- > ot yA pean Pare ne ' aint tty Pas ie "i Pa po ne ACES oh GOES EAT PUTIN Se pre PETITE? wet Cee ree 1@ THE OSHAWA TIMAS, Thurdey, Aprft 11, 1968 =| THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS" - SATURDAY 8 TO 1 - aceeiaeeaaianietl |9----Summer Properties |16--Female Help Wanted |17--Male Help Wanted BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY |S: Zam" "SAS [cuca use Geen = mee vork,|MAN wanted to w "ag tn, anaes J In K ha' dult family, good home, good salary,| Apply wanted t dha oa Bit. WERE n Kawartha's 1, | Ratmanent 'Position. ive a or ut:/Road, Pickering. = 4 App! riting CONT ACA On Trent Canal System -- \Times, AAs : | MuD ; F age Bat : * Accountants Building Trades Money ToLoon _ __|Mortgages ee ii sane 'iw =-- Three bedroom pan----obode |REQUIRED immediately, Hairdreassr, EXPERIENCED 4 Apply Gayen'e Hair Styling, 19 'Athoi ' MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIERL, and|/YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner. ASIA MIKOR, ; . cottage on beautifully treed | street Go. Canara Aceounaat, TH a |Chimnere bal and reparet, gus to MMONEY TO LOAN MORTGAGE -- rans Sah 17 fr. 60 miles trom Oshawe, leesemNcEp aan vam} MECHANIC wa, ings a » furnaces vacuumed, me - < Wit 2.0890; Whitby MO 84131 estimates, 723-2097, Water pressure system, oi! | between 30 and 85 for housework and ry is - iu} heating, furnished, Ideal fish- |care of pre-school child. Apply 506 Pry are YALE, FRIEDLANDER and Co.,|CUPBOARDS OUR SPECIALITY New Low Interest LOANS ; : \ Tho. Call: Welle awe: Juliana _ Drive. we On GM Products Accountants, Licensed Trus-|building and repair work. Call Bill " : HOUSEKEEPER, ie my ray ue tees in Bankruptcy, 64 King Street/Vroom, Whitby 668-4118. . : om NS . Toronto 922-4563 Live in. Own room in new home. wel Must have his own tools, East, Oshawa. 728-7371, CARPENTRY. camodsim Valuations Arranged Moneys for first mortgages , \ sepals 1 7% working. peri adults nly. Both Steady employment. HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO. Char-|new. building, cement. sidewalks and nterest ot 7% : E ing experience. 725-0360. " ' _ tered Accountants, 172. King" Street| porches. A Summers, 728-7245, Residential Open mortgages f 4 UL Articles For Rent GIRL wanied for idnch coun'er, Apply Telephone Manager East, Oshawa, Ontario. 125.3508. ROOFING, concrete floors, fiat roofing No bonus FOR RENT -- Dress pult, taile and | 45 Ritson Road South: "LEONARD JAMES BROOKS, Chartered|U! specialty, new work and repairs, City and District No charge for valuations N : tuxedo, Also two-wheel trailer, Tele- scien bot aA EO 725 0671 , Suite 205W, Osh-| large and small jobs, L and H Roofing gas Mort dA ents . PONG Rh a : '+ fwa Shopping Centre, Tastes.' | and Construction, 725-6007. | Summer Properties a é Dishes - Cutlery - Glasses |' WAITRESSES Al LICENSED _ ALBERT HOSMAR, chartered account- aie py piondtg frpisgen nas Vacart Land Moneys for second mortgoges Punch Bowls Full ond Part Time : ant, 323 King Street West, Oshawa, Gordan' May" 728-0204, Fast service. {, Tpleghene rai-taat_or_easctie, --_|Soee_Soe M, F, SWARTZ Coffee Urns MECHANIC , RAYMOND B. PROSSER, CA, Charier-|Cartage _ Members 26Ve King St. East te a > Silver Teo Service ROYAL LUNCH ed Accountant. Centre Street North, }--__._"____________________| Ontario