23--Wanted To Rent 25--Apt. & Flots For Rent (27--Reel Estate for Sele |27--Real Estate for Sale _{27----Real Estate for Sele |27-Real Estate For Sale __|27--Real Estate for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, April 16, 1963 7 aan Timent in apart-| LOOK! Brick on 70 ft. lot, ga-\ PRIVATE SALE -- Adelaide Sirest|soNua AVENUE, modara two bedroom| WHITBY. Brick | 'alow FOR SALE -- One acre ravine lot in b pith Te rg go a ment bulding, Seal or ou _netile- maa abe ond pe paved drive to tra eral. sat house, io re brick, bungalow, 'better district, good) recreation city of Oshawa, $3200. Telephone 72%-/29__ Automobiles For Sale |29--Automobiles For Sole S00 er WS, month- Martin| place, two Close to . $10,900 with ; new| 1000 FORD iy Telephone 728°3005. iad oe eaten ee -----ama| FIBA Joseph Roseo, Realior' 128-7317, | $2,000 down. Telephone 725-6066. poe pers gl (267m. | Excell Seg eth tag ed aoe io oe ped "garaat, west own Faliee vay std motor eae ose, "No|door, like new. cam finance. sere Lag wishes to snare apart- aie ts Senkh GM, oné and two bed-iCOUNTRY living in the city, ranch)MUST BE MOVED. Four room insui-| MAPLE Seay 10 acres, wooded lot Telephone 668-5927. of Oshawa. Telephone 5 pm. ones _-- Whitby, 728-51: room and board, Simcoe|,oom, unfurnished apartments, all eon-| bungalow with garage in west Oshawa.|brick house, suitable for cottage. $100/ with secluded building site. Price $2200 INDUSTRIAL tii ax Wome Beat 'Went, | 728-2098. 1962 VOLKSWAGEN custoon, date deluxe, p4 South 'area, my below 40, preferably. Write! veniences, parking facilities, -avail-/Owner will sell or trade. A residence|Telephone 728-2637. Terms. East of Hampton, 10 acres ex-| 191°) 'Asking $7,500. Terms, Tele.|37-ACRE farm in Brooklin ied i065 PONTIAC, fear pose "| owner. Ube. se me $1,395. Easy terme. to 54 Wanless Crescent, Soronto 12. | able May 1. Apply Apartment 3. that wilt _-- anyone who knows g00d):E7TIREMENT home, five roomes,| cellent view. Two family hoase, A bar =: '2176. clay loam, full price $21,000, bel? cash. Almost new naa prove Fd, '{Telephone 728-5 d housekeeping rooms 725-2889. Jos » Mr. Koornneef.| double garage, 4 acre lot, lovely gar-|$2in at $5,000, Peter Feddema, Realtor, phone Dial 655-3532, r a pS iss TouFiac ae ta FOUR room 'quer or gal -- TWO ee ee 5 -|Gen, trait tees, Bighty-nine 'hundred,| Bowmanville. 623-2644, coaNeR Lor ema ie at. = a sink. and refrigerator. Parking space. EAST end beauty, ae 2 storey brick|Bob Johnson, 728-2548, Howe and Peters. P 3 JOHN: A. J I frontage, 1957 CHEVROLET Pag four dovr,|$1250 cash. Telephone Water and sewer, aan beaueey tiful ia Gk Uakor Cok ea tee faa, "up truck, BUSINESS smeoaire requires three to| Apply 156 Agnes Street. » fireplace and over-\TwWO acres of land hear Camp Samac. en old, Telephone 666-3596 after 6. _-- radio, q iss) GMO four-bedroom tase sett rooms. $700 - tone bei and brown, spotless. CONG. se "asad umm Tele") og DONDAS sted ¥ West. t. Whitby, $65 ag wih Siete had vise i surcound.| Telephone 725-1040 : 39-3950. BOL AHOOD i ACRES good garden soll, close Telephone 728-1203, $800, Te 728-9991. ; monthly. Three - ing countryside. Pages cn oe prin EIGHT room ane situated on % acre school, store and highway. Close 1962 PONTIAC Laurentian sedan, auto- ee METEOR, med oo New it sre, ge,THaznemaaee rein hel,' edie eee Reem even 1 i oh Uo em anaes iets] Reltors Lid. Iavronce [SS Red "MOY Melmeca mi we aaa et maine ear ea > '. wa: Tr, c. i js x a 4 le ad by - age rvet cg ol ganiae gtk ate ,|$8.960, EYE- appealing and 5 remodeled Signe. ie aed neue Wacinaiened. Fatha parking, use walls, $2,495. Apply 585 Athoi