; | WHITBY and DISTRICT 1 Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West | Manager: Rae Hopkins THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, April 23, 1963 5 | SAFE LOOTED Stouffville Youth Gets . | 3 Years For B And E A Stouffville youth was sen- identification branch in Toronto,/ed him where he was going. tenced in County court Monday,|told the court he made a thor-|Jackson replied he was going -|to three years in Portsmouth/ough examination of the safejto the home of a friend and Penitentiary, Kingston, when he! for finger prints but found none.|gave Holman directions how to 'was convicted of breaking and He did however, photograph ajget there. entering. foot-print which was found in| When they arrived at the Leonard Jackson, 19, of RR 1,\the dust surrounding the safe) Glen Dale Pavilion, they spot- Stouffville, was charged with/and about three or four feet|ted a parked Ontario Provincial the oe ry nog yr ed Lor big it. i aaa Police cruiser. J. J, Gibson and Sons Ltd. poul- e imprint made by the le! e i * \try processing plant in Port|foot of the intruder compared DUCKED AT CRUISER | Perry Sunday, Aug. 27, last|to that of the design on the sole When he saw the cruiser he year. The youth pleaded notiof the left shoe taken from the|ducked below the level of the guilty of the charges. laccused Leonard Jackson,|car windows and asked me to |which was submitted as Crown|keep driving down the road," PLANT WAS SxxCURE evidence. Holman testified. William J, Gibson, a director! David Sharpe, who is employ- "About 300 yards down the of the plant, told the court hejeq by the attorney-general's|'0ad another p lice cruiser was had checked the plant premises|crjme laboratory, testified that Parked and the officer flagged about noon that day and when! on Aug, 28, he received some of US to a stop," he said. he left an hour and a half later! Jackson's clothing for analysis. 'When he saw Jackson the of- the plant was secure. S \ficer asked me to turn around He said he was notified by|FOUND PLASTER and go back to the cruiser we police about 1.30 a.m. the fol-| He reported he found small/had just passed. lowing morning that a break-in| Particles of calcium sulphate di- ' had occurred at the plant. |hydrate (plaster) impregnated| HID MONEY When he arrived at the plant/ With rust particles in them. "While we were, Jackson took premises he testified that a) 4 comparison was made of|two handfuls of silver and bills small window in the rear had/the composition of the lining of|from his trouser pockets and been broken and entry made! the safe and the substance found stuffed them under the seat in through it. |in the accused's clothing. Both|a khaki shirt I kept to wipe the samples compared both qualita-|car with," he added. 1,000-POUND SAFE tive and quantitative with each Arriving at the parked cruiser | The 1,000-pound company safe other. they were asked to sit in the lay on its back in the centre of James Holman, of Oshawa, police vehicle while the officers the room with the door blown) testified that on the morning|searched the car, Open and a large quantity of following the safe-cracking he} While they were in the cruiser jmoney and some insurance was returning to Stouffville) Holman testified he asked Jack- |papers were missing. He esti- when he spotted Jackson, whom|son "what he was up to this |mated the amount of moneyjhe had known for five years,|time". taken to be approximately|walking along the side of the) Jackson, he stated said "Safe-| | $1,400. road, : cracking"'. | | Constable John Foley from| He stopped his car and offer-| Before the officers had com- the Ontario Provincial Policeied Jackson a lift. He then ask-/ pleted their search of the car, areas Mth cteitere ~----~| Holman stepped from the police 'WETS' FIRST TRY William Kingston of the Vandorf detachment of the OPP told the court he found a quantity of money amounting to $595.80 in 'Wets" Monday. sult, "that the majority of thea lot of the evidence was cir- | "The vote showed that the:ma-|People want the administration|cumstantial