14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, April 23, 1963 | IN MEMORIAM WILLIAMS -- In loving memory of | to} a dear husband and father, who peased|2 Articles for Sale | Sway April 23, 1062. }iearT. AL ,UMINUM car top boat plus Broken ie the family circle, loars. One 4%4-horse Waterloo Our dear one has passed away, --_ |tractor, four attachments, 725-6120. Passed from earth and earthly dark- CRUISER, Weymouth, 18' 6", oy ness, Into a bright and perfect day. equipped, many extras, Mercury But we ali must cease to languish | motor, larger boat desired, $2,995. Dial O'er the grave of him we love. 723-2348. Inthe 'better emia shove" |BUY AND SFLL, good used furniture In the better world above, «| Bad! and appliances. One location only. as Gt aie |Pretty's Furniture, 444 Simcoe Street 2" ed by his wife and family. South 723-3271. RIMAR SOE Dr for see a MEMORIALS Co. days or evenings 723-7688. TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, du- MONUMENTS ON DISPLAY IN OUR SHOWROOM tors, ct iters, s, three hundred new and used. We buy, Complete Monument and Inscription Service sell, rent, service. Hamilton Office 152 SIMCOE SOUTH Equipment, 137 Brock 'South, Whitby. Phone 723-1002 MEMORIALS sale? We buy, sell and exchange. Mc- Keen's Used Furniture, 426 Simcoe Marble and Granite Canadian Makes and Imports South. 125-5181 or 725-6457. | CRUISER, Weymouth, 18% ft., with 75) Designing ond Carving to suit your specifications Scott motor, tanden trailer, $3,200. Com-} lass | Cemetery Lettering and conditio: Repairs : Installation and Delivery Open evenings until 9 p.m. OSHAWA MONUMENT COMPANY 1435 KING STREET EAST R.R. 4 at Highway 2 PHONE 728-3111 CLASSIFIED ADS (Continued from Page 13) | the same day for a |plete outfit in first c! 725-0832, telephone 723-3492. DEATHS BURLEY, ONA MAY it Oshawa General SCUBA outfit, wet suit, medium, stand-| ard tank, regulator, mask, snorkel,| weight belt, $170. Telephone 728-9776. j WORLD famous Elna sewing $99 and up. Your Elna dealer, |Simcoe South, 728-2391. Ecchi cnrhderee tererean ater cnepeesieuasnainiiewccemahenies | ELECTROHOME Stereo, English brown mahogany, '62 m price $499, clearing at $379. Meagher's, | 5 King Street West. { \STUDENTS A super value, approxi- mately 630 sheets of ietter size typing paper (news print) for only $1.00, Ap ply Oshawa Times Office, thy, 111 Dundas Street West. |B. F, GOODRICH Stores -- Tires, Bat- \teries, Kelvinator refrigerators jvision. Thrifty Budget Plan. 725- COLE, Ethel Maude At Oshawa General Hospital on Mon- day, April 22, 1963, Ethel Maude Ives, beloved wife of the late Harold H. Cole, and mother of Mrs, L. E. Astrop (Joyce) and Bryan Cole of| Oshawa. The late Mrs, Cole is resting at} : Funeral Home. | omer, CARD OF THANKS Apri ji a.m. Interment Union coer bel |. BROOKS -- I wish to thank all my friends, neighbor buy it for top cash. Telephone Biake's Furniture and Appliance Store, 24 Prince Street. 728-9191. WE buy, sell and exchange used furni- ture or anything you have. The City |Trading Post Stores, 446 Simcoe Street issaten and 31 Bond Street East. 723-1671. | We'll Cal %-PIECE BATHS $65, Laundry tubs $13. Boats, motors, trailers, pumps, sure systems, new, used, repairs. Chinn Plumbing Supplies, Hillside and Park South. | » ws and relatives for their generosity, gifts and cards during my stay in Oshawa General Hospital. | Special thanks to Rev. Moffat and the Astor group of Simcoe Street United Church, Drs, Butts and Shaw and the ,| staff on 3B, DAY. Thomas Arthur GENERAL Electric table top range, large kitchen cabinet, white sink with in --Mrs, Allan Brooks. | taps, Church,Wednesday, April 24 at 3 p.m, Interment Oshawa tery. DULMAGE, Mrs. George Entered into rest in the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital on Monday, April 2, 1963, Anna Elizabeth Twi canopy, excellent condition, $30. Tele- phone Bowmanville 623-5040. PS LADY'S black spring, and navy blue blazer, size 38, dresses and sweaters, various sizes, two goose feather pil- lows, golf cart. 419 Masson Street. FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator, 9 cubic foot, .|very good condition, $90. Telephone 728-5091. (eee ee PIANO, medium upright, excellent condition, $200. Three-drawer antiqu chest, $15. Telephone Whitby 468-3838. BOAT, moulded plywood, 14 ft. Husky mode] with steering and Mega esi al- " 5 . Telephone HEARD -- I would like to thank all;™most new condition, $235. Oshawa|my friends, relatives, neighbors and/725-0525, 0 Boulevard Church WA ede tayo bodice R washer. Kashi for flowers, cards and well wishes | automatic washer $65; palsies "Miaband of Agalene. Taboos my gg ght Bue these nurses povaed ae and guaranteed. Caesarea 986-4926. Call 4 , OF r their % Mrs.. Nicholas Lucek | Of 2D. ek as thes {| anytime. Terms arranged brother of George thanks to Drs, Stanley, Morris|14 FT. cedar strip boat, steering wheel, Resting at Mcintosh.