18--Male or Female Help Wanted /22--Store Space and Garages WANTED ' jtcnew in lige TV @ pe Eg excellent --. English speaking, abstainers, Quie' middle-aged couple preferred. No pre: working-out experience neces- between 6 and 8 p.m. write Box 116, DARLINGTON SCHOOL SECTION NO. 18 » TYRONE, ONTARIO requires TEACHER TO SERVE AS PRINCIPAL TWO ROOM SCHOOL TEACHING OF SENIOR GRADES Write stating quolifications, oge, last Inspector, if any, ond salary expected. Inter- views will. be arranged with the Board of Trustees at the school. Address Letter to: MRS. D VIVIAN, STORE CORNER LOCATION Suitable Any Small Business Downtown Oshawa $150 PER MONTH Telephone 723-1671 _ OFFICE SPACE Suitable any small business or Profession, In the heart of downtown, Approximotely 350 sq. ft. with small inner private of- fice. $50 MONTH Telephone 723-2138 23--Wanted To Rent |25--Apt. & Flats For Rent 26--Rooms For Rene 27--Real Estate For Sale 27--Real Estate for Sale 27---Reol Estate for Sale | MYERS Street, | aeatess suitable home, $10 single, $12 double. Ti 728-0423. one or two, quietjed 'elephone ALBERT iggy ag | ed bedrooms, » bath, wate adult home. Suit business couthe: near bus. Telephone 728-3323. Tame CLEAN rooms, third floor, heavy duty wiring, TV out- let, $50 monthly. Adults only. Apply 143 Agnes Street. NORTH osnawa = - "-- Three-room Dase- PARK ROAD SOUTH -- Clean, furnish- ed room. Bus stop at door. ferred. |, Telephone 728-5606. CADILLAC AVENUE -- furnished bed- room in private home. Gentleman pre- ment apartment, telephone, heat, lights. T 728- lerred. Parking. Telephone 728-8706. 0376 after 6 p.m. COL , 87 -- Large bed- IN NEWCASTLE, modern four-room, heated apartment, all conveniences,| $50. monthly. Telephone Bowmanville 623-5589. EAST, 57 -- Large bed- room on main floor, housekeeping privileges optional,' quiet, adult home, near North GM plant, Suitable for gentleman. THRFE-ROOM baseoent apartment, Po: sion, Adults only. Apply at 472 Drew Street, Oshawa. KING STREET EAST. near limits, ed also large city bus. unfurnished room, Vacant, Parking, 725-2974, NICE three-room and bath apartment, Grenfell Street, completely private, stove, ngewe eg Y. outfit, elt facilities, parking, $70 monthly. 179 SIMCOE STREET sour 786 -- aa room apartment. One child weleome, over ten years, $70. Heated. Parking Apply above, CENTRALLY LOCATED -- One-bed- |room apartment, newly Te dgue self- BUSINESS COUPLE desires furnished house or apartment, April 15. Within 1 miles' of Ajax. Write PO Box 33, Squires Beach, Pickering, Ontario. FIVE or sixoom pm house, in Oshawa for family of f ir, Telephone 728-9272. COUPLE w: a two small children would Rea- SECRETARY TYRONE, ONTARIO WAITRESSES EXPERIENCED Also Boys ond Girls interested in training. Apply in person, SANDALWOOD RESTAURANT 1626 Simcoe Street North DRIVING SCHOOL INSTRUCTORS Preferably. with late model. Standard Car. Will be trained at the School, TELEPHONE FOR PERSONAL INTERVIEW APPOINTMENT, MR, WESTGATE 728-0091 20--Room and Board EULALIE, 235 -- Furnished room for » in clean home, meais if de- sired, reasonable rates. Telephone 728- 1773. ROOM and board near Pedlars, suitable for two gentlemen, willing to share, $16 weekly, Telephone 728-7664, MILL STREET, 103 -- large double room for two gentlemen, to share, single beds. Also single room, Park-/ ing, seven days. 763. PONTIAC INN, _ Thornton's South at Bloor Street. 0078. Roa as Telephone 725- $14 EACH for seven days, for two gen-| s, | tlemen, willing to share, 'esis central. Telephone 728-3396. moog area, main floor, four large decorated, am- ee inn, » newly A hot water heating. Old now AND BOARD in quiet a adult Rossland Highway No. 2, Whitby, 668-/ home, a Simcoe North area. Suit gentlemen. Lunches packed, laundry, parking. + SREW STRFET, for pre lg willing to sso hate, @ixday week, $15. Telephone 725-7043. 