Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Mar 1963, p. 17

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pears: FS Dig BES PS Oe OS Ba Ny 4 DIS IE GLI FeO 28--Real Estate Wanted THE OSHAWA TIMES, Méndey, Merch 25, 1963 47 WANTED: Four A ge: bedroom house -|29--Automobiles For Sale 29--Automobiles For Sale; 23--Wanted To Rent 27--Real Estate for Sale G.M. EMPLOYEE Moving To Oshawa * Desires To Rent Unfurnished 3 or 4 Bedroom Home prefer- ably with Recreation Room, Immediately. 25--Apt. & Flots For Rent |27--Real Estate for Sale |27--Reel Estate for Sale RIC! D tricia furnish-| WHIT: Henry Streét High| AJAX -- $1000 down, four-room bungs- pone ol tome toy eles ors og Feoenenag Sy style bungalow,|low, full basement, three-piece bath. boards, three-piece bath. Suitable ie ra bene 4 brick, attached garage, 100 = 'Owner transferred, Carries for 388 married w working couple, Telephone 723. ip rontage, Centre cross hall plan. «| monthly, hly, Telephone Mr. Henry . Henry after 6 si. cr hype te men iy Le -cxrame RETIREMENT home, five rooms, dou- ~ |ble gavragé, 4% acre lot, lovely g: . DIVISION Street, four room apartment. $17,200) arden. Available now, Suitable for adults only. kata Visi Meucclatea |fruit trees. Bighty Bob 0392, i | Johnson 728-2548 Howe and Peters, i aaa names ed $12,950. RANCH STYLE, brick, cholce| aerwaGTIVE lakeshore lols and col- WAYNE AVENUE, 52 -- Five-room, | north-west location, landscaped, extras. | and P self - contained apartment. Telephone! po, Drapak 725-5253, . Howe _ and preg hiagggs sd 5 casera ag 738-0586. | Peters. 725-7740, PARK Road South, three room unfur-|p.m. at Ajax 942-2324. WILL 'pay cash to private owner for acreage with or without house, east of pot ade near Townline, Telephone 723- . | 2573. SMALL home wanted in wes end. We have a cash buyer for a one or two bedroom home. Suitable for retired oe Cali Lloyd Corson, Guide Realty Realtors, 'Tas 1121, 16 Simese Street 27--Real Estate for Sale mortgage for balance at $75. vin, WHITBY Henry St. large seven room | days door. Paul J. bungalow, four bedrooms, pT ge ce large ceramic tiled bathroom, plus two powder rooms. Built BUNGALOW in stove and oven in modern Now Is The Time To Buy A TOP QUALITY USED CAR ~ WILLING TO PAY UP TO * $170. PER MONTH FOR THE RIGHT HOUSE, WRITE BOX 902 Oshawa Times "TELEPHONE TORONTO | BELMONT 1-7310 nished apartment, Private bath, laun-|GRIERSON Street, two-storey white| dry facilities, Parking. Available April) stucco home, six rooms, two bathrooms, 1, $60, Telephone 725-6106. _ fireplace, 'broadioom throughout Full Tele. CELINA STREET, 91 723-4461. FIVE-ROOM home, nome, furnished. Opply werson.. 44 Colborne Street Hast. Tele- phone 723-4882. KLIN five house, BROO! ve room 1 al 'con- Sh "veniences, $75 monthly. Available April] jeretor 1. Apply Howard Colby, RR 2 Uxbridge, iggy woman preferred, Tel "Ont. 25--Apt. & Flats For Rent {fin Ser acne cele" SOUTH, » private OSHAWA BL BL yD. 235 -- Two room apartment. entrance, DREW Street, 48, two furnished "Fooms| PRINCE bulit-in eg ogee hydro included, $50. on 3fd floor. Sink, TV antenna, GIBBON STREET -- three-room apart | price $14,500, Low down payment, Tele- ment, in private home, unfurnished,|Phone 728-4964. main floor, adults, Private entrance,|§i9 559, NEW three-bedroom brick bun- on bus line, Telephone 725-9507, | galow , low down payment. Grandview BROOKLIN -- One-bedroom a apartment | | South. Earle Allen, 725-7782, Howe and it building, close to morta 5 FG peg ror opg os FRONT property, Stone Street. \pee Pec rexrg _April L Brooklin 655-3611, two adjoining lots 75 x 330 ft., suitable FOUR-ROOM apariment, private -en-|for. home, cottage or duplex, base and four-piece bath. Hydro and | each, terms. 728-2628. {heat paid. $75. monthly or $20. per) peTER Feddema realtor, Bowmanville, -|week, One or two children welcome.|qaj) 623-3644 tw-storey brick home, ,|Apply 130 Park Road North __~ five bedrooms, two baths, kitchen, din- "Oi -- Basement.