ites y= nanm appears' sisi? Rickard Denies Professional Aid PORT HOPE -- Garnet Rick- ard, PC candidate for Durham Riding Thursday, denied that his party had received profes- sional help from the PC organiz- ation in Ontario Riding. He was commenting on a statement made earlier in the week by Durham Liberal cand:- date Russell C. Honey. Mr. Honey charged that pro- fessional workers from the On- tario Riding Progressive Con- tervative Conservative Associa- tion were helping Mr. Rickard in Durham, "I don't know what Mr, Hon- "s reasons are for making this arge,"' Mr, Rickard said. ADVICE WELCOME "Hon. Michael Starr is an oldisisted, triend of mine from municipal council days. I welcome his .ad- vice, but it's nonsense to say that he sent me professional or- ganizers. Mr. Rickard said he was "very grateful to the many who @re voluntarily supporting me because they believe in the Tory party." None of these people are pro- fessional workers, Mr. Rickard stated. "They all have full time occupations or are retired." Referring to Mr, Honey's charge, Mr. Rickard comment- ed: RED HERRING "I have never criticized his campaign tactics and I do not know why he introduced this red herring into the campaign at this late date. "He should stick to the is- sues. "The Liberals held a cam- paign clinic in Newcastle some- time ago at which outsiders as- I didn't complain about this, Seemed normal for them to do it if they wished. I am truly sorry, that what up to now has been a wonder ful campaign and credit to all parties, should suddenly degen- erate to this level. Large Class Confirmed At King Street Confirmation Service was ob- served last Sunday at King Street United Church, with an overflow congregation in attend- ance. The junior choir sang the anthem 'Wonderful Words of Life" by Bliss and the senior choir sang the anthem 'The Wondrous Cross" by Rhyddid Williams. New members from the confirmation classes wete re- ceived into the membership of the church by the laying on of hands by the minister, Rev, L. Wesley Herbert. The highlight of the service was the presentation of awards to the junior confirmation class. In words of commendation, Mr. Herbert presented John Magill of 460 Athol street east, with a copy of Abbingdon's Bible Com- mentary for writing the award winning confirmation essay. Confirmation essays of honor- able mention were written by Sandra Cook of 1019 Somerville street and Peter Lean of 120 Cadillac avenue north, who were presented with copies of the new English Bible. The following were received from the junior confirmation class: Sandra Marie Cook and Mary Lynn Cook, 1019 Somer- ville street; Jo-Anne Densham, RP Oshawa; G. doing, 320 French street; Pamela Greentree, 275 Farewell avenue; Sheila Patricia Keys, 441 Ritson road north; Lynda Joan Martell, 289 La Salle ave- nue; Sharon Lynn McMahon, 103 Adelaide avenue east; Mar- ilyn Elizabeth Morrison, 366 Athol street east; Pamela E!- len Stovin, 284 French street; Grant Franklin Anderson, 272 Ritson road north; Van Holmes, 593 Rosmere street; Ian Jack- son, 79 LaSalle avenue; Peter George Lean, 120 Cadillac ave- nue north; John Lloyd Magill, 460 Athol street east; David Marlowe, 255 Bruce street; Rob- ert Lawrence McConkey, 853 Parklane avenue; Brian James Parry, 590 Finucane street; Har- old Russell Silver, 54 Harris avenue. The following were received from the Senior Confirmation Class: Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Morrison, 355 Bruce street; Mr, and Mrs, Alan A. Thomp- son, 502 Athol street east; Miss Lois C. Toyne, 146 Division street, Mr, Peter A. Van Hem- men, The following were received by letter of transfer: Mrs. Lloyd Scott, 362 Rossland road west; Mrs. H. Thompson, 213 Verdun. road; Mrs, Robt. Stewart, 94 Meadow crescent; Mr, and Mrs. John Bumister, 291 Richmond street east; Mr. Donald M. Welsh, 588 Park road north. Is Approved HAMPTON (Staff) -- Gravel pit operator Steve Jeffrey, of Maple Grove, Thursday, was granted permission by Darling. ton Council to sell 20,000 yards of sand. Mr. Jeffrey appeared before council asking that he be al- lowed to make a bid for the sand contract for the new area service station. He was seeking release from an agreement he has with the township for supplying gravel and sand. Council, in granting the re. lease, stated in their motion that Mr. Jeffrey was limited