it a WES : PRIVATE SALE, Horlop Street north, . LT tata a -- Bn . \octharest, Rear schools aaa ae "Ball, PRIVATE. SALE -- Northwest area,(% '7er, Adulte preferred, $85. "Tele: 167 Simcoe St. S. six room brick wat i985 CHEVROLET two door, ater 6 p.m. Two eanecum pesrenen 6 arer- | Wallace, '725-6291 Joneph Bosco, Reai- madera five-ceom brick home, three "hoe ws idl uae caus reation 'room, large, lot, storms ind|i902 CHEVROLET four-door Impala, |automatic, mechan Al, 24--Houses For Rent month, Possession May 15. Adults pre {2% ate near shopping, bus.| SMALL HOME . ice Hrs. (9 a.m. p.m.) |soree slephone Lae ge. offer. : school, Tel Whitb ee.sorgg 798-3876. i963 SPRING model homes by 'William $15,000, terms. 725-8131. BEWDLEY. + (eroom frame home sally y 728-1904. Saale Widabws aoteca cuty -- Roth. Open for inspection daily, 1 BOWMANVILLE Mortgages pgp Reong Ltd MACE Sone rome aed paar No children please. For 1 pac- | ag h feollga della. on ikaeh ie pe 3 pee ber Water, sewer, heavy wiring. Arronged, Bought and Sold wit % "sin Abs aoe Bewd- ried: ig Ro with spot Nght and S018. theulars. 726-8125. share with another. Telephone after 5.30| West, turn one block Ba Pag pon Sacco Full Price $5,000. As low as u fender skirts. Good condition. Call any-/ i959 serve. ota owner, =z £008 LARGE HOUSE with acreage and barn ta ore Real Estate, 728-7377. W. T. Lamson $500 down : down |time before 5.30. Whitby 668-8440. condition, $1095 or best offer, . Ot Se ge ee : THIS | BELIEVE jest ORR VROLET --two-deor, Tadia,| Alex Dea-ssfe berece References. Prosi 4 ° apartment in private home, eahorele- main floor, Private entrance, Nesr Real Estate DIAL BOW MAYVILLE Someone is overlooking @ [tent uiseten, "colored 'hniarse" nesut|SotggTunnine condition. $48." Clinton ee a aT bus, adults, Telephone 125-9507. $13 700 623-5990 very excellent home buy if 4 NIL eels, learn: * Owner driven, low ile 25--Apt. & Flats For Rent |. 5--sepnoom apartment in apart , ' ser they don't look at and seri- 668-9253. nd wit tbe det ; : 1954 METEOR. Looks, runs well. Good | iggi PONT ey @ cylinder, TEREE-B00u & t building. Available May i. After he ously consider this 5 room tire: reed sale. New plates. $175. : Sa, 5 p.m, Whitby 968-3092 or 101 Graydon 30 ft, Finished Rec. Room {deal for children, three bed sly consider this 5 1 Magy eg tes. $175.| radio, white with interior, low a room hi , built- brick bungalow located on or offer. 668. mileage, perfect france oe eee. $1500 DOWN in oe ie $106. L S SNELGROVE Nossau Street. Owner open CRINGE, 3 1956 Buick four-door hard-| 725-3744. APPLE BILL -- modern modern attractive un: an. |26--Rooms For Rent © c Hall \ Carries Principal, Interest ond i : to offer. Call Mr. Yeo at Idea! for Summer Cottage 50 pot ai een ist CREVEREY one ae LIGHT room for rent. erie mall Bungalow Taxes. Southeast area, Hurry CO: 1.1, 725-6544. x 100 ft, Coesarea. see all conveniences. 'Available. May 1. Bus-!newly decorated, Apply 171 Nassau St! Moving to Ottowa, must sell On This: One tates quupla prefetred.: Telephone 72- fi r Realtors BUILT IN STOVE SPOT CASH tne. ite are, Sa convertible, Vi en bnigey fy ate a ae ton capac, Lor aly eee, Beolitiful clean 9. Bedroom Looking for the home with 4 $500 PAID FOR fon Full power. er ado, four new cur new tree weeainA = Three: tment, | pare ' ' ; : Sa main floor. Sorage space' in base,|Comewa, 20d bas. Own room. vst ot! landscaped and fenced, Bost beth Sungai 1 -- 723-9810 43 Park Rd. S. built in stove and oven ina | Phone Whitby 668-5296 | . Good clean cars. Trade up rogram pss ken Tel a Semel |sidered, $30 'monthly, no work. Refer-| ment completely finished for | Of Whitby. Storms, screens 725-8761 kitchen that is the envy of of dawn Liens Bold OH ian. Ld ¥-- modern, hemi decorated ences, lelophone' 729-1719. pti or extra _living gyi gy elo Logit every housewife ?. Three bed- |28--Real Estate Wanted DODD MOTOR SALES phone tier' 4. 