Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Apr 1963, p. 24

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con ey a eee 32--Articles for Sale HONES® Cal's Furniture and ances, Name brands at biggest Fatal Fire Ruled wae] Begun By Children OTTAWA (CP)--A coroner's jury ruled Tuesday night that a March 22 fire in suburban Eastview which killed two chil- dren was started by the children playing with matches. GRAVITY serpece wits of burner, 'Pie The en fond ig = the ne om Jethone | Parents a eauchamp, 725-8956. Noi sisee waren ea 7, and his sister Claudette, 4, One were partly negligent. to ed a -- In its verdict al jury com- FOUND: e white giri's »imented that "a t degree want, Conner must "identiy. "Tele-(Of improper supervision and in- Phone 725-7267, adequate housekeeping and un- 36--Legal sanitary methods was prevalent ga on the part of the parents," Mr, and Mrs, Olivia Beau- IN THE MATTER CF THE |champ. ESTATE OF MARY FRANCES HUTSON, LATE| NEWS IN BRIEF OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA, FIRE DEATHS 219 IN THE COUNTY OF TORONTO (CP)--The annual ONTARIO, WIDOW report of the Ontario fire mar- DECEASED shals' office of the attorney-gen- NOTICE TO ___|sons'were tilled and 611 injured CREDITORS by fire in the province during 1962, compared with 173 persons killed and 543 injured in 1961. ALL persons having claims |The 219 killed, the report says, against the Estate of MARY |included 90 men, 51 women and FRANCES HUTSON, late of 78 children. Total fire loss was the City of Oshawa, in the |$43,509,265, insurance loss $38,- cy Pg icy ce} Paloyad 037,311 and uninsured loss $5,- bout the fitwenth. dey. of 471,954, There were 26,034 fires. March, A.D. 1963, are here- by required to send full par- LEAVE ICEFLOE , LONDON (Reuters)--Russian ticulars to the undersigned scientists have left the icefloe on or before the fifteenth day | scientific station North Pole II of May, A.D. 1963, after |which drifted into the Canadian which date the Estate will be sector of the Arcte, the Soviet distributed with regard only | news agency Tass said Tues- to claims of which the under- day. The staff left food, medi- ooree shall then have had cine and fuel in the camp for notice. , DATED ot Oshawa, this 8th |the icefloe's next occupant, if day of April, A.D. 1963. JOSEPH P. MANGAN, Q.C. 14% King St. East Oshawa, Ontario. Solicitor for Bertha Stiver and Edna Ross, Executors NOTICE THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPARATE SCHOOL FOR SCHOOL SECTION NUMBER 9 IN THE TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY TAKE NOTICE THAT the above mertioned Board of Trustees on the 8th day of April, 1963 passed By-law Number 4 to authorize the borrowing of money by the issue and sale of Debentures of the said Board of Trustees in the principal amount of $60,000. 1, The purpose for which the money is to be borrowed is for the construction of a new three-room brick addi- tion to the present school lo- cated in the Township of Whitby. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 23) 29---Automobiles For Sale {32--Articles for Sale 2000, wire wheels.|HEAVY duty electric stove, A0eEt eee & chromé|machine, 'kitchen 'sink, taps, excellent cover, courtesy lights. Immacu- cottage. Reasonable, Apply Inte. 'Telephone 728-9063. bert Street Bast, Whitby, after 7 p.m, RALEIGH, 3 speed boy's racer bicycle, ,|B00d condition, $20, Telephone 725-5497. 