|@% Hallet and many many thanks to| windshield, tarp, 10 hp Johnson motor. r 152 King| Rev. Herbert and Rev. Ware for |Like new. Also car top carrier, Rea- prayers and cheery words, a sonable, Whitby 666-3473. Piensa ee WE buy, sell and exchange used furni- ooaupays ture or ing you have, The City | inion | BRYANT -- I wish to express my ap- ' --? preciation to relatives, friends and neighbors for cards, phone calls, gifts and visits during my shut-in time caused by an accident, It was nice being remembered. --Mrs. Velma Bryant. . Friends are! requested mot to cali at the Funeral | Home before Wednesday afternoon. | KASHUL, Wasy! resid | At his late lence, ¥45 South, Monday, April 22,/King Street and relatives, Pi . of whom came from Ajax. cis --Mrs. C. Gay and family. $25; dryer $75; all reconditioned Michael, Nicholas and Wil- Anderson ine! Home, 152 Street East. Mass in St. Mary's Uk Greek Orthodox BI ing Post Stores, 446 Simcoe Street South and 31 Bond Street East. 723-1671 ONE McClary refrigerator; large size ire refrigerator, standard size. Both in A-1 shape. Apply 66 King Street West, Room 5, before 6 p.m. ONE 21" television, in excellent condi-! tion; one light grey two-piece sectional! chesterfield. Bailiff gale. Contact Mr. Clifford Partington at 668-2836 or sale Lawn Cemetery. Prayers in the Fu-} a neral Home, Wednesday evening at -- eT See te es -- kindness and shown to us in jthe loss of our beloved mother, Modena Joynt, We especiaily wish to thank Rev. Moffat for St ee yp | Armstrong Funeral Home on os 1963, Albert Ern-|tnete 'kind and efficient management of est * Clara the service. Holmes and father of Mrs. Percy Mc- --The Joynt Family. Daher peeer) of re Sea. On- will hagtomod at > Taxi, yes » and brother . G. Cross RSON -- W. ld Vike to ex-|Street North, Whitby, Saturday, (Anne) of Willowdale, and Carl Pope| preas* our heartlelt' thanks and appre-| 20, 9 a.m. » Arizona, ing at thei ciation for the many floral tributes, SPRINGTIME Spec A Funeral Home, Oshawa,| aie for their car and driver, all the | a9¢ per foot; ee $ si with memorial service in the chapel,| messages of and the loan of painted bookcases $3.88: two-piece ches. Wednesday, April 24 at 10.30 a.m. Inter-| cars. Special thanks to Dr. Shaw and/terfield suite $117; baby carriages ment Fairview Cemetery, Niagara! Rey. Larke and the Armstrong Funeral|$19.95; smooth top mattresses $28: Falls. : feng thee ged a beloved husband | Space-saver couch $38. Wilson's Furni- } . Nora, Hazel Betty, SHOUBRIDGE, Mary Ann al lather, To jture, 20 Church Street. Entered POPE, Albert Ernest Entered into rest in the family resi- dence. 319 Cochrane Street, Port Perry, y, April 21, beloved hi coveri $5.88 | thank you } rest at Hillsdale Manor,| --Mrs. William Pearson and Family,|GUN 'old antique)wanted. Aiso old Oshawa, Sunday, April 21, 1963, Ma' | jcartridges. Telephone Oshawa 725-8183 Ann Dallaway, wife of the late Harry . |AWNINGS, canvas. Prompt service, Shoubridge, and of Mrs, Reg- ' ty og tg ree inald Nicks (Winnifred), Bowmanville, xX |Gicre Fox, 412 Simeoe North. : Mrs. Jack Long (Mabel), England, Mrs. ana a Lawrence Heise (Hilda), Scarboro, |MODERN restaurant equipment, coun- Harry of Keswick, Ont., in her 90th! |ter, stools, cash register, gas grills, cof- year. Resting at the Funeral | |fee Sile: ted Jet Home, Oshawa, with memorial. service} ys em appe [oprey. ass sh in the chapel, Wednesday, April 24 at! MODERN chest of drawei | con- 2 pm. Interment Resthaven Memoria! HAMILTON (CP) anada's| 'tion. $10; three 26" 5 inside den, Searboro. i AD ? iC, modern doors and one 2 x 6'6", $18 for } u i je |lot including hardware; treadie sewing SZAIKOWSKI, Mrs, Annie itax system still places undu , ar Entered into rest in the Oshawa Gen-emphasis on heavy Corpor ate Oa ie = en ------ era spital, jay, 1, -1963,! g siy. s M cleaner repairs, ail makes. Annie Uzwak, wife of Pvt Szaikow.|204 sharply Prosreneve wale {Free estimates, Parts, attachments, ski, in her 77th year. Resting at the|SOMal tax rates, V. W. Scul Y;|brushes, hoses, guaranteed rebuilt ma- éymetrong Funeral Home with mass in| president, said at Monday's an-|chines. Rentals. Wallace Vacuum Serv- St. George's Ukrainian Catholic Church, mal eetin of Steel Co of| 'ce Call anytime, 728-0591, Wedoesday, April 24, at 9.30 a.m. In-/fual m 8 f : ON REFRIGERATOR: 9% cubic foot Wea. terment Union Cemetery. Canada Ltd. »)|tinghouse, $55, Television. 