DOORS APT agra ar elgpatl i North Bay Seen , Alternate Centre By HAROLD MORRISON j|warning network in the semi. WASHINGTON (CP) -- The|automatic ground environment dreti|North American Air Defence (S8GE) s¥stem. 'The 22 in the <abine,|COmmand has fits eye on thelone in Canada, at North Bay, be Canadian Bomarc missile cen- heel vecaee Mea = tre. at North Bay, Ont., as one 0 retary lot a number of, alternate|N@mara told the U.S. Congress NORAD headquarters in the| "9: es event the one at Colorado!» 32--Articles For Sale 32--Articles for Sale 32--Articles for Sale B. F. GOODRICH Stores -- Tires, Bat-/RECONDITIONED sewing machines,| PORTABLE automatic record player teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele-|Singers, electric, $19 and up. By your|complete with radio, twin speakers. vision, Thrifty Budget Plan. 725-4543. Ps mgt i pens yee pcos gy my i HONEST Cal's Furniture and Appli-|7>0ire ane MS Boe recs poke German radio. lances, Name brands hig. | 728-2391. ham Street near Shopping CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 15) 28--Real Estate Wanted |29--Automobiles For Sale Selling Your Home - A MUST ? List With 'GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA Call Now 728-1653 i AFTER HOURS BILL COLLINS 668-8716 29--Automobiles For Sale 1955: PONTFAC, standard = six, tires, radio. Good condition, Best 725-3811 after 6 p.m, 1956 FORD Fairlane, two door, 4 new tires. T 725-5581 between 5 and 7 p.m, 1960 VOLKSWAGSN ,Van, quick sale, $600, Body excellent condition, 45,000 miles. Double door each side, Telephone 725-6064. Dur- Centre. at biggest counts anywhere. We carry Restonic| TYPEWRITERS, one standard, one|/STUDENTS and ttre 5s. adding cash regi- 'Your GE dealer, Contact| ster, electric calculator, scale, cheque- Honest Cal's, on King Street East at/ writer. Will sell very reasonably, Tele- Varcoe's Road, Open 12 hours daily,|phone 723-4434. , 9.30 - 9.30, Telephone 728-9191. GIRLS CCM bicycle, like news $35; VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes.jalso piano accordion, $50. Telephone|and e,|Free estimates. Parts, ttachments, | 723-2438, Ser.| WESTINGHOUSE refrigerator, chester- field and chair, two kitchen cabinets, WE buy, sell and exchange used furni Tek phone 123-9601 on entree sedan, 6 cylinder, automatic, new white » se je - lephone -9691, 80) walls. owner, Vi reasonable,|ture or, anything you have. The City 4 bee a bid Trading Post Stores, 446 Simcoe Street|GENERAL Electric 21 inch 4 burner South and 31 Bond Street' East. 723-1671. DOUGLAS dryer, $75; Inglis Suds-Saver|in washer $85; Inglis seed r $85. i z x i r phone 725-0303. 1958 STRATOCHIEF Pontiac, four door t BUYING OR SELLING all the directional nly North Bay and i Springs, Colo., is knocked out rigged tne eee by enemy attack. ; North Bay is A NORAD authority said mpleted Thursday this means extra Springs. headquarters, TED CAMPIN SUNSHINE baby carriage, silver blue, cceernabenietceliasnel ipkissaninebnbinibiomimiensncciiais tt eis ORMDON, 4h St, Welt, TT, tae, CLARINET with case, like new, $60. with fl $ MOTORS "Phillips" continental "300, full 'track|to cover 607 KING ST.-- OSHAWA _|{Sine Teauttss, #750. After 5 pum. tale. Gust East of Wilson Road) YORAGA Ris. 750574) comet tet ma eh aris dat rece ' Bade : KELLY DISN EY Tocated in Oshawa. H. Glecoff, AWNINGS, canvas. TYPEWRITERS, cashiers, du-| CENTLEMAN's suit, navy blue, size 40,/free estimates. Chair, USED CARS puloatere, shaqaeieinen aumeaeneaee: Like new. $20, Apply 164 Stevenson Road|Cleve Fox, 412 Simeoe North. three hundred new and used. We buy, : : 409 BROCK ST, S. sell, rent, service. Hamilton Offi 6-- WHITBY--668-4291 Equipment, 157 Brock South, Whitby. |YACUUM, cleaner, | Electrolux, | 2-88, 36---Lepel Cars bought and sold 1960 GALE outboard motor, 15 hp, used| 10 times. $160, Telephone 7 until 9 p.m,|! Will not be Liens paid off two years, $260, Otaco boat trailer, $100.