720-7838. two-belroom apartmen rge : ; : OD! room, kitchen, bathroom, paved park- [PRIVATE two sg Ml gomoe Feomé spoce. Easy to carry. Private ORONO rooms each with closet. A 4B < ¥ 14 PAR 1930 MGA ex ing. Child welcome, $85. monthly. 728-\t9 downtown and shopping centre. Va- sole, Bungolow with apartment, 'back yard that would be the eae es vik . reat 5 : wee et Tasca tible. igi sd be seen ee sec =. cant, TV outlet, Parking, Abstainer. Ap- off Wilson' Road. Only large fomily home of 9 dream of any mother with |modern five-room brick home prefer- phone 739 MASSON STREET -- Four-room un-|Ply 51 Nassau. 725 0104 ildé i Osha 1956 eee 4 = 1 . Down, Quickly call rooms, north east country lo- smal] childten, all fenced in |ably on outskirts of wa. Telephone rT e furnished apartment. with bath and pri-| DREW Street. 48, two furnished Toome| $1000, 75 - 86 WT. cation, about 3 ocres lend, with a good shade tree, Can. [7826.00 body Degen setts, tear ae vate entrance. Will decorate to suition 3rd fi Bill Millar. 5 . t. ly perfect. $725 Telephone rd floor, Sink, TV antenna. Apply| it Ltd full aski rice $5,900. be purchased for a low down |WANTED TI BUY -- East end near wr tenant. $82. Telephone 725-5269. between . and 8 evenings. Soiree entice WOINISON, TAPE Retee Sine : Js Me tus. tie betck banaaloe. Gaed 1955 PONTTAG | matinee "wauses ¢ WHITBY, modern two-bedroom apazt-|OSHAWA MOTEL, King Street Boat. ; i 186 daca tices gechhbeatel based ee en gra. Yar condition. "arwe down payment. Laat CAR AND TRUCK tea nfer, 735 si, evenings? ment, potireisbed. Available May 1. $85|Weekly rates, rooms, heated, tele: MEN WANTED For information call 725-1 terms on one open mortgage. Raiitie at 725-6hes, Bill |4gi6. No realtors. RENTALS -- inert ee coe 725-0180. month! e wAkY bs lore a0 ae ON, TOI To help us supply the ever- Cor, Simcoe & Athol Sts. PORT PERRY |DO YOU want to sell your home. Cali grey, co! Reet, Ghaee to "howpitals Ghrses| y furnished house:| increasing demand for Raw Oshawa |South mete Rise Stuy; (All. Makes ond Models) rookrack, Ben etter Fe natal soma room apartment, private ba efri-- TWO LARGE, cl | South. - * @erator, and stove, Telephone 723-2104.| keeping rooms, orivaie ooh z ae leigh Products. Are you inter- Only 6,500. full price, for SUMMER COTTAGE |9 a.m. to 9 p.m, CALL 625-6553 1955 FORD Fairlane Tudor, fair molér, after 4 p.m kitchen cupboards, sink, refrigerator.) ested or have you a friend Gre eee ce _.| this 6 room family home with 5 rooms, fully winterized, | WANTED to buy in Oshawa, fivé-room| .14° Albert St. -- ie. hare ne. Very reason- AGNES ¢ STREET 139.. Three-room self- pea fig downtown. Suit two) 17 might be? This is the . all conveniences, large mo- beautifully and completely | bungalow, will pay cash. Private, Tele-| YOUR VOLVO DEALER le. lephone 728-4528. pg Ml scan Bae Magy Gs GOLBORNE RAGE IN lias "GE best paying one mon busi- dern kitchen, dining room, furnished, ot Bewdley far |PhOne Brooklin 655-4678. ? a, pa perteet rey Adults. Apply above. furnished rooms for rent with cooking) MeSS in the country. An ex- LLOYD R living room, 3 bedrooms and enough from woter for safety |29__Automobiles For Sale JAKE & BILL'S power top, steering. brakes, seats. 352 €LGIN ST. Two room furnished apart- Posibilities. Gentlemen preferred. Must) cellent income for the man 3 piece both, forced air oil Send hbelth, Batre fot te | ete ee eee ee GARAGE hp. Radio, clock, windshield washers. thent, large kitchen with sink. cup.