Lloyd Criticizes -- Today' s Stock Market Ontario Medicare 'REGINA (CP) . S Laced of Rackatch a 4 "Gntarto plan proposes) e i owas Says Ontario's proposel| \that private insurance compan-| medical ane insurance plan! jies will offer a basic contract has some "serious shortcom-| of medical insurance at a pre- |. ings." |mium fixed by a government|" Lioyd, hose /committee, The contract would|4 ant gin nba rl al available to all but would not compulsory universal medical| disturb the 70 per cent of the| plan last summer, said in a\Province's population who now statement Tuesday the |have some form of medical in- sug-| surance. The gevernment will) geeted voluntary Ontario) be responsible for persons un-| scheme could .not offer insur- able to pay the premiums. TORONTO By The Canadian Press Pp stent gry Exchange--May 3 in cents unless marked $ Jockey C xa-Ex-dividend, r--Ex-| Labatt -warrants. Net change is |** from previous board-lot closing sale.) Lom Cem INDUSTRIALS Sales High Low a.m, Ch'ge ag -- Premier,and for not relating cost to abil-| gins, xw--Ex Stock bitibi Acklnd Alta Dis w Alta Gas Alta Gas w Algoma 1 Alumini Alum lpr Alu im 2pr Apaclg wis Argus Arg CP pr pe rene 100 100 1730 440 160 1885 ll Net High Uvien. om Ss Stock Galen High Low a.m. Ch'ge S6% 6% 6% Bethim 330 «(330 +58 325 32% 32 --8 | Bibis 2 19 "1 $16% 16% 16% -- % | Brunswk 385 (385 +19 295 |Buff Ank ma 214 16% -- %|Camp Chib "45 «(415 22 jc Tung 13 $12% 125% 12% |C Astoria "4 $8% 8% 'C Austri | 13 $9 9 C Dyno 109 109 109 +4 | LobG 1 pr $323 32 «+ %|Cassiar $11% 11% 11%--% S44¥e 44s 44% + | Maclaren A ak 23 + M%4\Cent Pore $ 6 6 +h 23% 23% + is MB PR $25 25% + "4 |Cheskirk {| his iM Lent Mill 100 $12% 12% -- % | Chester 3000° 16 600 $13% 13% 13% + Ye|Chib M 33035 Hd 44% +1%/|C Bellek 10% 11 i , ie 11A.M. STOCKS Stock | Jefferson Bales 295 295 |Lau Fin A $16% 16% $2 62 11 Net $44%4 $74 $2214 % 210 : 5 | 100.112 112 112 4 Milt Brick 220 375 3 s i ek. 8 Moore 65 "$53% 7 so a 50 5 495 495 +8 13% "4 38M + 4 33 1 Nat Dru 1100 $16%4 33 + iat im 4 ; Nat Trust 50 $29 Nat Trrt 55 162 Nia WireB 75, $14% THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Mey 3, 1963 2} D Be REPLACEMENT GUARANTEE ! ance at minimum cost. | Mr, Lloyd said the Ontario | Atl Sug A "This is only possible when pian weal segregate people] Atiag, Steet everyone is required to partici- |into two groups--those who can|Bank Mont pate," the premier said. |pay their own way and those Bank NS He was critical of the Ontario who receive public assistance.|Beay Lum plan for proposing to segregate|The Ontario plan would put an) vale Pegged persons who cannot pay their|unfair burden on borderline in- pow.m _: own medical care premiums|come groups, he added. Noranda 10 $36% NQP i pr 5 $50% NQP 1 pr 5 $50% Nor Phon @ $9\4 35, Nor Phone 5 $914 3% 35% Page-Hers $22% 56Ve 56% -- ¥% Pac [Pete $13% 50%. 50% + % Pac jet wt 750 3 53 ow Corpl $9% ap Price Br 150 $39% $18% Thi as nu +h) 61 FH Ai a a" ay 8 shail S o ahedet eee Jellicoe Seven Arts 200 Shell Oil 2000 Shell I pr 300 Shell J wts 500 Simpsons 1 25 4 Slat Steel pr 150 Southam 75 teats 235888882: 385 Opemiska | Ormsby Paramaq Pax Int Pce Expl Peerless 28500 Pitch-Ore 1000 Preston 100 Purdex 28000 % 21 Quemont 465 311% 11% 11% Rio Algom 550 $14% 14% 14% Ryanor 1000 Sherritt 1420 Silvmaq 1000 -- % Sil Stand 500 Siscoe 200 Starratt 1000 -- Ve Steep R 490 1 Sturgeon 2500 5000 55 $102 102 215 $106 106 700 «(68 $11% 11% Yukon Zenmae Zalapa Bales to He. m.t Inglis ° oy ene Where do wonderful rums come from 9 They're blended by CAPTAIN MORGAN from the largest stocks of rum in the world, : $21% a4 ui -- 4 1QN Gas w 21-0 oS 82 Heath Phone $56 56 |Revelstk pr 250 aM aM Hollinger ? BOPE 4% 6 319 ™~ % 96 |Revenue pr 1 00 Hud Bay Cr LNCTCASE iets a poo 70 Shaw In rts 5500 . 