|°MY- 728-3121. Trade up or down Stee: Always Top Quality wheel and controls, $35. APPlY|GUN (old antique)wanted. Also old 315 Garrard Road. T Oshawa 725-8183. console Tel, MONUMENTS ON DISPLAY IN OUR SHOWROOM. Complete Monument on Inscription Service. 152 SIMCOE SOUTH Phone 723-1002 "tet feta noe, «(CARD OF THANKS ed daughter of year, belov ghter ta ber Td Mary Eisick (78 Athol co) Colorado communications gear would be in the Cheyenne Mountain, installed at the North Bay un- *|derground directional centre if completed in early 1965, the Canadian government: ap-| CHOOSE ALTERNATIVES Pr vas commenting vm, 2a abate haces ni r Ottawa report Wednesday night/ters, for use during emergency, --confirmed in by gy Bia already have been selected in day by Defence Minister|the United States. Location of Churchill--quoting an inform-|these alternates is classified. ant as saying NORAD wants to/But these would be establish an alternate under-|ground, vulnerable to ground combat headquarters at/and bomber attack. Therefore North Bay. The Ottawa report!the one at North would be said the United States defence|"q real good one" ause of department has approved the|its underground protection. proposal and the Canadian gov-|- ty the event various U.S. cen- ernment is considering it. tres became crippled or de- Canada-U.S, air defence is stroyed by attack, communica- linked by 23 directional cen-ltions control could be switched tres, forming the heart of thelty North Bay which then would entire aircraft cont rol and)taxe over air defence direction. Should the entire electronic 36--Legal SAGE system be knocked out, NORAD would switch to a TO MERCHANTS back-up, ng rome - controlled: system for detecting and identi- Take notice that John Camp- bell of Oshawa, Ontario will fying enemy aircraft and for directing missiles and planes in defence. This back-up system is linked with existing major ra- dar sites and supported by a no longer be responsible for communications system any. purchases made _ by Verna .Diane Campbell. Pur- chases affected: all those since March ,7th, 1963. Dated 18th March 1963, pendent of SAGE. JAMES A, MACDONALD, snow offer, HEDGE -- I wish to thank my Street East), dear sister friends, Rebekah Lodge No. 3, St. An- Ned, pranadet of ies" Mar. *s UCW, nurses and staff of Ward Saset irick of ees Lok Mrs, Mary $C at Oshawa General Hospital for their ised CHEVROLET ceaveriie ogee | Autemebiles Wonked Res veg ero ra 'Louise is resting Intosh- anaes the hospital. SP "thanks to Reverend rng fo en re ag so is resting at Melisa King Street|J, Leng, Dr. 8. H. Witzel and Dr. Eva financ lephone 'M: Hedge|CAR RADIOS, special, 1963 Chevrolet Bast. Service in the chapel on rag rr maa rs. Jean Hedge/.d Pontiac, push-button custom in the 23 at 2 p.m. Interment Union dash, Complete with aerial, $59.95. . elt Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond West. ORD. r 725-6511. Edward and friends Witered into rest in the Oshawa Gen- 1955 PONTIAC coach, excellent condi- eral Hospital on Friday, March 22, 1963, \tion, custom radio. Priced to sell. Jordan, beloved | ae te 728-0321 x 728-1238. Nacional Oe S Acmarond .|1985 PONTIAC four-door, radio, snow nerai Home, Seow With etisrial tires, in good mechanical condition, im the Chapel, Monday, March| RICHARDSON. -- \We wish to extend | $450. cash. Telephone 728-5029, 25, 2 p.m, Interment Oshawa Union|our heartfelt $ and appreciation i95¢ BUICK convertible, good condi- emetery. Friends are asked not to|to our friends, relatives and neighbors ition, best offer. Private. Telephone after call at: the Funeral Home before Sat-|for their a eee aisect of! 5 p.m, 725-1262, rpecinge fh bereavement in the death|1955, CHEVROLET, convertible, two- of a dear husband and father. tone blue, floor shift, 1956 Thunderbird -- Mrs. Louis F. Richardson|motor, dual exhaust. $600 or make and Mrs. J. H. Philip.|offer, Before 5 p.m., 725-7607. 