Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 Apr 1963, p. 7

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MUST MAKE REPORT Move By Assessor Queried By Council BROUGHAM -- Mrs. Gladys Beckstead, of Fairport, appear- ed beforé Pickering Township Council recéntly asking for an MHsolescence policy in assess- tient, This méahs that where a residence, built before a zoning bylaw is put into operation, and dituated by a marina, or other Gommiétcial ventute, could have a reduction in assessment. She explained that her sub- stantial home was close to a busy marina, which devaluated her property for residential. pur- poses, and made living there noisy with the dock operations and heavy traffic. Mrs. Beckstéad said that she had appéared before the Court of Revision and had been told by the Assessment Commission- er, D. F. Goslin, that such an appeal fiad fot been heard there before and recommended that she appear before Council to Ask for a policy. "It seems strange to me," eaid Reeve J. Sherman Scott, "that we are getting into an assessment problem -- which is no busiriess of ours." Members of Council felt that the Assessment Commissioner should be ablé to arrive at his own policy from the Assessment A et. Mr. Goslin will be asked to make a report about the mat- ter and explain why Mrs. Beck- stead was instructed to appear before Council with an assess- mént problem. | NOT APPROVED Two debentures for Pickering Township High School additions in the amount of $166,046 for the Ajax addition and $657,606 for Pickering High School addition, were submitted for approval. Council members felt that they would like to hear what the other municipalities in- volved -- Ajax and Pickering Village -- say to these deben tures, and that the amount far exceeded the $25,000 per room which the Department of Edu- cation would stibsidize. "Both the High School and Public School have warned us of increasing school costs over the next few years," said Coun- cillor Hubert Wank. "Every effort should be made to cut frills." advised Coureil that the High School Board proposed to pro- ceed itmmeédiately with the in- stallation of a pérmanent water system for the Dunbarton High ScHool. A warning letter from the Department of Health prompted this. BAY RIDGES DISCUSSED John Williams, representing the Bay Ridges Ratepayers' Association, made several _re- quests, one asking why Stop signs requested last year had not been installed. A letter from the Township solicitors was read, saying that they did not feel any bylaw should be passed regarding roads that have not been as- sumed by tle Township. Since many of the Bay Ridges roads Have been as- sumed since then, solicitor if Question is on vaca- tion at the moment, the matter will be looked into shortly Council indicated. Mr, Williams again mention- ed the bus shelter on Liverpool road that Township could not approve, legally, and asked if there was any possibility that it be built on County property. He also asked for a cross- walk on Liverpool road in the vicinity of thé shopping plaza. Council agreed to get a re- port from the Police Chief about legislature pertaining to cross- | walks. NO ACTION The Metro Toronto Industria! Commission asked for its annual fee of $500. No action was taken until, as Councillor Wank suggésted, a resolution of the Township Industrial Com- mittee requesting information on why industries were brought to thé boundaries of Pickering Township and not intu the Township, was forthcoming. Mr. Willson, Manager of thé Commission, wishes to address Council at a later date. RURAL ZONING BYLAW Two readings were given to a bylaw to zone the rural area of Pickering Township -- thé part lying north of the third concession. Councillors will study the by- Another {tem on the agenda ing in May, when any amend- Liberal Outlines uivestock Policy ORONO -- 'The géveriment which the Liberal Party will form aftet April 8 will devote immediate attention to live- stock improvement policies, said Bruce Beer, Liberal Agri- cultural expert who was guest spéaker at the Liberal Rally helé in Community Hall, Orono, on Wednesday. Bruce Beer was introduced by Eric Fallis, who told the meet- ing that the guest speaker was born at Béthafy, in