|be steadily employed. Near north Gen-| who is honest and a good LIST WITH LLOYD furnace, electric hot woter, cluded. Small down poyment, | 1957 PONTIAC, tour door hardtop, oy Prt avna $5, Pog tid sell for $2,600. rae sso bod siting room. Available |¢r@ rs. worker. Write todoy. Raw- THEN CALL YOUR MOVER double lot with garage, low One open mortgage for bal- [Chevrolet tala custom, six cylindér,| GENERAL REPAIRS and iia Hae ol " 'Se ak UR Taos | ATTRACTIVELY leigh's, Dept. --D-310-05, down payment considered. ance. Contact Mr. Rankine ter Ne dealers. Ta i oy a ot- AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE 1955 Chevrolet pe eigen naand. $07 Ay cylin. furnished apartment, private bath, park-| 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. 4 BEDROOM | at 725-6544. peers See ap Ritson Rd. S., Oshawa |der: 1955 Chevrolet sedan, V-8, stand- _ ing, monthly. Heat, hydro included. | FURNISHED ROOMS Suit toule. Telephone' 725-3212 $11,300 FULL PRICE $700 DOWN = : : eee es 728-0921 sci dean an | $$ --| Availoble in private home, NORTH-WEST 6 brick split level home, | | and ehasels, Onal wheelies 198) DOWNTOWN OSHAWA Call yaa ge pee ef py EARLY POSSESSION Extremely well kept home in 'ust few ear old, large CARL OLSEN A BUYING OR SELLING cae Ngtenancila, satire : , bai this very desirable location. family room, 4 piece bath PICK UP truck, Chevrolet 82 PARK RD. A large kitchen with dining Separate large dining room. and 2 piece wash room, nice WHALE TED CAMPIN food 0 conditions bit 40. santa ae an finance. Telephone '728-1058. (Corner Park Rd. & Bloor $¢.) vith wage pala DIAL 723-3512 area and oversize living room : A : : 3 for $65.00 monthly high location with beautiful _ finance APARTMENT NORTH with plenty of wall space, posi a Bestar tute view of Loke Ontario, 6 tee! REALTOR MOTORS ~ \1968 CHEVROLET Belair. excellent two bedrooms and tiled bath thi e, Call Ed opportunity with a low down OF 6 » 35,008 FOUR ROOM |27--Real Estate For Sale | in o most compact and prac- Deut at 728-5123 or 725¢ Saviipnt, talk: @elliig "Bee 793.1133 607 KING ST, -- OSHAWA _| ile new whitewall Ures, radio, After Hot, Cold Water, Refrigera- |IMAGINE & variety store business aA | tical plan. Appealing ap- 9345. $12 500. * rf i 5 telephone aia tear ama ' ' on are i a , : ust East of Wilson Road) 1958 PONTIAC Parisienne, tor, Electric Re: ind Meat ur own with brick duplex attached.| pearance in North-West area. Aer nge a ot | Financial independence can be yours.) $11 .900 with terms. ; 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 bd eat ee $1506, 'hsm Apniy Rossland Supplied. |Owners forced to sel and willing to ' CHOICE LOCATION $1,200 DOWN MARY ST. -- Close to High accept trade. Arthur Weinberger. NHLA le 5 3 School, three bedroom 1% RENAULT 1956 SaEvaOtae deluxe, automatic, $80 MONTHLY [tau Joseph Bosco, Realtor 728-7377. PAUL RISTOW Six room brick home near led tead dae sends storey brick home, L-shaped SALE is custom radio, immaculate ane seeiee, and oe : St. Josephs Separate Schcol rele Point bungeiee, living God. dinibaccisain: sth PEUGEOT-AUSTIN out, $800. Tet ee Telephone ofter 5 p.m. REALTOR "< Revs --. ese Aa Taarenilly. dusurated, pide fireplace and broadioom, Ports and Service 1953 CHEVROLET, Ea Pena, gd 723 - 4523 METCALF #.9474 07258182 evenings | Sexe mRonmly "payments | cation close to school, ul | maderm kitchen, two bad | 1961 CHEVROLET STATHAM _ [estas mesvseresiaseie | aia arma | sermr sane | Gnled th Sew | Tate waren. | ek Se eran Real Estate Limited oe ee gage. Hurry call Irwin Cruik- the ' WAGON) six cylindér, auto- see good. Reautitul two tome bene anh akin shanks tonight at 728-5205 $10,600 FULL PRICE Mwy fo yhllaeeg Peon motic. RITSON ROAD AND KING resis and transmission A-1, Telephone Gladstone 40 KING ST. E. or 728-5123. 