THOUGHT FOR TODAY Aging gracefully is when your hair turns grey out. before it falls Oshawa Fines day with cha WEATHER REPORT Partly cloudy and warmer Satur- nee of a few showers. Winds southwest 15 Saturday afternoon. I es. Sy VOL. 92--NO. 81 Bh 10 Cents Per Copy Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office Payment ot peatoge in Camh. Vote Campaign Ideas To Make Economy Grow By THE CANADIAN PRESS Contrasting prescriptions for' economic growth in Canada were offered by two of the cam- paigning party leaders Thurs- day night. _ Liberal leader Pearson pledged direct government in- tervention to establish industry in hard-up areas. If this is called socialism, 'that doesn't worry me a bit," -he said at Sudbury. New Democratic leader Dou- gias said at Winnipeg that a re- distribution of purchasing power is needed to spark the economy, and proposed higher old age pensions, guaranteed prices for primary producers and other social and welfare measures. Prime Minister Diefenbaker, after a busy day of whistle-stop electioneering, ran into more heckling over his defence pol- icy during a Hamilton speech in which he said Canada's econo- mic growth last year was the highest in the free world. At Ottawa, Social Credit Leader Thompson predicted his party will form a minority gov- ernment after Monday's elec- tion. END IN SIGHT With the campaign's end in sight, only a brief final spurt of campaigning is left for the four leaders. Mr. Diefenbaker speaks at Paris and Brantford today and on Saturday remarks on a fina! whistle-stop tour in Ontario with an evening speech at Sarnia be- fore flying to his Saskatchewan constituency of Prince Albert. Mr, Pearson speaks tonight at a major Toronto rally and next day flies to Ottawa where he will be on election night. Mr. Douglas campaigns in the Vancouver area, including his - Coquitlam constitu- There were reports that two other premiers will take to. the hustings on the last day of cam- paigning -- British Columbia's Premier Bennett in Quebec to support Mr. Caouette, and On- tario's Premier Robarts to travel with Mr. Diefenbaker. TALKS IN ALGOMA Mr. Pearson, 'who spent most of Thursday campaigning in Al- goma East, had an audience of some 1,800 in Sudbury for his speech in which he described the "investment expenditure" that would be made by the Lib- erals' proposed National Devel- opment Corporation. He said that in the early years of a Liberal government, not one dollar would be spent that would not bring back more dol- ars. Accusing the Conservatives of conducting an anti - American campaign, he said Canada can't afford to stir up trouble with its friends, "That does not mean, how- ever, that we should not talk up--talk back, if necessary--to Rusk Assails 'Gutting' Of Foreign Aid WASHINGTON (AP) -- State Secretary Rusk today described "those who favor gutting' the United States foreign aid pro- gram as actually wanting to "collaborate with the global Communist strategy." "Their defeatist prescription should be opposed resolutely by all who want to push until we have achieved a world in which ency, while Mr, Thompson speaks today at Sudbury and Barrie, Ont., before heading west on Saturday to his Alberta province support the is. And Real) Caouette, deputy Social Credit! leader, again attacked Mr. Le- sage for "interfering" in fed- eral politics--"he's lasted too long as premier." More Strike Clashes In France PARIS (Reuters) -- Die-hard strikers in the Lens coal fields our freedom--and the freedom of all men--is secure," Rusk said. The state secretary's state- ment was the opening gun in sa aelapien, Sack wes Pos eign program. was first witness before the House of Representatives foreign affairs committee which is considering} President Kennedy's request for $4,500,000,000. The committee hearings are the United States in authentic Canadian terms." : Mr, Diefenbaker, after a busy day of whistle-stop electionzcr- ing through southwestern Onta- rio, had a full house audience of 2,300 in a Hamilton theatre -- and a renewal of heckling over his government's defence pol- icy. One man walked down the aisle toward him shouting re- peatedly: '"'Why don't you scrap the Bomarc?" At one point steady chanting of "we want policy" stopped him and he snapped:. 