Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Mar 1963, p. 13

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GET OFF MY BACK Actor Dean Martin, who's not familiar with Oriental costums, hopes 'he'll never have another movie scene like this one for ""Who's Been Sleeping in My Bed' The scene calls for Japanese actress Yoko Tani to walk on his back, kneeding the LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- The forces of society have moulded} the trade union movement into a private enterprise, or com- petitive, movement, a leading Canadian union official said Sunday. ; "We basically do not act dif- ferently than private enter- prise," said W. J, Smith of Ot- Trade Unions Likened To Private Enterprise ry BS a eri ee tae Britain Plans With Russians LONDON (AP)--The- British government, plagued by export difficulties and high unemploy- ment, is quietly setting the stage for important new busi- ness deals with Russia and Red China. Two big contracts with the Russians are reported under study. Each seems certain to who. have been with a company ifor five years might be made nermanent employees, he said. Under such a plan, which he said is in effect in much of Europe, employers would be bound to provide employment for any employee of five years or more whose job had become tawa, national pr of the Canadian Bretherhood of Rail- way, Transport and General Workers (CLC): "Do we worry about fellow unions? No. We all go our own private enterprise way, trying to get as big a slice of the na- tion's wealth as we can. "The trade union movement needs co-operation, not cont petition, if it is to realize its social objectives -- mainly a obsolete, heighten controversy in West- jern capitals. They are: | 1. The Board of Trade has jadvise* the South Durham {Steel and Iron Company it is Nehru Expects More Chinese ::,0,:0! ge to the as * {borough firm has been losing Aggression jup orders for pipeline equip-| jment which West German com- Trade Expansion Act, Mr. Pol- OTTAWA (CP) --Reciprocal tariff reductions are not the an- swer in Canadian - American trade relations, Carl A. Pollock, president of the Canadian Man- ufacturers' Association, said to- day in an address to the Ot- tawa Rotary Club. In a reference to the tariff- negotiation powers conferred on President Kennedy by the U.S. lock said: _ "This is potentially a most important piece of legislation so than tars than tariffs. Mr. Pollock, who is president rege of Dominion Electrohome In-jstill need such foreign dustres Lid, a that outside of newsprint, only|keep the matter in proper pi 17 per cent of Canada's exports) spectve. ; THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Merch 25, 1963. Tariff Cuts Said Not Good Answer \So far as trade wth Canada is concerned, the overwhelming' need is for unilateral reductons on the part of the U.S." Some of the rulings of U.S. bureau of customs, Pollock stated, have been greater obstacles Kitchener, category. "Most of what from us is not labo! whereas most of w from them is. In r the Mr, per- purchases from us by son add up to Canadian jobs." In regard to American Canada, Mr. I blunt truth is that said|ment," and it is important far as Canada is concerned. But it can mean everything or nothing. i "Quite clearly a country like) Canada, which is already buy- FRONT-END jmoney lately. It hopes to pick NEW DELHI, India (Reuters) |Prime Minister Nehru said Sat- ieee eqnnebie society: urday that Communist China panies had to cancel as a re- sult of a government embargo. Britain's refusal to. join in a ing every year from the U.S,| so much moré than the U.S.) buys from her, is in no position| Mr. Smith told the quarterly, arently is contemplat- conference of the union's dis-4 PP trict education council many bd PrP * ion aggressive ac- his comments were offered to| against India. At the stimiulate thougm and should| same time, similar charges not 'be construed as brotherhood|against India were made in policy. |Peking. : Mr. Smith suggested perhaps| Nehru told Parliament his trade unions have more impor-|government has reliable infor- tant goals than wage increases.