DS A ae ARR Loo orem aki mee eines CEPERLIEDS EEL eeriititii . MRS, ROBERT Thompson, ~ wife of the national Social . Credit leader, enjoys the ex- citement of federal election THE BETTER HALF campaigning. The mother of eight, shown with her hus- band, is serving as assistant co-ordinator of his campaign 'No Excuse For Women To Evade Politics' Says Mrs. Robert Thompson, Mother Of Eight RED DEER, Alta, (CP) -- There is no excuse for the * woman who claims she knows nothing about political issues, says Mrs. Robert N. Thompson, the jovial wife of the national Social Credit leader who has been helping her husband's po- litical career while raising a family of eight. "Women should be conver- sant with the policies of every party," Mrs. Thompson said in an interview in her farm home near this central Alberta city. "These policies are in print in many forms. Women as well as men are responsible for the ily became more or less accus- tomed to the disruption in their lives during the 1962 election. Their oldest son, George, 17, runs the family's 18-acre farm when his parents are absent. It's a relatively small feed-crop op- eration. Five of the children, who range in age from three tc 22 and include one married daugh- ter, were born in Africa after Mr. Thompson went to Eth'opia in 1943 as head of a nine-mem- ber team of doctors, nurses and teachers following liberation of the country from the l:alia's. EASIER ABROAD A mm me for re-election in the Alberta riding of Red Deer. (CP Photo) Miss Lillian Beamish of the Pilot Club of Oshawa has been appointed District 17 chairman of the Community Service Com- mittee of Pilot Club Internatic: al for 1963-64. The appointment was made Dr. Elspeth Kay of Ottawa and announced in the March issue of "The Pilot Log', official publication of the international classified civic and _ service organization for executive busi- ness and professional women. "The Log' also outlines the work to be undertaken by Pilots during the coming year, based on the theme, '"Leader- ship Through Service." Miss Beamish as district chairman will have a major role in carrying out this work. District 17 includes Pilot Clubs in Brantford, Hamilton, Niagara. Falls, Ottawa, Peter- borough, St. Catharines, St. Thomas, Toronto, Welland, Windsor and Woodstock. The annual District Conven. tion will be held in Windsor on May 3, 4, 5. Miss Beamish will conduct the workshop for the Community Service Committee for representatives from the clubs throughout the district. A Charter member, Miss Beamish has served the Osh- awa club in many capacities, including that of President from 1959 to 1961. She is employed by General Motors in the Sales Department. In outlining plans for the 1963- 64 year, Miss Ruth E. Cunning- ham, of San Gabriel Valley, California, President-elect of Pilot Club International, said that through leadership Pilots must be larger in deed than in speech. She said, "Service rendered others brings happiness, a satis- faction experienced after personalities. She says she would prefer people to look to principles instead. Between elections Mrs. Thompson is active in the Social Credit Women's Auxiliary here. If her husband is re-elected she intends to remain, as she did last, year, at their farm home. Opportunity Class Teacher Speaks At H&S Meeting | Mr, Alexander Hill was the| achievement of a task or fulfil- ment of a need that demands our best. Giving service re- quires our skills and abilities applied where they most effec- tively contribute to our fellow PERSONALS Oshawa Club Woman Appointed Committee Chairman, 12 Centres > world we are leaving to our children; women must face this responsibility." a She has been practising what she preaches since- 1940 when she worked wih her husband, then campaign manager for the Social Credit candidate in Red Deer. She was assistant co-or- dinator of her husband's cam- paign in the 1962 general elec- tion in which he won