2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Menday, March 25, 1963 GOOD EVENING -- ByJACKCEARN -- ~~ 88 HALL'S SIGNS START RUMPUS x x x x ~ It's perplexing how little, inconsequential things can some- times dig deep, start a tempest in the middle of a political campaign. * Those Aileen Hall--NDP signs currently displayed on the front of PUC buses are a perfect example, if the current num- ber of irate letters-to-the-editor are any criterion. Those signs are harmless enough, yet to some people they're offensive, represent an infringement of public good taste because they en- dorse a political philosophy that is alien to their own. The letter ed "'An- other Subsidy Payer" March 20 was picayune, a blatant display of political partisan- ship, but it did prove that * some do care enough to sit down and write to a news- paper about such things. The front-bus space was available to any political party, not excluding the Com- munists, with the financial wherewithal ($10 per month per bus for the front) -- the SEES EAL, NDP's showed enterprise in grabbing this juicy little publicity plum. The Liberals grab- bed some side space. ; It is ludicrous for "Another Subsidy Payer" to suggest that never has he or she seen a public transportation system so used before for political purposes. Doesn't the Ottawa -. Transit system follow this policy faithfully? If there is anything the PUC can do to cut down the annual municipal deficit let us all encourage it in every way. Things are going to be tough enough locally for the poor old ""taxpayer. ; "Another Subsidy Payer" was verbally spanked by two subsequent writers of letters-to-the-editor -- Harry Benson ». and Miss Hall -- and this was an encouraging thing for all lovers of fair play, regardless of political color. To show the widespread interest in this Oshawa political ad, rumpus and the PUC -- a spokesman for the Hydro-Elec- tric Power Commission of Ontario phoned this department after publication of the March 20 letter to explain that the .. PUC's ban on hydro pole posters was widespread, and for a good reason. : "These posters are usually put on with nails that represent a real hazard to our linemen climbing the poles," he explains. "The nails sometimes get caught in the spurs and we have had bad accidents as a result. This is why we try to keep all posters off Hydro poles, political and otherwise." "LITTLE NOTES FROM HERE AND THERE The Civic Centre committee has scheduled an important meeting for Tuesday in the City Hall... Vic McAdam and Charles Murray of the local Barbershop Singing Quartets visited Buffaio last Friday to pay respects to the late Bill Spangessberg of the famous Buffalo Bills quartet (of "Music Man" fame who was buried Saturday . . . There will be no open meeting of City Council tonight. NOTES FROM THE HUSTINGS OF ONTARIO RIDING: Fred Upshaw, the enterprising door-to-door canvasser of the New Democratic Party in Oshawa, knocked on the door at 359 Masson street the other night. The amiable man who "answered is known to Mr. Upshaw and thousands of others in the district as one of the real kingpins of the Tory party 'locally -- Mr. Sam _Jackson, Jr. NDP Candidate Aileen Hall reports the following comment by an East Woodland housewife who opened her front door 'last week and found Miss Hall, numb with cold and badly in need of a cup of coffee: "So you're Aileen Hall? Well, I must say that your pictures "are more than a little flattering." f PRO INFLUENCE HURTS CANADIAN YOUTH The loud protests about the harmful trafficking in Cana- -dian youth by professional hockey clubs is having some good effect, at long last. Not only have some frank- soul-searching words been «written on the subject at long last by influential editorial *pens, but the subject has cropped up in the Ontario Legisla- "ture. Kenneth Bryden (NDP, Woodbine) said legislation should «be introduced that would make it impossible for National Hockey League clubs to sign players in their 'teens. Labor Minister Leslie Rowntree (a great PC favorite *in Oshawa) said that he would look into Mr. Bryden's pro- posals, which immediately drew some strong protests as do "any local suggestions that the influence of the pros should «be eliminated from Oshawa's teen-age