to just taking out the 20,000 yards of sand if he was awarded the contract. Reeve Art Blanchard pointed out to council that Mr. Jeffrey Helen Marie/Times Thursday. "This product Boundary Road Pact Adopted HAMPTON (Staff) --A bound- ary road agreement between Darlington Township and Man- vers Township was adopted Thursday by Darlington Town- ship Council. In the agreement, Darlington will be responsible for the boundary road south of the 10th Concession road allowance, Manvers Township, according to the agreement, will be re- sponsible for the boundary road Results Of Good Turn Collection The Oshawa District Scouters Club held a Good Turn Day March 30, in order to collect used clothing and household articles for the Society of Crippled Civilians, the rehabil tation agency that serves the handicapped, The good turn day is a proj- ect of the Scouters Club and was under the chairmanship of B. J. Muzeen, assistant scoutmaster of the lith (B) Scout Troop. On March 23 the Cubs. of Osh- awa issued 18,000 Good Turn bags were collected, that is over were picked up March 30 by the Boy Scouts. Sixteen thousand seven hundred full good tum Bags throughout the city, These 93 per cent of the bags issued| © a week before. Along with this| - Mr. Muzeen informs us that ap- proximately 200 boxes of items] © and about half a tractor trailer) © of loose clothing was also col lected by approximately 600 Boy Scouts, Mr. Muzeen would like to thank, on behalf of the Oshawa District Scouters 'Club, the peo- ple of Oshawa for their gener- ous contribution to the handi- capped, to Mayor Gifford, Radio Station CKLB, and The Oshawa Times, for their help in bringing this worthy service before the people of Oshawa. Mr. Muzeen said that this was the first undertaking of its kind in the Oshawa 'istrict and that the tremendous success is due to the hard work not only of the Cubs and Scouts of this district but of the many friends of Scouting in Oshawa. Four hundred and _ thirty- six donors attended the April Clinic for blood donors held at St. Gregory's Auditorium Thursday. Chairman Robert Stroud pointed out that this CAPSULE NEWS "situated north of the Conces- sion road allowance of Man- vers," The boundary road, as set out jin the agreement, "separates Manvers on the east from the Township of Darlington," Local Firm Develops New Detergent A non-polluting detergent in- vented by an Oshawa man may be the answer to a serious na- tional problem. Synthetic detergents are pol- luting lakes, streams, ponds and tap water. Foam residues are also-appearing in water sup- plies of sewage treatment plants and septic tanks. "But I have a detergent as near to nature as nature is to itself,' announced N. E, Sweet, owner of the N. E. Sweet Com- pany Limited, to the Oshawa will disintegrate 100 per cent in septic tanks and city disposal units -- without any added in- gredients,"' he said. Mr. Sweet attacked the recent "solution" to the detergent-resi- due problem as offered by re- searchers in the field. "These people want to chem- ically treat the detergents that are only partially destroyed by normal sewage treatment, re- ducing it to one part per mil- lion. Why not do away with it entirely, instead of just cutting down the amount of residue," said Mr. Sweet. | "My new product, called 'Bio- Degrade', is made from a vege- table fat and breaks down com- pletely by the bacteria of the s After Fight TORONTO (CP)--A warrant for the arrest of Wallace James Atkinson, 40, of suburban York LINDASY -- Vernon Clayton,/Township was issued Thursday formerly of Lindsay and now|charging him with capital mur- living in Oshawa, was fined' ajder in connection with the slay- total of $42 for creating a dis-|ing of his friend George Albert turbance by fighting and con-|Batten, 32. Batten, a window suming liquor while on 'the in-|washer, was stabbed in the side terdicted list. Wednesday while sitting in a The court heard that Clayton|beverage room. He died shortly was arrested by OPP March 23/afterwards in hospital due to following a disturbance. at the/loss of blood. Embassy dance hall. OPP Const. Ian Miller testi-| pONAMCMON One TGP) -- fied Clayton was wearing only Lois Lomax, 39, of 'Hamilton, one "-- and had no b pie the who committed suicide by swal- when the officer arrived on. the lowing a bottle of insecticide in was a good turnout of donors 