21 inch, RCA annie ag | "This type of tax structure, |Victor, $55. Telephone 725-1033 ta tae Ouro cen Hospital, sun. Mr. Scully added, "is not only|HONEST Cal's Furniture and Appii: day, April 21, 1963, Isabella Hamill, be-/@ drag on the development of|ances pescicd egy at biggest dis- loved wife of the late Alfred W. Thomp-|industry and the creation of/coq neste, We cary Restonic son and dear mother of Mrs. Frank! gat a v7, every, misttreds furniture lines Carter (Rita), Barrie, Frederick, Osh-| ew jobs, but also makes more| Your authorized GE dealer. Contact juvas in her 0th yead. Mrs. Thompson/difficult the retention by Cana-|yonest, Cal's on King street east is resting at McIntosh-Anderson Funer-|dians of ownership of Canadian|930 0 to, piece" ee es dally, al Home, 152 King Street East for serv- ° sn $0 - 9.30. Telephone 728-9191 ice in the chapel, Wednesday, April 24/business enterprises." _|KNITTING machine, Knit King, in = S p.m. Interment Mount Lawn} The growth of the steel busi-|caee, instruction book. pattern book emetery. Fy e i 4 ness now depends to an impor-| Bowmanville 603-5806 Pee, 79 Dial WILSON, Robert Frame jtant degree on development Of GRAVITY furnace with olf burners pipe In Dekaee lemece) Heettal on Mon- new markets, Mr. Scully said.|complete, first class condition. Can be jay, April > » rt Frame Wil-; ; j {seen in eration. $125. Teleph son, in his 77th year, beloved husband! Commenting on prices, Mr. 725-8356, 6 naa of the late Jeanie B. Greenshieids and|Scully said the policy of the) Fire g po err ro Fagen Be eee. a oun\company is to price productsis35. oj1 'tank, 200 gallon, awa, Alan of Courtice and David, |in keeping with Canadian con-| burning stove, 910. Telephone 7: Thomas and Mrs. Jessie Winters of| ditions and the company's costs!.,._. '" Scotland. Resting at MelIntosh Ander-/of production, "so that cer ee ee Cleneities son Funeral Home, 152 King Street!' .. UES 3 i the place for you to adver East. Service in the chapel on Wednes | 'ou fix cars. You'll find your day, April 24 at 3.30 p.m. Tete Comstare P.m. spects come looking there. new, 'ood -7671. Interment people seem to think, that be-! nest pros | cause prices are changed in the! United States, that automatic.\34--Lost and Found jally changes take place in Can-| LOST: Near Mary Street North, black ada." [long haired 14 grown cat, some white He added that the company 2 chest. Reward. 723-4040. fi |FOUND: blue and white girl's bieve jhas not raised the prices Of|veinky of iighlond ares Tre eiry |prime products, LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements and floral requirements for all occasions. OSHAWA SHOPPING TRE evening, Owner must identify. Tele- - esas 725-7267, |36--Legol | Slayer Freed By Rockefeller CEN 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 IN MEMORIAM CARE -- In loving memory of a dear) father and granddad, Albert Carr, who! 939, | | LEGAL NOTICE { TO MERCHANTS TAKE NOTICE that Dennis Kory will no longer be res ponsible for accounts of his wife, Jacqueline Kory in- curred on the credit of Den- nis Kory, DATED at OSHAWA 10th day of April 1963. DENNIS KORY, by his Solicitor, James A. Macdonald, { | } { ALBANY, N.Y.. (AP)--Gover-; jnor Nelson Rockefeller Monday} jnight freed a Cuban sentenced/ to a4 New York State prison inj --Always remembered by son Frank,|the slaying of a. nine-year-old) Passed away April 23, 1959. What would we give to clasp his hand His happy face to see, To hear his voice and see his smile That meant so much to us. daughter - in - law Edith, grandchildren gj sai Surry abd Genie girl. The governor said he had done so upon the assurance of} CARR -- In loving memory of a dear the federal government the! eee Meet? Who Passed away! move would help obtain the re-| He was always a wonderful father, lease of 21 Americans impri-} He played life's battle 'soned in Cuba. | | | 286 King St. W. Oshawa, | Rockefeller commuted the, Ont. jsentence of Francisco Molina3---------------- Del Rio, now 31, who had been| sentenced to serve 20 years to} eee a NOTICE IS HERBY GIVEN that an applicotion will be made by STANISLAUS MAR- ZENKEWITZ of 906 Reytan Boulevard, Bay Ridges, Pick- ering, Ontario before the presiding Judge in Chambers at the Court House, Whitby on the 10th day of May 1963 ot 10.30 in the forenoon to change his name to STAN- LEY MARCH. DATED at Toronto this 19th day of April A.D. 1963, HUGH J. MacLEAN, Barrister, etc, 27 Bloor St, E., Toronto, 5, Ontoria, this 1 But always thought of others. ilife. Ser ed ce kee: 17 MO wie!" Molina was convicted of mur-| GOLDRICK -- In loving o aed in the shooting of Magda-| ar