Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Apr 1963, p. 4

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pen ewe ee ee ee ee i Pickering es day blitz for at St. CONDUL Red Cross Church. a one- is Mrs. W. sigh «gg . The blood will PICKERING BLOOD DONOR DRIVE Shown giving blood 'be sent to the Ajax-Pickering General Hospital is Miss awa General Hospital. ' Oshawa Times Photo unde: by creating : nt, pugerd a great deal -- the country and plan- =: hy prevent urban sprawl, as ae have in Ontario," he|them, but Council works County Clerk Irked By Number Of Boards BROUGHAM -- oven dine hea paccie wigs cong gp ere ty rng Manag does the air, There is strong em: on recreation and tacil ties for 1 pleasure, he added. Mr. Manning said, a unique experiment|prised of ay OS new towns in rural ? any and moving industry with ee the clerk-treasur- They are voted into office by|' the Disttiet 'Count work: " the mechanics of carrying out the planning. ey ge pi bag yn delle than ours, 3% the people, Thére are no boards and committees as we have sub-committees, sometimes add- gael has to be revised]! committees. every five years, Mr. Manning con- me tinued, has mo:. control than form of local government," "ne id, "and are advocati ing s jin order to meet the present néeds."" said that the tario, There are far more serv- icés provided by the local gov- ernment than here, he said. WAR CAUS CHANGES Great emphasis is placed on housing, planning and education. Bombing during the war ac- celerated planning, and modern h provided with manville and the Osh- ' METRO MAN DIES IN ORONO CRASH, accous are by the Central Government. f 'ORONO (Staff) -- A 27- year-old Toronto man died of a broken neck when he was thrown out of his car é after it rolled over on High- | way 115, just north of here at 6.25 p.m. Monday. Gerry Vader, 1122 Don Mills Rd., was pronounced dead at the accident scene by Coroner C. J. Austin. Provincial Police at Bow- say Vader was southbound on 115 when his car .went out of control, struck the west ditch and rolled over. He was alone in the car at the time, police stated. here. Directives are issued in order to insure minimum -- of extremely at aie | a County Livestock poe May 3 re ll a gad COMPETITION The Durham County Live- "|e ion will be held Jn the Neweaste dis trict on ' Registrati place t the farm ot Lloyd take p " manville, Oi east of the Pro, vincial Police Station on No. 2 highway. The contestants are divided e|into three groups, novice are those who have never judged in|"! a live stock judging tion before, as m0 as anyone oher than a novice of any age who has not judged in more ards in education, housing, plan-|- County Council is a strong gov- ernment; district councils are}. controlled by County Council,|® and parish councils are becom- ing insignificant, 'IT think the multitude . Boards we have in Ontario is confusing," said Mr. Manning. "I think we should have more of these Boards under the con- trol of Council." "T am not so naive as to think we should copy everything we see over there," concluded Mr. Manning. "There are certain things they do that would never be satisfac- tory here. I think we should pick out the better things there and consider them." plenty of open space so that the Reeve J. Sherman Scott was than three previous county live stock judging competitions. "ed 16 years of age or over who have judged in three or more livestock judging competitions. In addition, there is team which will consist of five mem- bers including the coach, two novice and two additional mem- bers who maybe juniors or nov- Township, and calléd upon board og to committee chairmen to in- ¢ the members of the tt committees, together with the ladies who accompanied the guests who were honored: Mr. Scott remarked upon the complicated problems of the fast of Pickering with its population| types