ny reg MAD "SON OF SANSON" PLUS "TROJAN HORSE" CHOCOLATE LAXATIVE id c TOMORROW Ni |; ~ vue 67* pane aay NOXZEMA UISING EASTMAN COLOUR SIDNEY JAMES : KENNETH WILLIAMS KENNETH CONNOR LIZ FRASER DILYS LAYE ESMA CANNON LANCE PERCIVAL PRINS sad COLOR CARTOON SHORT FEATURES COLGATES TOOTH PASTE REG. 98¢ OUR PRICE Matinee 2:15 p.m. -- Evening 8:15 p.m. IT'S SHEER MAGIC ! IN TECHNICOLOR BlAck TiGhTS CYD CHARISSE, ROLAND PETIT MOIRA SHEARER introduced by IZ] JEANMAIRE MAURICE CHEVALIER A VOYAGE. OF LAUGHTER AND ROMANCE AS TH 'CARRY ON" 8 CLEAR SHEEN = SHAMPOO # 1.69 Value SPECIAL 5-DAY SOAKY . | DEODORANT PADS Reg. 8%e § - 43c Value OUR PRICE LAST DAY "PHAEDRA"' "Period Of Adjustment" & "Ask Any Girl") Oa MULCIN Liquid Vitamins | PERTUSSIN COUGH SYRUP REG, 65¢ OUR PRICE : An All Expense Paid Trip for Two to the Lovely Bahamas & Imagine -- Fly Trans-Canada Airlines! Just Look for Your Lucky Number on the Tag YOU MIGHT RECEIVE THIS GIFT 98c VALUE BRYLCREEM 73° CURAD Plastic Strips ** '"'"* 39¢ ALKA-SELTZER ™ '"\ 6l¢ LISTERINE Antiseptic * '""* 63¢ t. Not just 1, but 4 more gifts for you. Stores Will Be Supplied 2nd Gift FRIGIDAIRE CUSTOM IMPERIAL WASHER AND DRYER COMBINATION -- gone ore all the washday troubles. Select the fabric you want . . . then push a button and thot's all there is to your washdoy with fhe lovely combination ... . from SAMBOW. 3rd =6Gift FAMOUS PHILCO STEREO SET! Enjoy Music, "'like you were there' Philco most famous name in stereo for you ... From SAMBOW 4th Gift PHILCO TRANSISTOR RADIO ond we meon not just a small one. Comparable to the $79.00, high quality radio, Music wherever you wont from... SAMBOW. Sth Gift FAMOUS NAME STEAM IRON with the flick of a switch you iron dry or with a gentle flow of steom, for your most delicate fobrics. for you . . . from SAM- Bow. As Soon As Possible Ali Over Ontario. € SAMBOW MIRACLE DETERGENT It's all new -- sorgentle to your hands -- yet so powerful for your dishes -- walls -- windows---car, thing -- and in fact, it cleans every- so simple to use * TRY IT... YOU'L} LOVE IT!- si "Look for Ou OM. r Yellow Ticket Values" RADIO AUCTION APRIL {7th 6 = 12 P.M. PRESCRIPTION jteeste4 CHEMISTS CITY WIDE. FREE DELIVERY 8 KING ST. E. PHONE 723-224 s OSHAWA. 530 SIMCOE ST. S. PHONE 725-3546 Council OKs ssa' *"| 350 Canadians [200 2"4",comionrss y night me a on the 73 ec 10n os Ss Be said the premp fatto A for the Grand National. Final 1500 Ad would have to be delayed as the| Id Tick ts On |= tance: ty Watenninn VANCE Separate School' Board requisi- 0 icKe eptance is Wednesday night, e tion had woh pe received, but f when those who will actually ® was expected shortly. G d N i= will be announced. Dur ham PC Candidate For Library mit @pecial meeting to strike the Tan ATOM AL Focr of the 1 Frealin's Son, 'or Ajax was ca Springt! Lad II, Rattling Run MILLBROOK -- In an address|was dissolved and the 1962-63, "Between 1956 and 1962, Can. AJAX (Staff) -- An advance|for Thursday night at 6.30 p.m.|_ DUBLIN (CP)--More than 350 a , ayka a pls to the Millbrook and Cavan|budget estimates had been part-|ada's sales to other countries a Beigua mnt ~ _ he GET PAY HIKE Regge ge: have drawn tickets! soratched in the last week. Township Conservative Associa-| ly printed. bettered the United States by/Fublic Mibtary of titax Cour|, Alax Council passed a bylaw] rish Hospital sweep-|Other eligibles may not post en- tion here Tuesday, Durham PC| "This election must be the|almost nine per cent while the) | F") 0to ll to be taken|t enter into an agreement with stakes based on this Saturday's|tries by the Wednesday dead- candidate Garnet Rickard ex-|lasi for the next four or five| personal income increase in ten he 1963 a pe the regular members of the|Grand National steeplechase at/line. -- pressed concern at the mount-| years," Mr. Rickard said. aaa ves hig? afr cent bet 4. wan wide 10 pe shad cur-\-it¢ Department at the Coun-|Aintree, England, but they oe mg scald callover of oe of too frequent elec: ep 17 GEATS apt ina Panil industrial produc.