|ing- and living room, oil stances Four-room . apartment, all conveni-|acre hand, Small barn. Excellent As lences, Parking. Suit couple. Apply 208|tion. Price $12,900. Low down payment. |Stevenson Road South, AJAX -- private, three-bedroom bunga- ET -- Furnished bed-sit-| low, large recreation room, near Shop- gl gyn kitchen, range and re- ping Centre, schools and churches. near hospital and down-|Low down payment, Telephone Ajax n ephone 723-| 942-5576. |EULALIE Avenue, 302: Brick bun- | paaae clean unfurnished rooms, third|galow, four rooms and bath, finished ing, TV outlet, $50 recreation room, oil heated, garage. ioremarage Apply 143 Agnes | Private sale. $2,500 down, ,Telephone t. 725-7126. ~ ALBERT -- | Apply modern S, ga- between 5 and 8 evenings. rage; large lot. Contact George Skeld- pslalg STR ietoel Past, t. Private, Third apartment, Sy Cg omg 1 after- room. Stove and sink in kitchen. Apply KINGSDALE Avenue, 302: Brick home, foo Apply above. Apt. No. tar "EAST, 16 -- Three-room apart-| BYRON SOUTH, WHITBY -- Modern, 74 -- Three- CENTRE STREET, 190 -- Two-room Piakabnok' 986-4826, RR No. 1, Burketon. Telephone kitchen and _ bed-sitting above. 725-5146. five lovely bedrooms, double sitting| room, large modern kitchen, recreation room, two bathrooms and shower bath, ment, heavy duty wiring. Private en- self-contained two-bedroom apartment, \.pandah. Broadloom throughout sitting trance. Near hospital and schools. 723-)unfurnished. Paved parking. 1362. AJAX area, main floor, four . hot Inn, Highway No. 2, Whitby. 668-|bed - Nh OLIVE OLIVE AVENUE -- Two three-room KING STREET EAST -- bus at corner, tached garage, paved driveway second and third floors,| self-contained, heated, apartments, $25 and $35. Telephone 723-9592, 1 | bed-sitting for one girl, $12 weekly. TaB-6015. MONASH AVENUE and Ritson Road after 6 p.m, and weekends, South, Three-room unfurnished base- ment apartment. Private entrance and 26.Rooms For Rent bath. Telephone 723-4788. oe NEWLY decorated three-room Private entrance. furnished. Television. . Near bus. $65 monthly 5 tes. Parking. Suit couple. One child welcome. Governor Mansions Apts. 110 PARK RD, N. We believe that Governor Mansions are the most lux- urious apartments and offer the most outstanding fea- tures in the City of Oshawa. FOR INFORMATION 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. TELEPHONE Schofield-Aker LIMITED 723-2265 72B- ~ Tage |< room apartm newly decorated, am-|TWO - -ROOM furnished 5% water heating. Old large kitchen with sink and cupboards, mnished |" room and kitchen poset frigerator, Telephone | suit business gentleman or one or two apa: |housekeeping room, 'Completely Laundry. facili-| Tetephone ~ | Street. KINGS COURT APARTMENTS AJAX No Lease Required. Approximately 10 miles from Oshowa Opposite large Shopping Centre neer schools, churches, ete. Large One Bedroom $73 Two Bedrooms $79 TELEPHONE AJAX WH 2-200) Use of $85. Telephone |T0°™- halls and stairs, venetian blinds,| drapes, curtains included, Private cash sale, $14,000, Telephone 725-5335. |dryer. Adults preferred. 2633 ae neds, | WHITBY -- Private sale, bungalow, dry basement and workshop, Large landscaped lot, 14° x 20', de- Sacri- furnished apart- fice at $12,400,.6 per cent NHA mort: {ment on main floor. Available April 1, gage $9,563. Call R. Allen, évenings Private home. Bed - sitting room, after ( 6.3 , Whitby 668-5623, nicely furnished, kitchenette with _re- -- SURES rangette, private shower. 1,,room detached brick; Available April ee with recreation room | Central location. 