Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 May 1963, p. 3

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"CATHOLIC MEN'S LUNCHEON CLUB NAMES EXECUTIVE -- Lloyd Bolahood, right, im- ediate chairman of the ae aes's Luncheon Club, congratulates the newly appointed executive officers who will direct the clubs' ac- tivities for 1963-64. They are: from left: Ed Burrows, treas- urer; G Kane, secre- tary and Ivan Wallace, chair- man. Guest speaker for this month's luncheon meeting will oway, retired scoutmaster and Arthur be Toronto Metro Chairman William Allen. Oshawa Times: Photo Noted Band Plays For OCC By NANCY LOGEMAN On Wednesday, April 24, the whole school had the pleasure of hearing the members of the a more than once, to give con- certs at the Canadian National Exhibi! tion. I would like to thank Flying Officer Robins, and the RCAF Band on behalf of the staff and students of OCCI, for a wonder- ful hour of music. GRAD DANCE The Grad Dance, the biggest of the school year, is to this Friday, May 10, as the Regatta. At t Student Council PTE =: i Ried for the dual turn-tables just about ready. iff : ARRIV. Central is Carnival on Friday, May 24. This carnival is sponsored by the Student Council to pay for Prefects' jackets, i held in the gym. The event is open to all schools, it will have 14 booths and will begin any- where from 7.30 p.m. to 8 p.m. The price of admission will be 35c with an activity card, and 4c without one, The carnival is to end with a dance in the school gym. There are going to be more amendments to the Constitution Board To Add © 22, Rooms Classroom space for 3,600 Osh- awa Separate School students will be more than adequate by the first day of school in Sep- tember. Two new Catholic schools and a four-room annex at Holy Cross School will provide 22 class- rooms more than exist at the present time. An enrolment in- crease of 10 per cent over this year's total is expected, said Frank Shine, business adminis- trator. The four-room annex at Holy) Cross will be built to the rear) of the existing school. To make} room for the building, an old) structure that has, over the} years, served as a barn, a church, a school and a lunch-! room, will be demolished. Mr. Shine said the two portable classrooms will be moved from) Holy Cross to St. Joseph's School. | "These will provide tem-| porary accommodation for the) increased enrolment at St Joseph's and will be there for| at least one year," he said. | Tenders will be called next week for construction of Corpus) Christi School which will be lo-! cated north of Hillside avenue and west of Cromwell avenue. The 12-room bilingual school will..accommodate all French- speak elementary _school| 'AL going to hold a children, including those noW| summer a charge of having|wife, Margaret, _ Christopher's! liquor in a public.place was|laide School, plus English - speaking)jaid and Mrs. Harrison was|------ attending St. students who live within boun-| daries set by the board. | Tenders will also be called next week for construction of} St. Francis School which will be! located between Harmony road) '| MEDAL NOMINATIONS Nominations have been made|Ray Harvere. 2 Hse & bela most enjoyable evening for MOHAWK ENTRIES I Pupils concerning voting, a list of which will be posted and left for a week so that everyone will have a chance to read them. Voting on these amendments will take place on the morning of Wednesday, May 8. for the Service Medal Awards and the JC (Junior Chamber of| Herbert Gommerce) Cup at this month's meeting of Student Council. Nominations and elections were also made for the Book Ex- change Committee and the Initiation Committee for next year. The members of Council dis- cussed the possibility of sending a boy and girl