1955 CHEVROLET BelAir sedan, cream VAN ALLEN -- The family of the/anq prown, V-8 engine, standard shift, of Jean and loving late William L, Van Allen wish to ex- radio, excellent condition, good tires. (Mrs, Ross Parks), Elva, Ruth (M A press their ype -- 4 agg ho $500. Telephone 725-9612. Be" or Socotter| cae iota Linc eibaiae. sad. 1957 haritop, Chevrolet, ness, lovely floral tributes and sympa- , it 5 thanks to Dr.|Radio, white walls, good condition. and Hilda both predeceased. Resting atithy cards; also sincere tha $1050 0 cee ie Telepnent j 13. HAVE you or appli for|2i INCH get We ey pela enna Moen LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars|gcun® 3 one | Whitby | 668-5158, Lae bh a 'entwo! ast, . an a eq ment, 'el is 1902 OR 1963 Volkswagen, deluxe, low DRAPES Brooklin 655-3325, mifeage, Will pay cash, Telephone ; Modern Desi lern Designs 100 CARS WANTED Abstract, Colonial, Provincial Buying a New Car? baby rv hong Peal? ustom Made Sell Lar used Car to "Ted Expertly Installed Taik "Cash" to the New offer. Telephone 725-8575, Car Dealer and "SAVE" d TED CAMPIN MOTORS M an [ REFRIGERATOR, General Electric 723-4494 "Res. 725-5574 tically new. 'Telephone 723.2582." DRY GOODS eal rooms of furniture, $289. This 74 CELINA STREET $ ALL CASH $ includes complete _living-1 i. PHONE 723-7827 bed- room and kitchen ensembles. Only $25 For clean cars we deal up or down delivers! Baron's Home Furnish- down, Liens paid off. ings, 424 Simcoe Street South. NICOLS MOTORS LTD. at KITCHEN cabinet sink, drainboard| woodbase, white enamel top 24 x 45 x 39) inches, $15. Telephone 723-3369, NURSES' uniforms and smocks. Var- 'ious sizes, Ends of materials, assorted colors, Sewing notions, zippers, etc. Reasonable, Bowmanville 623-2420. ACCORDION, Scandalli, 120 bass. Case included. In new condition, $350 or best NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Creditors and others having claims against the estate of ROBERT ALLEN PRITCHARD late of the City of Oshawa, Gre required to send full par- ticulars of such claims to the undersigned, Solicitor for the Administratrix, on or before the 13th day of April, 1963, after which date the Estate's assets will be distributed having regard only to claims that have been received. ERNEST MARKS, Q.C., Solicitor, NEIL, Charles James ie his jate residence in Janetville on Friday, March 22, 1963, Charles James McNeil in his 5ord year, beloved hus- 'and of Irene Leslie and dear father KROEHLER chesterfield and chair, new, reduced $119. Rubber foam cush- 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY 668-8001 ions, Kroehler quality! Easy terms, 31--Automobile Repair Baron's Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe} Street South. ) HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION she What's My Line? Buying and selling used fur- BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE Four-door Funeral Home, Lindsay,|D. J. McLean, Dr. D. M. Sproull, Dr. = iene & the Chapel on Monday,|R. J. Kimmerly, nurses and staff of] 725-1913 March 2% at 2 p.m. Temporary eN-|the Oshawa General Hospital, The Arm-| {931 CHEVROLET coupe, hot rod, Olds- tombment at the Riverside Cemetery) strong Funeral Home. Also Rev. John! mobile powered $625. Will accept trade, vault Lindsay. Porter for his comforting words dur-| Telephone 725-8752. - ing their recent bereavement. " » MITCHELL, Cecil Robert (Mitch) , --The Van Allen Family|1961 NSU Prinz automobile. Very good 'At the Oshawa General Hospital, Fri- sondition. Full price $350, New licence " 1963, Cecil Robert plates. T Be lle 623-2539. KEEP IT COOL Almost every building in Arizona is cooled artificially including jails. In Phoenix an niture and appliances, For your needs phone, Valley Creek Furniture ame me dee BER > _ belovs Evelyn McDonald, dear brother Reginald, Halifax; Nova Scotia, and + Harry, Toronto, Resting at the W. C. Town Funeral Chapel for service in the March 25, at 3.30 p.m, Cemetery, Interment Mount Lawn STINER, Corbett Henry (Corb) After a prolonged illness (Judy) of