'in spite of the fact that the weather was bad and there was a hockey game to watch". The clinic's objective was 400 donors, Photo shows ----| Charges Laid Three Fined) 1, Stab Death first premier of Finland in a coalition government formed by Social Democrats in 1917, died Thursday night at the age of 90. For a time after the First World War, Tokoi was a refu- gee facing either a death sent- ence or long imprisonment both in his own country and Russia. He finally came to the U.S. SCORES INTERCEPT WASHINGTON (AP) -- The U.S. Army's Nike-Zeus missile has scored its fourth intercept of an intercontinental ballistic missile target warhead fired over the Pacific some 5,000 miles from California, it was scene shortly after 10.30 p.m. hyper He said Clayton was covered|2,™%e! ind hk raed Mahe in blood and had numerous! appearance, police said. She body bruises, The officer said was to appear in court on 11 Clayton left the building after a charges of false pretences scuffle and outside the building another fracas occurred in- NEEDS FIRM PLANS volving three other men and| TORONTO (CP)--Dr, Norman Clayton. MacKenzie, president of the Ca- "It appeared as though C'ay-|nadian Centenary Council, ex- ton had the boots put to him|pressed concern Thursday that outside the hall," said Const:|plans for celebrating Canada's Milner. 100th birthlay in 1967 are tak- Vernon McGill, 19 of Oshawa|ing too long to jell into firm was finéd a total of $39 for|Projects. He said at a press creating.a disturbance, obtain-|COnference that preparation for ing liquor under age and utter-|the centennial year has been ing the highway. Accused plead-|. in a state of suspended anima- ed guilty to all three charges, |tion" for almost a year. He at- Roger Cochrane, 19, of Osh-|tTiboted some of the delay to awa paid a $15 fine for obtain-|,@ lot of uncertainty" resulting ing liquor under age. from the fluid situation in fed- jeral politics. TO STUDY RUSSIA TORONTO (CP)--The Univer- sity of Toronto is establishing a centre for the study of Russia and Eastern Europe, university CITY AND DISTRICT soil, septic tank or sewage treatment," he said. Samples of the detergent have been sent for analysis and water research to the Laboratory Water Research Commission headquarters, Toronto. The product will appear on the mar- ket in about six weeks and will bear a price-tag the,same as competitor's products, '"'even though it is made from more costly ingredients than synthetic detergents of a petroleum origin". Mr. Sweet said an all-out ef- fort will be made to flood the market in northern Ontario in an effort to stop stream pollu. tion, MARKET PRICES TORONTO (CP) -- Churning cream and butter print prices were reported unchanged today The: egg market was steady with offerings barely adequate for a fair demand. Country dealers are quoted by the federal department of agri- culture on Canada grade eggs, delivered Toronto, in fibre cases: A large 47; A medium 45; A small 40; B and C grades no market. Butter prices: Canada first grade: Ontario tenderable 51-52; non. - tenderable 50%, in light trading: Western 51-52 (nomi- nal), FIND ALBERTA RAT d Thursday. It was the first intercept of a target war- head propelled by a Titan I, a more powerful rocket lofting a bigger payload than the Atlas ICBM which figurel in the first three Nike-Zeus intercepts last year. DOCTORS STRIKE AGAIN ROME (AP) -- Italy's 83,000 doctors began a new and un- limited strike against paper- work today after a 24-hour holi- ay from medical service. The doctors said they refuse to fill out most of the forms required by medical insurance plans. TOMB SWEEPERS ENTER HONG KONG (/P) -- Hong Kong and Chinese Communist authorities eased border restric- ticns today to let thousands of Chinese from this refugee- \packed British colony visit their ancestors' tombs during the Ching Ming or tomb-sweeping festival, LICENCE RENEWED OTTAWA -- The Board of Broadcast Governors announced officials said Thursday, It is} EXPECT QUEEN MOTHER headed by Professor Gordon) TOURS, France (AP)--Queen Skilling. | Mother Elizabeth of Britain will today that the licence jor radic station CKLB-FM, Oshawa, has been 1968, | visit the famous chateaux of the Loire Valley April 17-21, local officials announced today, Her schedule will include visits to members of ancient French families and the Brazilian