hockey world. This. is a matter of grave concern for parents, especially "when people like Leo Troy (Liberal, Nipissing) tell the Leg- eislature. "'The same evil trend is starting in football. It is {something that cries out to heaven for justice." ~ADELINES WRESTLE WITH SEGREGATION PROBLEMS pe The Oshawa chapter of the singing Sweet Adelines of "Canada, a group of about 1,200 women who sing for charity, eare in a bit of a quandary (along with 29 sister Adeline groups *in this country). * The Hamilton chapter has petitioned all Canadian chap- ters to break away from the International body (with head- "quarters in Tulsa, Oklahoma) so as to permit racial integra- stion under a strictly Canadian organization. : _ The red-hot issue came to a head again last week when *an Ottawa group was forbidden by the International to com- "pete in a regional contest because one of its members was a "Negro, but it has cropped up before and the Orillia chapter «disbanded three or four years ago rather than subscribe to "the rule. The aill-Canadian proposal appears to be gaining "momentum. The majority in the Oshawa chapter disagree with the "segregation clause, but are reluctant to break away from the «International (at least they were in the last report) because "this would bar them from national or international competi- ~tions sponsored by the parent club. » The hour for decision is near. It's ludicrous for a group "to sing for charity if its charter regulations -- prescribed «in Tulsa -- are such that they bar an entire race. = Any severance move from the International would be a serious one, regrettable, but organizations, like individuals, «tan only win respect by taking a firm stand on such mat- Sters. Lip service, sympathy is not enough. If the Sweet wAdelines are sincere about segregation being unfair, espec- "jally under such conditions, the Hamilton petition offers them *a perfect out, regardless of the cost. AROUND THE HUSTINGS BY CANDLELIGHT Politicians must always be alert for the unexpected. When Liberal Norm Cafik turned up at Uxbridge's Roxy Theatre recently for a speaking engagement, he was over- Sjoyed at the size of the crowd (200 despite the . sleet and Train), but when he got on the platform he couldn't see them. They were in darkness because the building lacked light- Sing equipment, except for the stage where three tungsten ~auxiliary lights cast a soft, eerie glow on Mr. Cafik and platform guests. : "The audience was most attentive, responsive," said +Mr. Cafik later, "but it was funny talking and not being able "to see them. Now I know how Liberace feels when he per- fornis by candlelight." 7 Minority Predicted Again By THE CANADIAN PRESS More allusions to the possi- bility of another minority gov- ernment being elected April 8 --Two weeks from today -- cropped up during weekend po- litical campaigning. Gerard Picard, Quebec leader April 8 Vote Nominations Close Today By THE CANADIAN PRESS Nominations close today fer the April 8 federal election and a record number of candidates is expected to be. in the field. An unofficial compilation on the eve of nomination day showed 1,015 candidates already have completed the formalities for nomination or announced their intention of contesting the election. This is just one short of 1962's record 1,016. Some dropouts. can be ex- pected before the 2 p.m. local standard time close but since nomination day usually brings a spate of late-filing indepen- dents, last year's total likely will be surpassed. i Progressive Conservatives and Liberals have candidates for all 265 seats so there will be no acclamations, The New Democratic Party and Social Credit follow with 228 and 224 nominees respectively and may increase these totals slightly. There are 13 Communists and so far 20 independents. In the Conservatives also entered a full slate, Lib- erals had 264, Social Credit 230, NDP 218, Communists 12 and Independents 27. | There has been a sharp in- crease this election in the num- ber of women candidates with 42 nominated so far. There were 27 in 1962 when five were elected. The record year for women was 1953 when 48 were nominated. PCs and NDP both have 14 women candidates and Liberals and Social Credit have six each. There is one