12-FT, ALUMINUM car top boat plus oars. One 4%-horse Waterloo tractor, four attachments, 725-6120. CRUISER, Weymouth, 18' 6", fully many extras, Mercury 800 motor, larger boat desired, $2,995. Dial 723-2348. t IN MEMORIAM MEMORIALS Marble and Granite Canadian Makes and Imports Designing and Carving to suit your specifications Cemetery Lettering and Repairs Must be sold. 728-888 Installation and Delivery {960 CHEVROLET Impala, convertine, Open evenings until 9 p.m. |vs aut Cain? after 8 QSHAWA MONUMENT COMPANY 1435 KING STREET EAST R.R. 4 at Highway 2 PHONE 728-3111 Today's Stock Market = 9 i H i H] i g 3 Open 12 9.30 - 9.30, Telephone 728-9191. KNITTING machine, Knit King, in case, instruction book, pattern book, like new. Cost. $189, Selling $70. Dial ille 623-5956. sfutdentea: F SU;*GUSeGSeUotastytaganeeIeageSeSe EUS RE Peg ea TS PTeERERUEEES f Syudgd yoeursgeysynegey Anglo Hur Arcadia giagng Sb kia Seu yok eSSSsoneby 5388 i sb ++] + whet + a + + b INDUSTRIALS 5 ee 5 $ 3 i ++ ee gpttethoeteass gF 8 aygo¥cst8 get pseu Segya reset y Set sape sets Ses SEseteey 1 Let nN] Pre i Bhs REGSBSRASRSSSSURSSE SASH SURE STUBS SE RasnsesE hse Ssueeae, TaReehenEs guapeage Sogpenggarregs = =) + = b i + ~ ¥ >. : 3 : x I BUY AND SFLL, good used furniture and appliances. One location only. Pretty's F 444 Sim $695.|South. 723-3271. coe Street || MAKE your own fresh juice. Save now on Health Juice extractors, The Carmic Co, Telephone days or evenings 723-7688. FRIGIDAIRE automatic range and re- frigerator, best offer. Telephone gh ? 2 i sa Ft e é i = +1L1+ FRSE bp seb & 5 30--Automobiles Wanted LTAKESHORF Auto Wreckers want cars for wrecking, est prices paid. 220 Wentworth East. 725-1181. -- ALL CASH - For Clean cars we deal up or down. Liens paid off. NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY 668-8001 100 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used Car to Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Cor Dealer and "SAVE" TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 31--Automobile Repair HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- BRAKE _ SERVICE MOTOR TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS 67 KING ST. WEST 723-7822 LITTLE CHIEF TEXACO 83 RITSON RD. S. 728-2871 LICENSED MECHANIC General Repair to all makes. Carborator Specialists Tune up Brake Jobs Free Pick up and Delivery All Work Guaranteed bist lin > + Ladd L i if HAVE you furniture or appliances for sale? We buy, sell and exchange. Mc- Keen's Used 426 Simcoe South, 725-5181 or 725-6457, CRUISER, Weymouth, 18% ft., with 75 Scott tande: motor, n trailer, $3,200. Com- plete outfit in firet class condition. 725-0832. [++ e FEE + g > 5 i | : ; i Pi soggy segseseeyast yb B 4) 23 8 iy i 5 3 As i 1+ sf t! ++ se st if La 2 4 ee fl fi et SSss ay b > VACCUM cleaner, Singer, hardly used. Original price $69,95, Ask- ing $49.95, 723 2156. RADIO, table model, for cottage, $15; Antenna complete, guaranteed, motor, %& hp, $8; boy's 7 new, $35; Maxwell Car: Kart, Briggs and Stratton, $65; German . male dog, trained, $10, Phone Brook- lin 655-3481. 16 FT. cedar strip boat, newly painted, good condition, $140 or best offer. Appl; 22 Heber Down Crescent, Brooklin, Ont. KITCHEN set $10; tile cement 95c; erib and baby clothes $10; Niagara cycle massager, $50. Telephone 723-2443. AM-FM radios, automatic frequency control, seven tables, $55. Meagher's 5 King Street West. 723-3425. GENUINE roto-tiller, heavy duty, 5 hp, 26" wilth; Tillitson self-driven rotary power mower, 24" cut. Phone 623-7139. SCUBA outfit, wet suit, medium, stand- ard tank, regulator, mask, snorkel, weight belt, $170. Telephone 728-9776. WORLD famous Elna sewing machines, $99 and up. Your Elna dealer, 329 Simcoe South, 728-2391. STUDENTS A super value, approxi. mately 630 sheets of letter size typing paper (news print) for only $1.00. Ap ply Oshawa Times Office, Whitby , {111 Dundas Street West. B. F. GOODRICH Stores -- Tires, Bat- teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele- vision. Thrifty Budget Plan. 725-4543. SELLING furniture or appliances? We'll buy it for top cash. Telephone Cal Blake's Furniture and Appliance Store, 24 Prince Street, 728-9191, WE buy, sell and exchange used furni- ture or anythi you have, The City Trading Post Stores, 446 Simcoe Street South and 31 Bond Street East. 723-1671. $-PIECE BATHS $65, Laundry tubs $13. motors, trailers, pumps, pres- sure systems, new, used, repairs. Chinn Plumbing Supplies, Hillside and Park South, GENERAL Electric table top range, large kitchen cabinet, white sink with hone 723-3378. like new, rf +o Ed Sullivan Seeks Talent From Canada NEW YORK (CP)--Ed Sulli- aN\van will seek fresh Canadian talent for future programs when he visits Toronto this week to broadcast his weekly television variety show from the O'Keefe | Centre. The New York mewspaper George|man and television personality -|has asked his staff to try to ar- range auditions in Toronto: next "|Monday, imstructing that: "TI want to see professional enter- tainers, not amateurs." Sullivan issued' the order Tuesday following an interview during which he said he was impressed as he scanned a lengthy list of internationally- known entertainers who came from Canada. z e é f5 e i E ? +++ if { Fg E i g a5 bare) ! * i F | 28 aaaanaaaaaga eo 1 bs PEL | "es gnuegelfsbeuscestenushg sausteseeduce xe sTepeotSETECQESUSROONS Je9geOz0EN95 08 + +44 gghogertzesgeueygy if aaa er Py * ESF Ff + + ee tt ag 8 = = * § = 8 # + = . 3 $ = B88 i] & a SRshas8e s8ize 4 é gegtsngzop eset seyh uusesteuye tes see Sete tess pena #E Luu! Bp % 3 gyndaugisugty epilys .eyrsbGua,gsRkEbag Sey po BeSBSsou.8, 838 zee ypesyotgua ssebgeegeurugysulogs sbygese este? ut i aa 2g82 - geguSaughsssty ngbSgnuge ade ze = 1 1+) +1 < E = e FESS essese? ey: 1+ Fe _ SF rf EECKE eB oubbgyeaustanZ8y eebGyy Ber SUShs. og f8kEba bey ee ks SUEs oy By By any. 5 SRESSLSr aSSGSESESaTBSE agSeGie BEeotsyborgks URGES ACTION WASHINGTON (CP) -- State Secretary Rusk has been urged to press the new Canadian gov- ernment for early action on the long - stalled Columbia River power treaty. The call came from Senate majority leader Mike Mansfield, who pleaded for swift Canadian ratification of the treaty or new negotia- tions to remove any cross-bor- der differences that may exist. TO STAGE STRIKE LONDON (Reuters)--The ex- ecutive of Britain's National Union of Railwaymen decided 'Tuesday to stage a 48-hour rail strike starting at 12:01 a.m. May 14. The strike threat was the union's response to the con- troversial. make - the - railways- pay plan drafted by Britain's railroad chief, Dr. Ri chard Beeching, il g 8 +1 a7 une Lika é SRosoR gb ongge othgstagtsybe z i é +1 é& peral Home, Wednesday evening oclock. LOCKE'S FLORIST * Funeral arrangements and floral requirements for all * occasions. > OSHAWA SHOPPING . CEN m4 TRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE : 728-6555 - IN MEMORIAM , "ESSEX -- In loving dear mother, Elsie Essex, who o eee88ge L a | = Sueur eeeeeuseenkesesssseduse Siugadds lessen ssszesuessessssesasesssSTses cb¥s 2 8 = +++ wir ri ii] t 4! # = Bey be zt 4 SERRs 1 + se #5 ? goggtany Sgudge pogyregeusgnegiyses gt Bouyussurgiesteged obey Bogguseusfastes sBokausesegiastygrt ost I = SES FF s aggsetg aa be he prone REY wr 1 SESeReSS seg Segue Seg58 + + ¥ ate a a 0 § 11d S85, SSERSsRHSaes 32--Articles For Sale BUYING or selling furniture or appli- ances. Call 263-2294 or, 263-2695. Q 2a 4ou + s cast live from anywhere outside the United States. Sullivan has had many Cana- goia| dian performers on his shows in ne dee the past, including Robert Gou-|piond, $6. let, Paul Anka, Alan Young, RANGE, General Electric, apectment Chris Plummer and Wayne and/ si 4) or 'condition, Telephone ined .,|Shuster, who will make their a phe nblbrg 46th Sullivan appearance this|TORRIDHEAT oil burner (Conroy) with 2Gadly missed by son Jim, daughter-|Sunday. tank and all controls; 30 gallon electric Slaw Jean and grandchildren. There will be two Canadian| 2t_water_tank. Dial > 5 -- In loving memory of alacts on the Sunday program--|XENMORE range, 0; .. Hise Essex, whoiles Jenolas, a comedy singing|also Kenmore wring group from the CBC's French pad testa we sao network, and the pipe band of| WOMEN'S dresses size Shed Canada's 48th