archi- tect-decorator Emilio Terry di nr reggae who lives at Roche- votte, WILL MARRY FAROUK ? ROME (Reuters) -- Beautiful Italian singer Irma Capece Min- utolo was reported today to have said she will marry for- mer King Farouk of Egypt next month. GUARDS CATCH ESCAPEE HAMPTON (Staff) -- Darling- ton Council got into its favorite topic of previous vears Thurs- day afternoon, What to do with businesses that do not conform to the zon- ing bylaw but, because they were erected before the bylaw was drawn up, they are ex- empt? "The only control council has over 'undesirable businesses' is when the business burns down, council can refuse to issue a new building permit. (However in a recent case, the council learned that they could not do this.) CITE WRECKING YARD Councillor Mrs. Mary Budai told council yesterday that she was asked by a township wreck- ing yard operator to see if coun- cil would give some assurance that he would not lose his busi- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, April 5,1963 3 ness if it was destroyed by fire. Operator of the wrecking yard, Ernest Knapp, wanted to know if he could change his zoning from agricultural to n- dustrial, Mrs, Budai told Coun- cil, By doing this, he hoped he would be protected, she said. Deputy Reeve Harold Muir claimed that the rezoning would increase the value of Mr, Knapp's land. SEEKS ASSURANCE Councillor Budai pointed out that Mr, Knapp was "not seek- ing to get his land value in- creased, but wanted some as- surance that he would 'not be out of a livelihood if the butld- ing was destroyed by fire or any other involuntary cause." Reeve Art Blanchard said that a general policy was need- ed in the Township, Solicitor Will Study Darlington Zoning Clerk Walter Rundle polr out that if council ae zone the land to i coun ° cil could find itself in if the present owner sold the property at a later date. Mrs, Budai again claimed thet 'Mse "Keene waaied. at Mr. pp wai "some assurance that he would be on safe ," if he lost his business through fire or any other involuntary cause, ' Later Mr. Rundle suggested that the problem should be dealt with 'in principle for all people in non-conforming use. : Council et a wells, om for er pethings by the on solici- tor. Clerk Rundle told council that the building inspector "will like. ly issue a permit for a building destroyed by fire." APRIL BLOOD CLINIC HAS 436 DONORS Mrs. M, White, of the St. John -Ambulance (Nursing division) as she donated blood at yesterday's clinic, With her is Mrs, Alice Stark, a Red Cross volunteer. --Oshawa Times Paoto Rickard Cites Key Issue In Election CANTON -- Governments are created to serve the people and not to further the ambitions of political parties, says Garnet Rickard, Progressive Conserva- tive candidate for Durham Rid- ing. Addressing a meeting' of the Hope Township PC Association, we he said, "the key issue. in this election is electing a responsible parliament, We need a stable, responsible and progressive gov- ernment and an_ opposition which will respect the rights of parliament." Mr, Richard said MP's. must set the example and show that they can carry out the nation's business. "With representatives in every province in Canada," he said, 'the PC party needs only 17 more seats to form a majority government. I believe we can get them," He also referred to the devel- opment of the rural areas under the ARDA plan and the new po- tential for the tourist trade brought about by the devalua- tion of the-dollar. "To have a healthy economy," said Mr, Rickard, "towns and rural areas must grow together. The government has achieved tremendous success in helping industry to gain new export markets." He added that in the past nine months the accumulative total of favorable trade bai- ances amounted to $260 million, in contrast to the trade deficit of $700 million in 1956, the last Liberal year. AUTOMATED "NEWSBOY" Here's one way to sell When the Downtown Busi- nessmen's Association meets with city council next Tuesday to discuss a proposed mall for King street, they should be pre- pared to answer one question hy? ' "But we'll look at their pro- posals with an open mind,' Nicholas Damas, of . Smith. Damas traffic consultants, told a meeting of the Oshawa traffic advisory council and planning board Thursday night. "We don't like to be identi- fied as being