Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Mar 1963, p. 12

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, Merch 25, 1963. Kidd Laps Field; | Kelso Now Chops 7 Seconds Off Mile Record leader, T. A. Grissom's Gush- ing Wind, third, .- es 2 Mongo, expected to > n99e s the stiffest com Milli Kelso, came in fourth, ' onalre Rog Heya Kelso's second a NEW YORK (CP) -- Kelso|(y, 473, "ack came from behind right down! tore he captured the G the middle Saturday at Bowie,|park Handicap with ease, Md., and, won the $109,750) earned $70,500 and passed Cita- Campbell 'Handicap to become|tion as the world's fourth lead- LARRY ELLIOT, Pitts: 'burgh Pirate outfielder, beats' é the throw from left-field to 'Williams Yields Single home plate to score from sec- ond base. Bill Mazeroski's single bought the lanky fielder in during the second inning of a game with the Cincinnati Reds in Tampa, Fia., yester- day. Larry Himes, Red Legs' catcher, reaches for the throw that was too late. --(AP Wirephoto) During 6-Frame Chore > FORT LAUDERDALE, Fila. MAP)=If the 1962 New York fMankees had a fault, a weak- gress, it was lack of pitching 'depth. It wasn't enough to keep hem from winning the World ries, but that was the' flaw fthe experts pointed out. ¢ So the Yanks went out and got hemselves a pitcher. ic Stan Williams a hulking ighthander counted on by the ie to become erg Fa dhe regular starting pitcher, turne: jin one of the better jobs of the J spring exhibiion season Sun- day, allowing only a single hit and but three base-runners in a six-inning pitching chore. Young Jim Bouton finished up the last three innings, preserv- ing the one-hitter and helping the Yankees to a 3-0 victory over their home-town National League rivals, the Mets. PODRES OUTSTANDING Los Angeles Dodgers also got a solid pitching job out of Johnny Podres. the 30-year-old lefty became the first Dodger to go nine innings in a six-hit, 6-1 triumph over Baltimore. Podres struck out nine and/ walked three. | In other games, Milwaukee| hipped St. Louis 8-4. Bernie Allen's single drove in the win- ning run in Minnesota's 4-3 12- ing victory over Phildel- phia, Kansas City beat Washing- ton 6-5, the Chicago White Sox edged Detroit 6-5 in 10 innings, Pittsburgh blasted Cincinnati 11-3, Cleveland beat Boston 7-4, Los Angels Angels came from behind and downed Houston 6-5 and San Francisco whipped Chi- cago Cubs 11-6. Williams, 6 - foot - 4 and 230 pounds, came to the Yanks from the Dodgers in exchange for first baser2= Bill Skowron. The 26-year-old hurler had a 14-12 record with Los Angeles last season and is expected to join Whitey Ford, Ralph Terry and Bill Stafford as the Yan- kees Big Four. He walked only two, the only baserunners he allowed besides Al Jackson, who singled sharply to right: |Acadian ' ' * Acadian Cleaners five - pin eclub dropped a three-to-two de- 'cision to the Bowlodrome club fat Motor City Lanes on Satur- iday, when the Oshawa boys Scame up with a bad day. The first game was won by owlodrome by a very narrow rgin, 1259 to 1245 and it was couple of tough breaks for' fAcadians in the ninth frame hat spelt doom for the locals. i Bowlodrome took the second mame with 1178 to 1126 for Aca- idians and it was obivious that the Oshawa squad were head- ing for a rough day of it. = It was a very determined gms club that bounced back the third game with a whop- ing 1408 total against 1192 for rome. Bob Gallagher @vas the big man in this game with 358; Dutch also came up pith 307 and Lloyd Sabins also gas a big help with 301, to give pAcadians the win. ocg fourth game was a night-| are for Bowlodrome when *hey tried everything in the book ut it was all in vain with Aca- tH taking the win, 1153 to ans would finish with a vic- ory, the Bowlodrome club, with '@bsolutely nothing at stake, fame from nowhere to take the rbber game 1173 to 1139. Fortunately for Acadians, the Becond place Seagrams club Riso had a bad day of it in heir series with Willow Bowl, losing by a three - to -two faa when it looked as if Aca- ground at all and still hold a /-point lead in first place. The team totals were, Aca- Bob Gallagher was at to form for Acadians with 1181 lor 44 frames including games 358, 268, 246 and 225; Dutch ugtenburg 272, 236, 307, 249 And 171 for 1235; Lloyd Sabins 126 for 45 with games of 301 and 261; Ozzie Keeler 237, 217, 20, 245 and 272 for 1191; Hank arnovsky 283, 180, 222, 235 and 19 for 1139; Dick Adams. 