of livestock at least once. of about 21,000. its extensive Toad system, the three school areas and seventeen school sec- tions. "All this makes it a very complex system," he said, '"'as long as your skin is very thick, petition is the winning of the Bowmanville Lions Club, E. A. Summers Memorial Trophy which is presented to the high contestant in the competition. you enjoy serving!" This is a perpetual trophy Special prize money is provid-jto 26, ed and the highlight in the com-|met with 11, com-| ha: competi-| ence enbaker. cussion tours, activities was taken into con sideration. While in Ottawa before leav- Seniors are contéstants who ld "the sabsncealie' eae pre sented with certificates of Cona- dian Citizenship by Mr. Di The délegaies were luncheon guests of the Canada Department of Agriculture and the Honorable Alvin Hamilton. Pag ny « oy ae se lew York fo) ices, To qualify the coach must/and United " Nations. punta nf growing rural-urban Township|have coached his team on all/They moved on to Washin and 'ee? gpa! b) time 200° United States eit club members, While in Wash- ington the delegates followéd a strict schedule of meetings, dis- groups, confe: ceremonies, and banquets. ~ Nations Bui oeeeeeteenec cess teeters te eee ee Geonge's ae Ueties Medea TOWN OF WHITBY AUDITOR'S KEFORT 'Your Worship, Ladies ond Gentlemen! We hove oudited the books ond occounts of your tn ae end oll Poms bes pe dppncatos for the yeor ended December 3 1962 -- ~ prepored the financial statements in pote ence with oe of Department of Municipal Affairs. We comment os follows: DEBENTURE DEST During the yeor aioriaseen bx. te orresa t #1 39,000-00 wer hunni ts Matas tie test debenhore dete as at at December 31, 1962 233,900.00, Details of debenture issues appeor on rement, , ond Statement 21 sets out the debenture instalments thot would nes oe cay Shanes ome lane TS shows the source of funds required to discharge the $296,000.00 825,000.00 $1,121,000.00 323,782.80 . 1,842,317.20 946,800.00 4,233,900.00 22.6c for. every December 3 i gs compares to 24.2c 1960 and 7-de for 1959, At the yeor a there wos ¢ capital bonk loan of $9,000.00. ere ree ee i rena Board. CURRENT FUNDS The yeor's operations resulted in o deficit of $23,344.36 ofter providing for a prior Lig hy deficit of $39,016.29. The occumulated goo es ot December 31, 1962 wos $22,615.53, which will have to be provided for in ie '1963 budget in eccordance with Section 297(2) of the Municipal Act. We would strongly recommend that your council consider the creation of a reserve for working capita! During the yeor the Revenue Fund provided « water moin in- stallation; we know of no authority for this transaction Section 303(1) of the icipal Act, -- requires that pro- be kept in G seporate account, Section 1980 of the Municipal Act, concerning disclosure of councillors' interests in contracts with the Town, was not followed dur- ing the yeor. However, there were no further dealings with council- lors ofter Council became aware of the enactment of Section 198a. TRUST FUNDS The copita! service charge fund wos increased by $5,475.00 in gronts from subdividers; a balance of $42,527.94 remained in this fund at the year-end. "The funds held in trust for porks and sidewolk ond culvert construction are committed to improvement of recreation ond park facilities and construction in new subdivisions. During the year funds were transferred from the Trust funds to the Current Fund to reduce outside current borrowings. This practice ls contrary to Section 299(1) and (2) of the Municipal Act. OTHER BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS The electric deportment of the Public Utilities Commission hod on ---- surplus of $51,768.89; the woter deportment hed on operating icit for the yeor of $12,934.04. We were not present at the physical stock-teking of either the woter or the electric inventory. In our 1961 auditor's we stoted thot we hod not verified to the Whitby District High Schoo! Board or the Whitby Public Shoat Boord. We therefore have again been unable to audit this eccount. Treasurers of the smaller boords were not bonded. Subject to the foregoing comments, we hereby report thet in ur opinion: . 