. a ee ' ee SEPT Re a pe ee Nm ye er Sy YY waiter y FEAR BUSINESS L05S : = OSHAWA a Thursdey, so tt 1963 ay Downtown Merchants Oppose One-Way Street losses if|financially." He said the DOHlosses. From Brantford: both eae aioe piper A a one-way|was represented on the techni-|the main streets made one-way; street sent. the Oshawa Busi-\cal co-ordinating committee + A pggerie from businessmen at nessmen's Association to city|which set out terms of refer-|first, also residents; given a council Tuesday night with ajence for the traffic study, three - month trial; residents three-page brief opposing the| "We recommended the elty pleased and no demand heard proposed move, enter into the connecting link|to return to two-way system, A petition bearing more than agreement," he said, 'We|. From London: one-way streets 100 names of downtown mer-|could not recommend an Athol-|complete success; business area chants was submitted. Bond system with the total cost}continues to expand, From Sud- Lawyer John Greer, acting|estimated at almost double." bury: no merchant opposition y for the OBA, suggested 'Atholl Said Mayor Lyman Gifford:|now; three - month trial; no) g- and Bond streets be used inim-|'Our cost estimates on what agitation to return to two-way. | 7 plementing a one-way street|has to be done on King street} From _ Belleville: one-way system, rather than King andjnave to be in by April 15. At|streets implemented at request Bond as now proposed. this Jate hour I don't see what/of Chamber of Commerce and He suggested trying the Athol-|else we can do." downtown businessmen; study Bond system "for two or three| He reminded the OBA that made; one-ways through busi- years in an attempt to ascer-|four previously scheduled meet-/ness okayed, tain what is good for Oshawa."|ings had been cancelled at the LETTER FROM BANKER request of the Association, BASED ON NECESSITY f a ,,|. Mr. Greer read letters from 'According to the OBA briet,|..\4; Finley Datoe: "I don'tithe 1) property manager of the . ccording med thet eo see that we have to say these|Toronto - Dominion Bank; "'gen- bola hog busi Ps are one-way streets now to getlenal experience one-way traffic ora ° mi oat > thats' tet these grants. detrimental to business'; 2) ri one etime endeavor,| Ald. Cliff Pilkey: "We are|Jury and Lovell: 'no doubt)" hts 'i are| Still. open. No decisions haveljabout it, will move traffic--but , egw pte ity f en. been made yet. No bylaws havelit will kill business; vastly re- on hie a Joos been passed." rege ey wed --. -- * ref 'They're just trying to rail-|t0 close a store in Peterboroug oe vee te wae be road it through," grumbled Ald.|@fter introduction of one-way| streets; depreciate assessed) iim port, adopted in principle last Dafoe, value of prepariaes, November by city council. MAY LOSE GRANTS Murra NEW SASKATCHEWAN POWER DEVELOPMENT ~~ is ' A y Johnston complained * which ea yom te RinG-Bond) i resent that," eappedithat oo business men were! 4, seria shiot of the glant day poured the first hydro vision of deveising Gl MAamG Costinass ths ret... ee beng with "-- OBA pet sae yt ne Bog etlons inane Rapids hydro-electric power into Saskatchewan's potential of all of the Saskat- vs one-way traffic in a retail busi-lfor some time. If we don't get "wh 4 b tte listeni is development 95 miles east of grid. The Squaw Rapids dam chewan-Nelson river system. ness area, while capable ofithese estimates in by the 15th, at better listening posts| prince Albert which Wednes- brings a step closer the grand CP Wirephote « peiyin ing traffi of or through have we than the business men READY FOR EASTER PARADE the daiviot la queeden, also|netat hie rae; And ce many mempelvant" he eked. moves business out of the area.