|"eMt ©0sts of operation. yeaa roared hyo as won't know until Wednesday|fing} pied day after the * i ei Ph ement is to ' ' "The Conservative govern- 5 ee Sees on ae tion was one per cent better) AID FIRE DEPARTMENT (for two years and provides for reser eg gy po gy gy All persons holding tickets on met did not seek this election. that the nation's business while manufacturing employ-| Ajax Council approved -- ajan increase in salaries of $150\900, $60,200 and $30,100 0! ; ,-|non-starters or horses who fin- We wanted to continue with our|SU"e ™ ment in Canada exceeded that grant of $300 to be made to the|per year over the two year per-\holders' 100 awarded/ish out of the money will win Ap hage nd to brine|i* carried on without further in-);- tne U.S, by 10 per cent \Rdaw' Volunteer: Wine | Ganart.{loa Per-/holders of tickets on the first|residual prizes based on the to- legislative program and to bring) |.-ruption. As a party, presently|'",/0° =o: OY Po ae ee oe ; three horses to finish the gruel-|tal amount in th of down the earliest budget on rec- represented in every province, President Kennedy drew at-|ment to help defray the expense} Councillor William LeGros,|ling classic. prt ages e pool the ord. I believe we can secure that ma-|tention to the fact that Canada| of operation. chairman of the Fire Committee,| During Monday and today 358'hospitals in the Irish pf ie "The government was serious-' jority Your help in Durham can ae best cages 2 PLAN COOKIE DAYS told Council both the Fire De- : ly obstructed right from the be-| give the government one of the staiblity of any Pe por peg Permission to hold Cookie|Partment and members of the ginning of the session in Sep-|17 seats it needs for an overall oe, in the world in ~ anc 8 Days in Ajax was granted to Fire Committee' were pl A tember by a party which was| majority." gen da wns the most sue | tte Aiax Girl Guide Association with the new agreement. F RI DAY determined that Parliament) Mr, Rickard said, unfortunate-| es oO was the sg SUC-| at the meeting of Ajax Council should not function under a min-|jy, he could not rule out the cess ul in | eeping down the cost Monday night. CORRECTION NICKY M ority government. | possibility of another. minority) ving. : The Guides and Brownies re-| In a page 4 article Tuesday OORE "There were 31 bills on the|government. | | Mr- Rickard said tax comipar- ceived permission to sell their/The Times quoted Pickering Order Paper when Parliament| "It is not a situation that Ijisons showed that Canadians|cookies on April 25, 26 and 27 |p ' ; ckering and the SCEPTERS | welcome, put if that is what|paid less taxes as a percentage|and also permission to sell Township Councillor as saying happens, we must learn to live/of total national production than | cookies in the Ajax' Shopping charges .like this, that affect A S di lwith it. at Ottawa. Those who|in the U.S., Belgium, Italy,|/Centre. a man's moral character are! tu es go there after April 8, must go| France, United Kingdom, Ger- generally dismissed in a com- | | there pledged to act in Canada's|many and the Netherlands. | DELAY BUDGET _|mittee meeting." The word| S$ Pl t jinerests and not to pursue party; The candidate then went on Councillor Wetherall, Chair-|"'dismissed" is a typographical) ewage ANT ambitions. « |to quote some figures from the eae jv Finance Committeejerror and should have read| ' 7 | "I believe in performance, ot} estimates of the Ontario Depaf-| 4, \ at rig advised| "discussed", | S t Bid