Today's Toronto Stock Market Listings 3 SshkeskShses rdg8s efte BE - 4 of ee ¥ é $52%4 $51% 51% 51% 170 «170 370 --8 $21% 21% 21% Aa 8% re. + : %h% Th % $20 2 2 +1 $64 6% 6% 105 105 105 $15% 15% 15% Ri -- % z Mi BEES abs -- Sebes ciuk * z 4 50 $108 108 «108 "\Fed aa 8% 84 + A) 5, Sales High Low a.m. by bat Exquit A wt 100 F; 510 Jamaica PS 100 Jefferson 200 $5 fs %i1l44--% 9 36 = 6% Royal Bank 2145 Salada z10 Sayvette y Ye 200 26) --10 |C Shawin 11600° $31 400 a = ie 200 250 800 36% a a +h 0 37% 7% $255 ro a + $38% - $20% 2% 2s - it $7 7 7 400 170 165 179 +20 $4 4 150 150 150 --d5 $14% 14% Pi 280 280 9% "im +5 Shawin A zi0 Shaw A pr 50 Shaw B pr 205 ? pe x Ps i i i Brunswk Camp Chib 1000 21% + Ic Malart 4200 CN Inca 5000 Can NW 667 Candore 2500 Can-Erin 7000 8914 -- %|\Cheskirk 8000 1 4% 4% 4% 73% + ¥|Chimo 500 M5 147 1 7 C Bellek 2000 4 Black Bay 2000 500 350 Fen 500 C Halli 1000 25 C Marben 6000 4 C Mogul 100 ; 8 Ha Stock Seles High N Rank North Can "Brien ; ie i bb SEceeee Bot Eetvscesil o z En BebscSeesee w Syyreygrbebessee sey eecbetzise SpypscorBulesste see L sith ob. 58s i++ ++1 SF 2 3 sgecyarksBiste8 5 8 spisSkengucgecysetgtesteb Secs oSer3esuens cgesskers ageghereghésts® i & ns Lr pteet FSSE $5582 « e e = 338 832 3g88 Fs 2B aed pStetyg Beles Esduse $etiszuz = gSgreeng 3Esp Fee ; seddedebite sie8tctty -- ae eee = > & a= + = Seles to 11 sgt] fyzseyt 85, etestts ef. 2esheude \ z = her 855 +15 ee ** | Odourless Cleaning "i ot an--ull Shirt Specialists % S 1 |] © Pick-up and Delivery 12 12 --4 Service M4 By 2%+ Kile _ : ag a ©@ Same Day Service ww am Vaults on Premises PHONE 728-5141 299 BLOOR W, geeeidsieeSefesldstae eBeed2= ui Eee Shell Oil 1127 Shell I pr = 745 %| Simpsons 53 Steel Can 146 Switson 400 Tamblyn 110 Tower 800 TFinaA 1200 zt Can PL 592 Tr C PL rt 13520 Tdans-Mt 895 Being pr "100 U Corp B 200 25 Walk GW 760 56% -- % WCoast Tr at 4 13% Westeel Ye 12% W Indies A 100 125 15 --8 W Paeifie 600 $18 18 13 Canadian Education Said Behind Other Countries EDMONTON (CP) -- Canada is far behind other industrial countries in education, John R. Bradfield of Toronto, past pres- ident of the Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, said Wednesday. "Relative to our material wealth per capita, we are in a very poor position indeed," Mr. Bradfield said in an address to 1,230 delegates to the institute's annual meeting, "Only 46 per cent of our pop- tiation have more than a pri- jor school education," he "Certainly, on this basis, the 20th century in no sense belongs to Canada. We are far over- uating .in' mineral industry courses at Canadian universi- ties. BIGGEST PROBLEM He said the entire subject of| improved education is probably Canada's biggest problem to- day, Every child capable of do- ing so should have a high school| education, which is basic to the | objective 'of a university educa-| tion for every student with the capacity to absorb it. Less basic, but still import- ant, is the objective of a post- high school technical education for those who do not qualify for university, but this should be no "pated and do not stand a chance in competition with other coun- tries unless we make tremen- dous strides in education with- out delay." Mr, Bradfield made the re- marks in pointing out that there is a continuing downward trend in the number of students grad- substitute for a second high school education, "The big obstacle to such an education program is the lack of qualified, dedicated and in- spired teachers and profes- sors," Mr. Bradfield said. Salar- jes are mainly responsible for this lack. SATISFAC BRING NEW BEAUTY INTO YOUR HOME WITH A NEW RUG FROM KRESGE'S CARNIVAL and FOAMBACK TWEED 29.95 BUY NOW AND SAVE TION GUARANTEED OR MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUNDED STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER DOWNTOWN OSHAWA OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 9 x 12 in colours of beige, mocha and green. 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