the seat from the Progressive Conserva- tives. ganized family life in Ethiopia than in Canada. But she isn't complaining now, emphasizing that she could hardly criticize|land is an opportunity teacher other women for not taking part in politics if she weren't ready to participate herself. Mrs. Thompson says they had much closer and more or- speaker at the March meeting of the West Courtice Home and School meeting held recently. The president, Mrs, Douglas McLaurin, presided. "Tt is only when things seem to be going wrong that many people take an interest in poli- \tics.'"' she says. "'And often those That campaign came near) who complain about the govern. the end of the school year and) ment most loudly are those who she was able to leave her fam-|never take an active part in a ily and do considerable travel-| political party." ling with her husband. This time she has restricted her| One of her complaints is that Mr, Hill, who came from Ire- at Harmony Public School, He trained at Larkfield College, Ire- land, and taught there from 1948 to 1956. He began his op- portunity teaching in Ireland. Since his arrival in Canada in 1956 he has been an opportun- ity teacher at Harmony Public School. Mr, Hill described the pur- | pose of.an opportunity class and Mrs, J. K. Moffatt and Mrs. H. E. Kerr will receive at the dessert luncheon arranged by the Lenore Unit of Simcoe Street United Church. Mrs, Kerr will commentate for the show- ing of spring hats. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Cover, Division street, have returned after a three-week trip to Cal- gary to visit their son, Mr. Ken- neth Cover, Mrs, Cover and granddaughter. Mr. and Mrs, Ira A. Turpin, Masson street, returned at the weekend after spending several weeks in Fort Lauderdale and Miami Beach, Florida. Back from the sunny South? Your friends have missed you, who not ret them know of your return through this column? Simply dial The Oshawa Times 723-3473, ask for the Social De- partment and we will write a paragraph for you, for which there is no charge. \the advantages to the pupils who attended. He told the mem- Mrs. J. L. Beaton, King street by District Lieutenant Governor © € 4 Cs MISS LILLIAN BEAMISH man, Pilot':membership has an eternal significance as we de- velop an awareness of the in- finite possibilities for 'Leader- ship Through Service' through our organization." Pilot Club International has nearly 450 clubs and approxi- mately 13,000 members in the United States, Bermuda, Can- ada, England, France and is in Macon, Georgia. Friends Honor Mrs. Fred McMahon Prior To Marriage The former Miss Norma Diane Sawyer was honored by friends prior to her marriage to Mr. Frederick Neil McMahon last Saturday evening in Sim* coe Street United Church. | Mrs, Raymond McAvoy, as- sisted by Mrs, John Marshall, entertained at a linen shower. The bride-to-be received many gifts from a decorated wishing- well. The evening was spent in playing games and contests. Friends and co-teachers of Miss Sawyer, who is on the staff of Adelaide McLaughlin School, Japan. The headquarters office | UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES ed violin selections accompanied at the piano by Miss Heather) A sta DEL-MAR UNIT 5 The Del-Mar Unit 5 of King Street United Church held its March meeting in the church parlor recently with 18 mem- bers present. Mrs. Douglas Southwell open- ed the devotional period, An Easter hymn was sung with Mrs, Arthur MacPherson play- ing the piano and a reading en- titled "A Time of Remem- brance" was given by Mrs. Ronald Leonard. A new member, Mrs. George Bjayone, was introduced by rs. Wesley Herbert and wel- comed to the unit. Unit leader, Mrs, Gabriel La- victoire, presided at the busi- ness period and reminded the members of the fall bazaar and the general meeting of the UCW on April 11, at 8.00 p.m. A bale is to be packed in May with good used clothing. A thank you note from Mrs, William Johnson, also a card from Mrs. Robert Stewart, was read by the secretary, Mrs. Douglas Southwell. Ross. room especially Mrs. S. Y. Lailey showed|the disabled have Sweden. Stuart Tippett will be in charge| slides taken on trips with her|oped in been devel- of the refeshments at the April|husband, through Canada and the United States. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Ross and her committee. meeting. The Study Book, Taiwan, it's history and present conditions was given by Mrs. Stuart Tip- pett. Refreshments were served by Mrs. William Yourkevich and Mrs. Jack Klein. SIMCOE STREET UCW Unit No. 7 Mrs, Frank Ross presided at the monthly meeting of the goodwill UCW group of Simcoe Street United Church on Thurs- day, March 28.Mrs, Charles An- derson read the secretary's. re- port, and Mrs. Alfred Stanley gave the treasurer's report. Mrs. Wurbs is holidaying with SEEK NEEDLEWOMAN LONDON (CP)--The ministry of public buildings and works is looking for a needlewoman to restore historic fabrics and em- broidery at Hampton Court Pal- ace, built by Henry VIII. Electrolysis Removes warts, moles and superfluous hair. WINDOWS--DOORS FIREPLACE FURNISHINGS Over 15 Years' Experience MARIE MURDUFF her husband in Texas. Mrs. Frank Cox reported on birthday and get well cards sent to mem- bers. Miss Elsie Stainton led in © FRES SSTIMATSS 0 the devotions. Miss Stainton of- fered prayer. Misses Ann Louise Ross and Heather Ross played piano solos. Miss Elizabeth Dyer play- will be in Oshewe et the Genoshe Hotel, April 1, 2, 3 PHONE 723-4641 fer appointment on these detes SALES LTD. The plans for the fashion show on April 3 were discussed. Mrs. Lavictoire read a pamp- let entitled "The Meaning of the Lord's Supper" and closed the meeting. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Ronald Leonard and her group. KING STREET UCW (Friendship Unit) The March meeting of the |Friendship Unit of King Street UCW was opened with the read- ing of a poem "The Human Touch" by the unit leader, Mrs. H. L. Bell, who presided for the meeting. Mrs. Alexander Nicholson conducted the worship service. Its theme was "Easter", with Mrs. Roy Terwillegar present- ing "The Message of Lent', and Mrs. H. L. Wilton presenting a study entitled 'What Does Easter Mean To You?" 'A' special guest was Mrs. Stanley Gomme, who sang. two solos, accompanied at the piano y. Mrs. Seymour Bigwood. The secretary's report was given by Mrs. J. D. Tane, and the treasurer's report by Mrs. LeRoy Kellar, while Mrs. H. L. Wilton reported on visits to the sick. Page yr sse man were served by were entertained at a h hold shower by Miss Janice Johnston and Miss Joyce Luke at the home of Mrs. Joseph Ward, Ridgeway avenue. A miscellaneous shower was held at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Clarke, Annapolis street. Re- freshments were served by the hostess assisted by Mrs, Thom- as Houssard. A personal shower was at- ranged by Miss Patricia Cliff at the home of the bride's aunt, Mrs. Iris Cliff, Charles street. The honored guest received many gifts to supplement her trousseau. Guests were friends and relations of the Sawyer family. Mrs, George Terry, assisted by Miss June Terry, Gliddon street, held a surprise shower for Miss Sawyer. The bride-to- be was presented with an an- tique-white bedspread, match- ing ashtrays and candy dish from friends and relations of the McMahon family. The bridal party was enter- |too much emphasis is placed on|bers of the home and school as-|west, and Mrs. B. T, Ward, sociation, how the pupils were|Rowe street graded and taught both in aca-\home after easter Mee |demics and workshop studies. | weeks in the West Indies | Mr, Hill stated that even if; . \their academic achievements RECEPTION | why not let them know of your Mr. and Mrs, Percy J. Kil-| Shop, ability will be quite suc- headquarters in Red Deer or.