to the UN Sem-|Suna > Naman inar this year, and who the two lucky people should be. A FRIDAY, May 3, 1963 FOURTH RACE -- 1 Mile Pace. + ids and up. Cl all $4500 Another topic disc at Council was jackets for the Pre- fects and it has been decided that if Council pays $180 to- wards the purchase of the jack- a 2 e band and rhythmic groups. Almost all of the tickets for the event have been sold, and I am sure it will prove to be all those who are going to attend it. : Order Dog Owner Dispose Of Pet Mrs. Daniel Carey, 358 Lake. shore street, was remanded for| | one week Wednesday in the Osh.| | awa court and told she should have her dog disposed of; other- wise the court would order the animal destroyed. Mts. Carey had to show cause why her dog should not be de- stroyed after it had bitten the four-year-old son of Rudolph Knauft, 1265 King street east. Billie Knauft required seven stitches in his mouth, his mioth- er told the court. Several other persons testified their children had been 'bitten by the dog. "The dog does not bite unless the children do something wrong to it," said Mrs. Carey, but was told there had been no evidence in the court children had teased the dog, "Do you know one of these days somebody might sue you for a lot of money," Crown Attorney W. Bruce Affleck told Mrs. Carey. Magistrate C. W. Guest said) he would have to make an order | to have the dog disposed of if Mrs. Carey did not dispose of) the animal of her own volition. | Purse $700. Superior Lee, J. Geisel Jr. Patricia Hal C., R. Feagan Dandy K. Song, M. Hope Brooke, beat eo Homestead Jordy Who. 0. Burrison Argyle Sam, D. Campbell Mighty Creed, C. Lockhart FIFTH RACE -- 1 Mile Trot. Three- .| Merrie q Meadow Art's Lady, N. MeRann 1963| Ko Ko C., N .| Ensign Dillon, E. Istand Song, H. Ingles Scarlet Poppy, R. Turcotte . Profile, J, Holmes Mac, J. Reid Amos, K. Waples Captain Riddell, C. Lockhart Also Eligible: Spring Hill Tommy, ©. Wright; Mr. Forbes Key, G. Kingston, SIXTH RACE -- 1 Mile Pace. 4 Heal and up. Claiming all $7500. "QUINELLA BETTING" Miss Kay on, R. Feagan » M. Leblanc Creed Widower, J. G. Lamarre Windy City, K. Waples SEVFNTH RACE -- 1 Mile Pace. 3 Open handicap). Purse $1400. McNeil EIGHT RACE -- 1 Mile Pace. 4-year- olds up. Non-winners of $1300 twice since April 3. (Amount stated, valu to the winner.) Carolwyn Grattan, B. Amadill Clover Leaf, J. G. Lamarre Muddy Hanover, K. Waples So Long's Prince, Rh. Filion Stiver Laird, J. Holmes Armbro Adanac, H. McKinley Arthur NINTH RACF - 1 Mile Pace. 3- year-olds and up. Non winners of $7500 » if Awards were presented and most enjoyable fellowship riod was held when the 4th va Scout Group held father and son ly in St. Andrew's . A roast beef supper was the honored guests . Dr. and Mrs, J. R. . Ada Harman, rep- resenting the district staff; Cub- master Helen Whalley, Scout- master Boyce Blair, Rover Leader Don Christian, Don Holl- Hi , Cory, group committee chairman. 'Following the dinner the fol- lowing awards were presented: CUB AWARDS First Eye -- Ted Brown, D. tian, Jimmy Graham, Rob- Hainer, Stephen Mac- Carthy, Billy McNaughton, Rob- and Larry Wiggans. House Orderly Badge -- Rob- ert Beamish, Ted Brown, Dana Christian, Jimmy Graham, Rob- ert. Haine, Charles Hudson- roder, Gordon K d Ste- United E More than 25 members of the Westmount Kiwanis Club of Oshawa visited the Kiwanis Club of South Buffalo Wednes- 'day. The visit was part of WESTMOL KIV 7ANIANS VISIT SOUTH BUFFALO CLUB special 'club program to fur- banquet in their honor and bers of the Westmount Kiy ther ties between Canadian and United States Kiwanis clubs. The visit included a other entertainment. The group returned to Oshawa laté last night. Photo shows mem- is Club prior to boarding @ charter