it all fitted together jority of those casting a ballot|' continue to make Whitby ajlike a jig-saw puzzle. He said 'favored dining and cocktail] more progressive town." he accepted the evidence of : it is another step in the right|the age of 16, His Honor told oy of ier hone eg direction and will be a better|Jackson it appeared he was ve ag cent % 'all lounges | 1a! for the downtown area," | starting a life of crime. oe 4 tae wate gir oh '4 ning}, Final results were tabulated) Consequently he sentenced A small crowd of interested Derry, Mrs. J, Hendriks, Mrs. | citizens gathered at the Town Fr R E E G. Kyle and Mrs. L. Moyle.|Hall to see the results come in.| Have your furnace cleaned These delegates were present| Representatives of both "Wets"| winter it yaa hag Fre . INCOME TAX|| Rentals & Service RETURNS | Roto Tillers, Rollers Power Mowers, Tel. 668-3703 NURSING AIDES, ATTENDANTS RECEIVE CERTIFICATION AT ONT. HOSPITAL SAIL WHITE EMPRESS NEWEST, LARGEST SHIPS TO EUROPE! With Empress of Canada and Empress of England, Canadian Pacific has the newest and largest ships on the St. Lawrence route to Europe. And, with Empress of Britain, offers unsurpassed ocean travel. Among the fabulous features: Un- limited deck space, gala parties, swimming pools, first-run movies, nurseries, gourmet meals, even a@ hostess to cater to your every whim! See your Travel Agent or any Canadian Pacific office. $244 MONTREAL-LIVERPOOL Tourist Summer fare from _ Information and reservations--$-2224 tree all car and told the officers "what you are looking for is under the seat"', j e | On looking under the passen- Both I iquor |ger's seat of the car, Constable ) uestions Pass small. denominations, "wrapped in a khaki shirt. The first liquor plebiscite ever! "It is a clear indication to FIT LIKE JIG-SAW : jheld in the Town of Whitby re-| me," Mayor Stanley Martin said! In summing up the evidence, |Sulted in a victory for the|when informed of the final re-| His Honor told Jackson although i ' tail) The mayor also said that the|James Holman as the truth. ee algal pgp wy vote would be a boost for busi-| After hearing the record of |per cent with 2,625 votes. |ness and, "it will back up our | the accused bobo ol included j ; % " | | Dining lounges gained the ap-| ative for industry." He added,|three similar convictions since 7 y Town Clerk John Frost andj him to three years in the King- ae sa icin aienaah oil is stalt by 9.30 p.m. Results| ston penitentiary. | e to voting s' rom the first of the 25 polling) While leaving the court house, ehitiey ae Sa weics tnety| ations | in town vate received| Jackson told the court sergeant ( : soon r 7 p.m, when the he franchise. a : P. polls would be seeing him at the b t held in the Cana-jand "Drys" committees follow-|} Rose" unified tel Ob teem Western dian Room when Dr. A. D. Lov-|ed the voting trends closely. Oil. Co. ing, professor of education at) Final and definite results of DIAL 725-1212 WHITBY Michigan University, was the|the vote will be released today DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE speaker. when the official count is made. | cmemeenesmenn OSHAWA--WHITBY--BROOKLIN 300 DUNDAS E. WHITBY 668-3304 PERSONALS Callers over the weekend at \the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil-| | Barbara, daughter of Mr./liam Simpson were Mr. and| jand Mrs. W. F. Mowat, cele-|Mrs. Bernard Hansen, of Scar-| {brated her tenth birthday. For) borough. | ithe occasion she entertained | i ' Mrs. J. White, president of L f der with h meres Sher which ther wale car iitensn Home pany School| Phone 668-8252 oF dieu Sond cf patties a Meadows Travel Service Fargas 4 ip iret mio kenge and treasurer Mrs. | ance, Wert street east, Atkinson, attended as dele-| | ' | with light refreshments. gates the Leadership Training) Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Moyle,|Session held during the annual| 304 Mason drive, celebrated; Home and School Association) | their 12th wedding anniversary.