Toronto, dear brother of Mrs. Vernon (Matilda), Mrs. W. H. Ken- (Ann) of Whitby, in his 69th year. at the W. C. . ry: chapel on Monday, Interment Mount Lawn Cemetery, Minister The Rev. 5, Visitors commencing 2 p.m. Sunday. WESTINGTON, Mrs: Arnold at the Oshawa Hospital, on Saturday, March i Stiner (of : 1962 CORVAIR 700, black, red interior, M ar DEATHS 102 hp, radio, whitewalls. Only 14,000 miles. $1,895. Telephone 728-9689, By THE CANADIAN PRESS Montreal--Leon D. Crestohl, -162, one of the Canadian Jewish ;;community's leading citizens and prominent Liberal member of Parliament for Montreal Cartier for many years. Levis, Que--Dr. J.-Edouard -|Samson, 69, founder of the Ca- *|nadian. Orthopedics Society. Toronto -- Mrs. Amelia E. (Dollie) Van der Voort, 100, a Red Cross service worker since 1917 when her son was killed Osh:|in action in the First World War. London -- Walter Flack, 47, 'Miss Mae Stork). At Niagara|Who parlayed £300 ($900) of Fails, Rew York on Friday, March 22,|British army discharge pay into Yu_ on s¢| millions through real deals. Toronto -- Mrs. Jean Brown, vice-president of the Ontario Liberal Association. estate " LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements and floral requirements for all occasions, OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE | 728-6555 London, Ont. -- Charles Mc-| Mane, 86, for 25 years district administrator of the department of veterans affairs and super- intendent of the Christie Street Veterans' Hospital in Toronto. Windsor, Ont. -- Mrs. Alice Hull, 73, mother. of Frank A, Hull of Hull-Thompson Limited, IN MEMORIAM and Norman Hull, managing ed- itor of the Windsor Star. GREENTREE -- In loving memo May, who} Is like a thread of gold, It does not dull or tarnish Nor grow the least bit old. missed daughter Gordon Bunker. HUTCHINS -- In Minnie 4 May, Mrs. loving memory of who passed away | Toronto -- Harry Cyril Good, \76, member of one of Canada's first Bisley rifle teams and a Distinguished Conduct Medal winner in the First World War. Toronto--William Sefton Hod- gens, 84, one of the original di- rectors of Dominion Securities Corporation Limited. Georgetown, Ont. -- Alexan- der Laing Noble, 96, a former commanding officer of the 20th Regiment Halton Rifles. Albany, N.Y. -- Dr. John K. Bod MeNeeley Jr., 46, head of the STARCHEWSKI -- In loving memory grandmother and great grandmother, Mary Starchewski, of a dear mother, Who passed away March 24, 1957. So many things have happened Since you were called away, So many things to share with you Had you been left to stay; Every day in some small way, Memories 'of you come our way, Though absent, you are ever near, Still missed, still loved and ever dear. missed but lovingly remember- Sadly ed by the family. WETHE: @ dear father and RUP -- In loving memory of fat Stanl husband, Wetherup, who passed away March 24, cancer detection clinic at Al- bany Medical Center Hospital. Sydney, N.S. -- Ruth Boyd, Hospital. Chatham, Ont.--Maurice Rene Coste, 88, well-known as an ac- years. . MADE MILLIONS, DIES LONDON (AP) -- Walter Flack, 47, who parlayed' £300 ($900) of British army dis- charge pay into millions through real estate deals, suf- fered a fatal collapse Friday in his bathtub. Flack served as a sergeant in the Second World War under Field Marshal Sir Claude Auchinleck. Later he hired the field marshal to be chairman of a property com- pany. ey EASTER TRIBUTES TO YOUR LOVED ONES Nothing is more befitting or a greater tribute to the memory of loved ones who have passed on to that bourne from which no traveller returns than a "~memorial verse at Easter. The Classified Department of The Oshawa Times will publish Special Memorial Tributes this year on Easter Saturday, April 13th. : It is a beautiful gesture of love and devotion to the _memory of a mother, father, wife, husband, 1957, MONARCH, two door hardtop, beige, light brown, whitewalls, good body, new motor, power brakes, auto- matic, $700. Telephone 668-8480, 1956 DODGE Custom Royal, V8 auto- matic, power steering, brakes, radio. Private. $275. Telephone 668-5152. 