5 room brick bungalow with Listed at $15,900. with ex- $2,195 723-4733 and 723-7712 won one ie DIAL 728-467 all the extras, hot water by is truck, Se ee Apartments a" BAY RIDGES COUNTRY LIVING oil heating, nice lot com | Seuent terms 1959 FORD The H Of |meteda es pletely landscaped, variety WINONA DRIVE--Five room e mome ena | FRENCH STREET 30 miles north of Oshawa, i i F STATION WAGON, V-8; Fegik- a My yl mardies, ; 9 bed fing he of fruit trees, private drive custom built home with at- ' N, ? A-1 condition. $1 090 of est offer. Self Contained Only $12,500.00 -- Smart $1,200 DOWN AW, ¢ ence beef aoe and garage, $2,200 down, tached garage, broadloom in stick shift, real nice. Good Used Cars © |seu. cait aftsr 6pm, 728-9088 7 room (4 bedroom) home di ihe bea er $75.00 per month : covers living and dining room, ex- $1,395 1056 PONTIAC two door hardl Three tooms ond bath, loun- is close to General Motors-- MODERN big PO ed nM interes ond pringionl ahi tra lerge litchen, family "Before You Buy biter, Afler' 3b telephone' 7st a} Sy 'Gacitiess Adults only. | sll shsels ond downtown: | COL IT LEVEL HOME | semen. Call BM Johnaton | 'location on Olive Ave. | rage, we fiepleots, lovely | 1958. MORRIS Give Bill A Try" | nse FORD Zaher, Newt Neor Bus ond Shopping | shopring. See i at 8-5123 or 8-1066, VARIETY STORE fariotion sk for Mr Olin, a WAGON, A peppy New 'elediohy' coy ME eee f Centre. ie ; Corner property with ° nice 668-582 é ' 1956 METEOR Rideau, excellent condi- TALBOT COURT vt =: lorge wee MUST BE SOLD business plus lorge income ogy ae nyep dato ine $595 earl and tion. felephone 723-3860. 728-3344 or j ving eer ening ram $10.900 home, siutable for aportment ; storey home wi BILL WHITTICK _ [2 Peymourn station aver Now !! $12,000.00 asking kitchen, on main level. 3 occa, Hore ay or roomers, a call to-day attached garage, living room 1956 CHRYSLER age condition. $330 or best Tele. 728-6906 romi-detached 2 storey brick | D&dfOOmE up. Two bathrooms, | ll schools, This two storey | con fean @ bright business | with fireplace, separate dine | (oe or rion MOTORS LTD. -=== ee ae ee home -- 6 rooms (3 bed. | finished basement. Carport. | home is very clean and can | future, central location. with $2,000. down. WAGON, real smooth oper- NEW ADDRESS rooms) --- beoutifully dec- | One mortgage. be purchosed with a low ation. 146 BROCK ST, N., WHITBY KINGS COURT | éfeted throdebeate Mate | down poyment. Call Bill Listings needed, call L, S* | GRANDVIEW VILLAGE. New $795 S your soabbinivans si. t6: tins TELEPHONE AFTER 6 P.M! en oat 8-5123 or 8- Snelgrove Co. Ltd. 723- 9810 3 and 4 bedroom homes be- WILSON BATTERY d spect. ahs . or 725-876). ing built by H. Kassinger in 1955 CHEVROLET sc SALES AND SERVICE APARTMENTS ; this beautiful location. Prices x, 641 ¢ tl Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Limited, from $13,400. with NHA TWO DOOR, six cylinder romwell Ave, AJAX SUBURBAN DUNBARTON 101 Simeoe Street. North oa sce financing. Your crane home .