cn le memory of lena Urdaneta, a bystander in| our son and brother, Ron, who a Manhattan festaurant aavina| Fito0a, tm hie eighteenth year" stag fight bet f 3 year. a fight between a group of sup- We Uile Knew when we woke that/norters of Cuban Premier Fidel 'The sorrow the day would bring: . :|Castro and anti-Castro demon- For the call was sudden, the shock|strators. severe, | To part with one we loved so dear Rockefeller said the commu- --lovingly remembered and sadiy tation of Francisco Molina's missed by Dad, Mom and Glenda. sentence was "'based upon a STOVIN -- In, loving memory of Cream request in writing by the dear jather, John F'. Stovin| United -States department of ee day ne Lene ts cittin, \justice and is with the express Some day, we know not when, (condition that Molina be de- ;ported forthwith and never We shall meet in a better land ious oe aces' be wile, Mth Ea re-enter the United States." } remembered end family. chines, | fer Walter Gordon, Davenport; | odel, 13 tubes,Paul Hellyer, Trinity. 6 speaker sound system, original list) -;ment was defeated in the 1957) awstats 25-45%: election. ISELLING furniture or appliances?) pres-| _|Garland is from Nipissing and|held at the McIntosh-Anderson| | Mines Minister William A, Beni-| Funeral _jthe same reason as Saskatche- 32--Articles for Sale OBITUARIES | TENDERS WANTED Tiling several bathrooms laying some five - thou- sand cement blocks and stone work, R. G. ROY Claremont Festival Theatre Claremont Three Cabinet Members From Metro Area OTTAWA (CP) -- Toronto, switched to feast from famine; in Liberal cabinet representa-| ! | MRS. ONA MAY BURLEY | The funeral service will be In failing health for a yearjheld at the McIntosh - Anderson jand a half, Mrs, Ona May Bur-/Funeral Home at 2 p.m. Wed- \ley, 88 Oshawa boulevard north,|nesday, April 24. Interment will died Monday, April 22, at the/be in Mount Lawn Cemetery. Oshawa General Hospital. She/ Rev. John K. Moffat, minister was in her 60th year. | of Simcoe Street United Church, A ve wins ~~ a be conduct the services. and Bertha Blakely, the de- ceased was born ai Deseronto FUNERAL OF 'and was married in Oshawa in| JAMES LUKE |1923. She was a member of The memorial service for |Albert Street United Church. |James Luke, who died Friday, Mrs. Burley is survived by|April 19, at the Oshawa General her husband, Edward Burley; | Hospital in his 51st year, was three daughters, Mrs, J. Lowe)held at the Armstrong Funeral (Helen) Mrs. G. Gatto (Betty) Home at 3.15 p.m. Monday, and Mrs. S. Rice (Gladys) and April 22. three sons, Kenneth, Keith and) The Venerable Archdeacon Douglas, all of Oshawa, |H. D. Cleverdon, rector of Also surviving are a sister,Christ Memorial Anglican Mrs, L, Davidson (Wilma) of|Church, conducted the services. Whitby and a brother, Harry | Interment was in Mount Lawn Blakley, of Oshawa. 'Cemetery. The funeral service will be' The pallbearers were Edward tion Monday jheld at the Gerrow Funeral|Zuke, Elmer Luke, Russel! Three top portfolios went to|Home at 2 p.m., Thursday,|Luke, Douglas Hough, Harold Toronto MPs--Finance -Minis-| April 25, followed by Jallow and Ennest Fischer, interment, 'in Mount Lawn Cemetery. Rev. inister Mitchell Sharp,|A. E. Larke, minister of Albert) FUNERAL OF Rotien ana Defence Minister! Street United Church, will con-/ PERCIVAL JOHN DENSHAM |duct the services. bine ipaeral service for Perci- During the 22-year Liberal) |val John Densham, who died ban lekatoition which ended in| orga eage sath ote y| suddenly Saturday, April 20, at }1957, only one Toronto MP Monday "April 29. at the Oiawa| Oshawa General Hospital, made cabinet rank. That WAS) General Hospital of Mrs. Har.|W28 held at 2 p.m. Monday, Mr. Hellyer who was named as-| old H Cole of 108 Churehili| APT 22, in St. George's Angli- sociate defence minister el Z jcan Church. : ment' was. defeated in. the 1957|_, The former Ethel Maude Ives, jg,"et,F_c- Onley, rector of the deceased was born in Eng-\ Conducted the & en, The late prime minister Mac-| land and came directly to Osh- ment was kenzie King steadfastly resisted|2Wa 14 years ago. She was 4 Cemetery. pressure to élevate Toronto Lib-| member of St. Andrew's United) 'The "honorary pallbearers erals to cabinet level and this) Church. ___.| were B. McGregor, D. McIntosh, was contiflued by Prime Minis-| Predeceased by her husbandic. Garrison, R. Miller C: A' |ter Louis St. Laurent until Mr.|in 1950. Mrs. Cole is survived'Gjass: and W. Mark. |Hellyer's appointment, jby a daughter, Mrs, L. E. Ast-| The active palbearers were | Three of the 10 Ontario min-|rop (Joyce) with whom 'she/fric Dean, Harry . Turner |isters in the new Liberal lineup|made her home; a son, Bryan,| Arthur Blackler, Thomas Cot- are from Northern Ontario. Mr.