promises, But this promise I) ment of Agriculture. [eeenet ee udget was to RASTER -| ote | will make to the ang ph yo The Hon. William Stewart,| ' 5 es jham. If they see fit to send me yinister of Agriculture, report-|agriculture, but we are moving] R k h AJAX (Staff) -- A letter from)t Ottawa on April 8, I Willl od Get Hon areas incuoee od Om (0. the' tight, diverting: and. re-| ickSna the erie tired Se a that speak for Canada. -- \tario farmers was an all time|Ceiving consideration from the | ; |Region Conservation : neal "My whole municipal career,| high in 1962, reaching a total of|Conservative government which) CHINESE FOODS regarding a sewage bags . |if it has taught me anything at| one anq a quarter billion dol-| farmers never got under the for-| plant for the a aay «0 Couneit\ ee is that good legislation) jars. | mer administration." NOW OPEN ieaaay pee o Neh She | Comes Tem ie Fee expression|, Net income from Ontario) Mr. Rickard outlined the East-| onday night. : | of opinion by people whose aim) farmers went up from $869,285,-| ern Farmers 'Grain Assistance} Under new Management, j Pickering Village recently in-|is to serve their community to| 00 to $890,065,000 in 1961, he| Act which, he said, the govern-| KEN SETO, Proprietor > |quired into the availability and) the best of wage Fniragts ae |said, the last year for which|ment was pledged to introduce. Dining Room Service 4 om he _-- pothen afta i slag oun ler snteres nears were available. He also went over an eight-point}|| FOR FINEST IN i oe y ee se Line r 8 | 46 * 3 a | 4 ee aioe aes ie, | Authority with the aim to estab-| Mr. Rickard outlined his opin- nro not saying Al is Well in DAK 106 SAAD! CevEeeNeE | CHINESE FOODS COUNTY AIDS HOSPITAL : " |lish a sewage plant site. jion. ef oe evgnemic progrepel MLO ELMER SS ARNO RE | ~~ for -- The Conservation Authority|made under the HOME DELIVER ill Reeve tal Board, R. D. Thompson |resolved that "the matter ot Scere eet, sania the ee TO a | free within city Mie "j Pickering Village ' e tal Board: J. neque in' the |the sewage treatment plant site| 'In five years, total Canadian | endl Hifi OE CRITI CURIE' ent | steer 4100 6.6, Cyril E. Morley (right) pie f $30,100. Reeve |for the Village of Pickering be production rose by 26.6 per| Y ae, RAN sents a cheque covering the amount of im. back to the staff for|cent; exports were up 30.8 per| bb ' 9 PHONE jel iagege ti i, Birr y's Ah : Pickerin Gospital farther saay and that the Vil-|cent; farm cash income up 19.3) SHE DIDN'T SAY NO " jax-Pi ax - e , : , ent: i lf Sonn waptis I Building special grants committee, lage of rt be advised Or bet ping pointer ced IN TECHNICOLOR 728-1676 Fund. Chairman of the Hospi- --Oshawa Times Photo |that the weno multiplicity of| shipments up 63 per cent; steel|-- 42 KING ST. WEST p> Reiter Rata ee ---- -- cranes trash Stats heing| ingot production up 70 per cent!» RARTHY! EXPLOSIVE! VOLCANIC! 3 a built on the streams of the|and old age pensions up 41 per) ... and the Wild, Wild, Women" Townshi Names mle jcent." | with ANNA MAGNAN! | p The parcel of land consists of CANADA TOPS U.S. |, Recommended as ' approximately four acres of the| The PC candidate said these |# ADULT ENTERTAINMENT north half of Township lot 15,/ economic advances were espe-/§ NOW PLAYING ew ppoln ees concession 1-on the Base Line! cially ' significamt when com. | /ssieestssmesiemceasmnieencnenaitiiiiiieiiaininemn mma amaeiieaeananem. road near Duffin's Creek. 