Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Apr 1963, p. 17

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pleat omed Estate For Sale |27--Real Estate tor Sale oa eae ee ee eee Large lot, rr pe mw " xine Street Wont. he gf , 27-----Keal Estate For . HACHIFIO® GALE: Be Toaeivte bed |overdrive, adjustable steering, chrome » 6 months old, are covet, estes, Meee tere pce fa wr gd syglewssi aH -| {964 CHEVROLET sedan, body needs 25--Apartments two-belroom ig A ted Dailizesm, vaved Pen monthly. Space rages rent, locks very een- ff ey log ge No work Telephone 8, driveway. 23--Wanted To Rent THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, April 22, 1963 Ww 29--Automobiles For Sale ------ a i NORTH west Oshawa, six room older home. Garage. Near on Good con- dition. $9,800 Telephone Hortop north, FRivaTe Ag 180 | six rick hes ror a gg wing sereens. T at LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER OnE OM sperimeat May 1. he: * 5 Dm, 668-3092 or 101 Craydon road Apt. 5, Dial 3532 Idea! for Summer Cottage 50 suitable | DREW REET pear a x 100 ft. Caesorea. | payment. eekends, | 24---Houses For Rent FWOSRPR OO Preferably ip Rowured, ty by| May ps bal SORERT ot ET -- a . STREET Cease eee root of TE 25--Apartments ROOM t bathreom, unfurnished. Priva tranee, parking. Apply 516 Wiles Road THNEE-ROOM prctowed for rent in private home. Suit couple, Al Tetepbons 728-1978. SOUTH -- clean, bstainers. ed private home. Lady prefer- NEAR en Unsiairs, See red. Telephone 723-4948 after sane AWA Mi ~ King Street st. 7 ui bancuea|.c tes, pe heated, vee sda sagan two. room apartment. |yieom 8 and $17.80. Telephone 723- pare, ii Slee ee EAST, 1 -- Tirge wade. furnished rooms for rent with Se anICoE § sourn oT = two large room, cohuniehed private ee preferred, Must e ena i Moet |posiaities baby wel- Near north Gen- ATTRACTIVELY | FURNISHED ROOMS Available in home. |'Phone Whitby 668-5296 4 Good Building Lots in Whitby Residential Area near highways 2 end 12 WANTED ALL CASH BUYER COUNTRY RESIDENCE Large bungelew with attech- ed gorage and large | scaped lot. Two or three bed- rooms within 5 miles from ; Oshawa. | will inspect this week-end. Phone 'Bill' Horn- er at 728-2236, or 728+ 5123. ,|CRERAR Avenue, 613; New three bed. room bungalow, $11,950 full price, $3,900 down payment. 728-4723. oat EAE Comp amac, 'VLA approved, te jy mrese. os on % acre to schoo} chureh. $15,000 or make offer. Write Box 548 Oshawa Times. SMALL HOME BOWMANVILLE Water, sewer, heavy wiring. Full Price $5,000, As low os $500 gown. DIAL BOWMANVILLE 623.5990 Quality Buyers FROM Coffey And Bartley 1962 FALCON STATION WAGON DELUXE Standard shift, six cylinder, radio, ene-owner, $2195 1961 PONTIAC PARISIENNE TWO DOOR HARDTOP Suitable for either private homes or epartment build- ings. Asking $750 Each For Information write: Mr. G. Tomlin 62 Indian Road Crescent Toronto 9, or Telephone Lennox 5-7250 4,900 Goon INVESTMENT 3 APARTMENTS AND VARIETY STORE Close to uptown, 5 garages, all rented, good. income. In- vestigote 'this one now. For more information call Bill METC ALF Horner at 728-5123 or 728- 2236. REAL ESTATE LIMITED 140 vummandl Sf, 40 KING ST. E, DIAL 728-4678 OLDER CITIZENS * TAXES $131.00 REAL BARGAIN poole sew? newly no pened. $30. a aT _- sion, self- TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK See this immoculate 2 bed- , a Sn oe 810. MONTHLY -- immediate sion, tiled floors, stove ae refrigers- Dg and Caceres. bathroom, livil 7 wo, built ther duplex, on '725-3445, FoUR-ROOM apartment with conveni- ences, private Sod guuctte eombined, Garrard Call between 5 end 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. NORTH bigt_pehool $20 i 4 con Estate for Sole fimeeT OOM basement apartment ale building. No children. 