'They have their job--at $1 each even- ing to interrupt meetings. Mod- ern Liberals, organized disor- ders." UK. TV Star Leaves Berlin On Airliner BERLIN (AP)--British tele- vision star Hughie Green left Berlin today aboard a commer- cial airliner, leaving behind a borrowed airplane and a new East-West controversy over air access to the divided city. Green, a Canadian citizen, re- fused to talk to reporters be- fore flying to London. But he had said earlier he was not fly- ing his plane back to the West unless British authorities would guarantee his safety while over Communist East Germany. Presumably, this meant that he had aske@for fighter protec- tion and was turned down. Brit- ish authorities, however, said this never was discussed. Green flew a_twin-engined Cessna to West Berlin Tuesday through one of the air corridors reserved for use by the Western allies, despite the fact that the Soviets protested against this flight before it took place. After ignoring the Soviet pro- test, two Russian jet fightett at: tempted to force Green's plane down over East Germany and one fired six warning bursts from its cannons when landing! signals were disregarded. OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, APRIL 5, 1963. WINDS THAT GUSTED to. 62 miles an hour yesterday at Kitchener, Ont., short-cir- cuited power lines, blew down signs, shattered store win- dows and knocked down this huge tree -- right on Adam Seiler's 1962-model car. A Heavy Storm TWENTY-TWO PAGES Damage Hits | Ont. Centres By THE CANADIAN PRESS Surgery was performed by flashlight and a 30-minute Lake Ontario ferry trip took five hours Thursday as winds up to 70 miles an hour whipped across southern Ontario disrupt- ing utilities, transportation and communications. By early today the storm had all but spent itself with the highest winds in the province of 25 reported at Mount Forest § near Kitchener. Serious damage was reported Thursday from such widely sep- arated points as Kitchener, Kingston, Metropolitan Toronto # and the eastern shoreline of power cut at St. Mary's Hos- pital forced surgery to be per- formed by flashlight until auxiliary power was arranged. (CP Wirephoto) BUENOS AIRES (AP)--Army commanders and rebel navy leaders were to meet today to end Argentina's four-day revolt. There was mo immediate indi- cation whether die-hard naval elements at Puerto Belgrano-- the rebels' last stronghold, 350 miles south of Buenos Aires-- played the major part in the overthrow of dictator Juan Peron in 1955. There was no imdication that the army and air force, which remained loyal to President President Jose Maria Guido, made any concessions concern- ing the June 23 presidential and Army, Rebels To Meet In Argentina's Revolt congressional elections. The rebels said they rebelled be- cause Guido planned to let the Peronists enter candidates and a Peronist victory was feared. As his price for peace, Vaz- quez had demanded Guido's re- moval and cancellation of the elections, would agree to the pact. It calls for cutting the navy's 35,000- man force at least by half. Terms of the conditional agreement were pounded out by loyalist military leaders and Rear + Admiral Eladio Vazquez, the rebel fleet commander, at a two-hour ' on) in Buenos Aires. In a terse com: munique they said agreement in principle had been reached ion requirements to halt the fighting and return the armed forces to normal. expected to continue for six or seven weeks. Chairman Thomas E. Morgan (Dem, Pa.) told re- porters he anticipated that Con- gress would wind up cutting for- eign aid to "slightly below"' last year's level of $3,900,000,000. "There is nothing the Com- munists want more than to see the 'Yanks go home,' not only from western Europe, but from the Mediterranean, South Asia, the Far East, Latin America, Africa, Everywhere," Rusk of northern France today|S#4 clashed with fellow-miners re- turning to work after Thurs- day's official settlement of the six-week strike by 240,000 min- ers. Most miners throughout the nationalized industry appeared to have accepted the settlement negotiated by their union lead- ers, but in the Lens area shout- ing and bitter arguments broke out when some miners tried to report for work. After hot debate some miners still refused to return to work and nine mines stayed closed. But in the eastern Lorraine coalfields, all miners appeared to have accepted the settlement. Meanwhile, President de Gaulle's government was faced with more labor trouble in the state-owned radio and television networks as performers, techni- cians and administrative staff began a 24-hour strike at mid- night to back demands for more pay and improved working con- ditions. The strike reduced radio and television programs to records and news bulletins. TENSION CONTINUES Labor tension continued in the state-owned gas and electrical industries and university pro- fessors