| of Oshawa and four grandchild- yam. Douglas Rey Pearson represents Algoma ren. ward Cheetham, East, Revenue Minister J. R.| The funeral service will be} FUNERAL OF Home at 11. a.m.,) MRS. ROY REYNOLDS dickson holds Kenora - Rainy! Wednesday, April 24, followed! The memorial service for River. |by interment in Oshawa Union|Mirs. Roy Reynolds, who died | "The Diefenbaker ministry had) Cemetery. Rev. Dr. John Leng,|Friday, April 19 at the Oshawa jno Northern Ontario MP, for| minister of St. Andrew's United|General Hospital in her 74th in Oshawa Union |wan's absence from the Pear- son cabinet. | |Church, will conduct the ser-|year, was held at the Armstrong | vices. ' Funeral Home at 2 p.m., Mon- | day, Apmil 22. ~~~ --|MRS. GEORGE R. DULMAGE) Rey, H. A. Mellow, minister 7 { d | Following a prolonged illness/of Northminster United Church, riest e en S ae death occurred Monday.|conducted the services, Inter. " | April 22, at the Oshawa General/ment was in Mount Lawn P R hts |Hospital of Mrs. George Roblin) Cemetery. ress 1g |Dulmage, of 223 Athol street) The pallbearers were Russell east. |McGnath, James Scarrow, Earl On Controversy A daughter of the late Mr.|Hall, James Couper, Roy jand Mrs, Matthew Wellington|Morphy and R. W. Tenier. OTTAWA (CP)--Newspapers| Price, the deceased was the for- are unfairly criticized some-}mer Anna Elizabeth Price. She times for stirring up public con-jwas born June 22, 1890 at Moun- Struggle Foreseen troversies when they are simply) tain poh _ Oui pe ithrowing light on pressing so-; A resident o shawa for 42) ® * |cial problems crying out forjyears, Mrs. Dulmage was a| Against Malaysia solutions, a French priest-jour-/member of St. Andrew's United) nalist said Monday night. Church and of the Jessie Pan-' Rev. Emile Gabel of Paris,/ton group of United Church executive secretary of the In-| Women. i ' ternational Catholic Press Un-| Besides her husband she is Communist ' ion, said the press analyzes|survived by a son, Donald G./Preparing for "violence jlems. : | It is unfair to blame the press|(Margerie) of Philadelphia and|Pnoposed Malayasian Federa- for socia' conflicts, he told 750)a stepson, Malcohn F, Dulmage} |guests at a dinner marking the|of Cherry Valley. | |50th anniversary of the cap-| Also surviving are a sister, A government press newspaper, Le Droit. ja brother, Wellington Price of|@broad that there is widespread Father. Gabel said Catholic|Winnipeg and five grandchij-|OPPosition to Malaysia in Singa- newspapers should = spread/dren. pore and public resentment the church's message discreetly! The memorial service will be @84inst the detention of anti- |without dragging the church held at the Armstrong Funerai|/Malaysia Communist elements. j | | } the services, Inter-|Ca" nolds and Ed-| & SINGAPORE (Reuters)--The| °f the new federal cabinet. Singapore government said. to- , day there were indications the/down the list for about 39 sec-/s underground was) nds, then said he didn't want 8 and !o comment on particular } ' | 9 3 |choices but would express the t 1 prob-/Dulmage of Whitby; a step-/@%med struggle" in an attempt! Choic rather than creates social p: launenite: Mis Alonso Burns|to prevent the creation of the Pinion TORONTO 11 A.M. STOCKS By The Canadian Press Toronto Stock E A m Today's Stock Stock Sales C 620 Quotations in cents unless marked $. }z--Odd lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex- | rights, xw--Ex-warrants, Net change is | from previous board-lot. closing sale. 11 Net | Stock Sales High Low a.m, Ch' INDUSTRIALS 35 $45%) 45% 45% + % 25 24% 24% |; Agnew-S | Alta Dis t | Alta Dis vt | Alta Gas | Alta Gas w | Alta Nat | Alg Cen | Algoma | Alumini Alum 2pr | Analog | Anthes A | Argus | Arg B pr Arg C P pr Atl Sugar Atl Sug A Autofab B Bank Mont Bank NS | Bank NS rt |Bath P |Bell Phone |Bow Valley Bowater | Brazil | Bright {BA Oil | BC Forest {BC Pow BC Phone | Brooke p Bruns {Cal Pow 1 Fndry Can Malt C Pack B in Perm Brew Brew pr 50 |CBr Alm A 400 Can A 250 Cdn Celan 25 |C Chem 805 ' Chem w 5525 |C Collieries 300 |C Frbks B no 'CGE pr OG Sec A C Husky |C Husky w ,C Imp Bk C CT 52%. 