Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Mar 1963, p. 5

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WHITBY And DISTRICT Almonds UCW Holds Meeting i isis ria of the Ajax, Pickering, of the student council at An- Whitby Association for Re- derson High School, is shown tarded Children, with a cheque above presenting N. Echevar- for $210 at a school assem- AUXILIARIES _ nto RERANCH STARRETT WCTU Prizes Marion Neilson, president To Whitby Children ate wi be abl to be presen! Women's Christian Temper-, Joyce Crawforth, Paul Cornish, ance Union held its meeting|Lloyd Cullen, Elizabeth Cullen, Tuesday afternoon in St. Mark's| Pamela Detlor, Michael Det-! United Church Hall. lor, Elizabeth Fo te 8, Hy Mrs. H. uantril|Glenney, Peggy Holliday, s0i8 aus on tori ues read | Holliday, Cathy MacNeill, Ste ing titled "The Value of Time". | Yen Shigeo -- ag ov-| Valerie Wilson, Danny Wilson,} aT on ees tt Susan Baker, baad bag oti ed j 7 ave a Nancy Carr, endy Emburg. a eo sr nt heca: Gilbert Kentner,. Sandra Mc- perance." Mrs. J. Whitehurst|Master, Ann MeMaster was in charge of the clip sheet. Shirley Reid. Mrs. Ruth Pickering conducted' Five year pins were pre- the worship service. sented to, Lynda Hall, Louise) Rev. John McLeod of Whithy Pogson and Jim Stuart. Coun- Baptist Church and Rev. A. M. tY prizes were presented to: | Butler of St. Mark's United Elizabeth Cullen, Barbara Bre- Church presented the prizes to| Ckenridge, Lynda Hall, Pamela the boys and girls who won the Detlor, Timothy Quantrill and essay on '"'Temperance"'. Shirley Reid. They are as follows: Dianne) A number of parents were Budd, Beverley. Bassett, Rob. also present and a short enter- ert Banks, Barbara Brecken-|tainment program was present-| ridge, Gary Crawford, Pat Cars.|ed by the boys and girls. well, Glen Crawford, Margaret) Piano numbers by Barbara} Cox, Peter Etmanski, Jimmie Breckenridge, Lynda Hall, Val- Quantril, Timothy Quantrill,|erie Wilson, Janice Neill, Dan- Susan Quantrill, Bill Foster,|ny Wilson, Nancy Carr, Susan Sandra Gardiner, Lynda Hall,/Bryant, Dianne Budd and Mar- Shelley Liddle, Marjorie Liddle,| garet Cox. Recitations 'by Eliz- Nancy Lawson, Jean McQuat,|abeth Cullen, Lloyd Cullen, Jim McQuat, Janice Neill,|Elizabeth Forbes. Vocal duet Kathryn... Stuart,».Jim.Stuart,|by Cathy MacNeill and Joyce Elzabeth Winter, Bill Wharrie,|Crawforth accompanied John Adams, Susan Bryant,|by Mrs. MacNeill. Cornet solo Skating Carnival Is | Exciting Entertainment -- Pagentry of color and fine;clown to make the show a suc- skating were displayed by mem-|cess. Elaine Nicholls, profes-| bers of the Whitby Figure Skat-|sional skater and guest star at) ing Club and guest.stars, Thurs-| the carnival, was the " day night, at the Whitby arena./on the run as she brought roars| More than 400 lof laughter from the audience! spectators} i+ med: tics. watched the ice skating display|™! ee | at the Club's third annual car-) Mrs. Nicholls returned to the nival. ice later and ig = iy ee " {with an inspiring display of the eo lng es eg he nena of free skating. Mrs. Nich- the club Bt the program olls has entertained audiences ith fine exhibition of pre- in almost every major city in ve 9 pre-!Canada and the U.S. cision in action. Although | ' | Paul Huehnergard performed) pg cg ie Se an excellent solo display of free| ed group manoeuvers with|skating, demonstrating why he) dexterity is a champion. Paul, who is 16, ge ,returned to the ice later with "The Pink Candy Floss Kids' his sister, Susan, 14, and present took the crowd under the bigied a fine display of pair skat- and) "CHEQUE GIVEN BY STUDENTS | Mrs, A. Andrushiw, RR 1, |Whitby, opened her home to the |members and friends of Al- monds United Church Women. In spite of inclement weather, slippery roads and flu, a good number gathered, and a very pleasant afternoon was enjoyed. Mrs. L. Pogue was in charge of the program, and gave two humorous readings, which were well received; and