bus for. Buffalo. Oshawa Times Photo phen' MacCarthy, Billie Mc- Naughton, Robert McNaughton, Jimmy Ross and Jack Smale. Cyclist Badge -- Ted Brown, Dwight Cummings, Charles Hud- sonroder, Gordon Kennedy, and Jimmy Ross, Coliector's Badge -- Robert Beamish, Jack Smale achieved the highest plateau in cubbing with his second Eye. ceived his Cub Badge. SCOUT AWARDS Cummings with his Religion and Life Badge; Camper's Badge, Bob Cory Blair; Pathfinders, Bob Cory; Second Class, John Todd and Martin Cummings. Queen's Scout,.Bob Cory. John Todd was presented with the Henderson Trophy for the outstanding scout of the year. The highlight of the evening was the presentation of a for his over 20 years of unself- ish devotion as a member of the Father's Group Committee. The award was presented by re- tired Scoutmaster Don Hollo- way. Mr. Larmer expressed his desire to see more new faces at the Fathers' future. by three skits by the cubs, closed with a movie about the World Series. Dr. Leng presented Martin i meeting in the] i c The guests were entertained scouts and rovers. The evening] The FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1963 FIRST RACE -- fillies, $2500, maid- ens, claiming, Furee $1600 for three- Scout Martin Cummings re-| umber Dol Instructor's and Pawl|Boy 109. Thanks Badge to Cas Larmer|%00? Salute, No Boy 111 A--Garden City Stable entry THIRD RACE -- fillies, $2500, maid- en claiming. Purse $1600 for three- and four-year-clds, 6% furlongs. Briefskin, Uyeyama 109 Bay Fay, No Boy 116 Pong 109 > Galla Manda, Turcotte X104 Roman Answer, Bolin 109 venue, No Boy 119 Eligible: Lollypop, No Boy 109. FOURTH RACE -- $5000, maiden, , Purse $1600 for two-year.oids, A Also Also Favonian x. Galbraith; Coppersmith, De. Filion. CITY AND DISTRICT LIEUT. JAMES L, Is Promoted To Captain LONDON, Ont. -- Headquar- ters Western Ontario Area to- day announced the promotion of Lieutenant James L. Brough of Oshawa and London to the rank of captain. BROUGH '|trate Crawford W. Guest when '\found guilty of a charge of =| permitting =\residence at which time at least jjone man was found on the pre- +|mises who appeared drunk. *|Young, of the Oshawa Police 4; Department, told the court he Fine Accused In Liquor Case John Fialka, 303 Ritson road south, was fined $35 by Magis- drunkenness. He pleaded not quilty. The charge arose from an in- vestigation of the accused's Detective Sergant J. K: found several men sitting at the kitchen table, one of whom appeared intoxicated. The det- ective said this man was drink- ing an amber fluid from a glass, which smelled like liquor. Mrs. Fialka, testifying before the court, denied she gave the man anything to drink: Fialka himself, apparently, was not in the house when the detective entered, Det. Sgt. Young said there were 13 persons in the house before he entered, including Fialka, his wife and his son, He said several bottles of liquor and beer, full and partly empty, had been found and also a number of empty bottles and AMBULANCE CALLS The city ambulance respond- ed to four calls in the period} between 8 a.m. Wednesday and} 8 a.m, today, the Oshawa Fire) Department reported this morn-| ing. There were no fire alarms Wednesday or early today. AUTO WRECKED An automobile was complete. FORT ERIE ENTRIES entry QUINELLA BETTING SIXTH RACE -- $3500, claiming. ee $1900 for four-year-olds and up ward, 6 5 Eternal Lock, Fitzsimmons 105 House Boy, Simpson XX103 Mr. Yo Te, Dittfach 110 Malucina, Bolin 105 Montana Flight, No Boy 117 Faithful Tom, Turcotte X105 Pepit, Johnstone 110 SEVENTH RACE -- The Alps Gour- mandes Club. Purse $2700 for four-year- Saar upward, 6 furlongs. Foaled in a. --Lanson Farms entry FIGHTH RACE -- $3500. claiming Purse $1900 for four-year-olds and