i a tt i 5 ttt THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, April 2, 1968 § Tel. MO. 8-3703 | Senator Roebuck said,|stances will there be nuclear) Sena W. Roebuck| But, i be 'com Monday Ay that|Liberal Leader Lester B. Pear-|warheads on Canadian soil, ne dt Pictured after their wed- the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. ding at Woodgreen United Gerald Rose, Toronto, and Church, Toronto, March 15, the bridegroom is the son of are Mr, and Mrs, Robert J. Mr, and Mrs, Richard Adams Adams, The bride, the former of Whitby. Mr. and Mrs, Miss Jean Elizabeth Rose, is Adams will reside in Toronto. jawarded half of the damages) miles, stalled and he was road test- SENATOR ROEBUCK CHARGES | claimed in a civil action against} Coughlin told R. D, Hum-|ing his vehicle. a Pickering Township service|phries, QC, solicitor for the de-| He said he felt the cam shaft nd > ed F ter Judge|fendant, the motor had the|snap first then hit the valve Diefenbaker Anti- Approved For 3 Y 0l d drag racing. | starts and drag racing at Deser- aah His Honor ruled the motor in| onto. engine." : : o 4° : as eal- \a car owned by 19-year-old) He said he told the defendant; He said bgt said if you i! | ) ry | ' ou C. Hall Monday|Wayne Coughlin, 30 Birch|he did not think his car was|want to rev the engine up, y' British-Americ an ee Sons for | crescent, was worth only half,revving properly after the fuel| do it. three-year-old Bowmanville girl| of the $446.14 it cost to replace|pump had 'been installed, but i -Briti s, Mr, Pearson saysjone condition, that these two | throttle. 6000 rpm. of the plaintiff and that accer- neti He ge Regge > Sf ripe onsen is elected)men could get Mr. K. and the ag" sraseaes peby tooth wed duane Hall ruled the motor; Winess George Hill, a Class eration did cause the damage. Canada has ever had. there will be anew federal|Chinese to doin with Canam prs His Honor approved the settle. had been subject to _havere| A mechanic, eg ee : Speaking at a Liberal rally at|labor code and an overhaul ofj/have no nuclear arms, said vent awarding three-year-old|strain" through drag racing,"'| reconditioned, plane ea WHITBY i yi i | ' ' ' " " T % Se east ee Mal aire" aita mond eke oou|nealaet he Chine who ace guzmement, 19 Mlleest drive iniaIMG 6 eee eS et eeanical tear taking two elections to get him|This he said wou | ? Ai | y. | s P | char : out of office, the employee and the employer.|0r Pi dome nuclear!' v4 Owens told the court nis| last Sept. 4, he took it to the de-| Hill told Terence V. Kelly, Canada, Senator Roebuck) Montioning Canada's' defence rfl cy : 211, 211; J, King 213, 109; R. Dale 208, J. orga 229, 4 i Ladies' High Triples: J i | tor should not be . i _/not given his daughter any trou-| pleted, he asked to borrow|Pinion a mo} Brush 538, M. McCoy 658, C | peesion for the past five campaign -- and there is some inte" Senstor Roebuck charged (Dei the past sk months. Monigomery's tacometer to acceleraed to, more then, $8 years". truth in what they . say, apes : : e defendant Neil Heyneman | compare it wi is own as he . The speaker blamed the At added, : The military policies the NDP) is Honor was told, was driving| road tested his car. |rpm a mechanic would be tak pression" and tinemployment on' ,, issi ' The Bomarc missile was Lae ak 8 Miles 219, 233; D. Segriff 229, §. Alderson 249, G. Richardson) 252, D. Rowden 208, 224, 239;/ | stati tor af breed yer ng lifter, He described, the shaft In giving judgment, His and her parents totalling) after the cam shaft broke while| refused twice to accelerate to Anderson Street High School| conciliation procedures, |there is more reason to fear oa PORE Owens $250, her father, when he gave judgment in the|motor in Coughlin's car, said LEGION SUNDAY NITERS i ' ic ve soli he plaintiff, run- % |daughter suffered a chipped fendant's service station to have solicitor for t s Doug- charged in his attack upon th policy, Senator Roebuck pointed Maybe we should send Doug Rowden 552, J, King 585, J.) ! mer and Socreds are advocating , car owned by his father at He and ta te jing a man's car in his own "Dietenbaker's silly policy' . bought by Mr. Diefenbaker