Communist, Mrs. Jeannette Pratte, in Montreal Hochelaga, and an independent, Mrs. Anna Pidruchney, in Veg- reville. The party leaders all are en- gaged in four - way contests, Prime Minister Diefenbaker in Prince Albert, Liberal Leader Pearson in Algoma East, Socis! Credit Chief Robert Thompson in Red Deer and T. C. Douglas, head of NDP, in Burnaby-Co- quitlam. : Today's nominations will be in 242 of the nation's 263 con- stituencies, two of which elect two members apiece. Nomina- tions closed two weeks ago in the other 21 ridings where extra time is needed for distribution House of the New Democratic Party, said at a Montreal press con- ference Saturday that any claims that only a majority gov- ernment can provide effective administration are "'plain non- sense, He said that in Canadian his- tory the most effective govern- ments were minority govern- ments or those with small ma- jorities. A strong opposition in Parliament ensured a "'living" democracy in which the inter- ests of the people were placed above those of the political par- ties. At Pincher Creek, Alta. Prime Minister Diefenbaker said a vote for either Social Credit or the NDP was a vote for the Liberals against the gov- ernment. "If yqu want to have a gov- ernment in Ottawa strong enough and able to discharge those things you want done, then I'm asking for your support, whatever your political faith may be." Robert Thompson, Social Credit leader, said at a Winn peg press conference Saturday he, has a skeleton cabinet "in mind" if his party wins the most number of seats, He ex pected Social Credit to win a "minimum" of 75 seats ia the 265-member commons, Mr. Thompson said at Van- couver Sunday one of the cab- inet ministers likely would be Premier Manning of Alberta, Liberal Leader: Pearson was in Ottawa for the weekend and resumes his campaign tonight with a meeting at Hamilton. T. C. Douglas, New Democra- ic party leader, also was in Ottawa where he remains until Wednesday when he resumes his campaign at Hamilton. Mr. Diefenbaker said at the Pincher Creek public meeting Saturday night that an Ameri- can magazine--he didn't iden- tify it--is telling Canadians how to vote. - '" "When some nations start to point to us what we should do, let me tell you this: Canada was in both wars a long time before some other nations were, let that be clear," he said. "We don't need any lessons Ivan Shpedko (left), new Russian Ambassador to Can- ada, chats with Dr, Amerigo Cruz, Cuba's Ambassador in BRUSSELS (AP)--The Com- mon Market has been slowng down since the French veto of British membership, West Eu- ropeans interested in the Mar- ket's future are looking for ways to get it going again. The Common Market's own executive commission, a group of nine top European econom- ists, has been breaking new ground to try to builé a truly supernational organization. The importance of their pioneering) job may be fading. | | RCMP Investigate Hacked-Up Body hacked-up remains of a mys- tery murder victim lay in a makeshift morgue here Satur- day as the ROMP worked to LILLOOET, B.C, (CP)--Th find out how he died. Police were calling the vic- tim "he," but they admitted} that them unable -- at this stage -- decomposition had even to establish the sex. Parts of the body were found Thursday in three sacks in a ravine beside the old Cariboo cattle trail. One contained the trunk, another held the arms and the third contained parts of the legs. Missing were the head an the lower parts of the legs. Supt. John Harris, head of left ejthe RCMP detachment at Kam- loops, B.C., would say only: "We're treating this as mur- der." There have been at least two mysterious disappearances in Western Canada during the last year and while police did not indicate whether either was linked to the case, it was be. lieved neither could be ruled out entirely. 