25--Apt. & Flats For Rent |27--Real Estate for Sele |27---Real Estate for Sale 27--Real Estate for Sale |28--Real Estate Wanted 24--Houses For Rent ae Estate for Sole THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, March 26,1963 17 31--Automobile Repair HOUSTON'S GARAGE © and SERVICE STATION * BRAKE SPECIALISTS » forced tricia furnish-| LE, brick, cholce|i96i AUSTIN 650 station wagon' red,|SIX-ROOM frame house on William INCOME HOME - preferably west of A obiles For Sale FIVE-BOOM home, furnished. an La bo ps ene ied yer oe i eating | ; owner. $575 caah.|West, modern kitchen, tiled floors, Ritcea Read. Wh eS 29--Autom: person. 44 Colborne Street fast. Tele-|ed basement apartment, steli sink, cup-| north-west location, page extras.| grey interior, One r. oO lacemaaiee tir" furnace, "sows JOHN F DE WITH {Ri pay cn lo real- Drapak 725-5253, and | 728-1368. LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER apa: boards, three-piece bath, Suitable for|/Ron RBOOKLIN five Foor hou house, val con- matried working couple, Telephone 723- age ajax 910-201. 9557. pm, veniences, $75 monthly, Available Apri POSS EE " ee i pply .|ELGIN EAST, 128 -- Large. room and GRIERSO! treet, two-storey oat foward See cee -- furnished for light housekeep-| stucco home, six rooms, two gorge tors, please, Telephone and r Tn8068. sensi sa Four or five bedroom house ment. No agents, 'Write Box 701, Oex.|1980 CHEVROLET BelAir, four door, awa Times. Sees ae, en aes' evens 14 Frank Street WILL pay cash to private owner fo bint RAVINE LOTS = 623-3950 acreage with or without house, east of Available for the home of Osh near : 123- i Newcastle Phone 3341 2573. your choice overlooking the cdl Abate oe 06 SR ORT 5 Roomed ranch style, brick | SMALL home wanted in west end, We 723-7822 WAYNE A epee Li Br Tiveroem; Peters. SOMMERVILLE. STREET city, for more information bungalow with ertechad Pot have a -- Ligh ae or two einer sree |A0 9 9enknmed: APA . F Tealtor, ill 11,300.00 i ad Located 6 miles from ory retired Di Street, four room apart | 725.0806. PETER - - Rows to $ call Glen Mackinnon at $ age. Loca bedroo: . couple. Call Lloyd Corson, Guide Realty Hee] DODGE % 3 rticles for Sole iS "einen. a R F Rent Hyman Real Estate Limited. Oshawa, Can be bought with aT aan, fout-door |26--Rooms For Reni 2--A nicely|Salow, four rooms and bath, finished way frontage. . eone ; Reliable Service ie ee door each side, Frank Hunter .: 725-2974 623-3393 | good Ltd, Realtors, 723-1121, 16 Simeve Street new licences, $100, Tele-| pe n.cHr: some acreage. Down $3500. as tie feos STERFIRLD, 00d enntitieg, = One: bedroom apartment | © f bea ar -- 728 6286 recreation room, oil heated, garage, AO Acres land, east of New- : , 1960 CHEVROLET convertible, V8 auto- Have YOU a HOME made, full power, Will neoept John M. Sandy .. 725-8010 Bowmanville, Ontarlo, REALTOR Bowmanville ing, garage, suitable for two ing 25--Apt. & Flats For Rent | #1. Telephone 725-1692, _ THREE-BEDROOM apartment. main PARK ROAD souTH = Pgs > Taree: Foom, floor, oll heated, all conveniences. Ap-|$12,580. NEW three-bedroom brick, bun- partment, ae or ply 592 Drew Street. omer Bc A aera, bo dewsbinds 4 fae price $14,500, Low down payment, Tele- Phone 728-4984. GENERAL REPAIRS» 67 KING ST. unfurnished and entrance, parking. 1953, 7 Room home in immaculate condition with 4 bedrooms -and garage. An ideal home for the growing family, Down payment just $2,300.00 and monthly payments of only $65.00. Hurry! Call Irwin Cruikshonks ot 728-5205 or 728-5123. 'apartment | building, shopping. Parking area ioe, 00s month- | front monger al e Avett pl 655-3611, | Tel: T apartment, | wivate @M-| 57 57 DIVISION ~ STREET -- two nicel: and Tour ece bath. Pliydro and| furnished bedrooms, double or bg paid. $75. monthly or $20. per|Central. Gentlemen only. Telephone 725: One or two children welcome. | 1442. me Roe a Apply 130 Park Road North. _|FURNISHED room near hospital T and | RINGSDALE Avenue, 908; Brick kome, GELINA STREET, 91 -- Basement.