London consultations because of Rhod i aa By The Consdian Freee 1 soe on siock _--=«Saloy High tuw"Chone Giige Migh Low Block -----=---Salow High Law lowe Gh'ge Mish Low Sion igh Low' Clow Oi'ge Migh Lowe iu em eSla similar right. ue Toronto Stock Exchange this wok, Issues un- GP Drill A 100 67 67 67 ' W Copper +3 MO 65 Mt 4 + in The colonialism committee changed totalled 224. "insna.gns 'oharen,up G8 Wares 2703 38% 84 OY By CARMAN CUMMING jdesia would declare its inde-jheard Gershon B. O, Collier of ppc Lo bongs BS cain Fo oy GS Wares pr 4190 90644 05, 64 -- y CP)--Is|Ppendence and seek to perpetu-|Sierra Leone say he was "get- w By The Canadian: Press 300129 127 187, 1 UNITED NATIONS ¢ "-- ate white rule. ting tired' of hearing Britain --------This Woek------ le a i34 $48 om i 4 Britain facing "another ia7'|. These fears were linked with|talk about how it had led 650,-| stock "Sales, High Low Close Ch'ge Mig G A 10 MK 64 64 -- % gorie" in Somhern Rhodes the possible breakup of the Cen-|000,000 people to indep BA oil 30-30 20% 30 30 56. 56 Speaker after speaker in com- tral African Fderation, which|since the Second World War. He Shawin a + | 4 bri mittee discussion of the Central/ ince 1953 has joined Southern|said Britain's attitude on grant-) ©, Chem BR Pt ae sn African territory here this week/Riodesia with the British pro-|ing independence was different oon 274 24% brought up the spectre of Al-\t.ctorates of Northern Rhodesia|where white settler minorities a " hae geria to warn Britain that itlang Nyasaland. Both partnersjand economic vested interests} -- Northea F 32 54 4S must intervene in Southertiioy are controlled by Negro|were involved. Stanwell 6 3 @ "8 Rhodesia to bring political) overnments and are pressing) Australian David 0. Hay said apres MINES equality to the territory's Negrolry, secession from the federa-lnis delegation was 'dis- Bible " "yn os majority. .._, tion, Nyasaland has receivedlappointed" in the British stand.| Peerless 'i se a Britain continued to maintain|permission to leave while alrights and mutual benefits. C Bellek 52390 11 SH ll +5 1 8 --as it has in debates here for|Northern Rhodesian delegation Ind 'als paged gv Z peg ty By lhaseg earlier this week walked out Off J) Joos HOVERCRAFT ustri tory is fully autonomous where LONDON (CP)--A hovercraft i A and B i "| Abitibi 5 Bal dhe MOK -- AIK 40M internal affairs are concerned. DIVIDENDS capable of carrying 500 passen ABI pe to $n 3 ; The most recent debate, in w=m|gers is being developed by a kind 375 335 mbly' - ; ; land 2-1 23 22 Member special committee on| By THE CANADIAN PRESS {British firm. It is expected tol Ais*Dias™ 5 hs <0 das bo member special committee on tral and Hudson|%° into service within five years Alta Dist vt 2 iB is a. * colonialism, ended Thursday) Algoma Cen a probably as a Thames ferry. die Ole w Bo By with a 'decision to send a sub-|Bay. Railway Co., common 25 Alta 28% 108% 108% + % 110 committee to London to press|cents June 1, record May 15. 