1. The finenciol tronsoctions which have come under our notice hove been within the powers of the municipality. 2. The audit hes been conducted in accordance with the instrue- tions' of the Deportment of Municipal Affairs. ! 3. The financial statements present foirly the financial position | of the municipality os ot December 31, 1962 and the results of i its operations for the yeor endéd on that date. We appreciate the cou: ond rot nctend your offidels vind ecg ion extended to us by Respectfully submitted, _- MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL, & CO. Chortered Accountonts. License No, 2280 Date of Filing -- April 5, 1963. \ SRPTE OE fo TOWN OF WHITBY AUDITOR'S REPORT 4x0 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS for the year ending December 31, 1962 REVENUE FUND BALANCE SHEET December '31, 1962 3,265.42 1326 80 15,548. 15,548.22 23,298.18 554.17 785.44 Due from Other Funds (specify) Parking Lot Development-- | (to be recovered from future parking meter revenue) .... Taxes Receiveable (Schedule 5) Less Alowance for uncollectable toxes- (Schedule 8) Property Acquired for Taxes (Schedule 6) Less allowonce for loss on resole (Schedule 8) Other Assets Deferred Charges--(Schedule 8) Inventories Other (specify) Marriage licenses .... Unemp! insuronce deposit Prepaid tax sale costs ..... Prepaid bicycle licenses .... 3,548.99 118,625.69 27,133.06 3,548.99 91,492.63 1,211.34 1,211.34 469.58 22,615.53 5759,862.86 seem eeeeees Deficit (Form C) . $ 6,001.39 75,000.00 12,145.46 apnansied Bonk Overdraft Temporary Loons (Schedule 6) . Accounts Payable Debentures and Coupons Due Principal Interest Due to Province of Ontario .... Due to Dominion of Canede . / Due to Other Municipolities .... Due to Schools -- Public School Debenture Proceeds Due to Other Local Boards and ~ Commissions (specify) P.U.C.--Water Department .. Due to Other Funds (specify) .. . Other Liabilities Deferred Revenue (Schedule 8) Accounts paid in advance ... Accrued liabilities Reserves (Schedule 8) ....00+. Surplus (Form C) .......%5 eee Total Liabilities and Surplus .... 789.38 290.00 32,687.16 101.52 1,002.00 ' 30,278.39 31,280.39 1,567.50 $159,862.80 REVENUE FUND SURPLUS (DEFICIT) ACCOUNT Dec: 962 ember 31, it Credit Belance aay) ot coer $39,016.29 snsice or or defi Included in Current Budget . Adjustments affecting operations of previous years: (specify) Reserve returned to surplus . Net adjustment to prior years receivables and payables . $39,016.29 Balance after above adjustments Surplus or Deficit for the, year . see 23,344.36 Totals of Debit ond Credit Columns Balance of Surplus or Deficit at year end ._ $62,360.65 $39,745.12 CBSSY CAPITAL AND LOAN eg" > tie SHEET December 31, ASSETS General Fixed (as per Schedule 18) $1,409,296.05 Work in Progress Due from Schools (for en Public and Continuat c Collegiote and Hig! ee Technical ond Voumttonel". Due from Utilities and Other Municipal Enterprises (for Debentures Woter Supply System $912,100.00 930,217.20>, * 1,842.317.20 "825,000 00° Electric Light and Power iene Ges Supply Due from Other Municipalities (For Debentures Assumed-- EON ae a) ae Due from Sinking Fund (For Retirement of Debentures-- Form H Cash Other Tangible Assets (specify) . Deficits or Extraordinary Expenses Consolidated : LIABILITIES Debenture Debt Issued and Unmotured General Coptilized Deficits Direct (Unemployment) Relief) Hospitals Town Hall ... Parks and Playgrounds ... Other General Debt--Sewers Droinoge (other than General) Local: Improvements Municipality's Share Owners' Share Schools Public end Continustion .... Collegiate and High Technical and Vocational Public Utilities and Other Municipal Ente Water Supply System .... } Electric Light and Power .. Gos Supply Street Railway BE ES Ca Telephone System Housing Cemeteries ...... eeenee ' rises Due to Other Municipelities (For Debentures Assumed-- Schedule 2) Other Long Term Debt (specify) Temporary Loans Accounts Payable (Schedule 17) Due to Other Funds Other Liabilities (specify) Investment in Capitol Assets .. NOTE: Guorantees or Contingent Liobilities (Schedule 16) TOWN OF WHITBY DETAILED STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE For the Year Ended December 31, 1962 ; REVENUE Revenue from Taxation Debenture Debt Chorges Recoverable Dominion of Canade--- Grant in lieu of taxes Province of Ontario --* Children's protection, Direct relief Roads . Grants in lieu of taxes 3,3 Police and fire grants ...... Share of Liquor Licence fees Unconditional per copitel grants County of Ontario--road rebate --sewer rote Township of Whitby-- fire protection Licences ond Permits-- Parking meters Poll tax Dog tax Business and professional ... . Plumbing and building- permits Trailer camp Bicycle licenses Interest---- Toxes . Prepayment of county levy 'vs Other ' .* Rent of Town Hall aii Fines reeee Service Chorges-- Tox Certificates Marriage. licenses Road Revenue ' Proceeds from Sale of Assets ... Pension Fund--excess of rebotes over premiums Total Operating Revenue for the Yeor Excess of Expenditure over Revenue for the Year Totol to Agree with Expenditure for the Year 296,000.00 912,100.00 1,254,000.00 Total $ 8,718.13 18,139.48 56,000.20 91.62 725.13 2,419.76 46,807.50 55,840.38 Parks 3,310.78 277.25 75.00 EXPENDITURE $ 12,171.00 1,121,000.00 3,645.66 5,481.09 | 323,782. -- po: supplies, and postage Other - Maintenance of municipal mene « Gonts ... ; Town planning Conventions ond delegotions Protection to Persons 27,209.75 6,802.97 2,704.88 1,248.66 9,000.00 $4/705,396.05 11,818.00 60,171.48 37,966.26 36,866.31 151,000.00 $795,800.00 $ 946,800.00 107,484.38 2 892.70 2,166,100.00 421.80 i 1109.52 16,579.13 5,000.00 296,000.00 Tree plonting .... Equipment Winter works... . Harbour development Total Carried Forword 1,121,000.00 4,233,900.00 Sonitation end Waste Removal Sewer Construction .. Sewer maintenance -- Wages $ 10,700.95 9,000.00 ion... 1,053.67 5,158.86 15.69 $4,705,396.05 17,315.17 15, at 91 Garbage collection and disposa' Wages - collection - disposal Truck operation .. Other expenses ... $ 3,447.13 20,629.17 32,687.08 38,679.96 Conservation of Health -- Ontario County Health: Unit Social Welfare. Administration Direct relief Training schools .. Education Public schools ... Seporete schools .. Secondary schools . Recreation and Community Services $1,520,135.46 "167,027.52 3,665.00 136,201.82 59,151.16 1,613.76 Industrial commission Library Swimming Pool . . Brass bond grant . Debt charges Debentures - shops 212,849. 4 - interest ... 23 2,5 555.7. Less school 175.00 22,800.01 102.15 363,919.31 49,709.79 305,746.65 6,759.18 10,845.00 11,112.36 500.00 3,848.76 445,405.36 181,971.62 263,433.74 Less: Premium on debenture sale used to reduce charges 17,642.29 2,373.25 9,127.72 __ Interest on current loans Discount on Taxes Copital Expenditures from Current Funds County Rate Miscellaneous Expense Provision for Deferred Revenue Provision for Uncollected Toxes 352.25 1,941 7325.20 23,344.36 ee 5 Prior Year's Deficit Included in Current Budget 51,964,669.56 theVeor Total Expenditure for ee 140.62 263,293.12 3,500.27 266,793.39 $110,308.74 174,374.71 158,678.35 443,361.80 , 95,443.34 12,322.56 23,077.16 719,375.78 33,065.30 9,810.73 45,860.50 244,722.19 95.70 23,524.85 8,200.00 1,925,653.27 39,016.29 $1,964,669.56

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