728-9028. One wise housewife sold her gas stove the first day with the following advertisement Gas stove, Gurney; four bur- ner (propane) ay inch, $25 _ $840 DOWN Custom built three bedroom brick bungalows loaded with extras, only a limited num- ber at this price. $12,800 Call Howard McCabe at $.D. Hyman Real Estate Limited. _18- 6286 girls. Call for appointment, 7287643 ~ | SIMCOE and Rossland area, furnished -- all conveniences 723-4929. |LIGHT housekeeping _ room Newly decorated. Apply 171 ~ for rent Nassau | 57 DIVISION STREET -- two nicely furnished bedrooms, double or single | Central. Gentlemen only. | 1442. | FURNISHED room near hospital and North General Motors. Kitchen privil- eges, laundry facilities. Suit lady, gentleman. After 4 p.m., 7%3- 1300. COLBORNE | EAST, 57 -- Large. ~ bed room on main floor, housekeeping privileges optional, quiet, adult home, near North GM plant. Suitable for Telephone 725- UE, 622 -- Large room, |private home, kitchen privileges, laun- dry facilities, suitable lady, $8. week. |Telephone 728-4597. DREW STRFET, i5 --_ room in quiet home. No housekeep- \ing. Central. Gentleman, abstainer only. Telephone 728-4594. THREE LARGE ROOMS, unfurnished, | near Shopping Centre, wired for rang. ette. Child indy e $55. hydro includ- ed. Telephone 7: 28-2558, | CHURCH STREET, 217 -- Large newly Pree ge front room, Suit two or three yore if desired. Abstainers. | Telephone 725- AMPLE PARKING. ONLY | OSHAWA patie King Street Bast.) 2/2 YEARS OLD. CALL ro rates: rooms, $15 and eer 725-6544, Heated. Television. Telephone 723-97 JOHN A, J. ~~ ATTRACTIVELY BOLAHOOD FURNISHED ROOMS | LIMITED REALTOR Available in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m, 82 PARK. RD. 5 PLEX 5 THE PRICE IS RIGHT $35,000 FULL PRICE, BEST LAID OUT BUILDING "IN THE CITY, FIVE 2 BED- ROOM SUITES, STOVES & FRIDGES, FULLY RENTED. Nice, clean $2,250) Two-bedroom | | JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD Realtors Ltd. Insurance 167 SIMCOE ST. S. Office Hrs. (9 a.m. to 9 p.m.) MORTGAGES Arranged, Bought and Sold WHITBY Well kept, almost new, three bedroom brick. bungalow. Many extras including a 40 foot recreation room and bor. Asking $12,000 with $1600 down, Inspect ond make an offer to Mr. Rankine at 725- 6544. SPECIAL $12,000, 5 room brick bun- galow two years old. Mod- ern kitchen, 4 pc. tiled bath, Oil heat, fences ya, Mase | yments only in- desing taxes. Call 725- 6544 and ask for Mr. Yeo, "METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 KING STREET E. DIAL 728-4678 FRENCH STREET $12,500.00 -- 7 bedroom) close, to General Motors. room (4 North CROMWELL AVE. $14,900.00 -- make us an offer for this 6 room, plus basement apartment. Close to shopping centre, home only 6 years old, brick veneer with stone front and detached garage. OLIVE AVE. $10,500.00 -- double semi- detached. either side can be bought for this price. Build- ing only 2% years old. Close to bus shopping and schools. Good investment. For new homes at the right price and in good locations Call us today. OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Dial 728-4678 Jack Osborne -- John Kemp Dick Barriage --- Joe Maga Lloyd Metealf -- Ken Hann | NORTH |27--Real Estate For Sale | SIX-ROOM frame house on William | West, modern kitchen, tiled floors, |downstairs, forced air furnace, stove and dryer included, Open to cash offers. 723-3065. RAVINE LOTS Now BEAU VALLEY hes 40 fully servi is the time to pick out you Schotetd~ Aker Over A Quarter Century of Reliable Service d lots available. focation. Over 100 new homeowners now living in this prestige Avoilable for the home of ored. your choice "overlooking the Oshawa's Finest Park Lane Apts. 10 min, from Downtown Attractive two-bedroom suites. Spacious grounds Prestige 'location Private balconies Elevator service Controlled entrances Goroges . Paved parking Don Howe Evenings 723-9692 Howe and Peters Realtors city, for more information | call Glen Mackinnon at S. D. Hyman Real Estate Limited. 