103 Wilson Road North, Apartment oeDARDALE -- Four. apartment, four-piece modern bath. Suit busi- ness couple. Can be seen between 9 and §, Monday through Friday. 785- 3556. OWE-BEDROOM apartment, stove, re- hing facilities. frigera May 1. 'Adults preferred, Avely Apart-| nished. ment 1, 13 John Street, 723-9358, Good read open Write Box 546, Oshawa Times. PATRICIA AVENUE--two-room, self- Just listed in Norther Heights in Whitby -- Real nice 5 room brick orate et sacrifice 4 of $11 300.00 mortgage, Cell ae te Mai Informetion. FERNHILL BLVD. Best Value -- Income home in good residential area, 3 bedroom bungalow with rented basement oportment. Asking price $14,800.00 with approx. $5,000.00 down on this good income investment. reom white frame bungalow with gorage, and nice rear garden, New kitchen, 4 piece beth, heats by oil, $2500.00 down, lang' "Bill" Homer ta show y 'o-nite phoning 728-: 3123 im 728- 236. CHOICE LOCATION $11,900.00 Six room brick heme neer St. Joseph's Separate School and Public Schools. Large lot, oil heating, vey reasonable. Ne oon hly peyments just On one mortgage, Hurry Call Irwin Cruikshenks tonite ot 728-5205 or 728- 5123. GUIDE REALTY MOHAWK STREET -- This is a real family home, with con- ventional side hall plan, The roomy 23 ft. living room hos excellent wall space. Full din- ing reom, well cupboarded kitchen with geod informal eating space. 4 pce. tiled bathroom off the 16 ft, mas- ter bedroom, and extra 4 pce. luxury bethroom and a 2 pee. powder room, Well equipped and furnished recreation Light blue finish, one owner, low mileage car with power steering, power brakes, auto- matic transmission, V - engine. $2995 1960 OLDSMOBILE DYNAMIC 88 FOUR DOOR SEDAN Blue and white, power steer- ing, power brakes, automatic transmission, V-8 engine, low mileage, one owner car. $1895 1958 CHEVROLET RENTALS (All Makes snd Medels) CALL 625-6553 14 Albert St. RENAULT- PEUGEOT-AUSTIN Farts end Service STATHAM B.A. SERVICE RITSON ROAD AND KING 723-4733 and 723-7712 Al condition. $1,050 sell, Call after 6 pe rea | Free ha gene a, Rentals. sak, Ota t.coa sere stal condition, $250 or best. 728-2290, YOUR VOLVO DEALER JAKE & BILL'S ee Vw WANT TO BEA ,| tee. Victor, tis Telep Tas 1093, with radio. . mise : | 104 L = Serre ag 16 FT. equ $275, Ti 77, seven. a brush, . floor voles. last, at $29. West. Meaghers"s 4 5 King pag wndaerd fr 4 mie ted girl's side couch. Telephone Lad i voor pore adely A a ray Best offer. he phone 720-1168, ROvaRROUD tur property PIER DRIVER? | oor, ts Lila gar LAKEFRONT proper ee $11,500 FULL PRICE poy Miata hi Aaa gras giony FOUR DOOR SEDAN. GARAGE HAP or 5 ment, =. home; unfurnished. Suit business T hone 728-1246. THREE ROOM apartment, uafursieh- |, private bathroom, stove. Near hos- fil Available May 1. Telephone Terms. Site Wt eats on" 'or cottage, $2,250, each. T 7-H. AJAX bag) Storey and eoeaad, ment block garage, $10,500, cal "alex 942-6704. ELGIN ST, Two room furnished apart- RITSON RD. NORTH New semi-detached 2 storey only $759.00 down -- 6 rooms -- including storms end screens --- storm doors-- sodded lawns, prepaid serv- Modern 3 bedroom bunge- low. Large kitchen and din- ing room. Substential dewn payment required, Call Bill wee ot 8-5123 er 8- tached double garage. By ap- pointment at your conven- lence. NEAR SEVENTH DAY AD- VENTIST CHURCH -- a 5 Gleaming black finish. Only $895 Where prices and quality meet. GENERAL REPAIRS and AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE 449 Ritson Rd. S., Oshawa 728-0921 BUYING OR SELLING BUY A NEW CAR NOW WITH A LOW.COST LIFE-INSURED me 725-0614 enings days pe ol and a ic * SCOTIA. FLAM LOAN a months od. ment, large mene with sink, ay say pee boards, also bed sitting owner trang- May tt. T8900, sianmial Fk} o& CELINA -- Wcien soaregael |i on main floor. Storage space in ba: 'Open inepecti ment, parking. Available May 1. Ff oe doy, 'e oa FOUR-ROOM Woe Bent WERT |S, ¥ aca ae oy id BOARDING HOUSE COLBORNE ST. $13,500.00 FULL PRICE 10 room brick; ever $600,00 per month income and live free. Requires @ substentiel ices and close to town. FOR RENT -- Quolity built 3 bedroom split-level home. Built-in garage -- $125.00 menthly -- lease if desired later on. room brick, 2 yeor old bun- golow with many extras. The dining area hes large picture window, aluminum storms and screens. 4 pce. tiled bath and vanity. Partly finished rec- Terms to suit your budget Coffey TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST, --- OSHAWA Gust East of Wilsén Read) dewn water supplied. h Boseo separate bg «-¥ vy tglier, a and 'est, leek west. Ji Real " etaten TaReTST?. Telephone 7: RITSON pea BRUCE Three-room apartment. Close Private to bus, T 728-3418 after five. parking. large » Private entrance, television outlet, parking space, suit. le business person or couple, STREETS -- bath. 'elephone ATHOL ga EAST, 330 -- Modern ve unfurnished KINGS COURT APARTMENTS AJAX No Lease Required, Approximately 10 miles from Oshawa Opposite large Shopping Centre near schools, churches, etc. Large One Bedroom $73 Two Bedrooms $79 TELEPHONE AJAX WH 2-2001 Governor Mansions Luxury Apartments Adult Building Electric Heat Moffat Fiesta Ranges S$. D. HYMAN REAL ESTATE LIMITED 323 KING STREET WEST 728-6286 ATTACHED GARAGE Three year old brick bunge- low with attached gorage lo- cated in north-west rea, asking only $1500 down with one mortege, coll WARD BD McCAB $1,000 DOWN buys this twe storey brick home located the cme of Oshewe, can be building, call wate Sout" polities. ~ 20 ACRES net far from Oshawa, helf cleared, half bush, completely fenced, only $450 0. with terms, call GLEN MacKIN- NON. $7900 full price for this smell bungalow in good condition, paved drive, new oil furnace, INSON, COUNTRY LIVING OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE DIAL 728-4678 Ken Hann John Kemp Dick Barriage Jack Osborne Lloyd Metcalf Joe Maga payment, See this money-maker to-nite by call- ing Ed Drumm ot 725-9345 or 728-5123. Lioyd Realty (Oshawa) \ Linited 101 Pr Street North a, Ontario OPEN E EVERY EVENING WANTED ALL CASH BUYER COUNTRY RESIDENCE Large bungalow with attached garage and large len feueee lot. Two or three bedrooms, within 5 miles from Oshawa, | will inspect this week end, Phone Bill Horner at 728-2236. LLOYD REALTY (OSHAWA) LTD. 101 SIMCOE STREET NORTH OSHAWA, ONTARIO ood terms, call BOB STEV- Schofie d-Aker Over A Quorter Century of Reliable Service $14,300 -- 2 YEARS OLD -- 6 reom brick bungolow with atteched garage. 