Highlanders, Ca-|$a¢eqscat' se: wrod iaeket 8 velge er, eeee8dese ggungSS.sedsebdesen ze tai memory of & passed Fees & ze Lb CONVERSION gas burner for furnace, all cont condith = lr TWIN stroller, Lioyd deluxe, white with canopy, di $30. Tele- Phone Bowmanville 623-5040, LADY'S black spring coat, and nevy blue blazer, size 38, dresses and sweat- ers, various sizes, two goose feather Pillows, golf cart. 419 Masson Street. FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator, 9 cubic foot, very good $90. Teleph 728-5081, e-| BOAT, moulded plywood, 14 ft. Husky model with steering and tarpaulin, al- most new condition, $235. Telephone 725-0525, : WRINGER washer. $25; dryer $75; automatic washer $68; all reconditioned Lasik h be Sh + Hur Erie Imp Oil Ind Accep Inland Gas Mac Works Hard On Public Image gietegSegstysz-$03 & € i FeuaSSoe sQgseaggbageedess ogg isl oplagg8ygze Ebgafesissd8 og 7 5 FFs puddgdugsdestseeeabelldaedil 22 + +++ Tesusvs g 8 ra = eg * nadian coat $4; other articles. All in good dancers and musicians nein 723-4929. Apply 748 Law Street. OBITUARIES LLOYD baby carriage, black, good condition, $25; man's grey two-pant suit, $25, size 39. and guaranteed, Caesarea 986-4926. Call anytime. Terms arranged. WE buy, sell and exchange used furni- ture or 'ing you have. The City Trading Post Stores, 446 simcoe Street South and 31 Bond Street East, 723-1671. Avenue. FUNERAL OF CLARENCE H. DUNCAN GTP WAGON, sod ply 23 Ritson Road South after The funeral service for Clar-|- household furniture for sale, Rest offer. Ap- ence H. Duncan, who died sud- denly at the Oshawa General Hospital, Sunday, April 21, was 18', glass ctuiser pilot seats, Like new; used only 4 phone 668-3828. 6" LARSON "Sea Lion" Fibre- with flying bridge, two head, 75 HP Evinrude. hours. Tele- Si\held at the McIntosh-Anderson|=rarw is hocespower moor Ia per *| 23, at 3 p.m. Fun Ch , eral Chapel, Tuesday, April ect 7s Used less than twenty 728-5694, ONE McClary refrigerator, large size. One Frigidaire refrigerator, standard 90|5ize. Both in A-1 shape. Apply 66 King Street West, Room 5, before 6 p.m. ONE 21" television, in excellent condi- tion; one grey two-piece sectional chesterfield. Bailiff sale. Contact Mr. Clifford Partington at 668-2836 or sale will be held at Heard's Taxi, Brock ig North, Whitby, Saturday, April » 9 a.m. GUN (old antique)wanted. Also old cartridges. Teleph The service was conducted by Rev. L. W. Herbert, minister of LADY'S CCM bicycle, very good condi- tion. Call 723-4532, Oshawa 725-8183. AWNINGS, canvas. Prompt service, terment was in Mount Lawn Cemetery. free Chair, table rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North, 2. The amount to be bor- rowed is $60,000 on the se- curity of the said Debentures, which shall be a charge upon the schoolhouse property and premises and any other real and personal property vested in the said Board of Trustees and upon the separate school rates, 3. The Debentures are to be dated the Ist day of May, 1963 and are to be in the denomination of not less than $100.00 each. The debentures maturing in the years 1964 to 1973, both in- King Street United Church. In-|gition mm movie camera, case,daylight ter, $15. Apply 845 Somerville Street. RANGE, Frigidaire, 30", excellent con- i reasonable; 8 restaurant ter, stools, cash register, fm. : fee Silexs, pie case, i | aie Desnan eeneeeee chil-) Annie Szaikowski was sung in * MeLELLAN -- In loving mem: 'Gear father and ged say/died at the Oshawa General Pallbearers were Jack Dun- TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, du- gas grills, refrigerated jet spray, glass shelving. 723-7463. coun- » Cof- clusive, shall bear interest at the rate of Five and One-Half Per Cent (52%) per annum and the debentures maturing can, Philip Duncan, Gary Dun- can, Allen Duncan, Roy Dun- can, and Robert Duncan. sell, q iters, 5 three hundred new and used. We buy, service. Hamilton Office Equipment, 137 Brock South, Whitby. rent, Free estimates. Parts, The many floral tributes show- ed the high esteem in which Mr. Duncan was held in the com- munity. FUNERAL OF MRS. AUDREY FLOYD High requiem mass was sung .