then led in an impromptu selection of stor- ies, and jokes, in which all participated. The hostess served delicious refreshments and invited all to return again. A generous offer- ing was given for the new gowns for the Junior choir. WHITBY 'PERSONALS The informal party held at the Schilling residence Thursday evening was exceedingly well at- tended. It was estimated that! over 150 people came in to join the party and at the same time have am opportunity to person- ally chat with Liberal Candid- |date, Norman Cafik. | Due to the success of this in- jformal evening Dr. and Mrs.'K. C. Hobbs, 320 Lyndeview drive, Whitby, are opening their home Thursday, March 28, for a sim- ilar informal evening. f All interested citizens of Whit-| |by are cordially invited to at-| \tend, Unfortunately due to pre- committments bly, this week. The students raised the money by holding | dances and teas throughout the year, --Oshawa Times Phojo Given On Sunday, March 24, Gerry Hendriks, 305 Chestnut street, is celebrating his birthday. Friends of Mr. Hendriks wish him a happy birthday. Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Gibbings, Town Line, are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary, Sunday, March 24, For the oc- casion Mr. and Mrs. John Boorne, Scarborough, daughter by Paul Cornish accompanied by. Louise Pogson. At the close of the meeting freshments were served. The next meeting will be held Tues. day, April 16. CLUB CALENDAR Whitby Baptist Women's Society} Ajax, Pickering, Whitby Asso-|ing his 14th birthday today. His Whitby District Association Girl'and friends wish him man St. St. and son-in-law of the celebrants, will be entertaining at their resi- dence. | Mrs. M. G, McCarty, 319 Eu- clid street is opening her home plorers Tuesday, March 26, to the ist Whitby Scouts members of St, Mark's United St. John's Anglican Church Ruth/Church Women Unit No. 4 for Fi ee 's | their monthly meeting. ird Scouts and Cubs Ladies') 4 ,oecial Holy Hour for vo-| Auxiliary avenge St. Andrew's Presbyterian soon: Sponsored by St. Jobn Church Young Women's WA soe yyy gah pe Pho Vimy Ridge LOBA No. 639 =| March 24 at 3 p.m. and will be TUESDAY, March 26 conducted by Rev. E. Moriarty SFM, A_ special invitation is Whitby Baptist Church CGIT | extended to the young people of Faith Baptist Church Sr. YP jthe parish to attend this Holy Red Cross work room Hour, MONDAY, March 25 St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Explorers Whitby Baptist Church Ex- Wayne, son of Mr, and Mrs. for Christian Service C. Gordon Coons, is celebrat- ciation for Retarded Children|companions of Colborne School Guides of Canada. | Mark's United Women Unit No. 1 Mark's United Church/ |happy returns of the day. Church} Mrs, Gregory Carter, 4313) rag inp pall jn her} ome Monday evening March 25 . Women Unit No. 9 . to the executive members of t. Ma United Church|the Ontario County South Re- Women t No. 4 gional CWL to make plans for the annual regional meeting to| WEDNESDAY, March 27 be held Sunday, April 28 rg St. Red Cross Sr. Citizens' Social or The Evangelist Parish! ul gz pry Presbyterian Chil-| ren of the Church Bill Cole is celebrating his Women's Institute birthday, Monday, Maren 38, His Royal Canadian Legion Ladies'|friends and companions of Dun-| Auxiliary das street east school wish him| |a happy birthday. | Best wishes for a happy birth- day are extended to Miss Jac- -- a. 904 Byron street League north who is celebrating her Christian Reformed Church |3eth birthday Monday, March Ladies Society Work and Pray|~-- Whitby Chapter Order of the! Eastern Star No. 248. ,, t. Mark's United Church Women Unit No, 2 Bobby, son of Mr. and Mrs.