22--Storage Space and Revenes New. - Offices In Medical Center 211 Simcoe Street S. Available July 1963 Can be finished Early Tenonts. PHONE 725-5132 | FOR RENT CEMENT BLOCK BUILDING 70' x 32' 3 car garage and parking spoce. Useful as factory, ete. Dial 723 2563 to sult ------~ |day | BELL TELEPHONE representative re- |quires two or Piya (eel ggh area. Telephone Mon- to Friday before 5. 728-5111. After 5, call boron Ask for Mr. Giady, 24--Houses For Rent WHITBY -- |P-m, ane |PORT PERRY - Modern 'frame five. ) room. bungalow, rey rik erator, stove, Telephone 723-2977. -| apartment, three bedroom house or) Three-bedroom oungalow, "| | $95, monthly. venedee immediately. | 366 | DIVISION § Street, fi four re room apart-| middle-aged gentleman, 'Telephone 668-4212 between 6 anr 8) ment. Available now, Suitable for adults |town and North four-piece MARY STREET -- Furnished bed-sit- ting room and kitchen, range, refrig- erator, near hospital and downtown, suitable two girls. Telephone 723-7100. ONTARIO STREET, 77 -- two furnish- -- ee rooms on third floor, furnished room second floor. "Aeoly above. CENTRAL -- Furnished three-room, light housekeeping flat. Kitchen, bed- sitting room for two. Also furnished|---- . Adults only, 4162. WEST OF CITY -- Large ranch bunga- ~|low with built-in. garage, mahogany trim, factory built kitchen cupboards, only a few months old, extras, loaded with Owner will trade on older home. Anxious to sell. Mr, 'Martin, 728- West, modern kitchen, downstairs, Lady pre. '9714, Joseph Bosco, Realtor. 728-7377. SIX-ROOM frame house on William|; tiled floors, forced air furnace, stove and dryer included. Open to cash offers. 723-3065, i WHITBY -- Private sale, bungalow, six- room detached brick; with recreation room dry basement wi Large landscaped lot, 14' x 20°, detach- ed garage, paved driveway. Sacrifice at $12,400, 6 per cent NHA mortgage $9,563. Call R. Allen, evenings after 6.30, Whitby 668-5623. JANETVILLE Brick house, six- room, garage; % acre land, 1-500. Terms, Fred Cook, Real Estate. Cail Marvin Nesbitt, Nestleton, 986-4894. ATTRACTIVE tages, Glanmire, am as Free lots and cot- Steenburg and Pau- literature. Phone THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, March 30,1963 97" 29--Automobiles For Sale 29--Automobiles For Sale * NHA APPROVED lot, 85 x 200 ft., Courtice North, $2000. Tele- phone 728-3189. , Over % acre. phone 723-2656 after 7 p.m, azar semi-circular lot on Meadow Crescent, $2900. Tele- 19589 CHEVROLET station wagon, six cylinder, automatic transmission, radio, Uni euacmeney One owner. Telephone}; $12,600. NEARLY new three >earoom brick bungalow, with dining room. Low down payment. Hurry for this one. Gerald Barrow Real Estate, 725-3852. BUILDING LOT, 50 xi40, es sewers and water in choice north-west location. Close to public and McLaughlin high school. $68 per foot. 725-3640. $395 FULL down payment, one NHA mortgage, detached brick bungalow, six months old, decorated, GRIERSON STREET Two Bedroom Bungalow and garage Oil Heated. Immediate possession. ' Brooklin 655-4773 1957 DODGE Regent sedan, 6 cylinder automatic, two tone 000 miles, like new, $100 down, Tele- 728-6094. 