26--Rooms For Rent Creed bee whew org acon also -- vate entrance. Adulte, Parking. and $12, weekly, 725-1: . | FURNISHED Tcankseying room considerate young woman, Oshaw? Bivd,, South district. $8 per week. 728-6108. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, April 26,1963 15 .|27--Real Estate for Sale eine Reon Bik Be JUST LISTED, year-old leon Wend core a ek, at Aigo | range and oven, large fenced lot fag oo ig 17--Male Help Wanted SALESMEN i Oshawa area, Contact Mr. P. Bing, Victoria Motel.) lindsay by phone after 5 p.m. or mail Monday to Thursday. 18--Male or Female Help Wanted 25----Apartments BANTING AVENUE, 168 -- unfurnished, with patie in| furnished floor . Pri-|/ bung: $10. for leohegerer bose, deat GM ASe Se 'in| plant, $1,500 down, Telephone * FIVE-ROOM brick bungalow for, sale. | patio, TV Py J . 27--Real Estate For Sale eae FULL PRICE, six ranch otaaied garage, two-basin van-| tras. » many other or Wallace, 725-6298. Joseph Bosco, tor, 728-7377. room. front and by in extras, north end. trade. Sally Real- COUNTRY HOME, $100 WEEKLY oe REAL ESTATE SALESMEN The office of Poul Ristow Realtor will be located in the new Financial Trade Building early in May. This expansion requires the addition of two Real Estote bg rope whose prime in li be the res- Identical field. Call Paul Ris. tow at 728-9474 for inter- Clean courteous men be- = 25 and $5 to intro- duce manogement to pros- pective clients. No selling but ability to meet people essen- tiol, no travelling but lote model eor necessary. Numerous company benefits. For interview appointment: CALL 728-5990 e - 2 2agded. --* ~ BRAKE MECHANIC REQUIRED LICENCED MECHANIC All company benefits. Includ- ing pension plan, hospitaliz- ation, vacation with pay ond bonus. Excellent working conditions. Telephone for op- pointment. FIRESTONE STORE OSHAWA 725-6566 Sales Career estobticha Oshawa Office | Well Brench for a large MOSPORT PARK | RE-OPENING COUNTER HELP part-time APPLY MOSPORT PARK PHONE ORONO 296 WALLY. LEGER THEATRE CONFECTIONS Four room aa wea |furnished, tral. THREE-ROOM apartm stove, refrigerator, $65.00. Apely H, Hardware, 337 Simcoe S| bub gh pest for bsg 68 Wayne po aMlaenaarantntarnst mel aunt cust ee RITSON AND BRUCE artment. Pri beware STREET, 24 -- large and kitchen, above address. FURNISHED two - room ap: single room, Two rooms, kitchen and range, cupboards, bedroom suite, Adults only. Street. OSHAWA BLVD, SOUTH, 89 -- furnish- ed room in clean private home. fast if desired. Parking. upstairs, un Heavy duty wiring. Very cen- 725-3727, ent with an ee THREE furnished rooms, second floor, le May sink. Also W Apply . 313 French Break. | 0% Telephone cooking 1. After 5 p.m., call 728-8434, Abstain- phoromggg tek ey, furnished = cea cri noe pad Close to buses and eer tak ba Ng Private entrance. Telephone Wanuey AVENUE, 162 -- Clean, nice- furnished light housek: bed- pop and refrigera- Apply CLOSE TO GENERAL MOTORS north plant, Bright furnished bedroom. Five artment, re- » private en- walk, S Neti 1 Firm desires to con- tact a local man 25 to 45 rs old for sales position. oe experience desirable but not -- . Excellent stating solary wi \ appari ity for advancement. benefit including Pe adee. tion. Life insurance and Pen- sion, All inquiries in strictest confidence. Reply to Box 411 Oshawe Times, giving quall- fications. REAL ESTATE AGENT to handle all facets of operation Only an aggressive experien- ced person need apply. For en interview write-- BOX 503 OSHAWA TIMES Stating Full Particulars Food Salesman required by Major Food Organization Opening now availeble for on aggressive salesman with proven sales record to call on, Restaurants, Hotels, and the Oshawa All 'All Social