Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Apr 1963, p. 18

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eo ae TQ THE COMAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Apetl 27, 1963 Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 ae ok e 8 ° © 8 am; to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 - 16--Femoale Help Wanted |16--Female Help Wanted: BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY | @™Sgx wti<onibiessreayie ese |Well Drilling--Di } : GIRLS igging BOB CLANCY'S Accounting Service. |NEW PLASTERING. repairs, stucco|ROTO TILLING done. Rsassaakis Tates| FLANO; reed, pipe and electronic|-- : marreet| A / ' HI GH S CH 0 OL G DUATES Complete eeping Bond A |» 725- Jack Mullig: lin, 655-4936. jorgan tuning and repair. Instruments Street West, baer Ros. 733-7008, so0a." ee eee nome pees cleat ae se Lconact teats ee sed. J. Hiddink, Ajax 942- 1664, | BILL LEMON ~ f : RA GARDENS, lawns, Roto-tilled. Ready |*PP"* ccountant. Commercia 'i an is 1 a : iy ; : King Street West, Oshawa, 728-2221.|Porches. A Summers, 728-7245. TOP soll driveway "gzavel, coment,| Martin, OX 1-8144, Don Timleek 726-8130 Cleanouts, Deepenings, COSCOROBA 15 A SWAN WHILE If you like meeting people P Whitby. 7 668-5447. court Drive, Whitby. 066-5612" ____|GOOD TOP SOIL for sale, Teiephone|O. H. TUCK, RO, Optometrist. Please j yn A'SWOOSES AKAN ANY OCHER, you will enjoy work as a Telephone 723-1221 or 668-5429. ing lots, cement work, etc. Robert! GepaR TREES for nedges, etc. ail! d at home. Dial 725-4587. li: Free Co, Chartered | Accou 2$x) |EXPERT ROOFING and toof repairs.|delivery. Telephone Bowmanville 623-/Painting and Decorating NGG Gn Ghacal Pao las 125 Simcoe Street Ni fter 5 p.m. 725-7: = Bankruptcy, "64" King Street|stoops. Gordon' May, 728-0394, them fast with a far reaching, inex-|first class material, Low rates, Fully|#om, sarments. Individually designed HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO., Char-jour specialty, new work and repairs, day. cee nse Fi to return the item you found to its; RIDE WANTED from Whitby to Eglin- LEONARD JAMES BROOKS. Chartered| YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner. oam and Grave rom y to Re WILSON AND BURROWS, chartered) : . Excavating, lots leveled. PROBLEMS? Box 333, Whitby, or call 668-3034 o:| AM EARLY LEC(URE , AMD INVHED BOLD &. DEWAR. Accretited Pab- 7 fom apne remodelling, repairs, |for planting. ble. Glen Munro,|RECORDED MUSIC. Parties, Dances.) WELL DIGGING RAYMOND RB. PROSSER, CA, Charter--BULLDOZING and excavating. Free SAV, sand fil. Phone Erle Brenton.) | Compressor Work / OVERS CLASSIFY 1 AS A GOOSE« ALBERT HOSMAR, chartered account. GOOD STONEY, pit run gravel, deliv-/ Bar! Bottrell, Sand and Gravel, Herap-|pay. accounts at downtown Dominion Telephone 728-0911 Muir, Courtice, phone 725-5933. orth, Osbiwa, Ajax|Work guaranteed. W. Walibridge, 33/3935. NTING and pape |dressing, 396 Pine Avenue, Telephone PN Y FALE, FRIEDLANDER and Oo, |ALL TYPES of building repairs, r00l-| pon-r LET vacancies worry you. Rent| PAPER HANGING and palnling with i ER AND SPIMELLA * founds. \ ' ' : Handling Contacts with our Customers Registered corsetier. Mrs. J. Hender- tered Accountants, 172 King Street|large and small jobs, L and H Roofing) eS FINDERS often get rewards, Check the|2__ Personal | N WHEN DID __ PLEASANT OPFICE--FRIENDLY CO-WORKERS Public, Accountant, Suite 205, Oah-|Chimneys built and repaired, gaa tin-| VVgshed Stone, Fill | ~----eppix en en ee