ae = otis iediapee sone A Base metals were also firmly' ahead on index, with western oils up fractionaly and golds Hieninion Bridge, fairly -ac- - Ss Industrials ; slightly lower. tive and stronger Wednesday, Closed High \.27n" i soy" sitesi tater 4 the upswing and chief gainers|Jor bank s: lower in a exaco to % range. Royal, advancing agra Canada, up 14), was the exception. 0 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Mey 3, 1963 r e BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT pivpENDs |Stockyard Prices oro cen Steady Lo Firm May 13. Canadian Devonian Petrol- oie Taken record May 16. cents, June 3, record May VV. eums Ltd., 10 cents, June 15, TORONTO (CP)--Prices were generally steady to firm on all classes and grades of slaughter Hayes Steel Products Ltd., 15|..ttie at 'the Ontario public stockyards this week. mons 16-20; good heifers 21.50- 22.50 with choice to 22.50-23.50; medium 19.50 - 21.50; common 16-19; choice fed: yearlings 24-26 with odd top to 27; good 22-24; (OP)--Folowing a strong rise to record levels, in- a point to 39% and CPR, ahead a point to 29%, after hitting a new 1963 top of 30%. The stock) traded more than 28,000 shares. On Thursday}? wit wis tea ces, shea Avoid Disappointment SUMMER HOLIDAY soonest International Utilities Corp., good cows 17.50-18.50 with sales dustrials eased slightly after) The day's most active indus- them up through a series of cor- common (before split) 40 cents|_,Veal calf prices were lower. noon but closed firmly higher|trial. was Steel Co. of Canada, f ay DENNIS ORCHARD ' to 19.50: medium 16-17: ie "VANCOUVER (CP)--Compos-|ferences with provincial tourist) (Canadian); pfd. 50 cents (U.S.) Hog prices were higher and sow Pages Persie iy aire canners! during moderately hesvy trad-|ahead % to 21% on a volume of ie picture of an American tour-/associations. Since January the| une 1, record May 1. prices were lower. Lamb prices) hot oa bulls 19-39 ween aie22|ing on the stock market Thurs-|nearly 39,000 shares. It featured ist visiting Canada: CTA caravan has hit Moncton,) In ncial Pipe Line Co.,| "ere higher. 20.50: common and medium 15-|92Y: two special - sized transacti 8.50. "He is 36 or older. He is travel-|Ottawa, Peterborough, London, Hd cents, June 1, record May Cattle receipts were esti- lng with his wife, but--chances|Ont., and Calgary. Last week it mated at about 9,200 head, _ @re--the children have stayed|spent three days here with the * oblaw Groceterias Co. Ltd.,|about 800 head fewer than last| Replacement cattle: Good home. aol $s probably a protes-|B.C, Tourist Association. common 80 cents, first pfd. se- "og og gh og same as wer dad tek He oe : , earning between ries A 37% cents, second. pfd.|this week last year. Western re- ' $7500 and and $12,000 2 year, He|COULD MEAN $0 MILLION | cents, June 1, record May 8.|ceipts were nearly double those/9; common and medium. stock- Will spend about $40 a day| One of the lessons B.C. dele-| Loblaw Ine., 10 cents (U.S,),|0f last week at 824 head. West-\¢fS and stock calves 20-23. while he's here. gates took home was that ifiyune 1, record May 17. ern stock calves numbered 210 "He might be coming to camp, |¢Very tourist last year had been) Salada Foods Ltd., commonjhead as compared to 32 head fish or spend time at a resort,|PeTsuaded to stay one more day six cents, Sept. 14, record Aug.|!ast week. In addition to the but the odds are better that he|i" B.C. it would have meant an/o3 Western receipts, 11 cattle and is headed for a city. It is un- additional $40,000,090 for the] 'Trans-Prairie Pipelines Ltd.,|90 calves were received from likey that he has been here be-| Province. common five cents, June 14,|Montreal. There were no ship- fore, but it's almost certain hel,, They | also heard somelrecord May 30. - ments to Eastern Canadian will be back. Pons 4" rg gl ea slaughterers ond no cattle Last, and just as important,|{0": Dont remini em 0 shipped off the market for ex- he wil Srcbabis he on his wayltome by flying the stars and| NET EARNINGS [port to the United States. Nine home within two days. stripes; Don't take the adven- veal calves were brought for ex- This, at least, is the picture|Ure out of their trip with 8) py Ty CANADIAN PRESS |P0rt to the United States. dtawn in a survey by Regional by saga tourists" sign in your) "American Motors Corporation| Slaughter cattle: Choice Marketing Surveys Limited for|"',0 0": pove all. said 3 mos, ended March 31: 1963,/Steers closed at 24-24.50 with British Columbia. R ve all, Said manager|s19,200,000, 54 cents a share;|S0me fancy feedlot steers to 25 oy Corbett of the B.C. Ho'els!i9¢9 "$950,000, 48 cents: and odd tops to 25.40; good 23- INTERVIEWED TOURISTS Association, don't risk a repeti- as! 24; mediums 20.50-22.50; com- Unique in Canada, it featured|tion of his experience on a visit at ee ee dy tal Wanenue onTE interviews during the 1962 tour-jto a community in the B.C. in-|"4" 5. ° AITS ist season at poris of entry and|terior. 