6 good size reation room, Fenced yard and large patio. 6% N.H.A. mortgage. Carries for $69.00 a month Principal and Inter- est. CLOSE TO SIMCOE ST. -- Ranch bungelow with 6 large rooms and attached garage, In excellent condition with finished room in basement. Asking $16,500 with $2,000 down. Owner will hold mort- gage. 6 ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW --~ with lerge lot, full grown trees in back yard. All fenced end landscaped. Walkout basement, this home is in spotless condition at only $12,900. One open mortgoge for the balance. NEAR KING ST. WEST -- 2% storey rug brick home with double garage and pav- ed drive, 4 bedrooms and 3 pce, bath. This is an estate sale and located on a quiet residential street. $13,300 ---- THREE BED- ROOM with gerage and pav- ed drive. This fine home carried for only $91.00 per month, Good value, act to- doy. NEAR SOUTH G.M. -- 2% acres of vacant land in de- sirable location, INCOME HOME, ONLY $12- And Bartley Motors Ltd. Ford's Family of Fine Products Your Mercury Dealer in Stouffville Main Street Stouffville, Ontario Telephone Stouffville 640-2600 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 KELLY DISNEY USED CARS | 409 BROCK ST. S$. WHITBY--668-4291 Cars bought and sold Liens paid eff Trade up or down Always Top Quality THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA 20. iil ' HT 30--Automobiles Wanted jast, 725-1181, SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up er down. Liens paid eff, DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-9421 Ontario Motor Sales Ltd. Offers A' Selection In Small And Compact Cars 1962 CORVAIR MONZA COUPE 102 h.p., 4 speed transmis- 1960 VAUXHALL STATION WAGON Excellent second car. TARESHORF Auto Wreckers want cars for Freeking. Highest prices paid, 220 CATERPILLAR FRONT END LOADER, GOOD CONDITION - ALL CASH - For Clean cars we deal up or down, Liens paid off, -8001 NICOLS MOTORS LTD. . 512 ee as N., WHITBY PHONE 728-6291 BOATS, MOTORS ON DISPLAY ** Grew Cruisers, Traveler, van id .M.C,- and 100 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell ul veur used Cer to "Ted" k "Cash" to the New ps Deoler and "SAVE" TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 Boots, Evindrude, Volvo-Pente Gnd O.M.C. 88 'Motors, Open Until 8 P.M, MARINE Storage & Supply Ltd, Brooklin, Ont. 655-3641 _.» 31---Automobile Repair TRACTOR = "HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE a ha ie PLETE RAKE SERVICE MOTOR OT UNESUP AND GENERAL REPAIRS 67 KING ST. WEST 723-7822 International Farmall Cub Model Plow, Cultivator, Scuffler Good condition, re Used Very Little, Phone Port Perry 985-2218 What's My Line? Buying and selling used fur- - LITTLE CHIEF TEXACO niture and appliances. For your needs phone. Valley Creek Furniture . 728-4401 or call at the store 16% Bond W. TELEVISIONS Rebuilt sets, all makes Guar- anteed, One year warranty on picture tube. We also-- rent and buy. McKeen's Used Furniture 426 Simcoe $, ~ 725-5181 or 725-6457 * GOOD SELECTION OF USED T.V.'s Completely Reconditioned PARKWAY TELEVISION ; 918 Simcoe N. 723-3043 TRADE-IN BARGAINS IDEAL FOR COTTAGES Our warehouse is crowded, we need the room, hurry for these, six room home with attoched garage, electrically heated finished _ bosement, broadioom in ling room, el