and L, Hicks 218, E, White 207, K,| | | | C : U F R i | WHITBY and DISTRICT d I : Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West Damages Cut In Half Manager: Rae Hopkins | An Ajax youth was Mondayjhad driven approximately 5,000;the fuel pump had been in- /Alex CC. Hall learned thejhead planed to enable more er youth's car had been used for|compression for "jack rabbit')as "not the. best and one he ' wouldn't put back into a rebuilt Honor said he n-jsap Ao defend. : 2 |defendant John L. Montgomery |full throttle when Montgomery|ant did accelerate the motor to Prime Minister Diefenbaker is|son is not like Mr, Starr, he's) He said he would agree under a Preston og gaard berh revving it up to fullitold him it should rey up to\full throttle against the wishes i ok told| iti id,|Chinese than to fear the Rus-| 1, i 293.07 to the plain- the cam shaft had been broken the OF ts stones hhas|a tetas. aiMeke would. on-|8:9R8 and it would be suicide| Ered, St ee gt cae ea Peat the rear, between the bear. taken two federal -elections to|act legislation calling for a min-|!0 send raw recruits, armed)i(('. sine! Neil and Jacobus! Couglin told the court he had ings. He described the motor Ladies' High Singles: H, Ger- row 208, A, Brush 214, M. ot : ; Coy 241, 213, 204; C. Rowden 7 ' stalled. ning the motor at full throttle Aer te ive Conservative goV-| out § lag and Couette to meet thems|naly tooWk in, 8 Smear Crash ending. to. the niainutt, would "definitely cause Progressive Conservative g0V-\out 'there are some who say with bows and arrows -- ot pea-(°% King street in awa, Ma} c ing to ' eee" te ould Gan bis ernment song Mr hag? has) atomic warheads are not an shooters, The weapons they are|23, 1961, He said the injury had after the work had been com.} been "going through a Tory re-issue in the current election), i : Richardson 552, Men's High Singles: S, Bragg) inti instru-| 350, 243, 202; R, Mustard 215,| would create conscription, the|the time of the mishap | , INSWU-! ands. , k i é : ments showed a difference of| ; According to Senetor Roebuck hat Fie ho mood He' speaker pointed out, He added |, awarding damages, His! approximately $60 revolutions _Another Class A mechanic, a oe vere © Coney, ia crowing "about it = but at the/e has seen the Country Oha| Honor ruled the settlement in| per minute, his reading Sheng i . ee ee an same time he scrapped the Ate hae tal seca . hag favor of the Owens family was|rpm and the defendant's read-| or of an Ajax s i, gress Yonservatives came ' into power and he suggested the King 206, J. Kirk 222, 219, 277: | J. Mclvor 268, D, Rodd 206, H.; r car 1 jtold the court a week prior to Arrow and threw hundreds out! een in politics, for car damage and medical ex-| ing 3000 rpm. the day in question he rode in of work and sent these Cana- penses for the infant. He Ottawa deficit is now $800,000,- ° : According to Senator Roebuck, 000. This he blamed on the e- i The plaintiff testified he re-/the plaintiff's vehicle, testing it ; ' h ruled the plaintiffs would re- i int | mige" i engi States roteni ic an iy ve neither of the two parties have ceive court costs. turned to the station to we \for a "miss" in the engine, He "downgrading" of the Canadian ' J dollar. ator Roebuck charged. Attacking Labor Minister According to the speaker Michael Starr, the speaker|Real Caouette, Quebec's Social charged there has not been a'Credit leader, and T. C, Doug single step of progress made injlas, New Democratic Party the Department of Labor in the! leader, have both pledged them- past five years. selves that under no circum. Cafik Stresses Need For Stable Government The need for stable govern-; He added that the economy ment was stressed by Liberal) would have to be boosted and Candidate Norman Cafik at al started moving again. The can- rally held at Whitby's Anderson! didate also mentioned legislation Street High School Monday. that the Liberal party would in- Mr. Cafik said that Primejtroduce if a government was Minister Diefenbaker was not a/ formed. fit leader for the country. He) "4 medical care scheme stated that disagreements in the) would be drawn up," Mr. Cafik cabinet showed that Mr. Diefen-|said, '"'and also a scheme for baker did not have the confi-| portable pensions." He said that dence of some of his party. one of the primary aims of a The 150 strong audience heard| Liberal Government would be him say that Lester Pearson|the extension of education in- would bring both domestic and) vestment. international peace if elected.