| stick shift. A nice operating Piss Large ranch bungalow, cath- Oshawa, Ontaroi. accepted as a trade. cor, & No Lease Required. edral ceilings, two fireplaces, 839- 3944 > ; $495 ' f 4 bedrooms finished recrea- _OPEN EVERY EVENING | GUIDE REALTY 10 ACRE LOTS -- Six miles KELLY DISNEY pproximately 10 miles tion. room Hanover kitchen, § |------------ cere ne cnet from Oshawa on paved road. WHO ELSE WANTS from Oshawa paved drive, carport, large Limited $3,500. with low down pay- Chr sler USED CARS landscaped lot, secluded, § y 409 BROCK ST. S. Opposite large Shopping Centre treed ment. ! WHITBY--668-4291 near schools, churches, ete. Te Wl GO: tunel oe 6 ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW A NEW CAR! Cars bought and sold $19,500.00. Substantial down vr Sayrnent ieguited, with 3 good sized bedrooms After 6:00 p.m. call: 0 ge Liens paid off Large One Bedroom $73 end: full dining room ono | Wesley: Elliott ot 728-0581 : lala Sek joe we bee Court in ort est Area. . LOW-COST LIFE-INSURED ways lop ality Two Bedrooms $79 OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Over A Quarter Century Of Reliable Servi eek whee! Charles Naylor at 728-2857 V | ry eliable Service lear shopping, bus and DIAL 728-4678 ar uate Sain schools, Farry sized' kitchen _299 KING ST, W. 723-1133 allant HK AX HOH X 30--Automobiles Wanted TELEPHONE Jack Oxborne John Kemp A REAL GOOD. HOME--CENTRAL--Just move in | Od 4 Pr. tiled bath. | | Sales & Service | pine Meg MMe Ff AJAX WH 2 2001 Lloyd Melee on ee and enjoy this spotless 6 room brick home, every- ALBERT STREET -- 6 room or 723-7124. pA Rea) Mean é oy 5 hs en Hann thing has been done for you. Kitchen and bathroom home with large garden area. HOWE & PETERS : WRECKING 1952 and 1933 Ponting: bs i --_ completely new and modern, Beautifully decorated New forced air furnace, 3- Parts for sale. Telephone 725-2044. Governor Schofield-Aker --new yoy ed S15 eto, "3.000 re ven pe. bathroom. House vacant REALTORS SMITH LAKESHORF Auto Wreckers want cars Garage. and you may have immediate for wrecking. Highest prices paid. 220 f ri Wentworth East. 725-1181, Mansions Apts. | over A Querter Century of ee ee ee ee 725-4701 725-7732 SPORTS 1 fi IMMEDIATE POSSESSION may be obtained on this RESTAURANT -- good year isnot ALL CASH ~ Reliable S 110 PARK RD.N. dbs Hck Aiea 5% room brick bungalow, Spanking brand new. round money moker, com- 67 KING ST. E. 353 KING STREET WEST THE BANK OF For Clean core we deal up or . Just woiting for you, List price $13,200 with only pletely equipped. Located in | Have YOU a HOME | $800 down. Hurry now or you will be too lote. a busy shopping plaza in a Telephone 728-7341 ond down. Liens paid off. We believe thet Governor | You Want SOLD | Call Reg. Aker 725-0201 after 9 P.M. community west of Oshawa, REDUCED TO $13,500 1e8 ae NOVA SCOTIA NICOLS MOTORS LTD. M : a sie oe we | WHITBY--ADJACENT. TO HENRY ST. HIGH | ASKING $12,500. full price, | 3 bedroom brick bungalow OPEN EVENINGS er a2 aed sant re urious apartments and offer \We Have Both CASH SCHOOL -- 3 years old -- 6 room clay brick ranch 3 bedroom split level, Large on bus line, handy to both the most outstanding fea- | & 7 B bungalow with attached garage situated-on a pro- picture window, finished rec- public and high school, 4 100 CARS WANTED tures in the City of Oshawa. erm uyers fessionally landscoped lot. L-shoped living and | teation room, walk out base- blocks to separate school, \ * Buying a New Car? dining room -- bright kitchen with eating area. 3 tt tle. This fi i gorage under house, lovely R d d S | p FOR INFORMATION For Courteous and bedrooms, master bedroom 13 x 11. Ceramic tile pale 4 yess ald and palbingrg view. Call Earle Allen 725- e@auce aie rices Sell your used Car to "Ted" 9AM 9 Efficient Service bath with large modern vanity with full length | bought with a low down pay- 7782 to inspect. eh ae te the, Dax NM, mirror. Basement is divided --- walls and floor are | ft, 'ar Dealer