up- ward, b hicige a » No Boy 113 Sinking Spell, Griffiths X119 TIME 2 P.M. CLOUDY AND SLOPPY '|cence for one year was Allan ' jin a 30 mile per hour zbne, had -|against James Albert Murrec, Careless Three men /were found guilty ong on charges of careless driv- Fined $100 and losing his li- William Sytnyk, 19, 191 Meadow street, who pleaded guilty to the charge. Pleading not guilty was Cleo H. Gould, of 65 Tecumseh ave- nue, who was fined $75. Con- stable Kenneeth M. Ostler, of the Oshawa Police Department, said he had followed Gould at speeds up to 75 miles ber hour observed him take a corner on two wheels and that Gould had narrowly missed a colision with a bus. Defence Counsel John M. Greer said there only was .evi- dence Gould had been speeding. A third careless driving charge was laid against Laurier] Heroux, 25, of 349 Dovedale drive, Whitby, who pleaded guil- ty. He was fined 995, CHARGE DISMISSED A charge of careless driving 579 King street west, was dis- missed. Murree pleaded not guilty to the charge. Murree had been involved in an accident at Athol street east and Celina ' the snow were thes path of trate Guest To Lecture On Handicrafts When Elizabeth Wilkes Hoey visits Oshawa to address the ly wrecked Tuesday when it crashed with a CNR shunter at} King and Mary streets. Driver| of the car was Allan William Sytnyk, 19, of 191 Meadow road, The operator of the shunt- er was Peter Sobil, RR 3, Bow- manville, Struck By Auto Child Injured A three-year-old boy was in- jured Wednesday when he ran into the path of an automobile. Glen Pearce, of 54 Burke street, received a cut to the right side of the forehead and to! the left side of the back of the) head. He was treated at the Oshawa General Hospital and sent home affer treatment. The driver of the car was Evelyn M. May meeting of the Oshawa and District Historical Society on the subject of "Canadian Tex- tile Design', she comes not as a stranger but as an old friend. down by the Art Gallery of To- morning art classes for children being held in Centre Street Pub- lic School auditorium, These had just been established by the Oshawa branch of the Lyceum Club and Women's Art Associa- tion. Now Mrs. Hoey is being wel- comed as a leader in the field of Canadian textile design. Her specialty is motifs pertinent to the Canadian scene, and par- ticularly to Ontario -- past and present. Four of these designs recently won Ontario Govern- Young, 45, of 126 Brock street east. The accident occurred on) John street when Glen ran out broken glass from liquor bottles. Defense Counsel John M.!| dian Regiment Depot, he was born in Oshawa and was edu- cated there, graduating from stitute in 1956.He later attend- ed the Royal Military College| and in 1960 graduated with the degree of Bachelor of Arts. | Since his graduation he was Police Find Liquor Banned Premises | ¢ The police found a fruit glass} with the remains of liquor in)4, Assistant Administrative Offi-/Pressed surprise here Wednes- the house of Lena Harrison, 167) Bloor street east, and bottles of| liquor hidden in the house and) the yard. Because the house had been declared a public place last} fined $200 in the Oshawa court! Wednesday, while her house was declared @ public place! for a further year. She had! pleaded guilty to the charge. Crown Attorney W. Bruce posted to the 2nd Battalion, The Royal Canadian 'Regiment and the following year qualified as a parachutist, In 1961 he was transferred to The RCR Depot) Captain Brough's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Brough, reside at! 765 Shelly avenue, Oshawa. } He resides in London with his! at 1154 Ade-| street. | | TWO-CAR COLLISION | Two automobiles were in-| volved in a crash at Adelaide avenue east and Ritson road north