Security benefits, Including group insurance and pension plan. This position offers a good future to the right man. Applicants should apply in wn hand writing, giving ex- verience, nomes former employers, age, education, marital status, and phone number to: BOX 215 THE OSHAWA TIMES Body Man Experienced For G.M. Dealer In a well equipped flat rate with a good weekly guarantee, Usual Compony Benefits. Apply Service Department ROBSON Motors Limited 166 King Street East Bowmanville 623-3396 LICENSED MECHANIC For G.M. Shop Gueranteed wages: ond Flat Rate. Apply to Horace Mead GILES Limited Stouffville, Ontario Telephone 640-1610 Chevrolet - Oldsmobile LEARN MEAT CUTTING 20 men needed for gem e Oshawa and arennang OF trict day or evening. Being formed offering practical training in the 5 highly poid field of meat cutting, mer- chandising and self-serve. Act now. PRACTICAL MEAT CUTTING AND RETAIL SCHOOL Please write 1425 DANFORTH AVE. TORONTO, ONTARIO. HOward 1-7545 WANTED IMMEDIATELY FOR REPUTABLE FOOD FREEZER SERVICE Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax Areo EXPERIENCED SALESMEN SALESWOMEN Top © ibil. trance, parking very apply 96 Centre Stree! TWO-BEDROOM oeregg building, $89.00 _monthly.| PRIVATE SALE +- 201 Hibbert Avenue, Klein cea eccentric dl Faget ROOM oe unfurnished, page ake va $55. monthly, Telephone 730 SIMCOE SOUTH -- two large room, unfurnished apartment, gas range, newly decorated, baby wel- come. room apartment, 723-0393. BED - SITTING room, furnished. Suit employed middle-aged lady or older girl, $7. weekly. 728-6802. central. a 725-0953 or apartment in new HARRY MILLEN REAL ESTATE 728-1679 176 Olive Avenue -- eight d, brick; 2 storey home. pply Apartment No, 2, 308 Montrave.|six-room house, Garages, Full after $1000 down. pe $9,800. Telephone 125-8788 p.m, in private home, all Suit 27--Real Estate for Sale » four room|FARM, 200 acres, % workable, near | Lindsay, Will sell or trade for house and smaller property near Oshawa, T h 2) '799-5128, METCALF Real Estate Limited Dial 728-4678 private bath, KING STREET EAST, 258 -- Three- Private bath, en- . No children, please. trance, ing Telephone ities of advancement. Apply in person Monday, April 29th 1 p.m. until 4 p.m. 11 Ontario Street Room 9 First Block off King St. N. COURTICE HIGH SCHOOL Requires for SEPTEMBER 1963 @ teacher of TYPING & SHORTHAND This could be handled by two persons part-time each. Applications are invited from mature persons with consid- erable experience from whom we can obtain a letter of permission and who are wil- ling to take the Summer course toward a vocational certificate. STARTING -- ' per annum Send written applications to MR, J, E. SPEERS, COURTICE HIGH SCHOOL R.R. No, 3 BOWMANVILLE Telephone School 728-5146 Home Whitby 668-5920 20--Room and Board paca 8 een? if desired, parking space, adult p Boo 3350. and shopping. Clean, me. Private, Telephone 726- All LADY vagy ghar would share her bungalow in village with elderly lady. TV, own room and board. Nice grounds. Must be in good health. eo monthly. 723-3754. WHITBY CLASSIFIED HIGH SCHOOL boy wante lawns to cut. Telephone 668- APARTMENT FOR RENT -- S bus Mine. Ideal for a couple. Phone 668- FOR RENT -- or may be rented as two complete pay two- 'GOOLD'S Second Hand Furniture every- thing floor 217 CHURCH STREET Room board gentieman in clean iene. 725-2879, for pgs INN, Thornton's Road pny at loor Street West. Telephone 725-007: CELINA 'SEREET, three THREE-ROOM apartment, tained, private bath and entrance. Cen- tral. Apply room apart- ment on main floor in apartment build- ing. trelephone 725-5518. BEST VALUE A full 3 bedroom brick bun- gal6w with 3 room income apartment in basement. Pri- self-con- 