BURKE SOLD MESA, Ariz. (AP)--Los An- geles Angels. of the American League sold infielder Leo Burke to St, Louis Cardinals of the Na- tional League Monday for an undisclosed sum over the $20,- 000 waiver price, f ay ON THE BOTTOM. WE'RE CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto ' WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffalo | WBEN-TV Channel 4--Bulfalo EU A WEBW-TV Channel 7--Buffalo WROC-TV Channel &--Rochester a : CFTO-TV Channel %--Toronto | CKVR-TV Channel 3--Barrle 'TELEVISION LOG | 2 " WEDNESDAY. EVE. 8:00 A.M. O+-Tebe Thirty Publie 5:00 P.M. 'amity Thea See Asay 4:00 P.M. "oeiaao si Show $--Line 'Em Up Show 9:00 A.M. 8-2--The Match Game Sondiede Di lie--Romper Room 7--American Bandstand 4--Five O'clock Show | 9--Kiddo 6-3--Scarlett Hill &--Raeta Programs 4--Secret Storm 4 7~My Little Margi 4:30 P.M, @--Professor's Hideaway) 4_ ; Ma Allie Oniey 7~--Early Show 9--Professor's Hideaway auick Draw i .M. 8--Bozo -- Popeye 9 Gidberry Hound | *--Domino 7--Jungle Jay Show Sleeve it 'To The" 6:00 P.M. he of Si S2The Lawman "10:00 A.M. © King Features Syndicate, lnc, 1968, World rights reserved. - ~~ W~Castoons Mickey Mouse Club "Sie ne $:2--Bay Whee THURSDAY EVE. Said 6:15 2.M. 7--Girl Talk 5:00 P.M. ~ » | Calendar -- Harry | (1--Pamily Theatre = And Coming 'Spanaee eat = 6:30 P.M. 10:30 A.M. £7Bbrs | Mow os i 9--Exchange 2 azz! "-11-0-8-3-2--News; Weather een... Huneh| 4--Five O'clock Show = 7--Day In Court 5:30 P.M. 4-1 Love Lucy "| g--Professor's Hideaway 3--Studio Party 7--Early Show 10:45 A.M. 6--Searlett Pimpernel! Salvation Army 3--Yori Bear 11:00 A.) 2--Huckleberry Hound 11--Destination : : 9--Free and Easy sie Fm, 82--Price Is Right | 2 Qvavman 'd T--Jane Wyman Show rhe Flintstones 3--Highway Patrol Death Valley. Days ps lls eh 2--Sea Hunt de 11:30 A.M. 6:15 P.M. 8-2--Concentration 6--Thursday Club 7--Yours For A Song 6:30 P.M, 4--Pete and Gladys 11-9-8-4-3-2--News: 'i ~ BEAM eeann 12:00 NOON | ther, Sports AOROSS . "Leaning 4 Shese aac iz] Tei aeset ; ati pes 4 With Bill! 3--Divorce Court iS : ak nea 6-2--Your First 6:45 P.M. war Impression U--Family Theatre 1--Tennessee Ernie 9-6---Ne' 4. Captures | News Ford 6-2--Huntley Brinkley > 5. Appetizers 25 : Pe te } f i emsennrennents mneeen es neni 8. ADE Cu Ree "eT 3 | RINKER'S CLEANERS 3--Popeye and Pals . 4 irces of ning a eS or] f ry b 12:15 P.M. Sodasve. It Ze Reaves greasy 7. Huge Sit a i FINISHES : 'THE BEST.IN TOWN' aker of the 6--Seven-o-One . stains meeg Aaaon gy 7 Ry Now Better Than Ever IPIOS|S|E BEE Mie [ety] PIG Use 4--Bat Masterson i 7. One pacity (PlETEIC MET IAISIS Better Cleaning ®--Heve Gun Will ae Fe a, 18. Not ignited 8. Favorite for ' Better Pressing Bs +> od My way a 715 PM. 14. Wanner animals eating: PHONE yas-vee, +91 6-3--Parade Consequences $aNewss Weather 15, Endures 10, Persecute humor- 4--Dobie Gillis 7--Father Knows Best ' 9:00 P.M. 6--Movie Matinee 7:30 P.M, ali 28. Pi i--Surtside Six 4--Seareh For Te pper - Bere : Checkpoint morrow i . 