1954 OLDSMOBILE 98, two door hard- top, two-tone, fully 1 and 5 p.m., 253 Athol Street East. green. Original 41,-|P¢" 1955 DODGE station wagon, good condition, $125 of 1960 CHEVROLET i] LET convertible, Va, etna B30 1955 MACK dump truck, real good COlfax 3-2075. gray. spy orl full power, radio, 4 new tires, Benes Tien Teo OT nan 1951 CHEVROLET, 2 door, good to dis- mantle for parts. Will fit models from ie ne 1951. After 5.30 p.m., telephone Hollywood kitchen, colored bathroom RETIREMENT home, five rooms, dou- ble garage, % acre lot, lovely ager fruit trees. Eighty nine hundred. Johnson 728-2548 Howe and ops LOT 58% x 186'. Good location. Near | schools, church and stores. Call 668-8047 | ~~~ Whitby, ft, Telephone 723:/LAKEFRONT lot on Stone Street, 50 x ft., price $2,000. or near- OSHAWA MOTEL, King Street East. t.\est Seer, eikere after 5 p.m. 723- Wi rates, |9455. rooms, heated, tele-| é ee, $15. and $17.50, Telephone 723-| ly. Available April 1. Telephone 726. PRIVATE, two - bedroom basement heat, hi; stove \included, Apple Hill district, 'Telephone | 725-7091. OLIVE AVENUE, 573 -- Newly deco-| rated housek room, Suitable for one or two, TV privileges, parking. Bus at door. 723-1832. |PARK ROAD SOUTH -- Three-room, unfurnished apartment, private bath an. entrance, parking. | 728-1953. apartment, kitchen | above, 725-5146. TWO-ROOM furnished apa vate bath, refrigerator Close to bus. Two adults, rtment, Pri- and stove. T |DREW Street, 48, two furnished rooms) lon 3rd floor, Sink, TV antenna, Apply| '728-1720: only. Telephone 728-0392. NICE apartment, private entrance, pri- vate bath. Suit lady or couple. Apply|bed - 91 Ritson Road North. 5 and 8 clean Parry \BRIGHT, < ~ Suit quiet Near down- GM. Telephone 723- 11795, CHURCH STREET, 164 -- fu rhished | sitting room. and kitchen, Suitable} |for one girl, $12. weekly. Telephune | eee a eee |terms, W. J. Carnegie, Broker (Real appLE HILL modern attractive unfur- -- Estate), Port Perry. Telephone 985- 2881/ nished apartment, private entrance. ur BORK | STREET -- Furnished | single| | SIMCOE | Street South, 442, three-room| conveniences: Available May 1, busi- front room for lady. $7.00 per week |apartment, furnished or unfurnished.| ness couple preferred. Telephone 725- Telephone 728-7120. |Private bath and entrance. 725-1565. P.m. FOUR-ROOM house, close to schools, immediate possession, $70 monthly. Ap- Ply 139 Wilson Road South. MONTIETH 'Avenue, , 494, large three- Toom. Close to bus stop, clean, Telephone 728-3607. new. Telephone | 7789. TWO four-room apartments with refrig- SIX-ROOM house, owner occupies base-|erator and stove. All conveniences $85 ment apartment and would like tenants| and $95. Available April to take care of one school age child) Wayne Street, while mother works. 725-5325 after 6) BROCK Street West, L A partment 6. ~ Oshawa, couple. All utilities included. Close to downtown. Call Whitby 668-5168. single room, private entrance, parking, bedroom home with finished reereation| reasonable, 96 Centre Street. Telephone! 725-0953. BYRON SOUTH, Whitby _ Modern, 25--Apt. & Fl For Rent main floor. Garage. Close to West. ----|ELGIN EAST, 28 -- kitchen, furnished for light : -- \4 THREE-ROOM furnisehd apartment Bourn | 7 self-contained two-bedroom Serna: \unfurnished. Paved parking. Use 28-2633 adults only. girls, Telephone 723-1692. TWO-BEDROOM unfurnished refrigerator. ment, stove and apart- Apply Lansdown -- Apartment 2. ing, garage, suitable for two working | is | Avail- able April 1, Enquire days or evenings. Centre,| KINGS COURT APARTMENTS AJAX ONE BEDROOM APARTMENTS LA SALLE GARDENS 725-4964 | No Lease Required. Approximately 10 miles from Oshawa Opposite large Shopping Centre near schools, churches, ete. | Large One Bedroom. $73 Oshawa's Finest * Park Lane Apts. | 10 min. from Downtown | Attractive two-bedroom suites. | Spacious grounds | Prestige location Private balconies Elevator service Controlled entrances Garages Paved parking Don Howe Evenings 723-9692 | Howe and Peters Realtors 22--Stora and ge