Ontario Fishing Regulations '63 ab Ie a waldie. eat: ens (a) :June 15 to May 14. : WHITEFISH: (a) Lake Simcoe: December 20 to October 5. (b) Namakan Lake ar¢ Rainy Lake in the District of a if H | : Hf ; : | . Faz tt (a) Great Georgian Bay, North Channel ree: inter-| 99 vening connec waters, a St. Lawrence River: No closed season. ae ee ee ee wy a i ae SUMMARY of the ONTARIO 'FISHERY REGULATIONS 1963: OPEN SEASONS --ANGLING (All dates are inclusive) AND SMALLMOUTH BASS: (a) St. Clair River, Lake St. Clair, Detroit River: June 22 to December (b) Lake Erie and Niagara River between Lake Erie and Niagara Falls: June 29 to No- vember 30. (c) St. Lawrence River west of the dam at the Robert H. Saunders Generating Station in Stormont County and Lake St. es aga June 15 to Novem (d) Canadian boundary wetens (other than Lake Superior) be- tween Thunder Bay District and Minnesota, and waters in the Districts of Kenora and Rainy River: May i5 to December 15. (e) Ali other waters: June 29 to November 30, MASKINONGE: (a) All waters north and west of and including the French and Mattawa Rivers and Lake Nipis- sing and that part of Georgian Bay north of a line from the northern extremity of Fitzwil- liam Island northeasterly to the southeasterly limit of Travers Township: June 20 to Novem- ber 30. (b) South of and excluding the French and Mattawa Rivers and Lake Nipissing, but not includ- ing waters designated in items (c), (d), (e) and (f): June 29 to November 30. (c) St. Clair River, Lake St. Clair and Detroit River: June 22 to December 15. (d) Lake Erie and Niagara River between Lake Erie and Niagara Falls: June 29 to De- cember 15. (e) St. Lawrence River west of the dam at the Robert H. Saunders Generating Station in Stormont County, and including Lake St. Lawrence: June 29 to November 30. (f) St. Lawrence River, east of the dam at the Robert H. Saunders Generating Station in Stormont County, Lake St. Fran- eis and the Ottawa River: May 13 to November 30. BROOK - SPECKLED TROUT BRIWN TROUT AURORA TROUT: (a) Waters in the Counties of Carleton, Dundas, Frontenac, Glengarry, Grenville, Hastings, Lanark, Leeds, Lennox and Add- ington, Prescott, Renfrew, Rus- seli, and Stormont: March 1 to September 15. (b) All other parts of Ontario: April 27 to September 15. RAINBOW, STEELHEAD AND KAMLOOPS TROUT: (a) All waters, except those mentioned in (b) and (c): April 27 to September 15. (b) Lake Huron (including Georgian Bay and North Chan- nel), Lake Erie, Lake Ontario, and portions ef designated en Dio Mae an Huron, Norfolk, Northumber- tand, Ontario and Simcoe, and Aigoma 'c) Lake mae (i) April 27 to October 5; (ii) November 6 te Novem- ber 30. ATLANTIC SALMON OR QUANANICHE: May 1 to October 15. YELLOW PICKEREL, WALI- EYE, DORE OR PIKEPERCH: (a) Great Lakes, Georgian Bay, North Channel, and their intervening international con- necting waters, except Bay of Quinte of Lake Ontario: No elosed season. (b) North and west of, but not including the French and Mattawa Rivers, Lake Nipissing and the waters described in in item (a): May 15th to April 14th. (c) South of and including the French and Matttawa Rivers and Lake Nipissing, but not in- cluding the waters described in items (a), (d), Rag or (f): May lith to March (d) Bay of Aa Consecon Lake, East Lake, West Lake, Pleasant Bay and Huyck Bay in the County of Prince Ed- ward; those portions of the Trent, Moira, Salmon and Nap- anee Rivers between Lake On- tario and the first dam up- stream from that Lake: May 1 to March 31. (e) St. Lawrence River includ- ing Lake St. Lawrence and Lake oy Francis: May 15 to March (€) Waters in the Counties of Elgin, Essex, Haldimand, Kent, Lambton, Lincoln, Middlesex, Norfolk and Welland: May 1 to March 31, PIKE: (a) (i) Great Lakes, Georgian Bay, North Channel and their intervening connecting waters; (ii) Waters north and west of, but not including the French and Mattawa Rivers and Lake Nipissing; (iii) Waters in the Counties of Elgin, Essex, Haldimand, Kent, Lambton, Lincoln, Middle- sex, 'Norfolk and Welland; (iv) Ottaera River; (v) Lake St. Francis and the portion of the St. Lawrence River from that Lake to the dam at the Rebert H. Saunders Generating Staton in the Coun- ty of Stormont: No closed season. (b>) (i) Waters south of and including the French and Mat- tawa Rivers, but not including the waters mentioned in items (i), (iii), (iv) and (v) of (a); (ii) St. Lawrence River west of the dam at the Robert H. Saunders Generating Station (bd) Districts of Algoma, Coch- (c) Districts of Kenora, Rainy River and Thunder Bay eg boantery waters designated in (a) Boundary waters, between the main shore of the State of Minnesota and the main shore of the Province of Ontario, ex- cept Lake Superior and north- erly part of Lake of the -- January 1 to September 24. (e) South of, but not including the French and Mattawa Rivers and Lake Nipissing, nor waters designated in (a), (£) ra (g): 'November 6 to October 5 (f) Waters in the Counties of Frontenac, Hastings and Lennox wt "teat March 1 to Oc- tober 5. '(g) Lake Simcoe: December 20 to October 5. STURGEON: (a). Great Lakes, Georgian Bay, North Channel ,interven- ing connecting waters and that portion of the St. Lawrence River between Lake Ontario and the dam at the Robert H. Saunders Generating Station in _ November 16 to (c) All other waters: No closed season. mouth Bass, er any combina- tion thereof: ee ae Maskinonge: day, not less than 28 inches length. . Yellow Pickerel, Walleye, Dore or Pikeperch: Six (6) in one. day. Pike, Pike, Grass Pike and Jackfish (6) in one day. Lake Trout (including Splake) (i) Lake Simcoe: Two (2) LIMITS OF CATCH Two (2) in one inches in Great Northern AL Renfrew, Rus- | gor Stormont: Five co) ie one day. pl aS ten AO me PSS - a netbeans ne ctcnatiltn am ons Bee to Lae oS the loveliest DRAPES... HOWARD'S Draperios 926 SIMCOE NORTH ait P modernizing NEEDS Folks are finding it pays to modernize! Each dollar spent to bring your home up te modern living standards adds more than a dollar to its value. Let us help you modernize this spring. 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