Brokers' Association 2 King ot. Eas AMRoeHA WHAT DISTANCE Sh Sil Candelab Also experienced Whitby. Telephone 668-5447. | JORN's MOvANG See CARTAOR: Oshawa, Ontario WA DISTINCINE bos ohare ae ats y U f ilver an lelabra HIGHWAY 115 bod nomad been ' j y, Reas rates, f RAVES, | Kt deal eta cree, Fully equipped and insured, 728-3661, SUMMERLAND 723-4697 | ! Pe ashy a BUM? oxen oF ott sat ogc A ables Call Newcastle 4561 MARI ie! i GARAGE Nb" BURROWS, charierea| Uressmaking Musical Services | ? LIBERIA, DECORA Rise IER Mad itch luc dP A at MN as aa aces a cng Fee ahs Bue tenet San OO |SEPERIENGED Gvasaaliag, are | Renee ie ao? of Ait s WHEEL CHAIRS | 290 Cordova 725-5101 owes Ronald F dD, Wilson, CA; G.ltions, pant cuffing, Reasonable 'rates, PIANO, reed, pipe and end oun m AMES AS Anout 280 MILES. gas CONFFURES WH SEEDS. : CLERK- as Edmond t } Burrows, CA. 7 Mre, Eldridge, 67 Montrave. 725-6476. | LIMITED organ iuning and" repair Tnstrumen oe Hospital beds, involid walk- | BOB CLANCY'S Accounting Service. Seenee vi eeeee! nase Ocoee me ing, bedside © commodes, Complete: heckkeeping 'service, 184 Bond|Fuel and Wood 112 Simcoe St. North Optometrist crutches also. slenderizing TYPIST SALES OPPORTUNITY Street West. 725-0997, Res. 723-7605. SCRAP hardwood, onefoot len gths,|_.oshows, Ontario--725-3568 _ --r machines and __roll-away SHEPHERDS AND $7.7 C. H. TUCK, RO, Optometrist. PI eee 6- ' bed: ; , Salesmer with or Appliance Service oth Cie tn spnedaee . PAY ALL {pay accounts at Qoiometris ena iTV--Radio Repairs Auction ab Required Immediately | | . |Bank or 74 Burk Street. Invalids|GUARANTEED repairs to ail makes ret FOR SALE OR RENT | | without ony pl vg Ag , xy ie Gardening and Supplies | jexamined at home. Dial 725-4587. "PV, radio, car radios, Thompson Flee: | 5 day week in Farewell Ave- ing Centre, 329 Simcoe Street South, : | |tronics, 187 Elliott, 728-9792. Fred, : a eee hue 'orc. Employee benefits. | EXPERIENCE Yeo vin full truck. load, $2.50 per yd. 'mal YOUR BILLS [Painting and Decorating | TV TOWERS | AUCTION SALE | Employee benef | ' ; " et | and pater | Telephone Manager | Our ¢ ill "trai Auto Parts patie oe si ee (i Hove Only Ore Ke pom gg 'erg ne ANG | Rentals Of All Kinds | 728 0421 in ane interesting soles ind ottre! n Grave am | } i , | 2 | r 'SAVE AT WESTERN |fon'aoser" i! *4 €7) "| Low Monthly Payment | ane ,» | Antenna Repair Saturday, April 13th | ousenoup EQUIPMENT-- |__ while you lean Your own |SPRING CLEAN-UP, complete week: | | folding chairs, hand planes, ™~| . cor preferred but for the sob ah ee ea $50 to $5,000 | bi sega TRIO Lansdowne Shopping Centre| hall pullers) "atepters «belt EXPERIENCED right' man not absolutely epairs to akes [Phone 72 j . Iking necessary. Salary and bon- } | Simcoe Street, North | cutters, tile cutters, cau' . el WITHOUT ENDORSERS OR | Domestic, commercial, inter- , | guns, tape recorders, TV sets, us plan based on production, LICENSED MECHANICS | BANKADLE SECURITY'. -|. Wecemiiien Reiting Sey | TELENIRICIN - y | transistor radios, tile polish- ; | Sheep me Cow Painting, Paper Hanging. | ] P.M. | ers, vacuum cleaners, bissell 145 King West -- 728-1607 LOANS LIFE INSURED 725.5458 or 725.3842 171 BOND ST. E, OSHAWA shempscer, "BOREBIN Gnelat: " " dehumidifi.rs, air condition- Z Ph V 72 -] ] FIVE BAYS TO SERVE YOU MANURE