Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Apr 1963, p. 3

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Marchers Stage Garden Protest embarrassed to discuss his sec- ond ouster from Bmitain in a week. Bruce had flown to Lon- don Saturday where he was -\denied admission and ordered ae lie nemure to the United States. MORE FOUR ESRAPE BERLIN (AP)--Four 19-year- old East Germans escaped to West Berlin Saturday night without being noticed by EVEN KILLED BOUTTE, La. el grt ing train slammed surveyling, scar 'Sanday, killing the adjoining round at the PLOT MISFIRES reaching here. The reports said four Haitian army officers kerry NEW YORK (AP)--American comedian Lenny Bruce re- turned in tears from London @aying he was too Sunday, time but his wife, their son, about 22, tried to halt them. They were unsuc- cessful seven occupants of the vehicle . State police officers found 203 feet from the point SGT. YORK SICK NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP)-- The aging and ailing Sgt. Alvin C. York of First World War fame is in critical conlition in a Nashville hospital. The 75- year-old war 'hero, bedridden for the last few years, LONDON (Reuters) -- Mau- Tice Chevalier, 74, the French /actor-singer, was taken ill Sat- pres-|urday with gastric flu and both the matinee and evening per- |formances of his one-man show at the Saville Theatre here were cancelled. ARABS AGREE CAIRO (AP) -- Egyptian Premier Aly Sabry announced .|Sunday that Egypt, Iraq and Symia have reached complete agreement on a constitution for a new United Arab Republic, He said the new federation, in which Egypt, Iraq and Syqia will make up the "within the next few months." IS ROCKET CHIEF .| MOSCOW (AP) -- Marshal rage = Krylov, commander of Bay Youth Shot In Foot FRENCHMAN'S BAY -- Doc- tors are still unable to remove a bullet from the foot of a Squires Beach, Frenchman's Bay youth who was shot Sun- day by an unkown person Kenneth McCoy is in satis- factory condition at the Ajax- Pickering General Hospital to- day. A hospital spokesman said attempts were made to re- move the bullet from the boy's right foot Sunday. Pickering Township Police today said that McCoy was shot while walking in a field west of Church street and South of the Base Line. Police are checking leads to the identity of the boy's assail- ant, noadside| FIRED AT TRAIN Township Police today an- nounced that they were still checking the identity of a gun- | man who pumped three bul- jets into a CNR passenger train on April 7, at Fairport Beach. The bullets pierced the first failed to penetrate the second sheet of glass, The bullets were found be- tween the panes of glass, po- lice stated. An "unidentifed" man with a rifle was chased by police, but lost them when he entered a nearby wooded area, township officers stated today, frame of glass in a coach but|* $1,000 Damage In Accident WHITBY (Staff) -- Two per- sons were injured and two cars wrecked following a head - on Saturday. volved, Wayne B. White, 710 eral Hospital, with concussion and head lacerations. A passen- ger in the other vehicle, Jean Trollope of Pickering Village, was treated for facial and head lacerations and released from the hospital. Constable Fred Baker, of the Whitby Town Police, investiga- ted the accident and estimated damage at $1,000. y Th officer reported that a car driven by Charles E. Trol- lope, Pickering Village, was northbound on Byron street. White was southbound. crash on Byron street north) 3 Driver of one vehicle in-|j Dundas stree* west, is in "quite| * good" condition in Oshawa Gen-| ¥ Fatal Crash HAVEN, co BOLAHOOD SPORTS- winners of the Sim- Halil Settlement House ~ Minor Basketball playoffs are seen in the upper picture. Front ,from left, are Larry Brennan, Nick Corneal and Walter Hubar. Standing from left are "Chuck" Wayling, R Goddard, coach; and Andy Glecoff. In the lower picture Graham Nelson, centre, assis- tant director at Simcoe Hall, | October to March. Bolahood : shots missed. saw them win the congratulates John Rajkovic and Lioyd Heholt, who won the most helpful player and the most sportsmanlike play: er's awards, respectively. --Oshawa Times Photo Bolahood Team Wins Trophy Simco Hail Settlement Hoose Miwor Basketball playoffs brought down the curtain for the 1962-63 season recently with Bolahood Sportshaven being de- clared champions, The Minor League sponsored by the Oshawa Y's Men's Club was comprised of seven teams with the schedule running from Sportshaven advanced into the fmals by beating the highly