Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Apr 1963, p. 17

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a THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, April 26,1963 17 Today s Stock Market OBITUARIES TORONTO 11 A.M, STOCKS By Toren Cansting Write, | Giack Males Miah Low acm, ens Stock Sales High Low a, ay chee FUNERAL OF | Sueieres Chapel. She was in her re i Exch April 26 y = %| Windfall 13000 95-3 | 60t Pig ome cette unless marked 8. Suitsate gis 15% 164 -- 4) Windle WASYL KASHUL year Y * 2-Odd lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex-|p Bridge 4625 $215 21 wo 8s "Oh oH High requiem mass for Wasyl| The service was conducted by wate. xw--Ex-warrants. Net change i8|1 Coal pr 252 $15 15 Kastul who died at his home,|Rev. A. E, Larke, pastor of trom previous board-lot closing sale.)|f pairies 291 $13 13 345 Oshawa boulevard south,|Albert Street United Church. Dofascl 3200 $66% 66% j n Interment was in Mount La INDUSTRIALS --_ [Bor oree 28 85, tos tow [Aamice"" ae rae Me elas Geek On|cmumey. 11 Net |Dom Text 320 $2 2 20 Anacon , wat: thodox Church (Ritson road and| The pallbearers were John Stock Sales High Low a.m, Ch'ge|Du Pont 36 . os * NE y Bloor street) by Rev. Peter Zap-| Agg, Peter Agg, Carl Lisder, Abitibi bd $6 Gi 45% sry Pt lr wah 62% 6% -- %| Aumaa 6000 | aryniuk at 10 a.m. Thursday. |Jim Loreno, Neil Graham and ios sate om "aes + 4\Fem Play 225 Sige 10% le Lee Expl 1000 16 Interment was in Mount Lawn! Hugh Smith, 75 $108% 10814 106% "e% per Scrcenipeesraeetye Bethim r | Cemeter 700.776 775 "5 |Get PC ee rasa Tis. 7% 2 The pn were William| FUNERAL OF |S ware Se a Bh OA 70 'ie 0 _, |Sorochan, N. Dutka, M. Shev-|MRS. GEORGE R. DULMAGE REPLACEMENT Gn cap Ye su ma . © he gd ' 7 bed a a John) Fite reltsabeuh Price, beloved ms toms + [GNC MO pe ee oe = age SP ince i +h] Pravess 'ire sil at the Me-| |wife of George Roblin Dul- GUARANTEE ! s51% ai 51% Gr Wee vt 300 nnd 8 ee id ae tk _. pan Gea y,| Intosh- Anderson Funeral Home|mage, who died at the Oshawa See Ges ee ee ee ic mee ee ee oes pe We: Spay tay ary heme tig a All Merchandise Bod fod iat [Rance ow Sas 3, (Gene a |g FUNERAL OF [at we Armstrong Funeral ome 4s, 40 tl eee es Mee Sb 5% Cop-Man 11% 1% 11% MRS. ONA MAY BURLEY (|; 2 p.m. Thursday, April 25. Subject to Prior 668% oa 4| Hees 400 100 95 100 +10 | Cowich 105 106 ~--I The memorial service for Mrs.) Rey, Dr. John Leng, minister Sale If Sold Out of 56% 5 aoe ae ae loon, oe i. +!) cna May Burley, 88 Oshawalot st. Andrew's United Church, a " - wes = Tip Tob 250 Mm 4M -- % Deer Horn 64 boulevard north, who died in the 5 .. 6 +2 conducted the services. Inter- a Specific Adver- A Denison su% 11% 1% + % spital, Mon- i ; i oe Ind d AcceD m8 $25 a ek ee Oshawa General Hospita ment was in Oshawa _ Union} = int <8 9235. repel B8zeo8by 8BEe G j ' +10 ~ gc a , | Etdrich 100 16 «1818 day, April 22, was held Thurs-| Cemetery. ee 640 46 46 2000 54 5% 3% |day at 2 p.m, at the Gerrow| Th lb Ab. | NO ONE DICTATES i th BAD BOY ase egg : Intpr B 59 w al 5% 5M. SY m, allbearers were | ; zou * Inter PL 400 -- «| Fewest T 1000 1044 104 104 +8 Natan, ieee Price, James| 10 e parable Substitute pe thw ar ey flee 2 2 8 | Gas Co pure, Jack Model Will Be Of- A s pr | = * strong and Malcolm Dulmage, 85 mee y | Ketvinator $10% 10% 10% | Har. soo "10% 10 10 as mpany ie 72 Cox, Carl Burnett, Jack Arm- Big Ben ie a et a oe oe a oe ki 16th | ALL PRI C ES SLASHED ! -- Lakelan 54 § : ee ete: oss. Seomne NET EARNINGS | = it Price. 