HO uwonse, dose Bums, | ™ PALESTINE hy Please apply in writing to accountants, 114 King street east, Osh. GORD'S Loaders. Trucks for 'hire. - | 725-0893, H 4KE MAN To A NEARBY RES(AURAHE wong i 7 BOX NO. 647 2 OSHAWA TIMES scales Accountants Building Trades' __|Gardening and Supplies Musical Services pla) Reasonal ding, cement sidewalks and|4i4 Park Road South, 725-7887 after 5. |Weddings. Tone-Mar-Band-Pox, 'Tony Some SCiENT1S45 SAY The ed Accountant, 906 Centre Street North,|estimates, Call Taylor Bros., 28 Hill-| 668-2660. \Optometrist | Yards and Cellars Cleaned ius rf COMES CLOSER 40 BEING ant, 323 Street West, Oshawa,jered, idea! for new driveways, park-| ton 263-2682. }Bank or 74 'Burk Street. invalids' LTE A Sap MONTEITH, MONTEITR, 'RIEHL, andl tice, phone 725-5983. _| sizes, choice quality guaranteed. eee s Column BUSINESS OFFICE REPRESENTATIVE 'WH 2.0690, Whitby MO 8-413! Whiting Avenue, 728-9970. and paper ae irs ecveet Accountants, Licensed Trus-|ing, chimneys, fireplaces, pedir : Bast, Oshawa. 728-7371, ROOFING, concrete Tioora, Hat roofing |Penmive Classified Ad. Dial 723-3498 to-/fuperienced. For further information, | uot, 324 Admiral Road. A x GOOD STARTING SALARY--REGULAR INCREASES East, Oshawa, Ontario, 725-2509. and Construction. 725-6937. "Lost" ads in today's Classified Section gnocamn sank . ; pereacs an ? bch Contre, 725-9983. ings installed; furnaces vacuumed. Free IF YOU have « drinking problem, write HAD AM AUDIENCE OF ONE AT : dr ll AO gt 2: a BEATTY HAULAGE CALL FRANK ZAK |GENTLEMAN would like ride from FoR "He HOUR. Edmond Burrows, CA. 728-7554. A ; H ivicinity of Yonge and Front Streets,| (6 Janitorial Service 725- 2156 | ieraiinie coemcnaveiot danucl (Orem we Oemraae dente amare' | @e tam erten te, ee PGT Waxing, Washing, Floor : : ior--exterior. Painting, Spray suey p.m, Telephone 725-7116 liad 3 THE BELL TELEPHONE SEWING MACHINE taney wpe, all Sew.| !Mprovements. Window cleon- i Painting, Paper' Hanging. aa a | : | 329" Simcoe Street South.| ing. Plaster Repair. 725-5458 or 725-3842 Mee Modell sal be is |9--Summer Properties cesar rons wane Wanted COMPANY OF CANADA will in For Sale or Rent | ; ~~} Oshawa, April 29th, 30th nn mn | i 723-1302 after 4 FERTILIZING, PRUNING p, DODD & SOUTER) Gihowe,. Ancl. 29te, 3000 GE CARE -- nay shrocipdugm cream on Tee 15 VICTORIA STREET, OSHAWA Home Improvements | POWER ROLLING | CONTRACTORS caf Hotel on these dates for op- front lot. Sand beach, inside conveni- Piday) a ar ball Gay. Roofing, eavestroughing, LOAM, EVERGREENS, Painting, Paperhanging pointment pssst Sore ne. Se eee ws os safe hence sheen 17--Male Help Wanted -- -|17--Male Help W Wanted nting, . cupboards, floor 1 Guat Full Wall Mural | ELECTROLYSIS ATTRACT: E lakeshore lots and cot--HANDYMAN desires work, painting -- lie beacon <a a SERVICE CENTRE it a renuiee oF at SHRUBS | vere, le irals | tages for sale on Steenburg and Gien-basen:ents, verandahs, mowing lawns, EXPERIENCED [SALESMAN WANTED -- opportunity ? i ilin: | aa | H t mir es, 28 mil rth of Mad ete, Cai udi, Telephone 9287 after r advancement in sales field Trans- Repairs to All Makes kinds. No job too big or j HARDSAND t aR pen H 723-4641 . 798-77 mig pic ney ; 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY Reasonable terms. 725-7740. p.m. supplied, salary and commis portation LICENSED MECHANICS | Fencing ot bonkers col | LANDSCAPING . | | DAYS asp sie? 3--Pets & Livestock 'Ti--Articles For Rent 16--Female Help Wanted © CARPENTERS ince. Persone terested int permanent Heche isco A RPa Race ON OMIM El Ati cea See Dice position only. Apply in person, Mr, L. 145 King West -- 728-1607 us anytime. 