'Henri Meriguet, young French hitch-hiker, was last re- ported at mile 733 of the Alaska Highway, headed south, on Aug. 30, 1962, He had visited the Alaska goldfields where his fa- ther struck it rich. Edmonton golf - professional Frank Willey vanished about a d Thompson Plans To Use Manning VANCOUVER (CP) -- Social year ago and two men are serv- ing life terms for murder in the case. His body was never found but at the men's trial it was theorized that his body had been dismembered before being disposed of. NEW RUSSIAN AMBASSADOR Canada, shortly after the Russian envoy stepped off his plane from Moscow. About 75 persons, most of them from Credit Leader Robert Thomp- son said Sunday that Premier E. C. Manning of Alberta likely would be in the cabiriet he would form if his party won the April 8 federal election. "Premier Manning has. said he:is available if the people of \Canada require him," Mr. the Russian Embassy, turned J Thompson told a press confer- out to meet Mr. Shpedko at | onco'on his arrival here. the Ottawa airport. | (CP Wirephoto) "T have had discussions with) _jcabinet ministers of both Al-| berta and B.C. because in any cabinet we would form we want men of experience and proven Railroad Worker Shot And Killed CAPREOL, Ont. (CP)--A 35- year-old railway employee was shot in the back and killed Sun- day during what police said was a family quarrel. No charges were placed. An inquest has been ordered. Police said John Keith (Bud) McMahon was killed by a .22- Common Market Slow Since Veto Of Britain same time thé interests of the;now has to make for him with French farmer and the indus- tries of the five other tries. a common farm policy set upjtion for the six member states. On|meat and dairy products? it will depend the future of the French peasant, always a ma- jor element in Frerich politics. and profitable sales inside the ability." Both Alberta and British Co- lumbia have Soc ernments. ial Credit gov- calibre rifle bullet, Two of his five children were present at the time of the shoot. ing. ithe Communist countries? Will COMING EVENTS coun-|he get a price for feed grains |that will encourage him to shift The french are eager to get|out of wheat and turn his atten- to the more promising The answer to these and VICTORY @ay, March Bruce Street. sion 50c. RUMMAGE Sale, basement, 10 a.m. 3, 8 p.m. Orange . Prizes and party Moa-| Tunch, admis. BINGO Eastview Park Tuesday two o'clock, Euchre, Wednesday 8.18 0'- clock, High monthly score $5, Refreshments. Admission 50 cents, 'e st. iy Andrew's Church, morning, March 26, many other questions depend on the willingness of the other five members to go. along. with Common Market, instead of the|French ideas about Common chancier deals his government|Market farm policy. Can he look forward to new as to what Canada should do after that record of service in two world war.s." At Toronto, Liberal J. W. Pickersgill, former immigration minister, said at a public meet- ig: "After the appalling col- lapse of our money system, Mr. Diefenbaker crawled on his hands and knees to Washington. He was glad enough of Amer- ican help on that occasion." At Creston, B.C., which he reached by a 700-mile air-and- radio detour, Mr. Douglas said Saturday night that the pro- Posed Columbia River treaty is a "sellout" of Canada and Brit- ish Columbia. I would give The Common Market has) been a rousing success for its six members: France, West Germany, Italy, Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg. Its production has been increas- ing at twice the rate of the United States. Trade, real wages and consumption have been rising fast. But Britain's failure to get in has been a blow. Nothing has gone right since. A mew agree- ment v African ey: es, mostly former French cvlonies, has been held up. The attempt to get together on. grain prices, a basic item in anybody's econ- omy, is also being delayed. jot election supplies. river water to the U.S. in per- A RESENT VETO petuity. Resentment of the other five WEATHER FORECAST members against the French) veto has played am important part in holding up progress. onto weather office at 4:30 a.m.