106 106 --1% 106% 106 again for intervention. A sim-| Argus Corp. Ltd., common nye ee ee ilar delegation in April of last TA outs, hag 2 Lowe Hs ACADIAN aim iis : : a -handed, j|cents, June 1, ; Year returned empty-handed. |£750 series, class A pid. 24 CLEANERS A ge Rg ila IS 'EXPLOSIVE' cents, $2.60 series, class A pfd, 2 $10% 10% 10%--% This year's delegation has|65 cents, class B petal g cents, Odourless on $25% a 25% +1%6 been armed with a committee|May 1, record April 16. ii iali: = "consensus" taking note of the) Dupont of Canada Lid., 1% ~ t anew! a sts mS 89 HTH A Em -- "explosive" situation in South-|per cent pfd. 93% cents, Aprilj} ® Arising @ nif $53% 53% 54 + % ern Rhodesia. 15, record April 4; common 20) | Det, service The parallel with Algeria lies|cents, April 30, record April 4.)) , Seme Doy Service $514 51% 51K -- % in the fact that Southern Rho-| Rolland Paper Co, Ltd., class Veules in Promsions 4 $51% 51% 514 -- % desia's small white settler pop-|A 7% cents, June 1, record PF te Tet Site 2%. 144 41% ulation, numbering some 250,000|May 11. PHONE 728-5141 10$104 104 104 +4 or less, has controlled the terri-| Texaco Canada Ltd., common 299 BLOOR W Ashdown B 100 $8 8 8 + tory for generations, maintain-|40 cents, May 31, record April anno 18% 17% 17% --~ % ing political supremacy over|30. $5 2% Bs the more than 3,000,000 Ne- py groes. Rue' aavsatest| INCOME TAX RETURNS African and Asian speakers ex-| : pressed fear that Southern Rho- UK. Warned Of Peril | "=s2%ust? Weekly Summary Of Stock Market Activity" 120 130 eh 6 16 --4+ 3% 16% 34+ 439 36% 40 --40 100 40 HO. M0 --2 210 10 1% 19 +1% 19 16 18% 18% -- 20% + 96% 10 --% % + 7 id 8 ! - = ysgeFe Bes tetany S eee gs Fs BnbaSess § § ki cts = gOETGSE= 958 Bscusgs 3 r Seze8 FF Lert ol stu. b ee FS FE" P35 +1 ++14+4+-+ ° a see t+ i) o sens8y = Sexe Steaks! ce ae] & = ® deobedeughdglediii Sé2a888 Z BS ps goS petrol -BIRot ate 8 lees nan BEE *3E* ¥ Sen SoesessBShUs 8 (+ + + » = ~ o Bs gre ES at Stgeets keaié * seg "st & $3 3 fleet es BS pEtgMesteek 2p FEeosate = 1= se seus ae e- 28 2 gy !888 2s _ a ote * 3S ee 83 Se needcenberky ssdysssseS.a> e = 7} * exeeerSes 5 BRSe Seta8eo § e & = SrarSrsSegessa8_e igi eo * a8 S65 a t os FRE re on e S3r0° cee SeusBeskes aRBSSREoe s2 = ag dan ~ = taaggSsseSe~ sas,k8ns Reesfaysbsssee = gSsse.onassed, Qo nee 33 <j sueS8csec He = 3s ¥ ro oBbySeopstelses..sbsse8. onsatgs . e Sagthot. 3 so * bs = s 1 Ps 88k oust Ress orSered. s~EsteSzee gto By8eo = 2 a Bw» -- abe 5 gebedaas ts ek* 6 $71% 70% 71% +1 300 285 300 +10 305 295 300 --25 $2 51 51 --% ty 060 $11% 11 11% + % NET EARNINGS Bell. Phone $5544 54% 55% + 4 5 725 Biltmore pr $16% 16% 16%--% 4 | read im S14 314 -- % By THE CANADIAN PRESS 0 B sim Sl sit -- 4 3004 816 ote American ~~ Notes vi : % 5% 3 os 5 -, year ended Dec. 31: i 1962, $444,615, $2.96 a share: ACCOUNTING SERVICE 0 Capta ch oe mH gona LO 184 BOND ST. WEST ' 30 4 30 $72 @00 133" 33" 39" a9 ul A = ended Dec, 31: 1962, $307,832: 725-0397 OSHAWA RES, 723-760 Hog $38% + Hh 6 iM 46 1961, net loss $424,416. pr 195, 95 | Ph 147 $108% 108 108% + % 37% ™ The--% $205 20% 20% + % 13% +1 194+ hh Bullochs A W4%+h MM * 2 - a M l & 3B gest nsckSsezanesreSbuteshice sescBeguBasdy 2 3 = 8 greed BSez8t Se hy oat ad ee - . gogiso8SabZS_c0 Nee g i BRAEGS ge = ggstgezegeast aac es 1++ sek L e SRAGE = ef8suer <8 ~~ 1 = lity! Bole Ee ala oe ae 3 _gusedde! g2 Stuundé S8uent # siuny oP untae sl g BiseeB8sots st.gekseas sivest e i o% -- 4 2 + he 80 --25 2%-----% 22% Maclaren 3505 $22% +h 2% a 2 Cal Pow 5 pr 45 $102% 102% 102% --1% 104 Bu+% 2B% Can Bread 275 36% 12 18% Can Cem pd B+ 13% Bt Sug. 7 $26% 26 % 26 : 200 155 150 165 +10 165 145 260 Cc Fad $ pve 2000 250 250 250 145 S7% 7% 7% 8415 190 1860 190 ee vy L Ss Se og 1+ BeuS SUNBURST sels -- Ss & z a Sy 8 = Taurcanis Teck-H 3 Hate g 3 : & ear }* Ze Sshsiguas_gsses grtBeegrEsSadguas_geaeses 2 Ld _88asase 43 15 106 115 +10 10% 8% 10 +2 % 7 9 Sood an 264 CI Fndry 1029 $22% 20 $87 86% -- 6 é $60 Ya s 60 29%, 7 Can Perm 116 ; 1225 3 62908 4g "sues CSL 62 56 Mont Trst 9 --3 Po Can Wire B 1735 boots 28 oe $455 S8% 8 9 8% 200 490 5 525 445 129891 @e# =e 18942 Va 0 Drug 15% Cont 1 9317 52% 1 % 17661 51% 51% rust 926% 25% 2 aL Cowich 2195 + 9% 8% v1 Craigmt 1040 A wts 3110 175 220 160 Ni Crestaur B wts 725 175 170 170 --S 215 170 v 2» 2» 0, 2 Crowpat 59225 Can Can A 810 $124 12% 12%--% 12% Il 12387 53 I ae Cusco 54128 Cdn Celan $53 49% +3% 36 18% from C Cel ipr 390 Q Pow 1 Daering 55217 2% D', Cel 175 pr $36% 364 36% #0 De Cae Tage See i 2600 2000 8300 9600 1000 2000 25500 28285 21200 8000 +e 33582, 3 Sex r 3 $a8 bib | wgss gusSangut=FaSunes ubRHERGEREGE gg gbbetenb: SSer ++1ell = es 315100 19005 ghs pd +5 7135 «(87 +% 8468 5757 3200 | 8 : 7167 $11% 11% 11% 940° $7% , WMD BO BEA sie gre, Nad es 0 465 435 460 4.25 535 $8% Ocean Cem $ll% 11% 11% Do 370 275 430 43 s Ogilvie $139% 13 13 --% 16000 205 $3838 $36 36 36 + % 83 $41 40 $16% 16% 16% --1 400 350 350 --40 pr G Sec A 250 $1616 3 11420 $64 6% 6% 7 Ay 2 780 105 105 3605 $15% 154 15% + % ; 6143 $64% 63% 63% + 3% 61% a 1015 $9 8% 9 1 8% * | wey Oil: 3434 $154 M% 15% + % 15% 13% $36 A 5 27 s 2 $82 82 82 42 83 80 Cdn Loco 550 $6 6 6. +14 CPR 30290 $274 26% 274 + 25. 3 A and B 5 9005 3 173 185 3500 12 10% 12 +1% Mw Cdn 10% -- % ; 445, % 14% 14% F'west Tung ns 12! AP Cons 2 6% 42 47 45 EU RNITO RE Cdn min oe i ; --y mh 4h 264 260 266 212 Cdn " on i 160 160 92800 +2 4800 $7' 6 % RA 7 6 us ry gbSeyests o & Hy Ee Feg8euogt Waaaaaa cat, Sake oe * 22 BBeon Hes Bex 39% + % Cdn 26% + % J 30 +h 100 C Util 4% pr 25 $85% 85: C Vickers 340 $20 Cdn Wall B 100 $25 25 CWN Gas pr 810 $164 16% 16% £89 $26 %6 FY +% 4 i 1550 330 320 § sting 5h 5 4 4% Revelstok he A 20% Cal. Ex a pr Cal Ed 50 $15% 15% 1! y Rob 2 pr , ; $000 "te tn Ganvett --_ 60 $98 98 98 > Robin Cotton Ss $6 0000 Camerina ; i 425 450 0 895 +35 985 860 Cc on 275 260 5 300 26; pg 'Z C pent 250 $118 118 A Halinor 100 260 260 260 FF Pa had : ie y 2 % Hard Rock 125 $8% 8% ae 3. 00 0 9% 9 9% 9 18% + % 725 $8 % h--V a Bidg Ww 7524. 580 570 575. 