52%, -- Ve 392 $27% 27 2 --~ % 2050 4880 4880 4880 100 150 «6150 «150 816% 16% 16% S10% 10% 10% 2 82 $9 9 S1B% 18% 18% 3 OB 15 $68% 68% 68% -- 4% $754 75% 754 --~ 14 345345345 17% 17% 17% 856% 56% 56% + Vs $20 20 «20 41 50 $64 6 6 440 425 425 $924 828%, S17% $2014 $5655 5 $20% $954 $23% +2 $22 $88 $60 50 $79 Sli $5146 $9% $13% $6014 6014 10% 10% 410 «(410 $8% 8% 400 S374 $16 79 u c1% 9% 13% Cc ic 10% | 410 8% -- \| 400 400 37% 37% 16 16 (CPR |Col Cell Clairton wts Corby vt 20 ' Lesage Lauds Cabinet List |sage said Monday he thinks | eres can be satisfied with |the composition of Prime Min- jister Pearson's new federal ' cabinet. | "I am thinking of the number | Of Quebec ministers in the cab- 2 inet,"' he said. _Premier Lesage was ques- tioned on the subject after | leaving the cabinet room where be the had received the first part lof the report of Quebec's royal ;commission on education, A reporter handed him a list Mr, Lesage glanced up and +% Gs | Inland Gw 4| Int Stl P | Labatt QUEBEC (GP)--Premier Le-| Nore 36% 6% 6% 30 $1A% M% 14% 300 155 (165 155 25 $66 68 250 915% 15% 15% 4 Yi) Me 52M 160 $52% 52) 250 S18% 16% 16% 25 $120 120 120 BLS S12 12% 12% G Mack A GL Paper GL Power Gr Woe G Gr Wpg vt Hardee Hardee pr ya| Hard Carp Hawker-S 4 43 ae S14% 14% Me + % $26% 26% 26% nglis 200 475 «(475 «(475 Inland Gas 1500 $6 6 6 220 Int Nickel 400 Int Util 220 Inter PL 45 3200 50 110 410 6000 225 1000 340 215 1400 6 .60 60 $684 67% 68% + Ve 850% 505% 50% 330 250 $62%4 62% 62% S58%e 58% 58% $6% Co Inv Syn Inv Syn A Jefferson Jeff Bw Jockey C Kelly wts +10 190 $16% 305 190 +t 16% 16% Lakeland 305 17% -- 254 -- % M4+% 12% 9% 72 $14% 14% 1200 39% 9% 815 639% 39% 2180 $7% 7% 10 $99% 9% 70 77 «677 725 $8 8 300 35% 5% 250 470 470 47 750 $8% 8% 0 8% 100 $12% 12% 12% -- ¥ 330 $id u Bh 22 410 410 410 100 265 265 265 --5 724 39% 9% 9% 500 $45% 45% 100 S46%4 46% 458 S17%e 17% 17% -- ¥ 1950 827% 27% 27% 1050 640 610 640 ---5 46% + 1 Shell I wie Quebec might find |grounds for satisfaction in it, | "This is eminent proof that re-/Mr. Pearson intends to follow/Steinbg A lease said the Communists' aim| UP his promises in the field of |Suptest ord ital's French - language daily|Mrs. Eva Crossman of Oshawa: |W&5 to "create the impression/biculturalism. We can expect! Thom Pap there will be a thorough inquiry} into the subject." Mr. Lesage said jhopes to meet Mr. Pearson in the near future. i jinto non-religious disputes. Home at 2 p.m. Thursday, Apri]|/7-~ | Those present included Ray-|25, followed by interment in| jmond Bousquet, French ambas-|Oshawa Union Cemetery. Rev.| |sador to Canada; H. L. Rown- Dr. John Leng, minister of St.| jtree, Ontario labor minister;|Andrew's United Church, will! jand A. F. Mercier, vice-presi-| conduct the services, jdent and general manager of WASYL KASHUL | \Quebec Le Soleil and L'Evene- 5 jment and president of The Ca-' The death occured at the fam-| ily residence, 345 Oshawa boule-| jnadian Press. : | The newspaper's retiring edi-|Vard south, Monday, April 22,| |tor in chief, Camille l'Heureux,| of Wasyl gg The deceased and a director and advertising) Was in his 75th year. i ; |manager, Edmond paleprin Born March 20, 1889, at pga ae igre Shypeeik hours of were presented with the papaijancha, Province of Bukowvina, lasted intc odav. when' the cross Pro Ecclesia, by Arch-|in the Ukraine, Mr. Kashu||the morning 1 ed Wandsor jbishop M. J. Lemieux of Ot-|came to Oshawa from the Uk-|Queen threw a party in Winds ltawa for contributions as Cath-|Taine in 1909. He was an ad./Castle to herald the wedding | | ernal Society of Canada. 'were flood-lit for the first time To Co-Operat : . va r | Mr. Kashul was predeceased |tacular in 1,000 years Minister Lester Pearson giving| Lubowitz, who survives. jcrash on the way to the palace. premier wired his "sincere con-; Nicholas Lucek (Dorothy) of drove with Princess Alexandra, "very glad to confer with you! Mr. Kashul is at the Mcln.| ;co-operation with the new fed-|Greek Orthodox Church at 10) In a statement released out- Prayers will be 'said at jfective results" and urged that! iws) NEW YORK (AP) -- New By PATRICIA CLOUGH WINDSOR, England (Reut- { creetly with a waltz and ended gayly at three o'clock in the {morning. €V.' DANCE THE TWIST the | The society editor of the IN mags-ciroulation Daily Express 'noted that "shortly after mid- lic laymen. 'herent of St. Mary's Ukrainian|Wednesday of her cousin Prin- Prior to his retirement in/since the Queen's coronation, With New PM } l ew 'by his first wife, the former| Scottish businessman Angus jan "assurance of whole-hearted) Besides his wife Mr. Kashul| But the 34-year-old son of the gratulations and best wishes' to}Oshawa. Also surviving are a/26, to Windsor. eral government' in the devel-ia.m, Thursday, April 25, R : n the »5 t ' in |side the legislature, Mr. Ro-/funeral home at 7 Din W. night, the Queen and Prince _ --------|Greek Orthodox Church and a/Cess Alexandra. : Roba { Vows |member of the Ukrainian Frat-; The battlements of the castle 1955, the deceased was employ- |and the collection of European jed as a