| "Above all," he declared, Mr. Cafik charged that the|«this country meeds a sense of Prime Minister could not get/qirection and of national pur- along with our allies or friends. pose." Mr, Cafik said that the He said a solid government) country should be brought to the was needed to solve the prob-|forefront and resume its place lems it oy Men na in 20th century progress. son is the man or He attacked Labor Minister task," he said, '"'and is the lead-) michael Starr and said the On- er of a united party. tario Riding had elected him be- The audience heard him say|cayse of hi larity. "Ca that Canadians must rise above ey tim ahead be the. ieantaine party allegiance and vote in albecause of his 'marriage' to way which would do the most) Diefenbaker," he asked. for this Dominion of Canada. Mr, Cafik ended by saying "Tf th is anoth inorit: ve Ft Bll Mr. Cafik roe § that the promised legislation of the New Democratic Party "we will be reduced to our e knees as France was after the] would be put into effect by the Liberals if returned to power. last war." CAPSULE NEWS Hospital Blaze Cause Outlined LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- Fire|p.m. Tuesday through Thursday js r H. E. Weston Se on Saturday. M t careless smoking) . likely -- an early morning NAMED PRINCIPAL blaze in the east cottage of the) , TORONTO (CP)--Dr. Donald Ontario Hospital here, resulting|@. Ivey, 41, has been appointed in the evacuation of 69 mental | Principal of the University of patients in night attire. None | ee scr Po igh ian. eo © ip potions 'wee lnvared. day. He is co-author of a num- DOGS TERRORIZE ber of high school physics text OTTAWA(CP)--City council/b0oks and has appeared with unanimously endorsed a motion|2!., Patterson Hume in_ two A CBC television series--"Focus Monday night calling forlon Physics" and "Two for tougher dog-catching measures|Physics." in Canada's capital. Alderman) BATORY ARR Don Kay said women and chil-| QuEsEe" "gd Gren in suburban areas are be-|liner Batory, first ocean pas- ; |duty Stratford police stable.| North Ba lice district to in- terrifi -/Senger vessel to enter the St. é Pi constable. Y police ct to ing led by packs of ani Com this season, arrived Their cases were adjourned un-| spector in charge of Peterbor- mals roaming the streets. The commission will be asked|here Monday with 829 passen- to set higher fines for owners |£ers. who let their dogs run at large GETS 10 YEARS AMEND BYLAW MONTREAL (CP) -- Roland SARNIA (CP)--Acting on 2|Primeau, 37, was sentenced petition signed by a maijority| Monday to 10 years for his part of Sarnia grocers, city council|in a $500,000 bank robbery in Monday night agreed to amend|a 1961 robbery of the Bank of a bylaw regulating grocery|Nova Scotia, The sentence was store hours to permit them to|made concurrent to the 13-year remain open Fridays until 9|term he was given previously p.m. Grocers will remain closed| for conspiracy to commit the all day Monday and close at 6'same robbery. Evening Shows at 7 and 8:20 Last Complete Show 8:20 BROCK Bert H Lancaster | Gine Lollobrigide ! i iy | | ee | honey, 75, sufficient candidates to take ;over the government, but both jhope to hold the balance of power. "They hope to possess a nui j;sance of power sufficient to dic tate the defence policy for the jnation. And they want that pol- 'icy to be determined on the basis of you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours," the speaker charged. He suggested Mr. Douglas pro- poses to sit on the political fence and jump in on the side of the winner -- for political gain, Returning to his attack on the |prime minister, Senator Roe- |buck said Mr. Diefenbaker is a |speaker -- a matchless vaude- jville actor, He added unempioy- ment is one of the important issues in this election and |blamed Canada's