Space jarages | ARE YOU IN NEED OF A MODERN OFFICE? We have avail able a suite of offices totalling approximately 1000 square fee t... Air condit- ioned, bright and served by ele- vator in The Ti mes Building. CONTACT THE OSHAWA. TIMES PSK FOR T, L. WILSON WHITBY CLASSIFIED DAY CARE given to one or two chil- dren, Five-day my Careful supervi- sion, Telephone 668-4928, | SEPTIC tanks cleaned, prom on calls. Walter Ward, 204 Street West, Whitby 668-2563. San, television, appliances, sales, service, RCA Victor, Admiral dealer. All electrical appliances repaired. Call Van Genhoven, 655-3651, Brooklin. DRESSMAKING: : Suits, coats, dresses, alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting & specialty. Mrs. Toms, 668-2372. FOR RENT -- Bright two service} Ohestnut objection to one 'school ehild. May be Business |. 668-5849 days. BUY, sell or paceeete used furniture and a have you? Goold Used | rniture, br Dundas East, Whit- by. 668-5481. FOR RENT -- One room self) contained apartment, heated, $55. (Sosa Mr. Say, 209 Brock Street South | '26--Rooms For Rent FOR i -- Five-room house. No apartment, available ist of May. Tele- Phone after 6 pm. 725-8020. AVON Need immediately, ladies in' the Rural area with ambition to earn money. income, part time. Write: P.O. BOX 512 OSHAWA DELIV 713 Green) Street. WE CAN _ er 10 YOU .. Crushed gravel (mulch), pit run gravel, stone, sand ond top soil. All sold by weight. CALL 668-3524 Sawdons' (Whitby) Limited 244 Brock St. 5. Fuels and Builders' Supplies Whitby, Onterie kit-----COMPLETE LAUNDRY ROOM '|----FURNISHED LOBBY ------|870 MONTHLY, heated, partly furnish pe »| chesterfield and chair, Two Bedrooms $79 TELEPHONE AJAX WH 2-2001 | Governor Mansions Apts. 110 PARK RD. N. We believe 'that Governor Mansions are the most lux- urious apartments and offer the most outstanding fea- tures in the City of Oshawa. FOR INFORMATION 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. TELEPHONE Schofield-Aker LIMITED 723-2265 MODERN APARTMENTS Quiet Residential Street Convenient To Park Rd. North and King St. West REASONABLE RENTS For Information |PARKWOOD MANOR , APARTMENTS 725-7272 _728- 9217 "THE DIPLOMAT | WHITBY DELUXE APTS. |--ALL ELECTRICAL HEATING --SWIMMING POOL --ELEVATOR -- HI-FI --WALL-TO-WALL DRAPES --BROADLOOMED CORRIDORS --AUTOMATIC BUILT-IN STOVE 1-2-3- BEDROOMS REEDAIRE COURT AND DUNLOP ST, CALL 668-5601 AFTER 6, 668-8560 LARGE furnished bedroom, five utes walk to bus stop, close to General) Motors north plant. Gentleman prefer- red, Telephone 725-0393, Apply 68/| weekly. Telephone 7 two or|room for gentleman, refrigerator, three room unfurnished apartment, suit/plate, linens, dishes supplied FURNISHED two-room apartment, also| | APPLE HILL district, large house- | keeping room, suit two gentlemen, pri- |vate bath and entrance. Near bus, $15. 728- 3814. light | COMFORTABLE housekeeping! hot Central. Abstainers only. Apply 12 Elgin Street Ea |385 ; SELF-CONTAINED 1 newly 'painted, |two bedroom modern apartment, mediate possession, tile and. hardwood |floors throughout. Bus at door. Has |refrigerator and stove, adults only: Call) jat 155 Verdun Road, Apt. 2 ryer. Adults preferred. $85. relavibone 27--Real Estate ) For Sale General Motors. Apipy 241 Bloor Street| MODERN three or four-room basement MILL STRFET -- Nine-room income} apartment, immediate possession, stove,| --| frig and private bath, Large room and Floyd Avenue home, forced air, oil heating, low taxes.