and research workers "If we Yanks come home, the Communists will begin to take over. Why any American would want to co-operate with that glo- bal Communist strategy is be- yond my understanding. But that is what sharp cuts in our foreign aid program would YOU'LL FIND INSIDE... East Whitby Rates Up One Mill ...... Page 11 Starr Defends Party Record .... Page 11 Six-Month Record For GM Sales .... Page 11 Parents Of Dead Child Said Negligent .... Page 11 Whitby. Resident To Get Citation Traffic Council Studies Problems ++» Page 11 +» Page 3 SPELLS OUT TERMS The communique did mot spell out terms, Informed sources at Bahia Blanca, adjoining the Puerto Belgrano base, said they called for: 1, Unconditional surrender of the naval fleet and air force. 2. Reduction of the navy's maintenance force to a skeleton 2,500 men, which would at least halve the 35,000-man navy. 3. Surrender of navy men and civilians responsible for the re- volt to be 'tried, 4. Repair by a naval unit of damage in the Magdalena area where' the navy air force des- troyed or damaged eight loyal- ist tanks and a number of build- ings, killing 18. The navy's strength has made it a commanding voice in Ar- mean." gentine politics ever since it OTTAWA (CP)--Canadian liv- og costs remained unchanged during February, with the con- sumer price index holding at 132.1 on March 1, the record high reached a month earlier. The bureau of statistics said today that the index--a prices yardstick based on 1949 levels equalling 100--held steady at the Feb. 1 level as decreased food prices offset increases in the cost of housing and clothing. The March 1 index was 1.9 per cent above the March, 1962, index of 129.7. creases for beef resulted in the a point to 128.9 from 129.4. Other price declines were li- toes, lettuce, bananas and grapefruit. Higher prices were reported du February for eggs, su- gar, jam, oranges and orange juice and most fresh vegetables. SALARIES INCREASED The. February levelling of prices followed am increase in salaries and wages in January. Further substantial price de- threatened a 24-hour strike in three weeks if their pay de- mands are not met. However, a series of strikes scheduled by gas and electrical unions were suspended pending the outcome of . negotiations scheduled to begin today. government also reached agreement with 350,000 employees of the state railroads whose surprise stop- pages has chaos in France. Thursday caused transport CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE 725-1188 FIRE DEPT. 725-6574 HOSPITAL 723-2211 The index of average. industrial wages and salaries for Feb, 1-- GRAPHS SHOWS INDEX MOVEMENT food index falling five-tenths of mited to pork, fats, fresh toma- Canadian Living Cost Unchanged For Feb. 'Close To: MOSCOW--The Soviet Union's; Lunik IV flew within 10,000 miles of the moon today, Tass reported. The Soviet news agency said the 3,130-pound moon probe was about '226,800 miles from the earth at 6 p.m. Moscow time (10 a.m, EST). The moon is about 238,854 miles from the earth. A communique reported radio communications with the space probe good. "Telemetric information re- ports the normal functioning. of apparatus and instruments Ex- periments and measurements continuing according to pian." The statement did not give any information on Lunik's 'mis- sion. ry Tass news agency announced Thursday night that Lunik IV was on its last lap to the moon and would pass close to the sur- face, indicating no landing was planned. The announcement said the Lunik's instruments were all functioning normally. The position announced by Tass and the last reported speed of the satellite would have placed it near the moon early today, Moscow time, or about 6:30 p.m, EST Thursday. The Soviet press said Lunik IV was being controlled by a scientific centre in the Crimea. latest date available--was 193.3, compared with 183.6 a month jearlier and 187.2 a year earlier. The wages index, also based on 1949 levels equalling 100, is computed from a survey of firms employing more than 15 persons in a wide range of in- dustries, It represents an aver- age of total wages paid. The food, housing and cloth- ing indexes were the only ones to show any change in the month. The transportation, health and personal care, recre- ation and reading and tobacco and alcohol indexes were un- changed at 139.6, 159.9, 148.6 and 118, respectively. A rise of one-tenth of a point occurred in the housing index which moved to 136 from 135.9. The shelter component was un- changed but the household op- eration component was higher due