unemployment situation on "business stagna tion brought about by Mr. Diefenbaker". "In the past, and in the pres- ent, Canadians are in the dol- drums of a Progressive Con- servative depression. Just soon as the Tories get into of- fice they tinker with trade and that's what we are faced with," Senator Roebuck said. Eight-End Is Highlight Of Bassett 'Spiel Highlight of the ladies' bon- spiel for the Bassett Trophy on Club Day for the ladies' division 'of the Whitby Curling |Club last Friday, was an eight- jend scored by the rink skipped j}by Pauline Howe. | Other members of the rink were Clara Anderson, vice-skip; Veronica Manning, second, and Pat Stratford, lead. The eight- gs count was achieved against \a rink skipped by Mabel Irwin. | The Bassett Trophy was won |by the rink skipped. by Laura |Anderson, with Jean Archibald, vice-sikp; Maryon Cawker, sec- jond and Hilda Dunbar, lead, |with a total of 32 points on the \day's play. Youths Plead 'Not Guilty | Of Breakins | LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- Four London youths. pleaded not guilty Monday to charges in- (CP)--The Polish|Y0lVing breaking, entering andthe jtheft and the beating of an off- til Friday. _The charges resulted after Const. Bernard Peller was jpulled into a car, beaten and jtossed into the street a week ago. ne | Gary wayne Gray, 17, and jAlexander Thomas Clark, 18, are charged with assaulting Const. Peller, Clark, Gray, Kenneth Walter Bastien, 18, and Robert Ken- jneth Hogan, 20, all are charged with breaking, entering and | theft at the Iroquois Hotel, DEATHS | By THE CANADIAN PRESS Toronto -- Frank Nicholas |Beard, associate l at the University of Téronto. Toronto--J. A, .M. Cook, 59, veteran newspaperman and for. mer war correspondent ; Vientiane, Laos -- Quinim Pholsena, 48, foreign minister . Laos; assassinated by gun- ire. New York -- Daniel J. Ma- ami News; while undergoing a jung cancer operation. don -- Meme. Alexandra Pilsudska, 80, widow of the late Marshal Joseph Pilsudski of | Poluea as| Lintner's daughter Lori. out the difference and the }fendant told him his was right. |He said Montgomery told him his car should "rev up" to 6000 rpm and he refused twice to accelerate to full throttle. Montgomery, the plaintiff said, then kicked his foot away from the accelerator and "floor. WHITBY | PERSONALS ed" it for approximately six seconds. He said his own teco- Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Lintner,| meter indicated the motor was 1107 Byron street south, enter-| revving much past the recom. tained at dinner at their home| mended imi, anee" th Sunday, March 31, in honor of The motor "'sputtered", then Mr, and Mrs. C. E, Lintner Diy be gee ge py Parrot jwho celebrated their 40th wed-|ery's tow truck failed to start |ding anniversary, Present were | the vehicle. He said his car had \Mr. and Mrs. Ron Lintner and|travelled approximately 80,000 json Gary, Mrs, Helen Sutton| Miles before he installed the and family Doug, Ron and/re-conditioned motor, which he Terence V. Kelly, of Greer and Kelly, acted for the plain- tiffs and Shearer and Co., Toronto for the defendants. added a push with Montgom-| |said the car performed normal-) ily at that time. | Montgomery told the court |he detected a "roll"' in the mo- tor, but was unable to deter- mine whether it was caused by a valve or the ignition system. |He said he revved the engine up to approximately 4100 to |4500 rpm then let it idle to.see if he could determine what was | causing the engine noise. | He said he was going to look junder the hood to see if he j could determine the cause when the motor stopped and "'that was that for that one."' He said jit sounded like the valve lifters may have been going. According to the defendant the plaintiff said the compres. sion wouldn't come up after Men's High Triples: S, Bragg \795, R. Bragg 756, D, Miles 619, |D, Rowden 671, J. Kirk 662, This was the final night of the) schedule. Play-offs will start) next Sunday, April 7 and April| 4 Section winners Mules, Hotshots, Dodgers and Untouchables. The four other teams will roll off in a consola- tion roll. with a banquet and dance to follow at the