'pared with the United States. "AN UNUSUAL DISTRESS SIGNAL BROUGHAM -- E1llwood|posed country club on Conces-| a Smyth, of Ajax, was appointed|sion 7, near the Cherry Downs TO SAY THE LEAST! by resolution at a Pickering Gold Course, in which riding Township Council meeting on horses will be kept, and a swim-) Monday night, to represent Pick-|ming pool installed. ering Township, as part of the} Council approved the conver-) East district, on. the Metro-jsion of a large chicken house| politan Planning Board. on the property into stables for) SHR ENS} This followed a request from|!5 horses, plus tack room. Council for the credentials of|omypnmes ALGAE aap g begs fie ma pp The Ontario Water Resources) , , Commission has advised Coun-| cil for five years, the Deputy|~. , : | Reeve, and since 1961 had been|"il of a meeting on April 2 at) on the Ajax Planning Board.|its office, to discuss the prob- Mr. Smyth has attended alijlem of water pollution and the meetings of the Metro Planning "ve of algae. Board, and has an extensive he Commission "has been knowledge of the entire district,|studying algae on the lakefront Council learned. for the past four years, and| feels that it can be controlled-- A Museum Committee Was 8P-\vith financial help from the pointed by bylaw as follows: various municipalities Dr. N. F. Tomlinson, Hugh 1p : ma a Mrs. os on COMPLAINT ABOUT SMOKE liam Brown, Milton Parkin.) Councillor Ross Deakin told E. C. Petitjean, and Mrs. M. Council of complaints about Loucks. _|smoke from the coal burning} Reeve J. S. Scott and Council-|furnaces at' Dunbarton H ig h| tor Milton Mowbray will sit on| School. | this committee, representing) A resolution was passed that| Council. \the Air Pollution Department of; © The fifth and last member on|Ontario investigate the smoke| ropay a newly formed Committee = from the school. | ONLY! pichAns -nushlt Adjustment was named in the person of Melvin Johnson, | : ' i FASHION TENDERS ACCEPTED | i . Tenders were opened at the| ah 7 SET last Council meeting for the we "~ -tivoa supply of gasoline, diesel oil, 1.6 'alue i] and fuel oil. They were listed THIS WEEK'S this week as the low tender for w hd 1 49 PHOTO SPECIAL ! gas being 16.45 cents, from Ca- \ ° nadian Petrofina; low for diesel, {7 09 Nie 68 fe : oo l4c., from Murphy Oil, and low : ges aa = YASHICA 8c for fuel oil, 13.80c cents, from Cassa) " 4 , 3 Shell Oil Company. ae --- 4 : NOXZEMA 8mm CAMERA These three low tenders were} x 4 é : LE! F1.8 accepted by Council by resolu-) , SKIN CREAM EXPOSURE METER tion. | : Se ae 2/1.46 Value SUGGESTED 89.95 Council was advised of a pro-|% p : ------ Special 2/1.09 | Tae § : OUR PRICE 59.95 * | j - 2 93c WITH FREE $8.95 ax hoad | RIL 3rd GADGET BAG | a i Look for the bright yellow tag on the Sambow bottle. It tells you all Budget Set about our fabulous contest. } | At $45,000 -- AJAX (Staff) -- A bylaw to! allow the town of Ajax to spend) $45,000 on the building and} maintenance of roads and streets in the town during 1963) i was passed at the Monday meeting of Council. | The estimates of expenditures) on road building and mainte- nance to be carried out by the town in '963 will be submitted to the Minister of Highways for approval. The town, upon gaining the/ approval of the Minister, be- comes eligible for provincial) grants to help defray the costs] involved in building and main-) taining its roads. | Estimates of expenditures are} as follows: Roads -- Construc-} tion, $13,000; roads -- mainte- nance, $27,000; bridges and cul- verts, construction, $1,000; main-| tenance, $1,000; engineering and overhead, construction, $1,000; maintenance, $2,000; for a total estimate of $45,000. If the estimates of expendi-| tures laid down in the bylaw are) approved by the Minister of| Highways the province will pay} 50 per cent of the roads and engineering costs and 80 per cent of the cost of bridges and| culverts, Council learned. aa 7 | . 3m 2 (ROSSLYN PLAZA - 728-4668 | Manufactured by the N. E. Sweet Co, Ltd. Oshawa - Bowmanville ALSO STORES IN BOWMANVILLE AND WHITBY PLAZA