FIRST BAPTIST WA on April 12 in the charch ban- UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES a seetet coe Weean's "A presentation to Mrs. Gerald Association wes held in the Barren made ee HAPPY DOUBLES CLUB | 3RD PARENT COMMITTEE ome of Mrs, Gerald Barrow. - ie se po Bg of treasurer. At the March meeting 'of the} The monthly meeting of the ne mene Bertha c president Mr¢-|for many years, Happy Doubles Club of King|3rd Parent Committee was held , Mr re athe 2g Howard. was| Next month the mee will Street. United Church, Mr. andjat Guide House on March 26 at ia" charge of the devotionaljbe held in the home of Mrs. Mrs. Harry Souch, club presi-|2.00 p.m. Mrs, J. R. Risbrough ' * riod, E. Alward. Mrs. Sidney Wit dents, conducted a short busi-|presided. ' ' The p Dreger me ng eer tree will be in charge of the devo- ness meeting. Mr. Souch thank-| Special welcome was extended to Pray". She also read two|tional period. ed all those responsibl2 for|to two new mothers, ; | poems. The hostess. served refresh: making the Valentine Dance a] wre william Milne read the : ee' tresneras, Mev: Bees ments, seastad by, rae. success, ss _._|minutes and Mrs, Archibald Anderson, gave her report, and a - Mr. and Mrs, William Nichol-|Dewey gave the treasurer's re- secretary, Mrs. Walter Wellman : son and their group were in|port, The regular business meet- | read the minutes, letters from charge of the program for theling followec which included dis- sick and shut-ins, and an invta- evening. Miss Rosalind Coe,|/cyssion on Cookie Day, the re- ition from the Chiro Mission music pupil of Mrs. Jan Dry-|cent paper drive, and gift pur- : Circle to attend a Birthday Tea gala, sang two selections. chases. The major item discuss- March 30 at 2.30 p.m. The program took the form ofjed was the completion of . Plans were. made to cater for group discussions on the topics|the banquet plans to be held at a banquet for the Young People "Should Married Women/|St. Pauls Church on April 5. of the Trent Valley Association Work", "Should Religion be|Mrs. Carl Creamer is convening Taught in the Schools", "What/this event with Mrs, W. C, Dart is Your Opinion of Weekly Al-jand Mrs. A. W. Simmons assist- lowances for Children" andjing. A. E. Johnson 0.0, 'What is Your Opinion of Regu-| Mrs. A. W. Morrison and Mrs. lar Church Attendance during|Dart served refreshments, OPTOMETRIST the summer months," One member of each group .sum- wie Ever yt will be April 723-2721 14% KING E. marized their discussion, which : wns comming on by Mig nt), 5. GERTRUDE CL OSHAWA PAIR ANNOUNCE WEDDING DAY esses at the March meeting of the| April 27 is the date set for daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oshawa. The marriage will ONTARIO REGIMENT AUX, |St. Gertrude's Catholic Wom- John Cameron, and Mr. Glen be performed in Albert Street The March meeting of the On-(°"'S League. It was decided to the marriage of Miss Jacaue- o.. Skea, son of Mr. and- United Church at 3.00 p.m, 'Itario Regiment Ladies' Aux- fen axtie San: of entertain- line Dorothy Cameron, only Mrs, Charles M. Skea, all of --Photos by Hornsby ' 4 sc iliary was held recently at the A 'NOW, I WONDER see armories. with the president,|. The minutes were read byjA special thanks to Mrs. John, ST. GEORGE'S GUILD The group received an invita- th Mrs: Clifford Bould, presiding.|Mrs. Frank Doreen and the) ,qams for her personal con- ((Bivd, Group) tion from the West Posing in a pensive mood Keith's grandparents are |Mrs. Douglas Cox was welcomed|'reasurer's report by Mrs.|Ad@ . "a stmount group shuti { The Boulevard Group' of St. { ; at the age of -six months is Mrs. William Travis and Mrs. |as a new member. George Bogard. Reports were|'Tibutions of time, money, wig George's" Guild "ek ed Page : attend their meeting on April Lovely Keith Frank Travis, son of Robert Raby, both of Gooder- | Volunteers for the Tuck Shop received from the following and the use of her car, and for parish hall 'on Monday. eve- 9, Mrs, W. R. Branch will be Mr; and' Mrs. Frank Travis, ham. at Hillsdale Manor Will be, Mrs.|Committees: the kindly interest she has|ning, with 15 members present,|the guest speaker. Durham street, Brooklin. --Aldsworth Photography |Harry Woods, Mrs. William Mc-| Mrs. John Poltz, convener, re-|shown in these people. Mrs, J. G. Brough, group lead-| The members wete remind- Neill, and Mrs, Frank Roche. : ported. on the card party April Mrs. Frank Flynn reported/er, presided. ed of the WA Annual Tea and : Pla:- are well under way for| It was.decided that the Ladies'|17. In charge of publicity is}, the Communion breakfast} A card of thanks was re-|Bake Sale on May 9 Spring weather is no friend to | Auxiliary will help to purchase|Mrs. George Bogaard; decorat- tly to the Daugh-|ceived §f Mrs. J. H.B your furs! Now's the time to LODGES AND the Tag Day on May 25, under the Regimental Flag and its'ling and gift wrapping, Mrs. catered recently to gh-|ceived from s - Burr) Refreshments were served by the convenership of Mrs, F, J. ; 7 et 7 ters of Isabella and thanked the|who is convalescing at her|tp, A " protect your coats, jackets or SOCIETIES ' equipment. A social night is\James Power and Miss Evalroliowing ladies for assisting|home at 478 Fernhill boulevard.