7 Byron Street North, Whitby, LARGE 2-ROOM apt. self cpntained, comp! furnished, let. reasonable rent, Phone 723,4434. THREE ROOM apartment, private en- trance, bath, floor. Telephone 725-0915 days after 8 P.m. 728-4564. vate entrances and separate meters etc. Asking $14,- 800 with approximately $5,- 000 down, See this top in- vestment today. RITSON RD. NORTH » Hyfro, heat in- cluded, private bathroom, television out- heat, hyfro included, main private bath, UPSTAIRS --- Two-room apartment, » entrance. $14 weekly in- jag heat, Sree. Suit two ladies or wo gentlemen, Abstainers only, Tele- iene 728-0115. Brand new -- semi-detached 2 storey homes, Full 6 rooms all extras, storms, sodded lawns etc. Prepaid services third floor, heavy duty wiring, MAIN FLOOR, one-bedroom, four-room clean, ae and just minutes from down- om Only $759 down on let, $50. monthly. Adults only, "ieoty rt Agnes Street. N.H.A. mortgage. HIGHWAY NO. 2 EAST 9% acres, partly wooded, with frontage on highway. Asking only $5,500. Call for pe crgger private entrance 3nd bath- room, refrigerator, stove, TV outlet. Business couple or single lady, 728-3120 UNFURNISHED three-room | 'apartment, wel- come. Central. Reasonable rent. Tele. more information. Country phone 725-3974, _ lots and city lots with ser- $16 FOR SEVEN days; $14 Avi om For three willing share. two or Single beds. 728-3396. ELGIN STREET EAST, 29 -- Room and near downtown and North GM. Telephone 728-2643. board for two gentlemen, jetemgpels AND ROSSLYN area, Comfort- able room, good meals, lunches packed. Suit gentlemen. Private bath, entrance. .|Quiet home, Privileges, laundry, park- ing. 708 Carnegie Avenue. das east, Whitby, Telephone 668-5481. ranges, televisions, refrigerators. Will posypoonty Ec diy adeeb 215 Dun- 22--Storage Space and Garages man tenant desires room. Whitby 668-3151. THREE room apartment. Ground o ex. es FOR RENT: Three room apartmert . OB BEST OFFER. Minor 1000 series convertible. RENTING -- one and two-bedroom japartment suites, spacious, modern. .|Range, refrigerator, drapes, fan, etc. Adults, Ca'l Mr. Daly, 668-4775 FOR BENT -- Two-+rvom eet, completely bed - sitting roo |.|upplied. Private entrance. Apply 29) Palace Street. '* range 0 DUNDAS STREET EAST -- Three OFFICES AVAILABLE 1961 Morris Original finish with red leather interior. alls, Low mileage. Private. Con- trade. 668-4728, i SUITE OF MODERN AIR-CONDITIONED Approximately 1000 sq. ft. SERVICED BY ELEVATOR Ask for MR. T. L. WILSON TELEPHONE 123-3474 BROOKLIN -- one-bedroom unfurnish- » in apartment building, a clove, 2 school and s ree 3611, THE DIPLOMAT DELUXE APARTMENT WHITBY vices, all ready for Spring building. Enquire now while choice is at its very best. OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Dial 728-4678 Jack Osborne Lloyd Metcalf Joe Maga Ken Hann John Kemp Dick Barriage Large lot with double garage, living room and family room. 2 ev the and 5 bedrooms, could be duplexed. Priced at $10,800 with low down payment. For inepectinn call Syd Goodfellow, 723-7335. JOHN A, J. BOLAHOOD Realtors Ltd. Insurance 167 SIMCOE ST. S., Office Hrs, (9 a.m. to 9 p.m.) MORT Arranged, Bought and Sold DUPLEX OSHAWA BLVD. 2 fomily brick dwelling, 2 kitchens, 2 bathrooms, fully rented, 2 garages, located close to King Street, large rooms. Asking $14, 000. Open to offer. Call Jack Appleby ot 725-6544 or 723-3398 200 ACRE FARM One of the most favourably known farms in Reach Town- ship. Level loam land, excel- Jent buildings, brick home is modernized, 5 bedrooms. Must be sold to settle estate. Asking $50,000, terms. For further particulars call Mr. Rankine ot 725-6544. BUILT-IN STOVE ; Looking for the home with that built-in