Dief Will Find Allowance Cut OTTAWA (CP)--In switching] A prime minister has a nu- Zealasig jobs Monday, Prime Mirister|cleus of about 50 staff mem- < Metro Hotel Principal Charged LONDON, Ont. (CP)--Samuel r of Diefenbaker and Opposi- only covered President Ke§; oJ tion Leater Pearson will find : pay prescribed 50-mile. vil perry A ont pr prorste My prime minister's office, He algo|'"® brings with him many of those Hee and tition, who served with him in the apartment Mr. Pearson goes from the oe oP- charged Thursday on two privately-limited facilities of an|Position leader's office. counts of theft involving about : j oppos'tion leader to a policy-/ INCREASED ALLOWANCE $6,000. j making post that carries with it} an opposition leader can Kings Street Hotel and a new building here, was endorsement for also have been filed against hotel. All claims are for pay- ment of the balance owing work done and goods and terials delivered. Ex-Scotland Yard Man Pleads Guilty CALGARY (CP)--A former Scotland Yard detective who "played Robin Hood" with a "played Robin Hood" with Rentals & Service ey belonging Bank , Nova Scotia Thursday pleaded] Roto Tillers, Rollers HEAVILY LADEN CRANE BREAKS HARBOR CALM Nova scotia 'Thursday pleaded gs | ower owers, j . Shown above is the | Whitby MacNamara Marine |$9,000 te tiecotoingasac psmeied S0-ton load heaved out of the | Yard for repairs to her rud-| Court was told William John|| 420" of spreader with purchase | wes broken this week by the | (in) for a spring oveshaal. der and a pees --_. Phote --, 34, a former lending|| Of Gross Seed or Fertilizer reeching of a heavily laden | The tug was brought into the shawa 'icer with the bank, kept less = : Sportsman's Corner than $1,500 himself. The re- FOR SALE One-Stop DECORATING SHOP Custom Dreperies Broedioom and Rugs Wellpeper end Murels C.LL, Paints end Vernishes Fle-Gleze Colorizer Points | DODD & SOUTER Muller ig charged with steal- practically limitless means Of| count on only about {ng more than $3,000 from 186 researching, making and publi- King Street (London) Limited 4 cizing policy, pan -- r paid out of public Mr. Diefenbaker, in leaving) Before the 1957 election that this behind, will suffer a sharp) brought him to power, Mr. Dief- to Rim for the ob of analyeing| (ee 88 ,oPmoellon leader, RADAR STUDENT [ond criticizing covernment pot (vos _brovided with ulli- Paul Barrey, 18 is now licy and legislation stationed with the RCAF at| A good example is the staft Clinton, Ont. After complet- | available to the occupants of the geno Mak es | A MESSAGE OF IMPORTANCE Quebec, he is taking a course -- in Radar. A eye egg St High Sch lent, he ate a coast | SATURDAY ° am Barrey 0! ° Z LL TO WHITBY RESIDENTS to pay off the arrears. ed mpeedipe mpm i Magu baa Concerning 0 s tor tor felling to oeilatain pay- APRIL 20th ments and who needed the ve- hiele to continue in his job, HOURS D AY' Magistrate Fred Thurgood] 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ered = pero iy to ben 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Petia Apr 5 iy tae Place: Whitby cing. Perkins had no previous Municipal Office LIQUOR prin aaMan a Make YOUR Vote Count nena Chas, A vote "yes" in Whitby's liquor plebiscite represents good judge- 91 ment and a mature understanding of the community's needs. 668-58 Licensed and controlled lounges and dining lounges in Whitby ROBERT C, TAYLOR will mean a great deal to the community. They will mean a drastic CAMPAIGN MANAGER reduction in the illegal use of liquor. They will stimulate improve- WHITBY VOTE ment of our restaurant and hotel facilities and above all they will UXIL IARIES the Easter story from the scrip- emer wen used to pay offi] 103 Byron $e. $, Whitby 668-451) (1 YES" COMMITTEE bring our community up to date, AUXILIARIES Sb ee a borrowers were not able to keep Make your opinions count the most effective way possible , . . on Aj Kin tt Hold group in prayer. Mrs. K. Hobb| "obovate anne 4 a ballot at the polls. Remember .. . co 60% majority is required Jax e es read a most interesting story/mother of 10 children who was to win your vote, on the history of Easter men-|not able to replay her s 4 M ~ doning that Easter is the holl- TO BRING PROGRESS TO WHITBY GET TO THE POLLS AND Nomination Meeting eat of sll Chitin festive, VOTE "YES" IN YOUR LIQUOR PLEBISCITE. The meeting closed with , he Di Centre,| Benediction and lunch was an poop Bie go pore Toronto, daring the "first "meek served by Miss R, Ledgett and Polls Open 8.00 ai. - Close 7.00 p.m. Monday, April 22 day|in May. Some members €/her group. Sree et the hae. of Wren| Whitby St. John's WA are plan- 'The next regular meeting will Published ep @ public service sponsored by Professionel end Business Men of Whitby Armstrong, Ajax. , ning to attend. be held May 21 in the church The meeting was called to or-| One of the projects of the! narior, der by president Doris Ames.|gToup is the quilting of a Dres- | vw Reports were read and ap-|den Plate fog Png cui . proved e1 gressing n . i new A an ing seces will be the apple , ) into the club. WHITBY PERSONALS Mrs. Gregory Carter, Lynde- view drive, entertained at her home at a bridge party. Guests were ue. Hy acer, Mrs. fomen's Christian 'Temper-|Charles Daigle an s. Frank when Union held its April yy Canzi. During the evening plans Tuesday afternoon in St.