| $9,500. Full price. Reasonable down! [paeent _Telephone_ 725-7754, |For SALE -- six-room, Insul brick |dwelling, situated on Highways 7 and 12, Myrtle Station. Immediate posses- |sion. Phone Port Perry, 985-2370. $690 DOWN $690 Completely Decorated This spacious Duplex con- tains a modern kitchen, three bedrooms and many otherextras. Situated close to the Oshawa Shop- Ping Centre. For more information on this or another new home contact Dave Smart CASTLE HOMES | Corner Simcoe and Athol _Telephone 72! 725- 1186 OPEN HOUSE i2 p.m. until 5 p.m. | SPET LEVEL Located In KINGSMERE GARDENS Four bedrooms, 2 baths attached garage, stone front, Many other models. Directions: Proceed on King Street East to Missionary College, turn right and follow the signs. S. D. HYMAN Real Estate Limited 728-6286 WHITBY $3,600. down buys lovely four bedroom tri - level, large living room and din- ing area with broadloom, natural fireplace, two kit- chens, 2 bathrooms, fin- | ished recreation room at- tached garage. Can be | used as 3 bedroom home | with income apartment. Call | owner 668- 5640 OPEN THIS WEEKEND MODEL HOMES BY ROTH CONSTRUCTION Situated 2 blocks north off Rossland West, one block east of Glencairn. JOSEPH BOSCO REALTOR PHONE 728- 7377 | | | | | | | | is part: * Possession. Electric stove, refrigerator, Garrard Road) North, Separate entrance. Garden, tiled, floors, (25-3445. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. NORTH. | KING EES oe |home, NEAR GENERAL ¥ MOTORS south | Three plant. Two furnished rooms, heat, lights, | Apply water included, Suit couple. $45 at | Phone STREET EAST, 321 -- Brick hot water heating. Garage. room apartment upstairs rented. before 6.30. in person or tele- 728 0194. =| GENERAL farm, 160 acres, 10 room wick house, three bank barns, imple- ca shed, two streams facing Tension jand Scugog roads at Hampton. Specu \tators don't miss this one, CENTRE. STREET, 19 -- Two-room ®™@, and bed-sitting PRIVATE sale, five-room semi-detached 725-6106 or)/room. Stove and sink in kitchen, Apply! bungalow, or trade for seller home or Peter Fed- Realtor, Bowmanville. 623-3644. fixtures and vanity. Whitby 668-8253. MARY STREET NORTH, 896 -- Con- veniently located one and one-half- P| storey, three-bedroom brick home with garage on spacious lot. $12,000. Tele- phone 725-4492 PRIVATE SALE 31 ELGIN EAST 13. room brick home with furniture. Good income home, parking area. Low down pay- No agents. Telephone, 723-3807 ment, lot. _ Telephone 728-4968. WHEN CRAFTSMANSHIP IS APPRECIATED IN YOUR NEW HOME JAMES O'MALLEY CONSTRUCTION LIMITED 723-7122 We are also specialists in home, office and store remodelling for Oshawa and District Private Sale Six Roo m1 V' Storey Home, Good Location, Close to Shopping Centre. $9600 Full . Price. $1,000 Down Telephone 728-3262 GUIDE REALTY LIMITED GENERAL STORE -- Gasoline Station and living quarters, between Whitby and Ajax, a good money maker. Im- mediate possession. BEVERLY STREET -- Very desirable location, 6 room 1 Yastorey family home. Large kitchen, living room and separate dining room. H. W. Oil heating. Finished room in basement. All in tip top con- dition.. Phone us to inspect. $7,900. ONLY is the price being asked for this immacu- late 2 'bedroom bungalow with 3 pe. bathroom, oil heat- ing, storms and sceens T.V, Aerial, on a beautiful lot 60 x 163. COLLEGE HEIGHTS AREA -- rooms in excellent condi- tion, stucco bungalow with paved drive and hedged lot. Oil heating -- 4 pc. bath- room. Taxes only $120.00 and low heating costs, a per- fect house for an _ older couple, priced at only $8,300. BROOKLIN -- N.H.A. Re- sole -- 6 room ranch bun- galow in immaculate condi- tion, Interest, Principal and Taxes only $83.60 per month. Call today for full particulars. $1,000, DOWN for this com- pact home on Beverley St, Two nice size bedrooms, large living room with natural fire- place, family size kitchen, finished