1963, $883,902, 37 cents a share; | GETTING MARRIED 2 || + wenpinc a.sums on ferries to Vancouver andj, Biel Ay ae 1 ane - : eéte Bagh omar p Have color MOVIES |} may Wencouver Island. This year,|¢2¥s r. Corbett recalls as nnesota and Ontario Paper oe ° Beige hee ne elioadling 8 hotel cio: nine ad ted Maren] Token of your Wedding || Sreland. Studio the survey to visitors from else-| "Buddy," the cerk said, Tear: 31: 1963, $844,976, 33 cents a) FOR INFORMATION | 21 ATHOL ST. WEST where in Canada. ing confidentially across the|share; 1962, $794,082, 31 cents.| PHONE 728-4476 || 723-3680 "But the province is not yet|desk, "nothing ever happens in} Qpemiska Copper Mines| finished examining this compo-|this town." (Quebec) Ltd., 3 mos. -ended| site American. March 31: 1963, $782,667, 14. 19} His affluence encourages the LIKES MOSCOW cents a share; 1962, net loss| tourist industry. And the Cana-| Montreal baritone Louis Quil-|$233,353. | dian Tourist Association, for onejico is keen to sing again in} Southam Co. Ltd., 3 mos. has a og that a can = Moscow where he was enthusi-|ended March 31: 1963, $812, ag 7 persuaded to stay longer andjastically received last Novem-|27 cents a share; 1962, $90: Spend more. ber. 969, 30 cents. HURRY ! HURRY ! One step is Project. Hospital- ity, designed to persuade the tourist industry to persuade the : el our E services industry to improve its| approach to tourists. - wants 100 "hospitality TOPCOAT etheols" held in communities DRE SSE s @eross Canada this spring. Stu- dents will be people who meet | the public--waitresses, cashiers| or With -The Purchase Of SALE 'ANY MAN'S SUIT FRIDAY -- SATURDAY ONLY went COATS - SUITS - IMPORTED KNITS wis ' -- at -- a } j loda 2 TWO LOCATIONS films, tours of the local area, § Y . and effective speakers to get : DRESSES 36 King St. East--P owatown Os' a\a geen Sn cae vl 77 KING E. -- Opposite Genosha Hotel -- 725-4561 and Oshawa Shopping Centre schools and telling how to set' Have you been down yet? Do you agree that you have never seen prices like these before? Just take a glance at the items below, and, we would need at least 5 pages to mention them all . . many items go for less than manufacturers cost!! .. . It's Starr' s biggest sale event ever, and for that matter, the biggest sale event in Oshawa's history ... come down tonight, or tomor- row. Take advantage of these ridiculous prices. Finance man on the spot. Don't forget, you'll never, ever save like this again. Four Seasons Travel 3 Fully ized by all irl sheanuhiee etc, 728-6201." and clerks; bell boys, cab driv- | ers and cops. | SUBJECTS TWOFOLD The subjects wil be twototd: | What the community has to of- fer in terms of entertainment, scenery, shagping, history and recreation; How to help tourists with this information and how to put it across convincingly. Hospitality schools are a new concept, but not so new that they haven't already been held in Yarmouth, N.S., Moncton, N.B., Niagara Fals, Ont., and Calgary. CTA Executive Director Law- fence Ecroyd says their most @ffective teaching devices are Try the ale behind this label-- GET GREAT ALE TASTE! Snappa Cappa Red Cap OPEN TONIGHT 'TIL 9 THOUGH Transistor RADIOS PHILCO 88 "4 Reg. 39.95 e "PUT IN THE WINDOW" STYLE SALE IS HELD IN THE SLOVAK NATIONAL HALL TOO BIG FOR OUR STORE ONE MORE DAY TO GO... coLoR THEY GO ig wo id OUT The really big ite Jobs sell anywhere HOOVER -- EVER HEARD OF SOMETHING LIKE THIS? mv Vacuum Cleaner $49 STARR'S REG, 21.95 Electric Radios °15 JUST RIGHT FOR THE LITTLE LADY--REG. 26.95 FAMOUS LANGMUIR BRAND HAIR DRYERS...s17| | HASSCEKS Never ° | mind the reg. | FURNITURE and APPLIANCES price temp. SLOVAK NATIONAL HALL 470 RITSON RD. S. @ PLENTY FREE PARKING @ PAIN Reg. Qt. 3.45 Here's One OUT IT GOES AT ' QUART