|mation of a Chinese troop A more important objective was|buildup in Tibet; of new road increased vacation pay, He sug-|construction and the conscrip- gested workers should be paidjtion of Tibetan villagers and double wages for their vaca-'pack animals by Chinese forces tions. jin the disputed border area. He was not suggesting that} In Peking; Chinese Foreign unions should stop seeking/Minister Marshal Chen Yi ac- higher wages, but felt that per-|cused India of stepping up its haps other benefits providing)war preparations "with impe- more job security might. belrialist aid," the official New more important. Employees|China news agency reported. 'further muscles with her toes in an Oriental massage. Martin found it difficult to do the ticklish scene with a straight face. (AP Wirephoto) U.S. Magazine Says Canada Will Survive NEW YORK ef gpae -- ine, in an article runn S "abe pages and entitled The Unknown Canadians, says Can- ada is torn by sectionalism, dis- illusioned with its leaders and divided on vital matters. : In a report on Canada, its relationship with. and feelings toward the United States and some of its national and re- gional issues, the magazine says the April 8 federal election "may not produce a govern- ment equal to the nation's non . But Canada will sur- vive its crisis, for its people have a will to survive," the ma- e says. ? othe Pres carrying the article ig dated April 9 but hit news- stands here Friday, the day how to vote. The prime minis- ter said, without naming the magazine, that it would not be urging Canadians to vote for the Progressive party. The article, announced on the magazine cover with a_photo- graph of the Red Ensign flying above a forest and with the heading Crisis and Conflict 'n Canada, RANGES WIDELY jects of Canada's relations with the United States, including clos economic ties, defence and anti- U.S. sentiments in Canada. It also mentions regional is- sues; anti-Confederation senti- ment in Newfoundland; separ- atism in Queb fi ial aid Prime Minister Diefent ee ata in a speech in Regina that a United States magazine soon would advise Canadians to Roman Catholic schools' 'in Ontario; medicare in Saskatch. ewan; oil and U.S. participation Shocks Predicted For UK. Tories LONDON (Reuters) -- The electoral popularity of Prime} Minister MacMillan's Conserva-) tive government will be tested twice this week and observers expect the ruling party to get some more shocks. The tests come in parliamen- tary byelections at Rotherham in Yorkshire and Swansea in Wales, and in both it looks as though the opposition Labor Colored Licenses Go On Sale Today TORONTO (CP) -- Ontario commercial vehicle licence plates go on sale today under a new three-month system in- volving different colors for the four quarters of the year. James Audl, minister of transport, said the new system will mean commercial vehicles will have licence plates colored other than black and white for the first time in seven years. The quarters, respective col- ors and opening sale dates are: April-June, white on red, March 25; July-September, white on green, June 24; October-Decem- ber, black on yellow, Sept. 23; January-March, white on black, Dec. 23. Mr. Auld said commercial vehicle owners can buy their Neences for the full 12-month period, for one quarter or for the final three quarters of the Micence year. party will'retain its hold om the seats with ease. The two votes come exactly one week after the socialists successfully defended their ition that saw the Conservatives Conservative} |leaders and divided on such vi- was written by Ira! Mothner, Look senior editor. jit comes as a rude shock to It ranges over the broad sub- Colne Valley seat' in a byelec-| in the prosperity it brought in Alberta; hydro-electric power in British Columbia. ".. , Canada is torn by sec- tionalism, disillusioned with its tal matters as nuclear arms, French - English biculturalism, economic planning and relations with the United States, the United Kingdom and the rest of the world," the aricle says. "For Americans, generally unaware of Canada's problems, discover how many of these problems are blamed on us. To us, it seems like irresponsible Canadian buck-passing, But, in fact, many of Canada's difficul- ties spring from the unique re- lationship between our two na- tions."" © Look says most Canadians re- alize this. In-reference to the - political scene it says that in the 1962 election, when the Conserva- tives were returned as a min- ority government, '"'the nation was tired of Diefenbaker, but would not accept Liberal Leader Pearson." "It seems that