My and hell, call DOUG rooms, all nicely decorated. Down payment only peerg. \eceted a short distance off Hihwey No. qood street between and whiney, Col Steve Macko 728-5868 after 9 p.m. 7 YEAR OLD -- 5 room brick bungalow loceted in Apple Hill. Good size living room -- large kitchen with separate eating area -- 3 bright bedrooms -- deep dry basement -- oil heating --- home is in immaculate condition -- List price $11,900. Call Bill McFeeters 725-1726 after 9 p.m. HANDY TO PUBLIC, HIGH, AND SEPARATE SCHOOLS -- 6 room brick -- 11 storey home comprised of living room, dining room, kitchen, and | bedroom on main floor -- 2 large bed- rooms and modern 4 pc. bath on 2nd floor. A good home in a fine residential orea, List price $11,950 with reasonable terms. Call Reg. Aker 725-0201 ofter 9 p.m. 10 MINUTES TO OSHAWA, on a quiet street. One year old ranch bungalow and attached gar- age on lot 100' x 150'. 3 large bedrooms and a lovely 20' living room, Good Rec Room area in the divided. basement. The Hollywood kitchen is very bright and has built-in china cobinet, tiled splash board and plenty of cupboard aoe, All this for $17,800 with @ good down pay or will trade for an older home or eee meat Less Hall 728-5513 ofter 9 p.m. BEAU VALLEY 1963 MODEL nearing completion ~~ 6 room brick with Angel Stone front --- 1230 sq. ft, plus 2 car garage. The floor plon is excel- lent with L-shoped living ond dining roem----a dream of a kitchen -- 3 size bedrooms al| with double closets. Very modern large 5 pc. both includes vanity and mosaic tiled walls. Extras include double windows -- stippled ceiling 900. --- Live in your own | 0%, radio 83 RITSON RD. S. Socal AO i ecu 728-287] separate dining room, nice 1962 CORVAIR 1960 VOLKSWAGEN LICENSED MECHANIC pina gg gl) Ba. DELUXE SEDAN STAND ARS yoeel, res rer tates apartment with separate en- Automatic and radio. $895 trance and private drive. $15,000 COUNTRY RANCH- ER -- with attached garage. 3 bedrooms, large lot, $2,500 down. One mortgage for bal- ance. This home is in excel- lent condition. 4 pce. tiled bathroom with vanity. Rec. room partially finished, POOL ROOM WITH NO COMPETITION -- Old estab- SEDAN lished business 5 large tables Top Value, and all chattels. Reasonable $1495 rent on 5 year lease. Call todey for full particulars. $1,000 DOWN -- for this compact home on Beverley St. Two nice size bedrooms, large living room with natur- al fire place, family size kit- chen, finished room in base- ment. Hot water oi! heating. Belence on ome open mort- gage. BUILDERS' SPECIAL -- 8 lots en Wilson Rd, North plus 6 room bungalow with double gorage. Must be sold, Build- ers' terms. For full particulars call 723-1121 Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors, 16 Simcoe St. S. 29----Automobiles For Sale The Home Of Good Used Cars "Before You Buy Frigidaires--12 cu, ft. Pressurized - Hallways Storage Locker in Suites - Leundry room on each floor Vanity in bathrooms A Few Choice Locations Available Immediate Possession TELEPHONE: 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Schofield-Aker Limited 723-2265 OPEN TO OFFER asking only $8,000 with low down payment, terms to be orranged, for more infor- mation calj HAROLD SE- GAL. Tune up Brake Jobs Free Pick up and Delivery 1960 ENVOY All Work Guaranteed SEDAN Deluxe Model 1962 CORVAIR COUPE Model 527. Automatic transmission, 32--Articles For Sale DRAPES Drapery Fabrics TRADE - TRADE - TRADE we are now taking in older homes es down payments on new ones to be built, coll today for 'more information. WHITBY CLASSIFIED 1953 FORD coach, blue, $85. Four good|FOR RENT in triplex. tires. Telephone 668-5054 anytime: THREE room apartment. Ground ficor. Convenient, pleasant location. def eee stove, refrigerator, rocky apart lect after 2-493), , Gryer. 