stove and oven. A little extra finish on the kitchen cupboards. Fully ~ orated and landscaped, sel- ling at a low down payment. A home that would be the envy of any visitor. Contact Mr. Ratcliffe' at 725-6544. Twin Maples Six room custom built Califomnia Rancher, 1500 square ft. of liv- ing area, beautiful wood panelling, fieldstone fire- place a master-piece, o quiet peaceful setting, no steps, creek, trees and barbecue. $17,900 Shown by appointment only, DON STRADESK! Telephone 728-8423 Wilson Realtor 725-6588 ELECTRIC HEATING SWIMMING POOL ELEVATOR Furnished lobby, Hi Fi music, broadloomed corridors, wall- to-woll drapes, automatic built-in range, Complete laun- dry room. One, two, three bedroom units. REEDAIRE COURT AT DUNLOP ST. TELEPHONE 668-5601 AFTER 5 P.M. 668-8560 Audrey Moore 668-4088 218 DUNDAS ST. EAST OWNER WOULD EXCHANGE FOR A FARM 3 bedroom brick ranch style with carport, built on a 66' lot Featuring lorge living room, with, natural fireplace,- holly- wood 'kitchen, dining area, 4-pc bathroom, oil heating,. storms and screens. Paved drive, Close to schools. For appointment to inspect this home coll the office EVENINGS CALL Margaret Hall 723-1358 Phyllis McRobbie, Bowmanville 623-7159 OLIVE HOWE, Real Estate WHITBY 668-5853 109 Craydon Rd. Whitby $95 and $85 One and Two Bedroom Apartments In small good apartment buil- ding. Excellent condition and electrically equipped. Laundry facilities ,storage, parking 'and TV outlet. To inspect see: Mrs. Fleming, Apartment 2 109 Craydon Road, Whitby Chartered Trust Co. 20 St. Clair Ave. West Toronto WA 2-6135 Mr, Melvin, Evenings 924-7889 galore. Governor Mansions best. Schofield-Aker Over A Quorter Century of Reliable Service EXECUTIVE HOME REDUCED $5,000 This most unusual executive home is located in one of Oshawa's finest districts. OVER 2000 SQ. FT. OF LIVING AREA, architecturally designed to give the family the utmost in modern day living. The 24 x 16' LIVING ROOM feotures a huge stone fireplace; dining room is large enough for the largest dining suite; extra modern kitchen with dinette contains built in electrical appliances Master BEDROOM 12 x 16' features extra closets ond very modern bathroom ensuite. The three re- maining bedrooms are large and contain custom made closets, The main bathroom is pure luxury in design and convenience. BROADLOOM in all rooms with the exception of kitchen and bath areas. Large walk out basement. Huge .recreation room, Specially engineered heat- ing system. A home for the family who insist on the Asking $35,000 with $10,000 down, For WALL TO WALL WALTER FRANK REALTOR 177 CHURCH STREET, 250 Acre Farm, good build- ing, near Millbrook, very scenic property with stream. $18,00G with $5,000 down. 160° Acre Farm near New- tonville. Good buildings, stream, $20,000. Terms. 100 Acres near Lindsay, good brick house, good barn, ex- cellent soil. 'Estate Sale. $20,- 000. Terms. 100 Acres near Lindsay, frame house, stream. $12,- 000. $5,000 down. 50 Acres on Highway 401, 7 ", pot of Oshawa, -- house and re, 000. Terms. 26 Acres with stream neor Leskard. Asking $4,500. Terms. 10 Acres level garden land near Bowmanville. $3,500. 