| Synopsis: Colder air associ-| pen with a high-pressure area| | crossing Hudson Bay will cause |considerably cooler weather in jthe upper lakes regions today and in southern Ontario Tues- day. Lake Ontario, Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Niag- jara, Haliburton regions, Wind- sor, London, Hamilton, Toronto: Cloudy with showers tonight, clearing and turning cooler Tuesday. Waids becoming east-| erly 15 Tuesday. . Northern Georgian Bay, Al- goma, southern White River, Timagami regions, North Bay Sudbury: Clearing and turning cooler this afternoon. Cloudy with a few snowflurries Tues- Clear, Cooler During Tuesday Forecasts issued by the Tor-| People concerned with push- ing European unity, notably the top officials of the Com- mon Market, are showing signs of worry that the organization is losing its momentum, Some of them could be important men in their home countries. They would be foolish to stay aboard the Common Market if} jit turns into a mere technical organization. | One idea veng discussed is a| |package deal to promote at the Observed Temperatures Low Overnight, High Sunday Pee * | Boys Wounded By Shotgun GEORGETOWN, Ont. (CP)-- Two sons of a Presbyterian minister were wounded by shot- gun pellets Saturday while walking on the North Halton golf course near this town 20 miles west of Toronto. David Flemng,i 14, was trans- ferred from Georgetown Dis- trict Hospital to Toronto Gen- eral Hospital where he was to Sault Ste. Marie .. White River ...... Kapuskasing ..... North Bay ........ Sudbury ... LONGON ccccccccves TOronte .sseccocss Ottawa ...... ELECTION SPOTLIGHT Riding Employs Personal Touch By KEN CLARK {second with 14,306 votes WINNIPEG (CP)--The accent;NDP candidate Andrew Robert- is on the personal approach in|son, chairman of the Winnipeg the April 8 federal election|School Board, was third with campaign: in Wnnipeg South/6,357. Social Credit was a dis- Centre, held for 12 years by De-| tant last. fence Minister Gordon Chur-| Mr. Douglas, 50 and father of chill, two teen-aged sons, has added Newspaper, televison and ra-|an effective twist to the art of dio advertising has ranked sec-|door - to - door: campaigning. ond to the neighborhood coffee|Working a street, four women party and old-fashioned doorbell] supporters knock on the doors ringing. to find those willing to chat with The campaign marks the re-|the candidate. Mr. Douglas thus turn to the hustings of veteran|steered to prospects, finds he ee, Alistair i ean cover more ground. art as New Democratc Party candidate, Now 58, he held tra-/ DON'T STRESS DEFENCE ditionally soc alist Winni-| Though Mr. Churchill, former peg North for the old CCF from|veterans affairs minister, took 1945 until beaten in the 1958/over the defence post when Diefenbaker landslide. He did|Douglas Harkness resigned in not run in 1962. |disagreement/ with Prime Mn- This time he is in territory | ister Diefenbaker's nuclear pol- where Socialist.candidates have|icies, neither he nor Mr. Doug- not found good 'hunting: wine has stressed the nuclear is- e. out Yentre has elected) : L Woere) s and Conservatves| In contrast, Mr.. Stewart, the and|~ BOWMANVILLE CHORAL SOCIETY PRESENTS OPERETTA PIRATES OF PEMANCE By Gillbert and Sulliven BOWMANVILLE TOWN HALL 8:15 P.M. THURSDAY 28th FRIDAY 29th SATURDAY 30th OPEN BOWLING 1 P.M. TO 11:30 P.M. Everyday ond Evening Spring Mixed League starting Thursday night 7 p.m, till June 27th. KING LANES Free Admission Free BINGO AT DNIPRO. HALL 681 Edith Street (off Bloor E.) TONIGHT -- 7:30 P.M, 20 Regular Games Jackpot 57 -- $220, $29 CON. PRIZE SHARE-THE-WEALTH (No Children Under 16 Years) 360 KING WEST 725-8851 OSHAWA OBEDIENCE ASSOCIATION DOG TRAINING CLASSES UNITED STEELWORKERS KINSMEN BINGO TUESDAY, 8 O'CLOCK FREE ADMISSION EXTRA BUSES Jackpot Nos. 55 and 59 EARLY BIRD GAMES KINSMEN COMMUNITY CENTRE 109 COLBORNE ST. W. HALL 115 Albert St. Oshawa ADULT. CLASSES MARCH 27th -- 7 P.M, CHILDREN'S CLASSES APRIL 3rd -- 6 P.M. since it was formed in the 1924) NDP candidate, has hammered redistribution. away at it repeatedly, calling Mr, Churchill. seeks re-elec-|it the biggest issue of the cam- ton. Liberal candidate is Rev,|Palgn. : i Fred Douglas, a United Church _Mr. Churchill, 64, is running minister, his usual low - key campaign with door-to-door vsits and cof- ENTERS LATE fee party appearances, and Social Credit got into the pic-| WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE BINGO Nos, 53 and 54 TONIGHT -- 8 P.M, RED BARN EXTRA BUSES Ages 10 to 14 years. For information Adults phone 723-9991 Children phone 725-4858 WHITBY BRASS BAND BINGO \tries to restrict out-of-town trips ture late, on March 19, when an|to weekends in Ottawa for offi- action committee chose as can-|cial business. didate