room in basement. Hot water oil heating. Balance on one Open mortgage. EXECUTIVE HOME Es- pecially appealing brick ranch bungalow with --_ attached garage and paved drive, in an. exclusive North -- area. The. lovely living room with twindows has a natura! fire- place, sunny modern kitchen, dining room, three bedrooms with double Closets 4 pce tiled vanity bath. The 42 ft. beautifully finished rec. room has plenty of room for ten- nis table ond -TV lounge. | VLA RE-SALE | $12,900 -- 1% STOREY HOME Walk out basement, Two-car garage. Fruit trees. Approximately one acre land. Call to inspect Earle Allen 725-7782 Howe and Peters Realtors | NEW HOMES For a complete choice of new homes in 4 top subdivisions "DOWNSVIEW PARK' "GOLFVIEW HEIGHTS" | | GRANDVIEW SOUTH) OPEN HOUSE 2 p.m. until 5 p.m. GLENRUSH STREET Ranch style home with attached garage, fire- place, stone front,. only $16,990. Directions: Rossland Road West to Gibbons, north on Gibbons and follow the signs. S. D. HYMAN Real Estate Limited 728-6286 1958 PONTIAC Parisienne, two door,| door hardtop, black, 8 cylinder, power brakes, steering. Dual radio. Ex-| > cellent shape. After 6 p.m. 728-9147. 1940 ENVOY station wagon, two-tone, food ~= condition throughout, 'adio, new snow tires, one-owner, Apply 1239 Meadowvale, custom |623- 1932 CHEVROLET, bi Rood moter, body, iby! and choley: 1957 "FoxTiag Laas, ie sedan, $500 or best offer, Tele- phone after' 4 730-7805. i968 | i VAUXMALL Super, 4 speed -- washers, $1,650. posse Tulleiene owmanvile 1 Gan EOLEY convertible a A USED CAR Is A GOOD Buy At: NEIL PATRICK MOTORS The Cars on our Used Car Lot are practically all trade- ins on our own new cors. We know the owners of most of these cars personally and how the cars have been dri- ven, We have held a fine repu- tation for our used cars, It |28--Real Estate Wanted |DO YOU want to sell your home, Cail Guide Realty Ltd., South. 723-1121. 9 a.m, to 9 p.m, 16 Simeoe Realtors A MUST ? List With GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA Call Now | 728-1653 | "BELLA VISTA GARDENS"} | "GREENWOOD HEIGHTS" | With down payments as low as $595.00. CALL LLOYD METCALF Real Estate Limited 40 King Street East, 728-4678 LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER FOUR BEDROOMS Central part of Oshawa immaculate home with large kitchen and dining room, extra deep lot with asphalt drive, and garage. Only $2,600 down. Call Bill John- son 728-1066 or 728-5123. $11,300.00 SOMERVILLE STREET Seven room home in lovely condition. Ideal home for the growing family. Down pay- ment just $2,300, and pay- ment of only $65, Call Irwin Cruikshanks now at 728- 5123 or 728-5205. $8,500.00 FULL PRICE Lovely 2 bedroom bungalow with large modern kitchen, oil heat, garage. Only $70. per. month. Call Bill Horner 728-5123 or 728-2236, DUPLEX $13,900.00 ONLY $3000.00 DOWN Nine room brick with double garage, 2 meters, paved drive. You can live in one opartment at $45 per month including taxes. Hurry call Edward Drumm at 725-9345 or 728-5123. LLOYD REALTY (Oshawa) LIMITED OWNER TRANSFERRED AND HAS REDUCED PRICE TO SELL, RANCH BUNGALOW _IN NORTH WEST AREA -- Separate dining room, Holly- wood kitchen, large. living room, 3 nice sized bedrooms, finished basement, 4. pc; bath and 3 pe. Double paved drive. Attached garage, immediate possession. ASKING $12,500. Full price 3 bedroom = split level, 'Large picture window, finished recreation room, walk out basement to patio, Move right in, owner has left town. For courteous service and conscientious effort -- LIST YOUR HOME WITH GUIDE. Your property is consistently and advantageously adver- ised until sold. For Full Particulars Call 