sectionman by the Can.jand British royalty assembled | aditn Pacific Railway, |was described as the most spec- | TORONTO (CP) -- Ontario|Paraska Budnarchuk, February Ogilvy, the bridegroom, Premier John Robarts sent aj26, 1950 and in January, 1952\smashed the grill of his sleek jtelegram Monday to Prime'married the former Apolona|Jaguar limousine in a minor co-operation with your govern-|is survived by three sons, Mich-|Earl of Airlie remaized calm, ment," ;ael, Nicholas and William, of|and switched to a chaufeur- | The Progressive Conservative;Oshawa and a daughter Mrs. \driven Rolls Royce when he the new Liberal prime minis-| brother, George Kashul of Tor-| At the palace, a party of 70 ter ae jonto, nine grandchildren aid) guests feasted from gold plate, Mr. Robarts said he would be; three great-grandchildren. 'and then joined with 2.000 oth- | whenever you feel that I can be tosh-Anderson Funeral Home for! jof assistance' and pledged his}mass in St. Mary's Ukrainian! opment and implementation of! P. Zaparyniuk will sing policies which are designed to mass. Interment will be move our country forward." |Mount Lawn Cemetery. barts said Dominion-provincial! nesday, April 24. jtelations "are altogether tog eye formal and intermittent for ef-- MRS. ALFRED THOMPSON GETS NEW DEAL Following an illness of they be "more constant and/months the death occurred Sun-| York Giants tore up Allie Sher- |brought into line with the|day, April 21, at the Oshawa|man's old contract and gave |changing conditions of our day."! General Hospital, of Mrs. Alfred) hime a new five-year pact Mon- | He said it is his hope that "in, Thompson. The deceased, who| day as head coach at a reported the development of new national|Was in her 80th year, lived at|$37,000 a year as a reward for policies, an opportunity will be 138 Albert street. } winning two- straight astern |afforded for adequate consulta-| Born in County Antrim, Ire-| Conference titles in the Na- jtion with the provinces on all ens, Mrs. Thompson was the tional Football League. jmatters in which their interests|former Isabella Hamill. She was| "k Mar reside: jare affected." anit ent Ms the ig 8 William Giants, soni tae paypal oe | ----.--_--_--___--_____ |Hamill and Margaret Davidson sisi . | ,WRITES ON BEERBOHM | Married in County Antrim.|has cerabped the ota anne | LONDON (CP) -- Biographer|Ireland, in 1917, the deceased) eontract running through 1963 |Lord David Cecil is writing the |came to Oshawa 35 years ago.land has substituted. the new life story of the late author |She was a former member of] agreement Although no. salary Max Beerbohm. The book is|the Ladies Orange Lodge in Tre-| was announced, it was reported to call for a healthy increase. ; expected to be published early' land and was an adherent of the next year. United Church, . = OLD TIMER DIES Predeceased by her husband! Sherman, a former left BETCHWORTH, Ein glandiin 1945, Mrs, Thompson is sur-|handed quarterback at Brook- \(CP)--Buster, at 43 Britain's|Vived by a daughter, Mrs.|!yn College, worked his way up joldest horse, was killed when|Frank Carter (Reta) of Barrie|through the pro ranks to suc- lhe slipped into a river Surrey |and a son, Frederick, of Osh- ceed Jim Lee Howell in 1961. jfiremen and local people fought|awa. Also surviving are a sis- Sherman is a former coach for three thours trying to save|ter, Mrs. Margaret Thompson inlot Winnipeg Blue Bombers of him, jlreland and 12 grandchildren, |the Canadian Football League. ers in a ball that began dis-| ed-'Philip danced the twist--and { Royal Ball Lasts Into Early Hours { idanced it weil." | Ablaze with jewels, tiaras, or-| tail coats, the guests inciuded | members of almost every Euro-| see the wedding in Westminster} ¢ Abbey of Princess Alexandra, is 12th in line to the throne. The centre of festivities was the Waterloo Chamber, built to}! celebrate the historic victory over Napoleon, Portraits' of later hejtr _-- 83 $344 4% M4 -- | 240 $33 33 3 100 $l ot ul 1877 $21% 21% 270 $22 214 50 817% 17% 50 S$45% 45% 100 85% «5% Tor-Dom Bk 192 $65% 65% yer 600 85) = 85 410 S145-- 14% 656 $26% 25% Trans-Mt 320 S18% 14% Trans PPL 505 S74 7% 'Turnbull 730 $12 Un Gas U Corp B Un Steel Walk GW Westcoast Weoast vt Weston A Weston B 21S $22%4 22% 22% Wstn 4% pr 108100 100 100 West A wis 7248 $12 12 12 Woodwd A 330 $19 19 19 Zellers 25 838% 3844 384 4+ % 1000 460 5 40 +5 OILS 13980 315 305 310 Simpsons Ye Southam St Pav 8 22 17% 85 4% T ™ 12 12 20% 26 5 584 16% 15% 5 58% 16% 15% Alminex +i1 a ball that/ders, decorations and gowns and|Ang U Dev Asamera Bailey 5 A Banff 100 $11% 11% no 5 405 109 830 445 7 5 4035 109 - 30 445 71 -9 260 250 