SUPERIOR |-Sanb e SOUTER 728-6781 Easement Sate dehumidifi.s, alr condition. LA D | ES one 728-165 For on interview é Barristers Well Rotted | PAINTING AND DECORATING [Well _Drilling--Digging Articles on hand | speaker, strapping machine, or Apply in Person to GEESE ANB RELLY, Bes a Ean, a DELIVERED FINANCE LIMITED CONTRACTORS 723-2278. Residenc M 6. ¢ Phone 4 "The Fastest Growing All- Bh'nch ea ¥, tat By load $8 and $6 | Canadian Loan Company" femora age Panic inc Per Bushel $1 17 SIMCOE ST. N. JAMES A. MecboNALD, Ba, utes) Phone 728-7435 725-6541 perme, and Solicitor and Notary Pub-| Chesterfield suite---new ie, The Commercial Building, 286 King, : DAILY UNTIL 5 PM : Cleanouts, Deepenings gun, binoculars, West, Oshawa, Ontario, Client park-) Spring ' IL 5:30 : BACHELOR and family service, wad Compressor Work China Cabinet GARDEN EQUIPMENT--Elec- ing available. 725-4716 or 725-4717 | Cl WEDNESDAY UNTIL 8 P.M ing and repairs. Work clothes and Yards and Cellars Cleaned sere ean Up | Bedroom suite nO L., Barrister, soliel- | [sheets patched, Seven-d k. 604 0; tric hedge clippers, post hole Me eee ac, Sneak Ts oo | SATURDAY UNTIL 12 NOON yemday week "OF! Telephone 728-09" } gee | ah: | baby carriages, C.C.M, "ex- n WELL DIGGING by 'machine, speciai-| Deep freeze 700 Ib. cap. new | ercisers, sewing machines. 333 Simcoe St. South izing in 30-inch tile, W. Ward, 206 Chest-| Massaging belts, coffee urns, NLY. 1 ; bigs | Full Wall Murals nut Street West, PO Box 329, Whitby,| appliance cart. ° 16--Female Help Wanted WOMAN required for weekend work, | 668-2563 or 668-3809 prey. Palpiin oa Kitchen set APPLY in person, Envoy Restaurant, 5a ; camera, movie ' j W, Ritson Road 6 NIGHTS 725-7426 WELL DIGGING Kitchen stove----new projector, slide projector, Fox s Ladies ear | Painting, Paperhanging, | 9 | 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY | | movie camera, screen, sun- 7: Simeon Street South WAITRESS aie full oF part ume Refrigerator : PMENT---35 DAYS 668-5862 | BILL LEMON | Washing machine---new ie yn [Personal Service Apply in person Genosha Hotel. | ford Street, 725- 7824 Residence 720-0964, | . FERTILIZING, PRUNING OTHER EVENINGS BY anemia _ . Vacuum Cleaner--new augers, lawn mowers, fawn SENIOR CLERK. | x rollers, garden sprayer, secd- rg Bla 'ag See Heb fagh gach iia APPOINTMENT | MODERN - GRILL |1--Women's Column Floor Polisher ers, lawn sweeper, fence Th halle 725-96 jence 728 LOAM, EVERGREENS, 7 OFFICE | E cial. Pa oat oe This is a i i i fion: SaRMasEN SEeREN awe EE) GOA. 3 | __17 OFFICE IN ONTARIO _ Bar-B-Oued Chicken, Turkey' |DEBMANENTS on special, Page Hal-| Buffet, lamps, dressers, dress stretcher, post drive, tree challenging and. interesting position. Five dressing, 396 Pine Avenue, Telephone | ers, scythes, lawn area- DOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries! Dinners, Fish 'n Chips, Home {725-5363 ing tables, 100 gal. oil tonk, pruners, scythes, ; | | ' oie cotta | tors, sod cutters, gorden tiller, | day week with good salary. For detailed 'discription of Public, goon dg ona Sata HARDSAND | 2nd and 3rd Made Pies and Desserts SPENCER AND SPIRELLA founda-| ee sega be a dea flame pay . | duties ple ly] on to Direct fP | +3446; Residences: T. K LANDSCAP ING WE DELIVER pot nd gard ni yah rag desigaed it | u please apply in person to Virector of Personne G. M. Drynan, QC; 1 . ST acasa. 