|Mrs 1 br Sveniere win tice if stoles from the moths, heat Peirce. planned for April 9 at the home|Bruckner; prizes and favors, its igdon, Mrs.|Mrs. , Mrs. Harold Greene, Toronto,|of Mrs. James Smart. Prizes|Mrs, Howard Knapp and Mrs. padhed Soutien arch Ts t eases come aor ae Frank Naden, -- ond humidity. Place them in PRINCE PHILIP CHAPTER |rchoes secretary of the Provin-|will be donated by Mrs. Frank|John Poltz; candy sale, Mrs./Hophins. Mrs. John Melnychuk,|cards. The group will meet agajn|--{ the cool, dry climate of our The monthly meeting of the|cial Organization, will be the|/Roche, Mrs. Bert Anderson and|John Polman and Mrs. Stevelyirs Gordon Patterson, Mrs.| Mrs. Orville Magee will be th on April 22. storage vaults without delay! Prince Philip. Chapter, IODE|guest speaker at the birthday|Mrs. William Beaton, Refresh-|Stepinac; refreshments, Mrs. Arden Parkin, and Mrs. Rob- gacatant quia ene t the . . , Our bonded messenger was*held on March 25 with theldinner, which will be held at|ments for the next meeting will|Sidney Sheridan and Mrs, Wil-| ort Chapman " nelato of i p r for the VACUUM iit silt ab. doin Gi Hae wh Regent, Mrs, K. R. Wagg, pre-|Adelaide House on April 1. Tic-|be convened by Mrs. James|liam Clancy; serving, Mrs, Ger-|" 4°.) eda, Mite Eiva Brack: ence e year. CLEANERS your dows tan ot than siding. kets may be obtained by the|Smart, Mrs, Duncan Foreman,|ald Merkley; tables, Mrs, John six sanneted eat cig tales Wt: asco a gg sale on AND POLISHERS ' ' The secretary's report and|members from Mrs. Leo Glover,|Mrs. Douglas Smart, Mrs. Clif-/Melnychuk, and clean-up crew, tended the Regional Day of a cas 4 -- » was re REPAIRED--REBUILT treasurer's reports were given|who'is convening the dinner in/ford Bould and Mrs, Harry|Mrs. Frank Flynn. Mrs. Poltz cussed an elp was secure Vacuum Hose for Sale! 8 i ine Recollection at St. Francis delfrom the group f thi oC. J. a |the absence of Mrs. H. Tonkin,|Davies. asked the members to co-oper- Oa ee x group for is $ aWa urrie aS ee saaig social cotivensr, ee Bis pence hae for the sag with sate ladies when alte ie Sunes -- WARNER WILLIAMS s. Frank| Mrs. J. A. Mitchell, 1st vice-|Men's next executive meeting,|they are called upon to help. ead tah des - e group will cater for a 1 Y Motte, "ototetonal pcre regent will be the delegate tojwill be, Mrs, Harry Woods and| On Welfare, Mrs. William Day of Recollection. wedding on April 27 with Mrs. 17-B BOND E.-125-3531 BY King, 9.5 Conewe 728-8322 tary, the report was given by the annual provincial meeting|Mrs. Clifford Bould. Clancy reported that two fam-| The director, the Reverendi/r,, &, Saunders as convener, A snail Mrs. J. A. Mitchell, who. stated|in Hamilton, April 24 to 26. The lucky draw was won bylilies were in need and food was|John Myers spoke briefly on the/howling banquet will be cater- --a that:sports equipment and books Mrs. William Beaton, who wiillpurchased, the amount $67.50.|Passion of Christ and reminded/eq for on May 2 and Mrs, A. J. for the library had been for- COLORING COATS donate the draw prize for the/The Red Cross donated $10. the members that. many a fail- Barnes will be convener warded to the adopted school] Color never had it so good as|next meeting. Clothing was supplied for 13)/4re in life can be turned into) Mrs, Brough reported the Can- in Eau Claire, Ontario. it does in spring coats. Women| Refreshments were served by|children. Thanks was extended victory through faith and per-|cer Society is holding a. meet- Mrs: W. J. Butler, services/have their choice of pretty pas- Mrs. Douglas Smart, Mrs, Wil-|to the Hungarian Culture Club}Severence, ing at the OCCI on March 28 to + | at Home and Abroad secretary,|tels, clear mid-brights and flat-|liam McNeill, and Mrs. Harryjand St. Hedwig's who supplied] Refreshments were served by|which all women of the city announced that personal proper-|tering dark tones. The white Woods. Members are asked tojone family with fuel, to Mrs.;Mrs. John Byrne and her com-lare invited. There will be two ty and nursery bags were to beland off-white coat is a fashion|bring donations for the penny|William Romhanyi and Mrs.|mittee. The welfare draw was/films shown and a question and) filled for overseas. favorite for spring. table at the next mecting. Simiane for donations of food.!won by Mrs. Russell Smith. answer period. | [ 4 E MAIL @unea from -- eat anes €"herney's FURNITURE The ale behind this bold, gold label can't be matched for flavour. Prove it for yourself... pour yourself a Red Cap tt ea it atm daca