199 r 11 frames. Gerry Bennett again showed! to haunt the Acadians with e very good trundling, his 1 and 277 games were trouble- me for the locals, Gerry had for 41 frames. Eddie Moody also caused the cadians no end of worry in nchor spot for Bowlodrome and emed to capitalize on every portunity. A great team bow!l- , this Moody guy, and a ter- Pific scrapper. * Denny Linton of the Acadian feam was absent due to a bout ith the 'flu' bug rown was also INCOME TAX RETURNS TI SHORT FORM COMPLETED. $2.00 * U.A.W. HALL Hours: 9-5 p.m., 7-10 p.m. Saturday 9-12 EVERYBODY WELCOME margin. So, Acadians lost no flian Cleaners 6071, Bowlodrome 5781. and Denny knocked out. Cleaners Yield Odd Point Saturday's action will be at Bayview Bowl and this is a favorite bowling establishment for Acadians as they always bowl very well there. The opposition will be York Bowl and this club has been bowling very well lately, it should be an interesting series. The latest bulletin from Secre- tary Pere Cutting, gives the playoff dates, the establishment at which same will be rolled, ete. : The team championship roll- off which consists of 20 games, will be held at the following establishments: Sunday, April 7th at 1 p.m. at Knob Hill Bowl (five games); Sunday, April 7th at 7 p.m. at Aprile Lanes (five games); Saturday, April 13th at 2 p.m. at Willow Bowl (five games) and Sunday, April 14th at 1 p.m. at Planta: tion (five games), MEN'S CHAMPIONSHIP The top 24 high average bowl- ers in the Toronto City Men's Major will compete for the Singles Championship of the league. This set will consist of 15 games, three blocks of 5 games, to be held at the fol- lowing establishments: Satur- day, April 20th at 2 Pm. a Motor City Lanes, Oshawa (five games); Sunday, April 2ist at Ip.m, at Ace Bowling Lanes (five games) and Sunday, April 21st at 7 p.m. at Bayview Bowl (five games), _ With Acadian Cleaners lead- ing their group and two weeks remaining in the schedule, it is Strongly possiblt that the team will represent Oshawa in de- fence of the title they now. hold. For sure, Ozzie Keeler, Bob Gallagher and Duch Lugten- burg will be taking part in the Men's Singles Championships. LOYOLA WINS LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) -- Loyola University of Chicago won the U.S. National Colle- giate basketball championship Saturday night with a 60-58 victory over two-time champion Cincinnati. Heffering's Move Closer To Leaders Al Heffering's Imperial five- Pin club moved back into con- tention for a playoff position in the Willowdale Men's Major League, when the Imps took a two-to-one victory in games, for a five point pickup. The win pushed the Heffering club up in the standing, within four points of the leaders. But for a few head pins in the late frames' of the first game it! could have been a complete} shut-out for Hefferings: as the! Willow club just won this game} with 1169 to 1093. The Heffering squad came back in the second game to take the decision with a nice team effort, 1223 to 1177. Reg Hickey led the Imps with 262, Dick Adams 258, Bob Gallagher 246 and Jim. Jassells 243. | Secretary Jack Wilkinson was} the big shooter for the Willow squad and B. Paterson also was keeping his club in there. The third game also went to Heffering's boys with their best effort of the night, 1296 to 1133 for the Willow club. | Bob Gallagher who was hav-| ing a good night for Heffering's was top man in this game with 308, Dutch followed with a nice 301, Gerry, the pyjama man, also canie through in this game. The team totals were away below par with Heffering's hav- ing 3612 for their three game -_ and Willow finishing with The top shooter for Heffer- ing's was anchorman Bob Gal- lagher with 247, 246 and 308 for 801; Dutch was next with 244, 210 and 301 for 755; Reg Hickey 209, 262 and 234 for 705, Jack Wilkinson led the Willow club with 290, 238 and 256 for 784; B. Brown 215, 218 and 278 for 711 and E. Pyburn 234, 213 and 250 for 697. | With only three weeks of scheduled league play remain-| ing, it will take a supreme ef-| fort by the Heffering boys to| make a playoff position but with a full turnout, the potenial is here. HAWAI & A BERMUDA OR Win @ holiday or a free outboard motor... pick up free entry form, me Winners must answer skill testing question, SMITH SPORTS I TRIP FOR TWO BOAT SHOW March 21 to 30 353 KING ST. WEST PHONE 723-931 2 NHL BIG SEVEN By THE CANADIAN PRESS Gordie Howe ranked as the top individual scorer in the Na- tional Hockey League after the weekend when he rapped in a goal in each game as his De- troit Red Wings defeated Tor- onto twice. He picked up an as- sist for good measure to end the season with 38 goals and 48 assists for 86 points. That gave the big right-winger the Art Ross Trophy for a rec- ord sixth time, plus $1,500, by a five-point margin over the runner-up, Andy. Bathgate of New York, who set the scoring pace at the half - way mark of the season, wins $1,250 for his second-place finish with 81 points. Chicago centre Stan Mikita is five points farther back with 76 and fourth place is shared at 73 by Toronto's Frank Mahovlich and Montreal's Henri Richard, who leads the league in assists with 50. Jean Beliveau of Montreal is sixth with 67 and Boston's Johnny Bucyk seventh with 66. The leaders: A Pts 38 86 5 46 81 45 76 37 73 50 73 49 67 39 66 Howe, Detroit Bathgate, New York Mikita, Chicago