| : ; cessful. A question and answer ganizing meetings, arrangin jburn, Warren avenue, will be! period followed. Mr. Douglas Bs, Bn | ha to receive their relatives speakers, instructing poll cap-|rioois ang neighbors at the| O*®, nanked the speaker. tains and other party workers|{"'° eo Mr, Oke read the minutes and : +8 jhome of their son, Mr. Walter and handling publicity. | |kiiburn and Mrs. Kilburn, 81|Neye""gave" the treasurer's Te Her husband has spent little| McLaughlin boulevard, on Sun-| 94+ time here during the campaign|day, April 7, from 2.00°to 4.00| °°" : and she also acts as liaison with] and 7,00 to 9.00 p.m. on the oc- Oh ag room count was tied by those who want to see him. _|casion of their diamond wed- eh ic iin pense cong and Miss Grotaens "of high Sool ding anniversary. The mothers of students of commercial course, Mrs. : ; Thompson developed her own RECEPTION Mr. John Cobb's room provid- brand of shorthand and acts as} wr. and Mrs. Edgar Andrew, her husband's secretary, taking}49 Cameron street, Pickering, dictation and typing. _ |will be happy to receive their] At 47, her once brunette hai=| relatives, friends and neighbors| now is partly grey but she says|at St. Andrew's Presbyterian| its not that way because of po-|Church, Pickering, Saturday, | litical campaigns, _ |April 6, from 3.00 to 5.00 and| "I thoroughly enjoy them,"|7.00 to 9.00 p.m. on the occa- she says. on of their 45th wedding anni- Mrs. Thompson says her fam.' versary. travelling to rallies in Edmon. ton and Calgary. | LIKES CAMPAIGI'S | SOCIAL NOTICE As assistant co-ordinator of | her husband's campaign for re-| election, Mrs. Thompson spends many hours each day at party| tained Friday evening at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Basil Sawyer, Golf Street. BABYLAND BARGAINS Just in Time for Spring ed the refreshments and Mrs. Randle Lamont, social con- vener, served. Rugs and Upholstery cleaned the safe way! ov 'str LLER: vith Hebden a a we 12.88 cries" 22,88 baby carniacts... 19:88 PLAY PENS. .....00-.. "flower fresh" cleaning NOsoaking, no shrinking! NOruinous scrubbing! Colors come alive! for FREE estimate call HI CHAIRS Spring Filled CRIB MATTRESSES..... Lowest Prices In Town WILSON"S FURNITURE 20 CHURCH STREET VACUUM CLEANERS AND POLISHERS REPAIRED--REBUILT Vacuum Hose for Sale! WARNER WILLIAMS SERVICE CENTRE 17-B BOND E.--125-3531 DURACLEAN RUG AND UPHOLSTERY CLEANERS OSHAWA 728-8518 NEW DEMOCRATIC PARTY CHOICE IN ONTARIO RIDING VOTE ILEEN HAL @ MEDICARE FOR ALL @ FULL EMPLOYMENT e@ AID TO EDUCATION @ PORTABLE PENSIONS @ ECONOMIC GROWTH @ SOCIAL WELFARE "The Party With A Policy" MARK YOUR BALLOT 'HALL, AILEEN APRIL 8th AILEEN HALL, M.A. NEW DEMOCRAT rs. Nichol and her group. ALBERT STREET UCW (Unit 3) The March meeting of Unit 3 of Albert Street UCW was held recently, with Mrs, Jack Klein, leader, presiding. Mrs. Walter Tippett "Coming To Faster" theme for the devotions, Scripture was read by Mrs. George Parsons. | Report on finances was read| by Mrs, William Yourkevich. Members were reminded of a| bus trip on April 24 to Berkley's studios. Bus leaves 10 a.m. from the church. Also leadership training on April 4 at Ebenezer. Bus leaving church at 9 a.m. Mrs. Watler Tippett and Mrs. 2 Avoid Disappointment 4 book your SUMMER HOLIDAY $ soonest Four Seasons Travel Fully recognized by all airlines, 2 steamships, etc. 728-6201. ARE YOU BEING OF VALUABLE BASEMENT SPACE? -- Is The Beauty of your home marred by an unsightly Oil tank hanging on your wall: ACT NOW! Rid yourself of these inconveniences INSTALL to your present duct system, a beau- tiful, clean, quiet and economical GAS FURNACE 95" FOR ONLY IF YOU INSTALL A RENTAL WATER HEATER CONSUMERS' GAS, Authorized Dealer. ST. JOHN & BRITTON 668-2387 668-8767 15 PRINCE ST. 725-4632 - Eve. 723-2707 The ale behind this bold, gold label can't be matched for flavour. =, Prove it for yourself... x pour yourself a Red Cap Ale...today. CARLING RED CAPALE