|lose the grants." Dean Kelly: "Business losses S { ty L Toronto model Heather York. It's in natural straw, broad brim. bg govtig a ". , , adoption of Bond and] ferlier, City Traffic Engineer cand aes poe Fwy ba Ph a e ane FORT ERIE E Jenkins {is all set with the square crown covered black, = Bl " Peed Athol streets as one-way streetsiRobert Richardson said opposi- bothers ha Mk tha co ly F4 her Easter bonne © with black veiling and with a '%t@ daisies. Black wo fulfills the requirements . . . ofition is common in the introduc- ities like Otta I n Ma 6 FIRST RACE -- Maidens claiming.) Hammer 'n Dalton 100 = : pace cherries provide contrast. providing a free circulation ofltion of one-way streets accord-|Y04 fimmfites 'with Oshawa' 0 y Puree $1800 for three- and four-year-| Michalena, 108 es Chanda creation from New black satin border edging the CP Wirephoto |traftic around the business sec-\ing to the results of a survey of|" amilton with Oshawa? suas ion." gl Navahoe Knave, Cosentino, 108 " TES Ontario cities. He said the sur-/BETTER FACILITIES agin pelea coke! ane ae a - : rr ng ee ones ie. See : coe ve ggg stenied Moca ALTERNATE PLAN bre ony, nnd pelbssed tga es: Hi Rage A Whe separate schools will attend the| wa, chatenge, Adams, 110 4 $2400. For Nb We are not against one-way aftic|wouldn't it? Thei ain Safety Patrol Jamboree in Ot-|risto K., No Boy, 110 The funeral service will be) treets* emphasized Dean! The brief argued that traffic 'i r main streets tawa during May, it was @n-|seterisor, No Boy, 119 a +g Pan Pg lk pes Kelly today. "We just don't ey es ag -- pitt ae. spiuie aie donee nounced at the Tuesday meet:|pavet Lou, No Boy, 118 F, PEARSON of Norham and two sisters, Mrs.J) "00 ROvIN TY? Ww?" Horbert,|think King street should be one-t4' obviously be at the ex-/town are much better than ours. |iNg of the Safety League. hhewsrcg mopar satdien death of William Freder-|Eunice Eaves, Peterborough|? Pm. Kev. t.. . ited|W2Y: Why hasn't the city gone " '| Approximately $3,000 has been|Bande Brief, No Boy, 108 The death og College avenue, land Mrs, George Peters (Edith),|minister of King Street United) ocx to the Department of High-,Pense of the safety and conveni-| "These statements seem to re-| _ "\Dhroimaley fev trip by|Persian supper, Turcotte. X105 ick pdr Fo ht 'Npril ii, at|Salem. Church, will conduct the service.| avs with an alternate plan?" once of the pedestrian and -- or|fute Woolworth's, the Toronto- Constable William Tane's choc.| Daring Damzel, Despirits, 110 occu: G = Hospital, He| Mr, Pearson is at Armstrong Interment will be in Mount Nicholas Damas, partner in|® pper. j Downtown Businessmen and late bi roject in which Black Raven, Fitzsimmons, 103 seviniR KAGE sc Obie 'aun: cmt bese in failing health for|Funeral Home, The memorial|Lawn Cemetery. the firm of traffic consultants| Mr. Richardson pointed to a|Warren Brothers Limited, St,j%ate Dar P bes i i » " hool children participated. | "4's Countess, No Boy, 103 Purse $1900, For four-year-olds and up, i held in the cha- hich carried out Oshawa's 20-|graph showing accident percent Catharines. se 'Also Eligible: Maplohurst, Witestm-|Svs fur. ele moothe. Lg Ahab Pg April 13, at 2 FUNERAL OF ent traffic survey, told thej@ges in Hamilton, proving one-| President George Warren| The safety lane will be open- pore Bg eee ties wae, Pertton Bok, Camnana: of 'Colbo Pics ten tale Fret p.m. conducted by Rev. A. E. MELVIN LEONARD MORGAN) - voting that total costs of pre-/Way Streets are safer. Average|wrote that one-way traffic "kill-|ed May 6. The Department of : : F : re an -|p-m. y " ; McComb, + Su Cc . Ki . cl. he was born Nov, 27, 1908|Larke, minister of Albert Street yarte memorial service for Mel paring an -Athol + Bond system speed, On a one-way street, heled about 75 per cent of the(Transport, Oshawa Police De-|im Hara Grandma, Simpeon, 103. | Cut Steel, No Boy, 118 erick, he was born Nov, 27, p ; ; 4 : MeComb, 116 'i . Interment will died) ore estimated at $1,471,000,/S@id, is 20.5 miles per hour; on/tourist business for us and|partment and the Oshawa Safe- i Popsaysno, * ta Colborne. Mr. Pearson "oe Ee ooneen Union Cemetery. . be "ap peti a ro City costs under such a scheme|® two-way street--14 mph. cars coming into the country|ty League will check cars at| SECOND RACE = s2sn0 cliimite.|/B @ resident of Oshawa _ sesnga ay ld' at the Arm.