rated Firefighters 70 to 57 and the team that ended up in first place during the regular season, CKLB, 94-72 in a two-game total point round. iKnloch's on the other hand disposed of Provincial Tile, 69-46 and Medical Pharmacy 90-70 in two-game total point series on their way to the finals. WELL PLAYED The 1962-63 season final was one of the closest and best- played that the minor league has had in a number of years with Bolahood Sportshaven squeezing out a close 26-23 vic- tory in the first game it was assumed that Kinloch's were still in the thick of the battle and they certainly. proved this Wednesday evening as they lost a real cliff-hanger series 49 to 47 points. The pattern of the final game|__ was established early in this contest with very close check- ing and semi-zone defence be- ing the move of both clubs. The score at the end of the first quarter was all knotted up at five points each with Kinloch's edging up in front at the half- § way marker 16-14. Sportshaven however stayed close on their opponents' heels and at the end of the third quarter trailed by just one point, the score being 22-21. Trying possibly too hard Kin- loch's made a real bid for vic- tory in the final stanza but a couple of poor passes and easy game but lose the round. Chuck Wayling's fire driv- ing game produced 14 points for the victors with Andy Glecoff rebounding off both backboards very well. Kinloch's played a well-rounded team ganie with a good point spread the result. TROPHY PRESENTED On completion of the game Robert Branch, executive sec- retary of the Oshawa Commu- nity Chest presented Coach Rob- ert Goddard with the Pat S THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, April 15, 1 Earl Attacks Secret Plans LONDON (Reuters) -- Basi a statement ing B: government preparations fo lee-lrunning the country in case f nan Trophy, emblematic of the Simcoe Hall championship. Arnold Cummer, vice-presi- dent of the Oshawa Y's Men's presented the Series "'B" Tro- phy to Captain Marion Stef- faniak of Kinloch's. Harold McNeill, executive di- rector of Simcoe Hall Settle- ment House, presentd Coach Goddard with the Series "A" Trophy for their efforts in the "A" Division. Chosen as the Most Sports- manlike Player in the Minor League was Lloyd Heholt of CKLB while John Rajkovic was given the Most Helpful Player Award for the season. John played with the St. John Cadet team. TEAM LINE-UPS KINLOCH'S -- Marion Stef- faniak, 5; Marshall McConkey, 8; Joe Krasnaj; Len Birkowicz; Jim Nawrot, 9; Ray Jacula, 2. Total 24, round 47. Foul shots 4 out of 8, BOLAHOOD SPORTSHAVEN Chuck Wayling, 14; Walt Hubar; Earl Wotton; Gus Mi- losh, 1; Larry Brennan; Nick Corneal, 2; Andy Glecoff, 6. Total 23, round 49. Foul shots 3 out of 11, Officials -- Referees: M. Cole and G. Nelson. Timer, Bill Way- ling; scorer, John Rajk kovic. The next basketball action at Simcoe Hall will be y; April 20, when the annual in- vitational tournament will be held. Players to participate in}; this tournament will be notified by telephone. b WILL VISIT GERMANY ' LONDON (Reuters) -- Prince Philip amd his 12 - year - old daughter Princess Anne, will fly to West Germany Tuesda for a few days' visit Y with Phil ip's relations there, it was learned today. CITY AND DISTRICT AUTO HITS TREE An auto went out of control) on Bruce street Sunlay, mount- ed the boulevard, went across two driveways and crashed into a tree. Driver Melville Robert Ferguson, 34, 544 William street, was reported unhurt. Damage to Sparks Search Ontario Cancer of research ives are suppor- ted by the F and also provides the funds to main- the vehicle was estimated $200. The car did $30 damage to it|@ Private lawn. ter by St. Lawrence University, Canton, N.Y., necentily. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SUBJECT nuclear war. Alleged secret' intceneitit about the arrangements was contained in a document pub- lished by an anonymous Spies for Peace organization and dis- tributed among nuclear disarm- ament campaigners on their protest march to London this weekend, Lord Russell said the prepara- nderstandable ficial recognition that nity life was not continue except bie in motely situated bunkers, selected officials will the tions because it has shown itself dete: not admit the obvious about the na- ture of nuclear war." Diet Returns From Weekend The meaning for tolay of Christ Jesus' complete triumph GOOD FOOD Pao MEN'S LUNCH 12-2 P.M. Hotel Lancaster churches. The Golden Text was "There is therefore now no con- demnation to them which are in