mt ci ona Sime H one st F100 Score or Pine Bill Swin ey eld nd me oo he betto hen he p HEATING & ss oe ee Saray Ae: Lacy uke). fohawi Raceway Monday! p ] APPLIANCES | Dalipne Bx C ial D0 : n Groen nd D - Commerce: co . : " ol | * ; FICHLE! orit hth Ground nonths and 11 days past h n LOS H Tr eedinnel, aay Oe ' ' , EDNESDA Sco 0 di Ba , : client h birthd hen he : . : ws Dealer in your grea. 19) OR! Ci NOR HOCKE bolzie mn Boivin Ho : nd G r sae, en ON called upon to pitch against S nd Dan Beat! ad . ' & 1 A 7 nd org: } Simcoe H it - u ly see eye to but thi Kranepoo no he on ou! dinals. In two-thirds of/ comets Fetanrtte 00 ES ILLOWS me esday ¢ ' rs ns iH ¥ n chin n n nin wn h 5m 7 n all 0 0 t 00 O ap ee . ' r and ' nt against the skill of much il aa oh ; 5m. Both gar m ch nd n Don ne nd 8.00, Wil P 0 craftsme! he bi h a ned ni d 0 op i} Other t ' 1 ' or th rs inclu tu ub, th i 4 ' oukton Co cleanu itt é " ; Op t old ' ushin outhpi nd h ho p ng b ue company s0 n becau he fi D ' ure h boy but h nd his n T b ng' man-sized b Sten club orced to p ~*~ d 0 nd Bob F but one 0 h : nd th D 4 bonus p through ' ny nd did mill befo h i] leagu don 4 > n mM y opu0on tel O tie milo > b can't do me ¥ , nh Ov oras ' ma et 'North Oshawa GOLF DRIVING New balls and clubs supplied PHONE 725-904 SIMCOE ST. NORTH TURN LEFT AT SANDALWOOD RESTAURANT re As Cars heve certainly changed through the years, and the good garage, such us ours, has kept pace -- adding scien- tifie tools and mechinery to keep your car rolling, perfectly. NOW ... Two Locations To ¥ SERVICE YOUR CAR BETTER "KENT'S WESTERN B-A 136 King St. West Opposite Western Tire PH: 728-1911 @ LUBRICATION @ GREASE JOBS @ B-A GAS & Oli @ CAR WASH JOHN. KENT'S Western TIRE & AUTO SUPPLY -- ASSOCIATE STORE COMPLETE MINOR & MAJOR AUTO REPAIRS 145 KING ST. W. PHONE 728-1607