280 10% -- 4 Leland 9% + | Hud Bay MS $57% 57% 57% + % 1 61% 61% ae " 17 | x ane a tee me fe Hae ese a ou Rate Drop By THE CANADIAN PRESS ,, | Lob tn ee a a Aluminium Ltd. 3 mos, ended| $8% 8% 8% + | Lab Min 00 $30% 30% 30% 4 %| The Consumers' Gas Company | , $9% 9 %+ %/L Dufault 400 }10 |has applied to the Ontario En-|March 31: 1962, $7,000,000 22) WE BOUGHT E t] 6% "on os atin 30% 30 ergy Board for its 16th volun. |cents 8 share; 1962, $8,100,000, | M ALL! i pong a tary rate reduction since 1955, . 68% 7 MB PR Mi = Stas 2% ; Oakah L. Jones, president and) General Motors Corporation, | WE BOUGHT EM RIGHT! ee | Maser ae i BS y general manager, said today. |3 mos. ended March 31: 1963, -- %)) Poth Pity ' Leod 305 Estimated at three-quarters of| |$414, 300,000, $1.45 a share; 1962, 26: | : 21% i 75 $10 10 ~ %|Majtrane a -- = gener hed gener 9 a < BUY NOW at wholesale price proposted reduction would resu indus eceptance Corpo-| Er GVAgS averaging S800 iltution Lak, 3 mins. ended March | OVER 30% OFF 15 15 35 |) 45 $544 54% 5444--%|Man Bar 7 $154 15% 15% -- \4| Martin 68 27% 2% + Yo! Mattgmi 835 | 30% 30% --1%| year for some 60,000 residential |31: 1963, $2, 227,844, 37 cents aj 2% +1 |customers throughout Consum- | share; 1962, $2,436,565, 41 cents. | }ers' service areas in Ontario, | Lafarge Cement of North | ond ro Ne' 4 mi tempers' y ly automa' rm Mr. Jones told Toronto Board of America Ltd. year ended Dec. | fully Grain ins, ¢ ot ' Control, The Energy Board will | 31: 1962, $34,876; 1961, $30,306, dries, 5 "i review the application on May |-- matically ew Fully Automatic July 22, record June 21. IN , $7% 7% hb 6 68 3rd. -- 51 18 | The rate reduction would ap- Brand N > RANGE yas |ply to residential house heating 2nd and 3rd Ws Us |customers who use natural gas . controlled, Pa Fanny Farmer Candy Shops| -- S 4d ie" +,'*| for two other purposes and who Cloe tinder, al nu! % ; 'enme under the Company's feo finish Revelstoke 5 es ae ee i jae po coe aml June 29, Rothman" rs =. be ta ; i oe as equal billing plan. Mr. Jones COMBINATION = rranty al a id i Hamilton Cotton Co, Ltd.,|saiaca 810% 10% 2000 Hh Hs ih +m pale wae the Conners 300. ~ - 5 this time to give a substant- ¢ lete H. Entertai t Cent common 25 cents, June 3, rec-|Shew tts Seo eS rt bk at omplete Home Entertainmen entre ord May 10; five per cent pfd.lercn tows ci ow em Gu 3 2m x lial rate reduction to those who , 640 640 ; Pie Sie "\heat their homes with natural ee oS s 5 tek es BK 300 31 al at ines and who also use this mod. WITHOUT LEGAL FEES 9 - ell River Lid., 25 cents, June! § oe 8 Pow Rou 1600 51 30 at 44_| "Tm fuel for two of the