|Would be around $939,000, "In Hamilton," -he said,|(from the U.S.) now go down a|the police station parking lot to) suriongs. t 37 years coming here from) yrs, sAM STEPHENSON bye bao ai ch 1, Wed-| Costs of the King - Bond sys-|"'there was considerable oppo-|back street and never see our|insure they are in safe running Gatln Manda, Twroetie, 104 tae bg Bevel am ee te The death of - a a neuen 'April 10 os 15 pa. tem, he said, are estimated at|Sition by merchants. But there|main artery. order, free of charge. This will] 5, y oy nera 3 phenson occurr ursday, A ; 15 p.m. oon Romance, No the south plant body shop since) 457i) 1, at Hillsdale Manor, * be - Boy, i ity' was no concrete evidence of] "gyr last two weeks. Don Strome, Hale, 109 He was the beloved husband of 77 Ost, ately $203,000, Most of business losses."" He said the\but is it'witth it? The beart of ong eda he came to Oshawa. lengthy illness. She was|Mary Bell Stewart. f hisategs opinion was that larger num-|¢h pete Te ss sedated tw decor Willan tue nat soak Rev. N. T. Holmes, minister| 2s would be spent on improve-|POO0) Wha Cat Coa reach tency git, being, penalized 24 'T k Th re #) Guiding, Wave, No Boy, 109 EIGHTH RACE -- $2500 claiming, mi J : smony't : ours @ da' A leita McGraw, Jan. 30, 1926, in} The former Eva M. Gibbons,|of Harmony United Church, con- ments to King street. stores easier. hour in the. late po eon sae ake @ VUTEC | rersic sun, "Simpson," xis Purse $1800. For fouryearolds and wp. Colborne. she was born in Claremont, ajducted the service. IntermentiNATURAL ONE-WAYS Mr. Richardson quoted traf-| "If parking were prohibited THIRD RACE -- Maidens, foaled in fantoes, tents 90 Bay 16 The deceased was an adherent|daughter of the late Thomas|Wwas in Oshawa Union Cometery. Mr, Damas described Kim g)tic experts in Ottawa, Peterbor-|from 4.30 to 5.30 on our two Accused Asks Canada, Puree $2100 for two-yearolds, 2) ramuing, Despitite, 116 of Albert Street United Church|and Elizabeth Gibbons. She mar- Pallbearers were Harvey Pas-\and Bond as "natural one-lough, Brantford, London, Sud-|main arteries, I am convinced Bordeau, Bar, No Boy, 118 Snd a member of Local 222,/ried Sam Stephenson there Nov.|°0e, Roy Terwillegar, Ross Lee,| ways." He told The Times Wed-|bury and Belleville. Verdicts:|two-way would work and St, Leader Lane, Despirito, 118 UAW. 9, 1908 and came to Oshawa in|/Gordon Leask, Harold Bennett,/nesday Athol street improve-|from Ottawa -- freer movement|Catharines would again have| A, Scugog Island man_ was) Aged Dust, No Boy, 118 ms He is survived by his wife and|1919, Mrs. Stephenson had lived and Charles Naylor. ments would be costiy: property|of traffic; without one-way|the live retail community it|semtenced to a fine of $50 or 1 Slithering Sam, Prueltt, 118 mother and two sons, Donald,|in Oshawa since that time. acquisition and new paving to|streets, would have asked banjonce had, imstead of a dying|°¢ month in jail in the Oshawa) pen Drift, Turcotte, X110 Qerava, and William, Ragian;| A member of King Street Sn oe rd, 118 a ERNEST POPE -- the road wl sufficient}on parking. one, court today for being intoxicated] Dendier, Remilla rs, at Beye sewed age Rear pe The memorial. service forl™ th; and construction of suit- . Shirley),/a life 'member of the WMS. April 7, at hs Coave General west ends of the 'one-way eec- FOURTH RACE -- Maidens, foaled Oshawa as well as 13 grand-| Mrs. Stephenson is survived) Wooic) in his 70th year, was| '2: fast deteriorating; assessments|Court appearance this week. --|in Canada Purse $2100. for two- children. by her husband, Sam Ste-|\) 01g in the Armstrong Funeral City Engineer Fred Crome B id RK Its are going down. We have had| He was placed on probation re ogg rma Also surviving are six bro-|phenson and a daughter, Mrs. Chapel, Wednesday, April 10 told the meeting that the city rl ge esu three bad fires on our main/and suspended sentence for one] prince anthony, Tincree, ue thers, Walter, Stanley, Ernest/Alex Knibnisky (Dorothy). She) 2) "> oa, Be Was the Waloved applied last November to have and Sydney, all of Colborne and|was predeceased by a