for or against something, but rather, to look at it from an engineering point of view and what is best for the area," said Mr. Damas, "we're ing to hear some 'of the highlights of the association's proposal and then take it back and give it some quiet study." MONEY BIG FACTOR He said there is a lot of con- cern these days about urban renewal and redevelopment, but unfortunately, the final deci- sions are usually determined by good old dollars and cents, Mr. Damas will also be con- cerned about what will happen to the circulation of traffic in the downtown area if this bar- rier is established, what it would do to bus routes and what -- conditions would be like. As far as the businessmen's 'proposal to have angle park- ing on Athol street, he isn't in favor of it. "Angle parking is going out of style," said Mr. Damas, "'it causes trouble In the downtown areas and is also a question of safety, because the motorist has to back out into a travelled lane of traffic." He said this might have been all right a few years ago when traffic was light, but not now "We don't want to discourage the businessmen," said Wil- ;|street between Olive avenue less time than that, Oshawa and Whitby will be almost one city," Items discussed were: in- clusion of Wentworth street from Park road to Stevenson road; closing of Park road from Hillside to Bloor; adding the Townline road as an arterial and the north city limit; Mary street from Rossland to King; McMillan drive from Adelaide avenue to King; Stevenson road| between Rossland road and the airport designated as a collec- tor street and between Taunton and the north city limit as an arterial street; Thornton road as major artery from the north city limit to Champlain. Farewell street from Bloor to Harbor road as a Lect Traffic Advisory Council Discusses Many Problems Arterial streets outside the city limits: Harmony road, Thornton road, Taunton road east, Beatrice street and Went- worth street. A proposed interchange on Highway 401 is at Thornton's road with Ritson road inter- change being closed, Mr. Damas said that although ~ ayy 8 apps at a , they are really ace peta Y sthet than main inter changes, He said Harmony road is a limited access, Ritson road will be dangerous, Simcoe street is handicapped by the Bloor street intersection and Park goed has bad turning connec: ons, street; Division street as a col- lector street from Adelaide to King; Drew street as a coilec- tor street from King to Olive; Colborne street from Grandview to Riverside; Nelson street from Wentworth to Conant. Mr, Damas said the estimated costs in the report includes BLAST KILLS FIVE SAIGON, South Viet Nam (AP)--A Viet Cong mine ex- ploded under a train in a jungle area 50 miles northeast of Sair gon today, killin, five Vietna- mese civil guardsmen and injure ing 20 others, an American mil- bridges, property damage and property acquisition, CREEK VALLEY ROUTE Also discussed at length was the valley route which would be an arterial street running from the creek. NEW HOME SPECIALISTS IMA Reel Estete Lid. TRADES ACCEPTED 728-6286 323 King Se. W. Bloor street to Adelaide beside itary spokesman reported, OSHAWA"S ORIGINAL ot Nu-Way, carpet end broad: toom hes been a specialty fe 18 years . . . with theusands of yards on display to select from, PHONE 728-4681 NU-WAY RUG CO. LTD. 174 MARY ST. -- liam Woodcock, chairman of the planning board, "'it's been a long time since we got any- thing out of them." 1980 IS BASIS Mr. Damas said the report is based on estimated figures for the year 1980, Said Mr. Woodcock, "in much newspapers. In Sweden, newspapers prepare t ape recordings outlining some highlights of the day's news. The tapes are then broad- cast from loudspeakers at newsstands, Smart sales executives get the best workers by broad- FUEL OIL for automatic delivery by our metered trucks DX OIL CO. Phone 668-3341 High School Diploma, 100 DUNDAS STREET NAME . ADDRESS eee ee | YOU WHO NEVER FINISHED are invited to write for FREE booklet, Tells how you can earn your AT HOME IN YOUR SPARE TIME AMERICAN SCHOOL, Dept. 7 . 