following ke ues 15, record May 16. | Su Siaett $14) cooking, water heating, re- NO BONUS Mining Corp. of Canada Ltd. M6 46 A| Radi : | frigeration, clothes drying or S 365% 65" 4 pa \ 96 cents, June 28, record May|7°r Se Se Te eS a, oe os [ommamental gas Lehting. aaa R PL R 31. . $26% Rix Athab 3500 " oe | | e@ discount for prepayment 7 Normetal Mining Corp. Ltd.,| neanen Sas aM Ryanor | 12 «618 e@ no legal fees six cents, June 27, record May|¥ poyenait 31, Stave "435 Shere! im ie ie 3 --10 SUPERI OR 5 SPEAKERS : a Selection Page-H Tubes Ltd. |W A ee vmaq i | From... fete ahs, om oe Nt, Se, 23, 'begeebees COMPARABLE VALUE 514.95 Si June 14. ic so 3" ; 850 480 475 48 8 | the fastest growir 1 36" aa 35 cent, Ju a aon A om 8 1000) eh * Wal MH All-Canadian toan ¢ Baan NOW ALL YOURS ... ' BUNK BEDS Lid., » June 27, record Silt 11% r 100 175175 ms 8 | Bonded Picture Tube Full 36" Size May 3 8% 8% +% 200 167 165 Py * ag z Eyt sé8eu aeeayy 2009090 Wit 83 8 z 3 3,8 z aaa eff 84 3 peseesaansssen8? ang gz eacefe: Pint ; >a tee dian »Saeaehs 42788 zt. |N 165 I | McKen | Noranda 1200 BY% NS LP 5% END | Ocean Cem 600 $13% 18% Ont | Steel 200 $19% 19% A 55 $33% 33% By THE CANADIAN PRESS | | Page ties bacc sans aa Pa ti p| iA 1 Canada Steamship Lines Ltd.,|pac Pete wt 100 750 750 pid, 31% cents, July 2, record| etgd Eng 100 $14% 1% June 4. 'ow Corp 700 Beg sn mium g ico .. common 15 cents,| Price Br 6394 39%4 34 Emco Ltd. 15 t |p 19 3goz3 2922239228: ~~ - a * oS SaBe of 388 3 aa Standard Brands Inc., 50 gio 18 195 |Thom L 9631 7% stavice 17 Simcoe 4-SPEED Complete with cents (U.S.), June 15, record Sak oe | Tetbag May 15. M7 1 +8 |y Mee os ig , Language Teacher} sme, 395 2 9 2m <1 | West stines 5000 100 Exchange Needed a Ed a 3 5 |Wr Harg --% cs Pete 995 395 ig ob elihpa +1 ; ° Piso hth +1 |] CLEANERS and LAUNDERERS St. N. ler and Pe a ORS 725-6541 ste ogi iteds fete --5,,]| BOWMANVILLE - SCARBORO AUTOMATIC WITH TRADE i. ont Curteins, Drapes, Blankets, Rugs Open daily to 5:30 p.m. © With Famous British 0" | OSHAWA'S ONLY Stturday fo 12:00 noon Record Changer NO PAYMENTS 16% 16% ; oF UNIONIZED SHOP | HB Other evenings by appointment @ RCA Victorcraft Cabinetry | Copper Bonded Circuit y mk Saree 0 310 | 723-4631 37 OFFICES IN ONTARIO S Win dan kaukh TIL JULY VICTORIA (CP) -- Education| Gap tev = A 20 24+ K 230 3 355 355 SO MILL 'Minister Leslie Peterson of Brit- C Ex Ges 105 105 105 --g | Seles to 12 o.m.1 1,008,000, - --_ sh Columbia said Thursday a|¢ fi) & an ee ee acl wider exchange of teachers be-|Cent Del tween B.C. and French Canada|©, Mic Mac ae might answer the need for|GrPisine : " LARGE SELECTION ¥ g2832 $erd8ue as ssasd es | French-language teachers here, |Home A E 13% iat me ete cise s|~6 FOR THE FIRST TIME 5-PC. BEDROOM SUITES couraged, the day would draw|Long Point : 16% 16 es + %! closer when oral French could) Medal: 22 21 be taught from Grade 1 and up,|/Mmcty soo ap a : ong Rapa he said in an interview. i paves ie oo . cd @ 6,7 and 8 Drawer However Mr. Peterson would) yc"ojis ae ue a Dressers s not comment on Premier