school teacher Harold; Mr, Stewart spends most of Bathgate, who wthdrew a few/His time at house socials and days earlier in Winnpeg North|speaking at small _ ralles on grounds his campaign com-| ™-|through the riding, which in- mittee would not. co-operate with)cludes the main city business him. area, Mr. Churchill won the seat in wth BINGO St. Gertrude's Auditorium TO - NIGHT WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27 CLUB BAYVIEW Eorly Bird Games Jackpots -- 51-55 Special Games Watch Wednesday Paper day, clearing by mid - day. Winds becoming easterly this afternoon. | Northern White River, Coch-| Two Killed In undergo surgery for serious leg wounds, Jamie Fleming, 12, who was | | Winnpeg South Centre, a 1951 byelection to end 16 years of Liberal tenure under Ralph Maybank, who retired when ap- pointed to the bench. After 51,000 votes, flanks Portage Ave- nue, the main thoroughfare and extends from downtown to the suburbs, embracing the city of AT 8 P.M. 690 KING ST. E. AT FAREWELL NIGHT OF CARDS CONANT SCHOOL \rane regions: Cloudy tonight | with _a few snowflurries but | clearing Tuesday morning. Easterly winds near 15. Forecast Temperatures Low tonight, High Tuesday WIKIO oiiscecece 50 BATON cccssseses Kapuskasing . White River .. Moosonee ......... Sault Ste. Marie .. Timmins ...... ... eee HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS | 24-HOUR SERVICE | 313 ALBERT ST. 723-4663 | } 711 |""peppered" by the pellets, was| Religious Clash |reported in atlitactary condi-| TEHRAN (Reuters)--A Mos- tion at Georgetown Hospital. jlem holy man and a woman|,, Police said the boys, sons of jwere killed and 50 other mul- Rey. Ian Fleming, minster of \lahs -- holy men -- and wome |were injured in clashes Satur- \day between Moslem clerics jand "suffragettes" at Tabriz in | were playing on the golf course when they were wounded. _A youth was held for ques- tioning. Knox Presbyiteran Chur c h,)---- building his majority to 19,797,)St. James. Its voters range in the 1958 Conservatve sweep,|from downtown apartment dwel- Mr. Churchill slipped to 2,241/lers to middle-income home- last June. 'owners and wealthy suburba- Liberal Ed Russenholt raninites. FREE ADMISSION Snowball Jackpot $100-56 Nos. $20 Consolation Reg. Jockpot 56 Nos. $100 $20 Consolation Good Prizes WED, MARCH 27, 8 P.M. Prizes Galore. Lunch Tickets at door 75¢ Proceeds for H & S, Assoc. Iran's northern province, Reports reaching this capital said crowds of suffragettes hit out with their stiletto heels at mullahs and clerics who oppose the government's plans for -e- forms including granting votes to women in elections. FUEL OIL... PERRY parliamentary|] pay OR NIGHT 723-3443 HAWAII| leave any d You oan" 14 DAYS "485.10 |] INCLUDES: air transpertetion and |] first closs hotels. (besed on double slightly extra, a MORTGAGES Ample Funds for Ist MORTGAGES 2nd MORTGAGES We Also Purchase Ist and 2nd Mortgages N.H.A. LOANS ARRANGED You Wil) Find OUR SERVICE IS FASTER | Relax at any Franchised' Arthur Murray Studio There's no better way to un- wind taut nerves and tension than dance lessons at a Fran- chised Arthur Murray Studio, Dancing the Arthur Murray Half-hr. 5] trial lesson Take advantage of this special introductory offer. Discover what fun it is to dance at an Arthur Murray Studio. Open until 10 P.M, 'you've never danced before. BOOK NOW Four Seasons Howard Travel Travel OSHAWA ai, PHONE 668-3161 728-6201 942-6690 OUR COST IS LOWER Limited 723.2265 -- 728-3376 * After Hours 728-3376 Sams way brings new assurance and poise--and those FREE Studio Parties for students are a world of fun for people of all ages. Just three hours of instruction at Arthur Murray's will enable as to go dancing...even if *Every Arthur Murray Studio is individually owned and operated by a respected member of your community under a franchise by Arthur' Murray, Inc. LICENCEE W. MARKS 11% SIMCOE ST. S. 728-1681 « Emergent Meeting -- ' Lebanon. Lodge A.F. & A.M, 139 All Masonic brethren ore urgently requested to attend @- Masonic Service for our late Wor. Brother HOWARD B. JAMES AT McINTOSH-ANDERSON FUNERAL CHAPEL MONDAY (TONIGHT) MARCH 25, 1:30 P.M. : Masonic Clothing Wer. Bro. C. Templar, Secretary Wor, Bro. T. C. Glaspell, ' Master