|North General Motors. Kitchen Pin | Te loraly .. peaesamn, e » large modern k: i) Four-roo: apartment, all conveni-|eges, laundry facilities. Suit lady,|"0m. ar THREE APARTMENTS AND ences. Parking. Suit couple. Apply 208/gentleman. After 4 p.m., 723-1300, Picea wo Lori puna _ meee pee, CONFECTIONARY STORE Gtevenson Road South. COLBORNE EAST, 57 -- Large bed-| econ sinh. ak et ae tien Clicks, ZONED Cl MARY STREET -- Furnished 1 Pafecod room on main floor, drapes, curtains included, Private cash "| 795-7126, $7.00 per week.| ion. Price $12,900, Low down payment, High 6 Miles' ecat OOK: S h fj ld- k tires, condi . Rs EULALIE Avenue, 302: Brick bun- i Mg gor oa cnorie A er Sarees ae oe oe st Apply Over A Quorter Century of $600 REALTOR soil, Price $6,000, 177 Church St. After Hours coll: a0 Crosley 7a wodal, inch, $75, single bed mattress, CAR "RADIOS, 'special, 1063 | Chevrolet Both im good condition. 723-2964 after: Proll oR yg mer ptm oyge Hae Sa ltertess Relvincine. sontauriees, aie We Have Both CASH [dominion tire store, 48 Bond W 1, Thrifty Budget Plan, 725-4543... 785-4611 (ONEST Cal's and & Term Buyers =r pg MM gg uyers. eee eee ee oa srt haat, a For Courteous and aries 5 p.m. 725-1262, METCALF Efficient Service ir tees Va caer aaa ae Honea" Gaon in King street Me Sees gon sib; Yeathe henues REAL ESTATE PHONE 723-2265 |." radio, excellent condition, good tires. tH 13n Tee teeee : VACUUM cleaner repairs, all barn 36 he! Only $12,000, LIMITED 9 till 9 i. CORVATE eae, 'taurine bees soumates. Parts aint -- $3,000, down, , : iles, $1,895, T 728-9689, PAG, aon 40 King St. E, Diol 728-4678 Ais Vie miles. elephone 728-9689, chine "Rentals, Wallace Vacnum INCOME HOME ber fel 1957 MONARCH, Bill McFeeters .. Close to downtown 8 room Steve Macko ... brick 2 storey home in good Henry Stinson .. location. $13,000.00 with Reg. Ak only $1800 down. Must be seen to be appreciated. Phone now for an appointment, DON'T FORGET Your new home awaits you in Greenwood Heights, Build or move into your own 3. bed- room brick home. Prices start as low as $11,595.00 --one N.H.A. mortgage for balance. Call today for full particulars, Models open for your inspection, South, Oshawa, to school|BURK STREET -- Furnished single 5 Acres land on No. 2 1955 Fenriap, btandard Se. == waite, ia . 92,500 down, Teleph 2c asia 5 eercct WALTER FRANK castle, on Baseline, Excellent be financed. You Want SOLD [ia Don Mountjoy .. 623-3614 Corner location, almost up- town, $150.00 monthly in- come, plus 7 room apartment and store for owner, plus 4 cor garage. Investors, specu- lotors. Coll Bill 728-5123. CADILLAC AVE, $1,700 DOWN Five room brick bungalow. Partially finished recreation room. Fenced lot, paved drive, Very clean home and close to separate and public 2 silos, valuable road front- schools, Asking price just age, excellent value at $11,900.00, Hurry Call Ed $32,000. Terms, Drum ot 728-5123 or 725- ' 9345. 50 level acres near Courtice, born, $15,000. Terms, 15 scenic acres with fast run- ning trout stream, 10 miles east of Oshawa. $3,900, -- full price. Idso Wiersma . Orono 1649 115 acre farm, 8 miles north of Bowmanville on paved Horner at road, terrific view, stream 75 acre form, 3 miles from Bowmanville, excellent brick home, lorge painted barns, 728-5513 725-1726 728-5868 725-0243 725-0201 Selling Your: Home A MUST ? List With GUARANTY body, povres eee La auto- matic, "$700, "relephpne 668-0400, oa on eee ae Reale ve. 