daughter, the King - Bond system desig-| ie , the| Pantolsmine, Lablane, 118 From Peterborough: Business-| 'Our main street could al-|in @ public place, This was Barleycorn, Harrison, 118 able terminai at the east and ntiate|most be called a west-to-east|Second time Claude Marsden,/ Empire Boy, Biliott, 11 Lande 5 ll alla ecsnnonnng speedway. Property values are|9, of RR 3, Port Perry, made a street in the past two years andjyear by Magistrate Crawford|Jammed Lively, Robinson, 118 Loui: none of the properties are be-|W. Guest in the Whitby: court|Langerest, McComb, 118 Charles, of Warkworth and Ted,|Giadys, There are four grand-|RAvM4,O" Fontes Uiuhl. ylnated as @ "connecting link." Ot GM Club ing rebuilt." Tuesday, also for being drunk|Fect Hews. Eliot, 116" St. Mark's Anglican Church Approval came through in Jan- et in a public place. Sweet Lady Briar, Dalton, 118 ? COMING EVENTS Sina etn pera ge MNEs seas NRO emo] OFF nea te lee |S THE TIME i f° session e Gen- ° + iti Magi haa ast ° ment was in Mount Lawn Cem-|. iment subsidies will - beleral- Motors Duplicate Bridge Businessmen's Association; "--|fied_ before Magistrate Frank To have that carpet or chest. ms ae were Charies(@Valable for. work done onlClub the idea of making your main|S: Ebbs that Marsden pas CE~$2500 claiming. Puree|ff erfield cleaned ly in FIFTH RA ' . . ./found lying in a ditch east of] $1800 for four- ids and up. 8% fur.|f Oshawa's Origine! Carpet MONSTER BINGO Pope, Bertram Pope, Lester these streets. (Mr. Damas point-| North - South -- Mr. and Mrs. foul peo jl Moving trate Columbus Wednesday 'very Welsh 'Monk, 'teem. x10)" " Cleaning Centre . . . where Pope, Raymond Pope, Edward) a yn Brae ener f subsidies do| P. BS ge i * < gp oosd through the downtown area can|drunk." A bottle of sherry| Cinderetie, Mobinecn nee fully guorenteed satisfaction is : r suc ings as prop-jand B, Jones 71; Mrs. S. Sheri- -| Pancho's First, " assured. Over $500 in Prizes Barber 'nd Roger Crook. sei acquisitions so the city's ho and J. Patterson 674%; W. Space Gane cee os rir sue com. bg treated PO eens Re Phone 728-4681 share estimated above is not|Clark and R. Niglis 644; Mrs.lies to take the through traffic| When the magistrate passed ; ; SATURDAY APRIL 13th Counties Council rinse apie ther de ora Pee aoe 3. Se off the main street. One-way|sentence arnen asked if he FUEL OIL : ! PROVINCE INVOLVED Rog gtd ng Oa ae i trattic would only serve peoplejcould not "take the cure," for gutomatic delivery wl 3 . ; : ; » av. or-|coming from one direction, and| 'You were in the clinic be- y our metered truc S09 P.M. Meets April 23 rovince is "heavily 'imvoleea| move and Mrs. R. Smyth 75%4;)kint your downtown business." |fore,"" said Magistrate Ebbs RUG CO. LTD. [Province is "heavily involved| Mr, and Mrs, E. March 67; Miss we ? 8 , . ° ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM COBOURG -- April session of M. Black and Miss D. Reddoch|Peching weet st of "No| 'and they could not do anything r 4 Parking Anytime" street sec-|with " Phone 668-3341 174 MARY ST. the United Counties Council 85; Mrs. A. Neil and Mrs. Ke-/tioj ding SIMCOE STREET NORTH Will open t the United Coun: CITY AND win 56%. pee eataaies in the traffic ot 3 f ar ER ADMISSION 50 CENTS ties building here Tuesday, The next bridge night will be] "It says here this whole re- Includes tickets on 10 Hams, to be drawn April 13th. Apr'l 23. : : DISTRICT held on Thursday, April 11, at/port is based on conditions for] MEW HOME CHILDREN UNDER 16 NOT ADMITTED The April meeting was in for-| the Oshawa Tennis Club. Mrs. mer years the session at whichiNQ GARBAGE COLLECTION|M. Clark will contact a forum, hy) Pong calsaad ate SPECIALISTS ASSESSMENT OFFICER REQUIRED TEEN-AGE DANCE NOVEL BINGO the budget was introduced and| 'There will be no garbage col-|as usual, from 7.15 to 7.30 p.m.| 'There are pages of parking r done to put these spaces back? time Assessment Officer. 