it +1+ + 1+ + 3 cs Pifieriiiti say it 4 L byt Nd Sa SE FFF FS tyyegusgeenslee ane = & Lot sd ¢ feb prefitty AAG ~pyeggggetye ¥ heSEeeeSeeutsxteessesssesesesyssssst 8 > e992 a gebuguosessgugttgtecg ggesszstyees uy ++ se SEEURRGE*FptgGHGCCGUCCNNY + +1 eS FF SF SF EF eeeeyzyzzzeryyyiT" thee t : ggTESSUgENEUpoag Eee bags ere szeseg ses eTS ogugesBestglge. use. ulsyesytyzteggeeses gz if a eR FESS ( "ex ~ : e gesbeseuSesstesesssis.s Seid | ee * 8 ygG8E8gEF ogg Sa tegy se sty sbeb gn. we. e¥syssyeycts ne Sgr Sussiizessisisets 8 i - ++ Est é ; SsSS88 + +it+tel seeees Z eae Preise ea) sgagOdtgbigas aaj ei Talks To Begin With US. Steel Union Leaders NEW YORK (AP)--Roger M. Blough says he hopes the steel] industry will get through ex- pected wage contract negotia- tions this summer without a strike. re = board chairman of U.S. Si Corporation, said he expects "serious discussions" ---- leaders to begin this month. Apprehension over a possible prompted a fl sent spiraling up- ward without interruption in the last 13 weeks. hi Blough made if clear he thinks they can blossom into se- rious bargaining with no formal notice of a 1962 wage,contract = ig at peeve led for in agreement. United Steelworkers President David J McDonald said in Pittsburgh Tuesday no decision has been made on whether to reopen contracts with the basic steel industry. EARNINGS DOWN Just before the press confer- ence, U.S. Steel disclosed that January-March quarter - profits were the lowest for the first quarter of any year since 1948. They amounted to $29,918,774, or 44 cents a share of common stock against $55,808,436 or 91 Foy a share in the comparable Of major steel concerns, only National Steel corporation :e- ported a gain in first quarter profits. Earnings of Bethlehem Steel Co., the No. 2 producer, plummeted 50 per cent. Engineers' Firm Wage Agreement KINGSTON (CP)--Fifty work- ers for Fraser-Brace Engineer- ing Limited will re- ceive & 2-per-cent increase in pay in a new agreement signed by the company Tuesday. The agreement, si with Local 247 of the International Hed Carriers (CLC). will raise the wage rate for laborers to $1.50 an hour from the previous $1.25 an hour. Other benefits in- clude overtime pay after 44 hours a week. Skilled laborers will receive an extra 10 cents over the basic! rate, giving them $1.60 an hour.| PS contract expires April 3.) : ate PgagudstaeSersney deete§ toga ebsbegetangalt Pa steudstd-eiseswseeseegege tags seietaests eS = ul 4 So bag. ae te ee bee rfis 1 S45 + ve Ss +1 + pegeg tags vieltygtangept tert 3 : * SBS gue t 'Ss xs = j cue lk bE sBoustegneeegiedestcaseesseeiessice + "fi : i pe st8cses ++ ee i z Sg8ess8tyss i Fe EOseeStEyss L tied on saend 1+ prey Pee AG H =5 Bg L 3 2898.3 2 it i = - Sissee? i 8 $e Z aE 5 5 1000 10% 13% 1 1500 104 161 181 +4 1900 425 420 425 100 170 170 170 +8 10650 14% 14 4 000 8h OH BH Yk Bear 100 MO Oe 0 Zenmac 2 mu 2 Zabapa 1000 26 8 Sales to 11 s.m.: 960,000, Giff gee ¢ See8bsieieyes? Ell vi West Mines 2 & SeeeSsndusisutey EbFesdssusdsuks gbtierisxdgsteutsy ; Wiltsey Yale Lead = 38 : 1 + eee L cs = S + 8 +3 +1" THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Mey » 1; 1963 31 Aid Plan ae J. CONWAY |. byt of isa aid for relief recipients has'at- tracted wide atténtion in the United States--but, thus far, has produced no imitation. The Illinois program is oper- ated by the Illinois public aid lief who has a husband or child can apply for a physician's ad- vice on the rhythm method of prescriptions for contraceptive preparations or devices, with -- to be paid with public cash, The system went into opera- tion April 1, During the first two weeks at least 25 women ap- plied. The Tilinois plan has been at- tacked, especially by Roman Catholics, on grounds that it would give contraceptives to mothers who are unmarried or separ: m their husbands. Moves are\under way in the courts and the Illinois legisla- ture to limit state birth control help to married women living with their husbands. AIMED AT COSTS The Illinois program is aimed at paring rising costs. About 425,000 persons are receiving some form 6f public assistance. seeking $700,000,000 for the next two years. A similar plan has been sug- gested for California by State Senator Alvin C. Weingand, a Democrat from Santa Barbara. But his resolution