723-1121, Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. After 9 p.m. call Leon Manitius 725-8068 Tony Siblock 725-4362 Roy Flintoff 725-3454 Steve Zurba 728-0569 Irene Brown 725-3867 Jean Peacock 725-4330 Lloyd Corson 723-2537 Dick Young 723-7183 Lucas Peacock 725-4330 GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors 16 Simcoe St. S. 101 SIMCOE STREET NORTH OSHAWA, ONTARIO BUILD ON A "LAUGHING BROOK" Beautiful ten acre lots laid out along scenic ravine with fine trout stream. Many sites suitable for split-levels: etc., COSY 4 ROOM HOME. Very suitable for older couple, 4 nice rooms with bathroom. Furnace heated, near Church and centrol. VY ACRE LOT PORT PERRY With small barn and 3 bed- rooms. Furnace heated home. Economical for young couple $11,000. Open to a good offer with terms, RICHIE DRIVE IN. On busy highway build this excellent franchise line into good Sum- mer highway business, $17,- 500. with terms. SPLENDID BIG BRICK HOME Overlooking Lake Scugog, centrally located in Port Perry. New oil furnace. Suit- oble for Multiple family dwelling. $12,500. Open to good offer. Terms. : TREE FARM AND RETIRE- MENT ACREAGE. Retiring couple might enlarge exist- ing cement block building into a home on: this excellent 50 acres with thousand of marketable Xmas trees. Only $6200; open to offers. We have some nice cottoges in the Scugog area. Now thot the good weather is here buyers will be looking them over, CONTACT D. H. ANDREWS BROOKLIN PHONE 655-3195 J. A. WILLOUGHBY AND SONS LTD., AFTER. HOURS BILL COLLINS 668-8716 open daily 'Selling Your Home -- is our aim to maintain this high standard of operation. 1962 CORVAIR MONZA Two door, black with red in- terior, bucket seats, stick shift, rodio, white wall tires, wheel discs, low mileage. One-Owner car. $2349 1962 PONTIAC STRATO-CHIEF STATION WAGON Cordovan brown with white top, automatic, six cylinder, four door, radio, low mile- age. A one-owner car. $2395 'Schofield-Aker Over A Quarter Century of Reliable Service Have YOU a HOME | You Want SOLD & Term Buyers For Courteous and Efficient Service PHONE 723-2265 9 till 9 After 9 P.M, Les Hall 728-5513 Bill McFeeters .. 725-1726 Steve Macko ... 728-5868 Coney Stinson .. 725-0243 725-0201 We Have Both CASH 1961 CORVAIR 700 Two. door, white with red interior, seat belts, automa- tic and radio, 'low mileage. One-Owner car. Previous Owner's name on request. $1595 1956 CHEVROLET TRUCK 4 TON PICKUP Blue finish, good condition, Ideal for a farmer. 1956 FORD TRUCK Y% TON PICKUP Ready for work. MANY MORE LATE MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM Open * gs Unt. 9 P.M. NEIL PATRICK |29--Automobiles For Sale 1957 FORD Fairlane, two-tone red | white, automatic, engine, ld and radio, Thunderbird T MOTORS ETD. --TWO LOCATIONS-- 728-3158. |199° PONTIAC sedan, fair condition jcheap. Also 1951 Buick for parts, Tele- | Phone Whitby 668-4940. Fa VOLKSWAGMN, | A-l condition, $550 or best offer. Tele- | phone 2092. \1959 Vv OLVO, « one owner, very Ajax_ 942- 2874 _before 3. 30. {1958 CHEVROLET V8, standard, barrel carburetor. dash _radio, $300, Telephone 72B- "3720, SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down, Liens paid off, DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-9421 ~ KELLY DISNEY _ USED CARS 409 BROCK ST..S. WHITBY---668-4291 Cars bought and sold Liens paid off Trade up or down Alwoys Top Quality | WILSON 1 BATTERY SALES AND SERVICE 641 Cromwell Ave. (Corner Park Rd. & Bloor St.) DIAL 723-3512 RENAULT- PEUGEOT-AUSTIN Parts and Service STATHAM B.A. SERVICE RITSON ROAD AND KING 723-4733 and 723-7712 TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (All Makes and Models) CALL 625-6553 14 Albert St. "BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA Gust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 The Home Of Good Used Cars "Before You Buy Give Bill A Try" BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY 46 Eglinton Ave. E, 668-4741 and 668-4025 with radio good | on ae $1095 or best offer, Telephone four | Dual mufflers. In-the- NEW ee Corner of 9th: and Main St. PHONE 640-3450 Main St. W. at Tracks PHONE batbiease Stouffville, Ont, | 4 a} al owner no further use. "2300 oooh. - Brooklin 655-3284. 