46 ise Fa freee -- | Jowsey e + %|Keeley-F Fadry s ree In Sugar Prices Fe re Naae ov 4 Texa 4 | Mal. fen ers announced a further price) Market in London. Some coun-C Chem ae Tor-Dom Bk 283. 361% ens e1% 2 | Merkime increase Wednesday--the third tries, such as the United King-|c"Dredee" 150 Tor Iron A 900 1 "i Martin in three days for most--giving/ dom, buy under special Can G inv 43 $04 2% 42% + %4 Tr Can PL + Wl ioe CG Sec B 100 9 2 haters started last January on the world market. C Husky 250 Turnbull 0 $12%-- | a lapnen ¥, ; 35 $214 2 $y Three Montreal-based compa-_ Spokesmen for the Montreal ¢ iy bk Con a : 5 * | Muiti-M nies with national marketing 2d Vancouver firms ee ka aes WOoast. 'Tr ire A 210 WCoast vt pany hiked the price of a 100. Sar made the increases neces-'c Ut a4pr_ 215 W Indies pound bag 20 cents to $13.15 sarry. The price in London rose CWN Gas 350 Weston A compared to $9.10 at the begin- 16 points to 8.3 cents Wednes- Canines Weston B est wts 300 $ Con Bidg 8 ' The present spiral makes the geil pode ea au ee 'price an all-time high, the pre- CROPS DECREASE po high being $11.75 a bag in) The European beet crop, an- Corby. vt 350 For the Montreal companies raw sugar, was only 6,500,000 Dist Seag - 2100 "Oe beta 1000 frag --Canada and Dominion Sugar) metric tons this season Com- pop tie, '38 323 € Delhi pared to about 7,000,000 metric Dofasco 670 $6714 6714 Cdn Dev 875 395 390 38 84 eries Lid. and St. Lawrence Su-| tons in the 1961-62 growing sea- adi ores . ain By : 5¥ C Homestd 500 9 9" 3 gar Refineries Ltd.--the hike) son--due to the cold wave that|Dom Text Cem Del 235 followed hard upon increases of| swept the continent early last Du Pont 35 $4343 C East Cr 1000 Exauisite' pr 250 10% 10% 10m 7" |G, Mic Mac 200 si 0 $10% 10% Dynamic Monday. Prices of the Montreal com- Falco. OS cane eae F Pl 460 $20% 20% ome For aod British ee S| panies include transportation ro ws) oD $5344 3 ee bea ans gar Refinery Ltd. it § § 9 4 Medal 500 4 cy ge pipet of there. The refiners' resser 7s $278 2754 Okalta pai ose e 5 . e Place 500 5 $ The B.C. company's price went| jonto and $1.40 higher at Winni- Gat Be pr Prove Gab 200 ; ie ee Manitoba sugar prices were|?°® cara" Saree 200 123 12 +1. | Violam , 3 G Secur Free 1134 - i expected to: go up proportion-| Caught in the squeeze are|Goodyear South U 1000 > 1 1 ty W bee ately Bal ait ornctat or thy Mant on a high sugar content. Soft/Gr woe & nen eee eee 0 $ iltsey peg declined to give figures. drink manufacturers have in-|Guer Tr Unispher 3200 42 4 Bari pi ager se TRACE TO CUBAN CRISIS | small bottles to eight cents from|Hard Carp ih Denis on ee oe m4 Although prices began spiral-;seven since the spiral started Hawkers J | imp Ol $44 4 4244 + % | start of it all can be traced to) facturers have been forced to imp Tob 1225 pag Loe 5 . 4 see eh tee le : the Cuba-nuclear arms crisis of take similar steps. oi " 495 Advocate 1000 695 695. 685-410 BORDER UNGUARDED be 1210 $70%4 70% 70% + % Arjon : 9% 94 9%4+1% Not one soldier stands guard of a 100-pound bag was $7. 