728-2061. Le: JO5-4721 FREE toa good home, two female) Dishes . Cutlery - Glasses WAITRESS -- Experidhced, for eve- WANTED Sequin, Singer fowl: Macte® Done "FIVE BAYS TO SERVE YOU" P. NELLIS, 19 Colborne E. 0) Ss Personal Service puppies. Part Beagle. Good rabbit mid Work; Whe. Gat hour ApAS TA eur pany, 14-16. Ontario. Street, _ dogs. Call Pickering 942.5167, _ Punch Bowls son, Carmichael's Barbecue, Park For Interview Call REAL ESTATE aaa | SGISTERED miniature, blac Road South Barristers | HYDRO SILICA Sheep and Cow | MODERN GRILL S22" Sterne) Coffee Urs | "ie 725-7583 | eae, Notary Puble, Merasse| BRICK CLEANING |after 6 p.m. Whitby 668-8126, | _ Silver Tea Service JOSHANING LADY reanined Sor tape. SALESMEN | The office of Paul Ristew 6 | Sargeant's Rental sib ares "WA | Well Rotted | Made Pies and Desserts - j ¥608 argeant's Re 5. \WwaNte -- reliable, middle-aged wom- NTED | pow thsuciel Troms Scbilie ae rach i iss 4 jem bungalow. One day per week, 9 to, Bor-B-Qued Chicken, Turkey 'BELGIAN SHEEPDOG Silver Candelabra j4 p.m. $8. plus ear fare, "Telephone East, 723-1107. Res, 985-7163. | NS A eee Pere PEP | t dam k, LOUIS S. HYMAN, QC, Barrister, Soli will not damage bric citor, Notary, Alger Building, 37 King For free estimates call Street East, 723-4943. Mortgage monies available | SALE -- French poodie, stan- Financial Trade Building WE DELIVER FOR SALE -- French poodie, sian 725-3338 an to live in and care for three smal, Retired Bank Manager | 2s". : } 'dard, male, black, five months old, = - - shildie " age Ti earl May. Th insio DELIVERED | 345 RITSON RD. SOUTH |875. 'Telephone 668-2398, eee Sake WHEEL CHAIRS phase rad ee aid or Accountant requirss Nit addition of oi H 725-3887 {BE AUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for| Hospital beds, invalid walk- [wer REQUIRE two waitresses, neat) Part-time for large Building | Real Estate salesmen whose By load $8 and $6 | CUSTOM TAILORING. | Broad. * 110 ela fake" eas ing, bedside commodes, | appearance with pleasing persohality. Supply Co. Reply: prime interest will be the res- Per Bushel $1 H | crutches also -- slenderizing Lackuiviee Asol be reac tg ace BOX 613 idential field. Call Paul Ris- (by english tailor) 5--Farmer's Column |. machines and roll-away [newest And baat. pel Reload He wd OSHAWA. TIMES tow ot 728-9474 for inter- Phone 728-7435 | LEN PULLAN WOROOVY duck agus fom exihe Theme beds. Terraec Restaurant, 120 Brock Street, view. | ER AND KELLY, Barvisiers, Soll-| Stan's Sharpening Speatin ihendence, Phen c J OM And Rental. Ltd. BAY BChs i2bsaaa Terence V. Kelly, 223 King Ww. 723. 3224 i | | funds available, 364 King Street) No dust - No dirt | MANURE { Dinners, Fish 'n Chips, Home sale soon. For details, telephone 723- | | | | | | | } RICHARD BH. DONALD, BA, a hagrater.| Gath 44 wer dents, Sal Brook FOR SALE OR RENT \ Norte Whitby. sonuy - ~~ cat ee" cara ak ees PLASTERING suits, coats, slacks, etc posasie es ce | ; F : ete: \warrsass -- part time, good day-| JAMES A. MaeDONALD, BA, LLB, |Inctruction " CASH on the wpvi. Wight pricea paid) 7291044 Nim heute "ply. in "pereon, "Crys EXECUTIVE TYPE SALESMAN Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub and |TUTOR for hihg school and conversa-| Terms from 1.50 weekly for dead and crippled farm stock Grill, 29 King Street East, | . o 1 Building, 266 Kin: tional French and Spanish, experi-, Telephone collect. Hampton COlfa x; Week "Ochawas Ontario, Cleat park: PAIRS | ead. Telephone 725-3980 |. 