Mahovlich, Toronto Richard, Montreal Beliveau, Montreal Bucyk, Boston TOP FISH BUYER Only the United States pays a larger total for fish and fish products than the United King- dom, aa See * it pays to know" SLOW DRIVING IS NOT BEST FOR BREAKING IN A NEW CAR! Five hundred miles of slow driving is not the best break-in method to follow. Instead, drive at 35 mph for first half hour, then alternate bee tween 35 and 45, After 150 miles, you. can alternate between 50 and 0, It also pays to know that you'll get the best buy on your car insurance with State Farm! So ask me about it today! CURT) Insunan f | CLAYTON THOMPSON 155 CENTRAL PARK S. 725-0225 STATE FARM Mutual Automobile Insurance Company |CAN, HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO, ONT. HAMILTON (CP) -- Records fell in profusion here Saturday night as international track and) field stars bettered past times in the 38th annual indoor meet staged by the 9st Highlanders' Athletic Association. Four Canadian indoor marks were established, seven armory marks fell and one was equalled in the night's show after eliminations in the after- noon had produced another half dozen marks. Three events stood out with the amazing Bruce Kidd of Tor- onto drawing a standing ovation by charging to a new Canadian junior indoor mile record and then filling in for an ailing team-mate to 'assist University of Toronto in winning 'the uni- versity mile relay. Kidd shared honors for the night with his team-mate Bill Crothers, who breezed to a new armory record in 2:09, beating the mark 'he himself held and surpassing the Canadian indoor record of 2:10.7. In the 1,000 yards open in which T. Kenney of Fordham University pushed the Toronto star but couldn't get close on the final lap. Crothers ran a great anchor in the University mile open re- lay but the East York Track Club, for which he ran, had to be content with second place to St. John's University of Ja- maica, N.Y., which set a meet record of 3:20.8. KIDD LAPS RUNNERS Kidd, vowing to set the rec- ord in the mile for boys 19 and under, lapped several runners, finished in 4:09.7 against the existing record of 4:16.5 and Shattered the armory open rec- ord which stood at 4:10. Tom O'Hara, the blonde Speedster from Chicago's Loy- ola University, won the open mile in the record-shattering time of 4:03.6, winning as he pleased and spurred, undoubt- edly, by visions of Kidd's great run in the junior event. O'Hara's strongest opposition in the open mile came from Jimmy Irons of Toronto in 4:08.2, - Maureen Bardoe of the Ham- ilton Olympe Club, who had shattered the Canadian record for the girls open 50-yard dash Harness Racing Season Starts At Greenwood TORONTO (CP) -- Ontario harness racing makes its ear- liest start in history tonight at an old track with a new name and a paddock-full of changes. Racing fans, chomping at the bit since last fall, will congre- gate at Greenwood Raceway, new name of historic Old Wood- of paces and trots. The main change at Green- wood will be a new system of classifying horses. The confus- Ing alphabetical and numerical system of classifying has been scrapped for a division system. This year horses will race in five divisions: Stakes and futur- ities, early and late closing, conditioned, claiming and open, or invitational events. Nine nightly races have been scheduled this year, an increase of one, and a new starting time of 7:45 p.m. will be in effect. An increased mutuel handle is predicted for the track. COME SEE EVERYTHING NEW IN BOATING EVINRUDE SAIIPAS I ALL FAMILY BOAT SHOW WIN A BERMUDA or HAWAII HOLIDAY FOR TWO AND LOTS OF OTHER PRIZES WINNERS MUST ANSWER SKILL TESTING QUESTION ASK FOR YOUR ENTRY FORM AT MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LTD. 65-3651 BROOKLIN, ONT. CES RRSERS RSE bine track, for a nine-race card|/ in the afternoon preliminaries, raced to victory in the night final in six seconds flat, setting a record. Records fell in the 440-yard girl's relay 16 and under, the girls 880 invitation, in which Toronto's Abby Hoffman set a North American mark of 2:2.9 as against. 2:13.5, and the 600- yard run, in which Frank To- mec, of Fordham, ran 1:11.7 to break the 1:12 mark set in 1954 by J. Gaffney, of Villanova. the th history. The six-year-old gelding col- lected $71 337 more for his owner, Mrs, Richard C. Dupont of Wilmington, Del. His total bankroll soared to $1,218,767 to displace Carry Back in the dol- lar standings behind Round Ta- ble and Nashua, Kelso went under the wire three - quarters of a nem ahead of Peter Salmen's Crim- son Satan, with the early millionaire horse. in ing money winner. Those 4. 203573 who backed 'Kelso' wore PILES Mote a a and ( NOW DISPLAY aa SHES Fi 353 KING w. OPEN EVENINGS THE THIN RED LINE The Best-selling novel b; Jones, author of From Eternity. . Another in . the steaming Guadalcanal. 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