723-4788, Mort. | 345 RITSON RD. SOUTH shot, 324 Admiral Road CAMPING EQUIPMENT ace | 725-172) | MORTGAGES |! are Tel 725-9794 | bso" ines '*ae"'marrese | OSHAWA GENERAL. HOSPITAL M RNING F. , sWARTE AnD ROAD | RUNDLE!' S | | CUSTOM TAILORING iF rou have a drinking problem, write poo gl pitt enters, Oo F Notaries, Money tg. loan, Henry 'Block, | (by english tailor) Box 3, Whitby, or call 668-3034 or M. G. MONTGOMERY coolers, car top carriers, w SHAWA, ONT. GARDEN CENTRE | WITHOUT ter skis, life jackets, out- 26% King Street East. 723-4697. Resi-| a Auction Service board t dence, dial 723-4029. a LEN PULLAN Removal of superfluous hair, oard motors, JOKEPH P. MANGAN, GC, Barrister, EVERYTHING YOU NEED | LEGAL FEES | Marie Murduft will be in R.R. 1, Oshawa STAN'S | Baak Poe Solideitor. Money to loan. Office 14% FOR THE | suits, coats, slacks, etc Oshawa, April 15th, 16th, ene - King Street East, Oshawa. 728-8252 | "DO IT YOURSELF | --No Bonus * i j | DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Barrister| Terms from 1.50 weekly | aa Phone Genesho Hotel | SEAD. ine more, driving, pleasure he Sharping and Rentals Ltd. ADMITTING CLERK --Discount for Prepayment) 10 PRINCE ST.--728-5311 Peet tee Oy PRON: eee at tee Sie cera ees) aaa" kang: See mal PART TIME " and Solicitor, 2644. King Street aet.| GARDENER hones: siness ment { ssified section. Selection is wide ond | Fb eon nt eae : ue high, Check "Autos for Sale" The best in materia) and in- | ly dine fain "otal Mitr ee ned I 'Low Monthly Payments |Plumbing and Heating ELECTROLYSIS | right now, | Phone 723-3224 For duty on Thursdays and lag each week. tor, ete., 13% Simcoe Street North.| lence. | Sat agente ast dina 723-4641 P. r Alternating shifts, 7 a.m, to 3:30 p.m. one week; ence 125-3542, | | --NO LEGAL FEES | Aut PLUMBING nd heating 8 plies. 2? ersona : ; waGiinow aad wasthno-- nee | RUNDLE' S | |i icing iewiies eel casneen '5 n come - . - ~ |12---Articles Wanted -- 3 to 11:30 p.m, the next, } | } | QC; Edgar F. Bastedo, Qc. BRUCE V. MACKEY, BA, barrisier.| 725-1764 | Please be advised that : Solicitor, Notary Public, DISCOUNT LIMITED pecteasenlllaticodt clay | cars for wrecking. ¥ th snes oan S'T**' OSHAWA | "The Fastest Growing All- |Rug-Upholstery Service ALL LEGAL OFFICES WILL. BE CLOSED | Soy? is: ee ont OSHAWA GENERAL HOSPITAL CHEST re-upholstered and en oaturday a [] one OSHAWA, ONT, Be Eeeh sree fe me| GARDEN CENTRE |" om Common' ure wits mt © GOOD FRIDAY, APRIL 12 and | 530 eS er ooR | | phreys, QC; 5. sMatiall | 17 SIMCOE ST. N. |holetering, 1 75 Charles Street, 723-7212 MONDAY APRIL 15th Loe z Retadt tata "eae" tates] SPRING GARDEN | 725-6541 [RE UPMOLSTERING -- Chesiertiidy : WANTED OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS | a. Clients' funds available for |ing, "255 Simcoe Street South, 7 | Must be a d typist. Pl | t frat mortgages, 20" Simcoe 5 a , GARDEN CENTRE } SUPERIOR |ALL TYPES alt repairs and remodel: | PU BLIC NOTICE SHAW Director of ene oe a roe 4 North, 728-7336; Charlies C. MecGibbon, 1015 K Street East ed ls. R i «ect [abl "Sh sdinatee "tes. "BYei AUTO. WRERRING: SO W. A. Hillman, Sum Office 721. "ac for all your ot |refinlihed, "rebuilt: teasversd." "All President: Z. T. SALMERS SCRAP, IRON, POULTRY kmansh ranteed. Fi f TMAN, <6 wari gar| SUPPLIES DAILY UNTIL 5:30 P.M. [Sitimnte eal Tabaiite evenings ent] Signed G. D. HEPDITCH fre Dose Skins, Mstol citor, Notary, Alger Building, 27 WEDNESDAY UNTIL 8 P.M. {728-2439 and a representative will cali.