10 PRINCE ST.--728-531] -|3-2721. Margwill Fur Farm Colfax! Rentals Of All Kinds |vaRtery srore help, experi enced. | , » Oni -- | Licence 245-C-63. |Apply Smith's Coffee Rar, 317 Simcoe! Largest Canadian com in its field h | VIOLIN, trumpet, expert tuition, rea i bi nd Heoti HOUSEHOLD EQUIPMENT: 'Street South. Telephone 725-3932. '| 9 adia ompany in its Tie as a per- Barrister, solici- {sonable. G. Darbyshire, 1013 Wilt um img a ea' in -- tae . 3a Simeoe Street South. 725-9591 STUCCO, STOOPS pee Whit : i Si 8 \7--Trailers : folding chairs, hand planes, | Seomeees Sears 3 excellent | manent. position with good future and complete Residence 728-0264. nee : ere | PRIVATE teacher, student i L TYPES of repairs and remodel | it FOOT CABD er iy! nail pullers, staplers, bolt |pm. to ll p.m. shift in beautiful s2bea, Welfare benefits for. salesman in Oshawa area. Age CREIGHTC N _ MUR and sean N Hea 115 gion experience. By interview) sn yates Ebtiniates tree Dial equipped $40 per week Whitby 668- 3013 | cutters, tile cutters, caulking {general hospital 'located in sunny sub-| 25-45 married. Experience referred but not essen- DOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries) ond new wor lo job t oniy. Act now. 725-1054. | Foley \HOUSE TRAILER, 14 ft, $250 "Tele-| guns, tape recorders, TV sets, |urbs of Los Angeles in Southern Cait) : p Pp ut no Public, Bank of Commerce Building, $] small, Estimotes free Gap. HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Baton,|-- -- wad heating supplies, Phone 968-3082 or after 4 p.m., 668-8741. transistor radios, tile polish- |tocating Write 1) D' Gaoiee Aime.| tial. Substantial salary and bonus paid to man who imet b . . 0 i 4 ork liet, q ist L LUD an eating supplies. pbs os thes 4 | loc i - D. Garrison, Admin. | if farlo, 723-3466; Residences: 7. K.| anteed work. Call ofter tow, 4 King Street West, 125.610 [Telephone 7 , Harold H.Gtark,| TENT TRAILER, sleeps six, good con-/ ers, vacuum cleaners, bissell ', San Gabriel Valley Hospital. qualifies. Kindly reply briefly, in confidence, giving Creighton, QC; G. M, Drynan, QC;} p.m. 'ttd., Plumbing, Heatfig and Engineer. ;dition. $350. Apply Montrave Ave- jnia. All enquiries answered friend i gages and agreements of sale bought, 728-3097 Dancing School. Ballet, tap, acrobatic, | tae WE bales ionic, eal Testa dehumidifi.rs, air condition- |and_promptts fiendiy| background and income expected to Box No. 604 fh |115E. Broadway, San Gabriel, Califor-| 728-8354; G. L. Murdoch, 723-4788. Mort LILLIAN MAE MARSH, DEA, OMA,|ing, 255 Simcoe Street South. nue. After 12 noon 728-8438 shampooer, portable cooter, pre-schoo] kinderdance. Fridays, Satur-} : } lair furnace, three-piece bath, fully; ¢" flight bags, megaphone aos : ------, Oshawa Daily Times. All repli knowl n MANNING F. SWARTZ AND RONALD jdave Masonic Temple. 723-7253 253. |Rug- ek lend Service --_ | eauipoed ve 0s "Telephone "as 'ass 4 spedker, atropping «mochine, For Fun H 'ectiecuigea . itp Ss I pies ackno' edged and L. SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, , LEARN TO DRIVE _ » chestertields cleaned at 3 OUT! CARIN TRAILER wanted a July} aby carriages, C.C.M. "ex- | | ryt rranged. N M loan. Henry Block, | Reatonabie rateo Guaranteed uring July | A Notaries. Money ane pesey Bleck B.