15 scenic acres with stream, 9 miles east of Oshawa, $4,- 000, Terms 1 Acre land with garage and well at Hampton, $2, 800. Terms, Cottage on Lake Scugog, 150' frontage, excellent cot- tage, large boathouse. $9,- 500. Terms. Frame house Newcastle, on Main Street, $3,700 full price. Call 623-3393 After Hours: Jack Ricard 623-3154 Andy McGill Orono 1407 Joe Barnoski Clarke 2202 BOWMANVILLE 623-3393 GUIDE REALTY LTD. OWNER LEAVING THE CITY -- MUST SELL. See this 7 room - 2-storey brick AND MAKE AN OFFER. Large modern kitchen, with built- in upholstered breakfast nook 20 ft. living room with fire- place. Large dining room, plus a- family room, with lareg picture window over- looking rear garden, that hos delightful bird sanctuary, On the second floor 3 large bedrooms. There are also two bothrooms, and a. 2 pc. washroom. F.H.A. Oil heat- ing, attractively decorated ond broadloomed. In a choice residential area of the City. Give us © call today to in- spect. $12,800. FULL PRICE -- 5 room brick bungalow only 2 REALTOR CALL 623-5300 Oshawa -- 3 bedroom very clean bungalow with recre- ation room. Very close to Catholic school and church. Watch your va " fed playground from dows. Asking Phen 1313, S300 with $2,500 down. Maple Gove -- 3 bedroom home on 3 acres |. Suitable for V.L.A. Asking price $9,500. Close to Orono and Taunton Road. One acre lots. $600 per lot. Near Havelock on Twin Lake -- well kept cottage.: Sleeps 5. Good fishing. Asking price $3,500. Terms. BANTING A' _ Panis Sal c's "| pensioner, Call after 6 p.m. Rigen . Directions: off "bese Snes Joseph Rapes Summer Cottage 50 =~. Ideal for x 100 ft. Caesareo COSY AND CUTE 5 room brick and clapboard home ot Frenchmans Bay. Paved drive, closed breeze- way with polished stone, separate office. This leads into open kitchen and dining room. tastefully decorated in knotty pine, beautiful stone fireplace, large picture win- dow with outstanding view of Bay. Must sell, make offer. 50 acres at Port Perry, 8 room, 2 storey, 4 bedroom brick house. All conveniences schoo! bus, nice lawns, small orchard, Moke us an offer. 100 acres near Myrtle. 6 room brick, 4 bedroom house. 2 large barns, silo, School bus, good beef farm. Priced reasonable with good terms. 50 acres 26 miles from Osh- awa, immaculate 7 room house, large barn with hy- dro and water, sheds, gar- age, good creek. Only 500 with terms. Call Fronk Hunter, 1275 King St. E. Phone 725-2974 JOHN F. De WITH REALTOR NEWCASTLE 3341 PRIVATE SALE SIX ROOM BRICK HOUSE Newly decorated inside and out. Chestnut trim, oil ae lined garage, attic potential 2 rooms, $3,000 down, » balonce reasonable terms. 94 ROWE ST. PRIVATE SALE Three bedroom brick house in Whitby. Several improve- ments. Nice garden. 6% N.H.A. Well worth seeing ot Whitby 668-5038 SUMMER COTTAGE ° Situated ot "BB" Beach on Rice Lake, Ceder log con struction on 75' x 200' loke- front lot -- shallow Beach---- $13,500 with $3,000 Down ideo! fo an ong $4500, with . $2500 Call Lioyd Metcalf 728-4678 evenings, 728-4678 ° REAL ESTATE LTD, 40 King St. East, Oshawe $11,900. A sporkling white clapboard - ' bungalow with stained cedar shingles, double every fifth row for effect. Two bedrooms, living room with plenty of wall space, separate dining rea off -- North-west CARL OLSEN REALTOR 723-1133 FARMS MARIPOSA TOWNSHIP -- Well known for its good farms. 140 acre beef farm ot Little Britain, new silo, 2 barns, large brick and frame house. 2 miles south of No. 7 ys ight -- school across the road JUST LISTED -- 104 acre farm, good barn, large red brick house, picturesque set- ting. 8 miles from Port Perry. Full price $15,000 with terms. HIGHWAY FARM -- 95 acres on highway 35 ond 115, good heef form. Farmer has specialized in growing 'red clover seed. Good location for gas station or motel. TAUNTON RD, EAST -- We havé a good dairy farm which con be purchased sep- arately or as a growing con- cern. Many other district. farms in this For further information call Charles Navior ot 723-1133, evenings 728-2857. 