pawnbroker Oshawa 728 7828 Ontario residents add 1 cent! Printed Patern 4638: Misses' Classified Display ,+++2:30 p.m. day previous CONTRACTORS Si Bhase Ganteke tuoi 4 ' | sales tax. Print plainly PAT. Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18. Size 16 H r Painting ' >s Hot : : whN ' TAME ranuires: Si6 var Kina it Births, memoriams, cards of thanks - :, ae m. aay * tt et a = va ene, i these datae for appsint- This tine lot 'of Nationally Advertised merchandise comprisirig 14 Employment Wanted» | TERN JMBER, NAME, AD- rh apie 3% yards 35-inch fab _ Lest and Found -- ri a.m, day Dud) ior y Hil ment of Ladies' and Men's fine watches including ELGIN, LONGINES, : . ares : SEIN Ara ea Cancellations and Corrections--8:30 a.m. day of publication. 107 BUR ee Poy GRUEN,--WITTNAUER,-BULOVA, ete. Ladies" "and Men's PETER. PAN DAY Nursery », Monday to 1963°s-B4i-g-g-e-stNeedlecraft---_FORTY CENTS (40 cents) in REGULATIONS d 5 YS 668-5862 HITBY ELECTROLYSIS |, DIAMOND ri some with larger diamonds and others with treet North. Telephone 728-2604 Show stars smocked accessor- coins (no stamps, please) for | ng le for errors dvertise- NIGHTS. 725-742, er diamonds), Ladies' and Men's rings set with variou ies -- it's our new Needlecraft|this pattern. Ontario resi idents The Oshawa Times will not a gp iowa 5 ah or a oe n ee couaee 723-464) s. Also in this sale, silverware sets, electric shavers. and |16--Female Help Wanted Catalog! Plus over 200 fresh- add 1'cent sales tax, Print plain- ments submitted otherwise than u nb sd alas beyond the Personal Service ; many other items ROUSFKEEPER wanted for five-room|to.voy designs to knit, crochet,!y SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, one incorrect INaeIOy of walt a Sigitiagiin vee pal Car eh an Siiait home. able to take messages for busi fea Wane aiibinldek quilt. STYLE NUMBER price charge for a single insertion of the advertisement in sabe MODERN GRILI : | Every Item Carries a Written Guarantee ness telephone Live in or out. Tele SOW, ave, embri Me ohare ab si . ain 725-9161 after 7 Plus free pattern. Send 25 cents Send order to ANNE ADAMS, error occurs. | -- Business here he Aik aceon: 4 AUSTION sale (which edad baat - : " / 1 ser + ht to classify advertisin : . us 1S your opportunity to come to an AUS sale (whic DAY SHIFT only, excellent wages, no now! care of The Oshawa Times. The 'Oshawa, Times gaps ve te ie aie Y erp Bar-B-Qued Chicken, Turkey People is a lot of fun. and bid your own price on this fine merchandise. Sundays, experienced = waitress, for\eo™ ° Pattern Dep., Oshawa, Ont. according to its proper classificatio Dinners, Fish 'n Chips, Home s he P | modern .Barbecue. Apply immediately, Just out! 304 design ideas pl In the case of display advertisements, The Times will not be Made Pies and Desserts ing the Praises | FREE DRAW--LADIES' GENUINE DIAMOND RING Carmichael's Restaurant, Park Road W t Ad D '+ Bisel A ela bile vig 4 idea plus held responsible for more space than that in which the actual eC aen of Oshawa South at Hillside i ANt-AGS VON T coupon for FREE pattern -- any e S| o WE DELIVER " He se 4 - ; * » Spr lis deavour to reproduce all aaver- pees IRSDAY , Own. 9 DN eye) EXE RIENCED waitresses and cook one you choose in new Spring. error occupies. The publishers endeavou : TSON RD. SOUTH | Times Classitied THURSDAY, MAY 9th 30 P.M. SHAR i "aig Apply R, JN. Restaurant Summer Pattern Catalog. Send i tter correctly, but assume no liability of advertisement uy iy. -Ghoowitie' ane; 5 ee ~ 5 jf ony inoccurecies in any form are contoined therein. 725-3887 Ads. FRANK STIRTEVANT, AUCTIONEER [etree sou P78 3 ae Cost They Pay "cents now.

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