&G. Plastering satisfaction, Telephone "728°7057 in exchange for use of our cottage in| ercisers, sewing machines. and Good Earnings dence, dial 723-4029 | Oshawa Driving School |\CHESTERFIE Los rand eik ohgire Georgian Bay, Telephone 725-9812 | « Massaging belts, coffee urns, | Avon Representatives will tell te-| | JOSEPH PF. MANGAN, QC, Barrister, Cartage DAY or EVENING Icovered like new, Get the best for less CABIN TRAILER, home made, $f. by! appliance cart. | you its easy to sell the fine POSTMEN, "MILKMEN, Rolidelios. Money to leah, Office 144i Or eee Model jat Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe| 10 '9 $100. F nformation, telephone Brag? products, ful! or part time. King Street, East, Oshawa, 728-8212 JOHN'S MOVING AND CARTAGE, Late Models, Standards |South, Call 728-6451. Free estimates, |72#-9829 or 725-5004 CAMERA. EQUIPMENT It's Profitable! Write H ~|Oshawa, Whitby. Reasonable rates. Automatics Dual Controlled = ------}| mm. slide camera, movie | ONALD BLAKE DODDS, |! , 3 ee! CBESTERFIELDS re-uphoistered and | H | po} ALD Bt 26s King Street East.|Fully equipped and insured, 728-3661. OSHAWA AND WHITBY re-s! ' ied. ire eotinaaten. See our} COOK' i projector, slide projector, P. 0. Box 51 2 Oshawa | BREADMEN, RETAIL CLERKS Telephones: Business 723-2201; Resi a CALL 728-0091 }material for re-covering alton p-! } movie camera, screen, sun- dence 728-5373 Dressmaking | jhelstering, 13 Charles Street, 723-7212. | TRAILER SALES | gun, binoculars WAITRE H Former Salesmen in Any Field ts Trae '| DRFSSMAKING. " siteratinssvsersi| Money To Loon bo a ee ee $995 | GARDEN EQUIPMENT--Elec- | S 7 i ¥ tidal Ps seh nich eae y more? Our rates! { ENIT.-Elee= | 9 hs 3 sidence 725-554 Laie aire: oem 8 Seautes Street,| "are reasonable. Satisfaction guaran-! pecia trie hadde listers: ho hole Full and P Ti If you have had previous experience, talking or selling to the ieee IMONEY TO LOA \teed, Mattressess rebuilt. Oshawa Up-| edge clippers, post hole ull and Part Time public, we want to talk to you about joining a live-wire soles McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers,| 725-6863 lholsiety Co. 10 Bond West. Dill nd Glendette } augers, lawn mowers, lawn H 2 hehe ER Oo RB DO ERNE OE | force on a permanent basis. Solicitors. Clients' funds available for EXPERIENCED dresemak: altera- i ed- | | h first mortgages, 20 Simcoe Street itions, pant cuffing. Reasonable rates. PARTS AND SERVICE rollers, gordon, sprayer, send | Roya Lune elgg ey , i p bres TERING -- Chester fields ers, lawn sweeper, fence { You can earn above average income. oe Bing e paneae Ge MeGibbon,|Mre, Eldridge, 67 Montrave. 725-6476 Low Interest chairs, antique furniture of all Kinds, | HIGHWAY 2, COURTICE | stretcher, post drive, tree HIGHWAY +115 CALL Receive remuneration while traini it JONES. BA and THOMAS H.\Fuel and Wood EM ERMip coarkuien whe a: te oe THOR LANSDOWNE TEXACO! pruners, scythes, lawn area- | _Newcastle 4561 | be GREER, Associate Barristers and Soli-| woop, one fin length Valuations Arranged estimate, call 728-3281; evenings an Simcoe North (City. Limits) tors, sod cutters, garden tiller, | -- -----|_ Rapid advancement, if you ore ambitious. We sell year round Sila Street East. 728-6246 le Pie ogeeo OOD. "one ie cel ter 7%-2439 and a representative will call Open Ev verings 723- 9534 |} flame gun, | EXPERIENCED | products. | . . '< No obligation. Kennedy Upholstering, HUMPHREYS, BOYC 14 btn na eatin Resicential Ltd "| CAMPING EQUIPMENT | SALESLADY : Gardening and Supplies g City ond District \Seles aad Service H TRAVEL