'glies. leage, auitomatic. adio, Inglis Can be financed, 725-8132," puodte, snvase Gils teats 1956 CHEVROLET deluxe, two door, en- Telephone Chester's Service, Bla gine, body and tires A-l, bate | 986: . throughout, "Terms if necessry. $795, or CLARINET aca a offer, 728-0558. "Phillips" continental 300, full tra) 1952 "CHEV HOLET, dismantied, will sell|tape recorder, $150. After 5 p.m, tele- all jc Phone 726-1362. $13,000.00 FULL PRICE Extra large bungalow with with full size seporate din- ing room, Three large bed- rooms with plenty of stor- age space. Yes it has a re- creation room, plus an office downstairs with a walkout basement. Only $2,000.00 down and $80.00 per month. Call Bill Johnston at 728- 5123 or 728-1066, roe» earner net 14 DON'T buy a carriage = owner, 1956 Buick » automatic, good condi-|riages at tion theougtarnst. For further informa- tion telephone Whitby, 668-3794. $5, i953 MORRIS Oxford sedan, original TRUST COMPANY. OF CANADA down, finance the balance, Teleph 8 Call Now 728-6094, AWNINGS, canvas, service, PRIVATE, 5 acres with excellent brick house at Newtonville. Only $14,000. -- $1,500. down. Prompt 10 acre lots near Bowman- ville. $3,500. Terms, GOLFVIEW HEIGHTS Cottage lot at Lake Scugog Let us show you plons of -- $1,200. homes and lots in this resi- dential orea, East of Wilson Rd. North and South of Ad- elaide Street. Homes built to your specifications by 5 Jackson. & Son Ltd. A mo- dern 5% room bungalow with all extra's at $12,995 with $1,000.00 down, OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE DIAL 728-4678 Dick Borriage Ken Hann Jack Osborne , 1958 CHEVROLET Impala, two-door {ee estimates. Chair, table rentals, 728-1 653 hardtop, sportscoupe, white with rea|Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North. upholstery, 50,000 miles, V8, automatic; MAKE OFFER! Seven-room cottage to power steering, new brakes, wheel|be dismantled, situated Whitby, Apply AFTER HOURS discs, whitewalls, like new, $1395. Pri-| Vickery Real Estate vate owner selling, Telephone Port | pe ¥ Perry 985-7463. BUYING or selling furniture or appli- BILL COLLINS 668-8716 ____|ances, Call Elmer, Hampton 263-2200 oF 29- -A t biles F. S I 1960 CORVAIR sedan, one owner, spot- | 263-2605, na u 'omobiles or a e Po hes throughout. Bowing SELLING pears or, appliances? bev le uy cash, Telephone Best offer takes. Telephone 725-1413 ther sell, "Best offer. sd T™- ell Blake's Furniture Ppliane Hornsby, 106 Rosehill Bivd, ise MOBILE tore, 24 Prince Street. 728-9191. 1900 VOLKSWAGEN with fadio, wash: 2% OLD lly 98, two door hard. ia Mo Rimag My J ers, seat covers, dark blue, low mile- on Suies I ixtractors, age. Like new $950, Blackstock 986-4220. ne and 5 p.m., 253 Athol Street East. _ |} days or evenings 723- 1955 CHEVROLET two door, ged fs puesta pd RING 'ost, indy'a sles 14. beige, am aut tie, AA, $600 YOUR VOLVO DEALER best 'otfer. 'Private. Telephone Fred,|t7i¢, Road condition, worn only these ; Whitby 668-5126. <a JAKE & BILL'S i967 GMC truck, a4 ton, iW A. rack,| NEW fas water heater, eo 0 gal 8 ft, wide, Mechanically good. New used oil burners, Apply GARAGE paint emailer track on King Stdeet West, Oshawa, Job, Will accept trade, Telephone 728-3864. AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE |i OLDSNORIEE to-tar, tai.) VACUUM Cleaners neko FILTER QUEEN 449 Ritson Rd. §., Oshawa |itemntain, Manatee acca FILTER QUEEN: Filters 12 for $1.50---- $1195, Seaway Motors Ltd., 200 Dun- 668-5693. 30 for $3.50 1960 : 35 acre Christmas tree farm near Burketon, 26,000 Scotch Pine Christmas trees. $4,000. with $1,000, down. Call 623-3393 After hours: Jack Ricard 623-3154 Andy McGill... .1407 Orono Joe Barnoski...2202 Clarke GUIDE REALTY LIMITED LLOYD REALTY (OSHAWA) LIMITED 101 Simcoe Street North Oshawa, Ontario f OPEN EVERY EVENING Joe Moga Lioyd Metcalf John Kemp beseoent JOHN A, J, BOLAHOOD REALTORS LTD, INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE ST,, S. Office Hrs. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.. MORTGAGES Arranged, Bought and Sold 1957 PONTIAC hardtop. 