to higher prices for. furni- ture, floor coverings and house- hold supplies. The clothing index rose to 156 from 11438, reflecting higher prices for men's, women's and children's wear and footwear. Lower prices were recorded for piece goods and clothing services, A decline in the operating cost of automobiles offset a rise in local transportation costs, keep- ig .the transportation index steady at 139.6. There were lower prices in the menth for gasoline, batteries, tires and mufflers but higher prices for motor oil, lubrication, brake re- lining.and repairs. sf & Russian sources indicated 'Site Acquired For College Off Campus TORONTO (CP) -- University of Toronto President Claude Bis- sell announced Thursday a site has been acquired west of Tor- onto for a mew off-campus. arts and sciences college. Copies of 2 'etter from Dr. Bissell were received by mayors and reeves in the Toronto- Georgetown - Burlington tri- angle, announcing the choosing of the site. "Because negotiations for pur- chase of the property are not yet complete," Dr. Bissell's let- ter says, "it is, unfortunately, not possible for me to disclose its exact location, but I can say that it is very convenient to the heavily-populated and rapidly growing areas along the shore of Lake Ontario from the town of Oakville to Etobicoke Town- ship and even io such points as Burlington, Brampton and Tor- onto." . Dr. Bissell said the -site, will cover at leas: 150. acres which would "provide adequately for' all present needs and for addi- Russian Rocket Moon -- 'Thursday night the wording of the announcement strongly im- plied the space vehicle will pass by the moon without going into orbit around it. But it was still thought pos- sible that in passing Lunik IV will attempt to drop imstrumens on to the moon or. send informa- tion and pictures back to earth, French Ready A-Test Site In Polynesia MELBOURNE (Reuters) -- The Australian Broadcasting Commission said today that about 150 technicians were ex- pected in Tahiti this month to begin preparing a French nu- clear test site in the Gambier archipelago of French. Polyne- sia. (In Paris, French official sources declined comment on the report.) The radio, quoting its corres- pondent at Noumea, on New Caledonia Island, said the Ta- hiti capital of Papeete would be residential headquarters while the technicians built a series of airstrips in the archipelago. The radio said it was reported in Moumea that one airstrip would be of imternational class, available to civilian 'flights, which could serve as a stepping stone to South America. It said the French planned to build a series of observatories and radar stations in the archi- pelago. According to earlier Paris re- ports, the test site is expected to be Mangareva Island, about 3,000 miles northeast of New Zealand. Some 2,200 miles to the north- west lies British-owned Christ- mas Island, which has been used as Anglo-American test site. 2 Men To Be Shot: Raped 36 Girls MOSCOW | (Reuters) --- Two Moscow men--one the son of a been sentenced to be shot for raping 36 girls, the newspaper Moskovskaya Pravda reported today. It said the girls, 11 of them under 16, were made drunk, blackmailed or beaten up to make them submit. The rapes took place in the apartments of the two men, Viadimir Novikov, 28, and Yuri Sopilnyak, 24. he newspaper laid the blame for the transformation of the men "from men into monkeys" en their well-to-do parents' in- tional .future reauirements not now apparent. dulgence of their laziness and prominent Soviet, doctor--have| Lake Simcoe. At St. Mary's Hospital in Kit- chener, 62-mile-an-hour winds blew out a transformer cutting off power while tive major operations and two lesser ones were in progress. All the operations were later described as successful and hos- pital officials said flashlights were used until auxiliary power could be restored. TAKES FIVE HOURS The ferry Wolfe Islander took five hours to complete a usual 30 - minute Lake Ontario trip from Kingston to Wolfe Island when wind gusts drove ice into the channel separating the is- land from the mainland. In the Toronto area, two per- sons were struck by falling ob- jects, but not seriously injured. Mrs, Helen Nager, 30, was struck by wooden fencing ripped from a construction site by gales up to 62 miles-an-hour and Albert Huber, 44, was knocked unconscious by a tree which crashed over on to his truck. High winds knocked out win- dows, littered streets with tele- vision antennas and bowled over fences, poles and trees which swept down hydro'lifiés as they' Threatens CNR