| THURSDAY, March 28 Whitby Baptist Church Cubs Salvation Army Women's Home Family Monuments j Created To a } Individual | FRIDAY, March 29 St. Andrew's Presbyterian top on a circus theme. Their act|ing, am example why they won Church Two by Two Club =) was followed by a series of acts|the Central Ontario 1963 Senior depicting various circus activi-|/Pair Skating Championship. ties. Tightrope Walkers, The) 'The prother and sister team Poodles, Balloon Girls, The| wore originally members of the Roaring Twenties, and Th e/ Whitby Skating Club. They now Mightiest Beasts of the Jung' ©. | represent The Upper Canada Eleven - year - old, Danny|Skating Club of Tam O'Shant- Maundrell, who acted as ring-/er. master of the circus, showed the| A highlight of the evening audience his ability at the art\was the guest appearance of of free skating. Danny who has|Miss Bunny Lilley and John been with the club for two years|Booker, junior dance champions practises skating four times alof Canada. | week, The pair, members of the To- "I hope to be a professional|ronto Cricket and Skating Club, skater some day," says Danny.|entertained with an exhibition After his display, Thursday|of free dance. They perform- night, there is 'little doubt that/ed the intricate dance passes he will fulfill his ambition. |with precision timing and per- The biggest attraction of the|fect co-ordination. Requirements STAFFORD BROS. LTD. MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST 668-3552 FREE | Hove your furnace cleaned free and gueranteed trouble-free all winter, if you purchase 'White || Ben unified fuel oil from Western |) 0, DIAL 725-1212 | LOCAL CLUB HOLDS CARNIVAL Shown above are Susan and Paul Huehnergard of the Upper Canada skating club who appeared as guest stars at the"third annual Whitby Skating Carnival held Thurs- day. The brother and sister WILLING: READY YOUR SERVICE MEN Say duo are current holders of the Central Ontario 1963 senior pair championship, Also shown is Danny Maundrell, 11- year-old member of the club | who is pictured finishing his | act as a circus ringmaster. --Oshawa Times Photo All Saints Guild Meets All Saints Anglican Church St. Margaret's Guild held its regular meeting at the Church Hall, The meeting was opened by the president Mrs. L. M, Tut- ton leading the members in prayer. Reports were read and approved. During the business meeting } Denyer and Mrs. R. Holmes. The next meeting will be held Thursday, April 4. RETURNS Phone 668-8252 708 Newman Cres. - Whitby FEATURE DYLAN LONDON (CP) -- Dylan Thomas, a documentary about the Welsh poet, will be Britain's entry for the television film fes- tival at Cannes in May. Richard Burton is the commentator. plans were made for the forth- 'coming fashion show "Tots and Teens" to be held Thursday, viously announced. Mrs. D. Denyer is in charge of tickets. Door prizes and fa- vors will be distributed, also lunch will be served after the showing. The meeting adjourned and Rev. S. Armstrong addressed the group on the organization of the Church. For That-New Spring SUIT Why Not Try... Rites Tailored to Measure by e WM. H _LEISHMAN @ HOUSE OF "HOBBERLIN TIP TOP TAILORS April 18 at 2.30 p.m. instead|}' of Wednesday, April 17 as pre-| Lunch was served by Mrs. | MEN'S AND BOYS' SHOP || 129 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY ]| Ronald Moran the addition to staff of Ronald Moran, recent nounce styling School, Toronte, PETER SMITS Hairstyling for Men . 102 BYRON ST,, S. WHITBY Peter Smits |s pleased to on- |) his graduate of Bondys Men Hair- | THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WHITBY : NOTICE of ROAD CLOSING: TAKE NOTICE thot the Council of The Corporation of the | Town of Whitby ot its regular meeting to be held at the Town - Hall, 405 Dundos Street West, Whitby at 8 p.m., on Monday, + the Ist day of April, A.D. 1963, proposes to pass a By-law to ° |] close the following road allowance for vehicular traffic. _ ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land end premises situate, lying and being in the Town of Whitby in the County of Ontario and being composed of that part of Grand Trunk Street described os follows: -- ' ee es * COMMENCING ot the intersection of the southerly limit of . Grand Trunk Street with the southerly limit of Victoria Street « THENCE easterly along the southerly limit of Grand Trunk * Street a distance of two hundred and fifty feet (250'); THENCE northerly at right angles a distance of sixty-six feet 4 al more-or-less to the northerly limit of Grond Trunk ' treet e ' THENCE westerly along the northerly limit of Grand Trunk | Street to the intersection thereof with the southerly limit of » Victoria Street; ° THENCE southerly in o straight line a distance of sixty-six ; feet (66') to the Point of Commencement. ' DATED at the Town of Whitby in the County of Onterle this « 2nd day of March, A.D. 1 JOHN R. FROST, Clerk. + Whitby Churches. FAITH BAPTIST pantoener AL 419 Brock St. N., Whitby 307 BROCK ST. N. 9:15 AM. Rev. Maxwell Case, Pastor Radio Broadcast 9:45 A.M. Bible School Hour Speaker: Rev, Stonley Walker of Hagersville Special Musie This Sunday. ALL WELCOME EMMANUEL REFORMED REV. GERRIT REZELMAN THIRD CONCESSION OF HIGHWAY 12 10:30 ENGLISH SERVICE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 A.M.--Sunday School 7:00 P.M. Prophetic Series On Book of Revelation. 11:00 A.M, Morning Worship Choir Singing -- Quartet ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN Corner Byron & St. John Rev. W. J, S. McClure, BA. Minister Mra, P, N, Spratt, Organist 11. A.M. TOPIC -- "I'M HIDING" Nursery. (Intent Care) Beginners' Classes Junior Congregation. | ST. MARK'S | UNITED CHURCH Rev. J. M. Smith, B.A., 8.0, Rev. A.M, Butler, B.A. Mrs. J. Beaton, A.R.C.T. 2 P.M. DUTCH SERVICE 7th. ENGLISH SERVICE. EVERYONE HBARTILY WHITBY BAPTIST (Colborne Street West ot Centre) * Minister: REV. JOHN McLEOD * anist: : Mr. W. 8. Sommers, ATOM. ~ 11:00 A.M, 4 The Company of the Apostleg, No. 10 ~ 11:00 A.M. A SPONSORED BY... a St. John Whitby and Mon., March 25th--8:15 p.m. © GUEST SPEAKER @ The Anglican Old Parish Hall Cor. Centre & Dundes St. W., Whitby _The Whitby Chamber of Commerce NOTICE To all parties interested in forming Ambulance Division for the Town o surrounding district there will be a public meeting "THE LIFE EVERLASTING" ° SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 AM. Juniors, Intermediates, Seniors 11:00 A.M. Nursery, Kindergarten, Primary Junior Congregation 7:00 P.M, ' SIMON -- THE ZEALOT 7:00 P.M. -- GOSPEL HOUR: Bible School meets ct 9:45 am. with classes for all * Baptist Young Pi meeting ot 8: pies 'Union = 315 p.m. All You le are cordial iivited to. attend. 9:45 A.M.--DECISION SUNDAY 11:00 A.M. & 7:00 P.M. DONNA PIPER Choir Singing -- Quartet Singing Great Pentecostal Services TO-NIGHT 7:45 P.M.-- ZONE YOUTH RALLY Evangelist Donna Piper PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE 307 BROCK ST, N. WHITBY : Rev. Maxwell Case --- Pastor Special Announcement 'TO OUR circus, at least for 'the men, is) With no show complete with-| the stripper. And although shejout a chorus line of girls the| did not strip, Miss Linda Pilkey,|senior members of the club,| in a solo number, displayed|dressed in scanty ballerina cos-| her fine skating talent. jtumes, closed the carnival with) Every circus must have aja dance number. prreecrase | BROCK Evening Shows at 7 and 9 p.m. | cusear Saturday Matinee ot 1:30 << ANEW JOY HAS COME TO THE SCREEN... AND THE WORLD IS A HAPPIER PLACE TO LIVE tH! 4 You will be receiving a letter fr POLICY. Residential Customers om us in the near future on our new FREE SERVICE SAWDONS' (Whithy) LIMITED PHONE 668-3524 AILEEN HALL NEW DEMOCRAT k QNTARIO RIDING NEW DEMOCRATIC PARTY DOUGLAS | RALLY MARCH 29, 8.00>™. MAPLE LEAF GARDENS ee eee pepe esecces | Tw san =e. BUSES WILL LEAVE OSHAWA BUS STATION AT 6:00 P.M. 4 PICK-UP AT WHITBY - AJAX - EN ROUTE RESERVE A SEAT -- 1.00 RETURN BY PHONING OSHAWA 728-7328 WHITBY 668-5392 AJAX vil oD och er Nemhe Whintrs in 942-5411 eB, 1 ag 244 BROCK STREET SOUTH, WHITBY ONTARIO " COME AND HEAR T.C. (TOMMY) DOUGLAS, NDP FEDERAL LEADER

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