| ae Raw Furs, Deer Skins, Metols : RINTED PATTERN sealanies 723-4943, Mortgage monies a (oil brands), free SATURDAYS UNTIL 12 NOON |No, obligation, Kennedy Upholstering,' Secretary Treasurer County of Ontario, Law Association (collect) ; ' : PRINTE '0 RALPH JONES, BA and THOMAS ca GN OF SPEAR» ARR Syl, | OTHER EVENINGS BY j TUR | CHESTERFIE LDS and old chair i Seeem aaa, Servicers and gol] _ manure etc APPOINTMENT | cevered Iika new. an ae x ged Gs 3--Pets & Livestock 7--Trailers ne 723-2043 -- 723-2281 f < : Jat Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies, puve- i cn haley a it Mortgage loans available i'GARDEN SER" VICE | 17 OFFICES INONTARIO __ | South, Call 728-6451, Free estimates bred, registered, four months, males ony Wa wien Tickets ct p-|13--Business Opportunities, Bookkeeping 1 CHESTERFIELDS rebuilt, recovered, 2°¢ females. White Hart Kennels,' piy 980 Chevrolet Street. Spring clean up, pruning |Mortgages like new. Why pay more? Our rates Regi apt Pickering. Telephone wa Pe Fr. MOUSE TRAILER, 1 ioe sx | BANS OWN "Shopping Ppl Store| C lin ands¢ 'y are reasonable, Satisfaction guaran. ""*"° oi model,| space suitable for office or sm fevupmen Mr Sat Deyo e eat Pein Bane aR ICS foun om te pin ong teed, Mattrésses rebullt, Oshawa Up-/WHITE MINIATURE poodles, puppies, forced air furnace, three-piece bath,/ ness, etc. Reasonable rent. Telephone) Switzer Drive. 728-3845 estimotes gee and agreements of. sale pur: ra Co., 10 Bond West, Dia'lireigstered, seven weeks old, males and 'ly equipped. $1950. Telepnone 5 | 725-3652. Saisek Creighton, Drynan and Mur. ' 3. ee 'females. Ideal gift for anyone. $100, FLEETLINE tourlat travel t " 4 WANTED -- Apartment | building an and | BOOKKEEPING strvices, "income tes =a 1259 SIMCOE N. \Goe i. (See heading "Barristers".) S; chesterfields cieaned in your /¢lephone 725-8711. Fully ekuipped. Slightly nue, ere cottage. Will exchange bikes = vices, 708 Newman Crescent, Wintes | 2 222 FIRST AND SECOND morteagen: ~ ez, |home Reasonable rates. Guaranteed| BOSTON terrier puppies, idea) Easter four or five. $890, Apply at 628 Centre tao" nwa station, te P.O. Box 668-8252 | 723-3 agreements purchased and old: satisfaction. 728-7057 (git registered, glx weeks, old females, Street North, Whitby. 7 Omare ae ~|Hennick and Hennick, Barristers, . Mre la jal Hampton ' Building Trades | Sing along with the happy |Kine Street Rast mime "Sales and Service 263-2503, GRAVEL, © er cent stone, Tine ara:| folks who have discovered | insuadinne : ~ OUTBOARD MOTOR om ae gt TRAVEL BUSINESS | =| what a Want Ad can do, REPAIR SERVICE old, $80 and #75. Telephone Port Perry A 0' \iteumpation Mer on A. SCOTT MOTOR AMERICAN Cocker Spaniel puppies, 1i i mh ae OF YOUR OWN Ss H weeks, red, ickering. James Malley | |PRIVATE teacher, student "souneeli. | ee MRT cei 2-6428 | oOiaden raicon lis By interview] SAMOYED puppies from cha CONST. LTD. 723-7122: [anise nosis." NIN) Avene. on brick, intl oF | OSHAWA MARINE |ttcty satiated ana 'ntoed males ented This is a rare opportunity avew DANGK ADABRGGY, ~Saea| Lick -Merthiy Pepnarte. SERVICE