7 lee stl P 1400 250 245 250 A Arc B wW 1600 , 24 24% 2th ' but in a week rose to $7.65. Inv Syn A 125 $58% 58 56% + % Bankeno 1000 36 36 36 Ot MH the United States and Canada. | A series of wildly-fluctuating| Peon ton paar on ieee : noes | downward--have brought prices| | Contident to 50 per cent over the Pre-| | yon | Of New Height | charged for Canadian refined) ne LOS ANGELES (AP) -- X- | from a flight to 212,000 feet Owar ug: @§ Thursday confident the rocket | ship will be able to double that | Defaults Suit | | over. e a U1 | "If the next flight goes as| \nicely as this one I am sure} NEW YORK (AP)--A federal -- pilot said in a post-flight! judge ruled Thursday that the "" srview, refusal of Howard R. Hughes, The 4,000-mile-an-hour X-15's| : : miles--would take it to within tru A - bs apa a default 99 miles or so of the altitudes The ruling pould xnean. ks at which missile-boosted Mer- lines up to $135,000,000 in dam- ages. Judge Charles Metzner of master, who will hold hearings on the damages to be awarded. Hughes, 56, a man of mystery closely-guarded homes and to travel much of the time. eee ue Hore Trans World has claimed in} powmanviue © ScARoRO Through Hughes Tool Hughes owns 78 per cent. of TWA. The UNIONIZED SHOP airline has sued Hughes, charg- 723-4631 Z 50 MILL 420 420 420 $27% rng hada 4 QN Gas 7218 $7%% 7 | ee -Min $16 QN Gas pr 110 $101% 101% 101s + ¥| Headway |Royal Bank 124 7% 73% -- Yh sl brebgt Ex | Royalite 225 cal Pow 4 2M + Y '4 4M 30% 39! ia Cem 25 39% lKerr Add By THE CANADIAN PRESS ;sugar is a' direct reflection of © eax sa Steel Can 3525 + | Macfie Canada's major sugar refin- Taw sugar prices on the world Cbal Bw oo + | oe price CF Prod 1p 1000 Tr Fin A -- %| Mattemt further impetus to a trend that agreements whhile Canada buys Moneta said CPR 3750 $29% 29% 29% -- i, Walk GW 435 $57% 57% 57% -- 4 |Nama Cr facilities and a Vancouver com. higher world prices on raw su-/¢ F: «|W Pacific ning of the year. day. The New York price was Col Cell Mack g io Con Gas OILS 1923. other major source of Canadian Crush Int 220 Co, Ltd., Atlantic Sugar Refin- Dom Elect 100 $12% 12% 12% + 4% ¢ Delhi w 15 115 115 43 120 $20% 2% C 'Dragon 500 25 cents Tuesday and 20 cents' winter. ee Gr Plains 500 $53% 53% and so ave jiigher at ail poi Northeal 62500 . 43 --3 price is 20 cents higher at Tor-;Gat 5 pe pr ; up 25 cents Tuesday. Pom € Quonto tw ties manufacturers whose products |GL Paper Trans Can 3503 7 43 |W Surf d toba Sugar Company in Winni- creased their price on single/@rice 4. 205 4 2 +3 |U Canso vt 1000 134 134 134° +2 ee ee 1 ling in earnest last January, the| and candy and ice cream manu-|imp on yh alien tf 100 495 495 495 45 Oct., 1962, At that time the price} ph oy : 00 9 R k t Pi | fi 82% 82% A Arcadia 10 55° 54 SS over the 3,987-mile frontier of, changes since--only two of them| Mamofacturers say the price| |Pilot Joseph Walker returned jaltitude before the summer i In TWA Case |the following one will be an at- tempt for a new altitude," the siikive allisealie industrialist, | record is 314.750 feet. A flight to to appear personally in an anti-|7 ou" ,000' feet--nearly 80 the Hughes Tool Company may} - nua Sapaules Bo imo orbit. have to pay Trans World Air- Federal District Court said he will refer the case to a speciai and intricate financial dealings, is reported to live in several court it has spent thousands of | cuprtein: : s, Drapes, Blankets, Rugs dollar: ing to f ; s trying to find Hughes OSHAWA'S ONLY ing anti-trust violations and tnis- management: 4 great brands ~ Captain Morg WHITE LABEL BLACK LABEL City of Oshawa -- First Instalment 1963 TAXES DUE Polling Division Color of Bills First Instalment Numbers Due Date 1 to 57 White May 6th PAY TAXES BY MAIL by cheque or money order (if eon- venient) enclosing COMPLETE tox bill--receipted bill will be returned. AVOID STANDING IN LINE by poying before