728-6286 ceria! ae tes ment Give this office a coll. steps to take from your. present home to being a proud owner of a mew home in Beau Valley. Let us show you the A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY for someone, to buy a first class 6 room brick bungalow, only eight years old. Aluminum storms and screens -- TV ~ water softener -- extra stool in base- Be sure to give this home a look. You will be glad you did. Located in North-West. Top value. NEW HOMES For a complete choice of new homes.in 4 top subdivisions "DOWNSVIEW PARK' "GOLFVIEW HEIGHTS" BELLA VISTA GARDENS" "GREENWOOD HEIGHTS" | | With down payments as low living area, | as-$595.00. | CALL | LLOYD METCALF | Real Estate Limited 40 King Street East, 728-4678 H Stinson' 725-0243. WHITBY CLASSIFIED Low -prices - office. Expansion Sale 1963 Aluminum Boats $116. » $145. $179. $279 Bt punt. sae 9 ft. Punt i 12 #..Cartop ...... 14 ft. Fisherman ... Special 1963 A. FRAME BOAT TRAILERS. Complete with winch, hub caps, signol lights, sofety chains, 500 Ib. cap- acity. $149 1962 SILVERLINER TENT TRAILERS 2 only. Sleeps 6 odults, chesterfield, ice Box, double bunks, folding table. $595 | 1963 CITATION CABIN TRAILER, 13 ft. equipped, ? Sleeps 4 $15125 15 ft. equipped, sleeps 5 $1,275 WILDE RENTAL SERVICE AND SALES 1415 Dundos E. Whitby 668-3226 (BUY, sell or excnange usea furniture cupboards galore --- BE SURE TO SEE THIS lovely bungalow. Located on a quiet treed street off Simcoe St. South. A. well plonned custom built 3 bedroom brick bungalow on o completely landscaped lot 50 x terms available on this cleor property. Phone Henry 150. Excellent HOT WATER HEATING -- You will love the low sweeping lines of this spacious 6 room brick ranch bungalow with attached gorage 1,200 sq. ft. of featuring huge hollywood kitchen with double closets in the 3 bed- 2 lovely washrooms -- one on main floor, ond one located. between the charming family room and the children's- rumpus room. 6% mortgage. ORDER YOUR NEW HOME NOW, To be built by Kassinger in the East end (Grandview Village). -- $13,400 ond up. Lew down pay- ment (around $1,000). Plans of homes are at our For Full Details Call 723-2265 --- Open 9 to 9, Sat. 9 to 5 : After 9 P.M. Call |. Tiled. bathroom, |Street West. Whitby 668-2563. and appliances, what have you? Goold | Used Furniture, 215 Dundas East, Whit- | by. 668-5481. HOUSE wanted in Whitby, with three jor four bedrooms, by May 1, Telephone | after 5 p.m., Whitby 668-5707. | LOST -- White dog with brown splash- \es, floppy ears, part Beagle, terrier. {Tail curls over back. Answers to "Scamp", child's pet. Reward. 668-4402. For RENT -- Bright two-bedroam| | ent, Available ist of May. Tele-| a Ee ll CUSTOM BUILT ne = Gas > taaoees oan se | contained apartment, heated, $55. Ap- 5 By "Gus" Goreski : FIRST TIME OFFERED Under construction, Lovely 5 room Ranch Bungalow with 4 piece ceramic tiled bathrooms with vanities, carlon floors, 1075 sq. ft. slide type double windows and screened with two aluminum doors, 100 AMP, Mahogany or Birch cupboards, and trim, copper hood and exhaust fans in kitchen. Ange! Stone Front with Planter Box, many more features. Plans in office for ,your inspection, selling for only $12,- 800 with only $1000 down. Easy terms. Mr. Appelby will be glad to give you any information you may require. Call Him At 725-6544 or 723-3398. STEVE MACKO REG AKER 728-5868 HENRY STINSON 725-0243 725-0201 LES HALL 728-5513 BILL McFEETERS 725-1726 360 King St. W. Free Parking DRESSMAKING: Suits, coats, dresses, alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting 2 specialty, Mrs, Toms. 668-2372. | FOR 'les Two room apartment, $45 monthly. Everything included, Apply 66 Church Street, Pickering. Looighga TANKS cieaned, prompt serv jice on calls. Walter Ward, yi Chestnut | RADIO, felevision, appliances, sales,| service, an Genhoven, 655-3651, Brooklin. NEED money for a vacation? check the dependable firms listed in | Classified right now. WE CAN. DELIVER TO YOU ... . Crushed gravel (mulch), pit tun grovel, stone, sand and top soil. All sold by weight. CALL 668-3524 Sawdons' (Whitby) Limited 244 Brock St. S. Fuels and Builders' Supplies JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD Whitby, Ontario LIMITED MORTGAGES REALTOR kitchen, Wall to: wall: brood- loom