299 King St. West 723-1133 PAUL RISTOW , REALTOR 728-9474 or 725-8152 Even Phone Whitby 668-5296" E. W. JOHNSTON: aa LLOYD METCALF 52% Simeoe St. N., Oshawa, WHITBY Private $1500 Down 2 BEDROOM BUNGALOW Paved drive, storms and screens. Large lot with fene- +» ed yard. TELEPHONE 668-8288 BEAVERTON $7,200 Owner transferred -- Modern bungalow, dream kit- chen, knotty pine, loads of cupboards, attractive living room with picture window, dinette.. Two bedrooms, Worth Investigating 10 Room, 2% beg brick house wiht hot wate and 2 cor garage. Quebce Street Downtown Pay offers a good return on in- vestmem. Asking price $19,- 500 with $5,000 down. 6 year old brick, 3 bedroom bungalow, fully landscaped. . Myers St. Forced air oil heat- ing aluminum storms, screens and doors, Owner moving. Reduced to $11,- 900 with $1,500 down. eating: Lots available from $1,500 -- to $6,500. Listings urgently needed. Vickery - Realtor 728-9571 46 King W. After 6:00 p.m. edil Ralph Vickery .. 725-6342 Steve Lehon ... 728-9326 Bert Peyton .... 728-9571 blocks to school, Fenced back yard and recreation room 12 x 34. 3 good sized bedrooms and 4 pc. tiled bath. Make sure you see this one. NORTH-WEST -- Beautiful three bedroom brick bunga- low with carport, nicely de- corated throughout with olu- stove, perkung, dryer, 305 St. John Street West, | further information, please call! HENRY STINSON, DAYTIME 723-2265 EVENINGS 725-0243. OPEN HOUSE THIS WEEKEND ce in A re Boga wiring, | mont ute 00! Whitby, 668-8435. 23--Wanted To Rent DRESSMAKING: Suits, coats, dresses, puse in Os ap covers: drapes. Fine fx" Soupe 'wione mall child "Tele 8 specialty. Mrs. Toms, 668-2372. phone 728-5273. | FERRE 200m apartment, age TWO-BEDROOM house or apariment,| near hospital preferred. Reasonable Freplace, re ees Meee rent, adults, abstainers, non-smokers. West, weer dryer St, Jol Street Romo by May 15, Box 616, Oshawa pc. bath with coloured fix- tures. Aluminum storms and screens. About $3,000 down payment. $5150. Must be sold. 4 bed- rooms, large living room, Kit- chen needs fini Buy or Sell With Confidence * : 28--Real Estate Wanted FIVE- or SIX-ROOM bungalow, with garage, North Oshawa preferably. Will fo Bonga Private. Telephone Luxury Apartments Adult Building Electric Heat Moffat Fiesta Ranges Frigidaires--12 cu. ft. FOR SALE -- Choice lot. All services, central. 668-2786. Two two-bedroom se ce yg igen seaed couples. Telephone 668-2786. TWO - BEDROOM house or two-bed- room apartment Couple with | washer, Reasonable rent. 29--Automobiles For Sale wo small children. hone 668-4055. ATTENTION FISHERMEN and CAMPERS Reservations. now being ac- cepted, a. small deposit will reserve your boating or camp- ing equipment. WE seas Canoes, cartops, boots, trailers, cabin face ss tents, tent trailers, etc, Gar- den and equipment. Power tools and box an frollets. FOR SALE Used tents, new and used 813, Oshawa Times, Whitby. . Unfurnished or partly fu: ed. Suit lady or 'd $ p.m. FOR RENT -- Two rooms, ground |}4 rnish- business couple. Light jRousekeeping. Telephone 668-2775 after WE CAN DELIVER TO YOU .. Crushed gravel (mulch), pit tun gravel, stone, sand and top soil. All sold by weight. CALL 668-3524 Sawdon"s (Whitby) Limited 244 Brock St. S. Fuels ond Builders' Supplies Whitby, . Ontario WHITBY, land. Good | 'ate hunting area for deer. Apply to|24-Houses For Rent One chiid acceptable, $120, Beautifully Cyesoee gl three- room bungalow. Hollywood kitchen, pacii g fixtures, large living room, full basement, gas furnace, near school. . month, SENECA STREET -- New, modern, six. room ranch style home, $: 723-7237 al 25--Apartments CEDARDALE -- Four-room apartment bet and 5, Monday through Friday. 