any due date OR by depositing sealed envelope containing cheque ond Tox Bill in "City Hall Mail' letter drop at City Hall main entrance ony time. ALL OSHAWA CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANKS OF COM- MBRCE will accept current toxes within two weeks before any GOLD LABEL REBELS AGAINST EVERYONE! NO ONE DICTATES to the BAD BOY ALL PRICES SLASHED! ~~ == 58, seat Le un eeu, rT All Merchandise Subject to Prior Sale. If Sold Out of a Specific Adver- tised Item a Com- parable Substitute Model Will Be Of- fered at the Same Price, WE BOUGHT 'EM ALL! : WE BOUGHT 'EM RIGHT! BUY NOW svenissne rcs NEW 1963 RCA VICTOR 4 WAY STEREO COMBINATION Complete Home Entertainment Centre FM-AM RADIO-23"' RECORD PLAYER 5 SPEAKERS COMPARABLE VALUE 514.95 a 988 8 Bonded Picture Tube WITH TRADE 4-SPEED FULLY NO PAYMENTS "TIL JULY New Inglis Fully Automatic Ws nd New, Cycle, Bram Fitterent automat atu rinse : pel dries, matically Brand New co Automatic 30" RANGES tied, Blee~ Clock controle, ail tric Minute ee inside AUTOMATIC With Famous British Record Changer @ RCA Victorcraft Cabinetry @ Copper Bonded Circuitry © Walnut Grain Finish 3-PC. BEDROOM SUITES Smart Stylings Top Brands 6, 7 and 8 Drawer Dressers Priced from BRAND NEW SMOOTH-TOP CONTINENTAL BEDS Complete with headboerd. You ol Smooth-Top 88 Mattress, Matching Box Spring, Hardwood Legs, . Matching Headboard CHROME SETS @ 4 sturdy Chairs @ Arborite Top Tables © Large Selection © Priced From MATTRESSES AND BOX SPRINGS © Most Sizes @ 39", 48", 54". TO CLEAR ODD CHAIRS BRAND NEW 1963 "BEATTY" {= FREEZER HOLDS OVER 13 TON (735 LBS.) OF FOOD All steel construction, Fiberglass In- sulation, Removable Storage Baskets, FREE BAD BOY Strong and Rust Resistant, 5 wer Food Spoilage Insurance, 5 Year war: ranty on Sealed Unit, Free Food Plan Available, No Membership Fee. *198 Other FREEZERS FROM .... Fully Automatic ELECTRIC Portable Transistor AM-FM KETTLE Automatic Shut-off RADIO. Complete with Bat- Instelment dote providing Tox Bill is presented for receipting AND PROVIDING NO INSTALMENT IS PAST DUE WITHOUT CHARGE. ALSO PAYABLE AT CITY HALL (if preferred), Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Closed Saturdays SPECIAL HOURS 7 TO 9 P.M. INSTALMENT DATES ONLY FAILURE TO PAY ANY ONE INSTALMENT on or before due date necessitates the Tox Collector to proceed to collect by several Statutory ond Local By-Law provisions such as Collec- tion of Rents where property is tenont occupied: Division Court Actidn in some cases and by possible "'Boliff Seizure" of chattels, subject to additional costs. . Telephones: 725-1153; After 5 p.m. Dial 728-6881 : CLARENCE L, COX City Tax Collector CIVIC ADMINISTRATION BLDG, CAPTAI GAPTA MIMORGANTRUMIDIOTILLERSELIMITED SUPPLIERS TO THE ROYAL' CANADIAN NAVY @ Most Colors PRICED FROM G.88 De. Humidifiers SAVE 50% PRICED FROM 783 teries, Eor Plug, Leather Car- trying Case, Telescopic An- tenna. Beautiful 34, 95 's Reception Brand New 6-TRANSISTOR RADIOS Complete with carry- ing case, Batteries, g Oo f Earphone Brond New 2-Brush Electric FLOOR POLISHER 1 - Year Factory 19 88 i) Guarantee, recorp paver 18,08 Control. Lerge 3-Pint cape- city, Mott GE. Cel- rod Element. 1-Year Factory Guarantee 4, 99 Twin-Beater Electric HAND MIXER Beater Ejector, 4- Position Speed Control, Brac- ket for Well Mounting. 1- Yeor Factory Warronty Combinetion STEAM AND DRY IRON Infinite automatic heat control, Ideal for all fab- ties, 1-Year factory guarantee 7,99 BED PILLOWS! Foam Rubber each PUPPETS BAD BOY KING ST. EAST JUST 200 YARDS EAST OF TOWNLINE! PHONE 728-4658