Tuesday. Damage total-| and Farewell avenue. Children| Affleck said the contents of the|&d $175. Drivers involved were| living in the general area will attend the six-room school. Boundaries will be set up by the t j glass, had been sent to the Attorney-General's office in To-| ronto for analysis, and was) found to be iiquoz Eric Greene, 22, of 57 Oshawa boulevard north and Gerardus} C. Dorflers, 29, of 316 Chestnut street east, Whitby. Separate Schooi Board. "OIL. | <on OIL FURNACE? CALL PERRY | DAY OR NIGHT 723-3443 GOOD FOOD BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner 12-2 P.M. Hotel Lancaster § McMURTRY Insurance Agency EST. 1913 complete insurance coverage including life 21 KING ST. W. 723-3722 Oshawa Central Collegiate Ins-} he was made drunk in the! house. | Magistrate Guest convicted) Fialka in view of the "circum-| stances and composite back-} | ground." | from behind his father's car parked in the street. Greer said there was no evi-| The police said there is no|Mrs. Hoey's skill as a design- A member of the Royal Cana-|dence anyone gave the drunk|blame attached to the driver of/er. Currently she is working on |man something to drink, or that} © he car. | VARIED DIET | BEST FOR HEALTH ment awards. Many public buildings,. banks, hotels, hospi- tals and office buildings, as well In the late 1930's Miss Wilkes) was one of the teachers sent] i ronto to assist with the Saturday] | WINS AWARD Peter Gilbert of Oshawa, a first year theology student, who was awarded two schol- arships at the annual convo- cation of Knox College in Tor- onto Tuesday night. As well as the Gillies Scholarship for general proficiency, he won the Torrance Dryden Scholar- ship. f| Magistrate Guest felt there was not enough direct evidence of Murree's guilt. Nick Gidora, 17, of 15 Ritson road south, pleaded guilty to a charge of folowing too closely and was fined $50. He had been involved in an accident, the court was told, that resulted in $900 damage. Charges of careless driving and following too closely against Bruce Wesley Barrett, 22, of 87 Thomas street, were dismissed. Barrett had been involved in a rear-end colision on Park road south, but he demonstrated he could not have avoided the col- lision, Find Three Guilty Driving that resulted in his charge and e. in Magistrate's Court: Wednes-|$500 dama; Be. Also fined were James Clive Lamb, 61, of Bowmanville, ' for failing to make a full stop; Lorenzo Tarabochia, 24, 360 Windsor street, $50, for failing to make a full stop; Harold Bry- ant, 32, 781 Park road, $35 and $25 on two charges of speeding; Alan Charles Traynor, 21, of Ajax, $25, for failing to yield the right of way; Albert Trick, 23, of Reach Township, $10, for driv- ing without a licence, and $35, for folowing too closely. Fines were also imposed on Thomas Marnien, 21, 16 Tecum- her street, $10, for driving with- out a_ licence; Deanna May Rose, 18, of 206 Marquette strast $50, for foll ig too closely; Roy -W. Cotton, 19, of 223 Osh- awa boutevard south, $35, for failing to make a ful stop; Eddy Embree, 19, of 223 Oshawa boul- evard south, $50, for having de- fective brakes on his car; Ar- thur Weinberger, 65, of 60 Har- ris avenue, for failing to yield the right of way; Daniel Sal- lows, 23, of 63 King street west, Bowmanville, for an improper left turn. leg Big Rod Bowman aye- , y, , eding; Diatshch Ecker, to e D failing to make a 5 Charges were dismissed oat st Arthur Weinberger, 65, of | Harris avenue failing to yield the: right of way; William Jew- ell, 36, RR 1 Bowmanville, cave- less driving; Robert Wm. Lee, 1202 Simcoe street north, over- crowding; Royal V. Spratt, 82 Rosehill boulevard, improper left turn; Melville Robert Fer- guson, 5% William street, fail- ing to produce evidence