260 $13% 16% 134 $164e 16% 6% 300 990 305 305 (48 ll Net } High Low a.m. Ch'ge 145 $79%% 7914 79!4 -- 1%4|Min-Ore 45% + 4) Nealon -- Ye|New Rocyn 21% -- ¥| Normetal 20% -- Ye 26 Market' Stock Northeal uF "5 ee Be +8 #3 & * abede38rges = Sys seesieges st FS LLLLiz! BeebGuesede sSekes aise tL _* ry i "| ts ++ is? + = es Li + vac fat $2892c2duue¥8den8 £uasecFisdest aag8es eG6Sude.ySescyss B3-088ta.8e5 reGGude.eSercyes | Chimo | Chrom \Coch Will |C Bellek |Con C Ca |C Discov Sn 088 = bESes.88t54 88s BS8u8s.uSsrcers sti: sBé t Red Pi Cop-Man Cowich | Craigmt | Croinor | Cusco | Daering | D'Aragon 'Deer Horn = £ = Eg * ' * -- 125 S18% 16% 8% 14500 17% «1° 7 +1" 000 8 e Ww-% 17 69 8669 % 1%4--¥% 40 «440 +1 +4 +3 Denison | Dicknsn Duraine East Mal cast Sull sider 200 $li% 225 440 | Genex }Giant YK | Grandroy |Granduc | Gunnar ll u%--% Wh -iw" 8 15 ut 145 SI1% 11% 54050 13% 19 700 355 345 600 815 815 | Headway | Heath | tron Bay 15% + Y%\J Waite 29% + % 14% -- % 35% 19% + %'L Dufault Shore Jacobus Joburke iL Mcintyre 3% -- ¥| McKen McWat Min Corp. | % 23% $15% es 4+ % 9 9 4% 8 8 +8 49% 49% 49% 6 8 25 123 1M «iat 16 15 18 18> 19% 184 + % 157 457 cag s| Moneta {Mt Wright Multi-M Murray M }Nama Cr +1 4;New Hosco 3|N Kelore | Newlund |N Mylama ¢|Newnor 160 9 9 323 @ 2» 20 2 +1 154% 1§4% 1l64-- % 16% 16% 164 -- %& Ay) 4500 4000 1000 |N Senator 7% -- + | Norpax | Northgate 45% + %4/North Can 5%4 + %8) O'Brien 65% -- S| Opemiska |Orchan | Pamour 2634 -- %| Patino 14% -- ¥% Peerless | Perron {Pick Crow Pitch-Ore }Que Lith 500 $205 20% 20% -- 1%) Raglan | +1 35 ba 1457 S$i4% 14% 1444+ % 500° 15% 15% 15% +1% 1600 7 7 7 1000 WWM 11% % 7000 36 370 320 315 205 S10 310 176 Rowan Con Ryanor }San Ant Sherritt {Sigma | Siscoe Starratt Steep R | Sturgeon \Sullivan | Teck-H 11% + 35 -5 1s +1 315 S10 176 9 +8 be +1 485 30 "% # 100 410 410 800 170 160 1000 8 8 200 21 = al | West Mines | Willroy Young HG |Zenmac 19 4 8 21 | Sales to 11 a.m.: 941,000, monarchs, statesmen and war- rionrs who helped in his defeat glowered down from. heavy frames over a scene more typi- cal of their age than the 20th century, H Champagne corks popped and) music and laughter created a! cheerful din. Pos Prince Charles, 14 - year - old) heir to the throne, and his sister! Princess Anne, 12, were allowed} jto watch the celebration for a |While, and the prince took pic- jtures, with a home movie cam- jera from the spectators gallery. | | j | To Revive A-Ban Talks WASHINGTON (AP)--United \States and British ambassadors |plan to see Premier Khrushchev |Wednesday in an effort to re- |vive the Soviet Union's flagging jinterest in a nuclear test ban. | There was speculation today jtat this could eventually lead jto a higher level meeting--at jthe summit or at foreign mimis- jters level--which might deal ;with other East-West issues, too. | U.S. sources said it was pre-| jmature to predict tha such 3 imeeting will take place, Wash- ington advisers feel the time is jnot ripe, It was understood,} |however, that President Ken-| jmedy has not closed the door on! the possibility | Britain is reported to be more jenthusiastic than the Americans jabout a 'possible high level jmeeting, Prime Min'ster Mac- jmillan has been under attack jat home by ban the - bomb) groups, and is also facing na-! |tional elections, | | | | j } }1 p.m., St. George's Anglican C West Trying - COMING EVENTS RUMMAGE Sale, Simcoe Hall, Wed- by Women's Committee, Oshawa Sym- Phony Orchestra, RUMMAGE Sale, Thursday, April 25, hurch, Parish Hall, Centre Street. RUMMAGE SALE U.A.W. HALL BOND ST. Wed., April 24th 10:30 A.M. Auspices St. Matthew's Church W.A ~~ KINSMEN BINGO TUESDAY, 8 O'CLOCK FREE ADMISSION EXTRA BUSES Jackpot Nos. 51 and 53° EARLY BIRD GAMES KINSMEN COMMUNITY CENTRE 109 COLBORNE ST. W. RUMMAGE SALE WED., APRIL 24 1:30 P.M. At C.R.A. Building Gibb Street Sponsored by Margaret Ham- ilton Group St. Poul's Pres- byterian Church LIONS WEDNESDAY, APRI | FERNBILL Bingo-tonight, Avalon, 7,30, |nesday, April 24, 1.30 p.m. Sponsored/20 games $6 and $10, Seven $40 jack- | pots. Door prizes. 50-50 CLUB SIMCOE STREET UNITED CHURCH Gay Nineties Revue MEMORIAL HALL | April 25, 26, 27, 8:15 Adults $1 -- Students 50c_ SPECIAL MEETING Called For | ELECTION OF OFFICERS For VALLEYVIEW PARK It Will Be Held At The Home Of MRS. W. MANUEL 83 GLADSTONE AVE. THURS., APRIL 25 AT 8 P.M. | | | ~---= FREE ADMISSION --_ BINGO L 24th, 8:00 P.M. JUBILEE PAVILION $1,200 IN CASH PRIZES 20--$20 GAMES-~20 5--$39 GAMES---5 1--$150 JACKPOT SHARE THE: WEALTH--1 2--$250 JACKPOTS--2 JACKPOT NOS. 55-54 $25 CONSOLLATION EARLY BIRD GAMES 7:50 P.M.--EXTRA BUSES CHILDREN UNDER 1} FREE ADMISSION 6 NOT ADMITTED