|in the Roman Catholic Church of St. Gregory the Great, at 10 a.m. Tuesday, April 23, for Mrs. Audrey Floyd. Mrs. Floyd died at the Oshawa General Hospital, Saturday, April 20, in her 54th year. Rt. Rev. Msgr. P. Dwyer, Vacuum Cleaners FILTER Q New and Used Machines Filter Queens Other Makes .... Repairs using only Genuine Factory Parts. Free Delivery Oshawa Area Filter Quee (OSHAWA) Street West 552 323 King 7 ice. Call anytime, 728-059 VACUUM cleaner repairs, ail makes. attachments, brushes, hoses, guaranteed rebuilt ma- chines. Rentals. Wallace Vacuum Serv- 1, in the years 1974 to 1983, both inclusive, shall bear in- terest at the rate of Five and Three - Quarters Per Cent REFRIGERATOR, 9% cubic foot Wes- tinghouse, $55, Television, 21 inch, RCA Victor, $55. Telephone 725-1053. (534%) per annum. The De- bentures are payable annually on the Ist day of May in the UEEN $35. Oil tank. HEATER, Teco space heater, as new, » 200 gallon, burning stove, $10. Telephone 725-7671. $15. Wood years 1964 to 1983, both inclusive, the aggregate a- from $50 $10 up SPECIA ALUMINUM 12 ft. car top n Sales OSHAWA M pastor of the Church of St. Gregory the Great, celebrated the mass. Interment was in St. Gregory's Cemetery. Pallbearers were F. Dionne, J. Dionne, R. Dionne, D. Dion- ne, J. Dionne, and R, Allen. FUNERAL OF MRS, ANNIE SZAIKOWSKI High requiem mass for Mrs. St. George's Ukrainian Catholic Church, at 9:30 a.m. Wednes. day, April 24. Mrs. Szaikowski ,| Hospital, Sunday, April 21, in her 77th year. TELEVIS Rebuilt sets, all makes Guar- anteed, One year warranty on picture tube. We also rent and buy, McKeen's Used Furniture 426 Simcoe S. 725-5181 or 725-6457 Open Until 8 Saturday to IONS L 1963 SCOTT BOAT model. 7% h.p. Fishing Scott Motors COMPLETE $499. ARINE AND SERVICE p.m. 6 1487 Simcoe North 728-0031 mount of principa! and inter- est payable in each year of the currency of the Debent- ures being approximately equal, F. J. MOLONEY, Secretary-Treasurer By ARTHUR GAVSHON LONDON (AP)--Prime Min- ister Macmillan, with a general election in sight, is working hard for a new round of Big Three talks to halt nuclear test- image as an East-West peace- maker. The U.S. and British ambas- sadors in Moscow were sched- uled to see Premier Khrushchev today to explore prospects for a high-level meeting to break the deadlock in the negotiations for a test ban treaty. Macmillan's aides say the initiative for this move came from. the 69-year-old British prime minister. In continuing personal ex- changes with President Ken- nedy, Macmillan won Washing- ton's backing for the latest probe, which began quietly last Thursday. Ambassadors Foy Kohler and Sir Humphrey Tre- velyan had a. talk then with Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko on the test-ban negoti- ations. ELECTION IN YEAR? Macmillan has vowed to. lead his Conservative followers to a fourth successive victory in Britain's approaching general ing--and to restore his public] omy. election -- expected within a year. His chances of succeeding depend primarily on more ef- fective policies at home, espe- cially in beating unemployment and reviving the national econ- But a resounding achievement in foreign policy undoubtedly would help Macmillan tremend- ously, It would hoist Britain's somewhat battered international prestige. And it might lure back disenchanted Tories and attract Liberals whose votes are essen- tial if Macmillan's party is to stay in power, In pursuing his quest Macmil- lan faces the big problem of finding a bridge for the gap be- tween Washington and Moscow over procedures to enforce a test ban. The Kennedy administration, as