a to P.M PHONE 723-2265 painted. A spotlessly clean, well maintained, taste- | ce KING ST. E. DISTRICT 1959 FON) ie ee TED PIN MOTORS TELEPHONE 9 till 9 fully decorated. home, Will sell quickly. Give usa | APARTMENT BUILDING--5 SPACIOUS 3 bedroom brick Six cylinder, automatic trans- SEDAN CAMPIN | ' call now. Call Bill McFeeters 725-1726 after 9 muiten oil rented, Sod area bungalow obout 4 yeors Old mission mew car condition. Automatic henge 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 . | P.M. near the Shopping Centre. All ; thes "s Pri 1495, power steering, power es . Schofield-Aker After 9 P.M. stoves. and. fridaes included, oe en ek Van Heusen's Price $ ea adie, Ts na" vey 31--Automobile Repair | Les Hall 728-5513 NONE BETTER -- If you are interested in a really Owner will accept bungalow i ee a bait 1958 CHEVROLET sharp car in two tone blue 7 LIMITED | Bill McFeeters .. 725-1726 a large 2-storey brick home in an area of fine homes, as down payment. Ay tbeal type windows, ba and white. HOUSTON'S GARAGE | Steve Macko ... 728-5868 give us a call -- we would be proud to show you | with vanity, walkout -- TWO DOOR Van Heusen's Price $895 and SERVICE STATION 723-2265 Henry Stinson ... 725-0243 this fine 9 room brick home with 2-car garage. | 4 BEDROOM SPLIT LEVEL ment, small swimming pool, Six cylinder, automatic trans- BRAKE SPECIALISTS COM- ' Reg. Aker 725-0201 Complete in every detail. Call Steve Macko 728- wists poo germ bere ho 2 gnc JP a eo hg mision, real good in every 1957 FORD PLETE BRA' CERVICE 5868 after 9 P.M. on a well landscaped lot in : re 4 -- good residential spin in son 728-2548, reaps STATION WAGON MOTOR TUNE: UP AND 7 ROOM SPLIT LEVEL with gorage located in Whit! Propert lear, Van Heusen's Price $1095 A real good buy GENERAL REPAIRS WHITB Grandview Gardens. A real nice home. Priced to oe hohe ae 'Se EAST END WHITBY Von Heusen's Price $695 67 KING ST, WEST sell at only $18,500. Living roam 13 x 18 with not- | mortgage. Midien belek bungalow, oer | (900 LINCOLN 723-7822 : ural fireplace, built-in valance and stippled cei! age and paved drive. This CONVERTIBLE 1956 PLYMOUTH 32--Articles fo le i DRESEMAKING: Suits, coats, dresses.| KIWANIS ing. Separate dining area. A gem of a kitchen with LOW DOWN PAYMENT --6 spacious plan includes many All pe equipment and A sound car, 4 alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting| Whitby Arena' Tonavoce at salen bullt-ify stove end Oven, 2 pe. wesnreem 'on. main room brlek, 2 stefay hone fr extras--natural. stone fire- di gr | "gi dition, 's Price $195 | TWO-PATR ? & specialty. Mrs. Toms, 668-2372. items requested. For free pickup Cal floor, and 4 pc. with large vanity on bedroom 4 good location. New furnace lace, completely finished tig a a ager nin ake Ven Houstn's Prise @ length, §¢ wicths, Mn gt 1853 FORD coach, blue, $85. Four good | 68-8041 or 655-3913 evening -- Suuare, floor. Give us @ call to-day. Call Les Holl 728- and the full price is only sement with ree room, Ke eevee 1956 FORD SEDAN gi sand tires. Telephone 666.8054 anytine. Tound dance. Door prize -- Hi-Fi Set. 5513 ofter 9 P.M. $8,500. laundry room and extra bed- "uh fa ; - } Two apartments, Each HOUSE with two or three bedrooms room, handy to schools, Call Ven Heusen's Price $1895, Standard transmission, finish- |°itiages, Telephone 'Oshas Se self-contained, new, suitable for two| wanted to rent with option to buy. In EXCELLENT AREA -- GOOD Ron Dr. 5253. ed In blue and white. 