and fireplace in living room, Fully finished recreo- tion room with fireplace, Double garage. Must be seen to be appreciated. $10,000 DOWN CALL WHITBY 668-3119 ~ CARL OLSEN 299 KING ST. WEST 723-1133 GRANDVIEW . VILLAGE -- - new 3 and 4 bedroom homes being built by H. Kassinger in this beautiful location. Give us a call or drop in to our office and see the plans. Prices from $13,400. with N.H.A. financing. WINONA DRIVE -- Custom- built, five room bungalow, at- tached garage and paved drive. This charming home has two fireplaces, large com- bination living and dining room with broadioom, mod- ern kitchen with excellent eating area, walk-out base- ment has a 20 x 24 family room, large landscaped lot with patio. A real nice home for a smaller family. Please call Carl Olsen at 723-1133 or evening 725-3412. MARY ST. -- 7 room, two storey brick home, large -liv- ing and dining room with broadloom, modern kitchen, recreation room, 2 car gar- oge. Close to High School. A real family home. Priced at $15,900. with terms. BROCK ST. EAST--Six room, two storey red brick home, close to all conveniences. A good income or a family home. Low down payment. Asking price $11,000.00 LOTS OF LOTS -- We have a large selection of serviced lots in various parts of the city, such as Park Rd. North, Rossland Rd, E., Ritson Rd. S., Conant St., and Adeline St. As low as $1500.00. TAUNTON -- 52 acre farm, six room house, oil heated, 36 x 50 barn. Asking price only $25,000.00. After 6:00 p.m. call 728-0581 728-2857 299 King St. West 723-1133 Wesley Elliott Charles Naylor 6 ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW ----with garage, clean and at- tractive inside and out, only 1% years old, complete with double sliding windows, alum. door and rec room. Reduced for quick sale. WARREN AVENUE -- 214 storey rug brick home with double garage and paved drive, Estate sale. Call to- day for full particulars, OWNER LEAVING CITY -- 6 room bungalow in perfect condition. All" rooms very large, dining area in kitchen. aluminum storms and screens, fenced lot.. An exceptionally good home. Close to schools. Low down payment and very good terms. 3 BEDROOM BRICK BUN- GALOW -- in excellent con- dition with private drive and garage. Asking $11,500. Property clear. Owner -- will hold one mortgage at $80, per month. DUPLEX--CENTRALLY -LO- CATED ---~ 2 three-room a- partments with separate ent- tances, 2 bathrooms, 2> kit- chens, low: down payment and the balance on oné mort- gage. ; 8 ROOM HOME AND STORE good value, store presently leased at $100 a month. Don't miss this good deal, give us a call now, 704 OSHAWA BLVD, N, -- Modern 6 room bungalow with car port, many extras including twindows and screens, built-in dish washer and garbage dispose! unit. Rotor T.V. Antenna with out- lets in every room. Finished rec room. ond baer. 6% N.H.A. mortgage. 4 ROOM HOME --- 'Nice size rooms - with oil -- furnace. Priced only $5,800. for quick sole. PHILLIP MURRAY -- 1% storey brick, with double car- port, large Hollywood kit- chen,~ living room, 3. bed- rooms and a 4-piece tiled bathroom, 2 rooms with 2 piece bathroom on second floor. GRAYBURN ST,.--Three room bungalow on lot 65 x 100. Centrally located. Immediate possession. Full price $5,500. $800. down. For full particulars call 723-1121 Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. GUIDE REALTY Realtors, 16 Simcoe St. §, FOR SALE FEATURES RECREATION ROOM, FIREPLACES Situated on Gibbons Street, near: Schools, Recently built by custom builder. A lot of home for the price. BILL MILLAR TELEPHONE 725-1186 W. T. Lamson Real Estate Ltd. WHY NOT GIVE US A CALL IMMEDIATE POSSESSION ONLY $690 DOWN Three bedroom bungalow, extra large living room, com- pletely decorated for you. NEAR STEVENSON ROAD Call DAVE SMART TELEPHONE 725-1185 CASTLE HOMES | SD. HYMAN REAL ESTATE LIMITED 323 King Street West 728-6286 V.L.A, LOT Just listed on Road North. 