1956 FORD, four-door, light green, white wall tires, radio, good running condition, $450, Telephone 728-9095. 1961 PONTIAC Laurentian sedan. Low mileage, automatic. Radio, V8 $1795. Can be financed, 725-8132, 1961 RENAULT Dauphine sedan, floor shift, automatic transmission, radio, white wall tires, one owner, 17,000 miles, $700 or best offer. 723-1284. 1958 CHEVROLET \%-ton pick-up truck, wide box, two tone green, A-1 condition. Telephone before 5 p.m. 725-6017. MOTOR _TUNE-UP AND ~ GENERAL REPAIRS 67 KING ST, WEST 723-7822 32--Articles for Sale MAKE OFFER! Seven-room cottage to be dismantled, situated Whitby. Apply Vickery Real Estate. BUYING or selling furniture or appli- ances, Call Elmer, Hampton 263-2294 or 263-2695. SELLING furniture. or appliances? We'll buy it for top cash, Telephone Cal Blake's Furniture and Appliance Store. 24 Prince Street. 728-9191. MAKE your own fresh juice. Save now on Health Juice Extractors, The Carmic Co., telephone days or evenings 723-7688, SPRING coat, lady's size 14, beige, new 1956 BUICK two-door. Standard trans- mission, good motor, body and tires, $375. Telephone style, worn only times, $13. Telephone 728-5798. RACER bicycle, never been used, every ivable extra, M 668-5631, 1952 BUICK hardtop, new licence plates, $75. Telephone 725-5555. e . May seen 204 King Street East, telephone 728-1238 or 728-0321. 1956 CADILLAC, like new, Terms pos- sible at $49 monthly, Telephone Whitby 668-4741. CIGARET and chocolate bar wall dis- play case. May be seen 204 King Street' East, telephone 728-1238 or 728-0321. 1953 MORRIS station wagon, real sharp second car, excellent condition, Priced to sell. 728-0321 or 728-1238. NEW gas water heater, Rudd, 30 gal- lons, Also used oil burners, Apply 292) King Stdeet West, Oshawa. 1956 CHEVROLET deluxe, two door, en- gine, body and tires A-1, immaculate throughout, Terms if necessry. $795 or offer. 728-0556. 1958 CHEVROLET sedan, recently been , radio, good tires. For quick sale, $65 cash. Telephone 725-2314, 1952 CHEVROLET, dismantled, will sell all parts, priced separately. 167 Bloor Street East. Telephone 723-20000. 1960 CORVAIR sedan, one owner, less throughout. Only twenty-eight thou- sand miles. Two-tone blue and white. oo sell, Best offer. Telephone 728- chief dietitian of Sydney's City tor in North America for many PRIVATE, 1956 Buick sedan, ha , mitomatic, good condi- tion throughout. For further informa- tion telephone Whitby, 668-3794. SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-9421 1957 PONTIAC 2 - door automatic, Al condition. 1953 PONTIAC one owner, 1955 OLDSMOBILE, 4- door, radio, heater $395 725-5101 NEW ADDRESS ~ OF WILSON BATTERY SALES AND SERVICE 641 Cromwe!l Ave. (Corner Park Rd. & Bloor St.) DIAL 723-3512 .RENAULT- PEUGEOUT-AUSTIN Ports and Service STATHAM B.A. -SERVICE RITSON ROAD AND_KING 723-4733 ond 723-7712 TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (All Makes and Models) CALL 625-6553 14 Albert St. YOUR VOLVO DEALER JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE GENERAL REPAIRS and AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE 449 Ritson Rd. S., Oshawa 728-0921 Vacuum Cleaners FILTER QUEEN New & Used Machines Filters 12 for $1.50-- : 30 for $3.50 Repairs ot low factory rates. Nylon Hose, Old Fittings $9.95 FILTER QUEEN SALES (Oshawa) : 323 King Street West 728-7552 TELEVISIONS Rebuilt sets, all makes Guar- anteed. One year warranty on picture tube. We also rent and buy. McKeen's Used Furniture 426 Simcoe S. 725-5181 or 725-6457 See and Hear the New Admiral Stereos AT PARKWAY TELEVISION 918 Simcoe St. N, 723-3043 SPECIAL 1963 SCOTT ALUMINUM BOAT 12 top model. 