CHICOUTIMI, Que. . (CP)-- The terrorist organization front De Liberation Quebecois (Que- bec Liberation Front) has la- belled the CNR an "enemy of the public" and threatened to take "all necessary means to eliminate it." CNR freight cars near this community 110 miles north of Quebec City have been splat- tered with print, the letters FLQ and the slogan "Vive le Quebec libre" in the last 10 days. "This is only the prelude," an anonymous telephone caller told a reporter. f The FLQ was blamed Mon- day for damaging a truck on the main CNR line from Mont- real to Halifax. The group also has said it is responsible for some minor bombings in Mont- real and warned it will step up FLO In Quebec |"? e Snow flurries, hail and winds fell- in different parts of On- tario. At least a dozen plate glass windows were smashed in groc- ery and department stores and garage and out-building roofs were peeled off. Seventy-mile - an-hour gusts piled ice to a height of about 20 feet in some Lake Simcoe areas. Docks, and boathouses along the shoreline were crushed, Kitchener reported a rash of snarled traffic signals, and false bank burglary alarms when overhead wires were thrown to- gether causing short circuits, A power failure disrupted examin- 'University: of: Wat ations at the erloo. Robert James of Toronto caped injury when an elm. ts crashed into the rear seat of his convertible as he pa hac ort gt hage rey nst municipal o! at : The strong west Fry west winds were just what com- mercial fishermen along: shore of Lake Erie have bee waiting for. The epee =| fishing season opened Mz a but many fishermen remai icelocked in ports or unable set nets because of ice' floes. The winds blew much of the ice down the lake, > Wind-Fed Fires © Spreading Chaos NEW YORK (AP) -- Fires fanned by roaring winds spread havoc Thursday from Maine to Georgia, killing at least three persons. : In New York City, a workman was killed by a wind-tossed plank, In a Syracuse, N.Y., sub-|4re urb a woman died of electric shock as she stepped from her was cut off to 2,600 homes ing the day. In the Oneida area of central New winds pushed lake ice into ering piles. More than 30 fires were ported in the New York a, m vag gr ng Pa., had more than 200 fires. ma i car, which had become entan- gled in live wires. A man died in Passaic, N.J., when a fire- damaged building collapsed and showered debris on a parked car, Hundreds of acres of wood- land and meadows burned. Brush fires went out of control by the dozens, Winds were ex- pected te diminish and temper- atures to-rise today. New England staggered under high winds, snow squalls and freezing temperatures. In north- 'Maine the mercury plunged 5 into the 20s. Russians Okay. Phone Link GENEVA (AP) -- Union announced ready to accept a Fe eaten ¢ m.p.h, corded at the airport. hit upstate: New York areas, knocking down tress and power- lines. Fire visible for almost 20 miles destroyed a nursery on the outskirts of Geneva, N.Y. In Schenectady, N.Y., where gusts reached 65 m.p.h., power Bali Volcano Emits More Molten Lava JAKARTA, Indonesia (Reut- ers)--Molten lava is flowing with "enormous velocity" down the southwest slope of the Bali volcano about 25 miles from the island capital of Den Pasar, and Mount Agung is "mostly likely" to erupt again, the offi- cial Indonesian news agency Antara reported today, Some 1,500 persons have died and 100,000 have been left home- less in a series of eruptions since mid.February, according its tempo of sahotage. of wind was. re-|j proposed 4 as a priority measure ¢o relieve world tension and prevent acci- dental war. pkin ion was willing to negotiate such Walking for agreesne Ga ge, waiting for agreement on a gen- eral disarmament treaty. -- U.S. Ambassador Charles: C, Stelle said the United States "warmly welcomes" Tsarape kin's announcement. Autoban Traffic Back To Normal: HELMSTEDT, West Germany (Reuters)--Freight passen- ger traffic at the Berlin autoban control point here returned, to normal today after delays of up to six hours. Thursday. a Lines of cars at times had stretched nearly two miles as East German frontier officials made routine checks. The 40-foot yaw! Guinevere from New York Yacht Club and skippered Ly George Mof- to "paint the town red." fett Jr., 34, of Edgertown, to Red Cross reports. SAILING TO VICTORY Mass., sails to victory in the Miami to Montega Bay yacht tace. The Guinevere, shown nearing the finish' line yes- 4 terday,. was judged the wine ner today on corrected time of five days,. three hours, 54 minutes and by seconds. *. 'AP. Wirephoto} A