|were discussed for the CWL ith| Traveling Bridge and Euchre finals which will be held at St. the|John the Evangelist parish hall Vote YES Executive Home -- Owner Transferred This attractive 8-room split level dwelling is loceted on Foir- Decor Centre view Drive, Whitby. Home features good plon -- four bed- 107 Byron Se. $., Whitby rooms, (extra large master bedroom), two bathrooms, two Phone 668-5862 fi es, rec-room 13' x 21°, 2-car garage, - large landscap- ed lot with on excellent view of surrounding oreo, For inspection and edditional infermetion coll: PATRICK G. McDANIEL REALTOR -------- WHITBY PHONE 668-2311 Announcing 'land Mrs, Clarey McMullen and ettes would organize an evening) ing year. .|Tuesday, May 14 at 8.15 p.m. Mrs. P. Pascoe was in charge Easter holida: ; y guests at the MO of the worship service choosing orks GRRE pnd Mr. "Alex D Brown, 105 Bell drive, were Mr. | The president -| thei : j : here te I the Wired their daughter Patty of Mont. Whitby : Ajax Kinettes are hosting @/vention to be held in Simooe|"°*" e party for the Kinsmen, May 11,|Hall, Wednesday, April 24. Armand Bouffard, Palmer- Liquor Vote ee gE aged = _ agpancully : It peine the end - the year|ston avenue, is spalebrating his suppe' -|for the group all officers were| birthday today. Frie of Mr, It was decided that the Kin-| reelected to office for the com-|Bouffard wish him many happy Monday, April 22 June 18 to attend the O'Keefe} 'Mie Quantrill introduced the gpa ge e Co 8:00 A.M. TO 7:00 P.M. | Centre. guest speak Reed. r. rs, Fra te! It ee pooeal that i: oy em F Sat poe ge be + gg oma oo Make Your Vote Count Kinettes would cater for e .|day in Toronto. ey visite: Norven bowling banquet to be ee Mis.|Allan Gardens and also the|) 'f yew ere net sure of where U by held the first Saturday in June. Nominations of Where do wonderful rums come from Royal Ontario Museum. you vote... held. The proposed slate of of-|Hor tai fieers is as follows: President, Mary Hearn, Wren Armstrong, Ugh vice - president, Bette Griffin, Marie Hill secretary, Smith, Mary Richards, 17 the the Spri Inter Club held in Streetsville. 8ST, JOHN'S WA a in China. Faster weekend guests at proved to be most em |ine home of ra and Mrs. R. tening. Mitchell, Dundas street west, At the close of the meeting|were Mr. and Mrs. Gorrod er ee ant Ee Craw-|Mitchell, their son Grant and daughter Janice of Peterbor- ough. Mr. and Mrs. William Dol- mage, 119 Lupin drive, celebrat- ed their 20th wedding anniver- sary Tuesday, April 16. On the same date Mrs. S. J. Mitchell, sister of Mrs. Dolmage, cele- brated her birthday. Best j-| wishes are offered to Mr, and ness period of the meeting. Mrs.|Mrs. Dolmage, and Mrs. Mitch- M. Beadle, in the absence of|@ll from their many friends. Mrs, G. White, fave the secre-| The many friends of Dr. E. A. MacMillan are sorry to learn thet that he is in the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital. They wish him a speedy recovery. Whitby Baptist Church CGIT| Girls entertained Brooklin CGIT Girls at Whitby Baptist Church Sunday school hall. Games were played and a rep owt Local CGIT were in 'ge of the worship service. Refreshments were served. Leaders from Brooklin are Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. Butler. Whitby Leaders: Mrs. E. A. saeaieeimmeaia MacMillan, Mrs. H. Crawforth, BROCK Evening WHITBY. Last The Pirates of Bletd River Mrs, G. Wigston. Mrs. C. Rich assisted at the piano. Mr, and Mrs. Ted Casey and their daughter, Dawn, of Chat- ham, were guests, Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Gor- don Glenney, 407 Kent street. While at the Glenn: Casey's visited with Mr. Casey's grandmother, Mrs. Jennie Casey. Shows Start 7 and 8:20 Complete Show 8:20 SPARE THAT TREE AUCKLAND, N.Z. (CP)--A company director. here was fined $30 for cutting back a tree growing in the street near| his home. He claimed it was a traffic hazard, The magis- trate said that if everyone cut back trees which obscured their' view, half the trees in the city' PHONE 668-6891 Whitby Vote "YES" Committee ROBERT C. TAYLOR CAMPAIGN MANAGER Mr. Milton (Dint) Sleep SPRING CHECK UP SPECIAL @ Ignition @ Shorpen & | 3.52 IF YOU WANT:-- --More Drinking --More Drunkenness sing| More Alcoholics --More Road Hazards --More Accidents --More Money Misspent |--More Rowdyism --More Immorality --More Infidelity --More Broken Homes will further the same ends. Vote 'No' MONDAY WHITBY would be pruned to a few feet in height. Vote 'Yes' ---More work for the police in short, the whole long, sor- y home, the/did list of evils attendant on increased alcoholic con- sumption. Failure to vote @ Carboration balance blade ~ ASOUCIATE STORE 311 BROCK N. WHITBY PH, 668.5828 RED WING ORCHARDS Controlled Atmosphere McINTOSH Cee Grade "™ 2.75 Cold Storage SPY (Cee Grade "™ 2.50 Free Delivery in Whitby PHONE 668-3311 BETWEEN & A.M. -- 5 P.M. Cold Storage plant open for business daily except Sundays 8 a.m, - 5 p.m. They're blended by CAPTAIN MORGAN from the largest stocks of rum in the world, 4 great brands Captain Morgan WHITE LABEL BLACK LABEL GOLD LABEL DE LUXE CAPTAIN | MORGAN , Rum DISTILLERS | LIMITED SUPPLIERS TO THE ROYAL CANADIAN NAVY