Cnet tient ae ee -- ee a ge You Can Win Up To... POWER FOOD $100. ERTIFIOATES! To be « Winner, you must hove 5 slips to Spell the lang POWER. You con win $100,, '$75, $50 or $25 in Power Food Certi - GRAND PRIZE $1 000, 00 IN FOOD CERTIFICATES! Deposit your EXTRA slips in the Ballot Box in your Power Store, after writing your Name and Address thereon. You could be a Winner of the Grand Prize of $1,000, or the Winner of 1 of 5 Consolation Prizes of $100 each in Power Food Certificates. Lamb is at its tenderest and tastiest this month dnd makes a delicious change. Power Lamb is especially developed for the Meat Be ES ee ee You may win a free Lamb at Power Thursday, Friday, Saturday this week, A winner each day in each qualities you like best -- uniform texture, fine mellow taste, succulent meat. store. Just write your name, address and phone number on the back of your POWER cash register tape, And remember, Folks -- Power has imported this lamb from Australia and it is gudranteed to give complete table satisfaction, * er your money will be refunded". See Chatelaine M ine, April 1963 issue for tempting and original recipes from the Chatelaine Institute. LEAN MEATY Save 14c tb. * a i Hy JUICY & TABLE-READY Save 14c tb. LAMB CHOPS At "TENDER - DELICIOUS Save 16c tb. DOUBLE LOIN : LAMB CHOPS 4G: ALL POPULAR BRANDS SAVE 30c CIGARETTES go - > PURCHASE Sens 3239. MUSHROOMS )6«'""- 49 CELERY 3-:. 29: MELO AED Tender, Tasty U.S. No. 1 Grade Large BRO LORE Bunch ¢ Beautiful Three Siac, STAINES sre SAVE 5le ROUND GLASS DISH FITTING INTO A HIGHLY POLISHED EAC H and deposit it in the LAMB ballot box. A winner will be drawn each night and notified the following day. The winner will receive a whole lamb: free, cut to specifications and guaranteed to be "'Table- Perfect". ENTER TODAY Remember, a winner each day, in each store. SHORT SHANK JUICY & DELICATE LAMB LEGS Canada's Finest Govt. Inspected Red and Blue Brand Beef . ® KING OF ALL ROASTS e Tender and Delicate oe. * * SPELL P-O-W-E-R SHORT CUT SLIP WITH EACH CHOICE FINE TEXTURED AUSTRALIAN 6 ie - LAMB A BASKET Save 18¢ Ib. o %e e@e @e . Fresh Shankless PORK Presswood Brand Sweet Pickled 3 MEALS IN ONE: Shoulders».39* Rolls --..-.55* 5 AVE SAVE 16c Ib. SAVE 10c LB. CH OPS, RO AST & C Ba Value weeny Shopsy Brand STEAK 57 foo 9 STEW q ade acon wu > 7 Pies avian 4e PKG. re. Swift's Mock Chicken, Macaroni Cheese, Pickled Pimento, Olive Loaf LB. | Cooked Meats on 21° 7 Me acs ae nena Wr tere FIRM RIPE MEXICAN NO, 1 GRADE TOMATOES a : , BANANAS > : Carton 0: Lb. ° WAIST BASKET Gaily Colored Assorted 3 OVAL LAUNDRY BASKET e gee ep UNORY, Just look at this DYNAMIC POWER offer | HOUSEHOLD = * "ess. : PLASTIC ge START COLLECTING YOUR tach SET OF THESE BEAUTIFUL ewan KITCHEN UTENSILS $ 5 a TO-DAY rome plated @ Black plastic Dishwasher safe @ Burn Prost : Hes lies @ Mash Fork lotted Spoon Spoon @ Regu- . PURCH ASE ; ler Yuenie o Short Hontied Tomes Soup Led! Play . @ ONE PIECE WITH EVERY uf peace REGULAR VALUE 298: