Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 May 1963, p. 20

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<meta ncn 5 2 AOI Se OE oA, EN @ MANAGER'S SPECIAL @ OVEN READY GOVT. GRADE A FRESH FRYINGOR'ROASTING © 34-5 Predewoed Golden Valley Brand ' SAVE 206 RINDLESS BACON i: 55¢ BOLOGNA CHUB i CELLO WIENERS 85+ CHICKEN. BASKET @ MANAGER'S SPECIAL @ agi 10¢ Shopsy's All Beef SAVE | 17¢ LB.' ® Round ® ) Round ®@ Round ® Square @ REDAND BLUE BRAND ¢ SAVE ° ite : * @ Sirloin @ Porterhouse @ Wing CHOICE OVEN READY GOVT. GRADE A 14 Ib. | SAVE ANOTHER DYNAMIC SPECIAL Canada's Finest Red and Biue Brand Beef Boneless STEAK ROAST Steak .{ End Rump Steak Roast End Rump e STEAK or ° ROASTS 1. bewuad cecceewses @ MANAGER'S SPECIAL @ 10 to Average » 43: A BEAUTIFUL GLASS RELISH vours DISH ONLY ree tS oes copa a a apy we Ao ibeiors e me hemca mae oe TOE ain. oy OY tra - ete owces enn i tot are AGES This week, POWER pays tribute to the con- scientious, considerate and energetic Man- agers of our Stores-in Oshawa. In addition fo the usual food specials, cust- omers expect every week from their FOWER store, we've arratiged a list of extra "Man- agers' Specials" for this very special event. Stock-up at extra savings this week -- »gompliments of your friendly local. POWER 'Were. manager, t's I$ oale = be but the aevings rare YOURS! Sove 4¢ PINEAPPLE = "=e De SALAD DRESSING "= 5Me Save 4¢ BEANSwuPORK 2:%=- 35e TULIP COLORED P. BAKER YOUR: FRIENDLY POWER MANAGER 564 King Street " MARGARI seins sinceethaeens ett _M, CEPECAUER ~ YOUR FRIENDLY -- POWER MANAGER SAVE 8c rained & Junior Sevel0e BABY FOODS 10 += 1.00 Heinz Cream of Save 9¢ TOMATO SOUP_ 4s die (WNCHEON MEAT = 47e PEAS & GARROTS 2 v2" 35e FANCY PEAS 2x 33e ond Sanbom 12c off deal Save 13¢ INSTANT COFFEE <= 89: Blue Woter Frozen Cod Sove 6¢ FISH & CHIPS == 59 Milanis 1890 Save 13¢ FRENCH DRESSING << 25e BABY DILLS "= 45 74-06 45: Good Luck Colored MARGARINE 2 vs: 49 2 1-Ib. Pkgs. Monarch Snip Doodle Coffee CAKE MIX "OQ SPRAY STARCH = 59 bn tor AQ, Scotian Gold Vitaminized APPLE JUIGE == "sz 29 Power Deep-Filled Save 10¢ APPLE PIE too Je AQ: POWER SLICED BREAD 2 SAVE 7c ALt-POPULAR BRANDS CIGARETTES SAVE 22c¢ .07 Save 4¢ san 90, Sunbeam Pineapple SPONGE BAR TOMATE JUICE 22 bbe Florida No. 1 Grade Fresh Sweet SAVE 10¢ 5 Large Cobs € U.S. No, 1 Grade Crisp Solid Head LETTUCE SAVE 10¢ 2% 29 Tender Crisp Florida No. 1 Grade CELERY SAVE 4c Size 48 Stalks Large 24 Size PLAY THE EXCITING GAME = P-O-W-E-R | HEINZ TOMATO KETCHUP NEW CROP CALIFORNIA VALENCIA ORANGES SWEET JUICY eertenmeaamne erence tH oR ARRAS AMIR RRS ESSA TS AN RE a . SWEET TASTY SALMON FLESH MEXICAN NO. 1 GRADE CANTALOUPES FRESH FROM THE TROPICS BANANAS 1, Pick up your Free " Ri P.0-W-E-R" Slip from your Friendly Power Cashier 2. To be a Winne * Vou win fe 5 gine to Span she word POWER win "$100 - $75 = $50 or $25 in Power Food Certific EXTRA denn: BONUS ou "Spell P-O-W-E-R" Slip shows the picture of re POWER, you automatic: ally win a Bonus of $1.00 hd knead Zr $1000 fens PRIZE Ea a 'a veeee Ce wtitientes _IN POWER FOOD, CERTIFICATES GOLDEN Suit t LARGE FINGER SAVE 4e 21: SAVE 10¢ SAVE 6¢ at 29° "14: Here's One of this week's many Lucky Winners MRS. HOWARD. KELLER 54 13th St., Apt. 1, Oshewe Power Food Certificate 11-OZ, BTLS. Size 138 'Doz. 'Size 45 Jumbo Each

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