68' x 1270' and approved for V..L,A. Some trees and a small brook, For more information, call Doug Bullied. $1,220 This is the full down pay- ment on a new home in the north-west, one NHA mort- gage for the balonce. Call today for Glen MacKinnch, NEW HOMES $840 is the full. down pay- ment on these new homes to be built in Grandview Gardens at the full price of $12,800. Ask for Howard McCabe, ELECTRIC HEAT Two models in Kingsmere Gardens presently under con- struction. These homes are loaded with extras and can be easily financed, call Lorne Hartford, $7,900 Full price for this centrally located bungalow in good condition, paved drive, new oil furnace, ask for Bob Stevenson. $87.00 PER MONTH This. figure includes taxes as well as the mortgage pay- ments, two year old NHA resale in excellent condition, asking price only $11,990. Call Harold Segal. We ore now in a position to take your present home or lot in as a down Payment. on a new home to be built, call today for more information, LLOYD REALTY | LIST WITH LLOYD THEN. CALL YOUR MOVER $8,300 "RETIRING" | have a small bungalow ideal for couple who are retiring. Situated in the North-West. Bus 'stops at your door yet very close to churches and shopping. Only $70.00° per month. Call Bill Johnston now at 8-5123 or 8-1066, "LUXURIOUS" Lovely 3° bedroom. bungalow with extra large room and kitchen. Two beautiful bath- rooms. Stone Planter in front with asphalt drive and well built carport with lockers. This is an estate sale and requires a substantial down Payment. Coll Bill Johnston now at 8-5123 or 8-1066. RANCHER WITH ATTACHED GARAGE $13,800.00 FULL PRICE JUST LISTED Over 120 square feet of living orea in this custom built home with two bathrooms; separate dining room and large kitchen, and spacious living room. Vendor requiring only $2,500.00 down, car- tied for $80.00 monthly, in- cluding interest and principal. Don't delay seeing this home today, by calling Ed. Drumm at 728-5123 or 725-9345. NORTH WEST $1,895.00 DOWN Ranch brick to St. Christopher's and Mc- Laughlin schools. Three bed- rooms, dining area off living room. Large bath with vanity. See this home ton'ght by call- ing Irwin Cruikshanks at 728-5123 or 728-5205. LLOYD REALTY (Oshawa) Limited 101 Simcoe Street South Oshawa, Ontario OPEN EVERY EVENING Stevenson's TRADE, TRADE, TRADE H bouine Oshawa. | | | | | Schofield-Aker Over A Quarter Century of Reliable Service Have YOU a HOME You Want SOLD We Have Both CASH & Term Buyers For Courteous and Efficient Service * PHONE 723-2265 9 till 9 After 9 P.M. Les Hal! 728-5513 Bill McFeeters .. 725-1726 Steve Macko ... 728-5868 Henry Stinson .. 725-0243 Reg. Aker 725-0201 ~ Selling Your Home A MUST ? List With GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA Call Now 728-1653 AFTER HOURS BILL COLLINS 668-8716 sand miles. 29--Automobiles For Sale 1960 CORVAIR sedan, one owner, "gpot- less throughout, Only twenty-eight thou- Two-tone blue and white.) Telephone 728- Must sell. Best. offer. 2050. 1958 Meteor Niagara Finished in two-tone. green, immaculate condition, auto- matic transmission. $895 | 1957 Pontiac Four door hardtop, V-8, automatic transmission, two- tone brown, $795 VAN HEUSEN MOTORS LTD. (under New Management) PHONE 725-3557 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-9421 NEW cae WILSON BATTERY SALES AND SERVICE 641 Cromwell Ave. (Corner Park Rd, & Bloor St.) DIAL 723-3512 ~RENAULT--._- PEUGEOT-AUSTIN Parts and Service STATHAM B.A. SERVICE RITSON. ROAD AND KING 723-4733 and 723-7712 TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (All Makes and Models) CALL 625-6553 14 Albert St. YOUR VOLVO DEALER JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE GENERAL REPAIRS and AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE + 449 Ritson Rd. S., Oshawa 728-0921 The Home Of Good Used Cars "Before: You Buy At Ontario Motor Sales Ltd. Spring and Summer are just around the corner and you can "Get Set" to enjoy... every minute of Summer Sun and Fun™ by selecting a good used car or Station" : Wagon now while you can make your® choice from the large selection of" almost new and many late model O. Ke Used Cars at Ontario Motor Sales Ltd. . «2 MAKE YOUR DRIVING OK... ... BUY AN O.K. USED CAR -- Ps pS veto 1962 OLDSMOBILE HARDTOP COUPE Complete . with power steer- ing, power brakes, automotic transmission ond radio, You will be the proudest driver in the Easter parade with this lovely autmomobile. $2995 1962 CHEVROLET ~* BELAIR Two door sedan with auto! metic transmission and radio. ° This. car is in excellent con-. .