OSHAWA'S GREENWOOD ENTRIES a Lee, J. Holmes Modem Sempson, H. McKinley EUCHRE SCORES 8. Waldinsperger won the door prize at the euchre party held recently at Eastview Park. The scores of other winners/s Chriet Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but efter the Spirit" (Romans 8:1). tain the excellet research de- partments at The Ontario Can- cer Institute. Scholarships are available to aid in the training of young doctors and scientists OTTAWA (CP)--Police have begun a search for a 1958 model car believed involved in a spec- crash in which Donnie ORIGINAL Work Intensive iii Ff F wud i } i f i | | i fi FE ue rath 5 P a i i 5, Ser §2 bre E ie >a i 3 Oud ote if itt : HE } H a! fh x H é H : s S Hf Striker Riot Case Delayed TIMMINS (CP)--Crown At- torney S. A. Caldbick said Sat- urday the hearing of charges of rioting against 242 strikers has been postponed until -- 23. It had been scheduled f tacular .|O'Neil, 26, and John J. Lucik, ot) 40, were killed early Sunday. The two were passengers in a car that careered into a traffic! island on the Mackenzie King Ottawa, . The driver, Joseph A. Vezina, 24, told police from his hospital "|bed that he was trying to avoid Bridge near then hit downtown a power pole a collision with the 1958 car. car bridge at the time. Witnesses said they saw both cars speeding parallel across ithe she beidies before the crash. The 4 topped, backed up then sped included two policemen walking across the By Matthew B. Dymond, MD Health Minister for Ontario The objectives of The Ontario Cancer Treatment and Research Foundation as stated in the Can- cer Act, 1957 are "'to establish and conduct a program of re- search, diagnosis and treatment in cancer". Financial assistance is extended by the Foundation to the seven regional cancer treatment centres set up in On- tario, which include the Prin- cess 'Margaret Hospital in Tor- onto, the two divisions of the two} clinic at Ottawa, and clinics at London, Kingston, Hamilton, Windsor and Port Arthur. Cashed Refund Hospitalized patients at these centres have their radio-therapy treatment covered by Ontario Hospital Insurance. Out-patients tions are paid by the foundation. This is usually arranged through local units of the Cana- dian Cancer Society, who are then reimbursed by the Ontario Cancer Foundation. Hostels are attached to the cancer clinics at Hamilton, Lon- don, and at the Princess Mar- garet Hospital in Toronto. Ex- cellent accommodation and meals are provided for ambula- tory patients receiving ment. A nominal charge ii sibility of the Foundation. treat- made for those who can pay, otherwise the Foundation again meets the expense. These hos- tels were built and furnished by the Ontario Division of the Canadian Cancer Society, but their maintenance is the respon- and for technicians employed in special fields of investiga- tion. The Ontario Cancer Founda- tion, which is supported by Pro- vincial and Federal Government grants. maintains an excellent staff of high-calibre specialists in all the centres for radiother- apy across the Province. Cancer is an expensive disease because of the high cost of radiotherapy and other treatment. Money raised for work in this field, such as the Canadian Cancer Society's annual campaign now were: Evelyn Waite, 98; Albert E. Clark, 95; Doris Crawford, 92; Albert Waite, 92; Helen Rob- inson, 68 and Bill Badgley, 67. WINS LETTER John Mason, of Oshawa, was awanded his Varsity Hockey Let- NEW HOME SPECIALISTS FUEL OIL for automatic delivery by our metered trucks IMA Real Estete Ltd. DX OIL CO. Phone 668-3341 | TRADES ACCEPTED 728-6286 323 King St. W. at Nu-Way, carpet and broad- loom has been @ specialty for 18 years . . . with thousands of yards on display to select from, PHONE 728-4681 NU-WAY RUG CO. LTD. 174 MARY ST. st aiicsenaeemnail nena in progress, is badly ded and well spent. Because of The Ontario Cancer Treatment and Research Foundation many peo- ple in this Province receive expert and eapable treatment at today, The men will appear before a magistrate in a theatre in .|Kapuskasing, Ont. The men, employees of the Spruce Falls .