|Convention at the Royal York| \For the occasion they were Hotel. They also attended the | luncheon guests of Mrs. Moyle's| Family Life Luncheon Confer- parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wil-|ence held in the Concert Hall. liams, of Barrie. They had as|Later in the afternoon they! |their dinner guests, Mr. and| were present at the Audio-Visual! Mrs, Grant Lane of Toronto. (demonstration for class rooms. This was in charge of META.) Mr, and Mrs. D. J. Madden ------ --______________| and children, Linda and Doug- For That New Spring las, Henry street, have return- SUIT jed from a two weeks vacation | jin Daytona Beach, Florida. putes Ibitson is celebrating Why Not Try... ; his eighth birthday today. His USS E'S 708 Newman Cres. Whitby Sportsman's Corner 103 Byron St. $, Whitby 668-4511 PAINTING YOUR 22 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH 723-9441 | companions of Kathleen Rowe | School and friends wish him many happy returns of the day. | The following delegates of || MEN'S AND BOYS' SHOP | R. A. Hutchison School attend-|] 129 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY |) ed the annual Home and School | Tailored to Measure by | erga Convention held at jf e Wie! or paneerncy " Royal York Hotel, Toronto, |} © Mary Pyni- |Thursday, April 18. Mrs. M. ar ee eee Eight months of vigorous ally become shift supervisors, hanna Ploeger, training culminated Monday afternoon for 24 Ontario Hos- pital, Whitby, workers when will assume further responsi- bility and will be called upon to assist staff members, jun- they entered the spotlight to ior to themselves. In the accept graduation pins and upper photo, wearing their leather - bound certificates.at crisp grey uniforms, symbolic a graduation exercise, out of of OHW nursing aides are, which they emerged certified front row left to right, Edith nursing aides and certified Beier, Elizabeth Birta, Mur- hospital attendants. The grad- ie! G. Blakney, Maria H uating classes are now mem- Bocher, Sylvia Bonner bers of the hospital staff and Edythe M. Deboo and Edith will take their places among L. Godfrey. Front row, left to the institution's staff of train- right, Margaret Hay, Esther ed workers. Some will eventu- M. . Maria Pennings, Jo- sky, Charlene Shire and Chris- tina Zygadlo. Absent when photo taken, Kathleen Frost. In the centre photo, are shown the graduate attendants, also wearing crisp charcoal grey uniforms, symbolic of mem- bers of OHW attendance staff, Front row, left to right, Frederick Ballard, Robert Faulkner and Frederick Hig- gin. Back row, Donald S. Smith, Malcolm H. Smith, C. Stephen Tapscott and Roy Vaillant. Absent when photo | taken, James Gourlie and | BROCK Evening Shows Start 7 and 8:20 WHITBY Last Complete Show at 8:20 sone HOUR Qaanip 1 TURSOF AGE Ot OviR Also -- SECOND FEATURE ATTRACTION "THEN THERE WERE THREE" Starring -- ALEX NICOL -- FRANK LATIMORE George Wilder. In the lower | Photo, John Harkness, presi- | dent of Branch 27, Civil | Service Association, covering | OHW workers, is seen pre- | Re RPE COREE Heres, senting the Association prizes nin WER Pinte ks Moor © paints | | Asso- auoney N | clation made the awards to p q@umey NE the student aide and attend- ant who have shown the greatest interest in patients, | the most effort in class and | best behavior on the grounds. ~--Oshawa Times Photos | HAS TRADE PROBLEM | | The imbalance of trade be- jtween New Zealand and Aus- tralia is a problem to New Zealand, which. in 1961 exported] ($32,700,000 to Australia bu tm-} ported $141,000,000, | W. A. SMITH BUILDERS' SUPPLY Are Pleased to Announce THAT THEY ARE NOW AUTHORIZED 1 DEALERS FOR os ING JOB BY Benjamin | DODD & SOUTER. HOUSE? PLEASE CALL EARLY AND BE SURE OF HAVING YOUR JOB BOOKED IN TIME THIS SUMMER FOR A FIRST CLASS PAINT- ONLY FIRST GRADE (EBD & F10-GlazePAINT USED WITH FIRST QUALITY WORKMANSHIP MANUFACTURERS OF HIGH QUALITY PAINT PRODUCTS Come In and See Our New High Fashion Colors Now in Stock. | 701 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY 668-2379 FREE ESTIMATES DODD & SOUTER Decorating Contractors WH ITBY 668-5862