and females, 10 weeks. od, Telephone Choose Oshawa and District Home 78. RAD. ing Ste Wea mbeiee | iouae to establish yourself in a now. in, 'eet Wes! | J POODLE, black miniatures mal i - OFFICE AND STORE RAS aE ake DES WAT: CALL; 1467 Simcoe SOEn 72h 02! isan mace Masten ape from.a highly lucrative enter Dancing School. Ballet. t atic, | MR. JAMES moms: 10 weene Se Tee COMPLETE LINE prise, servicing pre-estab- - Remodelling Specialists "preschool kinderdance: Fridays. Satu MORTGAGE FUNDING ee as PURISCHMANN Ouc| BEAUTIFUL 'baby budgies, ready for] lished accounts. training, talking strain, Apply Mrs. WALCO wars occ a eee Lean area ica essing bite | Broad, ite iain stret Hast SUBWAY | __ NO SELLING CONSTRUCTION | Oshawa Driving Schoo! Your, car ae Go eee eal ae eee Cite NO SOLICITING [Phos Recent: 111 Elgin Street East. lana ae 7 i} N°) k 725-6881 icks, breeding stock, | For guaranteed Home Im-- | DAY or EVENING aa lyear old, Ducks, $3 sack. Drakes ts | rauler ar Onl | handi provements. Free estimates. | Late Models, Standards \ 2n or 3r 'TV- Radio Repairs jeach, Telephone Brooklin 655-3995, nly repiace merchandise peerage: Seve | MASSEY-HARRIS grain and fertilizer| and Sales sold. more, do it now. | { drill; 13 rua. Excellent condition. Tele- |. OSHAWA AND WHITBY | one. in 7 | j WHITBY 668-4412 | CALL 728-0091 Mortgage TV AERIALS. FALUWING cating aime vat aia|. DUNdas St. East, Whitby | pplicants should . have ively stepper. er, After 8 p.m.. 4/6 hours spare time Classified Ad Rates Is Due, See Us About A | AND TOWERS _ |tsiechone'fataser" ots MI * ® 668-2866 weekly. Good references, 25 WORDS OR LESS Repaired ond instolled. Ces Be a Sigueet "weioee pan ' : car and eit copital | ATT. AR Better described offers get faster results. LOW COST WHITBY Tetephone ke ce itek.| Sales - Ports - Accessories of $1,750, ALL YEAR WEAR q C Ch argw ur Farm, Tyrone. a 5 1s - 6 consecutive days vt i | 668-8344 Lame: oe sg ummer Properties Write, giving name, ad- y For Sale or Rent Just 'the thing 'for. spring. 4952 . ores oe Fe 1\, (Suction ---- dress and phone number | vinmer! Wear these trimmed - SES 210 Count each word, initiol, figure or abbreviation as one word. Mortgage Loan CITY 7 \V. ee (HOUSEKEEPING cottage, mith hyde to veil hats -- daytime and dates. Box number sees U8 {te Box 108, Pacey Seana. SIX flatt , enchanti il If not paid within 7 doys, 'charge rate 'cpplies. --No Bonus Towers and Antennas CONSIGNMENT [Two 8 age oe rR BOX NO. 438 hats aed bert Gaels HAPPY SAILOR Professional Hetings only, 3 sige per month : a4 --No Legal Fees : Television Repairs AUCTI ON og pea Pe ae OSHAWA TIMES make. Trim with flowers, rib-) By ANNE ADAMS Each additional line per mont ee ' 6 --No Extra Charges Guaranteed Satistuction 0 season only. 723-9893, Ful! or Part Time Automatics Dual Controlled ev "-- : i Pattern) She's. irrenasae -- the little i i ; ATTRACT! ; eot.| 14---Employment Wanted : direclions for 0. girl who wears this saucy sailor or ee --Low Monthly Payment 51i Dean Ave. SATURDAY APRII. 