'opok 725-5253. Felated couples. Telephone 668-2786. or around pinitby for two adults BEAU VALLEY VALUE -- Nice 5% room 1957 CHEVROLET Von Heusen's Price $595 5 lb f B tte . awa mes, i i the" opportunity for raral housewives | MM n port oot pred 'tows, "oh REEWATIN ST, rea 1956 MERCURY ios " . in your own - Write! DUTCH LADY wants house cleaning j heat, " Immaculate 3 bedroom bun- Two door hardtop, six cyl- b : ph ae a day. Telephone 668-4541.) MS By Kassinger Groluhout Ankita Ake. galow ith soir fe oe inder,. automatic -- transmis- Automatic and fe iggiante : FREE . partment" first floor, newly decorates nine surest, Whitby, redecorated three A PLEASANT PLACE TO LIVE with one 6% N.H.A. Mort- | trance, finished family room | sion. Finished in réd and steering and power brakes. ON ALL range and refrigerator. Immediate oe.|tromee nee a apartmen + Private en- F gage. 12 x 24 ft. separate loundry white with black and red up- Van Heusen's Price $495 FREFZER ORDEPS cupancy. Telephone Whitby 668-3577. |ing space. 'chops "pretertea" Winter, : room, paved drive, nicely holstery. Nothing in this mo- ; APARTMENTS for tent: i bedroom.| 668-4610. 7 NOW IS THE TIME TO CHOOSE > BUILDING LOT -- In north landscaped. Only $15,900. del could compare. See this 1956 PONTIAC Hinds of Prime Steer Beef 55e 105 Craydon Road, apply Apt. 5. GOOLD'S Second Hand Furniture every. YOUR NEW DREAM HOME-SITE west area 94 ft. frontage by with $2500.00 down. Call car and it's condition and No rust. Radio, Fronts of Prime Steer Beef 45¢ art-|thing for cottages, floor coverings, ? 135 ft. deep. Call this office Joe Crawford 623-3672, make an offer. Van H 's Price $450 Sides of Pork Lean .. pd ae teevislons, 'retrigeraora Wl OVER 100 PLANS TO CHOOSE FROM te inspect and make your Se a ae All Steaks 7 daw' east, Whitby, 'Felenhone'Sob-S4n OR WE WILL DESIGN YOUR HOME offer. WHITBY WEST END =| 1957 BUICK 1955 CHEVROLET Plode, snot hl ' Pe saiantoa é Hamburi Se wae ars wr On WE CAN TO YOUR REQUIREMENT WHITBY NORTH OF HWY 3 bedroom brick bungalow FOUR DOOR HARDTOP CONVERTIBLE Deion St-eet West, Whitby 668-2563. No, 2 -- 3 bedroom trj-level about 5 years old, nice kit- Automatic transmission, fin- -- In gleaming red finish, upholstery | Maple Leaf Side Bacon - OWNER moving Year oid porte DELIVER TO YOU . WE WILL APPRAISE YOUR PRESENT HOME } Vtbpgl loll al i halbe o with carport, Offers very large chen with dining orea, 6% ished in white. tless. Pi WITHOUT OBLIGATION kitchen, separate dining mortgage. Asking $13,500. 7 ee sh "" Pri 895 V secure Price $795 retig tems Federal biaeeee: pit 'area, entéa large. L shaped with terms, Call Ron Hether- an Heusen's Price $ on res nb Inspected and Supplied by run gravel, stone, sand and TRADES ACCEPTED living room, Priced at ington 623-3637, Many others to choose from Cariada Racha -- | top soil. All sold' by weight. $14,900 T'n'T MEATS. Business CALL 668-3524 723-2265 -- Open 9 to 9 -- Sat, 12 to 5. SEE our excellent selection orticulars co ja f new homes without obli- Sat eg ites saa a wee REG, AKER... 725.0201. STEVE MACKO . 726.5868 |","Ul! Particulars call 723-1121). Corian, many" different dis: Van Heusen Motors Limited 723-1359 mi daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. iets, : ; pie Cab BILL McFEETERS 725-1726 | HENRY STINSON 725-0243 Open doily 9-0.m. to 9. p.m Wicts, down, payments from 156 King Street West, Oshawa . For Further Information » : 244 Brock St. S$, a \ ( ; ' Times Classified Fuels ond Builders' Supplies LES HALL 728-5513 Guide Realty Limited cling jv rag tine 4 Telephone 725-3557 And Additional Saving s. : Whitby, Ontario 360 King St. W. Free Parking Realtors, 16 Simcoe St. S. (Continued on Page 18) s cleaned, prompt service than half , ten | mals it a Crushed gravel (mulch), Whitby 668-2430.