305 St. John Street Wi oon are. se. | ee Tom, ota mare batt BROCK Fa bo gad a Nomrs, sitting Apply at wr ratins % cere a young |} Ms an © 525 fe Apt. 5 or phoge share 12" entree Whitby Sensis DRESEMAKING: Suits, conte, dresses, s, vers, ig . aeraseny. Mes. Tome, G8 2072. | WANTED t rent good siaed apart TWO room self-contained apartment, orl ar ist, horlones 2nd floor. eg er Heavy wiring. | couple, references. 668-5849 days. in L.R. and D.R. ---- built-in dishwasher -- and 'Telopngne Cea: TWO, room "apartinent 'for rent. Hest many other fine features. $6,000 down, balance -- tas enna Prompt service/and hydro supplied. . Apply 6%2% N.H.A. mortgage, Call Henry Stinson a he eee: 66 Church Street, Pickering 725-0243 after 9 p.m. FOR SALE -- Choice Vat. 'All services, SGOLB'S Ceoend Hana Furaitare every: ee ma grtcencetrse| © GRANDVIEW GARDENS is od By Kassinger NEW DREAM HOMES NOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION das east, Whitby, Telephone 668-5481. "ts Sain" Fw BB i se ROTARY MOWER 3 AND 4 BEDROOM STYLES Prices from $13,400. mediate pas- session, trang tiled floors throughout, 2 Th TUNE -UP penny Tom, kYcnen sod both pions a -- goles rborator, throt- te canta sharpen gr Round the Clock lus Ppa se § seg AI Down P ts from $93.000 Give Bill A Try" wn Fayments trom le TRADES ACCEPTED New Telephone Numbers 723-2265 Open 9 to 9 -- Sat. 9 to S. 668-5871 and 668-5872 STEVE MACKO 728-5868 HENRY STINSON 725.0243 | BILL WHITTICK REG. AKER .... 725-0201 LES HALL .... 728-5513 MOTORS LTD cycle $5.50 plus parts. PROSPECTS BILL McFEETERS 725-1726 'i : 146 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY 1959 VAUXHALL Economy toe Price 69 1961 CORVAIR 89c yd. up Drapery Lining 69¢ yd. up Drapery Accessories M and C Drapery and Dry Goods ELINA STREET e 723-7827 1 Chesterfield Chairs . . 958 HILLMAN Range, heavy duty .. $60 Pounmieea dining room $ $105 Refrigerator - Phlico, set 15.00 V2 eu. ft, 6... $115. Dresser with mirror .. 9.00 Rangette Lerge dining room suite with Toble, kitchen grey buffet table ond six chrome 1960 CORVAIR DELUXE COUPE Automatic and radio. 1958 VOLKSWAGEN éuiaee aie: Two bedroom ment. aa gar eae, t Call edl- 7 1960 CORVAIR Teleph DELUXE SEDAN Redio $1195 Davenport chairs Chrome table $? Five Piece Chrome Set $22 WILSON'S FURNITURE 20 CHURCH STREET ~ FOR SALE - ALL MATERIALS | From Four Houses 94, 118, 120, 122 WILLIAM STREET EAST SALESMAN ON SITE 1957 VOLKSWAGEN Standard $545 The Big Lot With The Big Selection O.K. Used Cars And Trucks Open 9 Until 9 - Saturdays 9 Until 6 Ontario Motor Sales Ltd: 140 BOND STREET WEST Telephone 725-6501 Space Heater, small oi! type with drum of oil. . $40 Refrigerator 8 cu. ft. Other furniture suitable for cottage. Telephone 725-8393 Lovina agg Sl Spertaneate OUTBOARD MOTOPS Read Repoirs and Service WILDE RENTAL Times Want Ads SERVICE & SALES 1415 Dundes E, Whitby 668-3226 360 King. W. ree Perking Oshawa (Continued on Page 18) 1

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