Canada's lead- ers no longer have the confi- dence of the people. There are too many problems unsolved, |too many promises unfulfilled. jAnd there is not enough enthu- siasm for the job that must be jdone to fulfill the Canadian jdream." | pushed into third place on the poll by the resurgent Liberal) party. The Conservatives have been hit by winter-long unemploy- Pope Assails © 'incon? tients} Prize Fights ment, charges that they have" " allowed roy economy to stag-| As Barbaric nate, spy scandals and a feel-| ing in some sections of the elec-| Qg7yjq, Italy (AP) -- Pope torate that they are simply old| 5 and tired after 12 years in of- fice. And.to make the immediate future darker, Party Chairman Iain MacLeod warned this weekend that the government's popularity could be expected to dip still further when plans for reorganizing Britain's state- owned railroads are announced Wednesday. Reports are that railroad head, Dr, Richard Beeching, will recommend that about half the present total rail mileage be abandoned and about 40 per cent of existing stations be closed to put the railways on a profitable basis. MacLeod also warned against expecting a general election this year and it appears more and more likely that MacMil- lian--who must go to the coun try by October, 1964--will do his best to ride out current un- popularity before calling an election. "Every time we jot 1 Taste pry) biaitte ohn assailed boxing Sunday as} jbarbaric and "contrary to nat-! urad principles." | "We didn't come here today) for entertainment, like fist-| fights, which are contrary to| natural principles," the Po; said at Lenten services Queen of Peace Church here. "It is barbaric to put brother! | agaist brother. Christ engaged! jin neither sports nor politics."| The Pope's word reflected Vatican concern over the ring beating of Davey Moore, near death in a Los . ngeles hospital after losing his world feather- jweight title to Sugar Ramos | Thursday night. | The Vatican Newspaper L'Os- servatore Romano described professional boxing as "morally illicit" and homicidal and called for a ban against it. pe at} Nehru told Parliament hat {Communist concentrations be- jhind the "'line of actual con- trol," to which the Chinese |withdrew after last winter's \fighting, remained as strong as ver, Buyers Arrive |In Montreal general Atlantic alliance em- bargo of steel pipe sales to Rus-| sia has been criticized in Bonn| and Washington. | 2. The British cabinet is also considering a Moscow offer to sell Britain up to 2,000,000 tons of Soviet. oil a year. As bait, the Russians have indicated they will place orders with the hard-pressed British shipbuilding industry. In general the British have no inhibitions toward trading in non-strategic goods with the Russians, Chinese and other Communist lands. "This country must export or die," one senior authority said. "We are traditionally a trading nation and cannot exist in self- sufficiency as the United States could do. We would do business with the devil provided he pays." to: offer reciprocal concessons, | CUSTOM BUILT HOMES by Wm. ROTH Building Contractor EVERY PRICE EVERY SIZE LVERY LOCATION WE dig: IN TRADES Wn. "Roth For ALL CARS on JOHN BEAN "Visualiner"' SPECIAL Free Pick-Up 725-9991 534 RITSON RD. S. NET EARNINGS RLIGNMENT -- ( PHONE 128-6221 for appointment and Delivery Service mm GENERAL TIRE OF OSHAWA 728-6221 By THE. CANADIAN PRESS tty Bros. Lid., year ended Dec. 31: 1962, $592,006; 4 mos. ended Dec, 31, 1961, $48,787. (chamge in fiscal year). | General Steel Wares eo | year ended Dec. 31: 1962, net] loss $1,092,000; 1961, net profit $362,300. |TCA jet to begin a week-long jtour of Canadian industries. - MONTREAL (CP)--A char-| tered plane full of buyers from} 52 foreign countries arrived in U P Montreal Sunday night for the| sers repare start of Canada's biggest oe . ordinated push to increase ex- For Possible ports. i | James A. Roberts, deputy} s | {minister of trade and com.) tee t e \ merce, greeted 165 representa- \tives of industries and coven | CLEVELAND oe fo _ ments from Europe, Asia and rage Page Bn ty Page poe. |Africa as they stepped off the| sible strike in the industry and mills are quoting longer npg of jeries and forecasting a higher <a raat shortly 'after market in the second quarter, Ohers will tour Quebec city, |e magarive Steel seid "Sun- Ottawa, and: Western Canada) "The publication said _steel-| depending on their interests. A|makers expect their March) toal of 178 buyers will have /shipments to be 20 per cent| toured Canadian industries aS\greater than last month andi guests of the trade and com-|predict an additional gain of merce department by the time|10 per cent in April. About 15 this first phase of "operation per cent of the steel shipped world markes" is over. [this month will go into inven- The first phase is a drive to tories, increasing stocks by increase exports of Canadian nearly 1,000,000 tons, it added. machinery and capital goods.