7Y2 h.p. Fishing Scott Motors COMPLETE $499 OSHAWA MARINE AND SERVICE 1487 Simcoe North 728-0031 COOK'S TRAILER SALES GLENDALES 13-14-16 - 17 ft. Parts -- Hitches -- Awnings HIGHWAY 2 COURTICE or LANSDOWNE TEXACO Simcoe North (City Limits) OPEN EVENINGS 723-9534 IBOATS, MOTORS ON DISPLAY Grew Cruisers, Traveler, Ma- son, O.M.C. and Larson Boats. Evinrude, Volvo-Pento and O.M.C. 88 Motors, Open Until 8 p.m. MARINE Storage & Supply Ltd. Brooklin, Ont, 655-3641 daughter, son -- or those beyond the immediate family circle, a faithful friend or kin; With the sincere hope of rendering helpful service to those who wish to select and publish an appro- ' - priate memorial tribute. this Easter, we invite you to telephone THE OSHAWA TIMES CLASSIFIED STAFF NOW 723-3492 The Home Of Good Used Cars "Before You Buy Give Bill A Try" BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY 668-4741 and 668-4025 CUSTOM DRAPERIES Ready-made Drapes Bam Expert track installations. Mobile : Decorator Service . RELIABLE Furniture - Interiors 96 KING ST. E. 728-4401 or call at the store 16% Bond W 17 King St. East, Oshawa, Ontario. 286 King St. W., Solicitor, Solicitor for John Campbell entire shopping centre is air- conditioned. Oshawa. Smith Sports FRIDAY, MARCH 22-30 A Fine Display Of JOHNSON MOTORS Crestliner Boats Glastrone Boats Richardson Boats Shepherd Boats Tee-Nee Trailers Aqua Marine Hardware Brydon Brass Hardware All Accessory Items at Smith Sports 353 King St. West OPEN EVENINGS Telephones 723-9311 -- 723-9362 723-7928 Guaranteed USED OUTBOARD MOTORS 1961 EVINRUDE 40 hip. Electric 1958 JOHNSON Super 35 h.p. Electric and Generator 1961. SCOTT 40 h.p., Electric, Generator and Controls 1956 JOHNSON 30 h.p. Electric THE CHURCH FOR ALL... ALL FOR THE CHURCH 'The Church is the greatest factor on earth for the building of character and good citizenship. It is a storehouse of spiritual values. Without a strong Church, neither democracy nor civili- zation can survive. There are four sound reasons why every person should attend services regularly and support 1954 EVINRUDE 25 hip. Electric 1955 EVINRUDE 25 hp. 1960 EVINRUD 18 h.p. 1960 JOHNSON 18 h.p. 1960 MERCURY > Mark 28, 22 h:p. 1956 SCOTT 30 hp. 1955 EVINRUDE 15 hip. 1954 MERCURY Mark 20, 16 h.p. 1956 SCOTT 16 h.p. Electric Several JOHNSONS 10 h.p. from $99 to $275 1960 GALE 15 hp. Many other used motors. From 2 h.p. up Completely ¢hecked, Smith Sports 353 King St. West OPEN EVENINGS Telephones 723-9311 -- 723-9362 the Church, They are: (1) For his own sake. (2) For his children's sake. (3) For the sake of his community and nation. (4) For the sake of the Church itself, which needs his' moral and material support. Plan to go to church regularly and read your Bible Almost every frightening step of childhood is marked by a singular em- blem of trust. A child's trembling fingers grope upward, A parent's warm grasp is felt, And youth steps forward into new paths, fear melting into confidence, God must count on parental hands to ligious training is part of the vast unknown until Mother and Dad begin to lead their child each week to Church, Yes! God counts heavily on our hands, There is no one else into whose palm our child's fingers slip so readily. No others can teach the early lessons of faith and prayer so simply, nor illustrate them so vividly at home. Indeed, that loving hand of trust which leads a child to Church seems in turn to be clasped by the hand of God, lead His little ones to Him. For re- Thursday Psalms 25:11-18 THIS FEATURE I$ CONTRIBUTED TO THE CAUSE OF THE CHURCH BY THE FOLLOWING INTERESTED INDIVIDUALS AND BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS [| GENOSHA COFFEE SHOP 70 King St. E, ROY W. NICHOLS G.M. SALES .& SERVICE 723-7242 MA 3-3553 ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE Read The Oshawa Times Church Announcements for Times of Services and Religious Activities Courtice Bowmanville STAFFORD BROTHERS © CEMETERY MEMORIALS 668-3552 318 Dundas St, E., Whitby BROWN'S LUMBER AND> ¥ SUPPLIES, LTD. 725-4704 463 Ritson Rd. N. JOHN BURTINSKY FLORIST Res. 668-5285 Store 668-3334 124 Dundes W., Whitby _