custodian of the West's major deterrent power, could not get congressional approval of a treaty that conceded too much to the Soviets. BOATS, MO GOOD SELECTION OF USED T.V.'s Completely Reconditioned PARKWAY TELEVISION 918 Simcoe N. son, Boats. Evindrude, Vv MARIN 723-3043 TORS ON DISPLAY Grew Cruisers, Traveler, Ma- and Larson olvo-Pento and O.M.C, 88 Motors, Open Until 8 P.M. E Storage & Supply Ltd. Brooklin, Ont. 655-3641 Voice In TORONTO (CP) -- Toronto lawyer L, Grieve Robinson said Tuesday night the reason for forming a provincial organiza- tion of summer cottagers is a question of no taxation without representation, It is shocking that this princi- ple can still be the basis of the cottagers' fight, he told about 50 cottagers' associations at the Rev. J, C. Pereyma, pastor of St. George's Ukrainian Catholic Church, celebrated the mass. Interment was in Oshawa Union Cemetery. MEMORIALS MONUMENTS ON DISPLAY IN OUR SHOWROOM Complete Monument and Inscription Service cee ne eeanre Phone 723-1002 152 SIMCOE SOUTH Pallbearers were M. Muzycz- ka, A. Jacyshyn, L. Konarow- ski, L. Dwrnyk, R, Herstead, and P. Dubriul. MUST MARRY FIRST The Brahmans of southern India traditionally insist that the oldest son marry before his younger brotibers. TOLD ON PICNIC DRANK MORE CHAMPAGNE (Reuters) -- 'Cham- agne, the bottled symbol of : PARIS The first part of Alice in Wonderland was told by Lewis Carroll to three young daugh- ters of a friend while on a picnic in 1862. CAME FROM SEA Families in colonial America got their salt from salt makers who boiled down sea water in huge pots. GREET BUTTERFLIES Each fall schoolchildren in Pacific Grove, Calif., dress up as butterflies to welcome the annual migration there of mor arch butterflies. ~ DRAPES Drapery Fabric Drapery Lining Drapery Accessories M and C Drapery Dry Goods 74 CELINA STREET Telephone 723-7827 Plow, Cultivator, Good conditi Used Very Li $500 s 89c yd. up 69c yd. up TRACTOR International Farmall Cub Model Scuffler ion. ttle. Phone Port Perry 985-2218 meeting of the Federation of Ontario Cottagers' Associations. Formation of Cottagers' asso- ciations has grown out of at- tempts in recent years by cot- tagers to seek a voice in the affairs of the communities and townships where they own sum- mer homes. What's My Buying and selling and your needs phone. 728-4401 or call a' 16% Bond niture and appliances. Line? used fur- For Valley Creek Furniture it the store Ww. Cottagers sought places last fall on several local councils. Mr. Robinson was elected a vice-president of the new group, The federation's constitution adopted Tuesday night calls for the cottagers to have an interest in conservation, planning, pro- tection of water resources and FOR SALE-ALL MATERIALS Lumber, Bricks, Bath Tubs, Oil Burners From Four Houses 94, 118, 120, 122 WILLIAM STREET EAST Salesman on Site recreational safety. a'ong with Kenneth Mitchell and Donald Pyper. David Har. quail was named treasurer and Norman Marriott, secretary. Albert Hoad, who was elected president, said cottagers re- quire a voice on the provincial level as much as on the munic- ipal level. TO TALK IT OUT "It might be a good idea if the province called a meeting of representatives of both cot- tagers and local councils to talk out their problems," he said. Coitagers Seek Affairs Mr. Robinson said cottagers feel rural councils pay too little attention to them in relation to the sometimes substantial con- tribution they make to the mu- nicipality's economy. Mr. Hoad said it is a promis- ing sign that animosity hisap- pears when cottagers and local residents of rural communities are elected to serve on the same council. IODE Anxious Over Reds In Caribbean HAMILTON (CP) -- Anxiety over infiltration of communism into the Caribbean area has led the Ontario chapter of the Im- penial Order Daughters of the Empire to "adopt" English- speaking schools there. Reporting