of in- surance, FISHERMEN LOST QUINTERO, Chile (AP)--A storm swamped a fishing boat Wednesday and four of the eightanan crew were drowned. The others swam ashore. BENEFIT OF DOUBT A charge of careless driving Albert street, was )dismissed. NEW HOME | SPECIALISTS against Peter 7) 34, of 149 ve Siblock the benefit of the doubt, when ithe accussed claimed he couid =inot have avoided the collision EYE EXAMINATIONS PHONE 723-4191 by appointment F. R. BLACK, O.D. 136 SIMCOE ST. NORTH IMA Reel Estate Ltd. | TRADES ACCEPTED 728-6286 323 King St. W. as private homes, attest to the excellence and originality of MARKET PRICES the design of an altar hanging for a hospital memorial chapel in Hamitlon. Mrs. Hoey will bring with her to Oshawa a representative display of her crafts which will Supermarkets, hoping to 'Rabbi Surprises Anti-Arms Group VANCOUVER (CP) -- Anti- nuclear weapons spokesmen ex- day that one of their number has suggested that Israel should have the arms if they are ob- tained by the neighboring United Arab Republic. They were commenting on 're- marks by. Rabbi Abraham Fein- berg of Toronto, vice-president of the Canadian Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament. curb crash dieting which cuts into sales, distribute copies of AMA warning that "a yaried diet is the best way to maintain health'. The best way to find a business of your own is to check Oshawa Times Super- market of values, the Osh- awa Times Classified Sec- tion. You find good offers in Grocery stores, motels, or Ypany other business that in- terests you. The selection is there so turn to Classified today and check for the buy of your choice. "I can't believe he said that," said Mrs. Olive Joh chair- |be shown in the McLaughlin Li- |brary Theatre on the evening of |her lecture, May 9. This work is |done .at Elm Tree Farm near year-old stone house, Mrs. Hoey lives with her husband jand two teen-age daugaters. |During the summer she will be conducting classes at the Hock- ley Valley School of Fine Art. All interested in Canadian craft will find Mrs. Hoey's talk and exhibition interesting and rewarding. of the British Columbia branch and another national vice-president of the pee ae "KINDNESS BEYOND PRICE, REACH OF ALL" GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL SHORGAS HEATING & APPLIANCES Industrial and Commercial The established, reliable Gas Dealer im your area. 31 CELINA ST. (Corrier of Athol) 390 King W. 728-6226 1 TRY STUDEBAKER} World's Only Convertible STATION WAGON | 'Nagy Motors Opposite the Shopping Centre | 728-5178 KING ST. Ww. | | Moffat, Ontario, Here in a 104-|35-36 TORONTO (CP) -- Churning cream and butter print prices were reported unchanged today. The egg market was steady with offerings adequate for a light demand. Country dealers are quoted by the federal department of agri- culture on Canada grade eggs, delivered Toronto, in fibre cases: A large 38-39; A medium ; A small 33; B and C grades no market. Butter prices: Canada first grade: Ontario tenderable 51-52; non - tenderable 5114, in light = Western 51 - 52 (nomi- nal). NOW IS THE TIME To have that carpet or chest- erfield cleaned professionally in Oshawa's Original Carpet Cleaning Centre . . . where fully guaranteed satisfaction is assured. Phone 728-4681 NU-WAY RUG CO. LTD. 174 MARY ST. 22 SIMCOE ST, NORTH GATES -- MEAT MARKET 723-3732 LOCAL KILLED MEATS Pork Shoulder Beef from Ryland Farms Smoked Picnics coro Pork Roast "" "vu. 55*-59* PORK LEG CENTRE CUT HEADCHEESE "25° BEEF SAUSAGE OUR HOME u. 39° DRESSED ve 43° u. 69° u. 29° © EXTRA SPECIAL @ OUR HOME SMOKED BREAKFAST BACON ».59* WE FILL FREEZERS, ALL MEATS CUT TO YOUR CHOICE 5.00 orders delivered free 728-9441 t

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