6-cylinder, with ee excellent condition, $995, Seaway Motors Ltd., 200 Dundas West, Whitby, 668-5893. Over A Quarter Century Of Reliable Service SPRING, SPRING, SPRING, will be here before yuo know it. If you are planning on buying a new home, don't wait for your friends to pick the $7,900 --- FULL PRICE -- For this immaculate 2 bed- room bungalow with oil heat- ing. Large lot ideal for gorden. Close to stores and bus at door. 4 bedroom brick home, needs decorating. Asking only das West, Whitby. radio, reclining seats, One owner car. In excellent condition, $2195. Seaway Repairs at low factory rates. THUNDERBIRD FILTER QUEEN SALES - ! (Oshawa) 1960 FALCON four-door, Oxtord blue Automatic transmission, Snaccite Gane atar r ite TELEVISIONS THE PICTURE: power windows, power seats, [fa "300 pumas Wie' Wt eae Rebuilt sets, all makes Guor- your new home with green radio, windshield washers, on picture tube. We also lawn, trimmed shrubs, and a whitewalls and wheel discs, wtite, radio, white walls, immaculate) rent and buy, condition, $1375, Dial 725-8996, side. This can be all yours ) fate PONTIAC "uhurentiaa, two-door, Used Furniture 426 Simcoe 5. for you and your wife and $3 195 4 tnt Wt finance Telopbone fe" 725-5181 er 725-6457) Pm. oa and all ready to move in, even easy terms if you should | condition, $1095 or best offer, Telephone é . h. Call Mr. Ratcliffe at neath bn ius 325.6544. i ene" SEAWAY 1957 PONTIAC V2, "wnsmntie 7 black Peay pico 200 DUNDAS W., WHITBY ' | Wagon, good condition, $625, Teleph 668-5893 725-6308, "| 918 Simcoe St. N. 723-3043 * wo- t TED CAMPIN [iat teases omnes SPECIAL MOTORS SPOT CASH =|ALUMINUM BOAT i062 RAMBLER classic 400 automatic, eh 200 Dundas West, Whitby. 668- Nylon Hose, Old Fittings $9.95 * TWO DOOR HARDTOP 323 King Street West 728-7552. with matching interior. Immaculate Did you ever try to picture Power steering, power brakes, | 5893. anteed. One year warranty " 1959 FORD, Galaxie, two-toe red and driveway heading up to the IMMACULATE CONDITION Bic McKeen's children. Finished rec room a i959 VOLVO, one owner, very good) See and Hear the New MOTORS... LAUD......iece lent eee, enter. EULALIE AVE. . | ass. = | 1956 FOUR-DOOR | Pontiac « station TELEVISION BUYING OR SELLING |1%6 CHEVROLET BelAir sedan, tw | $1995. Telephone 723. 2494, 1963 SCOTT WHITBY 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA woman p 723-| Private , Adults only. Apply 143 Agnes|Telephone 728-4597. fice at $12,400, 6 per cent NHA mort Street, | if Abstainers. floor. Sink, TV antenna. Apply| three. Breakfast if desired. A |RETIREMENT 1 home, five rooms, dou. nine ae kitchen and bed-sitting| Weekly rates: rooms, $15 and $17.50, Johnson 728-2548 Howe and Peters, ta Glanmire, Steenbi ind P BYRON 8 Sura WHITBY -- Modern, ATTRACTIVELY (eames lakes. Free teeratares "Fhewe self-contained fg Be Adults preferred. $85. Telephone Insul brick, double garage, large lot, 06, Call between 5 and 7 p.m. Sere ge on gaged floor. Available April 1, decorated fi bunga- erator, rangetie, private shower. me mortgage for balance at $75. after 6 p.m. and weekends. |door. Paul J, Bolahood Realtor, Tele- $840 DOWN _ iany srmer) stove, refrigerator, heat, hydro, water| ly located one and one-half-| p.m., 723-4495. extras, only a limited num- Lies etic | able, immediate possession. Private en- | FOR SALE $30 MONTHLY, heated, partly furnish-| Call Howard McCabe at S.D. | | 84 OSHAWA BLVD, SOUTH chesterfield and chair, Garrard Road) FIREPLACES | of Bowmanville. $4,500..-- al SELF-CONTAINED newly painted, | ing room. Extra deep lot with bedroom med NEW HOMES ' pen alin, one pata gna by custom builder. A lot of | only $2,600.00 down. Call Lake and highway No. 28 at Sad, Move" and vetrigernier, "Avni | WHY NOT GIVE US A CALL | ' down, insdown Shopping Centre, TELEPHONE 725.118 reapecment BELLA VISTA GARDENS") 6 ELGIN EAST, 16 -- Three-room apart- os $595.00. pues Cerny eo Governor Real Estate Limited We, believe that Governor 5 PLEX 5 | the most outstanding fea- LAID OUT BUILDING IN 4 bedrooms -- N.H.A. Financed.