Tents, tent heaters, sleeping For Telephone For Interview 728-7481 For Appointment : * inated siesta bags, liners, air mattress, | Ladies Ready-to- ries, s. 3 : : oe snl pe y , | adies Ready-to-wear Wok' Milman, LLB. Office T2S07:| MA None ate ewer' sey ct! Summer Properties OUTBOARD MOTOR | TRAILERS | erie ee ee | Véey Good: Salory 9 A.M. UNTIL 6 P.M. -- MISS BAKER > ys ® orders, $3. per yd. Telephone Bowman-| REPAIR SERVICE } coolers, car top carriers, wa- F Right P 72s-4604. NHA | Ville 623-3441 | Vacart Land Gaiden Fal | ter skis, life jackets, out- | or Right Party. z igoon HORSE, manure, - balttom Frc) ee SCOTT MOTOR { oiden aicon | board motors, WRITE BOX 617 ; aping load, $6. delivered. Bushel $1 embers McCullough Chain Say | OSHAWA TIMES MH A TIM PATT NS Bookkeeping _ a aeeaon [saeance: Tatts Telephone orders i! Ontario Brokers' Association | SALES & SERVICE for 1963 | STAN'S ea el OS Returns, Statements prepared, BC | OSHAWA MARINE | Choose Sharpening ond Rentals Ltd, i j Newman Crescent, 668-8252 : | \ | TOGNG MAN will taep books for email HARRY and 'MARY' SUMMERLAND | SERVICE from a | - 223 King St. W., Oshawa | PRIVATE uisiness. Telephone Whitby 668-4262 | 1487 Simcoe North 728-0031 | YA after 6 p.m oe TOWNSEND'S | SECURITIES 48 = 9¢ Nor 8 = COMPLETE LINE Phone 723-3224 | SECRETARY SAEED ORR) NO. 12 HIGHWAY | _112 Sea S. Noo | Custom gun work, re edits Wreted | eat, rao UPBOARDS OU ew] | Oshawa, Ontario--725-3568 | DiUelNg, retinigning, mod- | ee JOLD. CLOCKS WANTED. by Pnae| initiative in performing vars ime it geo S| 2¥2 MILES N. WHITBY | ification. x \ Trailer Park |Shone 'Whitby' 066-2446. Eee ee ied dutta, i room, Whitby 668-6118 he BOX PLANTS | Mortgages Guns bought, sold, H Peer a ee si G ¢ I £ ai corporatior a. | RAISE your income with inexpensive | n vOrking conditions, FOR | Ct a ee oc greet Bagg acne Waar mort-| Ww _ exchanged. | and Sales \Classified ads. They sell, rent quickly. | employee benefits, excellent | 2, i nd ts of sal A: \ i is SEPTIC TANKS | cenanitins Now Reavy [Si8seattfietttaa, tug gir) Whitby, 668-2497 _ | Dados St: East, Whitby [2s tetey for a beimtet aa) salary according 0 exper and other drain work. Coll: jek Chee Sanding Barer 5 : : 1 : | Shorthand and ac Also fertilizers, peat moss, |FIRST AND SECON wai | DUTVeyors j aa Sonn | ertand nd securete :typ- 1 HAAKSMA | black loam, raspberry plants. Agreements | purchased nd told. DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, On| 668-2866 | SHAW [- fhe required. Eree Estimotes Cedar trees, for hedges King Street Fast 1237202. Parsisters, | © jie wane Dulas Sine ioe ads bie Sales '- Parts - Accessories | AUTO WRECKING CO | BROOKLIN | | --------| # FLIM AND. TROLLOPE, Ontario! 9u08 . i W for wreckin } | | ---Summer Properties GAYE £008 of 655- 4746 | Better Gardens _ |kand Surveyors, 111 Bigin Street East |. Parts for sefe, also scrap-iron. | -_ By | _ Need A jzeone eee For Sale or Rent _.| and metals, etc., bought | TELEPHONE | |TV--Radio Repairs CEDAR PARK, Hampton, Op @ fer| Open Saturday all day. Phone | AJAX 942.0150 James 0' Malley ean AWA wre | Mortgage Loan? | age "lakes cra aR oc Tab 725-2311--89 BLOOR E.| MR. ROBINSON r & WANTED for GM holidays, } ' vec Ae | Elliott. 