Manvers, Township so that his visit to Dutham County was like a home-comifg to him. "Mr. Beer is the chairman of the Eastern Agricultural Cotmmittee of the Liberal Cau eug, an able parliamentarian and the man who won Cotinty for thé Liberals iast Jufie after it had been Tory for 69 years," Mr. Fallis stated The coming appointment of a Minister of Fastern Agricul- ture by the Liberals will pe of the utmost importance § to farmers in this afea, Bruce Beer declared. "This cabinet minister will be responsible for all matters ern Canada, and will deal with agricultural problems in this paft of the country which nave been ignored by the Diefen- baker government, he stated, CHANGES TUNE "The Diefenbaker Minister of Agticulture, Mr. Hamilton, has} said recently that since he has all problems of Western Can-} ada in hand he will now turn his attention to Eastern Canada. "Tf he had paid any attention to Eastern agriculture over the past five years he would not have to say during the election campaign of 1963 that he will turn his attention to here. "In the West, the same min- ister said, 'You grow it, and we Peel| first time he spoke in the House of Commons was to ask the government to restore the premium on Gradé "A" hogs. The Diefenbaker Minister of Agriculture replied that hog producers were being asked to share the burden of the aus- terity program. He also dealt with the tobac- co industry in Durham County. He suggested that the Liberal Policy for a national market- ing board, and the expansion of export markets for tobacco was a logical approach to the solution of the tobacco indus- try's present serious problems. and as thelg law until the first Council meet-| P° ments will be made, and third reading given, Tenders will be called for the onining, 40,000 tons of gravel and 30,000 tons of sand. A resolution was passed that the County of Ontario be asked to assume the Altona Road from No, 2 Highway to the 9th Con- cession. Councillor Ross Deakin, ab- SRP SG ye LE TT Driver Injured As Auto Rolls BOWMANVILLE = (Sialf) -- An Oakville driver suffered minor abrasions when his car 'lipped over on the south side of Highway 401 just west of the Durham - Ontario County line, Libtrnae 4 Lye rt Atcari, driver of the eastbound auto, was treated at the Oshawa General Hospital for minor cuts to his head, The accidem occurred at 11.80 . when his wheels dropped the pavement onto the soft shoulder. Provincial Police at Whitby report that his car rolled over once ito the south ditch. Honey Presents Liberal Program COURTICE -- The Liberal Party through Hon. L. B, Pear. #0n and its candidates has beén presenting a positive program to stimulate Canada's economy, balafice our budget, bring our international trading accounts into balance, and to repair our tattered relationship with our friends and allies," Russell C. Honey told a crowd of more than 300 people at the "Open Howse" held by the Darlington Liberal Association in Courtice Opportunity of doing so, to Sup- pofting a stable and decisive government led by Mr, Pear- on. : "A& Liberal cabinet will pro- bably consist of such peeps as Walter Gordon, Mitchéll Sharp, Judy LaMarsh, Paul Martin, Paul Hellyer, C. M; Drury, Dr. Paiiline Jewett and other com: petent and dedicated Canadians. Mr. Honey stated that Mr. Pearson last week had given & plédge if called upon to form the govetnient, t6 convene sént from the meeting because of ilness, informed Couficil that there wére six grass fires in Aréa 1 this last week. The owner of the property on which one fire occurred has been pros- ected. Mr. Deakin asked that warn- ig notices be published, ad- vising that. prosécution steps can be taken, A resolution was passed to this effect. A request will be made to the oad Department to correct an éavestrough situation which may be the cause of rain water flooding the Brougham Library in the spring of the year. A resolution was passed that a hot plate be purchased for a rest room for workers in the Township office, and that a door leading intothe room from other departments be closed parliament at the earliest possible date after the April 8 election which will be May 16. "T deplore the anti-American campaign being carried on by Mr. Diefenbaker. There is enough hate