725- 3556. A KINGS COURT APARTMENTS AJAX Pressurized Hallways Storage Locker in Suites Laundry room on each floor Vanity in bathrooms A Few Choice Locations Available Immediate Possession TELEPHONE: 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Schofield-Aker Limited 723-2265 26--Rooms For Rent floor, APPLY ONTARIO STREET, 77 -- Fur- nished housekeeping room on second Also furnished single bedroom. Employed persons only. AT GREENWOOD HEIGHTS LOWEST PRICES LOWEST DOWN PAYMENTS BEST VALUE IN OSHAWA 1:30 TO 8:00 P.M. DAILY 'N.H.A. HOMES BUILT BY A. R. JEFFERY CONST. 4 SOLD THIS WEEK ONLY 7 LEFT $11,595.00' with $595.00 down minum storms and screens. Asking $14,200. 6% N.H.A. Mortgage. ATRACTIVE RANCHER -- With red clay brick, 542% N.H.A. Mortagage. L-shaped living and dining room, 3 bedrooms, oil heat, alumi- num storms and screens. This home has had excep- tional care. AN EXCEPTIONALLY FINE TRIPLEX in first class condi- tion located near North G.M. and not too many steps to downtown, 3 sepa- rate apartments with living room, dining room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms and 3pc. bath- room. H. W, Oil heating. The three apartments have been steadily rented to the same satisfied tenants. Mon- $5350 -- 58 acres on High- way No. 48. Overlooking lake about 2 miles south of Beaverton. $15,000 attractive remodell- ed home -- well proportion- ed living room with stone heatilater fireplace. Modern kitchen. 4 bedrooms and modern 4 pc. bath. Large lot, close to lake. Beaverton about 3 miles. $23,50C FARM, Kirkfield -- Balsover area. 200 acres on Highway 48, close to Trent Valley Canal. Attractive re- modelled Canadiana farm- house. Centre hall plan. 3° bedrooms, one -- bathroom. Main bank barn, Clay and loam soil 65 acres workable. 135 acres pasture. VOLVO SALES ond SERVICE JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE GENERAL REPAIR and. AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE 449 Ritson Rd. S. Oshawa 728-0921 1962 CHEVROLET 4-speed transmission, 409 engine, posi-traction, power brokes ,radio, bucket seats, etc The Home Of CONVERT, SUPER SPORT ROTARY MOWER TUNE -UP boat trailers, outboord mot- OSHAWA MOTEL, King Street Bost, or thly income $240.00. For further particulars re- ors and boots. 20th Cent. ury cobin trailers. WANTED , motors, trailers to be be on consignment. WILDE RENTAL Service and Sales 1415 Dundas St. E. . Whitby 668-3226 Clean and odjust points, spork plugs, carborator, throt- tle controls, sharpen blade. 2 cycle $4.50 plus parts, 4 cycle $5.50 plus ports. Repairs and Service WILDE RENTAL SERVICE & SALES 1415 Dundas _E. Whitby 668-3226 OUTBOARD MOTORS No Lease Required. Approximately 10 miles from Oshawa Opposite large Shopping Centre near schools, churches, etc. Large One Bedroom $73 Two Bedrooms $79 TELEPHONE AJAX WH 2-2001 Weekly rates, rooms, heated, tele- _ $15. and $17.50. Telephone 725- TWO ROOMS. Suitable for adults. Pri- vate entrance, no driveway. Apply 141 Church Street. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. to model homes. NORTH 40 KING ST, EAST $11,795.00 with $700.00 down 3 Bedroom Detached Brick Bungalows Direction:Ritson Rd, S. to Wolfe St. then left 2 blocks EXCLUSIVE AGENT LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD. DIAL 728-4678 RED BRICK BUNGALOW with stone front, 2 good sized bedrooms, extra large kitchen with built in cup- boards. 4 pc. bath. Full basement, oil furnace. Pri- vate drive, large lot. Asking $11,000. 6% MORTGAGE. Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Guide Realty Limited Realtors, 16 Simcoe St. S. For full particulars call 723-1121 garding the above properties please contact: S. HARTNEY Box 351, Beaverton Telephone 426-9267 J). A. WILLOUGHBY AND SONS LTD. |Realtors, 46 Eglinton Ave. E. Torontg 12. Good Used Cars "Before You Buy Give Bill A Try" New Telephone Numbers 668- 5871 and 668- 5872 BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY. (Continued on Page 16)