17. Water god: GENOSHA HOTEL 723-4641 We ww 4 [| a cS MIA} ui al EI 16. Unreason- 11. Lounging ous 3--Noonday Report 7~Ozzie and Harriet Babyl RESULTS COUNT! ' ay ; Ss \: ee y 8-2--Perry Como a . fs a 5 P.M. 6--On The Scene ' = ~~ be pegs jane Light 4--Fair Exchange » FOR: 18. Astern . a Snag . ; aid 9:30 P.M, 1:00 P.M. 8:00 P.M, : 19.Roman12 88. : =m (\ |B : 7--Our Man Higgins |11---Mid-Day Matinee | 11--Hennesey : 20, Mother of iste ocean ia 4&-The Dick VanDyke| 9--Our House 9--Gunsmoke : ankind " 6bhow 8--Divorce Court 7--~Donna Reed is ¥ 10:00 P.M. T--Afternoon Show Defenders , 3 7 4--Meet the Mill 4--Perry Maso . hus T 11--Torento Tonight a ts asap 2-Peter Guna . MULTIPLE Lis Ine SERVICE 8-9--Eleventh Hour - 7--Naked City PM 8:30 P.M. score Z Cues « ry 2 : 2 @-People In Confict |'!-OHA Junior A as shawa istrict Program Hockey 4Circle Theatre 4--As fhe World Turns | g9 pr Kildare Real Estate Board 10:30 P.M. BE ca P.M. 7--Leave It To Beaver y 3 ~ Sports a ' Coenen &-2--Merv Griffin Show 9:00 P.M. 3--N azine 4 11:00 PM. 6--Ch S--Locille Bal sone : 6HUX/ I WISH THE THIS 16 THE THIRD -0VVB BEEN TOO GLOW 11:0.06-460--News ' ita ; 4, SPRING-FEVER TIME THIG WEEK. wb caren 'HE IcE- ACADIAN Weather: Sports ; -M. 4--Twilight Zone SEASON WAS OVER/ CREAM VEN! fe Hour | 6--Nursery School if a esate CLEANERS et 2:30 P.M, sn toe Oo ore v5 irt Specialists MICKEY MOUSE Tt if Bape if fie oe A eo Life 8-2--Hazel even Keys 7--McHale's Navy 63--Natiional School retag hh aby " ox ee With ° pind end Delivery 700 P.M, vi Bugs, Bomar et e Drive in Service S e ar ge ig Aw $oihe Untouchables ne ow ~ 1:00 P.M. + . 299 BLOOR W. 1014434-News ZA a , ' Sports 9--Pierre Burton Hour aMRRBNES Su acany e SPECIAL e THE : IN MOTOR WORK J ANY MAKE OR MODEL 2: tis tien 426 ¢160909 CLIFF MILLS MOTORS © ate Foor ee. LG. are wom Let us put your car "in tune" @ Lubrication 4--Linkletter's House $-2--Andy Williams Party 3:30 P.M, 19:30 P.M. . ' : di - 5 ra ' : Vaults on Premises a bells S PHONE 728-5141 You se spg vin ® $18.00 yon tena || Oh causana Tuer r Spring driving. " STOP Here to Kceop GOING Smoothly! © Tune tay CYL. s 266 KING ST. W. 3-4634 CHuCKLES- SHE DIDN'T MARRY Fie . THe 11 BY LICENSED MECHANICS NOBODY? AH FLIPPED TH' ria. per! ROBINSON MOTORS 574 Ritson Rd. S. 725-6518 THE LONE RANGER IS YOUR CLOTHES BEST FRIEND "The Nicest Cleaning in Town" Phone 725-3555 H.R, LOUIE! WON*T BE IN THE PIANO RECITAL, MAM.) HE CAN"T GET HIS MITTENS OFFI BUILD A NEW CANADA reaturen Syndicate, Inc, 196%, World rights re MUGGS AND SKEETER oe 2 F Nonins's intr Win Van | ie Rewncee oS anos ate" WRONG WITH IT! IN ai ANYBODY ELS ] FOR MEA LITTLE, WHO KNOWS, MBE ' PAC Sy You || | SHE LIKES ME AS A POTENTIAL RELATIVE, SEE - HEAR \ e 'Cc ~ aE | T.c. } SAV" pins: ig HU E Pw ° tr Saad | DOUGLAS Pinan WS : a; ; - ! (fi ja, FEDERAL LEADER | ri AN \y yours Nd jig WG il HC' ys apn TONIGHT HY) « rk | ; LAN) \/ nan . : Ah CHANNEL 6 10:15 P.M. } DOIT NOW - VOTE @& NEW DEMOCRAT 10688 You INTEREST IN oRLs/ if OUR GHIP AT ALL | JULIET JONES BACH FRAGRANT PETAL WILL FAN THE GLOWING EMBERS OF HER ISMOLOERING LOVE BEARCAT OVER THERE. $ ( I RESTORED IT. RUNS im ay ora VO TE | AILEEN ; HALL i ade i) es Ly April 8th THY LADY FAIR P be @ King Festares Syadicata, inn, 1968 World rights recurved 4 LARRY BRANNON / § 2 eae eee ee & eae