635" 47, s 520060 38° 60" M and $14260 $25% 24% 254 + % 7832 $38 37% 38% + % 12304 $20% 20% 205 a1 19 c A '285 $1084 108 108% + % 109% 106% s ; iit aC ri 0000 io" rd Gas B = 275 $108% 108 108% +2 109 106%4 § 4300 115 106 Corby 605 $17% 17% 17% 18 16% . I 17600 74 71 72 Dome Pete Coronation 1453 $74 7% 8° 6% Sha' 29% rm 52900 18 is Dynamic. Coron wts 1460 195 180 365 180 5 44 20700 23 20 gins Coron pr $274 2% Ws 462 15150 i > ih Cosmos 360 959% 9% 9% : Shell Inv pr 200 $27% 27. 27 11600 Crain R L 3120 $13% 13% 13% + % Shell Inv wt 11621 655 615 615, --10 680 530 46100 Crestbrk 100 160. 160 160 Shell Oil 14451 $1644 16% 164 -- % Crestbrk pr 25 $45 4545 Shully's Ind 1900 $5% 5 5% + % 13 4584 33 + Crown Tdust 25 $61 61 61 41 Silknit pr 140 $365 3856 38% --% 38% 38% SB a ® Crow's N 700 $15 13% 1314 4+ % - Silverwd A 2205 $12% 12% 12% 69 7 $12% 12% 12%-- % 8155 $15% 14% M%--% 15% Simpsons 1594 $31% 30% 30% --% G $1 15% 16 1700 280 275 275 5 245 SKD Mfg 604 320 300 300 --5 355 285 Ft ena : 6105 $50 49%. 49% --% 5 Slater Steel 1325 $10 9% 9% -- % 35016 725 870" 7 4500 $19% 164 19% + % 4 Slat SU pr 519% 19% 19% too 201 20 ah 20408115 115 115 --4 Southam 310 $33 3333 0! ee 535 $11 11s il ' Stafford 300 380 389 380. --10 380 238000 2545 : St Pav 5 510% 10% 10% + %& ' fell 375. 80075 900 Stedman 300 $16 15 15 3 preg ; ; Steel Can 511 $19% 18% 19 i) gg i Steinberg A "1924 $20 19% 19% 4 % Labrador ied 7 oe Ts sa Stuart Oil 50 $284 284 2814 --1 30% L Dufault 64 6400 11% 11% 11% 5 ae 24 2 baka time 4 19 2 42 4 ' we og ay Tos Oils 1940 155 150 185 Mm am ann Suptest pr _55 $101% 10144 101% * 32 2 300 18% 1% 17H Sd 0 $13% 12% 12% --1% Switson 2100 115 110 110 --45 La 295 18% 17% 17% +1 Dom Stores 23983 $144 14 14 -- % Tt Z , ale ed Dom Tar 17650 18% -- % Tamblyn 1640 $19 16% 184 + % Dom Text 6846 9% 20 --% Texaco C 412 345% 44% 45 Dover pr 100 oe ou Th Cdn Gen 905. 87% 7% ™%--% Dow Brew 150 50 50 Thom Paper 55) $54 5% 5SH4--% Du Pont 3207 $4414 41% 444 41% Q Tor-Dom Bk 3774 $624 61% 61% -- % E to K Tor Star pr $60 «60 OO Easy Wsh pr 1850 $19% 19% 19% RS vauaded -- i. Se Econ Inv 126 346% 46% 46% +1 a fy many tiles eel mine tas 7776 $14 13% 13% -- % 1s SM tie te 200 $144 13% 13% --% 208 $214 208 +210 225 18 " yore bey ans a 185 $8% 8% 8% --% Toe (tah $83 a 8% t 15292 $15% M% 15 --% 7226 $50% 58% 59% + % L 8265 $7% 7 Mhikh ef $19% a 18% -- Ye 1123 $12% 12% 12% -- % 250 75 $67 69 $28% 28% 22% 100 gg 10% 10% 4+ % . Cas 5600 10 7 79 +4 * 5 Vanadi 3 E rad. Oil 195 $23% 23% 23% -- % Veter" mo os ; Triad Oil 10260 1 267 $49%4 47% 49% +2% ion Oil 4625 fm SPOONER Stanwell a" i EN Vendomatic s 5 g 5 i ah J Mattgmi 0 860 850 + Uni 101000 376 39% 94 9K -- A$ ven or 5 5 : Maybrun 9 2449 1 14S $274 BY 26% -- % } VY Dece ot Mcintyre 52% + % i) Vulcan MeKen 00 36 382% 34 3872 $3456 344 H+ He 34% Waaver MeWat 0 22 +1 470 $100% 100 ryt 'Mentor 3 ii 0 i 206 $104% 104 104% 103% Wat Equip 480 425 Merrill 53 Wstates pt 630° $12% 12% 12% + % 12% 10% Webb Knp Meta Uran 8 ---% W Decalta 1 7 1400 $6% 5% 6%--% 8% 8% WCoast Tr 1 i 1 40 42 Windfail "293811 35 = 10 $31 20% 24+ % 32 27% WCoast vt 13% -- % iw Wusnire, 1 ay Pa Meta 2063 $70 60) «70 +1% 70 635 ~--- Wesateel 1600 $139% 12% 13% 12% Moneta 7-1 & 76800 4