27 tases tor sale om Steenturs' and"aion:|jgan-aine cheatears "iesacewana| THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) dress with side pleats to flare it DEADLINES ee 725- 0500 { Maasntnar lara ta no. of Madoc. jixe permanent work, daving, Tele-/for this pattern (no stamps,/out widely. Easy-sew jn crisp Word ade 5 pm. Moy prévicus eas ne | 1:00 P.M. entrees | MNOS TANNER, | please) to Alice Brooks, care of| white cotton with contrast braid, Classified Display 052330 p.m. day previous SUPERIOR | | SINGLE GIRL, 19, | requires s posit on a as The Oshawa Times. Needlecraft bow Ee taba ccs cose 8:30 wim dey of publican WV TOWERS Riding horses of all types Bancroft Area ooo steerer oad references tele |Dept., Oshawa, Ont. Ontario Printed Pattern 4952: Chil- Lost and Found -- . 8:30 a.m. day of publication DISCOUNT LIMITED and ponies. Registered harses York River at phone 725-1383, residents add Ic sales tax. Print| dren' ie 2. 4, 6, 8, 10. Size 6 Cancellations 'ond Corrections--8: 30.a.m. day of publication, | The Fastest G All sell first then grades 'and Baptist Lake | piYER PAN DAY Nursery, Monday ¥ to| plainly PATTERN NUMBER, |!akes 23§ yards 35-inch. REGULATIONS astest Growing All- Phew Economy and Deluxe | Ponies. Sale indoors. Lorgest | Good fishing and Bosting | S'xduh,"reeshone Tina '""*| NAME, ADDRESS eae falas Bepasy ates er The Oshowa Times will not be responsible for errors, in advertise. Canadian Loan Company" reuse aris keg acting gn 5 sleeping cabins with 500 ft. |. 1063's Biggest Needlecraft}; 'Ont id de 3 ments submitted otherwise than in writing, not tor more than Priced to suit your budget, Roy lonson R.R. 3 a Riverfront. 16--Female Help Wanted Show stars smocked ac sen car aes tg a ni sere one incorrect insertion of any advertisement, nor beyond the 17 SIMCOE ST.N. , Ge t Or ry oe lots, con be sub- | pg tiABLE young girl for baby ait. --it's our new Needlecraft Cat- NAME. A DDRE SS STYLE price charge for a single insertion ot the advertisement in which 725-6541 TERMS ARRANGED orgetown, Ont. $750": as on Mgt as sitting and light housekeeping, > Wernes- alog! Plus over 200 fresh-to-vou| i LSS, § AD) error occurs. - 876-6698 some higher, some low- day to an Live in if prefer. Tele- designs to knit,- crochet, sew, - PRL PNB cdf ve 7h) Rte er priced. |phone 723-1 Send order to ANNE ADAMS, The Cihawe viene serves oP to classity advertising DAILY UNTIL 5:30 P.M, OSHAWA TV | Write Bruce Williamson |THREE WOMEN to com iste Taare pe tern. Send' 25 a8 a WS care of The Oshawa Times, Pat: according to its prope ° WEDNESDAY UNTIL 8 P.M Want Ads R.R. No, 2, Bowmanville |Wours to suit, No exserience necessary,|--<< Pe ce ens OC ROW' _|terst: Dept.. Oshawa, Ont, In the case of display advertisements, The Times will not be | saTURDAYS UNTI 7 ' Peer tase) Wosere Gen tates Just out! 304 design ideas plus held responsible for more space thon thot in which the actual S UNTIL 12 NOON SUPPLY LIMITED Telephone Bowmanville weeks. Cail 7230781, W +. Ad D i: coupon for* FREF. pattern--any error occupies. The publishers endeavour to reproduce all oaver- OTHER EVENINGS BY hold the key 623-5382 ~ za an S on I |COOK and Waless tor small ve ene yor choose ew wg- tising matter correctly, but assume no liability of advertisement APPOINTMENT 728-8180 Easter Week-End Apply [ant in os "Must have experie a veudaneden om Ss If eny inaccuracies in eny form ere contained therein. 17 OFFICES IN ONTARIO to Extra Cash High Falls Lodge, Bancroft | Good wages. After 2 p.m. telephone Cost-They Pay |Summer Pattern Catalog. Send a reece atlases mento { BR A Ag iS AS a Rs eR MRS Sa