Legion Hall, May 4. Congratulations to individua) winners for the Year High Aver- age to Clare Rowden, 196, and Ronny Bragg, 22. High triple flat to E. Bragg 685, Doug Row- den 824, High triple to M. Con- nelly 796, H. Strathdee 902, High single flat to Rose were The Patsy, Mr. and Mrs. Bud |Pipher and son Peter, Osh-| jawa, Mr. and Mrs. Tod) |Lintner and sons Ted and Tim,| Mr. and Mrs. Don _Lintner,| their daughter Kim and_ son |Kevin, Mr, and Mrs, Doug | Lintner and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin St. Mark's United Church | wariene, daughter. of Mr. and, |Mrs. Roger Howes, is celebrat./<. bake sale, jing her 11th birthday today. Her | Prides ig oe or the an. See Fane Street sembly hall. Co-conveners were School and friends wish her! Mrs T. §. Brandon and Mrs. T. many happy returns of the| p Farndale ony \Mrs. Ralph Crawford. Doris Goddard, of Ajax, is} Receiving the guests at the opening her home this evening|door were: Mrs. J. M. Smith, | to the Ajax Kinettes' members!Mrs. H. T, Fallaise and Mrs. for an executive meeting. \J. R. Ward se cairo peo |sages, Mrs, Erle Bond was tak- wae pk gto peng 212/ing tickets at the door. a s' e return-| ' tah The hall was beautifully de- pod from an eight-week Vaca-| sorated with Spring flowers, On {Hon apent in Daytona Beach,| pedestal at the entrance was | Florida. a large bouquet of giant white Mr. Ernest Dunn of Fort,chrysanthemums and red snap- |Erie was a weekend guest of|dragon, on the stage were large 'his mother, Mrs. Bill Ruegg, Donevan crescent. | VON Vi its | Markham Mennonites Choir) Total 161 | Mr, and Mrs, Frank Madigin, | |144 Lupin drive, had as their| | weekend guest, Larry Madill of | | Toronto. | poneot of 16 members en.) tertained residents of Fairview La t M th | Lodge last Friday evening. The, S on group sang several old favor-| An increase of 56 visits over ite hymns, The hour -log pro-|the month of February, the Vic- |gram was greatly enjoyed by|torian Order of Nurses made 161 all, Following the program the|Visits for March. Of these st .,,| Visits, 131 were general nursing group visited informally with care and 30 all instruc. } the residents. | tion. Catherine Maddaford, regional For Peterborough She also reported that pre- |Eric Silk Monday announced|Lodge, Wednesday, April 10 at Doll Displays Features St. Mark's Spring Tea Women held a most successful ticket convener Dale 284, Bud Bragg 350; high |single handicap, Joan White 313, id ; | ip) r 700: M. Jordan 843 (312, 308); F. Bastarache |789 (298); E. Jordan 777 (326): G. Deeth 742 (270); R. Pascoe 719 (272); J, Izatt 708 (303); C. Sawdon 702 (322); B. Jordan 836 (330, 299); Ron. bragg 781 'bouquets of Spring flowers flank- ed by two lovely green ferns. The tea table was centered by an artistic arrangement of large yellow chrysanthemums, yellow snapdragon and yellow tulips. The bake table was decorated with two arrangements of pink and white carnations. An added pleasure was the Japanese doll display supplied and attractively arranged by Mrs. Tada and Miss Tiko Tada, of Port Hope, who personally displayed the exhibit. Hostesses assisting the guests at the tea tables were Mrs. R. MacCarl and Mrs. F. Ollen- Bittle. Mrs. H. T, Fallaise, president of United Church Women, opened the tea with a |few words of welcome, | Pouring tea were: Mrs. J. H. | Breckenridge, Mrs. H. W. Quan- jtrill, Mrs, L, F. Richardson and |Mrs, H. R. Hare. Baking sale table was ably convened by Mrs. W. D. Leathers, assisted . by |Mrs, William Ellison, Mrs. J. G. Tweedy, Mrs. F. Eggert, Miss Olive McLean. Serving at tea tables were: Mrs. R. J. McK , Mrs. R. W. Marshall, Mrs. Everett Quan- trill, Mrs. W. E. Davidson, Mrs, E. A, Fairman, Mrs. Glenn Carr, Mrs. B. H, Shier, Mrs. G. P. Cox, Mrs. D. G. Cour. tice, Mrs. J. Carman, Mrs, R. . Daniel and Mrs. Verna Brad. ey. Assisting in the kitchen were: Mrs, G, Juby, Mrs. R. Pascoe, Mrs. Jean Ward, Mrs. Velma Young, Mrs. Ross Hall, Mrs. James Anstey, Mrs. Marie Mc- Laughlin, Mrs. J. S. Gaine, Mrs. D, Lintner and Mrs. K. McKelvie. M. Reeson 738 (275); A. Knibb 719 (291); T. Perrow 704 (284); P, Campbell 701 (254), Rowden 272, W. Bick 272, E. Badgley 252. Points