723-9792. Fred e: c ac CONST. LTD. 723-7122 | evergreens, flowering shrubs, | PRIVATE PARTY TO INVEST ons: Jf Eilts. ~~ ---lfoe caildten, 120001 at Tae, | WANTED Oshawa and District Home! shade trees. Ready to plant. | IN Ist and 2nd MORTGAGES prospects Sith ser inexpensive Oshawa FOR RENT -- cottage, 'oe baiten,| SCRAP, IRON, POULTRY Thousands to choose from, | Times Classified Ad. Dial 723-3492 to-/Canal Lake, 60 miles north Whitby. AND 'FEATHER TICKS | SALESLADIES OFFICE AND STORE Agreements for sale and day for more information jAvailable by the season or week. | Shy R E Flagstone Patio Rockery wthignaee wurchoked: Low | - ------|Whitby 668-3473, | Row Furs, Deer Skins, Metals _ Remodelling | Speci lists Top Soil, Sod, Seeds) | rate our mortgage prob- | | HOUSEKEEPING cottages, with boat, | (collect) Immediate vacancies for a- WALCO | ' Lee Hibked 9 a TV y ie Rice Lake, weekends May, June, $16; 1. TURNER Jert women to train for mana- Complete Garden Service Habba A eal ete aseer Hi i July, $40.; August, $35. per week! 793.9043 ---- 723-2281 gerial and part-time' posit- CONSTRUCTION Pruning, Spraying, Alterotion | ee er oom Ab laci Russell Oliver, RR 2, Keene ions in Canada's finest chain Call us for estimates. Gaby : : NOTICE -- fishing parties, ere]! L ° ) Economy and Deluxe season opens May il, O&A recom ert! 13--Business Opportunities or degeckl anctay for inform- ation and interview: For guoranteed Home Im- ed. Mel-Dor Ced. Cc : j v tt 7 provements. Free estimates. 1259 Simcoe St. North | CALL 723-3211 Priced to suit your budget. | miles north of 'Napanee, excellent. hh. eg pe Megan ge hese Expert workmanship. Save | 723-3222 EVENINGS 725-2539 | ing, $6. per night to June 29, sleeps 4-6, APPLY. IN PERSON | r Ww TERMS ARRANGED Boat included. Home baking available, | Sob, "Bast. TA5178. Pee Ee more, do it now. ; : : Op | | Write Mrs, M Praeiae » WHITBY 668-4412 | seco eae : - MORTGAGE es a Ey GREE be Mo | situated on two acres of land, suitable/ ~ OSHAWA TV for light industry, South Oshawa, Tele ° ~ Employment | Better described offers get faster results. "Moneys for first mortgages | Modern housekeeping cabins czoctie back ground waben our Oshawa, Ontario By ALICE BROOKS Charge Interest at 7% { | and cottages; safe swimming | ing $4,000. and up gross annual prem- -- ee : Bees ah Ave ) J 8 ansy bedspread in single, 6 consecutive doys a. : Open mortgages 728-81 80 | for children; good fishing. jum, Cash or terms. Write to Box 329 Pans) r Classitind Ad Riiet LOANS | SUPPLY. LIMITED | | HONEY HARBO Ee Het gti pier greenery and Office IN MULTICOLOR | lchase General Insurance Agency writ-} | 3 consecutive doys : | No bonus Oshawa Times | EMPLOYMENT OFFICER [and outline stitch -- beautiful Care mnt aun wy snwtin own ors | Rea haces, CITY TV, | fee SOE MOY ape THE | (NATIONAL °°" "tyme teaver PULLOVER PAIR ae ce ue es, ak esa Pees rh a Towers and Antennas | ty CAMP | eae SERVICE Resehsees of gay colors. re : By ANNE ADAMS Lae seman TAS | TATE swartz -| "ed sosacin' | nmr same fr avs 101% | YOUR BUSINESS? | INSURANCE [ifn and full" cones Talon aces to (Not applicable for merchandise anionic 2612 King St. East 5} e Dean uly, } Private lake, swimming, sail- Y (OR MAKING IT j COMMISSION, (tHE ENE Cas cin the ' the trail a ray ee Oshawa, Ontario | 725. 0500 { ing, conoeing, woodcraft OBSOLETE?) OSHAWA, ONTARIO | e 'something ne seren! DEADLINES if ae f : jplease) to Alice Brooks, care}daughter would love to have, Word eds. S p.m. doy previous |---_---- LES ad a Write 16 Riverwood Park. . | SALARY: $4410-$4950 lof The Oshawa Times, Needle-| : y 'aR ~{ way, Toronto 18 or: | If "so, our company doing | Documentary evidence of high Ont. On- Printed Pattern 4930: Girls' Classified Display ae ...2:30 p.m. day previous | FIRST "TV TOWERS i 233-3982 | business internationally may schcol graduation must be pee pene ae lc. sales Sizes 6,5, 10, 1a, 14. Size 10 Births, memoriams, cards of thanks -- 9 a.m. day of publication. | AND : "970 be interested in you. We'sre | produced arid. Tesigents ac " 'idress, pullover 3% yards 35- Lost ond Found -- . 