Ben-| Northia ' 3 nett's statement in Montreal cos @ Priced from ..... during the federal election cam-|Qnonto °" 4 7 8 santa canainaiieiaiegtieaatdieieaauall paign that oral French would sarcee 24 ---1 gc bo Grade 1 in et. ar ee ee rae a8 tC) e Hn | Geslgabidity bot I'am in vo posi|U'cene vist 1 as ue 23" | BRAND NEW SMOOTH-TOP tion to say what course of ac-|U" Olls | M2 M7. A717 +4 CONTINENTAL BEDS at N r pig Parag 4, You er Legs, 238: 88 Matching Headboord tion is practical. Wilshire 600 210 210 5-PC. CHROME SETS stameerw. [i BRAND NEW 1963 "BEATTY" © Large Selection \ Walid Mn 9.3 121. FREEZER Satin Ini¢ HOLDS OVER 13 TON (735 LBS.) OF FOOD Latex Type : MATTRESSES All steel construction, Fiberglass In- AND sulation, Removable Storage Baskets, er ond Rust Resistant, 5 Year BOX SPRINGS val Mr al Insurance, 5. Year war © Most Sixes hh on Sealed Unit, Free Food Plan oer To © CLE AR Available, No Membership Fee. Other $ 88 FREEZERS FROM ODD CHAIRS Portoble Transistor AM-FM | Fully Automotic evectric | FREE BAD BOY j ff « Pittsburgh's first qualty Interior latex paint Also Save on Matching Satinhide Trim Enamel o Man ts RADIO. Complete with Baty | KETTLE | Awomety ae con © Easy to apply $ WHITE PRICED FROM teries, Eor Plug, Leather Car- eos d seer et Teal: PUPPETS © Completely washable NOW 2 A Li) A GALLON WHITE OR YOUR CHOICE OF EXCITING COLOURS tying Case, Telescopic An- | rod Element. 1-Year 4 go © Brushes and rollers clean under the tap e u . Beautiful F G CANADIAN WHISKY © Dries quickly A QUART COLOURS 88 a : " 34.95 "sui ay Spiess BAD tells the truth ae eeecet aera s win-Beater jectric ' s . MIXER Beater Ejector, 4- OSHAWA Harleigh Supplies WHITBY Brand New 6-TRANSISTOR | Position Speed " ' ab out whisk Bathe & McLellan Oshawa, Ltd. Beaver Lumber Co. Ltd. RADIOS Complete with corry- | ker ter Well peers gue BOY Vy Py, 81 King St. W. Oshawa Shopping Centre ¢ 419 Dundas St. E. oe sem Batteries, 9,99 Year Factory > * © gg: arphone Jackson & Raike Oshawa Wood Products BROOKLIN De Humidifiers . or KING ST. EAST Water (plain or sparkling) is your most reliable Hardware Ltd. 'tat 8 . ec beck cs te ee guide to the whole truth about any whisky. Water adds 500 Rossland Rd. W. Mitchel Bros. SAVE 50% spol th dic i ania ' ini i JUST 200 YARDS Oshawa Shopping Centre : FLOOR POLISHER 1 - Year | DRY IRON Infinite automatic. nothing, detracts nothing, but reveals a whisky"s true Rosslynn Plaza COURTICE PICKERING PRICED FROM Factory 19 88 heat control, Ideal for all fab- fe EAST OF TOWNLINET 5 Hake ' * : : G Nb kok ries, 1-Year vianees natural flavour and bouquet. Put Seagram's "83" to the re Co. Oshawa Wood Products + Cichun Trading Post 7 88 gaa Honea tag 7.99 water test and you'll agree--to be that good with Ltd. R.R, No. 3 Raglan water, it must be a superb whisky and a more satis- Peacock Lumber Ltd. ASHBURN RAGLAN fying drink with any man's favourite mixer. 328 Ritson Rd. N. R, J. Batten Roy W. Brown 4-SPEED DUMONT 18.88 BED PILLOWS! 39° PHONE RECORD PLAYER Foam Rubber each : 728-4658

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