« dition. You owe it to your- * self to come in and test drive this automobile. 2285 1962 ENVOY DELUXE SEDAN This cor is in new car condi-+ : 1962 CORVAIR MONZA COUPE This little cor is very sharp, has automatic transmission and radio. If you have not owned one, you should try this built for Canadians cer. $2345 tion, A cor you will enjoy owning and driving. $1685 1962 CHEVY II STATION WAGON Four door with custom radio. Have wagon, con travel this summer and you will enjoy the many advantages of own- ing an almost new Chevy Station Wagon. $2185 1961 CHEVROLET IMPALA HARDTOP This is a power pocked mo- . del, V-8 engine, automate" transmission, power steering, © windshield woshers, radio; 2 whitewalls and many other ~ extra features that you want « on a better car, $2395. A 1961 PONTIAC : STATION WAGON 1961 CORVAIR i SEDAN 4 tt Piece Se ~~. ones Finished in attractive Hon. ready for Vacation, camping duras Maréon. This car has * ond oll the summer activities recently been reduced and: with this Station Wagon. now is offered at a very low | 1985. $1485. 1961 CORVAIR MONZA COUPE 102 H.P. ENGINE 4-speed transmission, - Finish- ed in beautiful Horizon blue and ivory, a radio, too! $1595 1960 VAUXHALL STATION WAGON od The season is in for Station * Wagons and you will soon i be driving to the cottage on the weék-énds. Very sharp, * cle6n as a pin and @ gi buy now. $875, 1959 FORD 4 THUNDERBIRD 1960 CHEVROLET TWO DOOR If you have always wanted to drive a Thunderbird, here is your best Opportunity! In ivory ond red with match- ing interior and whitewolls, fully power equipped, electric windows and radio, This is @ smart buy, $2495 This cor is finished in Hori= « zon blue and you con proveo« to yourself by a test drive» that it is worth the price. ~ $1 "as? 1960 CORVAIR SEDAN s A one-owner. cor. This car has hod géod core and will give you lots of corefree* ol miles. $11958 1959 PONTIAC STRATO-CHIEF Four door sedan in attrac- tive Crown Sapphire finish ond truly spétless condition. See it to-night before it is gone! $1295 1959 VAUXHALL 1959 PONTIAC STATION WAGON ds HARDTOP This is @ wonderful buy for. a farmer or the fomily who = wants to holiday at the cot- tage, beach or the favorite, 5 fishing spot. $695" Four door sedan with radio. A wise buy at this price to- day! $1475 bungalow close Give Bill A Try"' MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY 668-4741 and 668-4025 BILL WHITTICK Erdal A NEW CAR! " BUY IT NOW WITHA LOW-COST LIFE-INSURED * 5o7 «KKM * x * $3 KKM x * ™ x x KKK x x x KX KK OX 200%, xm x KKK x * x *« x xxx 2K Steteted ee x x S esetesed KIO x * x x LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA 1958 OLDSMOBILE SUPER 88 Four door sedan, power pack- ed, in excellent condition with power steering, autema- tic transmission and radio. $1195 1957 VAUXHALL This econémy ¢a@r is in ex- cellent cdnditién and will make a fine second car for the family. $545 1959 CHEVROLET SEDAN This car is in smart two-tone finish, $1095 1957 BUICK HARDTOP COUPE Equipped with automatic transmission and radio. The time to trade up to a better cor. $ 1095 COURTEOUS SALESMEN TO SERVE YOU 9 A.M. UNTIL 9 P.M. MON. UNTIL FRI. SATURDAY 9 A.M. UNTIL 6 P.M. THE HOME OF O.K. USED CARS ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD. 140 BOND STREET WEST., OSHAWA TELEPHONE 725-6501 (Continued on Page 18)

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