in the world al. ready. Let's not start hating our best friends and héighbours," Mr. Honey said in closing. Allan Beér, Bethany, the Lib. eral Candidate for Durham in High School recently. Mr. Honey discussed the pro- ram presented by thé Liberal arty during the campaign. "In contrast, Mr, Diefénbaker talks of a five year plan, but has yet not given any détails of it. "Conservative candidates have not been able to throw any light on the five year plan. Details of it are Mr. Diefen- baker's secret, if in fact any such pian acttally exists," he declared. "T look forward, if given the French Coal Strike Settlement Found CP from AP-Reuters PARIS -- The government- owned coal mines and French unions Wednesday night reached a compromise settle. ment of the month-long coal strike, The agreement removed a major threat to President de Gaulle's booming economié pro- gram. Winding up two days of steady bargaining, union and management officials came to terms éxpected to send the country's 240,000 coal miners back to the pits before the end of the week. Quick ratification of the accord by leaders in the also spoke briefly. He said that Mr, Honey had a fie record of service, and is highly respected. MEN OF THE SPACE AGE MEET MEN OF THE STONE AGE INGREDIBLE-BUT TRUE... if EXiSTs TODAY! off. coal basins was predicted. Full Employment' Attacked By Starr AJAX (Staff) -- Prime Minis- tér Diéfenbaker's charges of ob- struction by the Liberals were échoéd by Labor Minister Starr at a Progressive Conservative rally held in Ajax, Wednesday, (fant, He Mr. Starr spoke to 140 people at Parkside Public School, He said there was no over riding issui@ in thé campaign al- thoigh many had been raised and then diopped. He stated that the people did want to know why two elections, were necéssaty within a twelve month period. The Labor Minister charged that the Liberal party did not fulfil the role of an official op- sition, He said that they did fot Check and probe the govern- ment's actions as they should have. ' "They would mot let the gov- ernment get on with the busi- ness of the nation," he said Mr. Starr said that they tried to topple the government in their "greed and lust for power". He charged that the Liberal party debated estimates of gov ernment expenditure for days and still voted them down. Mr. Starr said that both the Social Credit Party and the New Dem- ocratie Party agreed with charges of obstructionism levelled at the Liberals. He also outlinéd legislation that, he said, had been vétoed by the Opposition. He told an applauding crowd, "but our ma- jority government will soon pass the blocked legislation'. The audiencé heard that the Liberals' had forced the govern- ment to devalue the dollar, Mr. Starr said, 'they frightened for- éign investors away and forced leents"'. | ment had the économy in good jsha cs | us to peg the dollar at 92 | The Labor Minister also at- lawered opposition charges that |thé economy ung and =, sai at economic ' lmeasures taken by the govern. Walt Disney's n Outer Space A Selenee Factuel In Color FEATURE BAILY A 1:30+3:36-8:36.7:3 MY FAVOURITE ~~ pe. "Now they say they will gét) \the economy rolling in 60 days!" Mr. Stafr outlinéd legislation jenacted by the governmént |\which had aided municipalities ithroughout. the country, He also |said that many steps had been jtaken to relieve the unemploy- ment problem. "Full employment," he point- ed out, means regimentation, in its strictest sense. Being direct- ed to a job with no freedém t6 refuse it, 1s not for a frée and eo country like Can- ada." fe FRIDAY AT 6:30 P.M. car -- yy) Ma OPENING ALL COLOR PROGRAM IN _ CINEMASCOPE RORY CALHOUN IN "Adventures of Marco Polo" plus Spencer Traéy tn QUEEN GIVES GIFT ain's mofiarch distributes gifts of silver pieces, the number of pieces in each gift equalling the monarth's age. THE BEST BAR B Q CHICKEN @né@ STEAKBURGERS in town are at PARK RD. $. AND 401 Carmichael's Bar-B-Q For Fost Take Out. Service PHONE 725-0907 at Black Rock" the coming provincial election, | DRIVE-INOFENS Boer War Vet Dies At Frenchman's Bay By MRS, E. FERTILE FRENCHMAN'S BAY -- fiéral sefvices for thé late liam Barker wére hel Scarborough Chapel. Mr. Frenchman's wi Thurs- rg ie was day from