1PM SATURDAY (Albert and oe held usually in late March, tojjected on Friday will have it}|members of Fernhill, Wood-| 'With downtown angle park- ™M, Game $6, $12, $20 Monday pickup will not be we can gain 320 parking Frank E. Shine REM Mr. Damas said a_ block ADMISSION 25¢ Slight reduction of 0.15 mills al- BREAKS TWO TEETH conrens ARRIES , Chuck Connors and Bombay- 47 Simcoe St. South, OLD TYME BINGO [rar sau"atei intr brie, ea aie er ao kena Dey Ane ee nt | rate T 0 NI GHT counties assessment which rose|street railway crossing. Damage night. Connors, 41, is the star DANCING 049,073 over the previous year./the man's car $250. Ronald K. first for Miss Amesur, 29. Con- League. ing| King street west. NUMBERS 50 - 55 TORINTO (CP) -- Churning D A E e B ILDING cream and butter print prices ue to n rror in CRA U Early Bird Game were reported unchanged today. 6 FIRE ALAR Senenrien tase Leaseback THURSDAY, EVENINGS 7:45 |Passed. But the budget meeting/jection on Friday. Persons| This will be an Interclub|prohibitions. But what has been The Oshawa Sepa School Board require ¢ full U.A.W. HALL at ST. GEORGE'S HALL [has now become a one-day affair| whose garbage is normally coll-|Might and will be open to all , enable the contributing muni-| picked t Monday. The|View, Brooklin and Whitby|ing on Bond and Athol streets, Applicants apply in writing, stating age, marital stetus, quall- NO SLACKS OR JEANS Mey, be euied riled cipalities time to Co "204 Ato og acid ay Ping ' fications and salary expected, to:--- present their own budgets. This spaces," APRIL 13th $ Door Prize $15 year, the counties announced a puehen BAER ty Teorey: eG by block parking study was in- Board OSHAWA JAYCEES |though the budget total was the! A Milford man suffered twoll0S ANGELES (AP)--Actor|ciided at the end of the study, oo Syraee Sonene Senne Oshawa when his car crashed with a ; storey parking loft and more off-|| 728-6286 323 King St. W. Square And "Round sible due to the increase in the\CNR locomotive at the Bruce\sint Gennme at ie ce suey |street _surtace lots. | = to the record $82,728,215 or $3,-\to the engine was $25 and to of television's Rifleman show. ee : 8 It was his second marriage, the 8 P.M. Carnahan was driving east onjnop. 9 form : Bruce street when he collided ; er professional Saturday, April 13 20 gomes at $20,.5 gomes wi baseball player, once played for & 4 : MARK E ith the northbound locomotive, 8.30 -- 12 at 7! Pont AN naa T PRICES Maoreed ty Do Car a Montreal in the International 100 GIBB STREET The egg market was steady he Ceheve Fine Dapasinens RED BARN with offerings adequate for a answered four alarms Wednes- B | N the federal department of agri-|city ambulance responded to REALTOR a BINGO GO dollvered "Toro nta in fore)(ttee routine calls in the period "Swe _T2R 208 Advertisement HARMAN PARK ORANGE TEMPLE Jcases: A large 47; A medium -- y a zs 8 a.m, today. m "ASSOCIATION | SATURDAY, APRIL 13th no market. SES | !r Yesterday's Oshawa Times Butter prices: Canada first); UNCOMPLICATED LAND ST é A . de: Ontario tenderable 51-52:| Liechtenstein has no army, Come hohe' A at 2 7:30 P.M. fon: tenderable 50%, in light| daily newspaper, customs, rail- MORTGAGES THE PRICE OF rbd ed 2 FRIDAY, APR. 12th 20 Games -- $8 trading: Western 51-52. (nomi- be station or airport and few Ample Funds for as PK Phan oko = perenne GRADE "A" PRE-DIESEED PICK-UP & DELIVERY coy eat '3 | teand 2nd Mora TURKEYS seer Searday 9 A= 8M 5--$40 jockpots Children Under 16 Not Admitted st and 2nd Mort y My = ° Share The Wealth nahh LIST HEATING & ortgages Saturda M .M | ONLY TO APPLIANCES Maes" For Fast Service Call Us To-Day BEYOND price, | Industrial end oun Sait Shore SHOULD HAVE READ YET WITHIN Commercial OUR COST Is LOWER REACH OF ALL" =f - OR The established, reliable Ges SCHOFIELD-AKER GERROW \ TERMS Deoler in pba Limited C DRUGS 'osHawa LIMITED JOHN A. 3. 7 31 CELIN. A ST _ 723-2265 -- 728-3376 r 6 TO D ° After Hours 728-3376 9 SIMCOE TELEPHONE BOLAHOOE | Sue | || SSeS ee ° NA 73303 725-6544 728-9441 | e : Development et $2.00 PER COUPLE day, all arising from grass fires H LOBL WS fair demand. in the Oshawa area. No prop- Paul Ristow Country dealers are quoted by erty damage was reported, The e@.