|Power and Paper Company, very nominal, if any, cost to receiving treatment who can af- ihcmiaivea: ford to pay, are charged fees which cover only a comparativ- ely small portion of the cost. The balance is paid by the Foundation, from Provincial and Federal cancer control Uniform records are kept in all the treatment centres and this is an important aspect of the subsequent analysis of treat- ment experience. The Medical Statistics Branch of the Ontario Then Drowned VANCOUVER (CP) -- James) Lloyd Chapman, 61, who cashed! a $160 income tax refund just LIST Surcharge off! SIXTH RACE -- 1 mil rn Hi ia F 2 i ; ¥ ip Fl if H i iF 1 - "t e Ht 38 Hy e < i wou is a = »' | Mi = S 2 i ie] i f le pace. Four- of were charged following a set- tler-striker clash Feb. 11 at Reesor Siding, 32 miles west of Kapuskasing. Three of the strikers were killed. Twenty of the settlers were recently bound over for trial in higher court on charges '/of non-capital murder. The clash resulted from at- -|tempts by the' settlers to break '|a boycott by the strikers on the movement of pulpwood to the - Falls mill in Kapuskas- DEATHS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Truro, N.S. -- Mrs. Sarah Emma Stanfield, 86, mother of Nova Scotia's Premier Robert L. Stanfield and widow of Frank Stanfield, former lieutenant- governor of the province. Toronto -- Norman Withrow, 88, former manager of Tor- ¢}Onto's Massey Hall and son of John J. Withrow, founder of the National Exhibition in 1879, New Hamburg, Ont.--Earl C. Katzenmier, 80, secretary of Ph ncn New Hamburg Turf Club for 23 years and one of Canada's har- hess racing pioneers. before he disappeared Saturday night, was found dead in a wa- ter-filled ditch Sunday. His wal- let lay nearby, empty. An RCMP officer spotted Chapman's body in the ditch near a lonely road. Police found only #4 and small in the man's pockets. An autopsy showed Chapman had drowned. There were .no marks of violence. The autopsy also showed the man had suffered two strokes. Police speculated he might have been taken to the lonely ae robbed and left. He might then have fallen into the ditch and drowned, The victim, a native of Brant- ford, Ont., was divorced and had no known relatives. KILLS IN-LAWS BEAUVAIS, France (Reut- ers)--Polish-born farm worker Albert Lewkowis, 47, went for Easter lunch with 'his wite's family Sunday and shot and killed his father-inaw, mother- in-law and brother-in-law, be- fore peel Fn home 5 al hanging of money. FREE TRANSPORTATION patients to grants. No patient is ever re- fused treatment because of lack Department of Health provides manuals and directions for the maintenance of cancer registries in general hospitals throughout |the Province. | The foundation supports a Transportation costs of needy | very active research program. treatment centres) |This is chiefly in the field of for necessary diagnosis, treat- ment and follow-up examina- jdation also contributes money [clinical research but the Foun- SPENDING MORE FOR SERVICES Partly due to the ever-in- creasing amount of leisure time, U.S. consumer spend- ing for services has steadily increased from 33.2 per cent of total spending in 1950 to 41.9 per cent last year. dependable service, just look in The Oshawa Times Classi- fied Section under "Ser- vics". Turn now to the Want Ads. When you want the best in' Ito the National Cancer Institute of Canada in support of its work in basic research. A number ONLY TO SELL SPOT CASH OR ey "JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD REAL ESTATE -- MORTGAGES 25-6544 PORK suns SHORGAS HEATING & APPLIANCES Industrial and © |: i Paul Ristow 522 Simcoe REALTOR N, 728-9474 Commercial The established, reliable Ges Dealer in your area. 31 CELINA ST. (Corner of Athol) 728-9441 TRY STUDEBAKER | Nagy Motors | Opposite the Shopping Centre | 728-5178 KING 8ST, W. MORTGAGES Ample Funds for Ist MORTGAGES 2nd MORTGAGES We Also Purchase Ist and 2nd Mortgages N.H.A. LOANS ARRANGED You Will Find OUR SERVICE IS FASTER OUR COST IS LOWER SCHOF IELD-AKER 723.2265 _ et 28.3376 After Hours 728-3376 S EES LIVER RINDLESS BACON BONELESS ROLLED BRISKET LEAN TENDER CLUB STEAKS LEAN MINCED TROUD' '54 | 54 SIMCOE NORTH | NORTH SPECIALS TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY ONLY GOVERNMENT-INSPECTED MEAT 19: 4 39: 49 '$I C Ib That's what happened to Price. It's been reduced, number of features, You still gets Floor mounted gear shift. A built in heater-defroster. Windshield washers, 234 Ritson Rd. Sout» | What goes up must come down. But the quality hasn't, neither has the Volkswagen's Come in and drive a bargain. Side-view mirror. Automatic choke. Padded sun visors, An engine that averages 38 m.p.g. A cooling system that can't boil over. Ever. But that's only the beginning. We've got another surprise for you yeb. Curious? Come in and we'll tell you all about it. Sabyan Motor Sales Ltd. Phone 723-3461

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