| "The longer the United Steel-| None of the delega'es is being) workers of America postpones; pressured into buying anything|its decision on reopening the --they are here to see what Ca.\contract, the greater the likeli-| nadian industries can 'do, how)food that this year's inventory they do it, and whether or not! buildup will match last year's," |Canadian goods can be sold in|Steel said. "Steel users who |their markets. have delayed hedging because | The interests of buyers they lack storage space can't ranged from ships to oil pumps afford to gamble much longer." land tiny electronic parts The odds are against a labor} | ______| settlement by April 1 and most} | . [observers doubt that agreement | s will be reached on the key em- | Liberals Paid | ployment security issue by} j April 30, the publication added. TRACK SPACE FLIGHTS The United States plans three new space tracking stations in Australia, which already has two stations. | i TAMBLYN | SAVES YOU MONEY SPECIAL VALUES FOR THIS WEEK!! OSHAWA'S ORIGINAL CARPET CENTRE | ot Nu-Way, corpet and brgad- loom has been a specialty for 18 years . . . with thousands of yards on display to select from, PHONE 728-4681 NU-WAY RUG CO. LTD. 174-MARY ST. | By Washington - | Caouette Says | | JOLIETTE, Que. (CP)--Real jCaouette, deputy leader of the Social Credit party, charged |\Friday night that the Liberal |party is "financed by the United States, by Washington." He said the party has plenty of money to spend on its cam- jpaign for the April 8 federal jelection, and he waved pages of jadvertisements placed in Que- bec newspapers by Liberals. "They are able to find $1,500 jor $2,000 to pay for these ad- vertisements: 'but if you ask them to in¢rease pensions, or simply for the right'to a better life in Canada, they are unable to find the money," he said. | its a shopping, home repairs, autos dreds of thousands of Cana- dians find Household's private, neighbourly aid and advice ts the right answer. Visit the near- by HFC office for the. conven- lent answer to your problem, SHORGAS HEATING & APPLIANCES Industrial and Commercial The established, reliable Gas Dealer in your area. 31 CELINA ST. (Corner of Athol) 728-9441 Life insurance available at low group rate 64 King Street East. . . Oshawa Shopping Centre . OF MONEY Household Finance has all the ANSWERS Get answers to money problems based on 85 years of special- ization in making loans for every good puspose--paying bills, and others. Every year, hun- AM'NT| MONTHLY PAYMENT PLANS oF 30 | 12 LOAN] months 31. 13 1.45} 58. 60.88) 68.81] 94.11 83.71 | 94.62 | 12! 95.12 | 107.52 | Above payments include principal and interest. tnd are based on prompt repayment, but do net include the cost of life insurance. > Telephone 725-6526 > Telephone 725-1139 OSHAWA NEW DEMOCRATIC PARTY ONTARIO RIDING PUBLIC MEETING ~ MEET AND HEAR -- TRI-VI-SOL VITAMIN PROTECTION FOR THE GROWING YEARS Stes 3.19 PARDEC CAPSULES 100's WITH 30 FREE! 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AILEEN HALL CANDIDATE ANDERSON ST. HIGH SCHOOL WHITBY THURSDAY, MARCH 28--8 P.M. "Yes mother, but old Harris Is girl!" Old customers are easier to keep than y new ones are to acquire. it logically follows thot a business that wishes to prosper should spend lavishly of its time and effort to keep old custom. ers pleased while it is trying to attract new. We promise that if you'll become one of our new customers we'll try our best to make you on old one. The new Permanent that actually highlights hair color and improves . we Gives you the soft hair condition Monageable wave you have always dreamed about. Aileen Hall M.A. NEW DEMOCRAT 6 KING ST. E. 723-3143 FREE DELIVERY SHOPPING CENTRE 728-5101 s ~

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