-- Low down |- Mew, forced air' furnace. estate, Immediate possession, 9 A.M, to 9 P.M. FRIDGES, FULLY RENTED. 5' room brick bungalow. Spanking brand new. Phone Hi ti 725-6544. lenry Stinson 725-0243. LIMITED © professionally londscaped lot 80' x 110', This LIMITED REALTOR materials and the finest of workmanship, A home room brick with attached gar- mortgage for balance. APARTMENTS GOING TO SELL your old home and hove e new to No. 2, highway, between Duplex, room 2 home built? Then now is the time to choose your Oshawa and Whitby. Ask- ing only $16,500.00 with spotless 7 ting room and kitchen, range a /nen Ro optional, a adult home, | sale, $14,000, Telephone 725-5335. home, kitchen b WT aun wana TY Hee, too lary. tecllities, suitable lady, $8." week. eed *, | CHURCH "STREET, 217 -- - Large newly!gage $9,563. Call. R. Allen, evenings between 5 and 8 evenings. | felephone 725-2879. |ble garage, % acre lot, lovely garden, hundred. Bob eer ng sink in kitchen, Apply| Heated. Television. Telephone 723-9761. |ATTRAOTIVE | jakeshore lots and col- two-bedroom apartment, FURNISHED ROOMS 725-7740, | Price $10,000. Private sale. 723-74 TING #rR STREET EAST -- bus at "corner, GIBBONS | STREET, at Adelaide, | $9,800 salt 82 PARK RD. fm private home. Bed - sitting room, |low, three bedrooms, fully modern, ; 0 business gentleman or one or 'eu, 27--Real Estate For Sale Prvoaget Owner leaving Oshawa. Ten| BROOK EAST at Simcoe. Furnished | phone 728-4171 or 728-1097, | Custom built three bedroom ares, three-bedroom brick home with) Redecorating for new tenant. | 6 to 8} FIVE minutes to downtown, three room| ber ot this price. trance. Telephone 728- 4779. | two-bedroom apartment, immediate Hyman Real Estote Limited. FEATURES Summer cottoge on private North, Separate entrance, Garden, tiled Immaculate 4 bedroom home terms. modern apartment, im- Situated on Gibbons Street, osphalt drive, and garage. tile and at 165 Verdun Road, Apt. 2. For a complete choice of new home for the price. | Bill, Johnston at 728-5123 ehh es ates atti Be refrigerator. Avail- "DOWNSVIEW PARK" | | Apartment 2. sion. Adults only. Apply at 472 Drew W. T. Lamson ene heavy duty wiring. Private en- CALL . Mansions Apts. 40 King Street East, 728-4678 S C @ | ¢ "7 \ ¢ , 3 | Mansions are the most lux- THE PRICE IS RIGHT | choice lots. You do it NOW. Kassinger will be JUST LISTED -- 6 room tures in the City of Oshawa, THE CITY, FIVE 2 BED- | Payments. Home plons ore in area office. Large lot, excellent for gard- AMPLE PARKING. ONLY | Just waiting for you, List price $13,200 with only TELEPHONE SOMMERVILLE STREET -- 1 JOHN A. J. 0 year old 9 room 7423 2265 ete ao, eo woomerns buy in nadern Lp hiebage LARGE RANCHER -- On $10,900, suggest your own |------ which must be seen to be appreciated, Give us a age offers country living Mr. Rankine at 725-6544, AJAX LD end a ge ner down oe yal a a _| WHITBY -- Private sale, bungalow, aix- aca |DeAN | AVENUE, 622 -- Large Getached dry basement » heavy duty jtached garage, paved driveway, Sacri- 48, two | furnished rooms| \decorated front room, Suit two or|after 6.30, Whitby 668-5 668-5623, GENTRE STREET, 100 -- Two-room|OSHAWA MOTEL, King Street F Bast, | fruit trees. Eighty tev. 725-51 Lae TDArTIVEIV . Paved parking. Use of |BURK STREET -- = Six-room house, Available in private home. |, heated, furnished apart- | full price with only $700 down, tor this furnished, kitchenette with re-) NORTH heat, garage, 60' x 160° lot. Taxes 4190. gitts. Call for appointment, 728-7643 ar _. |days possession. Bus and all schools at somites, living room, one bedroom, MARY STREET NORTH, 896 -- Con. | and dinette, Partially furnished, a e April 15. Tel brick bungalows loaded with garage on spacious lot. $12,000. Tele- apartment, TV outlet, parking avail- $12 800 | BUNGALOW 1 > ame ag ne Rp of papa 728 6286 | RECREATION ROOM beach on Lake Ontario, east floors. 