has not yet been scheduled for a committee hearing. commission, Any woman on re-| P®: And the Illinois commission is) A bill for an Iiinols-type pro- 1 Control Noted gram, has been offered in Wis- consin by State Senator Davis Donnelly, a Democrat from Eau Claire. He stated: "Eventually we've got to to something like this in all states."" Reaction of religion leaders was divided, but a Roman Catholic: spokes- ee the entire pro- sal, The Colorado Senate approved a bill in March to permit state welfare workers to supply birth control information and contra- ceptives to persons on welfare rolls who ask for them. But the measure has been shelved by a House committee. Weingand has noted that Cal- ifornia is contributing about $80,000,000 to the aid of needy children program during , the current fiscal year and that the contribution may rise to almost $95,000,000 next year. "Where," he asked, "is it go- ing to end?" CLEANERS and LAUNDERERS OSHAWA - PORT HOPE WHITBY - COBOURG BOWMANVILLE - SCARBORO Curtains, rapes, Blankets, Rugs OSHAWA'S ONLY UNIONIZED SHOP 723-4631 50 MILL fl ij s828essEsze e 3 Ly iE osbggrousis § -sBogeoushs $ osha ge uss 3 ii 9" 3 gaget est ong pci geendals ga a 1+ By If you are troubled by pains in your shoulders, by aching in your aris or joints, or if your fingers burt so that it's an effort even to sign your name, you may very well be suffering from arthritic or instantly, to ease your suffering, and make you feel better fast. ' Asprain has brought fast relief to millions more people than any other brand of pain reliever. So you, too, can always put your rheumatic pains. sgesg. fe : sb8ce ec SucSery, Sagc= e 2 Thanks to instant flaking action, s¥8ee.ugiechsey.Se5 ter FEE EE s8¥ez. Aspirin * can help relieve these pains quickly and effectively. Asrimm is ready to go to work confidence in Aspirin for fast, gentle relief from arthritic and rheumatic pains, as well as those everyday aches and pains that come 80 often from over-exertion \ Aching in Muscles-and Joints and Arthritic Pains can be Effectively Relieved or a change in the weather, If you suffer from arthritic or rheumatic pains or aches in your and feel better fast. Be sure you get genuine Aspirin. Look for the pack- age with the Bayer cross, FAST RELIEF odes HEADACHES cobs "Cy, wae, ++ -- =<. -- = > -- { FOR SUMMER LIVING! | BAR-B-QUES at the Discount House 4.9/7 AND UP YOU LOOK ANSCO COLOR | MOVIE FILM includes processing NO WHERE ELSE 2,99 NO WHERE ELSE Regular Size BRYLCREEM Special Value THIS WEEK ONLY GET YOUR BOXED PLANTS AT OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE NOW IS THE TIME TO PLANT PANSIES! WE WILL HAVE MARIGOLDS, SALVIA, SWEET ALYSUM, SNAP DRAGONS, CARNATIONS, PETUNIAS, DIANTHUS, ANNUAL PHLOX and many others, WOODS VALUE AIR MATTRESSES Compere et 9.95 NO WHERE ELSE | 6.87 AT AT! vs "Smartest Buy Since the Compact Car" Gets you there smooth- ly, quickly, safely... goes 100 miles per gallon... practically no maintenance cost, Terms any family can easily afford. See your WE ALSO HAVE A RENTAL PLAN Call the Oshowe Discount House ond reserve a "Yespo" Sy the day or week, Onterie licensed end insured 2-pessenger vehicles. Ask for Frank 728-0311 New! Insul Foam SLEEPING BAGS Full adult size, all-round zipper; put two _ together. Complete warmth without weight. Compore ot 16.95 THIS WEEK SPECIAL HOUSE Adults and Children's GOVERNMENT APPROVED LIFE JACKETS at the lowest prices anywhere, AT OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE OSHAWA DISCOUNT 1038 KING ST. WEST AT GARRARD RD. OPEN DAILY 10:00 A.M. TO 10:00 P.M. ... SAT, 'TIL 6:00 P.M. MATTRESSES By "Beverley Springwall" Outstanding Special Purchase Brings Low, Money-Saving Price ! Choose your new mattress from this value-packed group! All are designed to give you sound, restful sleep. There are 308 highly tempered steel coil springs (in 54" size); the mattresses are well- padded with deep, buoyant layers of soft white felt and sisal in- sulation. Coverings are quality tickings of rugged rayon damask weave in a variety of attractive patterns. Available in three sizes 39, 48 and 54". Smooth-top design for added comfort. 38.50 Maing Box Swings EO me 6k a et EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 271 \ EATON Special Price, each . . PHONE 725-7373 a q .