4 1957 GMC truck, 2% ton, 14 ft. 8 ft. ar. Mechanically good, paint job. legge 5 a truck oa» trade. Telephone. 725 3¥ 199 CHEVROLET sects wines truck. > Needs work, Price $65 or nearest offer,:. Telephone 728-9829. '192 PONTIAC convertible, radio, power brakes, $2,800 or best 985-7497. 1959 FORD, twenty-four thousand miles)* automatic, new tires, radio, eevee uy. $900. 129 Byron Street wees good tirens. power offer. Port erry ys we 1955 CHEVROLET, four door, mer matic, V8 engine, $150 cash, take over' Payments for balance. After 4 p.ms* telephone 728-8319. 192 CORVAIR 7 700, blac black, re ee 102 hp., na owner pre 14,000 miles. Ee 895 or make pee AEA: 5 p.m, 728-9689. iss STUDEBAKER, x good waa aber ae tires, Best offer. Telephone Bowman-+ ville, 623-5192. 1960 PONTIAC Laurentian, two-door," fully equipped. Black finsh with rea" interior. Will finance. Telephone after §* P.m,, 723-7386. 1960 "VOLKSWAGEN "with ¢ radio, wash: ers, seat covers, dark blue, low mule 5: age. Like new $950. Blackstock -- 1954 PLYMOUTH, good condition, Good tires and radio, Best offer accepted.) Telephone 725-1644, i957 PLYMOUTH sedan, standard trans mission, 6 cylinder, new rocker panels. $375. Apply 53 Harmony Road South. 1955 MONARCH Lucerne, four door sedan, light blue, matching a tr power power brakes, windshield washers, back up lights, deluxe radio with reaj deck speaker, $695. May be seen 17. Bond East. 728-6781. 1958 CHEVROLET Impala, two rpg | hardtop, sportscoupe, white with upholstery, 50,000 miles, V8, asieneuele power steering, new brakes, wheel discs, whitewalls, like new, $1395, Pri-* vate owner selling. hs Port= Perry 985-7483. Ms YOUR VOLVO DEALER JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE GENERAL REPAIRS and AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE 449 Ritson Rd. S., Oshawa . 728-0921 MARIJAN'S GARAGE 290 CORDOVA 725-5101 1959 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN power steering and brakes. » $1495. ¢ »57 PONTIAC 2 DOOR, automatic A-1 condition. $895. eid 1955 BUICK A-1 condition $475. MARIJAN'S GARAGE 725-5101 (Continued on Page 18) OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS wt PRINTED PATTERN coat -- and doubles as a coat is Spring's sure-fire fashion suc- does this slim and straight-for- sleeve that's all in ore with the} shoulder in front and line The dress that looks like ajin brilliant orange, i _|bronze. Sew your version linen, pique, ottoman, Dacron, cotton worsted cess, The marvelous Mr. Mort! with a crisp "hand". A507 sizes 10-18 blue ors in any fabric Printed Pattern A507 is avail ward version that can be belted|able in Misses' Sizes 10; 12, 14, or worn free. Note the crisp cut|16 and 18, Size 16 requires 5% of the collar, the shape of the|yards 35-inch fabric. Send ONE DOLLAR for Print- cut jed Pattern A507 to The Oshawa through in back, Simulated slot/Times, seaming is the single decorative|/Oshawa, Ont. Ontario residents detail that accents the purity ofjadd 3c sales tax. Please print The Original of Prinfed| plainly Pattern Department, YOUR NAME, .« AD- Pattern A507 is off-white poplin;DRESS with ZONE, STYLE --worn by itself, or asa coat|NUMBER and SIZE,