725-3445. A | with large kitchen ond din- near Schools. Recently built Very close to downtown and Lot 310' x 400 on Rice floors throughout. Bus at door. Has wwokkoanon _ homes in 4 top subdivisions | or 728-1066 cation. $5,500. -- $1,000. able April 1. Enquire days or evenings. j | | ex "GOLFVIEW HEIGHTS" | __ BILL MILLAR THRFE-ROOM > Street, Oshaw: "GREENWOOD HEIGHTS" | : | Real Estate Ltd. With down payments as low | 'ance, Near hospital and schrols. 723- 1362. 110 PARK RD. N. | urlous apartments and offer $35,000 FULL PRICE, BEST building in the East end (Grandview Village) 3 and home on Albert Street with FOR INFORMATION en. Must be sold to clear up ROOM SUITES, STOVES & IMMEDIATE POSSESSION may be obtained on this 2¥2 YEARS OLD. CALL $800 down. Hurry now or you will be too late. Schofield-Aker ; brick 2 storey home with 2-car garage situated on BO living. Built by the present owners with the best of Ravine setting. This 3 bed- down payment. One open KINGS COURT call to-day, with all conveniences. Close NORTH WEST No Lease Required. Approximately 10 miles from Oshowa Opposite large Shopping Centre neer schools, churches, etc. Large One Bedroom $73 Two Bedrooms $79 _ 'TELEPHONE AJAX WH 2-2001 Oshawa's Finest Park Lane Apts. 10 min. from Downtown Attractive two-bedroom suites. Spacious grounds Henry St. large seven room bungelow, four bedrooms, large ceramic tiled bathroom, plus two powder rooms. Built in stove and oven in modern kitchen, Wall to wall broad- loom and fireplace. in living room. Fully finished recrea- tion room with fireplace. Double garage. Must be seen to be appreciated. $10,000 DOWN CALL WHITBY 668-3119 IMMEDIATE lot in Beau Valley. A prestige area second to none in the city, ot prices you con afford, We will ap- Praise your present home, no obligation, For Full Details Call 723-2265 -- Open 9 to 9, Sot. 9 to 5. After 9 P.M. Call REG. AKERS .. 725-0201 STEVE MACKO . 728-5868 BILL McFEETERS 725-1726 HENRY STINSON 725-0243 LES HALL 728-5513 360 King St. W. Free Parking HOWE & PETERS REALTORS 67 KING ST. EAST 725-4701 -- 725-7732 BEAU VALLEY FASHIONABLE California red wood and romon brick exterior with attached garagé, situated on a nicely landscaped lot with $3,000.00 down and easy terms for balance to suit. INCOME -- 3 BEDROOM BRICK WITH 3 ROOM BASE- MENT APARTMENT, Live in this home rent free.. Asking $12,900, 5% N.H.A. mort- goge for balance. Inspect Immediately and make your offer. 5 SUITE APARTMENT BUILDING -- 'All units rented including stove and fridges, good income pro- perty in a very desirable !o- cation. Owner will accept bungalow as down payment. BARGAIN--$5,500. for this cottage fully furnished. The price includes a_ floating dock and water skis. Only $1,500. down, balance on terms. storey brick, 2 modern kit- chens, 2 three piece baths, separate hot water tanks, oil heat. Private drive with garage, close to hospital. To inspect call Mr. Yeo, at 725- 6544, (ust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 L. S. SNELGROVE Co. Ltd. REALTORS 43 Park Rd. S. 723-9810 725-8761 DIVISION ST. Just north of Adeloide St., an exceptional brick home of 3 bedrooms, 24 ft. living room, and nice modern kit- chen, clean condition, oil fur- KELLY DISNEY _ USED CARS 409 BROCK ST. S. WHITBY--668-4291 Cars bought and sold Liens paid off Trade up or down Always Top Quality A WHALE OF A SALE USED CARS YES SIR PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off, DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-9421 NEW ADDRESS OF WILSON BATTERY SALES AND SERVICE 641 Cromwell Ave. (Corner Park Rd. & Bloor St.) DIAL 723-3512 RENAULT- PEUGEOT-AUSTIN Parts and Service STATHAM B.A. SERVICE RITSON ROAD AND KING 723-4733 and 723-7712 12 ft. car top model. 