8:30 a.m. day of publication. | G re : : tax. Print plainly pomaen ch; 3 yard contrast. : . s ' i ° i BOY c \. | ¢ontemplating setting up a Several years of experience Cancellations and Corrections--8:30 a.m. doy of publication. | Mortgage ' | Antenna Repair j an fs a ee ar ne | sizeable operation in this area | related to the duties of the NUMBER, N A ME, ADDRESS. FORTY CENTS (40c.) in coins (no stamps, please) for this REGULATIONS | 2 miles waterfront. Riding, | 12 be considered 'you must | position. a ee ee The Oshowo Times wil! not be responsible for errors, in advertise- LOANS TRIO | water-skiing, camp-outs, ten- | have: business experience, a | For full particulars as.to res- {Show stars smocke tNectle. | pattern, Ontario residents add ments submitted otherwise than in writing, not for more than | nis, arts, etc. Tuition: French | 900d reputation and a min- } idence, qualification require- Ties -- it's nh mated 'a salt lc, sales tax. Print plainly one incorrect insertion of any advertisement, nor beyond the , | TELEVISION and N s. Prot.-Cath. serv- | imum of $3,500 copital\ | ments and application forms, craft Catalog! __Plus VEE 200 SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, price charge tor a single insertion of the advertisement in which Mr. Tobbert, Mr. Vessey ices, Insulated cabins with | Our company will match your | see Posters on display at the fresh-to-you designs to knit, cro- STYLE NUMBER. error occurs. | 171 BOND ST. E. OSHAWA hot and cold water. Excel- investment. | National Employment Service jchet, sew, weave, embroider,!"'. The Canova Times reserves the right to classif advaninn 728-1653 | : a | lent meals. Nurse. Doctor on | For proper consideration reply and Post Office. quilt. Plus free pattern. Send sch Sg os gy 2 according to its proper classification Oo sd ! 728-6781 coll. College counsellors. to Canadian Compact Indus- Apply before MAY 4, 1963, (25¢. Now! Gee Dent P Colncs on a " . ' i | Only $35 weekly Jincludin | tries, Georgetown, Ontario, {| to the H sy US » Ont. -- In the cose of display advertisements, The Times will' not be GUARANTY Well Drilling--Digging aventhing (Subldincd ter | by hand written letter, in- | Civil Service Commission, |W Ad D '+ | Just out! 304 design 'ideas held responsible for more space than that .in which the actual | weedy children). Free booklet, | cluding a brief description |. 25 St. Clair Avenue East, ant- § Don |plus coupon for FREE pat- error occupies. The publishers endeavour to reproduce al! adver- | TRUST 'WELL DIGGING by machin special | ; tising matter correctly, but ossume no liability of advertisement | Residential Property ining {9 20.inch tile, W. Ward, 204 Chest 1 Mts. Harold: Martin, of your background, All cor- | Toronto 7, Ontario fern -- any one you choose in , it Street West, PO Be Ri py.) - Dire-tors. "Wildwood", V spondence trictest Competition number 63-T- new Spring - Summer tte if eny inaccurecies in ony form are contoined therein. Company ef Conade \eue-ente os ohe-teee ne. MEO dreur, Quebec, ede | conhidenias ee Motte 687 raboulds be coord, Cost-They Pay Catalog. Send gi ti sh

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