MeéeDougall afid Brown|band of ¢ i Bar- ker lived on Bayview avenue, i THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, April 4, 1963, 29 ears ih his B6th ye perry t+ Bhs He is also survived by ewe gle ters, Mrs. Lil Bali and He was a veteran of the 15th) Maith Meliroy and & troop, South Affiean Constabu| Roy, all of children and seven laty, Reg. N.O C1458. He attended the reunion for thé Boer War - tawa last father of Aw ( of Toronto arid Dorothy (Mrs. Bay for manylJ, Buck) of Frenchman's Bay, ee oe eT eT ALL . COLOR WEEKEND SHOW } Thrills & Adventure "THE WAY To THE GOLD" (COLOR) JEFFREY Hi R Shiner NORTH BARRY SULLIVAN T 1GHT 'TANGIER TECHNICOLOR FONTAINE - PALANCE ALVET- DOURLAS THORNTON RD. AT HIGHWAY 401. . .PHONE 723-4972 | SHORGAS HEATING & | APPLIANCES Industrial and Commercial Best ctress ANA SR NREL Ke The most beloved Pulitzer Prize book now on the screen! iat 8 Academy Award Nominations tneludin Picture -- Best Actor -- Best Supporting Hampton ....; MOORS... lxcnawas i | Janetville . tere + rexetegets fe thget.?. uo. Phe 1552 Orono Blackstock tiercrnrneene Phe 986-4985 DURHAM RIDING NEW DEMOCRATIC PARTY | Information Centres ] Port Hope . . ..ccseetrnees.:. Phe 753-2200 | Bowmanville sTereteteetiterereres. Ph. 623-2501 péftaining to farming in East-| | Ph. 263-2285 Ph. 324-4031 VOLUNTEER WORKERS WELCOME The established, relieble Ges Dealer in your ered. 31 CELINA ST. (Corner of Athol) 728-9441 | MARY BADHAM + PHILLIP ALFORD «JOHN MEGNA: RUTH WHITE: PAULFIX=~ | BROOK PETERS FRANK OVERTON "ROSEMARY MURPHY + COLLIN WILOD "A Pakvle-Mulligan, Brentwood Productions Picture | | | will sell it." In the East he stated "If you do not cut down your production of dairy products we will cut off your support price."' This is one of the many: instances of the type of treatment accorded eastern farmers by the C.on- servatives," Mr. Beer stated Liberal Candidate Russell C. Honey stated that the Lib- eral policy of shifting the em- phasis in price supports from butter to skim milk powder and cheese would overcome much of the butter surplus without reducing the farmers' milk cheque. The Liberals plan deficiency payments 'to cream shippers to maintain present price levels, Mr. Honey ex- plained. WILL GIVE CREDIT "Where a farmer wishes to| switch from dairying to other enterprises to which his farm is better suited, the Libera! policy will encourage him to) do so by credit specifically adapted to this purpose, Mr Honey said. Mr. Honey stated that the If You Don't Buy It At Bad Boy's RICES! No Matter Whether It's Furniture, Appliances, HI-FI, TV, Radios, etc. YOU PAY TOO MUCH !! BAD BOY FURNITURE APPLIANCES Open Nightly (Except Saturday) 'Til 9:30 KING ST. E. AT TOWNLINE 728-4658 The Internationally Famous MID-KNIGHTS 2 This is the BIG ONE _ FRIDAY, APRIL 5th Coming... Friday, April 12th The Lincolnaires Complete opera performance star. fing Leontyne Price and Richard Tucker! Leinsdort conducts, Record ad in RCA's new Rome studios, LM/L8C-8160 bextra rene ft ly played. Erich Leins- ol -- for i Mar rendl- ons, condu ory. men He OYNAGRANYE JALOUSIE BOSTON POPS ARTHUR FIEDLER "Jalousie" a8 only Fiedler can in- terpret It! Hear this fiery new recording and other Latin special- tes of the Boston Pops Orchestra, LM/LSC-2681 Ravel! Munch! Dynagroove! are the stars of this glorious new sound spectacular, A definitive "Bolero" alus two other Munch specialties. LM/LSC-2684 TOMORROW! een! "ain PRAHA R en wort WIDMARK atch "THE LAST WAGON" (COLOR) --withaw FELICIA FARR A peak of excitement that ne men... nd camera hes ever caught! 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New com cept in. choral sound » the famous and Lui Twelve fascinating selections in all, LPM/LSP.2641 Marty Gold displ the | Uli epee alk 4 ol, "iy" "Shang SHH AAMIN and DRCHESTAE Sid Ramin etches favorites includi i aN gr Ban "yan the > ere," "Granada," a Had uthabee Light swii sounds .* ing ets pole Ser bp Includes "No groove, Inc mad," "Shimboo" and "Perdido." * LPM/LSP.2813 | WILSON & LEE LTD. EASTERN ONTARIO'S LARGEST MUSIC CENTRE » © OPEN EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT 'TILL 9:00 P.M. © 87 SIMCOE ST. NORTH PHONE 725-4706

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