7¥2 h.p, Fishing Scott Motors - COMPLETE $499 OSHAWA MARINE - AND SERVICE . 1487 Simcoe North 728-0031 @ Parts -- Hitches --- Awnings COOK'S TRAILER SALES" GLENDALES ' 13- 14-16-17 ft. s HIGHWAY 2 COURTICE § or LANSDOWNE TEXACO Simcoe North (City Limits) OPEN EVENINGS 723-9534 BOATS, MOTORS ON DISPLAY TILDEN nace, laundry tubs, nice lot POSSESSION 1 Grew Cruisers, Traveler, Ma-: « rock gardens. This home offers much for the discriminating $10,000. for this 4 bedroom Prestige location Private balconies Elevator service Controlled entrances Garages Poved parking Don Howe Evenings 723-9692 Howe and Peters Realtors ONLY $690 DOWN Three bedroom bungalow, extra large living room, com- pletely decorated for you. NEAR STEVENSON ROAD Call DAVE SMART TELEPHONE 725-1185 CASTLE HOMES buyer, 2 bathrooms each with vanity and mirror, 16 x 24 ft. finished family room with open fireplace, extra cupboard space, WHITBY CLASSIFIED thermopane windows, owner transferred, don't hesitate call Joe Crawford 623-3672, $13,500.00 2 BEDROOM brick bungalow, finished rec room, stone fire- place, full dining room, broadloom, twindow in 'living room, nicely decorated, a real buy for the couple whose children have left and want a smaller home. Call Eorle Allen 725-7782, SPOTLESS INCOME HOME Idea! for fomily.or could be completley pig seporately as, 2 apartments with 4 rooms and privete bath on first floor, also 2 rooms, kitchen and 2 piece bath on second floor, oil heating, garage, patio ond lot 75 x 234 ft. Asking $13,950.00 with terms. Call Rolonde Tierney 725-5207. KING ST. EAST LOCATION Beautiful 3 bedroom brick with split level entrance, 24 ft, liv- home in North West Area. Close to public, separate and high schools. Very conveni- ent to bus and shopping. This home in good condition includes 2 bathrooms, many extras, large lot. See it for yourself. NORTH EAST -- Six room two storey family home, all large rooms, modern kitchen, high dry basement with new F.H.A. oil heating. Fireplace gorage, storms and screens. -- $9,500. 1% storey room, family home with coe 3-pe. bathroom and T-pe. second floor Presently tented. Owner anxious to sell. Call us to inspect and with shade trees, paved drive and garage, $3,000. down and one monthly payment for the balance. BELOW COST Bargain price of $11,900, for 6 room brick bungalow, just a few years old, fully decorated -and many extras, hondy location in Whitby, $1,600 down, 6% N.H.A. mortgage for the balance, see for yourself by calling us to-day. $1,400 DOWN N.H.A. resale of 5 rooms, 3 bedroom brick bungalow, well situated for schools, this is a real clean home for a proud owner, seeing is be- lieving, make on appoint- ment now. 1961 TRIUMPH ENSIGN SEDAN 4-door economical 4 cylind- er automatic, Borg-Warner transmission,' 3,000 miles. 1960 STUDEBAKER LARK SEDAN 4-door in perfect condition. ONLY $1200 1959 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN, 4-DOOR - In real good condition. ONLY $1495 CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (All Makes and Models) CALL 625-6553 14 Albert St. The Home Of Good Used Cars "Before You Buy Give Bill A Try" BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST. N. Boats. Evinrude, Volyo-Pento and O.M.C, 88 Motors, Open Until 8 p.m. MARINE Storage & Supply Ltd. Brooklin, Ont. 655-3641 CUSTOM DRAPERIES Réady-made Drapes Bam Expert track installations. Mobile Decorator Service son, O.M.C. and Larsons= ay ing room, 24 ft. finished family room, double glozed windows, heatin ocsgbtoa H_ = :@e-- heating cost about $115.00 ace $15,900.00 with $2,500.00 RELIABLE Furniture - Interiors 96 KING ST. E. 723-7928 . DRAPES HOUSE wanted in Whitby, with three/BUY, sell or exchange used furniture make an offer, or four bedrooms, by Rone a Belepbons | and appliances, what have you? Goold |Used Furniture, 215 Dundas East, Whit- YOR RENT ou porn te 2 668-5481. down. Call Ron Drapak 725-5253 Goataaed tpeiee ~, bedroom DRESSMAKING: Suits, coats, dresses, ply Mr- Say, 290 'Brock. Street South, silerations. sip co om BOWMANVILLE OFFICE 623-5212 =. be = *- QUEEN ST, BOWMANVILLE -- 3 room brick home with finish- FOR RENT: Two room apartment, "$45 ROOM seif- apartment} Everything i Apply 6 ed recreation room 15 x 20 ft. extra apartment upstairs, forced ae eee Se poet stove supplied. Adult |Church Street, Pickering. oir with oil heating, garage and lot 66 x 165 ft. Asking $12,- pon ning Palace 'Street, | RAI 500.00.00 Call Ron Hetherington 623-3637 or 623-6212, WHITBY 668-4741 and 668-4025 4-DOOR Automatic. Perfect. aoanenreeneet Wanted $895 | LAK want cars Auto |for wrecking, Highest prices paid. 220 1955 1958 $700 DOWN EDSEL- 6 room brick split level bun- galow, large finished family room or 4th bedroom, alu- minum. storms and screens, fenced back yard, a genuine opportunity with low down payment. For full particulars call 723-1121 Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m, GUIDE REALTY Wentworth East. 725-1181. sonable rent. Agpiy 111 Palace Street. |RADIO, television, on calls. Walter Street West, Whitby 668-2563. AVON Need immediately, ladies in the Rural area with ambition to earn money. Good income, part time. Write: P.O, BOX 512 OSHAWA 'A Victor, WE CAN IDELIVER TO YOU . Crushed grovel (mulch), pit run gravel, stone, sand and top soil. All sold by weight. CALL 668-3524 Sawdons' (Whitby) Limited 244 Brock St. S. Fuels ond Builders' Supplies Whitby, Ontarie ical oe SEPTIC tanks cleaned, prom setvice| All andal appliances repaired, Cail "aa Ward. 2ot Chestnat| Van Genhoven, 655-3651, Brooklin. GRACIOUS LIVING Architecturally designed from tree lined boulevard to roof tops in HARMONY VILLAGE (just east of Donevan Collegiate) assures you of everlasting value, great care and thought have gone. into the blending of roof lines and colors to afford you all the pleasures of this beautiful community, 3 ond 4 bedrooms, fire- place, 300 ft. deep lots ond services paid for, Reasonable down payment arranged or trade your present home, Call Bob John- son 728-2548, $695.00 DOWN $10,800.00 full price, 3 bedroom brick; farge kitchen, nearly new furnace, 320 ft. deep lot. Any low down poyment will be considered, Call 728-2548, LIMITED REALTORS 16 SIMCOE ST.' S, After 9 p.m, call: Steve Zurba,... 728-0569 Tony Siblock.... 725-4362 Leon Manitius... 725-8068 Roy Flintoff.... 725-3454 Irene Brown.... 725-3867 Jean Peacock. ... 725-4330 Lloyd Corson.... 723-2537 Dick Young. .... 723-7183 Lucas Peacock... 725-4330 4 ACRES Stone house and barn, locet- ed just outside City Limits, a real buy for cash, only $10,000, full price. BUILDING LOTS For the Bargain Hunter North Oshawa, 65 x 116 Ft. serviced $2,000. Whitby, 82 x 170 Ft. servic- ed,, $1,600 cash, For the Home of your choice coll L. S. Snelgrove Co. Ltd. 723-9810 or 725-8761, CHEVROLET TWO-DOOR 6 cylinder, perfect through- ONLY $495 CHRYSLER SALES and SERVICE SMITH SPORTS 353 KING ST. WEST TELEPHONES 723-9311 -- 723-9362 OPEN EVENINGS $ ALL CASH $ For clean cars we deal up or down. Liens paid off. NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY 668-8001 ~ 100 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used Car to "Ted" Talk 'Cash' to the New Car Dealer and 'SAVE" TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 ' Modern Designs & Abstract, Colonial, Provincial - and Floral Patterns. Custom Made Expertly Installed M and C DRY GOODS 74 CELINA STREET PHONE 723-7827 (Continued en Page 18)