today et the 43rd annual meeting of the chapter here, Mrs. H. B. MacMahon of London, educational secretary, said 35 chapters each supply a different school in the West In- dies and British Honduras with Bennett, Pearson Meet Suggested VICTORIA (CP)--British Co- lumbia's lands and forests min- ister Ray Williston, -has pro- posed a meeting between Pre- mier W, A. C. Bennett and Prime Minister Lester Pearson to bring about early hydro de- velopment of the Columbia River. In an interview, Mr. Williston said Tuesday: "Mr. Pearson and the pre- mier should get together on pol- icy or appoint someone to de- termine it on their behalf. A meeting between them might be the better way. It would be the fastest way, anyhow." Mr. Williston was commenting on earlier remarks in Ottawa by Norther Affairs Minister who suggested the Co- development be given top priority. Laing, lumbia COME FROM NORSEMEN Many of the 35,000 inhabitants of the Danish Faeroe Islands, 400 miles west of Norway, de- scend from Norse settlers of 1,000 years ago. SLEEPS ON BACK An otter sleeps in the water on its back. Lemon Juice Recipe Relieves Arthritic & Rheumatic Pain If you suffer rheumatic, arthritis or neuritis pain, try this simple inexpensive ipe that th ds are using. Get a can a basic library of books. She expressed hope that the adoption of these schools may be a deterrent to communism. SILENCED BIRDS British scientists found that during the eclipse of the sun in 1959 chaffinches were silent for 23 minutes before and after the shadow. 2 recipe tha: of RU-EX Compound, a 2 weeks supply; today. Mix it with-a quart of water, a the juice of 5 lemons. It's easy! No trouble at all and pleasant. Take only 3 tablespoon- fuls 2 times a day, Often within 48 ec the do pains do not quickly leave and if you not feel better, return the empty can and RU-EX will cost you nothing. the sole judge as RU-EX is no OF Gd i on a money back guari 'Jury & Lovell Ltd. WHITBY, OSHAWA Seshbdiees sxask on Ssebguge eee ~ebSnghsiySeseBggegeaaeseeubgeus = eGEue See Se Sg Bye ge Ressssoa tye' SEER SEZESsE ees es§8eks eedeekcresasé uBSe8eogs vedeturseaad Binz oguggung eh osetsebsadags a COMING EVENTS on Thursday at urday at 8 p.m. BINGO, Bathe Park at Eulalie Avenue, RADIO Park, Grenfell Avenue, Euchre every Wednesday night, 8 p.m. Admis- sion 50c. Prizes and refreshments, 2 p.m, Euchre on Sat- Guides and RUMMAGE SALE and BAKE SALE Friday, April 26 1:30 p.m. SIMCOE HALL Porents of high score, $6. NOVEL BINGO THURSDAY. EVENINGS 7:45 at ST. GEORGE'S HALL (Albert and Jackson Sts.) Game $6, $12, $20 May be doubled or tripled $170 IN JACKPOTS Door Prize $15 20th Oshawa Brownies. JU TO-NIGHT LIONS BINGO 8.00 P.M. PAVILION EXTRA BUSES FREE ADMISSION INDIA HANDICRAFTS For those special occasions; engagements, weddings, an- niversaries, birthdays etc., we have on display an attract- ive selection of Gifts, hand- made in. different Religious Villages of India. Fer appoint- ment to view display, kindly PHONE 725-2987 BILEE Monste NUMBERS EXTRA BUSES DOOR PRIZES OSHAWA JAYCEES r BINGO Thursday, Apr. 25 20 GAMES AT $20 -- 5 GAMES AT $30 1 -- $150 JACKPOT $20 PER LINE PLUS $50, PER FULL CARD 2 -- $250 JACKPOTS JACKPOT NOS. 50, 55 $10 PER LINE PLUS $200. PER FULL CARD IN 50, 55 THIS WEEK PLUS $25. CONSOLATION PRIZE $150 TOTAL Oe ey gies ck IN THESE TWO GAMES RLY BIRD GAME ADMI Red Barn, Oshawa $1 ran CLUB EARLY 5 GA $1.00 Door Prizes $450 SPEC $20 EACH HORIZONTAL LINE $100 FULL CARD $250 ADDED IF WON IN 52 NOS. OR LESS WHITBY BRASS BAND BINGO BAYVIEW, BYRON SOUTH, WHITBY WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24th BIRD GAMES--SHARE-THE-WEALTH BUS LEAVES OSHAWA 25c RETURN / \ B e MES AT $30 -- 20 GAMES AT $20 TWO $250 JACKPOT GAMES ADMISSION INCLUDES ONE CARD Ist 55 No. 2nd--No. 51--$30 Consolation Children Under 16 Not Admitted BOWMANVILLE * 2

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