won: Abner's Esso 3, Andrew's 2 0; Red Wings 1, Ottenbrites 2; Post Office 2, Legion Old Sweats 1; Silver- smiths 1, Mel-Ron 2; Credit Union 1, Mowatt's BA 2;'Legion No. 2 0, Simpson's Wood Prod- ucts 3; County Bowl 2, IAM 1; Knights of Columbus 1, Fire- men No. 2 2. FIND ANCIENT SITE FOGGIA, Italy (AP) -- Ar cheologists say they have dis- covered a cemetery dating back to 1,000 BC near this south Italian city, Ceramic pots and bronze articles were found in tombs cut out of solid rock. | Nurse-in-charge, Nancy Ruth |Bowring, reported that Miss New OPP Inspector|207,:"% jdirector, would visit the Whitby }branch from April 8-11. TORONTO (CP) -- Ontariojnatal classes would commence Provincial Police Commissioner| their spring session at Fairview promotion of Staff Sgt.|2 p.m. {Lorne M. MacGillivray of the| }ough district. He replaces Insp. Allan) | Stringer who resigned from the jforce following publication two |weeks ago of the report of the royal commission on crime in| the province, Mr. Justice W. D.| | | | Roach, who conducted the royal jcommission last year, said in |his report that Insp. Stringer's "usefulness" to the force had! | ended, | Sgt. Allan Campbell of Sarnia detachment is promoted to staff sergeant in the Kenora district jand Staff. Sgt. E. D. Erickson jis transferred from Kenora to) |North Bay. | Islanders Finish Rea ~ We'd like to call to your attention A truly happy modern invention. It saves you worry, No Matter Whether It's Strathdee 260, E. Brush 228, 224.| | Damages Awarded (355); J. Levitt 759 (305, 272); | Singles over 260: M. Ander-| son 285, A. Robertson 277, D.| publisher of the Mi- Sear cwcciate pretewoct ot! Fiset Lap Of Trip | RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil |(Reuters) -- Fifty - five island- ers from remote Tristan da ,Cunha disembarked from the British mail ship Amazon here |Monday after completing the }first lap of their return to their tiny, primitive South Atlantic jisland home. The 55 islanders were an ad- |vance pary that will get Tris- tan ready for the rest of the 200 jformer inhabitants to return in October -- exactly two years after an eruptin! volcano forced them to ahandon it. | If You Don't ou Furniture, | Two Oshawa Men Judge Alex C. Hall Monday jawarded damages totalling $1,532.33 to two Oshawa plain- tiffs claiming damages against an Oshawa defendant, following the Feb. 25, 1961, two parked cars by the defend- ant, His Honor gave judgment in the amount of $1,160.50 to Ger- ald Allan Lamb, 360 Park road the amount of $372.23 to John A. Foster, who lived at 366 Park road south at the time of the mishap, in a south and in striking of civil action against John Huzar, 31, of 1038 Cedar street. Both plaintiffs, represented by R, J, Murpliy, told the court they had their damaged ve- hicles repaired on the lower of two estimates. His Honor learned the Lamb car was struck while it was parked in front of his home and pushed into the Foster vehicle. FREE Have your furnace cleoned free and guaranteed. trouble-free all winter, if you purchase "White ae, unified fuel oil from Western il Co. DIAL 725-1212, GRAIN FED HOGS (DRESSED) '/, or Whole 35c Ib. Cut, Wrapped & Delivered Government Inspected Coll after 3:30 P.M. 668-8621 D, J. CAWKER 224 BROCK ST. S. WHITBY For That New Spring SUIT. Why Not Try... MEN'S AND BOYS' SHOP 129 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY Tailored to Measure by e WM. WH LEISHMAN ° OF HOBBERLIN @ TIP TOP TAILORS | ! Somes WOMEN'S AND GIRLS' UNDERWEAR Penmans Vests and Panties for 2-4 and 6-year-old girls. White cotton rib-knit for 8-to-16-year- old girls. Ladies' vests and panties--Small, Medium, Large. INFANTS' UNDERWEAR You'll want Penmans for your baby-- available in tie-side, wrap-around style and button-front vests in fine soft cotton, for Size 3-6-9 months; & 1 and 2 years. Appliances, HI-FI, TV, Radios, ete. It At Bad Boy's | YOU PAY TOO MUCH!! /BAD BOY | Open Nightly (Except Saturday) 'Til 9:30 KING ST. E. AT TOWNLINE FURNITURE APPLIANCES 728-4658 TET | Running and hurry: It's Bell's convenient KITCHEN EXTENSION! Save covntiess stops get more thiogs done - order your Kitchen Extension from BELL