0-1 DESERONTO, ONTARIO Please Send me your FREE High School Booklet -- Ne Obligeticn coccccccces AGE .ce0 Peewee eee werenes casting their op gs in Oshawa Times 'Help Want- ed" Classified Ads. To reach interested applicants quickly dial 723-3492 and have our Ad Taker start your result- getting ad today. BERLIN (Reuters) -- East German border guards today opened fire on two young East Berliners who tried to escape across the border into the French sector of Berlin, police said. A 21-year-old man reached West Berlin territory safely but his friend, aged 23, was caught by the East German guards. @ Commercial and Industrie! Sites H Bovclesaie Paul Ristow REALTOR 52% Simcoe N. 728-9474 HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS 24-HOUR SERVICE 313 ALBERT ST. 723-4663 EDMONTON (CP) -- J. 3. Gurba, Alberta's crops protec- tion supervisor, reported Thurs- day that a two-pound Norway rat was killed near a grain ele- vator at Stettler, 150 miles southeast of here.. It was the second rat discovered recently in Alberta, which boasts that it is the only rat-free area in did riot know whether he would get the sand contract. TEACHERS WON'T WORK New Press Law holiday for pupils in 15 element- St. Johns is 20 miles southwest from writing "anything harm-|¢Tal Judge R. E, 'Thomason lowed to work in Iraq without spb tains "fabrication or discortion"|ing in home-baked unleavened permission to continue to work|%ficial ban on matzoth baking pro-imperialist propaganda, in- HAWAII | TRY | y ~jenter classes, maintaining a under negotiation since last fall. day night prohibits journalists pondents they: will not be al-(C@tses of fraud and conspir- warned if their material con-|arrested on charges of speculat- copy "he will be deprived of|i" the West. have protested an friendly states," publication of|Oskari Tokoi, who became the tion of immorality. | '" 485.10 AS e first class hotels. (based on double INCLUDES: air transportation end || ----a ' ~ NOW ! $100,000.00 Auto Liability Insurance AT "PREMIUMS AS LOW AS 27.00 PER YEAR A Court Judgment can ruin your life financially , . . be sefe with adequete insurance. North America. MORE GOOD FOOD BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH Breaktast, | | Closed Good Friday, || April 12 and Easter _ Monday, April 15, | "BOOK NOW Four Seasons Howard Travel Travel AJAX OSHAWA PHONE PHONE 668-3161 728-6201 942-6690 i ST. JOHNS, Que. (CP) -- renewed until March 31,/About 250 teachers went to ary.and secondary schools. The work stoppage was a result of On Journalists of Montreal. BAGHDAD (Reuters)--A new SETS SENTENCE DATE ful to the revolution or its|Thursday tentatively set April aims." 15 for sentencing Billie Sol the permission of the guidance ARREST FOR BAKING ministry, MOSCOW (AP)--Eight Jews, of news concerning Iraq bread for the Hebrew Passover The law said if a correspon: celebration, Jewish sources re- in Iraq." in recent weeks. The law prohibits "'ill-inten- WAS FINN PREMIER citations against public secur- ity, attacks against recognized leave any day YOU wish Nagy Motors Opposite the Shopping Centre school Thursday but refused to disagreement over a contract Iraqi:press law published Thurs- EL PASO, Tex. (AP)--Fed- It also warns foreign. corres- Estes, convicted last week on Foreign reporters. will be|two of them women, have been dent persisted in writing such|Ported Thurslay. Jewish groups tioned campaigns against FITCHBURG, Mass. (AP) -- religions in Iraq, or propaga- 14 DAYS 728-5178 " KING ST. W, | BEAU VALLEY IS YOUR BEST BUY We will sell your home fost. Call us to-dey. | SCHOFIELD-AKER 360 KING ST, WEST e@ Don Ellison @ Gerry 725-6687 Osborne (Limited) 723-2265 @ Ralph Schofield 7294 728-3376 ine Modernize and Improve your Home Now... with anew oil furnace LANDER-STARK HOME HEATING SERVICE Our residentiol fuel oil customers now receive - all in. the price of oil -- a Furnace Cleanout and Tune-up once each year. In addition, we will con- tinue, as we have done for many years, to pro- vide Emergency Service at no additional cost. Our own Service Dept. is on call 24 hours every day and is Radio Control- led for fast, 'efficient service, uae s 43 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA .. Yes, now that Spring is very good time to modernize your home . .. keep its value up to date. If you have an old or obsolete heating unit, let us install a new modern Oil Furnace in your home. We have a number of choice and a very convenient 5-Year Purchase Plan. Call 725-3581 and let us give you a Free heating survey and a quotation . . . now. Tate here -- it's a models for your .. PHONE 725-3581